Monday, April 20, 1914 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS page rnrntBn FSusi Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Provisions, Bfton ey New York, New Orleans, Chicago and foreign Market News. V NEW YORK STOCK LIST. Close. .taialgmited Copper ... 73H Aimer Agricultural 54 Mfner Can 25 Miner Car & Foundry ... 49 iftner Cities pfd 61 W Aner Smelting WH itroer S'igar 100 I Arner Tel & Tel t Atchison Baltimore & Ohio . . i. I tjanadlsn Pacific I Chesapeake & Ohio . I (flilcago Mil & St Paul t ! ' 120 i So 88 189 'ii 6 1 i 8i 27 144 tseneral wiectrtc . Great Northern pfd 122 "OTllnois Central 110 Kansas City Southern 24 Mexican Petroleum .... 3 Missouri Kansas & Texas ..... 115 K T Central 87V M T., N. H. A Hartford ..... 69 Jwrfolk A Western 103 Northern Pacific - 109 Pennsylvania .. .. i 109 Reading , 161 lipp Iron & Steel ..' 22 Hock Island Co pfd 5 Seaboard Air Line 19 f&aboard Air Line pfd 83 Southern Pacific 1 Southern Railway 2 4 ffouthern Railway pfd 80 ifcnn Copper 22 Texas Co .. .. . 139 Dnien Pacific .. 153 IT 8 Steel . . .. 58 TS Steel pfd 109 Western Union 61 CHICAGO GRAIN QUOTATIONS. WHEAT Open. Close. May 91 HI 91 Upy 88 85 :, 'CORN rlfey. :.; 64 July 4 63 64 26' 26 2007 8015 IMS 145 OATS May .... .. 36 iJuly 36 MESS PORK, per bbl. -2013 ly 2002 LARD, per 1O0 lbs. Hy .... 1023 tJfly .J 1 SBHORT RIBS, per 109 lbs. May 1090 .1100 .July 1110 1130 NEW YORK MONEY. New York. Atril 18. Call money nominal; no loans. Time loans steady; 60 days 2 H : 90 ilays 2 six months S' Mercantile? paper SV4 0J4. Sterling exchange steady; fit) days 485.20;- de mand 487.05. Commercial bills 484 Rar silver G8.14T Mexican dollars 45. Government bonds easy. Railroad bonds steady. COTToN Ft'TTJRES OPENING. Now York, April 20. Cotton fn- Ltures opened steady. May 19.40; July tl 2U . i : .V upriist 11.38; uetnner 11.09; December 11.47; January 11.42. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. i Chicago, April 20. Hogs, receipts r.000; slow; bulk of sales 8.608.70; light 8. 5008.75; mixed 8.508.7t; ieavy 8.25gi8.72; fough 8.25M8.40; pigs 7.2(08.40. Cattle, receipts 25,000; lower; beeves 5i9.45: Tea steers 7.15-8.20; letters' and feeders S.60O8.05; cows hl'ifers 3.65!?i 8.60; calves 6.00fo 16. Sheep, receipts 23,000; plow; native J07.0; yeanling 5.HOA7.60; bs, native C.2Cf 8.30. -. over the remains of Isaac Is. the Tin who was brought to the islon hospital from Sunburst last ursdny suffering from injuries re sed when n tree fell on him, dying tday night, were held this morning the chnpel of the Noland-Rrown jpany 011 1 Huron street, rtev. n- 1 D. Peters, pastor of the Eman Evangcllcal Lutheran church of ting. The Interment followed at erslde cemetery. uMor T. II Thornton of New York, resoniaiive of the International lil- KUiiUur nseoututlun, spoke to a te audience at the Majestic theater Itrday afternoon. His subject was. Irlm'K Si ootid Coming: Wh '.' How? N? 11 " This u the second lecture k glen under the auspices of the Cludon. the first one being hold ay. April 1::. and one more will ivcii. ino date r which will be Unci il thin week. It Hollyflald ot Marshall was hi to the Mission jtmspltal yes I from Ills home. suffering from (lined lea, . aiis. .1 when a horse J In 1.1. Mo as operated on and sistoil 1 "day that - he Is restlnjr It l. stated thnt th Injured man l a lii cry stably in Marshall, and , passlim a' .ill .1 horse kicked final nrinir I In- hone of the left iihi iilmve irre knee. He was at at once, but realising the -hvh of the fracture he Was hi to Ibis city and taken to the knt) one Die Mi nuts belonging In vi lb iriiop'No I. accompanied Ir nconlniiuitii . Itev, J 11. ijkeil 01: .s.ii 111 il.n tot li,. heail rdam creek rove, making pip nr. hv the side of the 1 Ho- on hnrd plnor of Hon. A . Webb, whose enn. Stafford n member of the troop Nelti irt'iH a bollil.i'. 1 In troop la s hike in Cedar cliff, 1 amp aver idght and rtturnlng on . 'I'lii- scoutmaster also haf j i ipimy 1 hem on this h In the most ambitious (he I City News FUND IS GROWINQ TO NT FOB BAND Fans Are Urged to Contribute Towards Making Baseball Parade Successful. Baseball fans have Just two more days in which to contribute to the fund The Gazette-News is raising for the purpose of securing the First Regiment band, to lead the mammoth parade which will be held on next Thursday, the opening day of the league season In this city. Realizing that, the parade would hardly be worth while witnout a band and its stirring music and know ing that the parade 1 very essen tial to drawing a large crowd for the opening day. this paper Is attempting to raise the money to pay for the band, as the financial condition of the club is such thaj It can not afford to pay th band. . This makes the third appeal the paper has made to the fans to cntribiule to the fund and already the sum of $24.50 has been secured. But that is not enough and only two more days are left in which the meny can be raised. The band will consist of 16 pieces and will cost $45.' By the fans of the city, those who want Ashevllle to win the handsome silver cup offered by the 'president of the league for the club having the largest number of paid admissions on the opening day, coming forward now and contributing to this fund, the money can be raised In good time to hire the band, thereby making the parade a huge success and insuring a larger attendance than would be otherwise. Any amount will be received for the fund and you can turn in your own name or Just say "cash" or "fap," and the amount will be run in this paper. Contributions can be left at Barbee's, Fater's or Schand ler's cigar stores and they will be turned over to rthis paperi- or- the money cajt be sent to the,, sporting editor of The Gazette-News. The fund to date is as follows: Previously acknowledged .. 114.00 Rrnard & Johnston, $1; C. E. Sor rels, 50c; Harry Theobold, 60c; .A. A'. Yount, 50c; A, C. Glenn, 50c; Wit- burn Uaird, 50c; Mack Williams, 50c; Bloni berg's Sporting Goods store $1 A. A. Paul, 50c; C. L. Sykes, 50c; D J. Jackson, 50e; Ashevllle Steam Laundry, 11; S. A. Lynch, $1; cash $1; cash 50c; Dr. J. W. Hunirlcutt, 5 0c. FINANCES IRE LITTLE AFFECTED BY WAR TALK Sentiment Is Mainly Bearish However Developments Are Awaited. New Yorlk, April 20. The Mexican situation was almost the sole tpolc of discussion In the financial district to day, yet aside from temporary weak neas in storks at the opening Wall street showed no uneasiness. Interest centered largely around the president's proposed message and traders were inclined to await its de livery before -assuming a definite Stand. Sentiment was mainly bearish, how ever, on the theory that the Imme diate course of events must make for greater uncertainty.,, MINISTER DEFENDS MEXICAN POSITION (Continued from Page fJnc). gone ashore In uniform without per mission of the military authorities, the port being at the moment not only In a state of war but under attack by rebels, the charge d'affaires of the 1'nlted States and the minister of for eign rclallons of Mexico, acting In their official rapacities agrje as fol lows: "First That the Mexican govern ment, inspired by a desire of showing the good wilt It feels toward the peo ple of the United states and acting In the same manner wherein the United mates hss done In similar rases, hinds Itself that the1 American dag be saluted At TMipICO by 21 guns from the Mex ican shore batteries or a Mciican war Hh'p In those waters. "Second That the ennnon referred to In the preceding article shall bs lired at Ihe moment when the Amer ican Dag shall be hoisted to a mast head on th Mexican shore. "Third That Ihs gnvernmaltt of th United Stales binds Itself to salute tl, Mexican flag Immediately following (he salute by the Mexicans to the llHg with 21 guns of the man-of-war Dolphin or any other battleship at anchor In those wa era "Fourth The guim to which thf liroi eillnt articles refer shall' be fired at the iiionn tif when lhJHexlcan flag shall be hoisted to the top of a mast of the foregoing man-of-war or of anyMult and one of a disorderly nature other warship In those wnlers and to this end both contracting parties at tached their signature." This formal reply was handed to Charge 0'Hhaughii''y nt exactly s n'vloek last evening, llurita displayed comparative IndlrTfrence to the crisis and passed several hours last evening listening to the band in Chnpullspnr park. Several hundred American res Idrnts apthl the evening at the Amir Iran i tub at a dinner. KVKIIV Mi sI PAY DKMffllATK o ri .lt HIM ItlLLT.W OF TWO noi.i.uis III. I oill Mi lllthT, II ll: WANTS TO VtrTK IN' THE PRIMARY. Ill M I M III It T II K. I) Ml. Ml I I US I lAM'lh M. 11(11 IINE. UHAIKMAN, .'.-MM. RUB MATTERS OCCUPY TIME OF COMMISSIONERS "m Some Lively Tilts Featured Special Meeting of Board Today Transactions. Routine business and special road matters occupied the attention of the Buncombe county board of commis sioners at the special meeting in the ! court house Saturday.' The first matter to be taken under considera tion after the transaction of routine business was that of placing a bridge across the Swannanoa river at the Katm school. There was a rather warm debate on the matter, after which it was decided to construct the bridge according to a previous ar rangement. Dr. Bogers appeared in this matter on behalf of the school, while Allen Coggins represented a large, delega tion of citizens, presenting petitions to have the bridge constructed at the Coggins ford Instead of at the school. Dr. Rogers, in his talk to the commis sioners, referred to Mr. Coggins as a politician who could easily secure sig natures to a petition. The latter re torted by charging that Dr. Rogers Is not a citizen and therefore was in a delicate position to make such refer ences. The matter was at last amica.- hly adjusted when the commissioners tiled the petitions presented by Mr. Coggins for future consideration for a bridge at the ford. Another little difficulty, between the commissioners themselves, ,'also feat ured this session when a report was submitted by the county engineer and Commissioner Buckner on the location Of a road through the Weaver prop erty on the French Broad river. Chairman Reynolds objected to the location in many instances but his ob jections were finally voted down bv the board and the report was adopted. Mr. Buckner and the engineer were appointed as a special committee some time ago to make report o.n the loca tion of th road. A committee composed -of Mayor J. E. Rankin, Ir. M. H. Fletcher, V. Stikelcather, N. Buckner, E. C. Cham- bers and E. C. Sawyer, representing the oJty of Ashevllle, the Good Roads 1 association, the board of trade and other organizations, appeared before the commissioners in the interest of the early completion of the Buncombe county liak of the Ashevllle-Charlotte highayM It was suggested by the committee that an additional force of men be placed on the work so that H can be completed by July 1 5, when it was stated that thotate convicts will complete the Hickory- Nut gap link to the Buncombe county line. The com missioners assured the committee that the road in this county will be com pleted by then. 1 IS OF CRIME DONE IN 1117 Man Setenced For Larceny in 1877 Is Pardoned by Governor. Special to The Gazette-News. Raleigh, April 20. Governor Craig j has pardoned .lonn . nanuier. con- victed in 1 877 for larceny. In Mitchell cottntv. Me served moiv than a year I "fore he escaped. Since then he has ed an exemplary life. Gov'. Craig auyg: "In 1877 the defendant was fottnd guilty of larceny and breaking Into the storehouse of W. S. Hyams at Kakersvllle, and sentenced for ten years. After serving a year, he made his escape. Seven months later he returned to the state's prison. The pardon is strongly recommended by W. S. Hyams and other good citizens." POLICE COURT UI.l, il... ..aaiiIIaii if i-t a i It n i' riMi ...... ... r-VK""" v - " In Police court Saturday varantt we're the main attraction them appearing on the docket. One was found not guilty, another received a sentence of 80 days and a continu ance was taken in the other case. The record is as follows: Calvin Williams, colored, was given AO days on the roads on charges of being a vagrant. He appealed and bond was fixed at $100. On the samel charge Aleck Salterwhlte, colored, i waa found not guilty and a similar case against Arthur Banks, colored, I waa continued. Dan Michalove was fined 88 and the costs for speeding. A nol prosse with leave was (aken in the case against Tom Itevis, col d. charged with running a dance nail without license. The cases against Charlie Taylor ami Albert Solomon, colored, for rldlag bicycles without bells were t continued. Ralph Arbogast was taxed with one , m ,L. , ... ..j-i.iIh-. . . . n I half the costs for violating an auto mobile ordinance. Charles Redman was fined II and the costs In two esses, one for as One "drunk" drew a fine of $S and the costs. Contract for Incnmntltr. Ildanoke. Vs., April II. Contracts for ' construction of 41 big freight lo comotives for the Norfolk and fc'cst- u rsllroad have been awarded to the Baldwin Locomotive company. Cost of the locomotives will approxi mate. $1,000,000. KVKKY DEMOCHATH' 1 OTKR Ml -I I'll Ills lt) (l !( mill ill- HI I I 1 1 1 MY FIHNT. II lis: WANTS TO VlrTE IX Till.: PHIM III Ml Mill It Till: HATE. MAY El BUT. IAIUIb M. not hnk, ( IIAIKMAN. M-tPI. 819 CASE HEMBVED TO . TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY The case of Don Campbell asainst the Gloucester Lumber company of Rosman has been removed from this county to Transylvania county for trial, according to an order just filed which was signed by Judge W- F. Harding while he was presiding here during first week of this month in Superior court. This is one of the largest suits ev'r rouht in Buncombe county and is for about 867,000, the plain tiff asking for this sum, owing to! various breaches of contract he states he had with the defendant company, on some lumber mills in or near Hosman. W . k 9 1 9 h st w w, w, rr. r r ft H AJ0DIT1ONAL SOCIAL AND 1 ft PERSONAL NOTES. ft H ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft t. ft ft ft (Continued from page 6) Urove Park Music. The following musical program will be given by the Grove Park inn or chestra, under the direct:on of C. Edwin White, tomorrow evening: 1. March Fame and Glory Matt. 2. "'Woodland Whispers" Czlbulna. 3. Grand selection, "Daughter of the Regiment." .4. .., . Donizett) 4. Musical paem "Eleanor" Deppen. 5. "Whispering Flowers" con filon. 6. Violin solo, "Meditation from Thais." .... Massenet. Mrs. Lucler 7. Suite "Norwegian Scenes." Matt, (a) View ot the Mountains, (b) Danse de Psysans. (e) Sleigh ride. S. Overture to the opera, "Oberon." von Weber. n k Golf RcKtiHf. Mrs.-H. VV. Fraser defeated Miss Ethel Reeves yesterday in the wom en's handicap gplf tournament at the Country club 4 up and on the twenty fourths bote. Mr. A. J. Morgan de feated Mrs. Charles S. Jordan 3 up and 2 to play. Mrs. Fraser and Jirs. Morgan will play the finals this af ternoon for the' handsome Manor cup. i To the n-Ievlnar vesterdav Mrs. Frn.ser alu, Mls8 necVes tied on the ilrh,.pnth hole, and 24 holes were necessary before the match was set tled. Two other Interesting points in connection with the afternoon's play ing were that Mrs. .Morgan went out with a score of 4( and Mrs. Charles S. Jordan made the second hole with a score of 2 . ft ft The Rector's Aid Society of Trinity Chhurch will hold its regular business meeting Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock In the basement of the church t Mrs-Ed Dukes has accepted a posi tion as public stenographer at th Swannanoa Berkeley h .' Miss Ellen Bark home after an extended slay Charleston. ft ft Miss Helen Murphy will have as her guest, at her homo in West Ashe ville, Mrs. Mary Lamb, who will go oqt Monday. R Mrs. F. J. I'lcinenger and small son, Francis, Jr., will leave Ibis even ing tor New York, sailing from that port on Monday morning aboard the steamer Rotterdam for London, where they will Join Dr. Clemlnger. ft K The Swannanon-Berkeloy hotel ar- j rivals: N. Davis. Winston: r. t,. King. North Carolina S. T. Orawes, Bristol; I M. J. W. White, Norfolk; J 11. ! Stephens, Canton; W. If. Adams. Punxay. Pa.; T. H.Byall and wife and Miss Beasell, Cleveland; B. S. I McCandhan. Crommont: Charles Pa- zire and wife. It C, Raxtre, Isabel Bazire, North Carolina: R. L. Mo N'eely, Lake Toxawayi Burke Lot-! speloh, Knoxville; Mrs. J. H. Owens. Waynesville; A. N. Albeis, Haiti more; O. D. Christian. Bristol; H. B. Stothart and E. C Stothart, Charles-j ton; Miss M. Heeger and sister, At-' jlanta: . Wells, Philadelphia: S. B. Karnes. North Carolina; Charles T. i ' O, ....-, rh.irl.,11. .Krl V Mn.ifll I Z:"r ' ",, . V .. 0 three ot"v"a . . ' " "' j . j. aiyers, w insioii-aiem ; j. i . Brown, North amhna; Hairy Snder and E. C. Cooke, New York; K. C Ooodell, ., Orleans; R. C. Mount' Journey. Atlanta: A. A. Faunderson j and wife. Washington; J.. . Harri son, Franklin; A. N. Thompson, t Chsrleston; N. M. Cook. Chicago. 1 FINE DRY GOODS Of all kinds, from trustworthy unbleached cottons at 6 l-4c the yard up to fine velvets, coatings, etc., at $3.50 to $4.00 the yard. Trash we do not handle even if offered to us much under its market value. In some shops there is a good demand for trash and in those shops, here and elsewhere, they make at tractive prices. As we see it there can be no act ual economy in merchandise that hasn't fair wear ing properties and usually it is best to buy new designs rather than those no longer in favor. We rather specialize on Dress Goods and have done so since we opened here in 1881. At your convenience please inspect our styles. H. REDWOOD & CO. rraai ADVERTISE, Classified Section WANTS HELP WANTED SALESLADY WANTED Applicants ; of good character and enducatton only will be considered. 20 years j and older preferred. Address K. I care Uazette-News. S'J-ltj WANTED A driver for a light grocery wagon. G. D. Allison. No. 225 Merrimon avenue. . . ... 9t J 7; ." .. : 1-.. . I WANTED An experienced colored I cook, (woman). References. An-1 swer, care Gazette-News. L. H. 1 5"-3t j OFFICE EMPLOYMENT At stenog-1 raphy and billing, manufacturing , company, twenty miles out, $rt0.00 a month, man preferred also at sten- I ography ahd . some book-keeping. fifty miles nut, man preferred; $1)0. On per month. So far as we can learn we no young men 'deairing these places. We will' con sider applications from other grad uates of first-class colleges teaching the Pitman system. Call or write Ashevllle Business College. Also twelve more students will fill every vacant seat we have and we want you to take the best, course of busi ness training offered in the south. Begin now. 57-:it LINOTYPE OPERATOR Wanted, nliotil May 1st, to sub for about. 30 days,, iipion shop, $3.25 per. 7:30 j to 1 p. in. are the hours. Excellont conditions. Address "Lintoypc," care The (lazetle-News, Ashevllle, N. C. WaNTFD Two ejrpertenced colored hotel maids no others need apply. Must supply recommendations from past employers, for five years Crove Park Inn. 885-tf PUBLIC stenographic service and niulligraphlng at the letter Shop, 62 American National Hank build-, ing. Phone 2267. 66-6t. ; TOMATO PLANTS; Egg. pepper and I cauliflower plants. Potted, trans planted and bedded plants. All the ; WANTKD By vnung lady stenogra hest varieties at reasonable prices. lhel. a fpw hours of work to do , if Now is the time to book your order. ! holh mol.nin)r and afternoon. Can has retumedl l. R. Strieker, 26 West College, eusllv han,,)(, spveral different planted and bedded plants. All the Phone 1626. (56-30t) QUICK SERVICE and Ideal Dyers G Cleaners nul Presser membership S 1 .00 month, .1 months $2.50. Phones 835-836 47-26t. TKY a pair of Hclmbach's reversible double wear rubber heels. Work called for and returned promptly. I Gilmer Bowden, 31 East College. Phone 1817. 32-tt 1, H, Mi C. IN NESS, No. 44 Market' si reef, Tailoring, steam dyeing,; cleaning and repairing. Phone is.-.u. tf FOR NOTARY PUBLIC WORK ap- ply at Gazette. News office. 8 St f sCOUPONa Save it for THI DANAMA CAM y Gazette News Monday Apr. 21 Jfl I Colonel Goethals soy: WANTS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE for GOOD INVESTMENT in real eslate, see William Coleman. 68 Patton avenue, 2nd floor, phone 2496. 59-tf FOR SALE A farm. of 13 acres, 5 room cottage: barn, etc , all In good condition, 3 miles from Candler station. Apply 30 Jefferson drive. 6t-6t - FOR SALE Finest ten room cottage with servant's room and garage. Lot 85 by 260. This property can- not he duplicated. D. S. Watson. agent. . 49-26t. FOR RENT House 7 rooms, sleeping porch, all modern improvements, well furnished, responsible people. No Invalids. Phone 1 SOB. 43-tf. THERE'S A WORLD OF DIFFER ENCE IN PAINT. Take a pail of John Lucas Gloss Taint and an other of any ordinary paint, exactly the same shade and seemingly the same in every other respect. Apply n. couple of coats of each to a sim ilar surface. Mark your exhibits. Lotlg after the ordinary paint has cracked and peeled beyond all use fulness, you'll find Lucas Paint do ing real duty. Ashevilh- Paint and Class Co. 57 South Main street. Phone 1 779. 4S-2IS 1 FOR SALE Eight room house with five and a half acres of land in the heart of WeavervlNe. Good burn. Terms. J. R. Reapan, care Gazette News 30!t-tf. WANTED WANTED Man and wife or a small family to occupy half of a double house with a small family. H. M M.. care Gazette-News. 57-3t. WANTED Send us the soiled opera cloaks, silk dresses, and the daint iest lingerie and see how perfectly our famous French Dry Cleaning process will make them. Phone 389 J. C. Wilbar. places. Have had experience. Ad dress O. Y., care Gazette-News. 56-tf. WANTED You to seo samples of work and get prices on circular let ters, lumber stock lists and postal cards written on the Multlgraph. 5 2 American National Bank building. Phone 2267. 5-t. WANTED The people to know we steam each and ei jry garment we clean or press. Blue Rtdge Cleaning and Dyeing Co., S8 N. Lexington r.venue, phone 2481. GRADUATE NURSE Attends pa tients by hour. One dollar first hour, fifty cents after. Massage extra. Phone 1344. 4-tf. 2 a Copy of Accural and Dependable" J Phone Your Wants to 202 WANTS FOB SALE FOR EALE with oven. -Three burner oil stove No. 129 Seney street. 69-lt SELLING out picture frames ixlO's worth 60i only 25ff llxl4's worth $1.00 only.. 35 to :,"o RAY'S STUDIO. " 57-H FOR SALE Thirty-five year old past steers and heifers. three mllea from Ashevllle. Address Box 1035,. Asheville, phone 60S. l"-tf,;. FOR SALE Twelve hundred dollar soda fountain and carbonator In perfect condition, used one season. -Will sell Cheap for cash or malta'ij : 1 good terms to good party. Apply Hotel Florence, Depot street. 57-i.t. CABBAGE PLANTS native grown, $2.50 per thousand. L. R. Strieker,., 26 West College, Phone 1626. (56-30t.) j. H. flictTiiv.NKSs. tailor .New JuMCi and winter samples now on display." Masonic Temple, 4 4 Market street. FOR SALE Four horses suitable fdr. work or driving purposes, 2 Mover top buggies, 3 Moycr surries, 2 run abouts , 2 Jai'.bert & While Un k hoards 1 three-seat btickUoarj, i double harnesses, 2 single harnesses' 4 hew Moyer buggies, and 20 other' vehicles of every description. We are crowded for room and must sell. Millard Patton & Stikeleather; Co., 149 Patton ave. 54-Ct FOR SALE 2 show cases, 18 high stools, 1 large refrigerator. Will sell at half price. 34 N. Main. R. T. Tiller. LUCAS PAINTS Indicate the general character of the goods we handle. Regardless of price, our merchan dise represents the hiKhest mark In real value giving. We invite 1Soiir patronage on superior merchandise and service. Asheville Paint and Glass Co., 57 South Main street. Phono 1779. - 48-2H FOR SALE WoofT and kindling in $1.00 and $1.50 loads delivered promptly. Hayes Wood Yard. Phone' 25 nil. tf BOARDERS WANTED THE COLONIAL. 68 Haywood Ht., near postoffico and Auditorium- A place with home like atmosphere and good accommodations, where people who are compelled to board may feel they have a home. 806-tf. THE KNICKERBOCKER. No. 77 Col lege street. Phone 163. Delight ful situation, central location, large shady grounds, appointments com plete. Terms according to loca tion of room. tf. LYNNHURST, 55 College street, (se lect board, near In. Mrs. P. J. Cor coran, formerly of Rook Ledge. 80T-J8 FOR RNT FOR RENT 10-room furnished house for summer or longer. Few minutes walk from square. Address "Busi ness," this office. 88-:t. FOR RENT S-room cottage. 137 S. Main street. Apply 57-3t. FOR RENT Five room house, sleep ing porch, $20. Eight room house, $24. Six room house, sleeping porch servants room, garage, Mont ford section, $30. Full lin of furnished houses Let us show you. Ray Campbell Co. No. X Haywood, Phone 1281. tf. NKWLY furnished rooms, first class and modern: rates reasonable. One half block from postodlce. The Ad elalde. 63-lt. Foil RENT t room well furnished house on Hsywood street. Owner leaving city t months. Phone ill. William Coleman, real ealatt, 68 Patton avenue, second floor. If NOT A PAINT A CHINAMAN WOl'LD ItR. Mera ... the "rhlnck" Is an ancestor worshipper. He be lieves old ways are best. He would oertalnly be wronj on the psint question. Lucas Pnint la Best. Ashe vllle Paint and Glass Co.. 17 South Main street. Phone 177. 48-10 FOR RENT Rooms light housekeeping; Ing. Apply 7 No. mmtshed fer gas for cook Main 8t 17-tf CONNECTING ROOMS First and second floor, furnished for house keeping, 18 Grady street Phone St. 170-tf POULTRY Thoroughbred While Lsihorn eggs for hatching. $i.ou up. Moody's leg horn farm, Asherllle ll -loot " OH It I M Desirable store room and basemsnl n Patton avnue. Will be vaoted la Is days. WESTERN CtROl lA RKAITY ID. I N. ! k fsauars i. W. Wotffc Ho. . I'hooo 111.

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