Friday, April 24, 1914 FAGS TWELVE TnJS ASH J5 V luua uflxin-nnw" M Jnrnnun rvnrnmnii pin nuim nnirp mmm .--- I m. & w. indian coal I JLuliliU LAfLUI 1 1 U 11 OUUnun UniLu PHONE 130 I Full weight, prompt de livery ; possesses great est number of heat units per pound; no slate, few est ashes. Carolina Goal & Ice Company PHONE 130 THE CORRECT STYLES For Men GUARANTEE SHOES are not only good enough in quali ty to GUARANTEE, hut are always correct in style, so that long wear and proper appear ance are always combined in Guarantee Shoes. The new Spring Oxfords for men as shown in our window will prove attractive to ALL men. All leathers, up to $5.00. Guarantee I?Sre 4 South Main St. TO EXPLORE PERU Under Auspices of the Nation al Geographic Society and Yale University. BP REMOVAL NOTICE We have moved from 22 Patton Avenue to tho store formerly occupied by the Ashe ville Paint and Glass Co., on North Main street in Langren Hotel building. The I. X. L. Dept. Storo. 14 North Main St. Phone 107 Washing By Mail And the best washing in the world done the NICHOLS WAY. PHONE 2000 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, MgT. 95 College Street. Washington, April 24. Announce ment of a second expedition to fur ther explore Peru, the ancient home of the Incas, under the auspices of the National Geographic society and Yale university, to start next week, was made at the offices of the National Geographic society here recently. The director of the expedition will be Prof. Hiram Bingham, of Yale university, who, at the head of the 1912 expedi tion, uncovered the ancient fortress city of Macchu Pichu, the most re markable group of buildings discove ered in South America since the con quest of Peru nearly 400 years ago. Two years will be given to the work of the new expedition. The -object of this expedition, ac cording to Gilbert H. Grosvenor, di rector and editor of the society, is te make a geographical reconnaisance of a portion of southern Peru, includ ing the Cordillera Vilcabamba, and some portions of the Apurimac and Urubama watersheds. This region is a part of the eastern edge of the great Andean plateau. The Cordillera Vil cabamba is a chain of dissected moun tains rising 16,000 to 20,000 feet above sea level, situated between South lati tudes 12 and 14. Their bases are clothed with tropical jungles, while their summits are mantled with snow and glaciers, in the main they are unexpected. As one of the most in accessible parts of the Andes, they have been occupied from time to time by the ancient peoples of Peru. In this region are the ruins of Macchu Pichu, Palcay and Chociquequirau. The, reported presence of other ruins and the actual existence of some that have been seen but not studied or mapped make the region a particular ly attractive area in which to study the problem of man's origin and dis tribution in South America. The character of the land forma tions in the neighborhood of the ruins should enable something to be said in regard to the number of people for merly occupying the region, the causes of the location of the cities, buildings and forts, and the reasons for their final abandonment, according to Prof. Bingham. "An examination of the ruins, studies of the styles of archi tecture, and of the artifacts and other remains that may be found fairly near the surface of the ground, should eventually enable a classification to be made, which, in connection with bio logical, physiographic, linguistic and historical studies, ought to result fin ally in unravelling the puzzle of the ancient civilization of South America," he says, "rom the standpoint of biol ogy, this area is believed to contain a large number of species new to sci ence.. From the standpoint of anthro pology, it is one of the least known and most fruitful areas in the Andes." The plan of work will Include the making of a topographical map of the region northwest of Cuxco between the Apurimac and T'rubamba rivers; a de tailed geographical reconnaissance of the more lofty portions of the moun tains, including a study of the large undeserlbed glaciated region; the es tablishment of two meteorological sta tions at different elevations for the" taking of systematic records for two years ;a study of the distribution and history of food plants of this region; UP ECZEMA AND STOPS ITCHING This Old Time Skin Healer is Used Just Like Any Cold Cream. With the first application of bold sulphur cream the angry itching at tending any eczema eruption ceases and its remarkable healing powers begin. Sulphur, says a renowned dermatologist, just common bold-sul-phur, made into thick cream will soothe and heal the skin when irri tated and broken out with Eczema or any for mof eruption. The mo ment it is applied all itching ceases and after two or three applications the Eczema disappears, leaving the skin clear and smooth. He tells Eczema sufferers to get from any good pharmacy an ounce of bold-sulphur cream and apply it to the irritated, inflamed skin, the same as you would any cold cream. For many years this soothing, healing sulphur has occupied a se cure position in the treatment of cut aneous affections by reason of its parasite-destroying property. It is not only parasiticidal, but also anti pruritic, antiseptic and remarkably healing in all irritable and lnflamma torv conditions of the skin. While not always establishing a permanent cure it never falls to instantly sub due the irritation and heal thel Ec zema right up and it Is often years later before any eruption again ap pears on the skin. We Have Just Received A Shipment of the Chalmers Master Light 'Six' PRICE $1,800 Come in and look this beautiful car over. Asheville Automobile Co. 18 & 20 North Church St. THE ALL-STEEL SAFE-CABINET IN WEST WINDOW Will prove of greatest value to every man in the office, store or home for the safe keeping of money valuable papers, books, silver plate and other valuables. Approved by the Unerwrlters' Laboratories. Drop in and examine It. SOGERS BOOK STORE. 81 Patton Avenue. - Rogers Press. - . in Patton Ave. - - Phone 54 Springtime Hints Springtime Is here and the furnace will soon stop, hut you will need something to take the chill from the luii It, uom, so the Klectric Heater Is the thing that will do the work at a pry small expense. Ves. and the hot days are coining w I ii n you will not want lo heat the range to prepare a htnall meal, so the Kl Stovo is the thing. But Is your house wired sufficient to allow you to use these electrical appliances ? If not, let us give you estimate on the wiring. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. the collection of data respecting the forms of distribution of vertebrates, particularly mammals and reptiles; a survey of the present Indians Inhabit ing this region, including a 'Study of their dialects, the collection of an thropometric data and the collection and study of the skeletal remains; and archeological reconnaissance of the entire area, and a continuation of the studies begun by the first expedition, looking towards a geographical inter pretation of the Spanish chronicles of the era of discovery and exploration, with particular reference to the identi fication of ancient place names, the story of Macchu Pichu and its connec tion with the history of the Incas. Director Bingham is regarded as the foremost South American explorer today. He has made four expeditions to the continent, his first, in 1906, be ing for the purpose of exploring Boli var's route across Venezuela and Co lumbia. Two years later he explored the Spanish trade route from Buenos Ayres to Dima. He represented the United 'tates at the First Pan-American Scientific Congress in Santiago de Chile, in 1908. The other members of the new expedition are Chief Engineer Ellwood C. Erdls; Geologist Herbert E. Gregory, .Slllimnn, professor of Ge ology In Yale University; Osteologist George F. Eaton, Curator of Osteology in the Peabody Museum of Yale Uni versity; Albert H. Bumstead, topo graphical engineer; Osgood Hardy, chief assistant; C. F. Westerberg, as sistant topographer; II. S. Arnold, M. D medical adviser; Philip A. Means, assistant In archeology; 1 M. Kirk pat rick, secretary, and a surgeon not yet named. Some of the members of expedition, particularly the topograph ers, will leave next week, in order to reach the field as soon as the dry sea son commences. They hope to com plete the topographical work and have the maps ready for the use of the scientific members of the party by December. 4 Patton Avenue Ilione fg Asheville Paint & Glass Co. LUCA8 FAINT. VARNISHES. HALL PAPER. ETC. AT . Mali, hi Phone I7T0 AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE Kates reasonable also Gener al Bopair work. LYERLY MOTOR 00. No. 1U1. No. 10 W. ollcge M. CASH OR CREDIT $15.00 Suit to Meaaure Silver Dollar Tailoring Co. 15 South Main Phone jrw want to 101. YIELDS 10 HYGMEI You Breathe It Be wise In time and use Hyomel at the first symptom of catarrh, such as frequent head colds, constant sniffl ing raising of mucus, or droppings In the throat. Do not let the disease liit rune deep-seated and you are In (Linger of a serious if not fatul ail ment. There Is no other treatment for ca tarrh, bead colds, etc., like the Hyo mel method, none Just as good, so easy and pleasant to use, or that gives such quick, sure lasting relief. You breathe It no stomach dosing. Smith Drug store will refund your money If you are not benefitted. Try Hyomel at once and see how quickly It clears the head, stops the sniffling, and banishes catarrh. Hy omel helps you to enjoy good health. All druggists seel It. Ask for the complete outfit 11.00. SEN. SHIVELY PUZZLED BUT IS OPTIMISTIC Washington. April 24. Senator Shively, chairman of the foreign rela tions committee, was asked if he saw any possibility of ending the Mexican difficulty with the Vera Cruz incident. He replied that he saw a possibility but war not optimistic. A PROCLAMATION BY VERA CRUZ AMERICANS WANTS Vera Cms, April 24 The first proclamation issued in this city by Americans since the war between the United States and Mexico ended In 1S4S has been posted and read with interest by the Mexican Inhabitants. RECENT NOMINATIONS. RATS cannot feed in mj store. I be lieve I have the onljr rat proof store In Western North Carolina. O. I. ALLISON, Phone 1843. Bl-lOt. LAWN MOWERS Priced at 13.00 up Brown Hardware Co. 41 N. Main M. pimnm Washington. April 24. The presi dent has made these nominations: J. R. Thompson, Spring City, Tenn. United States marshal, eastern dis trict of Tennessee. James T. Newton, Georgia, first asslstsnt commissioner of patents. Robert F. Whitehead, Virginia, as sistant commissioner of patents. Warned to Leave. El Paso. Tex., April 24. British subjects in Mexico have been warned to leave Immediately. The warning came from the British smbaasador. Sir Cecil Sprlng-Rlce. About 700 Britons are in Mexico. Bubonic Plague Havana, Cuba, April 14. Another of positive bubonic plague has been officially confirmed here. VICIa'S fiwmorfta SAIeVE EVERY DKMtH IMTIf VOTER Ml VI PAY HIS run TAX Of TWO noi l HH IIEEORF MAY F1RHT. IE HE WANTS TO VOTE IN THE lil.MK.MMKH THE EIHST 1OriH M. ROI-RXE. t II M It H AN. 1-ltlMAHY 1ATK. MAY 0-eod-M lemlrrth. Herri at t.mnt P1ierma-v Fancy Brick Cream and Fancy Candies Made to Order CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE NEAR POST OFFICE. PHONE 110. HAYWOOD STREET UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, HILL S Extra Fancy Strawberries All this week, 30cts per basket. Out potted Tomato Plants are ready now. 25c per dozen. E. C. JARRETT Fancy Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. 12 North Pack Square and City Market MR. DEALER "Buy an Order of PETERS ARAB HORSE FEED ' Sell a saek to Bill he tells Tom Tom tells Dlek Dick tells Harry Harry tells his wife she tells some other fellows wife and they all eome back for more and then you phone or write us to deliver another order quick and we can do It and history repeats itself and you are another regular customer. TRY IT. ASHEVILLE GRAIN AND HAT COMPANY SPECIAL Royal Sen rldk' Olives, 8V2 oz. net. for 20 cents. The regular price is 25 cents. Our Strawberries Are Extra Choice For This Week. Stradley & Luther PHONE 1902 - 1 and 3 E. Pack Square Our STEADFAST SHOES cannot be beaten for style and np-to-the minute. You can walk in a pair for $5.00. Geo. W. Jenkins, 18 S. Main St MONARCH Few coals as good, none better. MONARCH catch es quickly, burns freely and steadily, leaving very little ash. In ranges "For goodness sake" use MONARCH coal. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 - 10 N. Pack Sq. 1 BEST BY TEST M. & W. GOAL has through much more than a decade proven its superiority for ev ery use, for range, heat er or grate. Selected from among the many coals of many qualities by reason of its superior quality. PHONE 40- Asheville Coal Co. N. Pack Square F. M. WEAVER, Mgr. m Money to Loai Trunks, bags, valises and lean goods. Uncle Sam's Pawnsho 30 S. Main Street Laundry Phone 7 A trial Is all we ask. We treat your laundry white. HERE 1 HEY ARE YOU NEED LOOK NO FURTHER f Porch Rockers $1.00 AND UP cW ASSORTED CARLOAD TO MAKE SELECTION FROM They have good solid frames with rattan seats and backs. The best values .we've ever shown. J. L. Smathers and Sons Mammoth Furniture Store - - . 15-17 North Main St. Get Our Prices lt Pay Biltmore Plumbing & Heating G PLUMBING, HEAT IiTG, OAS FITTING Z. V. CREASMAN. Pre'!. a A. OREASMAN, f SHEET METAL WORKS T. P. JOHNSON & CO. ALL KINDS OF ROOFING Galvanised Iron umkt, Skylights, Ventilator, Metal Ceilings, Blow Pip Work, Etc. STRAW HATS $1.50 TO $3.50 One of the best assortments ever shown in an Asheville store. 300 DIFFERENT STYLES TO MAKE SELECTION FROM We can save you from $1.00 to $1.60 on the purchase of a Strnw Hat this season. 1-et ua demonstrate the fact Call and see some exceptional Straw Hat Values In a r 1 straw window. Stein Bloch Clothes, Arrow Collars, Adler Gloves and Bates Street Shirts 69-71 South Mais St. Phone 325 Choice RED SNAPPER TODAY And SNAPPER JOWLS ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY crrr market phone m, swais. Chuniltera a Weaver, Uvery, Phoas 11 New Toys A very lurje shipment direct from Germany. Watch my Window. BLOMBERG'S 8P0R1TNG GOODS AND TOY STORE 17 PATTON AVENUE VTF171V DDI MC 18 NORTH i i - immune Vjv. MAIN ST. y ramraiiiiiii i ixiirr Smlok0etd TONGUE' SLICED BOILED HAM CSE" BACON STAR MARKET PHONES: 1917, 1918, 1919 We ai lo a variety of BUY A GOOD GRADE OF PLAIN FLOUR. Pot yo salt and Rumford Baking Powder in it then yon will know you hart pure, wholesome breac otherwise yon do not. IF TOU READ THE GAZET TE-NIW8 CLAASIFISD YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND WHAT YOU WANT I-HKRK M A WAT' for roe (e ge to T1IK WANT AM even brlni the thsater once a week HkHl neighbors Probably thai fa beins any poorer the tncowe frees : thai meved ' nasi dee Ike e renting thai hall bedroom would I tay sorared the house "" pay Iks sipense. Try a want dv I these classified ad