PAGE SIXTEEN THE ABBEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS Monday, April 20, 1914 v. M..& W. INDIAN GOAL f PHONE 130 '.Full weight, prompt de livery ; possesses great est number of heat units , per pound; no slate, few-. est ashes. Carolina Coal & Ice Company PHONE 130 THE PATRICIAN FOR LADIES Meets every demand for select, stylish Spring Footwear. Their luxurious ease makes any oc casion delightful. In dull and patent leathers, $3.50 and $4.00, Guarantee STORE 4 South Main St REMOVAL NOTICE We have moved from 12 Patton Avenue to tho store formerly occupied by the Ashe ville Paint and Glass Co., on North Main street iu Langren Hotel building. The L X. L. Dept. Storo. 14 North Main St. Phone 107 Washing By Mail And the best washing in the world done the NICHOLS WAY. PHONE 2000 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. S College Street. LIGHTING LOGIC Everybody who lives in a house wired for electricity, can enjoy the advantages of the MAZDA LAMP. Actual tPRts have demonstrated that this wonderful lamp gives twice as much light as any other known lamp, with an equal current consumption. This means twice the light of the former lamps and no more to pay. Wouldn't It he worth your while to Investigate the house lighting prb- lem ? We will be glad to tell yuu all 1 about It. No cost for wiring estl- j mates. Call us up today. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. CONSTRUCTION DKI'AIITMENT. 4 Patton Axenue Phone 478 Asheville Paint & Glass Co. LCCAS PAINTS, VARNISHES, WALL PAPER, ETC 87 S. Main St. Phone 1 778 AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE Rates reasonable also Gener al Repair work. LYERLY MOTOR 00. Phone Mo. 131 No. 10 V. CUeg St. CA8H OR CREDIT $15.00 Suit to Measure Silver Dollar Tailoring Co. 15 South Main Phone yovr wants to 11 JUST II LITTLE DOPE TO PLEASE THE FANS Manager Cook Thinks Every- thing Will be Ideal For Walloping Hornets. It is thought that all ot the recruits of the Mountaineers who have either been out of the work the last week owing to illness themselves or in their families will be back in the running before the opening game here next Thursday. Horace Smith, pitcher, who was called to New York, owing to the sudden death of his father, is ex uected to be back the first part of this week. "Doc" High was called to Columbia Saturday afternoon owing to the illness of his brother and, while he may not be back until the latter part of the week. It is thought that he will be here in time to work in one of the games with Charlotte. "Red" Rowe and Pitcher McKelth- an have been laid up for several days suffering with tonisilitis, but as both have been operated on. It is thought that they will be out in a few days and in tme to work In the games with Charlotte, if Cook wants them to go in. But even with all of these men out, Manager Cook feels that he can go up against the Hornets on Thursday and the two following days with enough strong material to win at least two out of the three of the series, if not all. Cook will not be sat isfied with less than two of the open ing series and any one who has seen him handle the men during the work outs will at once form the opinion that he will get what he wants, for that is Cook's way and it is the way that takes with the fans. Although the grounds are resem bling a sea today, from the heavy rains of last night, it is thought that they will be in condition again by to morrow and then Cook expects to put the men through some very strenuous work until the opening game and It is his intention to have every man on the recruit squad In the very best of condition for the opening game. FAST GAME TAKEN IT GREENSBORO PATRIOTS Defeated Guilford 2 to 1 Shore Pitched and Hit Strong Harney " ady. Special to The lazctte-N'ews. Greensboro. April 20. In a fast and snappy game Saturday afternoon the Putrluts defeated Guilford college at Cone park by the store of 2 to i. In only onr Inning were the locals utile to do anything with the masterly pitching of Shore. This was the fourth, when live hits netted two runs A wonderful one hand catch iu center by Thompson of Brcslln's hit in this! inning cut off two runs. Harney pitched hteady ball through-1 out the game. In the fourth inning ha was in a bad hole, when Moorefield, tirst up, hit for three bases and Nich ols walked and stole second. Mc Ralne was out. pitcher to first. Futrell fanned and Kdwards flew out to Owens. Guilford scored In the seventh on a base on balls to Futrell, who took second on Edward's out and scored on Shore's two base hit to left center. Catches by Stuart and Thompson, of Guilford, Crane's work at short and Shore's hitting were the features of a beautiful game. CLEAN UP AND PAINT" UP CAMPAIGN PROV ING A GREAT SUCCESS Over 1000 (one thousand) cities In the United States have designated curtain days for "Clean Up and Paint I'p" and Asheville is by no means be hind In this good work. The Hoard of Aldermen designated April 15th to the 2!ith for painting up and from i inr ach for not being absent or tardy April 20th to the 25th for cleaning ; during the year. up. The spirit Is manifesting Itself' The school has been under the u thrnughout the city and one big paint pervlslon of Prof. W. R. Hill and Miss house In the city alone reports over Mary E.1ens. This marks tho closing 100 (one hundred) contracts landed of the most successful school year in already for the spring painting, (it) i the history of the city schools. landrelh's Seed at Grant's Pharmacy. 1-narn-ZiA yrggg J-QR Chambers A Weaver. Livery. Phone II 1 V M P A TFAf TT1" WANTS RATS rannot feed In my storm. I be lieve I have (he only rat proof store In Western North Carolina. I. ALLISON, Pbone ini:i. SI -let. LAWN MOWERS Priced at 13.00 up Brown Hardware Co. 1 H. Main Hi. IIhpst S7 nHsnnnHF Use Hyomei Ton Breathe It It's the rlght-to-the-point remedy not only for catarrh, but for head colds, sniffles, bronchitlcs, laryngitis or croup of children. Tou breathe It no stomach dosing. You will like Hyomei It not only gives instant and lasting relief, but Is entirely harmless, pleasant to use, and economical. Money refunded by Smith's Drug Store If you are not benefited. Hyomei is a combination of anti septic oils that mixes with the air and quickly reaches the Irritated and In flamed membrane of the nose. It's sure and safe healing begins imme diately you feel better at once. If suffering from watery eyes. husky voice, discharge from the nose, or that choked up feeling, try Hyomei now today. All druggists sell it. Ask for the complete outfit $1.00 size. SCHEDULE OE COLLEGE BASEBALL THIS WEEK Some of Important Games of Season in College Circles Are to be Played. The largest number of games sched uled by colleges and schools in this state has been arranged for this week. Practically every school and college in the state will play baseball this week and some of the best gamea of the season are promised. Several of the teams will journey to other states for the contests, while others will play on their home grounds. The outcome of these games will be watched with interest throughout the state. The schedule tor the week is as follows: This afternoon Carolina va Vir ginia at Greensboro; A. & M. vs. V. P. I. at Blacksburg, Va. ; Trinity vs. Richmond College at Richmond; Wake Forest vs. U. of South Carolina at Co lumbia. Tuesday afternoon Carolina vs. Davidson at Charlotte; A. & M. vs. Washington & Lee at Ijexington, Va.; Trinity vs. Catholic University at Washington; Wake Forest vs. U. of South Carolina at Columbia; Guilford vs. Winston (N. C. league) at Winston-Salem. Wednesday afternoon A. & M. vs. Georgetown at Washington; Trinity vs. Virginia at Charlottesville, Va. ; Guilford vs. Washington & Lee at lxlngton, Va. ; Wake Forest vs. Gor don at Barnsville, S. C. Thursday afternoon -A. & M. vs. Catholic University at Washington; Trinity vs. V. M. I, at Lexington, Va.; tiuilford vs. Roanoke College at Sa lem, Va.; Wake Forest vs. Gordon at Bennettesvllle. S. C. Friday afternoon A. & M. va La hlgh University at South Bethlehem. Pa.; Trinity vs. Washington & Ie at Ixington. Va. ; Guliford vs. V. P. I. at Blacksburg. Va. ; Wake Forest vs. Davidson at Davidson. Saturday afternoon Carolina vs. Virginia at Charlottesville. Va.; Trin ity vs. Davidson at Charlotte; Wake Forest vs. Davidson at Charlotte; Guil ford vs. V. P. I. at Ula ksburg, Va. CLOSING EXERCISES OF FOREST CITY SCHOOL Special to The Gazette-News. Forest City, April 20. The exercises of the city schools have closed with the presentation by the senior class of "Stub, or the Fool from Boston," a comedy drama In fouracts. A packed house witnessed the performance and all characters acquitted themselves In a very acceptable manner. Dr. W. K. Abernathy of Shelby de livered the closing address on "The relation of everything to Christianity." Following the address the senior exercises were held. Prof. B. H. Ilrldges made the presentation speech. Those receiving diplomas, finishing the eleventh grade, were: Misses O'Lema Flack. Robbie liiggeretaA. Margaret Young, rin and Ollie Teal, and Charles Flack. Immediately following this, the de claimer's medal was awarded to Jos eph Sinclair by Dr. J. Q. Adams. Other presents were awarded at this time to those who had won honors. There were twelve studnts who recelvd a dol a . Mi, V, n, uunuuu This week promises to be one of the busiest of the season for the baseball leagues of the Y. M. C. A. for already eight games are scheduled to be pulled off during the week and It Is thought that several others will be arranged before the week ends. Games In three of the leagues will be played, the opening to be this afternoon at River side when teams from class A will contest for honor. They will be. Jordan against nine. Wood against Wlloon. Tomorrow afternoon at Riv erside park will be nine against Wil son and Jordan against Wood. In class C, on the Montferd avenue school grounds this afternoon, will be Smith against McConnell, West against Harris. n Wednesday afternoon at the Orange Street school grounds will be Ramsey against Mnnetta and Smith against Wilkinson, these being of the class B league. Col. Henry nt III. special lo The Oaiette-Newa, Wilson, April Is. I.ate Saturday ..fternoon a message cams to rela tives announcing the critical Illness of Col. Henry Hlount, noted as editor, lecturer and ex-confederate soldier Colonel Hlount Is st the soldier's home In Raleigh Thin Is his home, and many relatives ars exceedingly snxluua, Comfort Is considered by the Chalmers engineers one of the most important essentials of ood designing. The new Chalmers Six is a comfortable car on all kinds of roads. In the first place the 132 inch wheel base cradles the car easily over road inequalities. Then comes the large tires. The soft upholstery, the long flexible springs and the urtderslung construction of the rear springs. Let us show you the car. Asheville Automobile Go. Sales Room: 18 20 Church St. Garage: 15-17 S. Lexington Arc. THE ALL-STEEL SAFE-CABINET IN WEST WINDOW Will prove of greatest value to every man in the office, store or home for the safe keeping of money valuable papers, books, silver plate and other valuables. Approved by the Unerwrlters' Laboratories. Drop in and examine it. SOGERS BOOK STORK. 89 Patton Avenue. - Rogers Press. . . SI Patton Ave. Phone M4 ALL SEASONABLE DELICACIES SERVED TO ORDER CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE NEAR POST OFFICE. PHONE 110. HAYWOOD STREET UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. HILL'S THE BEST OF EVERYTHING In Fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. E. a JARRETT 12 North Pack Square and City Market MR. DEALER Buy an 0 rder of PETERS ARAB HORSE FEED Sell a sack to Bill he tells Tom Tom tells Dick Dick tells Harry Harry tells his wife she tells some other fellows wife and they all come back for more and then you phone or write us to deliver another order quick and we can do it and history repeats Itself and you are another, regular customer. TRY IT. ASHEVILLE GRAIN AND HAY COMPANY Biltmore Cottage Cheese FOR A CHAN.GE. 10 CTS. Stradley & Luther PHONE 1902 . - 1 and 3 E. Pack Square AGENT FOR UIIVTMORE DAIRY. Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK, Ws errs moving our special attention. Largest Tans and most oom pa tent men Is city Prompt baggage transfer service. Endorsed by U. C. T. sod T. P. A. Phone It. 41 Patton Avenue. LET US SEND YOU A NICE SHAD OR SOME FRESH SHAD ROE ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY CITY MARKET PHONE! HO, MS. lift. New Toys A very large shipment direct from Germany. Watch my Window. BLOMBERG'S SPORTLNO GOODS AND TOY STORE 17 PATTON AVENUE IF YOU READ THE GAZETTE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND WHAT YOU WANT Comfort Our Steadfast SHOES are like the Tango latest and best styles for $5.00. GEO. W. JENKINS 18 South Main St. . NDpALirj of MONARCH Coal Pleases in Range or Grate Southern, Goal Go. Phone 114 10 N. Pack Sq. A trial Is all we ask. Get Our Prices 5 p&ys Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Cor PLUMBING, HEATING, GAS FITTING Z. V. OREASMAN, Prce't Ll a. GREASMAN, Mgr. Milk Fed BROYLERS FRYERS ROASTING smoked urn? i DRIED DCjKjV TENDER NORTH CAROLINA SPRING LAMB STAR MARKET PHONES: 1917, 1918, 1919 BUY A GOOD GRADE OF PLAIN FLOUR. Put your salt and Rumford Baking Powder in it then you will know you have pure, wholesome breads, otherwise you do not. T. P. JOHNSON & CO. SHEwoS,TAk ALL KINDS OF ROOFING Galvanized Iron Cornice, Skylights, Ventilators, Metal Ceilings, Blow Pipe Work, Etc 69-71 South Main St. GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 P. M. Dinner, 8:30 to 8:30 P. M. Visitors to Asheville, althouga not guests of GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine'and inspect the building. Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Parties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 P. M, 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. Rates : $5.00 per day and up. Phone 3000. They all see it now what Henry Ford saw years ago that the light, strong, qual ity oar, sold at a low price, best meets the demands of all the people. Now they're all following where Henry Ford led. Five hundred dollsrs In the prlee of ths Ford runabout; the touring oar I Are nfty; the town car seven fifty -f. o. a. Detroit, complete with equip m.nt. Qst catalog and particulars Nroro f . D. C Shaw Motor Co. hone HII n t. A. Richboarg, Mgr. BEST BY TEST M. & W. COAL has through much mort than a decade proven its superiority for ev ery use, for range, heat er or grate. Selected from among the many coals of many qualities by reason of its superior quality. PHONE 40 Asheville Goal Co. Jf. Pack Square F. M. WEAVER, Mgr.' Money to Loan Trunks, bags, valises and leather goods. Uncle Sam's Pawnshop 30 S. Main Street Laundry Phone 70 Wo treat tout laundry white. Chickens -2SLS,' TONGUE H Z'riSJSZm M Phone 325

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