Monday, April 20, 1914 PAGE SIX tntTWI A OTTWTTTT T" A IffPTl HIWS IfiHM iXnDDDDULJJLLJ nil", :Q OPENINGS h "Tiinmi innnnrTTTTT-rrTTT; Lnnprm Music. The Langren orchestra, under the direction of Charles Qlaae, gave the following delightful musical program last evening: 1 March, American Bell Herbert. I Overture. Poet and Peasant Suppe. 3 Valse Lente. Lored Ones Walteu fcl. Vocal solo, Sanltanltia. Penn Miss Nella Brown, t Intermesio, Hearteease. Moret. 6 Puette. for cornet and clarinet. Second Reverie Faber. Messrs Hart and Glass. 7 Vocal solo, O, Dry Those Tears. Del Relgo. Mlse Nell Brown. 8 largo. from Xerxes. Handel. Intermission. Grand selection. Der Freyschuts Weber. ' 2 Vocal solo, (by retjuest.) (a) Those Kndearing Ynung Charms -Dav-enant. (b) Comln' Thro' the Rye. Burns. t 8 Serenade Herbert. 1 4 Selection from Naughty Marletbl Herbert. ; E Vocal solo, "Till the Sands of the i Desert Grow Cold. Ball, j ,1 Ave Maria; MascheronL 4Jlinaie, America, Complimentary to Miss Coleman. Miss Nell Coleman'r uany Asheville friends, made during her frequent visits to Miss Byrd Henderson at her J home on Grove street, will be inter ested in hearing that a large and at j tractive picture of her appeared in 'yesterday's Knoxville Sentinel, aceom ijtanled by the following compltmen ' tary notice: "Miss Nell Coleman, an attractive 'young lady of this city, who is now (vlslting'her grandmother In Louisville, is being shown much social attention She Is planning to leave Louisville 'April 2 for Detroit, where she will be Inaid of honor at the marriage of a I friend. Miss Coleman spent six 'months of the past year abroad. In (company with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin. She Is quite a favorite in her 'home city and the many places where she has visited. She is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L I. Cole man, and is a graduate of a high 'school in Louisville. She also attend ed Ward-Belmont college in Nashville. Friends of Miss Coleman will be pleased to know she will return home early In May." For Christ's School. Christ's school, Ardei), of which Mrs. Thomas Wetmore Is tho head, was Ihe object for which the members I Qf the Itayson Alumnae association of New York gave a dansatvt supper and vaudeville performance during the Week-end at the Hotel St Regis. Many prominent and fashionable residents of New York attended the affair and a goodly sum was raised for tho School. The arrangements made the rare of Miss Vivlna Thompson and in me amateur percormance rne ioliow Ing young ladles took part: Misses Katherine Swift, Jeanette Shaw, Carol I Fenn, Helen Buff urn; and J. Wil liams Macy, Harry Green, and Wil liam H11L It The MacDowell Music club held an enjoyable meeting Saturday afternoon in iiu' siuaios oi int- Asnevnie scnooi of Musical Art The following selec tions were charmingly rendered by the various members: 1. Analysis of Italian, French and German operas. .uias oc ft. Life of Offenback. Miss Herron. Miss Westall. I f . Story of First Act. Ruby Jones. 4. Story of Second Act. Elta Handte. C. Story of Third Act. F. A, Sumner. f Mr. F. J. Clemenger and son of j Asheville are among the passengers t sailing on the steamship "Kronprln r.essin Cccilie" of the North German iL'ody line tomorrow from New Yorl : or London, Paris and Bremen. x at Mrs James Howell of Chattanooga I . rrlved during the week-end and Is a , UIBI tlL lilt: JMltiftl t1 i. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Monroe Wof- ford of Atlanta announce the engage I ment of their daughter, Frances, to pvilllam Mercer Fain of Murphy, the -wedding to take place on Wednesday, ! -.'ay . K tt Miss Genevieve Drtimesll, who has jlieen the guest of her cousin, Mm. ,'harles E. Waddell at her home on Arthur M. Field Co. Announce the sale of, a few special, large Blue Beryls of fine quality and color, weighing from 4.30 to 34.50 carats. Large Blue Beryls $39.00 to $312.00 These fine gems art to wall cat and polished that the full beauty of the beryl is brought to the highest state of perfection. Arthur M. Field Co. the Blltmore road, will leave tomor row for Louisville to spend some time with her family there. (Additional Social on page 15) TO PROCEED AGAINST THE FEDERAL LEAGUE New York, April 20. Within a few days. It is announced, the Interna tional league will start proceedings against the Federal league for taking several of their players who had ac oepted terms. President Barrow of the Interna tional league admitted that five or moTe salts would be instituted within a short time. It Is understood that the action will be brought jointly against the clubs taking the players, the Federal league Itself, and the players. FRADULENT USE OF THE MAILS; SIX MONTHS New York, April 20. Clarence M. Smith, a Wall street promoter doing business as Clarence M. Smith & Co., has been sentenced to six months in the penitentiary on his plea of guilty to an Indictment charging him with having used the malls to defraud in vestors in the bonds of the Oxford Linen mills of North Prookfield, Mass. Seven officers and directors of the company were recently sent to prison. BEQUEST OF $250 WITH WHICH TO BUY CIGARS Chicago, April 20. Oliver W. Nor- ton, a wealthy Chicago manufacturer. has been notifiierl of a bequest of j:.i0 to be dedicated to purchase of cigars. The money was willed to him by Mrs. Elizabeth C. Vincent, who died recently. The will provides: "To Oli ver W Norton to be expended for the best cipars he can buy, I give and bequeath $250." CASE SETTLED AFTER 23 YEARS' LITIGATION New York, April 20. The case of Donnelly against MnArdle In the courts for years, Is settled at last, and Michael DonnellS', the plaintiff, will receive the J4S.000 judgment for which he has spent the best years of his life and about $1 811.000 to obtain. The suit grew out of a business transaction between Mr. Donnelly and his brother-in-law, Patrick J. Mc Ardlc. Ynlo Han aril Regatta. New Haven, Conn., April 10 Offl-I Actlnff President Edward K. Gra clal announcement of the arranire- I hum Announces the selection of Dr. ments for the annual Yale-Harvard regatta at New London has been made here. The 'varsity eight oarod i race will be oared up stream at 4:30 p. m. on June 19. Decision as to whether the minor, varsity race shall bo between four oared or eight oared boats is to be made by the crew captains before April 20. For Flood Victim.. Washington, April 20. At the re quest of Representative Aswell the American Red Cross has ordered the dispatch of clothing, provisions and seed to 28 families about 160 persons whose farm have been inundated for the third time In three years by the Red river near Marksville, T,a. Lewis Appointed. Washington, April 20. Appoint ment of Dr. Samuel E. Iewls, of Washington, as commissioner to hu pervlse the marking of Confederate ! craves In national cemeteries and at f , ( I (' r 'i 1 n I H 1 1 i-.r cl.tlnn. ........ J .1 - i , cangr, WM fo'rtav. Ur. T . . rn..,. Parasol Covers to Match Knit. Bring In a sample of your new! spring suit and select a cover to match. If you have the frame, you I can use it. If not we will furnish one. We have a beautiful line of Worm-I wood 9tans for fancy narssola Prlcei 1 reasonable. . M. HEARS CO., 4 Battery Park Place. 8 NEWS NOTES FROM THE STATE UNIVERSITY Six Men Research Bureau Con siders Most "Conspicious In the World." Special to The Gazette-News. Chapel Hill. April 20. Numerous and varied are the Inquiries mailed the bureau of extension of the Univer sities mailed the bureau of extension of the University of North Carolina from many sections of the state. The people are taking advantage of the sources of Information aqalrded by the State University through its ex tension agency, guidance in educa tional affairs and enlightenment on everyday subjects being sought through this medium. The Informa tion bureau has lotely received an in quiry from a citizen of the state ask ing for the names of the six most con spicuous men of the world today. The reasons why these world-oitlsens hold Buch a position in the minds of their fellow men were asked to be stated. These names and brief reasons for their world-wide recognition were for warded the inquisitive citizen: Wood row Wilson, as president of the United States and ranked as one of the na tion's greatest executives Bernard Shaw, foremost In the world of letters for reasons of his literary talents and criticisms; Andrew Carnegie, a man of world business interests and whose amassed wealth Is being used in the , cause of world philanthropy; Lloyd , George, English statesman, whose economic reforms for the benefit of ; the average man have attracted world attention; Theodore Roosevelt, whose personality is so dynamic as to nx tne attention of all men, and John R. Mott "f the Student Volunteer move ment, as an organized of a world I movement for the evangelization of : the world. "Foods and Foolishness" was the I theme that Dr. Woods Hutchinson. I noted physician, author, and lecturer. I I presented to a university audience i" a lecture In Gerrard Hall this week. Wholesome food and fresh air were ' declared the tonics and preventives I of the Ills and diseases of the future American citizen, while drugs arid trashy toodntnffh were rated as dan gerous enemies to the welfare of I health. Dr. Hutchinson asserted that the use of drills had fallen off enor mously, lately in comparison with the'ltf use nf thirty years ago. the doorcase! beinsr a third percentage. Patient medicines and breakfast foods were outlawed by the distinguished Ameri can physician. He declared that the nutrition contained by many patient) medicines, proclaimed by their mauu-j Cacturers as. restoratives of broken health, represented little more real value toward tho upbuilding if n per son than the label on the Lottie con-i talnlng the medicine. The physician s hostility to breakfast foods was of the negative sort, since lie maintained that they possessed little nutritive value, though not InluiiouH. .lohn Dewey, professor of philosophy in Columbia University, as the speaker to deliver tho McNair lectures for the college of 1914-1913. S. 11. WINTERS. Only One "RROMO QUININE" Whenever you feel a cold coming on. think of the full name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the sig nature of E. W. Grove on box. 25c. BALTIMORE DEMAL ROOMS Over Nichols Shoe Store Phone 151 ELECTRIC FIXTURES If ynu are ust completing your home or, if you are desirous of pulling in a more artistic end satisfactory way of UfthUasj, don't le afraid of the cost. lx-t us show you our line of artistic lighting fixtures at Monderfully low prices. , -mil. Willi PIUCKS The o. :tttt Hall light makes a pleasing appearance In any hall, paneled In green or amber art glass finished In Brass or Wrought iron, price $4.80. The list uses mentioned below are all Domes suspended i from the -ll inn In heuvy chains, in square, hexagonal or octagonal shapes, paneled In colored art glass with bead fringe. In brush brass) or tvrnught iror finish. .et (he numbers, ask to see them. NO. 501 . M.85 NO. 60S m $8.35 -NO. :t03 $8.35 NO. 481 $10.50 BEST SEE THEM. WE SELL FLASHLIGHTS J. H. LAW, 35 PATTQN AVE ENGRAVING WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Commencment Invitations. Stationery - . Visiting Cards. PACK SQUARE BOOK CO. On the Square THE OLD FASHIONED WAT 2 of using fresh roasted coffee 2 coffee. Our DIXIE BLEND 32c Par Pound Yates & McGuire S7 Haywood Street. Tetephaaa ITU. ITU. City Market Pheme 114 H. M. Warren Mgr. I IIIHIMIHMH IIIMMMM FORCED TO EAT CRUSHED ICE And Was Not Even Allowed Privilege of Sitting up, Bnt Finally Wins Out, Kaplan, La. Mrs. Casame&n Lurk. haft, of this town, gives out following for publication: "I feel that I owe my 111 to Cardul,- the woman's tonto. I was married last April, and was In fairly good health. Shortly after mar riage my health began to fall, and tor three long months I was threatened with serious slokness. I passed most of my time In bed, with a nurse t my bedside. At last. I was told that an operation was neces sary. I was so weak I could retain nothing on my stomach but crushed Ice, and was not even allowed to alt up In bed. A friend of mine advised me to use Cardul the woman's tonic, and they got a bottle for me, as a last resort. After taking Cardul for one week, I was able to be up In my room. After continual use for two months, I was In perfect health, and could do all of j. ..iM 1 an occasional dose of Cardul and Black-Draught now, to koep my system in good oundltlon. Several of my friends are using Cardul with good results. I am never without It In 'the house." There's a bottle of Cardul waiting for you at your nearest druggists." Get it and begin taking today. You will never regret it T , , , Birmingham Is the greatest Jewelry manufacturing center of the United Kingdom. I Fine Shoes Phasing Novelties made by great big people who malco the right, shapes in large variety at cor rect prices. We mark them at a moderate advance on our low cost. We have them for women, misses, child ren, infants, men and boys, and we're sell ing n whole lot of 'em. K. Redwood &Go. Phone 242 - makes ever so much better is always fresh roasted. i. SPECIAL TODAY Wonderfully Underpriced Selling of Tailored Suits One lot of abodt 40 ladies' Spring Suits, some of the prettiest models we have shown this season, are being closed out today and tomorrow IjJ t fj don't miss this sale Special . . . W M. m mJJ Positively $22.50 to $35.00 Values This Is An Exceptional Value-Giving Event That You Cannot Afford to Overlook Your Apollo Player Piano AT DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairng my Specialty. No. 8 Pack Square. St. Genevieve's A high-class college and academy for women and! young ladies; also a preparatory department for young er children. In the Blue Ridge mountains. ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Visiting Hours From 3 to 6 CHANGE OF TIME The story of every child Is one of growth and change. Only In pictures can the story be told and expressions kept for' all time. MAKE THE APPOINTMENT TODAY phone 776 PELTON ft HIGGASON DANCE Tango, Turkey Trot, Hesitation. One Stan, Two 84ep, etc. Tcrtlsed In Saturday Evening Post FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE S. STERNBERG & CO. DEPOT STREET PHONE 333 AH slses and lengths Concrete Bttxl v STRUCTURAL MATERIAL A SPECIALTY We buy anything and 1 Sell Everything AND TOMORROW Inspection Is All Another lot of IMPORTED HATS lust received S. FERGUSON Ml I.MNKRY COMPANY 14 Government Street, rear P. O. Agents for tastier Hats We have in a rood lot of Wardrobes, Dressers, etc. See us In buying and selling Furniture and Household Gooda RECTOR & HUNTER FURNITURE GO. RECORDS As ad- of I Baams. Channels, and Relaying Rails. P ATT ON H AVENUE SUIT Values We Ask HOUSE DRESSES They are pretty well made dresses in good wash materials. Call and see these excellent values. $1.00 to $2.50. THE CALL COMPANY 17 South Slain St. kodak films Developed ANY SIZE. 10c per mU. tints on double weight paper. 55c to 60c per dozen. We know how. M( GARRY'S 8TUDIO Park Square ... Next City Hall Wgj INVITE TOO TO INSPECT OUR DISPLAY OP SPRING MILLINERY Sproat's Millinery , PARLORS Oates nidg. Pack If it is a Range you want, Buy a "BUCK'S1 BURTON ft HOLT ON THE SQUARE f rwwuOTw aaw4.stSscAtoMauto BYOBUEVWtlfsl SUMMER FLOWERING BULBS We are now prepared to fill orders for bulbs of Qladlolus, Tuberose. Ttgrtdla or Shell Flower. Trttoma or Torch IJIy, Tiger Uly. Hyvelnthaa Candl rus. Large and Fancy Leaved Caladulms and Montbretlsa These bulb are from Burpee, t Srst siae and sue to bloom this summer. Sleek la necessa rily limited and orders should he placed early. , Grant's Pharmacy Reliant Drags aad