Wednesday March PAGE SIX THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEW& that conceal the art. One will travel 'ihe wide world over before he finds Iheir equals In most delicate and ex acting roles. it ALL KINDS OF W jULXjuuLixjuaDDDDDDmmmm H P WASH Nh EVERYWOMAN BY DRAWN UP IN THE HAIH WITH SOAP QOCIAL JO HAPPENINGS Personal Mention, Societit TTmnrnmnnnnm mm i nr Soap Dries Your Scalp, Caus ing Dandruff, Then Hair Falls Out. Mrs. Waring In Cuba. The Asheville friends of Mrs. Warln ! will bo interested In the following' from the Columbia State: "Mrs. George Waring and Miss Em mil Melding returned to Columbia j Kriday after spending a month at the American legation in llabana, t'uba. with Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott I Gonzales. Mr. Waring was with them j during the gerater part of their visit, having returned home about ten days J ago. Their stay was a round of gaiety. Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales being of course' in the midst of the social life. Mrs. ilonzales receives two afternoons in the month, and during their visit Mrs. Waring and Miss Melding assisted her on their occasions when several hun dred of the society women of Habana called. In these affairs there were; several dances and dinner parties at : the legation given by Mr. and Mrs ; (ionzalcs In honor of their guests. : Among th more informal pleasures to be given by Mrs. Mrs. Dale R. Mayo, Claire Claxton, whose W. B. Martin formerly Miss ! home for a After washing your hair with soap always apply a little Danderlne to the ELBERTHUBBARD The Fra Has Unstinted Praise For Play to Be Given In Asheville. Heinrich Heine once said. niimhAr ,.f l-aitara wuo ir. AahaiHIla ami wh h mV frirt ',, scalp to invigorate the hair and pre- here -win ,tertl Ml'.. Jenkins d,,r- vp,lt dryness. Better still, use soap as ing her visit In Knoxvllle. At the I sparingly as possible, and Instead : go to the theater but once Innnhcm In ho plwt. I.v Mr M.rtln'"1" ayfMJUBlJaW nail vitalise you can i a IHe- for Miss Jenkins, covers will be laid for 10. ? ! Recent arrivals at the Mountain Park hotel, Hot Springs: Captain J. P. Carney. Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. I K. J. Silencer, Columbus, u Airs. John Collamore Hatch. Boston; tit. and Mrs. W. A. Neft, Cleveland, O. ; I Geo. W. Sutherland, wife and daugh ter, St. Louis; A. Boome, Chicago; Mrs. W. C. la.; Walter Br ('. Eley, jr., Baltimore; Hon. and Mrs. Albert Lelber, Indianapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bacheller and son, River side, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. C L were several motor trips and harbor ; Knight, Akron. O.; Mr. Knight is cd- he wavy. out an explanation never will with, possess an 1 have just been to see a play. I parties and the Columbians remained ,lor the celebrated carnival with its brilliant masked ball as the final pro Lenten festivity. They return to Co lumbia enthusiastic about the charm mi Habana society, the tropical beauty jf the place and above all the delight ful life at the American legation, which Is one of the most beautiful Tia. . l.,l. anuriiiic nail .ciii3. Ilime just moisten a ciotn witn uanaerme , , , , , and draw it carefully through your H a,ao s's that V '? cxpei''" hair, taking one small strand at a!ence bllt one kiss- 1 m no expert in time. This will remove dust, dirt and either work them out for yourself, excessive oil. In a few moments you j Life is too short for explanations, and will be amazed, your hair will not ' people who do not understand with er,!,, ...,., H,.t I, nrtll Mr. ma -"' iiulij anu aouiiuuilt, t 1 1 u incomparable softness and lustre. ! saw it one night and then waited over Besides cleaning and beautifying , the next day to see the same play the hair, one application of Dander-! again. The play 1 saw was "Kverywo- In. jltaa.ll a. a ... . .IaI. at 1 ; , Middles worth, Ottumwa, I . . e.ei , . ur 01 ua,.o- .,. rtruce Columbus B ruff: s,lmulates the scalp, stopping! Both evenings 1 sat through the ucniiig anu tailing nan. Liaiiuenne is piay irom tne overture uniii tne una: to the hair what fresh showers of curtain, and then 1 sat in my seat rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It until almost everybody else had filed goes right to the roots. Invigorates -nut of the theater. I wanted to watch and strengthens them. Its oxhilarat-1 the effect of the play on the people, ing and life producing properties 1 had not seen a play before, rrom cause the ha'r to grow long, strong ; beginning to end, that t can rem em -and beautiful. 'tier, for twenty-five years. Two acta Men' Ladles' You can surely have: is usually enough, and i being a plain lots of rliarmthg hair. Get a 25 cent i every day man then begin to fidget, bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from ! I fidget myself out into the lobby any drug store or toilet counter and try It. A KNOT WALKING Peculiar Way in Which Lady Had to walk and Hew Easi ly She Was Straight ened Out. LICENSED TO WED Harrv Johnson to Edna McGee. Harry Van Auken to Mary F. Rich ardson. l,eas Brown, colored, to Zeola Green, colored. W. M. Sullivan, colored, to Koberta Martin, colored. itor of the Akron Journal It langren hotel arrivals: J. B. Keener, Knoxvllle; c. c. Peters. Ne braska: Willurd Smith, Chicago, E. s. White. Spartanburg; C. L. Denk. Atlanta: C. B Snodgrass, Jefrerson City; Charles Stone, Atlanta; C. A. Hall. Greensboro; L. K. Schelber, places in Habana, famed for its luxun-: w York; MaxSchultz. Detroit: W . tent, picturesque garden.'' E . Taylor. Chattanooga; C. II. Craw- 1 i ford, Nashville. arrived to visit Mrs. Griffin at the Varborouh in Raleigh. until the next act begins, then I try that, and then I am fidgeted out into the street again This play of "Everywoman" grip ped me from the first parting of the ! curtains. Perhaps Is It because 1 be- S. P. C. A. Meeting. The meeting of the Society for 'he .Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, held yesterday afternoon in the Audi torium of the Y. M. C. A., was well attended and most interesting. Mr. Deshler presided and many matters of iimportance. were taken up. One of particular Importance was regarding ia mule, the condition of which was 'reported to the president of the go- lety by a Gazette-News reporter and j investigated tav Mr fleshier. 'I'll e I A I mule was purchased by the S. P. C. (,'tv A., and shot. U has also been re quested that attention of the general Col, John nis nonie i The many frincds of Dr. C Sntr every man love everv woman. A. W. Carson of Jacksonville ar- i?nch f i he (-haraeters in the nlav lemenKerjried yesterday and Is a guest at the represent a human trait. There are no will hear with pleasure that he has. Battery Park hotel. landed in England and is pursuing his, medical work in London. j (Additional Social on Page 9). ' ter, Mrs. Edward L. Rogers, and two MRS. STEVENSON'S WILL sons of Chicago, and are guests at hotel. arrived yesterday I the Battery Park j DENOUNCES RELATIVE Harris of Baltimore In tin Mills has returned to; Itutherfordtou after ai to tntblic be called to the slinncrv streets and the necessity of caring for ' if,it al th Battery Park hotel. I a M ihe mules and horses in this partlcu-j W it nia,,i ,rnh ih. Miss Pauline Moore has romp C. A branch 'up cny irom rassiicrn in i.incoiu- whprp she is in school, to have her eyes treated. Eula Arbogast meeting that the S. P. C. A., branch in this city was recently mentioned ,on in the American Humane Review as using picture postals illustrating thp work of the society in sending out no-' ices of the society meetings. Fashion Note, An amusing style detail is the apron dip to the skirt tunic. This is seen in pome of the latest tailored suits, and is said to have already a certain vogut in Paris. This Is exactly oppo site to the tunic that is also now In vogue, which has the outline of a cutaway coat. Something approaching a belt or sash seems to be a part of every new tailored jacket. It may be only an em broidered design across the back of the coat that appears like a short belt or It may be a sash-llke affair that crosses in front, passing around the back and lying behind. A derided novelty, with a quaint touch to II. is that of tying the coat fronts together with long ribbon streamers and a tiny looped bow. Box pleated tunics are a variation of thp knife and accordion ones of the last season, and the Idea tif having them of another material is carried out in a girlish model. In this Fame model, a three piece tailored kult, the V shaped neck is prettily outlined with a plcot edged Medici ruffle of the same silk used for the tunic. New York Herald. ! Miss Harriet Jenkins, who has been the house guest of Dr. and Mrs P. P. Miss Eula Arbogast Is some time in Abbington, her sister and her brothers. Houston and Clifford. . r Judge J D. Murphy of Asheville spent Mondav In Raleigh. t m Seth T. McCormlck of Wllltaras port arrived yesterday for a islt to Asheville and is a guest at Grove Park inn. t E. P. Wharton of Greensboro is here for a few days on a business trip. r m, James P. Graham of Williamsport. Pa . arrived yesterday for a stay In Asheville and is a guest at Grove. Park inn. K Judire James E. Boyd and Ms pri vate secretary. Mr. Blaylock. arrived esterday from (ireensboro and are guests at the Balterv Park hotel. K The March meeting of thr United Daughters of the Confederacy will be hpld on -Thursday. March .". at 4 p. m., with Mis. James II. Wood at her home 84 Hjrtlelt street. . Safita iVrbara. Gat March 4. "To Katharine Durham Osbourne. of in credible ferocity, who lived on my bounty for many years, at the same lime pursuing me with malicious slander, I leeve $."." is the way in which Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson, remembered her daughter in law, in her will filed for probate here yester day. The will disposes of an estate val ued at $1-11. .100, which goes to Mrs. Isobel Strong, a daughter, with in spending B' ructions to pay Lloyd Osbourne, Va wltl i husband of Katharine, $300 per inontn for lite. PETER G. THOMPSON PLACED ON TRIAL Washington, March 4. Peter O. Coated Paper company of Ohio, has j thp PX'"'rl" been placed on trial here on an indict- i ment charging attempted bribery of a postofliee inspector. The government charges that when the Inspector found paper made by Thompson's company' for postal cards below quality and re fused to accept it. Thompson sent him $100 through the mails. SHORTAGE IN CANTEEN ACCOUNTS ALLEGED Newport, R. I., March 4. Discovery I of an alleged shortage in accounts of ihe canteen of the naval training sta I tion has led Captain Roger Welles. ; commander of the station, to ask for the appointment of a court of Inquiry, j Chief Yeoman Smith. In charge of the business, is under technical arrest. Mrs. John Parker of Asheville b . Only One "BROMO Ql'IMNE." KEYS. To gel 'be genuine, call for full name, Five thousand keys of every do-' LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look Claxton in Washimrtori where she i,m sorintlon. fitted on short nollie lo the ' "r signature of L. . GHO E. Cures received much marked soc ial atten-! locks in your home. Trunks overhaul-'a , 0,d i" ne Day. 25c. lion, will be the guest of honor at a ,ed and made like new. Phone 44S. iluncheon set for Thursday at the ' .1. M. irp:n- .v rn 4'herokee Country club In Knoxvllle. ! Battery Park Place - - - Phone 418 Get your Y. M. C. A. circus tickets now. Reserved seats 2oc. 16-5t : Special Sale Oriental Gems THE ZIRCON, which derives its name from Arabic Zerk (a gem), is a lovely brown, violet or green Gem which was sup posed in the Middle Ages to produce sleep, riches, honor, and wisdom, and drive away plague and evil spirits. The hardness is 7.5 and it is heavier than any other gem. The luster is adamantine like the diamond. The brownish red variety is called Hyacinth and is known as the March birth month stone. WM lii this Mnrlil of oars their eyes In March lint open shall he wise: In iIhw or patfl firm ami hrar: And wear a HVM lvril lo their rrave. The Special Sale of Zircon. Hyacinth, Spinel, Chrysoberyl, light blue Sapph ire and other Corundum Gems enables you to obtain some unusual values for $1 00 $1.50, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.50. KPM ll WTIVK RHODOI.I-IV-.ft Ilk Ut 50r. Arthur M. Field Co. HOT SPRINGS MINERAL BATHS and AirnTTXirp A TXT BIDV unmUT Hot Springs, N. C. NOW Open. The 'deal hotel for -x-! elusive people, In the heart of the i "l.anit of the Sky'' Modern with a I homelike atmosphere. GOLF, TEN MS. RIDING, SWIMMING Pool,. open THROUGHOUT THE year Write for Hook lei. . H, V. Koss. Mgr. big individual parts that tower above ihp rest, throwing all else Into the shade. The play is balanced. Every body does his work. There is no weakling In the cast. All you see Is strength, suggestion, symbol, lesson, reproof, reminde each being true to his nature. You are sitting in the grand stand watching yourself go by. Every man Is composite. He is both man and woman; lie is virtue and Vice; he Is youth and old age, beauty and modesty, conscience and flattery, truth and love, bluff and stuff, puff and passion, wealth and witless society, age and greed, charity and vanity, priest and populace, law and disorder, grovel and sneak. And yet in this play, "Everywoman," there is enough comedy to gicp you rest: enough by-play to throw open the windows and let in the fresh air; enough witchery of girls so the cur tains arp parted and the sun streams In from the east carrying the per fume of lifp's morning. Thp spcond night 1 saw "Everywo man," I went alone. I did not want anyone to see mr, to say "how fine!" How beautiful!" I did not want to ap plaud unless 1 were forced lo. And proved Heinrich Heine falsifier, f enjoyed the play the spcond nigh; as much as f did thp first. Thp whole thing looms large In my memory, and I feel that thp wlt-np.-'sing of this play was an epoch, an event, a great while milestone In my life's Journey. The curtain goes up on the first act and Instead nf revealing an open stage, shows the dark, olive grppn plush curtains, beautiful in their monotonous tones. They gently part and the character of Nobody slins (hrough Ihe folds and the man In Special Showing OF B-B DUSTLESS GOODS You've surely heard of the good merits of these goods ? Have yon tried them to tind out for yourself ? trial size dust eloth Is enough lo show Ihe cleaning qualities of these wonderful Oust Absorbers. "THF.Y HSORRK DFST AS. A SPONt.E AISSORHS WA- Tin" Trial MM lust Cloth lOe Household giga l)Ugt 'Hli ISO Auto size Oust Cloth .... 50c Wall Dusters SI. 23 (H fool handle) Floor mops 65c. up A style for every use. t Sii Window) HOCSKFl RNlSHINt, DEPT. J. H. Law, 35 Patton Ave Laure. Hill, Fla. The following ad vices from this town tell Jn detail of Mrs. Nellie Moore's peculiar condition.' "About three months ago. I was taken down with terrible cramps. 1 didn't i pay much attention to it at first, but slowly and surely I got worse until I could hardly walk, and I had to go drawn up In a knot, when I did walk. My husband got me some medicine, but It did me no good. I suffered that way for a week. Finally, a motherly old lady told me to get a bottle of Cardul, the woman's tonic, and I knew It was a good medicine from the start. I took it according to directions, and in a short while I felt like a new per son. Cardul Is like a dear friend to come and take hold and do women's tire some work. Now, when I have heavy work, or sewdng, I take a dose of Car- ! dul and It seems to go to all my aching places and relieves me almost in stantly. I advise all suffering women to give Cardui a trial. It will do wonders for them." Give Cardui a trial for your troubles. It has helped over a million women in the past 50 years. Why not you? At your druggist's. N. B. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special .In structions, and 64-page book "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plain j Dcpat., Chattanooga .Medicine Co., ; .viapper, on request. ; priestly robes stands there before us. Nobody is clad in ii flowing garment of green from top to toe. The hood of the cloak is thrown over the head, and instinctively you think of Dante, steeped in thought, walking the , water front in Florence of old, walt !ing for Ileatrice to pass. The green , light thrown upon Nobody causes the I figure to fade into the curtains and he seems more like an apparition than a man. His speech is not hasty, lie stands there long enough to make a superb picture. You have never seen anything like this before. Nobody speaks slowly, carefully, clearly, with an enunciation that makes you think Henry Irving has come back to Ife. He is the announcer of the play. The velvet curtains lift and disclose a scene of rare beauty. There is Ev erywoman surrounded by a routine of companions youth, beauty, modesty beautiful dancing, singing, natural girls, sweet and unsophisticated. Life is a glorious thing to them all. They are all girls but Everywoman is easily distinguished. She is the average wo man and a little more. In her are all the dreams, the hopes, the aspira tions, the ambitions with which the life of normal woman is freighted. She has youth, beauty, modesty, brain and body. The green plush curtains close and shut out the stage, and Nobody, still wearing his robe of Invisible green comes softly to the front and says: "He merciful, be Just, be fair lo every woman, everywhere. Her faults are many. Nobody's the blame!" It Is a big man who ran play No body. In order to be a Nobody you have to be a Somebody. , So the play is ended and we sit there with tear dimmed eyes, not knowing whether to go or to stay. The play is done! But life, the play In which we are cast, yet goes on. B iry woman will never die. because eerywoman lives and nobody is im mortal. The company Is composed of splen did players. These men and women have power, poise, and their work re veals the noble reserve which marks the capable actor. Theirs Is the art A prize of $1,000 has been w-alting in Philadelphia since 1S59 for the first .Mni ,,f Vorth America who shall determine by experiment whether or not Infra-red rays are trunsmntea with the sine sped as other lignt rays. i I Don't, miss the Y. M. C. A. circus. Friday, March 6. Reserved seats 25c. 1 6-5t Business Men's and Women's LUNCHEON SERVED TO ORDER DAILY 12 to 3 Home-like environments. Home Cooking, Quick Service. BANQUETS AND DINNERS SERVED Y. W. C. A. LUNCH ROOM 12 Church St. Phone 1733 COAL WOOD AND KINDLING PHONE 223 Asheville Dray, pUei jJ vuuati uciion Jo. Office: Corner College and J Main Si S Nichols Shoe Store BasejaJ! OH YOU KODAKER Do you want better prints thin. Prtcei have ever gotten at ,-amo n.i..."B THAT'S US MCGARRY'S STUDIO racK square - - - Next NOTICE ! Those not having received souvenirs of Poole Bros, may leave their cleaning at our branch office at Mrs. Denoon's Art Store, 41 Patton avenue and get one. Orders are especially solicited from those who have not, as as yet, had work done by us. POOLE BROS. FORD CARS OILS, GREASES, ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS D. C. Shaw Motor Co. PHONE 2260 18 East College Street Removal Notice R. E. BOWLES, Paint Store is again located at '28 N. Main Street. PHONE 407. BLANKETS $2.50 to S 10.00 COMFORTS $1.50 to $0.00 Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 S. MAIN ST. CLEARANCE SALE On Al l, Trimmed Hats Sproat's Millinery PARLORS Oates Bldg. Pack Squan RUGS 25 Cents Per WeeH 15 So. Main St. MANICURING Shampooing and Chiropody ii and all diseases of the skin tri by expert marinello operator, Complete line of the latest styltil HAIR GOODS. Miss Cruise's Shop 23 HAYWOOD ST. - - - PHONE ROLLER SKATING TODAY AND TONIGHT ADMISSION FREE SKATES 25c per Session The OLYMPIC PAVILUON SKATING - DANCING Corner Penland and Walnut Streets Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23-25 South Main Street Phone 887 AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRI Rates reasonable also Gen al Repair work. LYERLY MOTOR CO. Phone No. 1051. No. 10 W. Colfcn CHICHESTER S PILLS CkT.kM.tar a Il.m..JTlfM4 BROWNIE POUND PAPER 25c lb. Envelopes 10c pkg. In on It psper. Brownl pap?r e offer special alue for ih nrl. t OMt and you will Ond it equal or superior to higher onced BROWN BOOK COMPANY )iHJsito Post Office, Patton Avenue ... Phone L'!t " I X , Nancy Hall Sweet Potatoes t If you have ever eaten thetee no other kind will i,leaw W rni !. ii , . . .A rw ru-u, yeiiow ana very sweet. 40c per pit. Yates & McGuire 37 Haywood St. Phones 1715 and 1716 We have a good line of Kresh vegetables in the market It Is Always the UNEXPECTED That Happens" Frederick Rutledge, General .Agent for the Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Company of Philodelrhia, and the City of New York Fire Irjurance Company of New York, has just received notice of a big loss on the Oi.y Hall in Winston-Salem, N. C, hich was occupied by the Fire Department. Market House and .Armory. It has been thought by many O'ty Officials that it would be Impossible for a City Hall building of brick or stone con struction to burn, owing to the fact that same is occu pied by the fire depirtment v - Frederick Rutledge & Co. , an,,, vcr viawu.u a aa,n aa . J ..... a,.,. ,,,.iiia M, u,d with Hm RUtek UIAMON D II H A Vl" I'lLlaMM SOU BY DRUGGISTS I W. A. WARD ANYTHING ELECTRlCAH 12 Battery Park Placs Phone 44? LOGAN mi ii, ii v i TV1I.OB .. a , bb... a - -- a.- I 1 a.naal II, .11. 11 8 l'HCKtV Phone "07 If it is a Range you Buy a "BUCK'S" BURTON & HOLT on Till-: sgi Mil-: Tomato Seed For ,arllne-i. th' f'"'"." June Pink, alia r-r,) : For larf. .lie. '-m a. mid Brimmer Fur a a aM 1 .a a I'l'U I purpoae. inn . V.ll Th It.lllt. ' a an. , , i - . I... BfAatA Knvofltl' n . . . , , , .H Rock. All a rtlract from tha rro" 1 . ... .n ir"m i tlliiiwi wmm - mixed. 1 Gr.Mt'8 Pharmacy Phone 334. 7 llltl l.y M 'F.F.OS mm

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