Free theatre Tickets SOLID CAR DAVENPORTS Read the Advertisements on This Page A number of names have been selected at random from the city directory and are printed in different advertisements appearing on this page. If you find your name in any of these advertisements call at The Gazette-News Office and you will be presented with a FREE TICKET good Monday, April 27, at Majestic Theatre, For "Seminary Girls." I HAVE THE ONLY SYSTEM FOR FRENCH DRY CLEANING RUGS AND PORTIERES In the South. Your garments are positively freed from when Wllbarized all germs ASHEVILLE FRENCH DRY CLEANING COMPANY J. C. WILBAR, Proprietor. v ODORLESS CLEANING Silk Gowns, Opera Coats. Draperies. Lares, Feathers, Slippers, Gloves, White Furs, Coat Salts, Portieres, Rugs. Office Phone 389. Plant Phone 326. 4 NORTH PACK SQ. For Saturday and Sunday ROE SHAD AND SHAD ROE V Spanish Mackerel, Speckled Trout, Butter Fish, Peiuh,. Stews 35c quart. FRESH OYSTERS. Frys 45c quart. The only fish stand using sanitary wrapping paper exclusively Special low prices to Hotels, Hoarding Houses. Restaurants Virginia Fish&OysterCo. City Market F. TV. Kinney. Phone 2296 EUREKA CAFE is doing a fine business but we can take care of more, so don't fail to call and see for yourself that it is high class in every respect. Ladies cordially invited. A. B. SMITH, Propr. OPPOSITE MAJESTIC THEATRE Warlowe Mineral Water ' IF YOU WANT TO TEST THE MERITS OF THIS WATER FREE, COME TO 24 NORTH MAIN STREET AND TAKE A DRAUGHT. COME REGULAR, COME OFTEN 'TWILL DO YOU GOOD IF TROUBLED WITH STOMACH, LTVER, BLADDER OR KIDNEYS. Mis. Knymond F. KinU. J. R. HAN MAY. Mountain City Laundry MODERN LAUNDERERS Phones 426-427 30 North Lexington Avenue H. L. FINKLESTEIN Pawn and Loan Office 23-25 South Main Street "V TRUNKS, BAGS, SUIT CASES AND LEATHER GOODS A SPECIALTIES. Mlsa Katherine D. War. PORCH GOODS. At h win Interest yon. Juat re vived solid ar of PORCH ROCKERS ""d Setteoi that we are selling i exceptionally low price. Porch swing bent slat wood seabt and backs, comfortable and strong, good values 13 to SIS Bwlniring Couches Both wood and metal frames, soma with extra good wire springs and soft pad mattress, complete ready for hang ing. I. to l.v Matting Ruga txll Jap and Chines Matting Art s. inures In large variety of patterns. M M to M.50. Best Matting 20- 10 IOV per yard. Pnrrh Shades A large stock of different kinds and sixes including Wsldo Wood Webb and Bamboo shadea f I so to tH.OO. BEAUMONT FURNITURE CO. flie Home of Furniture Values" - 17 South Main St. 16 Patton Ave. This is the Store Where the New Styles are Shown First , This is the Store Where Distinctive Styles are to be Seen Ladies' and Misses' SB8? SUITS $I5uapnd Many New Arrivals Worth Seeing. Extra Good Values in Pretty Wash Dresses A Choice Offering, $3.98 and up Lingerie and Silk Waists ------ 98c and up Silk Petticoats, in all shades, regular $2.00 values, Special - - - - - $1.49 YOUR INSPECTION IS ALL WE ASK Those Not Going To Mexico Should buy their Shoes here and Save Money Ladies9 Shoes $4, $5 and $6 Shoes here at $2.98 Men's Shoes $4, $5 and $6 Shoes here at $2.98 GLOBE SAMPLE CO., 14 South Main St. Hot Weather WU1 Soon Be Here But you need not dread that fact if you have a GAS BANGE installed in your kitchen. When you COOK WITH OAS your fire is burning only wh'en needed, you do not heat up the whole house and a lot of work nd worry is done ftWay with. Roy M. Young. Your time is valuable, and COOKING WITH GAS saves you considerable time and unnecessary- steps in performing your culinary duties. You can cook three meals daily on a GAS RANGE with "less effort, less trouble, less time and at less expense than with a coal range or wood stove. BUILDING A FIRE WITH A OAS RANGE, MEANS SIMPLY STRIKING A MATCH Think how CONVENIENT it is to have a fire at a moments' notice at any hour of the day or night without all the trouble of fire building and the dirt, .islics and overheated kitchen. It's well worth consideration. Phone 69 and have our representative call. Let us explain the merits of GAS FOR COOKING pur poses, also our divided payment plan, that makes owning a gas range easy. GAS RANGES $15.50 UP TO $25.00. Asheville Power and Light Co. One Special Lot of Fashion Leader Pumps and Oxfords on sale Saturday for . . , . $2.50 and $3.00 These Shoes are worth $3.50 and $4.00 and we only ask that you see us and be con vi need. Mra Chaa a. Kiutx. THE CALL CO., 17 So. Main Street NOW ON DISPLAY VALUES YOU CANNOT DUPLICATE $18.50 to $75 This assorted shipment Includes all the very latest designs and new ideas In davenport construction. The of fering Includes Davenports with handsome massive frames In fumed oak, mahogany and golden oak. They come upholstered in plain and tufted Spanish and Morrocco Leather; colors black, brown and red. Call and see them. Jasper Warlick. J. L. Smathers & Sons Mammoth Furniture Store 15-17 North Main Street ft "Ask the Milk Inspector We have opened A MILK DEPOT at 100 E. Walnut Street, and can now give you better service than ever before. Your phone orders will be appreciated and will receive prompt attention. We have TWO DELIVERIES EACH DAY; and, can alway give you what you want. Mrs. Hattle Walton. BOTTLED MILK IS OUR SPECIALTY. ANANDALE PURITY DAIRY Phone 2111. 100 E. Walnut Street. CASH OR CREDIT $15.00 Buys a guaranteed all-wool, made to measure suit. This Una of Spring Fabrics, we guarantee to be a $25.00 to $30.00 line. SILVER DOLLAR TAILORING CO. 15 South Main Street 3, M. LORICK, Owner 6 Room cottage and three acres of ground near car line for $1,300.00, quick sale. By Lorick Realty Co. i 'if 4 P. O. Box 465 18 S. Pack Square Phone 1346 J. E. Swain. ASHEVILLE, N. 0. W. H. ARTHUR Sheet Metal Works Blow Pipes, Smoke Stacks, Metal Ceilings, Slate, Tile and Metal Roofing. General Job Work. TELEPHONE 2116 4 MARKET STREET MONEY TO LOAN Full line of trunks, Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Goods. Attractive values in all kinds of watches, jewel ry, etc. Unredeemed pledges. UNCLE SAM'S PAWNSHOP s 30 SOUTH MAIN STREET BICYCLES For Men and Boys MEN'S KIjCO BICYCTES $SS 00 FAMOUS PXTTNQ M1KKIE BICYCLES . . . 1 30.00 $35.00 "and $45.00 11,1 KM ss MOTOK HIKE MOO ARDMORi: HEAVY SERVICE, Midi 3-lncu Motor Cycle Tire'.'. UJH Phoifc No. 1850. Arthur F. Rntw F. J. NEVERCEL ? Bicycle and General Repair "Imp. 47 Wett College Street, near Hay wood Street. The Place to Buy Seasonable Merchandise at Reasonable Prices IS THE RACKET ftp F Our line of Men's and Young Men's Clothing is com plete. We are offering you for Saturday five big values in our Clothing Department. Mr nnitth a. Rate-hard. 1 Lot Men's Blue Serge Suits, purchased at a reduced p rice, value $18.50, to be sold for $12.50 1 lot Men's Norfolk Suits, latest Spring Shades, assort ed colors, value to $12,50, Saturday sHcil 7.48 1 lot Youth's Suits, value to $16.50, special $10,50 1 lot Men's Worsteds, all colors, value to $16.50; pick cm' $9.98 1 lot Men's Suits, one of a kind, all colons; pick ,"em" out $398 Our Shoe Department is complete. We handle shoes for the whole family. STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BITTER Racket Store 16 South Main St