Wdnday March 4, PAGE FOUR 1914 m t TIE GAZETTE-NEWS j Latin-America, 10 that it u hastily 1 shelved. In this connection it may be mentluned that the President's Mobile ' 1 , speach. however admirable in It PC BUSHED BY phraseology, haa left American bu.-i- Eveninp- News Publiahino- Co. ' "eM 1,1 th dark tovhat the atti- . O Z J AsHI VII 1 K. X. O. BCBSCRIPTIOX P.ATES: i tuiTe of the. government will be toward .'. its development und trade projects in ! Central America. Then the repudi ation by statute of the clear intent of HEW MEN'S CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT HERE AsheTllle and Blltnmra tftnn.iuctAfl hv th VntlmiMt Wnmftn'a !. H -1'auni efote treaty lius had a ChrlsUari Twuperano I'nion.t On Week $ 10 Three Month, 1-25 Six Month 160 Twelve Month B OO BY MAIL. IN ADVANCE most unfavorable effect in Kurupt Uat and most important is the m- DOES MODERATE DRINKING PAYJ voiced Mexican situation. It cannot of Answering the argument of the course be established that another policy would have resulted in the paci- National Woolen Mills Will Open u Store Here Satur day Free Raincoats. Three Months $ 1..M Six Month i 00 Twelve Month 4.00 Any matter offered for publication that la not classified a news, giving notice or appealing or rrolrt where Huecs : S.rfeiy to justify before the to atiuii of .Mexico, but developments under the administration's eoursi have, it must be admitted, been alarm in. When Mr. Wilson disregarded ail precedent in persistence in refusing . recognition to Ilntrta. he assumed a' responsibility which nothing short of motierat drinker that there Is a cer . Announcement Is made taiu quantity of alcohol which JMjla.u of The Gaxette-Neivs be used without danger. Dr Hs-nry j ..p,.nm(r on Saturday of thi Muitn winianis, me weimnowii in , vcsiigator. savs: i ... , ..... .J oolcr. Mills i.oueeirauiy tout is true, tnougn is not proved. In auy event no man an admittance or other fee Is charg ed I advertising snd wl.l be accept ed at regular rates only. The same; applies to cards of thanks, obituary notices, political announcement and i the like. ' i it x . . it it K V it R ? H i it H The Ga7etfe-NTcw is a mem- her of The Associated Press. It telegraph news Is there- t It fore complete and reliable. " couiary. In the event of a continu anct of present condition or of itner Vaptlon, tin effect on Mr. Wilson's po litical future may bo marked, to say nothing "f the fact thai thncompal abllity of Hie l'nited Stales' attitude with its responsibilities under the Mon roe doctrine is becoming more forci bly emphasized every day. ntoday's ; of the . week uf ; National i The store will be lo-. il at IS south Pack square and a, lit.. Of til ll.t.fc itABlVM Ul-MV'A' can tell you what that safe quantity I ,.. lial,,.lns , wooJenjf wili be dls-l ls--lf safe quantity there be in lil.yjplyed, Miners will be lakt :. there for. individual case. men's made-to-measure clothing of; "But this much I predict with con-jail kind, and on the opening tlas free, fldenoe,: Whatever the 'safe' quantity ratio outs w ill be given to the eus of alcohol for you to take, you will lomere. unouestiouablv at times exceed It. In s ' lotliir company Is one of thi a tolerably wide experience of men RIGHT GLASSES will lift that FOO of POOR Eyesight, we eii good glasses because you prefer to buy sood glasses. SHTR-ONS, neat, attractive lasting, effi . dent all an eyeglass can be. Sold here. CHARLES H. HONESS. OPTOMETKIST and OPTICIAN 51 Pa I ton Ave. Opp. Post oBIce j Battery Park Bank ABBEVILLE, N. C. Capital .... ..$100,000 Surplus and Profits $140,000 OF FT CERfi: James P. Sawyer, Chairman of the Board. T. O. Ooxe. President . 3. E. Rankin. Cashier Erwln Binder. Vlee-Prt. O. Rankin. Asst. Cash! 25 OFF PER On all Men's' Suits and Overcoats. Gem Clothing Store fi PATTOX AVENUE and of many nations. 1 have never known a habitual drinker who did not most widely known In the country,,: having tiH stores in various cities; throughout the United States. Tec . 'il e . n i. - utu.,i. ii, il' 'o ,,Lr. sometimes take mora alcohol than, tiaviight shops in Chlcagd, ; is stated even the most liberal scientific- estl - and fit and workmanship are guar.' niate could claim as harmless. There-1 a meed by the. company, according to fore, I believe you must do the same. I the announcement mad- today. It is Asheville Paint & Glass Co. LUCAS PAINTS. VARNISHES, WALL PAI'ER, ETC. 57 S. Main St. Phone 177ft H. '. i' A DREAM? "I am bound to believe, In the light of what science has revealed, if you take alcohol habitually ill that you ! AC. ,.,,.11.1,. Ik..nt..,i,,. V, . , .,1,,-olA-l i Now romes an execotive commit-, unraimiun l"w-v-.. .... , t ,. ,.. structures of your stomach, your liver, Entered at the Postoffle -n Asheville , -e n ol the National iwc federnj vour bjopd as secora-ctass matter. lion's departmenl of economics Voaael.. vour nerve., your brain: (2) 1 ii;'s impious hands on the high cost. )m VQU &re UDequlvooallv decreasing of liv ing tetlch of magazine students y0tir capacity for work in any field, be ..I economics. Federal bureau ol labor jt physical, Intellectual or artistic; statistics, on which are based the rtc-1 (3) that you are in some measure dilation that it coats 60 per ent more lowering the grade of your mind, dull to live now than in 1830, are declared Ing your higher esthetic sense aud by J. W. Bulllvan, of New Y.frk. fle'- !akin ,he n,ler ed8e off morals; (4 1 that you are distinctly lessening Wednesday March 4. 1914 CROW -: YEAR. The conclusion Mr. Wilson's term f'nitcil .states perhi survey of the achli pilnlstratlon to da imt f some 'f its .f the lirsi year of ,1 s President "t the ps warrant it briei vement of tins ad e and t!ie recount unsolved problems. jii lbed is no expert on market., to j'itick ibe elements oi sufflcteneyi lu-j (idiiy un.i correctness." Mr. Kulilvan' I PIhhs seems tb be I hat while the cost of .-nine iiei essiii. s b.is increased tltat, lui olhers bi.s declined. He says; j I'liprececentedly hhsh ' prices of' food, a phrase so frequently employed place in the do- Broadly speaking the President's! nowadays, is out liKiMiliriL- ,,r itnmoMtl .aura. mail' ..f fait." Putting tabulated sta been favored . m itli notiilile sui'cess i Unties .iside and looking ov er the run ; of prices as In- lots known tlieni itt while treatment of foreign question. tB. ,llirt, years, tli- mid, lie ag. u hsiiiled down from former ndministra-j obsrver wlil recitll various perinaneni Hons or arising during the past year reductions in Ins regular expenditures has been attended wiih a disconcerting! , h7 , wr'h"l -ontlnually on the Sbb- of lowering the Coat of llv lack of results. n( H wj ,.,.M,,.mi,rI. wneh sugar The outstahdlng achievements of wu. double the prent price, ami the administration, of course, are the coffee, :i' not double, far above the tariff revision bill and the currency prenl PHo? '" Nw V'"'l; !"te!" was rarely below forty cents a pound hill. And for the party's prompt com-1 , ,,. wmter months, and flour long pllance with cardinal platform pledges j s,hj, above the present level. In these particulars full credit must be I To prove bi contention. Mr. given Mr. Wilson. In each Instance van quote, figur. s tending to .how be displayed a. clear vision of what! thai the price of board for the artl was needed lo fulfill expectations of san wage earner lias not risen more those w ho committed the nation's do-j than $1 per Week in that interval niol titty into his hands, and consummate I thai the eating1 houn. dinner remains your chances of maintaining health and attaining longevity, and M that you are entailing upon your descend ant yet unborn a bond of incalculable misery. "Such, I sjn bound to believe. 1 the probable cost of your moderate' Indulgence in alcoholic beverages. Part of that cost you may pay In per son; the balance will be the heritage of future generations. As a mere business proposition, 1 your glass of beer, your bottle of wine, your high ball, or your cocktail worth the price?" also set forth in the announcement that the clothing offered is from woolens of the highest grade, for which men ordinarily pa very high price.. One fixed and very low price for all suits and overcoats - set by this company, and considerable In terest attaches to the first display of the line here Saturday. Baltimore Dental Rooms Over Xicliols Shoe Store Phone 1S61. MOVING PICTURE FILM IN WHITE SLAVE CASE New York. March i Arrangement.; have been made to produce a moving; picture film on the White slave traffic i In the court of general session during1 the trial this week qf Samuel II. Lon- i don and Henry Bohm, Indicted oti a charge of giving an immoral cxhibi-! tion. It will be the lirst time the mov-' ing pictures have ever been produced in a courtroom as part of Uie evidence; in a criminal case. The trial uf the m.-n began today. PRESCRIPTIONS TEAGUE & OATES Phones 260-1996 DARING ROBBERY BY YOUTHFUL BANDITS ability in achieving his purpose, Hlsifh appeal to the country against the "In- Millions lonb.i which wa creating confusion in the days of tariff revision I is I striking illustration of his aptitude; In dealing with a baffling political sit-, tuition. Tne "Irust" problem with which the President is now grappling' Is equally as Important and more dtj-l i MOW however. Without detracting from the administration', success, in same iu price. JUfc 1 The President's Cabinet. Tlie president's cabinet is not a pari of the executive strictly speaking The membera of the cabinet cannot, iu strictness, even be snitl to be the president', adviser.. He does, sis a mutter uf filet, consult theui, and very often. In all probability, thoir advice lias weight with the president, but Ihej possess no constitutional power. That resides, so ff us the executive WORK LESS COOK I WITH GAS j IT ALSO PAYS Ranges $15.50 to $25 Cash or Credit Asheville Power & Light Co. Phone 69 iTwalt msnl unit R iioi.ni.Nt; A man holds office Tor :i while, anil' ' bleeds and dies in u flossy style, tol Isave our bulwark, front decay, and I Iheae regard, it Is of course a matter then upon a fateful day he finils lie of fact that the way had been paved I :"' SjSXJ tan the office job ha ..r th loHfr ...i .dumped the iikui. Ami does be then OFFICIAL TEMPERANCE INSTRUC TION. The following manifesto has been Indorsed by the minister of education In tierruany, and is being sent out by the German health office to be posted In public places: Do not give your child a .Ingle drop of wine. Not a drop of beer. Not a drop of spirits. Why? - Itecauso alcohol In every form and eveu In small doses injure, children. i Hon? First It check, their physical and i j Intellectual development. Second Conaumpllou of spirits i 1 brings with It exhaustion and causes' ; weariness and inattention In school ' j children. Third - Alcohol help. Increase dls-1 obedience to parent.. Fourth It causes sleeplessness andj premature nervousness. FifthIt causes Infant mortality. Slrth It weakens the body's powers of resistance and prepare the ground Louisville, Ky., March t. Police day sought two youthful robbers who. part of the government toes, solely entered the jewelry store of W. P. ila tlu, resident. After hearing the Brandenburg here last night, di ove viewf. ,ml imjniuns , the members of mm and his assistant. Ernest O. Sin- ,. , . . , ., . , ,, , . , . , bis cabinet tlie nresluent 0:111, if lie nock, into a rear work room, bound . ,. , ,, and gaggod them and took cash and , rllnosfs' tl"'''1 ' H ji jewelry valued at more thati $4"(b ,l)0 executive, and the whole of it liom the open safe The stare wa? New York American brightly lighted and many pedestrians were pa-ssing- when the robbery oc curred. A customer who colled was told by one of the men that tlte store was closed lor the night. (let your Y. M. 0, A. now. Reserved seats f( circus tickets I. lti-3t Phone 202 for your want. fir.l 10, Itiu Intfta , , . 1 ma Til bin! i 111 This truv for Innnv al.1(naflia crjllfD ami ,.1)alH th ,,,,, a ,e sllIlliy a,y. party groups understood whai they wanted. .Man were disgusted with their party', re- ent performances in regard to the nient In opposition to forces hitherto. dominant in national councils Seventh-- It increases the duration of various .icknessea. Blglith -It awakens thirst continu ally, und can iu this way make men habitual drinkers. DRINK NOT STRENGTHENING. Intoxicating liquor, can supply you with no energy, no force. They can- perfectly j gone by, era 1 begin to bleed ami Republican. Idle'.'" Ah, no! lie's done With useful toil; you will Hot see lum till the soil, or curry down old Dobbt'-'S legs, or scratch around to find t,.,- cans, lie tariff. The Democratic party bad u j will not plant the corn In May, or bats 'mandate' lor revision and the que.-the fragrant, Juicy hay, or paint the lloa was chiefly one of accomplish- fnc '"' l"'""M "'" 1t or herd tb. riiimiue numnie ne.-s. i tie ortt. e germ I ,i, ,. ,i,i jiim ri'iuiniij not son 10 yuur strengin. Ajconoi, Itn ,;ire it. vain, lie has no use for sweat- . hj uan wu.i o. imi itppnoii io a nurse t in in' vurrvnvy, . am HlltwaQHlnKDcii hai. oe n en.i.p upon ini' was much the same. There wss much i "ir,v " where all .he dreary .,,,,. , has-beens throng, and Leg for band- rlamor or cuttrse. Huibursls were , ,, ., ., OUtS from the Wrong. lied r.itliet loud both from agencies of affected j bmv, ,. ,nky be I he "Interests'' and from radicals, who it "t teamen" n.oh than ornament ills appeared at one time would preclpl-1 nsiUv ion by holding some position .town, you learn a lot or trtCK ami late another light fur sound money. ' i. ...e.e -U1.i au-.o.ac, oi ..,,,, arMU. to useful work v.,.. el,.... i - ' - 1 In- CSntr.l bank idea. these men had dsflnits idea of hat i bl'-ed and die, they wanted. The mens ire finally en acted was a compromise Willi many opinions, in it way a Rteaaura of xs dlency, but one which Rives promise of working well. W ith regard to the handling of monopoly there Is no such Confident opinion. There Is no definite guidance for the administration, and apparent ihere is dlvlalon In the ad ministration SM to the course to pur sue. Recalling, hoWVr, President W ilson's assurance of good -will for business and solicitude for national prosprlty this very element may to great extent relieve the situation Ol political danger. The solution of the monopoly question Is for the future in gap event. The Issue I. not now likely to hav a compelling .ffecl on the fortunes of a major party, unless In deed It Is eon. milted lo regulHteil i.ionopoi . The chief present danger Is In yielding to a sentiment for clae legislation, and this is a very real dan draw strength from you, or rather out of you, but It can gtvs you none. So far from helping you. beer, wine! aud spirit, will hinder you Iu what ever work you have to do. Other thing, being equal, you will have the greatest tteadluess of hand, firmness of grasp, and clearness of mind, by tot. I abstinence from every kind of Intoxicating liquor ' This has been ray own experience, MM it has been th experience of ' va.t number, of men and women llv- Ing In every country, and following Vanity of th Pesceek. I 8Tery kind of occupation. Alcohol ha Our f.TOrtta ami much petted peu ' hM" ,ouna to reduce the strength, cock, ss.vs :t corre-poridcnt of tlie Loll guile. oii low. your Klip on things ISSfUl work you do Kut again all your sre, when once jeu'vi learned t WALT MASON. Copyrighted, 1(11, by The Adams Newspsp.-r Service. don Spectator, can be kept hsppy MO length of time looking nt his reflection in the Window pane or In . looking! glass. He comes in dally lo ten. insk In;; no mistake about the hour, anil spends much time en route in gs.ing at j himself ss he appears In Hie glass of i the French window bf Which he en ' ters the room. If I nm sewing aud do not spesk to him w ben he comes Into -the room he will gently put Ills le .ol quite close, slinost touching my ring or needle, for he like, bright thing., till 1 . have to give up working and t.'.k to, and tbe hardest work has been best and most easily accomplished under total abatlnence. Dr. Normal, N. Kerr. NOT ADVERTISED A A BENEFIT. "How would you answer a man who ay saloon, halp build up towns"" FSy saying It I. not true, and I chal lenge the proof. Talk I. not proof. In advertising the advsntages of cities and towns, banks and all sort, of use ful business, and manufacturing en terprise., school., churches, and rail- Men's and Boys' Spring Suits Get the Pick HIGH ART and other tip top brands in new effects for 1914, garments, a close second to custom work. Oar makers know what to buy and how to fit accurately and they study their business even more industriously than when, years ago, they first scored success. Their t)lc sugcM those hcpii In tailor's -l.opi wliore the COM of a mans' -nit trocs up to $8R. for the reason that the exalted -iand.-i.-il Is lite r aim. I lo u suits tit ami hold that III anil hold ihctr color mid wear, wear, wear bis a il -c they're built that nay. nil at lour curly lOIIII'llsSW. please, and lnievi the line. Our attention U always at our service. tVftt TO 1IM) Straw Hats for little hoi- ami girl in a vartct of Irsxpga H. Redwood & Co. -11 1 11 II II II 'II I MBPgg STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 22, 1913 1 ZILLICOA AND RETURN coo, cat. 6:30 m m. RIVERSIDE PARK :S0 and every 1 5 mln. until it p. m. TAWDrtT WTA 5:0 a. m. and syery 15 minute JLIJCiirUi VIA until 1:15 p. m.; then every 1 SOUTHSIDE AVENUE mlnutss until SMS p. in. The. svsrf 16 minute, until 11:00. DEPOT VIA 6:oo and every 15 minute, until 11:M FRENCH BROAD AVE. p m. M A nfiD 5:30, 6:00 a. m. and then every II iVIArl UK minute, till 11:00 p. m. 6:S0. 6:00 a. m. then every It mlnutM CHARLOTTE STREET till 11:00 p. m. U:I0 car comM, TERMINUS through. Return leaves end of Una PATTON AVENUE uo'p.m.'1"'1 " mlBUte' ' EAST STREET 8:0ft ' m sna "v,ry 11 rilnute j GRACE VIA MERRIMON J'"0 m- "-" : a. m. Then evM, i 15 minute, till 10:10 p. m. Tni AVENUE every 30 minute, till 11:00 p. m. . 6:15 a. m. and then ever 15 minuter BILTMORE till 10:30 p. m. Then every 30 mhv utss till 11:00 Isst ear. DEPOT & W. ASHEVILLE 5:30 a. m. and ev.ry 15 mln. until j VIA SOUTHSIDE AVE. p i" cnr. Sunday .chedule differs In th. following particulars: Car leave, square for Manor at S:00 a. m., return :15. Car. leave Square for Depot via louthi'd. Ave. 1.15, I.S0, 7 00, 7:11, :00 and S:3t. Car. leave Square for Depot via French Broad Ac., 6:11, 0:30, 6:45. 7:16, 7:45 and 1:11. Car for Depot '.eaves Square g:46, both Southstde and French Brott First car leave. Square for Charlotte street st 1:00 a. m. and every M minutes until 8:30 next 3:45. First car leaves Square for Rlvsnslde 8:30. next 1:41. First car for West Asheville leaves Square 6:15, 7:00, next 3:30. With the above exceptions, Sunday schsdule commence at 9 a. sv and continue same a. week days. On evenings when entertainments era In progress at Auditorium thi la.t trip on all lines will b from entertainment, leaving Rqusre st regu lar time and holding over at Auditorium. Car leave. Square to meet II. night train. 30 minutes before -chedule of announced arrival. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Schedule Figures Published as Information Only and N'ot (lunr.mtsH 11KFECTIVK MONDAY. .1 AM AHY , 114. AltniVEH FKOM Kastern Time DEPARTS FOK ' Esslera' No. Brevsrd and Lake Toxaway 11:30 a.m. Rrevsrd and Lake roade are mentioned, but saloon, are! him as with . .null child whom one is never mentioned, or hinted at Why sfrald of pricking. 1 thst -Exchange ger. Turning from these and minor d rnetl affair to the foreign situation the outlook Is not so favoruble. Th. lightly Menetsneue. OUg COMING VOTERS AND LAW. "I suppose yon are happy now," ssld MAKERS, the slightly envious friend "Yoi. The itate.tnsn of tomorrow are to have everything absolutely your own he found In this year of our Ird l13 way." among the little folk of our own neigh- V " mmlfd .1,. .,.,-.ni . borhood. of our own town or city. In that niinibini' t bars t h kMia astiA will but having everything ahsolnteU .. -7 ', ' withdrawal of administration support! your own way Is something like turn i BCM n lhe igMslatsurs he in. la iim. oi uie into soiuaire udu r,ljwj to ,hB po.niOI1 of ch,f execu .tacking the deck -Wnsbiovton Ht.r from American hanker, in the .lx pnwer loan negotiations hs had 'he present effect of weakening the posi tion of American business In China, fhl has been manifested In numerous ray.. Mr. Bryan's Nicaragua treatv Whst W-rie H.m. live of tbe state, act as mayors, or I chlsfs of pollen of our great cities. I. It not wsll worth our time to devote 1 ,.l .......... I. . ... i " '" H'V""S piullr n, A.. h 7. J . . I ,,T Utssmsn for th.lr tasks. Or flPft i I nil t uiipi It I m hut ) Iisis Jeet had an unfortunate effect Is. of life. l"" Vhoni your WaTB o t03. S. STERNBERG & CO. DEPOT STREET PHONE 333 All sizes and lengths of I Beams, Channels. Concrete Steel and Relaying Raih,. STRUCTURAL MATERIAL A SPECIALTY We buy anything and Sell Everything Toxaway till p.m. No. 5 Savannah and Jack sonville -10 p.m. No. 11 Washington, N e v York, Norfolk and RlskimOttd l i'o p.m. I No. 12 t'ln, Innatl, Louis ville, Memphis, Ht. Louis 3:06 p.m. i No. 13 I'hnrleston and Co lumbia 1:15 p.m. No. 10 N. Y , rhlladelphia. Washington 10:01 a.m. No. is Murphy A Wayne.- vllle 4:60 p.m. I No. 2u Murphy Wayne.- vllle 1:47 p.m. No. 22 Wavneivllle l:0i am No. XI a?dboro and Ital- elgh 7:40 p.m. jN'o. JT 'hr'.ion and Co lumbia 7:10 p.m. No. II Cincinnati aud Chl- rsgj 10:15 a.m. No. It Washington. N. Y. and lllchmund .... 1:40 am I No. .Memphis Chstts nooga a nd New Orlean. I 60 a.m. i No. 41 Ailsuta, Macon ami New OrU.n. 11:16 a.m. No.!U2 Bristol. Know Ills L t'hnttanooga 10:66 p m. i No. 8 Mrevnrd nnd Iike Tons way :. .30 p I No. I Brevard and Ik Toxaway 9.05 a No. 10 Savannah, Jackson Mile 4:!0 No. 11 Cincinnati. HI Louis Memphis ft J-uuls- Mlla Nd. 12 Washington, N 1 Norfolk and Rlth- inond 14 Atlanta " Charb-- ton II N. Y., Philadelphia. and Wsshlngtun . 1 ' Wgynesvllle and Murphy 1 Wsynssvllle n ri Murphy No. I NO. No. 05 h III ii? : II M"! No. 22 Kalelgh and Ooldt boro No. S7 Chicago and Cincin nati. , ... No. 21 Columbia, Charles ton No. 36 Memphis. Chstts- J 10 i 10:11 M No. No. tmoga nd N' iiHeany l wm,iM :. Washltigtmi. monst nnd N ii,. ii y. i0tn AIIBI11S, Billion i New Orleans 'No 101 Bristol. Knoxvlll . JH ' battanonga 7 . VH Through sleeping car. daily to and from NsW York. Phil" J Hsltlmore, Washington, rtlchmond. Norfolk. Chnrlstton. cini-ino"- ' .1 phi. Jacksonville. Havunnsh. Ht. U.ul, Loiilsyfllf, Allants. MscoS. Ingham. Montgomery, Mobile snd Now Orleans. . Full dining csr aervlce train Nis. , 10, U, ll. 11. II. '"' I Ing car No. It and II. j Through cars Ooldsboro .nd Waynesvllla. ia ALKX. H. AK Kit, City Pass. Ticks Aft. 1. H. WOOD, " 1