Friday, April 24, 1914 i THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE -NEWS PAGE NOS HEAD STOPPED FROM GOLD OR CATARRH, OPEN AT ONCE My Cleansing. Healing Balm Instant ly Cleans Nose, Head and Throat Stops Nasty Catarrhal Discharges, Dull Headache Goes. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small buttle anyway, try II Apply a little 'In the. and Instantly your cloxgedj nose nnd balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the In flamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears ! the air passages; stopa nasty dis charges and a feeling of cleansing. Just to soothing relief comes immediately, nostrils Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; now- stnpped-up air passages of the head trlls closed, hawking and blowing. Will open; yoit will breathe freely; Catarrh or a cold, with Ita running dullness and headache disappear. By nose, foul mucous dropping into the morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or I throat, and raw dryness is distressing catarrhal sore throat will be gone. but truly needless. End such misery now! Get the Put your faith -just once In "Ely's small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at Cream Balm" and your cold or ca p.ny dnig store. Th!s sweet, fragrant . i tarrh will surely disappear. NoUes of -Ike Mystic Shrine ATLANTA,GEORGIA Tuesday. May IT 1914 Great as to Numbers Magnificent as to Detail Miles in Length One Hundred Shrine Patrols in Fancy Costume One Hundred Bands of Music High Dignitaries of the Order -Thousands of Shriners Afoot and Camel-Back i Most Spectacular Event of Its Kind Ever Witnessed in the South The public is not only cordially invited, but will be greatly interested and entertained in witnessing this superb event Reduced Fares from All Points Greatly Augmented Service SOUTHERN RAILWAY i PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH For complete particulars am to fares, schedules, an J sleeping-car service, communicate with A. H ACKER,, C. P. ft T. Phone 168 Div. Pass. Agt., Phone 317 1 A. J, H. WOOD Asheville, N. C. Porch Goods AT PRICES THAT Wil l, INTEREST YOU JIST RECEIVED SOLID CAR OP PORCH ROCKERS AND SETTEES THAT WE ARE SELLING AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES , PORCH SWINGS Bent SUt Wood Scat and Hacks, comfortable and Htrong, (rooil values '. $:s to (IS SWINGING COCCHES Doth wood and metal framea, some with extra good wire springs and soft pad matlress, complete ready for hanging $8.00 to $1..00 I MATTING RCGS !' x I Jap ojhd k'hlneee Matting Art Squares In large variety of patterns 1 $3.25 to $ H.-i Matting,) 20- to 40c per yard. PORCH SHADES A large xtotk of different kinds and sites Inrliidliur Wnldo WiHid Wcl)l anil llaiulion shades. SI. AO to $8.00 Beaumont Furniture Co. "Tlie Home of Furniture Values" 27 SOUTH MAIN ST. GALAX THEATRE COMING Monday and Tuesday APRIL 27 AND 28 Two Great Feature Pictures SEE ANNOUNCEMENT IN THIS PAPER TOMORROW ASHEVILLE SCHOOL' FDR GIRLS TO BE CONTINUED I Reports to the Contrary De ied in Statement Issued By Trustees. Following a number of reports that have become current lately to the ef fect that the Asheville School for Girls is to be discontinued after the present session, the following state ment haa been issued by the trustees, in which the patrons and friends of the school are assured that the work of the institution is to be continued: "There seems to be sortie misappre hension' concerning the continuance of the Asheville School for Girls, arising possibly from the fact that it has be come known that the property was under offer of sale, and also that one or two of the teachers were severing their connection after this year. "The board of trustees wish to state that they have made arrangements with Miss Carbutt, who has so ably managed the school this year, to con tinue same on through 1914 and 1915, and she has, moreover, arranged to add some new features that it was found impossible to introduce this year. Tills school is the result of an ex pression of opinion by a few business men in Asheville that the city should have a high-class non-sectarian school for girls. So far it has been run at some financial sacrifice, but they feel as time goes on its work will be better appreciated and that the attendance will increase so that finally It will be a paying proposition, as well as an asset to the city. "The school is capable of taking care of upwards of 200 pupils, and if the parents who wish or are expecting to have their children educated at a high class private school will look over the work that is being done It Is certain that they will join with those who art carrying on the work and send their children to a home school of this char acter." REVIVAL SERVICES F f JB tut a mmt . m, m tm IK f I fek m gon marcne Jhe ffome of Jupenor values gon warche Special Jpring Coat J'uit and Sdk press Values Friday and Saturday Shoppers at this store are assured of the hest garment values of the spring season. Up to $'J.')() Silk Dresses, special purchase, at $13.75 Up to $32.50 Silk Dresses, splendid models, priced.. $15.75 at Up to $40.00 Silk Dresses, for V . see window display, $18.75 Lot of Silk and Wool Suits, worth up to $.'!(), very " special at $19.50 Lot of Silk and Wool Suits, worth up to $.'!."), very special at $25.00 Lot of Silk and Wool Suits, worth up to $50, special at $35.00 Muslin s Underwear lofel Sffects Here, you will see displayed the newest conceits in Under muslins. Styles in undergar ments change just as they do in the outer apparel, perhaps not so radically, hut still newer effects are always coining out. Our showing emhraces all the wanted styles, from the plain gown at 50c to Teddy Bear Combination, Transpar ent petticoats. trunks. Suit Cases and traveling Sags You want to select your new trunk or traveling hag from the largest stock in town, don't you ? We don't see how our claim of the largest collection can be disputed with success. Trunks are priced ;l" Oms way from a canvas hound one at $5.50 to a magnificent Wardrobe trunk at $b'5, with a fine line of ROLLER TRA YS at $15 to $20. Suit Cases; straw, bamboo, fibre and leather, pric ed at $1.25-to $25. Traveling bags, straw and leather, priced at 50c to $20. These Articles Are to be Found on the Third Floor BAD WATER WILL BE .. Thomas and companj nnd associate Col ! I announce that thev will establish a WORST FOE OF ARMY I large new ice plant in Winston-Salem ' known as the Home ice company. Captain .1. G. Wooten, commander of the Forsyth Riflemen, announced today every member of his company is ready to enter active service in Mexico or on the border. Rev. John E. Barnard Ad dresses Large Audiencs Nightly Much Interest. Revival meetings continue with in creased Interest at French Broad ave nue and Bartlett street. The pastor. Rev. John E. Barnard, is preaching to good audiences every night during Iho week and will conduct an all-day ser vice Sunday as follows: From 8 to 9:30 a. m. constant prayer; 9:30 to 10:45 a. m., Sunday school; at 11 a. m. the regular sermon subject, "Pen tecost." Following the 1 1 o'clock ser vice will be another constant season of prayer till 3 p. m. when the pastor will preach again. At 8 o'clock Sun day night the subject will be: "The Bible Doctrine of Hell." Tills will be the first of several sermons on this subject. The public are expected to take a special interest In these services. New York, April 24. Bad wa.jr will be the army's worst foe in Mexico if war is declared, according tu Colonel M. I,. Maus, chief surgeon of the first army division, which has headquarters at Governor's island. The water sup ply and sanitation system of Mexico, he explained, were so far behind mod ern methods that If an army should be sent into Mexico City an entirely new system would have to be provided. He estimated that millions of dollars would be expended by the United States for sanitation and that from a health standpoint American occupa tion of Mexico would be a good thing for that country. Rodman to this effect today. The traditions of the company to be me at the first to volunteer as in the civil war and the Spanish-American war have thus been adhered to. , An English insurance company is sues a policy covering damage done by militant suffragettes. FIFTEEN MINUTES Flags on Schools. Chicago, April 24. Beginning to day and continuing while United States forces are in Mexico, United States Hags will fly from all Chicago scho 1 buildings every day. Tarboro Troops Heady. THE 11TB Forecasts until 8 p. m. Saturday for Asheville and vicinity: Generally No need (o dose With nauseous drugs or alcoholic syrups. Simply rub a little VIck's Vaip-O-Ruh" Croup and Pneumonia Salve well over the throat and chest. The vapors Inhaled loosen the tough, choking phlegm and ease the difficult breathing. One ap plication at bedtime, covered with a a warm flannel cloth, is a sure pre ventive. Vick's is quicker than 1n- II- LARGE SHIPMENT OF EXPLOSIVES LEAVES Special to The Gazette-News. Tarboro. April 24. The local tarv company, the Edgecombe guards. has signified its readiness to obey the cloudy tonight and Saturday, warmer country's call. Cap! Paul Jonca wired ' tonight in the interior, moderate northeast to east winds. cloudy tonight and Saturday, warmer , ternal medicines for all inflammations . . ( or tne air passages irom neau coiua K iand catarrh asthma and bronchitis For .ortn Carolina: tienerauy down to deep chest colds and pneumonia. Try a jar now 25c, 50c, and $1.00, at aU dealers. Stony Point. N. Y.. April 24. The! largest shipment of explosives and am munition since the Spanish-American war left the lona island naval arsenal yesterday. I he consignment of pow der, shells and explosives weighing about 200,000 pounds was conveyed on tug boats to warships stationed at the i New York navy yard. Ammunition has been leaying the i island for 10 days, the total shipments to date aggregating more than a mil lion pounds. SUPREME COURT TO SIT A WEEK LONGER SNEIORS WINNERS IN GIRLS' BASKET BALL The teams representing the senior and freshman B girls of tht High school yesterday afternoon played a game of basketball which resulted In a victory for the seniors Dy tne score j of june ,efo r of 24 to 4. One of the best features j journs for thi or tne game was me goal tnrowing or Rangaley for the seniors. The line-up was ss follows: ' Washington. April 24. The record of the Supreme court this year In hearing cases will be further extended by Its decision to alt one week longer than has been Us custom to hem- argu ment of cases. The court has decided M hear arguments during the beginning May 4. This Is taken to in dicate that It will be nearly thr middle the courl finally ad-summer. Ice Plant for Winston-Salem. Seniors H. Rangaley O. Merrill D. Kllpatrlck 3, Flnesteln M. Lambert Position if c rg lg l-'reshmen splcial to The 'iaaette-Ncws. E. Clark M. Payne G. Hyder W. Is. Youn H. gamuels ASHEVILLE LOSES NOOJIN THIS YEAR Citizens Transfer Company JULIA WOOUCOCI, Owwar. We give wiovla oar epeota) nutation Largest veaa .nd moat oompe-tea- ma la etty. Prompt baccate i ran afar eervte. Budoieed by O. a T. - T. T. A. Phone II. 41 Patton Avenue. Secretary T M. TDuckett of the local baaeball club yesterday afternoon re ceived a letter from Noojln. who played centerfleld with the Aahevllle club last year, In which he statee he will not he In Aahevllle this year, aa he haa accepted an offer from How ard college at Blrglnmham. which he la loathe to turn down. He haa been coaching th Howard college team this year and atatea that he deslree to remain much aa he would like to play with the Aahevllle team. This will be bad news to many tana In the city, aa Noojln waa well liked here and did good work laat year. WInston-Salcin, April 24. C 7 beat ir FEET CAN II IT c- r-v a. j. c : . . 4... - CLV?. uvpai iiiinii vi ngiiuivuivi "JNrEATHER. BUREAU. I w f AO 1 v. m nn M J2 . ""M 11 J v ImD a J 1 w . V -wrio I lana . I x VJ TTJ-W I i .rllA-vT J A. t I l7$tnL &SmjWM W I v I i T V r. t Id x f a I 1 f 300 -vjjwjst k ilm IrVirinv Anril 9.4 1914' T2 V-J 1 I -300 WHEN HUR i T rtxPLANATOrt-r notes: Obaervtdoni (akea t ' m '. 75th merldlin time. Air nreuure reduced to act level. 'Isobirs (conttnnona line) pua tbrouth points of equal ilr preuure. Io'.hernu idotted linos) pi ss tbroufb points of equil temperature: druwh only for fro. freeztDK. 90. and lar'. O clear: Q partly cloudr; 0 cloudy: (3) rain. anow: report misalm. Arrowafly with the wind.' First fliurea. teroperatcre; second, preclplutlon of .01 Inch or more tor part 24 hours; third, maximum wind velocity, ktafaf' NttJtT ' "Tk" up. New Tobaccti Warelioue. Rpeclal lo The Oaxette-Newa. rayettevllle, April 14 The Fay attevllle chamber of romterce took a tong itep forward Tueaday night, when It accepted a propoattlon from A. Blue, general manager of the Ab erdeen and Rockflih railroad, that he ahould fumlah the site for a aecond tobarco waretrouaa In Fayettevllle, the warehouse to be built by a For Sore, Tired. Puffed Sweaty, Calloused Feet or Corns. "Sura! I naa TIT vary time for any foot trouble." Ton ran he happy-fooled uat like me. L'ae "Til" -ml never Buffer with atock ' tender, raw. Inn nlng, blistered, awol- company. At the end of ten yeara Mr. Bluo will renew the leaae on hla real eatate or lake It back at what th Im provement! coat HEAL ATIC TRANSFERS Kenllworth Development company to A. Ivey and Mlaa Maude Waddell. land on the Bi It more road, roneldera Uon 1104 LICENBn TO WEI Amos Roberta to Nora Burrell. len, tired, amellv feet, "Tli" and only "TIZ ' takea the iln and aoreneaa out of rorna, rallnua and bunlnna. Aa aoon aa youj put your feet In a 'TIZ hath, you Ju.4 fe. i the happl naaa soaking In. How good your poor, old feet real. They want to dance for Joy. "Til" la irand. 'TIS" Instantly draws out all of the pnlann oua exudations which puff up your feat and eauao tort) Inflamed, arhlng. sweaty, Bntolly f' I. Oet a 11 cent box of "TIZ" al any drug atore or depaitment atore. Oat inatant foot rellf. Laugh at your feat are never. Navel going to bother or make you limp By mora. The Emanuel Business College Is Unique in a Number of Particulars 1, It is tlio only liusini'ss college in t ho United Statei offering n full, doable' iinirsc scliolarsliip to anyone wbo ean niiine a man or woman who lias graduated at our school, whom we have been unable to place in a position. Our written Runranlee to secure the student a position upon graduation accompanies every Heliolarsliip. e 2. It Iibr the distinction of having the most complete curriculum of any Busi ness College in the South. .'I. Of having the greatest Dumber of teachers for the DTO rata number of stu dents enrolled, of any Business College in the South. These are the hig, essential things; the tilings you necessarily consider in lc t iding upon your school. If you are interested, won't you call and let us tell you some of the other hig advantages we have to offer you. EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 48 , PATTON AVENUE PHONE 1100