1 PAGE TWO THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NEWS AprilS, 181C QATES PARK NOW MR. THRALL BUSINESS BLOCK HAS HOTEL PEOPLE ARE ASKED FOR DATA INSISTS ON TAYLOR for const II. menu. Senator Simmons Resists Sec retary McAdoo's Desire To Appoint Gouvenier. Store Opens 8:30 A. M. Closes 6 P. M. Saturdays 9. P. M. Mail Orders Sent Parcel Pott Prepaid RIS CORAM IMPORTANT PLACE SSION BRINES S2B.750 Baseball Players Doing Hard ; Receives Commission as Scout- Work Daily New Men Arrive. master of Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts of Asheville. The work of the players who have arrived here for the spring tryouts Roes merrily on, the men having been on the Held at Oaten park twice yester day, again litis morning and will go down this afternoon. The ground is i getting in good shape, with the excep tion of the outfield, which still remains a bit soggy in places, but it is believed that With the sunshine of today that this too will soon dry up and can be used to good advantage. The elimination work is expected to lie started by Manager Louis Cook this week, perhaps about the last day or two of the week and next week in it will continue until Asheville has se lected its regular roster of 13 men. There are il men signed for tryouts for the Asheville team and it is be lieved that no trouble will be experi enced in selecting the men to compose the aggregation that will represent this city in the struggle for the pen nant of the North Carolina league of Professional Baseball clubs. The local fans are showing their loyalty already, for each day large numbers of them journey down to Oates park and watch the boys go through the work of playing ball. Encouraging words are heard on every side and every fan seems to think it his duty to give the very best of ad vice and encouragement to the new men who are here. Yesterday afternoon three players reported for the tryouts, making In all something over 20 men now here. Herman Braekman of Cincinnati came yesterday'. He is an intielder. righ! hnndod. weighs 141! pounds and is five feet seven and one-half Inches tall. .1. .1. Foy of Winder. Ha., came to town yesterday. Toy is a right-hand-id intielder. weighs 13:. and is Ave feet seven inches tall. Hrlre l.ipe was The third man to arrive yesterday. Me Is from Baltimore, a right-handed out fielder, weight 17(1 pounds and is five feet ten and one-half 'nches tall. As was announced In The finzette News several weeks ago. the new uni forms for the Asheville players arrived this week and several of the players spent much time yesterday looking them over and making admiring re marks about the new colors of the suits. Secretary T. St. Duekett has Just received 3B,fiil tickets to. be used for grandstand seats during the games to be played here this summer. The tickets are printed In rolls and num bered. This seems to be a large num ber of tickets for the grand stand. but he states that even this amount may not be enough and will not be surprised to have to send nn order for more before the season Is over Information received in the . Ity last night was to the effect that Hcotl K. Chestnut, who officiated as an umpire in the Carolina league last year, has been appointed nn umpire in the Southern league. It was stated that Chestnut landed the position over the applications of 100 other men fur the same position. Blomberg Block on West Col lege Street Sold at Auc tion to J. M. Lorick. Rear. J. Brainard Thrall, pastor of the First Congregational church, has received his commission from the national headquarters, 3oy Scouts of America, as scoutmaster of troop No. 1 of Asheville, Buncombe county. Mr. Thrall was for years actively interest ed in the Boy Scout work in Irfices ter. Mass., where he was a scoutmas ter, and he is given the same number as scoutmaster here that was former ly accorded him in Leicester. His commission bears the signatures of Charles H. Livingston, president; Em mit Thompson Seton, scout chairman; Dan Beard, national scout commis sioner; James K. West, chief scout executive; and Woodrow Wilson, William H. Taft and Theodore Roose velt, honorary presidents. In making application for this com mission, Mr. Thrall sent in a list of 2 1 boys who had passed the tender foot test. Since that time five or six boys have joined the troop and successfully passed the test. The names of these have been sent In sep arately. He expressed hope today that there will be a number of others He is enthusiastic over the prospects to Join within the very near future for the work here, especially about the personal of the troop. After all memlwrs of the troop have successfully passed the tenderfoot test, they will begin training for the second degree of perfection. There is only one other regular degree be yond this, that of First Class scout although there are a number of spe cial merit certificates for accomplish ments along special lines. The boys are taking a most active Interest in the work, Mr. Thrall says, and he is confident that they will reach the le- ree of First Linss scouts in record time. The Blomberg block at the corner of West College street and Lexington avenue, containing five stores on the ground floor, the second and third floors being used for hotel purposes. was sold at public auction at noon yea terday for J26.7D0. the successful bid der being J. M. lorlck, an Asnevme real estate man. Lorick stated that he bid in the property for a client of Sa vannah but refused to make any state ment as yet as to what proposed devel opments, if any, will be made In the property. No statement was made, either, as to whether the property was purchased as an investment or for purposes of speculation. This block faces on West College street and was erected in 1906 by L Blomberg. It is considered one ofMhe best buildings in that Immediate sec tion of the city and real estate men consider the property a good invest ment as that section of the city Is ex pected to grow wonderfully within the next few years as a business center. The sale this morning was effected through the Southern Land Auction company. The sale had been widely advertised for some time and there was a big crowd present. There were a number of bidders and the contest for a while was fast. The Auction com pan v offered a prise of $20 in gold to persons guessing nearest the price to be paid for the property. This prize was won jointly by R. J. Worley and Jake Blomberg. both of Asheville. Each guessed the amount exactly that was finally bid for the property. There were numbers of other guesses within a lew dollars of the amount. Management of ,G. W. N. 0 Association Wants Informa tion at Once for Summer Booklet. Material is now being rapidly as similated for the summer booklet to be Issued by the Greater Western North Carolina association, and tt Is hoped to have cverythng in readiness for It at an early date so that the distribution of the booklet can begin early In the season. The management has Issued a request to all hotel and boarding house proprietors In the sec tion to send in information at once about their places, to be Included in the directory of hotels and boarding houses, which constitutes an Import ant part of the publication. Every hotel and boarding house proprietor in the seven counties com prising the association is asked to comply with this request without de lay, information is desired as to the extent of accommodations at each place, together with the rates charg ed. It is necessary to have a full directory- in order that the booklet may be a complete success and it is also of vital Interest to the proprietors to be represented In this directory, since valuable advertising is thus secured without any additional cost whatever. HMDS' ORAL TESTIMONY HAS BEEN COMPLETED President Rea Testifies Before Rate Increase Hearing of U. S. Commission. LEVER HAS COTTON TRADING BILL Suggests Prohibitive Tax on Futures Trailing Violating Regulations Adopted. CHARGE OF ASSAULT AGAINST TALE Stanhope Nixon Held on $1500 Bond for Attack Engineer. on Gazette-News Bureau. Wyatt Building, Washington, April t At a conference between Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo and Senator Simmons Wednesday, the question of who shall bo appointed collector of customs for the port of Wilmington was discussed at great length, It de veloped that Mr. McAdoo was still strongly in favor of the appointment of his personal friends, M. F. H. Gouvenier, and that Senator Simmons was equally insistent upon the nam ing of his choice. Col. Walker Taylor, whom he had already recommended for the job. Senator Simmons told the secretary that he would not even listen to the discussion of any other man for Col lector Keith's Job; that Colonel Tay lor was bis choice and was fitted in every way to fill the office to the sat isfaction of everyone. The senior senator explained to Mr. McAdoo that the appointment of a collector at Wilmington was his pa tronage, and that he had after care ful consideration, decided that Col onel Taylor should have the place. On the other hand Mr. McAdoo told Mr. Simmons that Gouvenier was the man whom he wanted to have the job. He said that he was a personal friend to Mr. Gouvenier. and had a personal Interest in seeing him ap pointed. Mr. Simmons could not bo con vinced, however, that Gouvenier should succeed Keith; and the senior senator left the treasury department under the impression that Taylor would certainly get the place. Colonel Taylor will be in Washing ton in a few days and will be pre- ! sented to Mr. McAdoo. Senator Simmons paid another visit to the postofflce department and McGraw Dry Goods Co. ONE MARKED PRICE. THE STORE POPULAR A Very Special Selling of Suits These suits are made by one of the Leading Suit Makers of Cleveland, Ohio, and are model suits, The Value is Positively 125.00, Special $15.00 McGraw Dry Goods Co. ONE MARKED PRICE ENTIRE FAMILY IS MISSING FOLLOWING FIRE IN TENEMENT Washington, April S President Rea of the Pennsylvania system was the last witness to Ik? heard yesterday before the interstate comnieree com mission on beholf of eastern railroads nuking for an increase In freight rates. Oral testimony for the roads was con cluded with li is statement. J. T. Wnllis. general superintendent of motive power of the Pennsylvania, Interrogated by Clifford Thome, ex plained that steel ears and heavier locomotives had induced an Increase In repair cost, while higher wages materially had added to that item of expense. 3. ft Bodgtrs, general superintend ent of the Pennsylvania, testified tlitit "charges to operating expenses on Washington, April 3 A prohibi tive tax upon cotton futures transac tions which violate regulations pro mulgated for reform of trading on cotton exchanges Is proposed in a bill which Representative Lever of South Carolina has offered as a compromise for the provision of a measure which passed the senate denying use of the mails to exchanges engaged in forbid den transactions. The hill would fix a tax of 50 cents a bale on future contracts which do not comply with the following re quirements: That they shall be in writing and now the quantity of cotton Involved and names of both parties; that they specify to the basis of grade, price a pound and month In which- the trade Is to he completed; that standards of grade fixed by the secretary of agri culture govern: that the actual com rnerclal differences In grade shnll New Haven, Conn., April 3 Stan hope W. Nixon, of New York, a Yale scientific school student and a son of Lewis Nixon, former democratic na tional committeeman, was formally charged yesterday with assault upon Edward H. Evetltt, chcif engineer of Southern New England Telephone company. His lawyers were not ready for the hearing and a continuance was granted until April 10, the bond of $1,300, set after his arrest last night, being renewed. He was not called to plead. His father, who came to the city that night accompanied the young man to the court house. The assault on Everltt. which nearly killed him took place last October. Nixon has told the police it followed a ' wine party which he and a number of other students had attended and oc curred while they were returning to their quarters. BALTIMORE DENTAL ROOMS Full guarantee with all work. Best materials used. PRICES: Set of Teeth ....... -r $0.09 Gold Crowns ...... $4.00 Bridge Work . , . ... $3.00 up Gold Fining $1.00 up Silver Filling ... . , 50c up On the Square Asheville, N. O. Over Nichols Shoe Store. Phone 1087. The Philatheas of the First Pres byterian church "will hold a business o-hon t. knd ift stated that ho rind ' meeting this evening at 7:S0 ocloclt recured a definite promise that the 120,000 federal road money which had been withdrawn from the state would again be placed at the disposal or Governor Craig. It Is now believed that the Mocksville-Statesvllle hlgh- at the class room on Church street Mr. and Mrs. Max Oelula entertain ed recently with a card party In hon or of Mr. and Mrs. fi. Alsensteln of Mew York, who are on a southern way will be designated and part. If t honeymoon. Th pearty was given at not all, of this appropriation used on ' the residence of the host and hostess this road. on Charlotte street and was attended by a large number of thler friends. Miss Franklin, Mrs. Denmeade and the Misses Dun of Columbus, O., are wipt Miss Chapman at Rosscraggoa for a several weeks visit. Pittsburgh, Pa., April 2 Two pn llcemcn were seriously burned and an entire family consisting of the father, mother and three children were re ported missing in a fire on the north side early today. Four frame tene ment houses were destroyed with a loss of $rfl,00O. Police and firemen rescued more than a score of persons. TIT GLADDENS I TIRED FEET the Pennsylvania system east of control settlement Instead of an nrbt Pittsburgh were i4,((t.tI4 in l!'10;trary rate fixed by exchanges; that and $::!, 41 1.210 In 9913 an Increase . ,-otton loWer than the lowest standard of 18.3 per cent." He said that ex pens! for maintenance of way during 1!I3 WOTS much greater than ever be fore and probably would remain at the present high level. No puffed up, burning, tender, sweaty feet no corns or callouses. OF HAS BEEN CHARTERED Authorized Captital $100,000 Asheville Laundry Company Also Chartered. grade or of less than ' or more than 1 H Inches length of staple shall not be delivered in fulfillment of the contract, and that five days notice be given buyers Mating the grade of each hale to be delivered. Contracts meeting th! requirements would be tnxed 25 cents a hale. Representative Lever said the hill had been drafted after conference with the secretary of agriculture and had the approval of the department. DOC" SMITH CONFESSES HIS PART IN MURDER Feudist Tells of Ambushing Callahan at Trial of Tom Davidson. Swannanoa-Berkeley hotel arrivals: J. H. White, Marshall: F. B. Austin, Lynchburg; W. B. Walker, New York city; l.. F. Endebrock and wife. Cin cinnati W. Van Amer, Washington: J. H. Williams, John J. Morgan and '.. . B. Vance, Charlotte; Jones Harnett Fletcher; .7. F. Davis, Staunton, Va.;l Statement of the ownership, man Willlam Henry, Minneapolis: W. fi. ngemsnt. circulation, etc., of Asheville Smith, Albert Edwarde and Ben FeW. I Garotte-News, published Semi-Weekly, Hcndersonvllle; Mrs. Rov S. Carmon, at Asheville. X. C required by the Sheridan, Wyo.; Mrs. Alice Carmon, act of August 24, 1912: Adrian, Mich.; E. U Burdlck. Pitts-' Note This statement la to be made burgh; Z. D. Christian, Bristol. I ln duplicate, both copies to be dellv- I ered by the publisher to the postmas- ! ter, who will send one copy to the O. R. I.lttle has returned to the i Third Assistant Postmaster General city from St. Petersburg and other (Division of Classification). Washing cities of Florida, where he has spent ton, D. C-, and retain the other In the the season. tiles of the poBtoffioe. Editor, W. A. Hlldebrand. Asheville, Phone your wants to 201. N. C; Managing Editor, E. Norburn, Candler, K. C; Business Manager, J. R. Law, Asheville. N. C; Publisher, Evening News Publishing Co., Aahe rtlle. N. C. Owners: (If a corporation, give names and addresses of stockholders holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of stock.) W. A. Hlldebrand. Aaherllle, N. C; Abbie J. Goodwill, Asheville, N. C, J. II, M. Hljde R. Law, Aaheville. N. C; brand, Asheville, N. C. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: Mrs. M. B. Patton. Asheville. N. C; D. C. Waddell. jr., Asheville, N. C; J. R. Law, Asheville, N. C. Avetage number of copies of each Issue of. this publication sold or dis tributed, through the malls or other wise, to paid subscribers daring hr slx months proceeding the date of this statement. (This information is required from daily newspapers only). This the 1st day of April, 1914. THE EVENING NEWS PUB. CO., J. R. LAW, Sec'y and Trees. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 2nd day of April, 1914. M. A. CREA8MAN. k (Seal) Notary Public. My commission .expires Js.nv 17, 191 3 Spf lai to The Gazette-News. Raleigh. April S A charter has been issued by the state to the Hank lot Cherokee. Murphy; capital stock ! 9100,000 authorized, and $ir.,000 sub- scribed by C. B. Bell and others. Also I Aahevt is Laundry company, capital ; J1C.009 authonzod and JiOOO sub- : scribed by J. A. Nichols und others ; has been chartered. ADJ. GEN. YOUNG ANO GEORGE GRAIG ON CRUISE Commodore llycr Dies. The following Item from the News and Observer of ednesday wilt be of Interest to the many friends of parties In this city: "Adjutant General Laurence W. Young and George W. Craig, son of Governor Craig, left this morning on an early train for New Hern where they win board the Blfrlda for a cruise of 'about ISO miles. "In Hwan guarter they will pick up their dear friend, the great friend of Winchester, Ky , April 3 "Doc." Smith, one of 1! men accused of having fired the shots which killed Edward Callahan, former sheriff of Breathitt county, went on the witness stand yesterday at trial ' of Tom Davidson, charged with complicity In the murder, and onf eased to having helped in the killing He testified that he, with Jim Dcuton and Andrew Johnson, went to Steep HllV which overlooked Callahan's store at Crock- ettsvllle, and concealed themselves In the underbrush. They cut small branches off trees and stuck them In the ground as resting places for their rillea When Callahan appeared at window of his ston the three fired. It is not known whose bullet struck Cal lahan, but two hit him. Asked If he was a good shot. Smith replied he had never been beaten. Smith testified that avidson knew of the plot to kill Callahan. Dan Deaton. One of the defendants. testified he heard Davidson say: "We must Rill Callahan." High Art Fine Suits and Trousers Made for Men Who Demand a First Class Fit in the Newest Cuts with all the Little Niceties of Finish. ' trinf.r Pnri, v wii f.. I he ground-hog. Col. J. P. Kerr, and I inodore George l Dyer, retired, U. 8. died at 3:10 this morning 'here. He served as first governor of Guam .md was at the Charleston nary yard for many. He was retired eight year 1 ago. j Revolution Reported. cello lain makes oitrnlng, tired dance with delight. Away rhea and pains, the corns, blisters, bunions and chtl- IrsWs out ths aches and pol puff up your feet No mat ard you work, how long you m far you walk, or how long la on your feet, ' TIZ" brings nifort. TIZ" Is magical, onderful for tired, aching. Wlllrniatad. Curacao, April 3 Ru mors are In circulation here that a revolution broke out on March 39 In the Interior of Venesuela. It is stated that the movement started In the state of Falcon. will carry him to Washington. From that place they will return to Raleigh about the last of the week. They will not be on the watar all the time. "The Blfrlda Is ths boat of the naval , militia and has had history a plenty. It will he commanded by Captain Uradhom and a crew of the New Bern division of the naval militia." 178.010 YORKSWREMEN HAVE LEFT COAL MINES, KINO OF SWEEDEN IS IN SERIOUS CONDITION Warrant lor Murder. ust tingle for Joy r seem light a ft cn: Fort Wayne, lnd., April I A war rant charging murder was swarn out gainst Anthony B. Trentman nfter the death today of II. J. Bruce, a lit how com-1 negro waiter, whom Tnsntman shot feel. Tourl In tho crowded grill rsfJm of a local shoes Hover i hotel. i.i of "TIZ" depart ssent forever Weahlngton, April 1. President whole year's foot comfort for nnlnr w (nation. Rtoekhllm, Hweeden. April 1 The condition of health of King Gueta continues to cause general anxiety. A bulletin Issued today by the ciurt phy sicians says: "Although the health of the king haa improved during the past week and although there Is no ground for uneasiness, ths reyal physicians have reoetumended his majesty to consult Professor Wtlhclm rievr. the epe- t :allst for Internal dtssaasB of Hstitol i erg, Germany, as tits tf ai none) of a return of Jhe sloes Ms from whloti he hss been Trsfsssnr Kleiner will Stockholm en atnrday " The king has been a fit Ijeeda. Bad . Anftl 9 All the mers In Yorkshire, numbering 1 ' , had left pits yesterday whan the last of. the notices to quit work e- fined. The men demand the introduc tion of a minimum wage seal The menus of eon! at the pit head are only sssHelent to last about week. After the' expiration of that j erlest the railroads and steel and iron works depeneing on the Yorkshire , iterlee for feel will bo seriously hamp ered tinu many el in men emplox-d by thciri rosy also be rereed Into idle. ' flvBSBBBBBBlBrW Tho cloths are in the pat tern favored by New York and London gentlemen who pay $50 to $8." the suit and are made by nulls known far and wide for excellence. Wo have them In regulars. sUsaa snd out. The cats are modified Knglish. sundry Norfolk. .Newport, Calvort, Hopkins ami Mhers. As te fit (that all Important part) the High Art people err almost In a class to shesneetves; the collar fit and the shoulder fit err superior to those of nearly all lusgsjsstlllli. High . .At mem. At 119 and at 111 10 several Arts In genteel neat mixtures. 119 to 9t( a great big assort At 919.99 to 199 a lot of hsndaoms uuelitsns. Boys 9 Suits Bring the little man in for a very atyliah Norfolk miit any where between $4 and $8.50. The assortment eanaot fail to pleate you and on our low cost wo put but living profit nothing fancy. MM ssjnllK XaB stfsa ;nd'..-a-1 jsjlee 3 for j u I Carlo. Egypt. April I James Gor. m Min Bennett's condition had Imnrov- M led this morning, according to the phy isK-ians. .no nsten mat the prnprte me Kr of ths New York llsrald had page- The Cheviot In grey end tea mis teres and the quiet twesu net snestrent y-u- s., mm h foe btn this year are ep riresrt on their H. REDWOOD & CO. J only Iglnla. I lihe usv 19 ire a goou mgni it