PAGE FOUR THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NEWS Wednesday, April 8, 1914 THE fiKETTE-liEWS PUBLISHED BY Evening News Publishing Co. ASHF.VILLE. N. O. SUBSCRIPTION RATES; Ashcvtlle and Biltmore On Week . . . Thra Month . six Mentha . . . Twelve Months .10 1 25 t.10 6.00 BY MAIlj, XX ADVANCE Three Months t 1.00 Six Months .00 Twelve Months 4.00 Any matter offeree for publleatlon that Is not classified as news, giving notice or appealing or project where an admittance or other fee Is charg ed is advertising and will be accept-Jw ed at regular rates only. The same1 applies to cards of thanks, obituary notices, political announcements and th like. ft ft The Gazette-News Is a mem ber of The Associated Press. Its telegraph news Is there fore complete and reliable. ft ft ftftftftKBKKt-KRftKK.ftKl Entered at the Postofflr.S In Ashevllle as second-class matter. Wednesday, April 8, 1914 THE BENTON REPORT. 1 The report of the Carranza com mission again brings before the world 'the killing of the British subject Ben ton, rii affair from which public at tention wan diverted by the advance on Torreon. This investigation was undertaken by the constitutionalists 9 a result of an agreement between Carrarixa and Villa after It was found that the United States and Great 'Britain would not credit Villa's first solemn assurance that the Lngltsh- man was shot after trial by court J martial. The Carranza investigators j find that Benton was not shot by Vil la nor even at Juarez, but by an asso ciate of Villa,, Major Radolfo Flerro. ,' st that time superintendent of rail ; ways for the constitutionalists, who, i Jt is said, had the Englishman in cus tody for deliverance at a prison In Chihuahua. Benton, It is explained, had been so insulting to General Villa that the arrest had been order- ed. Subsequently ho attempted to escape from the train and was shot. The intelligent reader In possession of these facts will conclude that Gen eral Villa even here la not divested of responsibility for the murder, with out consideration of the common re port at Juarez that Flerro is a no , torlous character who won favor with 'Villa by killing a Mexican whose ex Istenee. was undesirable to the gen- , eral. It Is ' true that Pierre, having j served his muter Inopportunely, U jnow said to be In prison and facing ihf probability of execution. But the j re port Is a sorry sequel to the long iptory of' evasion and delay. The con duct of the constitutionalists In this matter Is'ef a-part with their conduct in dispossessing and expelling the Spaniards after the capture of Tor reon. Their chief pleasure aside from fcrtffandajra seems In the embarrass ment of their almost solitary champ ion, sad apologist, the Wilson admin let ration. A New York magistrate has re- L. ... - - .. ,, I . ... fmlnded the police of that town that ; fit is a hard matter to please every body. Not leng ago a band of I. W, , W ' marched down on of the city's leading thoroughfares to advertise the fact that they wsre dissatisfied with the existing order of things and In cidentally to insult and threaten U7 hom such proceedings would be OWUBUiO HJEiAtUJlUO .safe. They were accompanied on UtlsL , , .... v w .... Special to The Gazette-News, expedition by detachment, of police., Kalfh, Aprll , Tn. lntrMtal. ,who failed to Interfere and conse- freight rate commission appointed .fluently brought upon themselves the denunciation of the city's press and srtany of Its residents. When the "reds" essayed a similar feat last week the police were ready for them and mounted men with clubs dts. persed the Paraders, breaking a few heads In the process. This time press and a relieved public applauded, but a magistrate released the arrested sfld denounced the police as severely for preventing a demonstration as the city had for permitting one. If President Wilson had been In- lined to rsullon. the votera of the Passaic district" would not have been Invited to "puss Judgment on the present administration."' but ss It Is hy numerous Republicans of the Seventh New Jersey rallied and ex - pr need the, r opinion In no uncertain lormully Bepuhllcan. there la nnth-; Mpeclal to The Gasette-News. very encouraging to the adminla-1 Forest City, April I. At the call lion In ihe Democratic vole. Tha j meeting by Chalrmea Carson Monday ejbd rendttat was a erase !" M"t1,urdion ,h, f"r . i . the prlmarv for all rnuffty and i. sl at ihcl hardly made the showing! i,(ivr candidates was sst August I. I might have heen i xpaoted in j The rules of fcls primary will be pree s nf 1 1 hot conditions ai I'atersen. tlcally 'he same as two year ego. - A recent organisation that has taken - . . . . . place In roreat City Is the'roreet City rrvousnras which secretary Development company. J. V. Ware nlels iikure for a dry navy" hsa beo nsmed as manager. The la occasioning at Washington is prob ably responsible for Secretary Garri son's haste In declining to go and do likewise and firm White House as surances that the flank attack on the Demon rum is merely a "department order" with which the President has no concern. THE TOBACCO HABIT. Oh, Clarence, do not learn to use those foulest weeds that grow; the foolish youth who smokes or chews is storing future woe. For year's Ive spent my hard earned-wheels to keep my briar fed; I always smoked save when at meals, or in my truckle bed. And t'other day the sawbones came, and took my works apart, and said while pawing o er my frame you ave a cabbage heart. It's fierce," he said; "I never seed such wild, spas modic thumps; unless you quit the noxious weed you'll surely bump the bumps." And now I've quit; life's on the blink, the world Is drear, my friends; and I can only sit and think of fancy Turkish blends. My nervous system is a scream, the tears stream down my cheek, and in my fevered sleep I dream of burloy and perlque. My agony is too intense to be before you lugged; I feel like twenty-seven cents, and ervery penny plugged. 80, Clarence, do not learn to smoke, and keep no pipes about; believe me son. it is no joke when you must cut It out. WALT MASON. Copyright, 1914 by The Adams Newspaper Service. PAYNE, COLORED SENTENCED ID S Bud Payne, colored, was the star performer in Police court this morning and drew a road (sentence of four months on charges of larceny, it. being alleged that he stole a dress valued at $i, property of Evelyn AgneiS, colored Hud appealed his rase and bond vs fixed at 1200. As usual Hud conducted his own case and cross-examined thi wltueaaex, o'ten to his sorrow, for sev eral of them told things on him that did not sound very good. Taking the stand himself. Bud told many tales of how he came to be in possession of the dress, none of which seemed to please the court. First he said that he bought It from a white man; then, changing this, he insisted that he bought the dress from Archie Plnkney, colored, and a warrant was sworn out against Anhie charging receiving stolen goods. He will be given a hearing tomorrow morning. Bud has been before the courts on numerous occasions and has a long record in both Police ami Superior courts. He always conducts his own cases while he has never addressed the court In his own behalf during the trial of the cases In Police court, he always makes a speech to the jury when his case goes up to the "big" court. THEY Jl UN PANAMA Americans who are proud of their great engineering achievement nt Panama would, if they were informed be no less proud of the social and re ligious accomplishments on the canal zone. The government deliberately went into partnership with the Young Men's Christian association to turnlsh amusement and recreation for the canal army In opposition to the dives and gambling hells of Colon and Pan ama. It was a successful experiment, and Is an inspiration to every Y . M. C. A. worker In the world. Thtr "ibject 1 fully treated In the chapter entitled, "Life In the Zone," In "Tho Panama (-'n'-" Frederic J. Haskln. Many excellent sermons have been prc,CB8d ,rom tMtI follnd , , chapter and every sociological student and cnurch worker should read it The Ashevllle Gazette-News Is now distributing this hook at cost price, but all readers are urged to get their copies at once. gAJg COMMISSION under the Justice act to pass on the reasonableness of the reduced freight rotes for Intrastate freight has re sumed sessions and will spend tho next several days In hearing the eroas examination of railroad officials con ducted by T. W. Blckett and associate counsel, aasutad by Kato Experts Hill man and J . L. Graham, retained to assist counsel for the state and ana lysing the mass of figures by the rail road officials in tbir direct evidence. The general purpose of the counsel for th statu Is to break down the contention set tip by the railroad companies thst to apply the Justice reduced fates In Intrastate business win nave me eneci or ruiung ins net rrvsnun nt I has t- llrrtn A sam...u. .,,,,,,, ,h - - " I per cent on tho assessed value of I 'be property required In handling the j 'niraststo business, JPRIMARIBS AUGUST 8 ( Jjf RUTHERFORD CO CURED HIS RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Dotors said my only hope of cure was an opera tion. Trusses did me no good. Fin ally I got hold of something that quickly and completely cured me. Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, although I am doing hard work as a carpenter. There was no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will give full Information about how you may find a complete cure without operation, If you write to me. Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 18" Careellus avenue, Manasquan, N. J. Better cut out this notice and show it to any others who are ruptured you may save a life or at least aop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an operation. company will sell or buy real estate, write insurance, loan money, etc. Following the visit of representa tives connected with coal Industries a coal chute will be put in at the Flor ence Mill here. PRE-SERIES CONTESTS AMONG BIG LEAGUES Philadelphia, April 8. The Phila delphia Nationals had the local Amer icans shut out until the eighth inning yesterday when the Athletics tied the score and won out In the ninth, 2 to t, The world's champions got one hit off Alexander In the five innings he pitched. The series now stands three to one in favor of the Athletics. Score: U. H. E. Nationals , 1 0 Americans 2 4 0 Batteries: Alexander, Jacobs anil Klllifer, Burns; Shawkey, Pennock und I,app. Brooklyn Wins. Brooklyn, N. Y., Aiiril . The Brooklyn" Nationals evened up the spring series with tile New York Americans yesterday, winning 5 to 4 . Krulbach and Mcllale were about equally effective. Score: R.H. B, New York . . . . 4 S 5 Brooklyn ' l " Batteries: McHale and Sweeney; lloultmch and Miller. Umpires O'Brien and Emslle. ARGUMENT IS HEARD IN TAP LINE CASES Washington, April S. Oral argu ment of the so-called "tap line" cases was heard by the Supreme court to day. On their outcome will depend whether branch lines reaching trpiu trunk railroads to lumber camps In southern forests are to be regarded as part of tho lumber plant or as com mon carriers. Attorneys for the "tap lines" con tended1 they were common carriers and as such entitled to share in the compensation received by the trunk lines fur hauling lumber to market. The government, however, and the trunk railroads argued that to nllow the tap lines tn share In the through rates would be to give their owners, who also own the lumber mills they serve, a rebate. Friend of Jnckwm Dcod. Winchester. Vaj April S. Rev. Dr. .Tames R. Graham, pastor of the Kent Street Presbyterian church bete for more than 40 years and Intimate friend of Stonewall Jackson, died to day. IIk was SI years old. During the early part of the civil war Stonewall Jackson made his home here with Dr. Graham. BANKRUPT NOTICE. United states of America, Western District of North Carolina, ss. In the United States District Cdurt in and for said District. In the matter of M. F. Albright, bankrupt. Petition lor Dbxhargc. To Hie Honorable Jas. K. Uoyd, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of North Carolina. M. F. Albright, of Wajntivllle, In the county of Haywood and state of North Carolina, In said district, re spectfully represents that on the fifteenth dsy of October last past he was duly adjudged bank rupt un'der the acts of con gress relating to bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all hla prop erty and rights of property, and has fully compiled with nil the require ments of said acts and of the orders of the Court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore he prays that he may be decreed by the Court to have a full discharge from all debta provable against hla estate under aald bank ruptcy nets, except such debts as are exempt ly laws from such discbarge. Dated this th day of Aprll, A. D., Ittl. M. F. ALBRIGHT. Bankrupt. Order sj Notice Thereon. Western District or North Carolloa. Counrv of Buncombe, aa On this 7th day of April. A D., ltU, on reading the foregoing peti tion It Is Ordered by the Court, that a hear ing be had on the seme day on the 11th day of May. A. D-. 114, before P. W. Thomas, as special Master, at his office. 31-34 American Natlonsl Bank building. In Ashevllle. In said district, at ten o'clock In Ihe fore noon; and that nolle thereof be pub llshed In Tile Oaaelte-News, a nevrs paper printed In said district, and that all known creditors and other persons In Interest may appear at the said time and place and show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted And It is further ordered by the court, , that the special master shall send by mall to l known creditors copies nf said petition a' d thla order addressed to them at their places of residence as staled. Witness the HoneraM TWae K Boyd lodge of the said -pint, and the seal thereof, at Ashevllle In aald district, en the 7th day ed April. A D., I'M Attest 1 M Mlf.rjKI'.v (leal of Cetirti ru By W. sV H YAMS. Deputy C!"r Mi POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CONGRESS I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Denux.-iv.tic Congression al nomination of the Tenth Congres sional District,' subject to the action of the Democratic Party. KOBERT K BFYONLDS. FOR STATE SENATOR. I hereby announce n.y candidacy for the office of State Senator for the Thirty-sixth Senatorial District of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. ZEBULON WEAVER. TOR REPRESENTATIVE NO. I, I hereby announce that I will be a candidate In the Democratic primary for the office of Representative No. 1 from Buncombe county In the General Assembly of North Carolina. GALLATIN HUBERTS. FOB REPRESENTATIVE NO. 2 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Repressntatlve No. 2 for Buncombe county in the Lower House of the General Assembly of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. L W. MORGAN. FOR REPRESENTATIVE No. 8. 1 hereby, announce my candidacy for the office of representative No. 2 from Buncombe county in the next general assembly of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. A LI. EN COCGINS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE NO. 2. 1 hereby announce that 1 will be a candidate In the Democratic Primary for the ofllce of representative No. 2 from Buncombe County In the General Assembly of North Carolina. II."L. NETTLES. FOR REPRESENTATIVE NO, 2. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of representative No. -from liuncombo county in tho nest general assembly of North Carolina, subject to the action of the, democratic primary. j. c. ourtis. FOR SOLICITOR T take this means of announcing that I will seek the nomination of the Democratic party lor the office of Solicitor for the Nineteenth Judicial District of North Carolina J. E. SWAIN. FOR SOLICITOR I lake this means of announcing that I will seek tho nomination for the office of Solicitor for t '. Nine teenth Judicial District of Noitli Carolina, subject to the actlca of tho Democratic Primary. . J. SCROOP STYLES. FOR REGISTRAR I wish to announce myself as a oandldato for the office of Register of Deeds of Buncom' a County, sub ject to tho action nT'rhe Democratic Primary, i appreciate ihe favors shown me in the past and promise faithful sendee in return if nominated and elected J. J. MACK BY. FOR REGISTRAR. I wish to announce myself as a .un dldate for the on ice of Register of Deeds of Buncombe County, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. Although 1 have been a life long party worker, this la tho first time that I havo asked a favor at the hsnds of the Democrats of the county. Very eapectfullv, 11. C. 1ILACKBTOCK. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate, for office of Tnx Collector of Buncombe County subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. C. P. (Hack) GASTON. FOR TAX OLLECTOR. I desire to h rewtth make an nouncement of mv candidacy for the office of Tax Collector Of Buncombe County and submit myself to the vote at the Democratic Primary. B. A. PATTON. FOR TB I M It I It I hereby annuunce myself s candi date for re-iicclcin to the efflce of Treasurer of Buncombe County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Very respectfully, T M. DUCKETT. FOR l I' i W I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Treasurer of Buncombe count) . subject to the ac tlon of 'the democratic primary. J. l.DD. RICDOK8H1BE. Asslea, N. C. FOR SHERIFF After having served as Deputy Sheriff for It ears I have decided t announce m- .if a candidate for Sheriff of Bunt' mbe county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. A. F. WEAVEn. Weavervllle. N. C. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candl data for Sheriff of Buncombe county, subject to tha action of the Demo cratic primaries. I have no money to spend for campaign purposes, being a poor man. and will have Id rely on my friends and their votes. If nomi nated and elected I pledge myself to give my beat attention to the- duties of ae office tvhieh I geek. WILLIAM D. TAYLOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date far the office of Sheriff of Bes eem be County, subject te the action of the Democrat r Prigeery. K If. MITCHELL. FOR HsWKUT. I wish to annoanos my nandidrv for the office of Sheriff ot Bnnromba eennty, subject to the osteon .at the 1 1' moo rat lc Primary If aemlnni -) and sleeted I will STVr the psvrplr of the munly Ihe aarse conscientious ser vice that my friends know thai I hav. always given In poblb office. w n. niKu We Put The "EE'S" In Eyes EYEEASE Increases your com fort and efficiency. Eyestrain Is at the bottom of many an ailment. If you suspect that your eyes are not right, our scientific ex amination will prove it beyond a doubt. Delays are sometimes costly. CHARLES H. HONESS. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN 64 Patton Ave. Opp. Post office FOR AUDITOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Auditor of Buncombe County, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic Primary. Very respectfully, E. M. LYDA. FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN I hereby anaeunce myself a candi date for tho office of Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, sub ject to the Democratic Primary. S. D. HALL. FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN. To the Democratlo voters of Bun combe County: Having received encouragement and approval from many of our best Citi zens in Ashevllle and the County, of my efforts to give a businesslike and economical administration of our County's affairs. I announce that I will lie a candidate for Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners in the coming primary. N. A. REYNOLDS. FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN At the earnest solicitation of many triads, I hereby announce my candi dacy for tho office of chairman of the Buncombe county board of com missioners, subject to tho Democratic Primary. D. H. WEBB. FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the oflico of Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners subject to the action of tho demo cratic Primary. Respectfully, ' W. JOHNSON. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. 1 announce that 1 will be a candi date for Clerk of Superior Court In the Democratic prlntary. e'er fifteen years 1 have ondcavo.'ed to conduct this office In a capable and efficient manner. I trust my experience and intimate knowledge of the require ments and duties of the office will be considered by the Intelligent voter In my favor. MARCUS EUWIN. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the democratic primaries. JOHN H. C'ATIIEY. FOR COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the olflCe of county commls sioner of Buncombe eounty.subjoct to tho action of the democratic primary Z. V. CREAKMAN, Blltmore, N. C FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I wish to announce myself as candidate for re-elei lio i tor the ottUe if County Commission of lljncomhe County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. J. C. COWAN. FOR COUNTY 4JOMM1SSIONER. I wish to announce myself as candidate for the office of county commissioner of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary. J. M. BROOK8H1BE. FOR COUNTY' COMMISSION Kit. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election In the office of County Commissioner of Buncombe county. Sahject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary R. C BALES. FOR COUNTY ( OMMflsSIONFR I h.'rehy announce myself as canril- date for commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. C. : WH1T30N. Swnnnanoa, N. C. FOR CONSTABLE. Belnc recently appointed by the bnrd of county commissioners to fill the unexpired term of F. M. Jones I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of constable of Ashe vllle township subject to the action of the democratic primary. CIIAHI.KS H. (Btl.I.l JOYNKR. FOR CONST SMUt I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Cnnsiahls of Aahevllle township, subject to the ac tion of the democratic primaries, W. . WYATT. FOR CONSTAM.F. I hereby announce myself s candi date for the oMce of constable of Ashevllle lownahlp. subject to the ac tion of the democratic primaries. MEN M. COLUNS. I OB CONST till. i:. I am a candidate for Constable: a union man nnd an experienced officer: s loyal democrat; a fntal abstainer from strong drink, and If chosen will rxtabllah an office nnd pledge my nest sen ice. Thanking you in advance. H. B JAMBS. FOR OOROXFR I wish to announce my candidacy for the office of coroner of Runcomb. County, subject 'to the action of the Democrat e Prlmsry 1 am In rlose touch with the. city end all parts of tne county by a good telephone sys tem snd the schedules on the Weaver vllle line rn such that my M-rvl would lie SS available, If elected, as If lived in AstMtville i prompts In sdvepee that I will give my I rsi ser vices lr nominate,) and elected. I J. N. Olll. M. D. - WeHvervllle. N. t tW rOROMFR T hereby announce myself a candl date for Hie democratic nominal i primaries Kt'UENE II. MURIUM Battery Park Bankl s. ASHEVTLLE, N. C Capital .... w. . . . . . , .; I-.! n .$100,000 SorplM and Profits $140,000 OFFICERS! James P. Sawyer, Chairman of the Board. C. Coxe, President. Erwln Hinder, Vice-: Do About Three Hours Less Kitchen Work Each Day COOK WITH ' GAS and save the time spent in carrying coal and building fires, etc. Think how convenient it is to walk into your kitoh cn at any hour of the day or night and havo a fire at your instant command by the simple process of striking a match. Gas Ranges $15.50 to $25.00 CASH OR EASY DIVIDED PAYMENTS Asheville Power & Light Co. ftione 69 ..mum-uii i, wi i sasgsP usmtaiBsmmmmm- puiii 11 .sijjj.ii us w a STREET CAR SCHEDULE HJ EFFECT JUNE 22, 1913 ZILLICOA AND RETURN -oo. im, en a. m. RIVERSIDE PARK :I0 and every 15 mln. until It p. m. nvvnirvTa 8:, m- B tvtrf u n,nu4i UH,fVl VIA until 1:15 p. m.: then every T SOUTHSIDE AVENUE minutes until S:45 p. in. Then sverj 15 minutes until 11:09. DEPOT VIA : ana ovary 15 minutes until 11:8 FRENCH BROAD AVE. M A MOT? (: 4:00 a m- and tncn veI"y minutes till 11:09 p. m, 1:19, 9:09 a m. then every 15 minutes CHARLOTTE STREET on m oo p n io oar come TERMINUS SSof" R,tuni '-v" " ot ,ta' PATTON AVENUE S&V? T" " v ' EAST STREET ii'oo"" " na YMy wnu uu GRACEVIA MERRIMON "TJ?? SS AVENUE every SO minutes till 119 a. m. 9:15 a. m. and than every If minutes HLTMORE till 19:99 i). m. Then every 99 mle utes till 11:90 last ear. DEPOT & W. ASHEVILLE fc m. ...d eV9ty ,i mll unt VIA SOUTHSIDE AVE. 09 P. m. last car. Sunday schedule differs In the following particulars: Car leaves square for Manor at 9:00 a m., return 9:11. Cars leave Square for Depot via Huuthelde Ave. 9.15. 9:99, 7:00. 7:10, 9:00 and 9:90. Cars leave Square for Depot via Frtnch Broad Ave., 9:19. :S0, 6:45, 7:15, 7:45 and 9:11. Car for Depot leaves Square 9:41. both Southslde and French Broad. First car leaves Squnre for Charlotte street at 9:09 a. m and every (9 minutes until 9:90 next 9:41. First car leaves Equate for Riverside 9:90, tieat 9:49. First car for West Ashevllle leaves Square :1S. 7:99, next 9:99. With the above exceptions. sUwday schedule commence at 9 a. aa and coptlnua same as week, days. On evenings when entertainments ara In progress at Auditorium the last trip on fit lines will be from entertainment, leaving Square at regu lar time and holding over at Auditorium. Car leaves Square to meet 91. night train. 50 minutes before schedule of announced arrival. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Schedule Figures Published ss Information Only snd Not Guaranteed 1 l l KtTIVF, MONDAY. JANUARY 4. 1114. ARRIVES FROM Eaatsrn Time DEPARTS FOR Eastern Time No. 9. Brevard and Lake No. 9 Brevard and Lake Toxaway 11: JO evm. Tosaway 4:50 p.m. No. 7 Brevard and Lake Toxaway 4:11 "m- No. 4 Kiv.imh and Jack- sonviile 11 Washington. New l:10, No. York. Norfolk and Richmond !;ts P-"- 13 Cincinnati, Louis No. ville. Memphis, m Louie :0B f "1 No. 19 Charleston and cc lumbia l" P No. II N. Y., Phllsdelphla, Washington : -m. t No. 19 Murphy 4k Waynee- yt la . . . .' : P.m.' No. 19 Murphy Waynes- vllle 1:47 p.m. 9:00 a.m No. II Wayneevtlle -No. II Ooldsboro and r.j: elgh 7:49 p.m No, 37 Charleston snd Co- lumbia No. 29 Cincinnati and Chi 7:30 p.m. cago .10:15 am No. 31 Washington, N. Y. and Richmond 3:40 am. No. 19 Momphls. Chatta noofa and Nsw Orleans 9:10 a.m. No. 41 Atlanta. Maeon end Nsw OrUans 11:16 am. No 102 IsTlstol. Knosvills . . t'hsltsnnoga 10:59 p.m. . Through sleeping cars dally to and fiom New York. Jhlladelphla, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond. Norfolk. Charleston. Cincinnati. Mem phis, Jacksonville, Fay-nneli. St. lunula, Louisville, Atlanta. Macoa. Birm ingham. Montgomery, Moi.n. and Nsw Orleans. Full timing car service trains Noa 9. 10, 11, II, 17, 29, snd Buffet din ing car No It and 10. Through cars Oollstioro snd Waynesvills. AI,F.V M. A It ICR, City Pass. TtcttaH Act. J. H. WOOD, Dir. Pass. A J. E. Rankin. Cashier. t O. Rankin. Asst. Cash. X no. s Brevard and Luke No. 9 1 Toxaway 9:05 e.m. No 10 Savannah, Jackson- vllle 4:10 p.m, No. 11 Clnnlnnatl, St. Louis -Msmohls M. T .... 1 - . vllle S:0S p.m, Ns. 12 Washington, N. T., Norfolk and Rich mond . . s t:JS p.m. No. 14 Atlanta V Charles ton 7:00 a.m. No. 19 N. Y Philadelphia, and Washington . , 7:09 p.m. No. 17 Waynesvills and Murphy 9:39 a.m. No. 19 Waynesvills and Murphy 9:19 r m. No. 31 Wayneevtlle 7:55 p.m. No. 32 Raleigh snd Oolds- boro 9:19 a.m. No. 2T Chicago and Cincin nati T:40 p.m. No. J9 Columbia. Charles ton . 10:35 am. No. IS Memphis. Ctyuta nooga and Now Orleans 10:90 p.m. No. 34 Washington. Rich mond snd N Y 7:10 s m. No. 43 Atlanta, Maeon and New Orleans 4:99 p.m. No.lM Bristol. Knosvtlle 4k Chattanooga 7:19 a.m. fcm

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