mm HH waSv Hill Imx '2m This Is from the Motion Picture Film of "Pauline" by the Famous Pathe Players. Vauiine Shows Mr. Marv in and Harry Her Story, "Fire on an Ocean Liner." The Perils of Pauline SYNOPSIS OF PREVIOUS INSTALMENT. i STANFORD MARVIN, wealthy manufac turer of automobllea, haa worn himself Ku .w.ruinrkr HI. tan Harrv. - m-w. r ' and his adopted daughter, Pauline, love each other, but ahe wants two years of thrilling experiences seeing life before mar rying. Her reason Is that she is ambitious to be a writer. Old Mr. Marvin asks to see hat she has written. While Pauline and irry are In search of a magazine contain- ng her first story, Mr. Marvin opens the Continued from Last Sunday. CHAPTER II. Copyright, 1914, by tne Star Company. All Foreign Rights Reserved. 3 LI) MR. MARVIN'S faculties re turned with a snap. There was the 111 I . I . UnJ V, K ,;',.,-, pis peculiar secure. His son Harry was summoning on the telephone Or. Stevens, the heart specialist, and Pauline, his pted daughter, was on her knees chafing Is hands and anxiously watching his face. hile Owen, the secretary, was pouring out dose of his medicine. But the peculiar ellow light had gone. And what about the ummy? K stood just as he had left it. lower half of the case was in place, the pper half was out, revealing the loosened ndages and Just a glimpse oi tne tore- ead. One strand of jet black hair hung wn. All was just as it was when the tie vial had fallen out "I'm ail right, I'm all right," protested r. Marvin, somewhat testily, as he twisted ut In his chair to get a good view of e mummy. "Look out, Marry, aon i step that little bottle." Harry looked down and picked up the y vial which had fallen from the band- s wrapped about the ancient form. 'Smell of it." his father ordered. v Harry ffed it and remarked that it smelted isty and passed It to Pauline. The girl ried It to her nostrils again and again. looked perplexed. Well, what do you think it tsT" asked old man. Why I can't remember, but I ought to dw. I'm sure I do know. The devil you do," muttered her foster r. ' What makes you think you ought BOW?" Why, It Is so familiar. I'm certain I've elled it often before. Haven't I?" 'Well, If you have, Polly, you are a lot ler than I am. older than anything in s country, as old as the pyramids. That ttle fell out of the mummy, and I can lure you it has been there some three four thousand years. When I smelted that bottle It had a queer effect on me. telt as if I were going to have one of fainting spells and was glad (o get tk to the chair. It's funny about that mmy. I thought she came out and ed to me. Why. father, what a horrible thing!" ipathlied Pauline. Not horrible at all. She was a beauty a princess. She was Interested In your tore, Polly, and she looked like ynu. too, Ipt, let's see yes, her hair was black, black, like that on lock you see hang down." Dh," Interrupted Pauline, "I wish my were black, and I often dream that It bad that 1 am walking around In a fty, white pleated dress and my feet Pjbare." jlnd a bracelet on your wrist your It wriair questioned Marvin eagerly. I don't remember." Pai'ltne replied ogntruiiy. well, we'll see If you had one and also ether I was dreaming or not." an- unced the old man with a half ashamed k as he rose somewhat unsteadily to his t Harry and Pauline tried to' keep him let He brushed their warnings aside d walked unsteadily to the mummy. list's see Its face," suggested Harry relessly. No." said his father. "I have au Idea hat this old but young lady would not care to have us look at her Hut there is one thing 1 must find out. I wapt to koow if be wears a bracelet of lluked scarabs on ler right wrist or not." All f ,l,L. u ,. , ,t,..r I. hAF In ll.r. who lived Intensely In the present, had no Interest In Kgypt, except that Pauline was torn and adopted as an orphan baby there. Usf asked nothing of the future eicspt that it allow him to marry this obstinate but fascinating little crsature at the earliest possible moment The question had been brought up half sn hour before, and be wanted It settled at once Hutrj wished they would decide about the mar rlafa Instead of fussing around with an READ This Amazing Novel Here Now Then SEE It All Presented in Wonderful Moving Pictures by the Famous Pathe Players case of a mummy just arrived from Egypt. Raymond Owen, his rascally private secre tary, helps lift off the front of the case, but leaves old Mr. Marvin to remove the mum my's bandages alone. Marvin during a fainting spell, sees the half-exposed mum my come to life, step out of her case, trke a bracelet from her wrist and try to force It Into his nerveless grasp, while her lips reveal a strange message from ths remote past. old mummy. "My son, I venture to say that you would have been interested in this young woman had you met her." "Possibly," the youth admitted with a slight yawn. "Yes." continued his father, busily searching for the mummy's right, wrist, "she was probably what you would call a peach." "She may have been a peach in her day," thought Harry, "but to-day she's a dried apricot." The elder Marvin's searching fingers en countered a hard object It proved to be a scarab, or sacred Egyptian beetle, carved In blackstone. "Did you ever dream about that?" asked Harry, chaffingly. "Yes, I have," replied Pauline. Both men looked at her to see If she were serious. "I dreamed that I was very sick and going to die, and an old man with a long, thin beard came in. He gave me a stone beetle like that. Then It seems to me they put it right on ray chest and they said let's see, what did they do that for? 1 think it was to cure me of something the matter with .ray heart' "Polly, said Mr. Marvin, "I never knew you had dreams like this. But are you sure they said it would cure your heart? Wasn't It for some other reason?" Pauline thought a moment while Harry lit a cigarette and his father worked his fingers down toward the mummy's right wrist. "No." said Pauline. "I remember now. It wasn't to cure It at all. It was to make It keep quiet." "Ho! ho!" laughed Harry. "I never knew of any one making It flutter much. I guess that was no dream." Harry's father silenced him with an Im patient gesture and turned to Pauline, who was watching the wind make cat's paws on the polished surface of the Hudson River "Go on. girl, go on. This Is remarkable. I have read of this custom In the Egyptian Book of the Read.' Why did they want to keen your heart quiet?" "They said," continued Pauline, dreamily, "that after I died my spirit was to be called before somebody Ood, I guess who would Judge whether I was good enoujli for Heaven or not That stone beetle waa placed en my heart to make It keep siloi'f and not tell anything wicked I might hnve done In life Aren't dreams crasy things? Bay. Harry, there goes a hydroplane." The two young people hung out the ppen window. The old man was absorbed, too. Ho had at last worked his fingers along the entire length of the mummy's right wrUt. It was dry and hard as any mummy he had ever serai, but It bore neither bracelet nor muv ornament whatever. "Well." he said, reluctantly. "It was all a ilream. interesting but .not Important. Like Polly's dream, It was Just the echo of some thing I have read or seen." "Oh. pshaw! what are dreams, anyway?" muttered Harry, with Impatience. "Dreams," said Pauline, authoritatively, dreams are the bubbles which rise to the surface of the mind when It cools down tn ""Now." observed Hurry, quietly, "when you and father are through talking about mummies and dreams I wish you would idcr something that I am Interested In. I'd like to know bow soon you are going to marry me?" "Where did you get ttiat definition of dreams. Polly?" asked the old cn. "From my story." Psullne. proudly. Both men at once remembered that she had gone to llnd the niegasiue and show them her flret story. They eagerly de manded to see It Pauline picked up the Cosmopolitan from the floor Sbe had dropped It In her agita tion at finding her foster father bad fainted. Sure enough, there It waj: "F1RI ON AN Ot'BAN LIN BR, By Psiliiie Marvin. It was not the biggest feature by any moans, but It was quite a little story, and there Were several big lud stirring Illus trations. Both men begged bar to read It Written by Charles Goddard, the Distinguished Playwright, "The Misleading Lady," "The Ghost Breaker," "The Man from the Sea," Etc. to them, but she modestly declined. Mr. Marvin adjusted his spectacles and read It through from start, to finish, frequently looking up to compliment the authoress on some point that pleased him. Harry looked over his father's shoulder, and there could be no doubt they were both held and even thrilled by the story. It was the tale of a young ship's officer who fell In love with one of the passengers a world-renowned dancer. The love was returned and all might have been well had uot the captaiii of the ship happened to be ' the young officer's father. The captain dis approved, and in his double authority of ciiptain and father he forbade the young man to have anything further to do with the, fair passenger. f Then came the discovery of the Are. It ' was in the cargo, and though serious, could probably be conquered in time. The great problem was to keep the passengers la Ignorance until the fire was out. The young officer told the dancer of the secret danger and persuaded her to give an exhibition of her famous skill in the forward saloon. Through her efforts the passeugers were saved from panic. When all was over and the fire out, the captain's gratitude to the young woman overcome his opposition and It ended as all true love sihould. Mr. Marvin clapped his hands and stnted In a loud voice that he was proud of her. Harry expressed his appreciation by a bear-like hug and a kiss, all of which she accepled with blushes and protests. "And er did they actually pay you something for this?" asked the old gentle man, whose orderly, bufdness-llke mind classified things as much ns possible accord ing to their financial return. "Oh, yes." Pauline ns.sured him, "they sent me a check at once. It paid for that frock you told me was too extravagant." "A hundred dollars?" ventured Il.nrry from the depths of his ignorance of things feminine. Both Pauline and his father cast pitying glances at him. "Look here, young man." snld the elder Mania, "whoever led you to believe thnt you could buy dresses for n girl like Polly nt n hundred dollars? If you contemplate matrimony on any such deluded basis ,is that you had better buck out now before It's too late. Isn't that so. Polly?" "Why. father," protested the youth, "what do T care what her dresses cost? Polly knows everything 1 bave or ever make Is hers, and I can't think of a more satisfactory way of spending It than on her." "That's fine. Harry," laughed the father, "you have Just the ideal frame of mind and the proper sentiments for a modern husband. Y'ou will find. too. that women are very reasonable. If a man gives his wife all he makes, plus tbe vote, and lets her do just as she pleases, she'll usually let him live in the same house with ber, and even get up early enough to see blm at breakfast once in a while." "I agree to everything," declared Harry, with the reckless abandon of youth In love. "But I want to know how soon Polly is going to marry me." Pauline, who had said nothing In an swer to the preliminary skirmishes, now recognized the main attack and opened up In reply. "I told you I would mairy Harry some time, but not for a year or two. you ad mitted that a writer ought to see life In order to write well. So there you are. I must have a year or two of adventure. There are a thousand things 1 want to do and see before I settle down as Mrs. Harry Marvin. Suppose we say two years." Harry staggered back as if from a blow. Two years! How preposterous! He couldn't live that long without Pauline. In vain he hurled hla protests and objec tions. She stood, sweet, unruffled, sym pathetic, but as firm as the Rocky Moun tains. The old man listened to the debate for some time without comment Then he pressed a button on his desk. In answer to the bell came Raymond Owen, the secretary. He had shown the good taste to retire from the library as soon as the- conversation became personal. From tbe vantage point of a room across the ball he had been quietly listening and This la from the Motion Picture Film of Tht Sad Death I i Mk ft fc I J 1 k ' ft E9 """fMr decided it a rather unfruitful piece of eavesdropping. He looked the faithful, deferential employe In everv line as he entered. It was natural Iot him to look honest because he had been honest until a few years before the morphine habit ruined him morally. "Come here, Raymond," directed the old man, as sharply as a commanding of ficer, 'and you, Harry, and you, Pauline." They obeyed and quickly lined up be fore his chair with rather surprised faces, for Mr. Marvin only called them Pauline and Harry when he was very serious. "Raymond, this is the situation: My son loves Pauline and wants to marry her at once. I have no objection; in fact, I would like to see them united at once, but Pau line demurs. She loves Harry, but feels she ought to have two years to see life be fore settling down. Two years is too much." "I should say so," growled Harry. "But, as my old grandfather, who has been gone these forty years now, used to say: 'When a woman will, she will, and when she won't, she won't and there's an end on't.' I don't blame her for want ing to have her own way. It's the only plan I've found to get along in this world, but you can't have all your own way. You have to compromise. So Polly is going to have one year that's enough. "During that year, Raymond. I'm going to put her in your care. You are older and more prudent than either Polly or Harry and will see that she comes to no harm. Take her anywhere she wants to go around the world if she likes, to do any thing within reason. Do you agree?" Mr. Marvin looked at Owen, who ac cepted the duty as calmly as if It were an order to post a letter. Polly also con sented after a moment's hesitation! Harry alone protested and argued. It was a hopeless case and he yielded to over whelming odds. This matter settled, Mr. Marvin's mind returned to the inummy and his curious delusion that It had coiue to life. While Owen perused Pauline's story and that wilful young woman herself tiled to cheer up her disconsolate lover, the old man re turned to the mummy. He had searched for the bracelet on the right wrist, but, after all. perhaps the Egyptian might have slipped it onto her left wrist in her hurry to get back. '"Jdere it 1" he shouted suddenly; "there It is the bracelet. She wore It on her wrist and he told her to give it to Polly.." Mr. Marvin held In his hand a bracelet of scarabs linked together, it looked to him to be the very one the reincarnated mummy had worn, harry and Pauline in wonder came to him. and It was well they did. Tbe excitement and exertion had again overstrained his failing energies. He tottered, and they were Just In time to save him from a fall. It was another of his fainting spells, and they lowers:! him gently into his chair. But the old man was not uncon soous yet. Feebly he repeated to Paul line, "Wear this bracelet weur it always promise." Pauline promised, and slipped it on her wrist without more than glancing at it. The old man's eyes closed, uud it was clear that this faint was more berlons than his others. Harry, about to tele phone for Dr. Stevens again, was greatly relieved to see the physician stride into the room. There was hardly need of the stethescope to tell hjm tne end was uear. A sort of telepathic signal warned every one in that mansion that something had happened to the master. When he was carried upstairs to his bedroom It was under the eye of all servants. Even before he was undressed and In bed Dr. Stevens had prepared and admin istered a hypodermic. The patient's eye lids fluttered and l)r Stevens listened te the faintly moving lips. "The will." called the doctor, "what about the will?" He glanced at every one, but nobody knew. A shadow of anxlelv passed over the "Pauline" by the Famous Pathe Players. of Mr. Marvin 1 - Him W -ilHPM 1 tMm Hit This Is from the Motion Picture Film of The Disreputable Hicks Whispers features of the dying millionaire. Dr. Stevens could see that something of seri ous importance was on the old man's mind somethlua; of importance about his vast property. Once more he listened and then hastily drawing out his prescrpition pad and fountain pen he wrote a few sentences at the dying man's dictation, while the pa tient rallied and opened his eyes. The physician held the blank before his pa tient, who read it through and nodded. Dr. Stevens then placed the pen In the trembling fingers and guided his signa ture. A moment more and the physician had signed it as a witness and the butler had done the same. It occurred to Dr. Stevens that Mr. Marvin might be able to read thU hastily written will again, and he called for more light. "Turn on those tungstens," he ordered, and placed his ear to the faintly moving lips These were the words he heard: "Tungsten valve and" armature connect ing rod and tracks "Rocker-arm and counter shaft and over head and tax." Thus the old manufacturer died as he had lived, with his mind on the great in dustry he had built up. Dr. Stevens won dered if he would be happy In any heaven unless it contained nil precious rocker arms and counter shafts, tungsten valves and tracks. The will written on Dr. Stevens's pre scription pad was given to Owen. He went to his room and examined it It read: "Bodley Stevens, M. D. "fix. I bequeath naif my estate to my son, Harry, the remainder to my adopted daughter, Pauline, to be held in trust until her marriage by my sec retary, Raymond Owen." Then followed the signature of the de ceased and that of the two witnesses. In vain Owen looked for the handsome be quest to "the faithful secretary." Thla was a bitter disappointment, and he con sidered for a moment the advisability of destroying the will. This would make valid one of tbe earlier wills in which he knew he had not been forgotten. The folly of such a course became evi dent after a tew moments' thought. Dr. Stevens, the butler, and several others knew the contents of tbe document. It was so simple that its meaning could hardly be confused or forgotten, and every one knew it was In his keeping, it occuued to Owen that quite likely such a hast) death-bed will written by a doctor unskilled in law might not be accepted by the courts. Early the next morning Owen suspended his work of answering telegrams of condo lence long enough to make a hurried trip tn lower Manhattan, where the late Stan ford Marvin's lawyers had offices. Owen had taken pains to first telephone the law yer and excite his curiosity about the strange prescription pad will. By this lit tle piece of forethought lie escaped the usual hour's wait which law yers habitually Inflict on such of their clients as they dare. Tbe senior member of the firm read the document through. He frowned at it and shook his head, for this sort of document Is always distasteful to legal lights. Here was the will of one of Americas wealth iest men, which should have contained 20,000 words or more, all In the compass of less than thirty, written In a few sec onds by a doctor. In vain the great lawyer cudgelled his brains for some flaw. The will ought to be wrong, but it wasn't The meaning was so clear that even a court couldn't mis understand It, and the fortune was left to Ills , natural beneficiaries. The lawyer heaved a sigh and said plaintively: "Too bad, too bad. Why didn't tbey call r Then this will Is not valid?" asked Owen. "Oh, no. It will bold; but what a pity that such a great man's last will and tee lament should be such an well, no well, this Instrument Is not worthy of convey ing such s great estate." He contemptuously slipped the simple document Into an envelope find placed It in his safe. Owen picked up his hat. bnt hesitated at tbe door. A question was foimlng In his mind and with It a hope. "Mr. wr.mardlng," ha asked finally, "In case Miss Marvin does not msrry who would have charge of the atate?" "I should say," replied the lawyer. "In reply to your question that the osuu would be held In trust by you." While Owan was hurrying back to the house the lawyer's bookkeeper was enter "Pauline" by the Famous Pathe Players. a Terrifying Suggestion to Owen. ing on the debit side of the Marvin aoeorint the following items: To telephone conversation with secretary $1 0.00 To examination of will J 100.00 To consultation with secretary regarding interpretation of will $25.00 Returning to the house and entering the library Owen was confronted by the un welcome spectacle of Montgomery Hicks, generally known as "Mug." Hicks, with, his gaudy attire and ugly face, was always an affront to the eye, but to Owen he was a terror, for he held the power of black mall over the secretary. Owen shrank at the sight of his enemy, but Immediately took courage. Thougn Marvin's death had left the secretary no legacy It had also robbed the blackmailer of his power. Hicks advanced with what he Intended to be a winning smile and extended a hot, fat hand. "I see the old man has croaked and I was just dropping in to talk business," Hlcks's newsboy voice growled out. "Hicks," said Owen, keeping his hand in his pocket, "you came here to get your money out of the legacy old man Marvin was to leave me. Well, you won't get It and you never will get It. Marvin didn't leave me a cent, so there is nothing for you to get. He did leave me a Job in his will, a job that will last for a year, and neither you nor any one else can force me out of that Job. You can't blackmail me any more." "At the end of the year what becomes of you?" asked Hicks. "Then I get a position somewhere else; but that Is none of your business." "You don't want a position, Owen. A , position calls for work. You don't llks hard work any more than I do. Y'ou can't stand work much longer, either. Look at your eyes and your skin. How many grains do you take a day, anyway?" "I haven't touched a grain of morphine In six months," lied Owen. "But get out of my way you can't get anything out of me and you can't blackmail me. If yon -come to this house again I'll have you thrown out." "Just a minute," said Hicks, as pleas antly as he could, straining his coarse features Into the unaccustomed position of a smile. "I didn't come to get money out of you. I know all about the will. What I came for was to help you and give yon a tip. You and I can make a lot of easy money together. You've got the oppor tunity and I've got the brains. Now. to show yon I'm your friend, look at this." Hicks handed him a paper which Owen read with surprise. It was a receipt In full for all Owen owed. Owen put It tn his pocket. "That's right, keep It. You snd I are going to be so rich before long that a mat ter of a thousand or two wouldn't be worth Ulklng about between friends." Owen bad been under the thumb of this man. had feared and hated him and hoped for the day when he might sneer In his face and defy him. This was the time, and yet he felt Hicks bad something to offer. He was In temporary charge of millions. There should be. there must be. some way to make this control permanent or else to delve Into these millions while they were In his csre. As Hicks hinted, this was sn opportunity and he needed not brains, but rather experience and advice. Owen had been a rascal only a short time, why not tnke a partner Ilka thle man Hleks? He would prevent mistakes, and mistakes are all a criminal need fear. Owen fingered uneasily th paper Hicks had put In hla hand. He drew It out of hla pocket yes, It wae a receipt In full for alt that Owen owed the scoundrel. What, could be Hlcks's scheme? Owes turned a puzried and worried gaxe upon his com panion, s Hicks observed him closely, read the misgivings In Owen's mind snd. drawing close, whispered something In the letter's esr. But Owen's drug-saturated nerves trem bled at the thought He pushed Hicks sslde snd wslked rapidly out of the room, calling over his shoulder: "I won't havs anything to do wPh you I don't want you to come near me nor speak to me egahv I'm done with you." "When you want me you know where to find me." was Hlcks's parting snswer. Acenrdlas; to his line of reasoning be would not have to watt very lone. Te Be Continued In This Newspaper end Don't Forget Yoe Can tee every Episode ef "The Perlle of Pauline" In Wonderful Moving Pl turee.

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