PAGE TWO 1HE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Saturday, April 26, SALT RHEUM IS THE ITCH FIEND - Salt rhaum is one of the worst and Unfortunately one of the moat com fnon of all diseases. How It reddena the skin. Itches, oozes, dries and gfcales, over and over again! - Halt rheum comes from humors In the blood. This ia why local appli cations do so little good. Ask your druggist for Hood's Sar aaparllla. It goes to the source of the trouble. It cleanses the blood and has given perfect satisfaction In thousands of cases. Get it today. IHTERSCHOUSTIC SHERIFF WILLIAMS HAS RETURNED ID IDE CITY MEETYESTERDAY Ashevlile High School Took First Place With 41 Points The Events. Went to Washington Last Week In Cole Kidnap ing Case. Sheriff C. F. Williams returned yes terday from Olympla, Wash., where he werjt to take the requisition papers ftp- the return here of Mrs. lJettie Jiutchison ami Hiss Carrie Tlnsley, who were charged with Kidnaping little six years old Kdna Cole, daugh ter of E. C. Cole of West Ashevlile. At the hearing held before Governor Er nest Lister of Washington last Satur day night at 8 o'clock, the governor refused to honor the requisition papers issued by Governor Locke Craig and allowed the women to go free. Sheriff Williams states that the hearing before Governor Lister was Very briet and only a few questions were asked the women or himself. The grounds on which the governor of Washington refused to honor the papers were that the father of the child had not contributed to its sup port since it was given into the custody of the two women, whv are aunts of tfie child; that the women have work ed to support the child and he thought they ought to he allowed to keep il. Thomas Malvern Vance, son of the late Zeb 13. Vance, who Is an attorney at Olympia, appeared at the hearing for Mr. Cole of this city and among the attorneys who appeared for the women was Maurice A. Ivanphornc of Taconia, formerly of Newport, Tenn. Mr. Vance has been in Washington for about 2." years and is the senior mem ber of the law firm of Vance & Parr. So tar as can be learned the refusal of Governor Lister to honor tho re quisition papers ends the case, al though, as stated last week, other moves Might be made in the case bv Mr. i u'.s by having a writ of habeas corpus taken out for the child. This would be done of course in Washing ton and then It was stated that an other effort would be made later on get the governor of Washington to hear the i..atter of requisition papers agai n. The Western Carolina Interscholas tlo league track meet was held on the Hiltmore green yesterday com mencing at 11 o'clock. It was pro nounced one of the most successful meets yet held by the league Schools from many sections uf western North Carolina participated and the honoi of the meet went to the Ashevlile High school, which won 41 points, winning the pennant offered by L. Blomherg The results of the meet are as fol lows: 100-yard dash time, 11 1-9 sec onds,' J. P. Sawyer, Ashevlile High school, lirst; .Tones, Asheville. second; Hutchinson, Fairview, third. Running broadjump Record IS feet, eight inches; Walker, Barnards ville, lirst; Hutchinson, Fairvlew, sec ond; and Sawyer, Asheville, third. Pole vault Record, six feet, eight- inches; Jones, Fairvlew, first; Hutch lnson, Kairvlew, second; Clements, Asheville, third. 220-yard dash time, 24 2-3 sec onds: Sawyer, Asheville, first; Hutch inson, Fairview, second; Walker, Bar nardsville, third. Shot put Record, .16 feet, fi inches; Randolph, Asheville. lirst; Hutchinson. Fairview, second; Brookshire, Ashe ville. third. 880-yard dash Time. 24 4-," sec onds; Jones. Fairview, first; Bearden, Asheville, second; Lee, Asheville, third. 120-yard hurdle race Time, I'M seconds; Sawyer, Asheville, first; Ran dolph, Asheville, second; Hutchinson, Fairview, third. aOlyard dash Time, 5 4-3 seconds; Jones. Ashoville, first; Sawyer, Ashe ville. second; Hutchinson, Fairview, third. The relay acc was not pulled off. Several schools that did sign up'agree- ments with the association had repre sentatives present today and while they were allowed to compete in the contests their scores and time did not go on the records. Many merchants of the city con tributed prizes to the winners ot the different events pulled off and the in terest In the meet was great among the schools of this section. il ill in i il MIU.JAMESA.HAIX. I MRS. Bi PALMER OIES it mm DOME Woman Well Known Here Passes Away After Long Illness. Information was received here fhis morning of the death In Lake City, Fla.. yesterday of Mrs. H. H. Palmer. The deceased was the wife of Judge S. H. Palmer and was a member of a prominent Florida family. She and her husband had vtsited in Asheville for the lost twenty years and were well known in this city and western North Carolina. Nil details of the death were given in the message other than the de ceased haI been III for sometime and the interment would take place In I.ake City. WEEKLY MEETING OF LITERARY SOCIETY The regular meeting of the Y. M. C, A. Literary society wa held Thursday and the following program was carried out: Scripture reading, H. C. Jar vis; declamation, "The Mother South," C. W- Messier: debate. "Resolved, That Men of Thought are of More Benefit to the World Than Men of Action." Tho affirmative and winning side was taken ay C. G. Tcnnent while R, T. Newton argued for the negative. The declamation, which was a good election and well given, was much njoyed. The arguments of the debat ers were presented m a good style and the question was a very interesting one. The officers recently elected at a called meeting are as follows and will be Installed at the next regular meet ing: President. C. H. Messier; vee preeldent. A. B. Foy; secretary-treasurer, H. C. Jarvla; society reporter. J. R. K. Tipping; critic, Norman E ooper. IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS A record of sixty-five years continu ous use of "Mrs. WlnsloWe toothing yrup" by mothers in all parte of the world, ia the highest praise that any remedy for "children teething " hag aver reeelved. Bvery year the young mother follows in the feoutepe of Her mother and nods Mrs. Wlnslowe soothing Syrup to ba the favorite, and eo It has goue oa for a parted of . fjr-flve years. Million of mother have used it for iheir children while teething with perfect success. It go at hg the child, softenj the gums ally. aU pain, cures wind -ellr and ia the beat remedy for dlanhoeaa old by Druggists and medicine deal er In all parts of the known worM. fwenty-ffv. cent a bottle. Be rare and ash for Mr Wlnslow'i WmVimJbXP. aae Who no ether. RED CROSS SOCIETY W APPEAL FOR i Judge Pritchard Receives Communication From National Secretary. Judge Jeter C. Pritchard of the Ic e branch of the National Red Cross so ciety received a telegram yaaterda) frot. Charle-- L. Megee of Washington, secretat v of the national organization, in which it is stated that the relict board held a meeting yesterday. It Is also stated that written Instructions will be sent immediately to the local branch. The real import of this message Is not known, although it Is thought by Judge Pritchard that an appeal will he made to the people of the country for funds with which the society can carry Its work of relief Into Mexico In case war is declared, fie will make known the instructions sent here as soon us they are received. SMOTHERING SPELLS r Sour Stomach, Heart Burn In October, 1010. we received a letter from Mrs. Hall, from which we make the following ex tracts: "About twelve years ago my health began to fall. I couldn't eat anything without suffering for it I had I heart burn, sour heart, smother-. ing spells, pains in my Bides and back. In fact, I suffered all over, and a cough almost like consump tion. Doctors failed to relieve me; In fact, they didn't seem to know what ailed me. I continued to grow worse until was able to sit up only a part of the time. I had almost lost all hopea of ever being any better. "But one day some one threw soma books in at my door. I read them and found them to be Peruna books. "They described my feeling so truly I sent at once and got a bottle and began taking it. You pronounced my ailment systemic catarrh, and gave me some advice. "When I had taken two and one half bottles I began to eat without suffering. I continued to improve. "When I had taken eight I was like a new person. That was nine years ago. "I think Peruna the greatest fam ily remedy there is, for so many ail ments are due to catarrhal trouble. I would advise any one afflicted with catarrh to take Peruna and I am sure it will leave." In the Revised "Ills of Life" we have many similar testimonials which should interest sick people every where. Sent free by the Peruna Co., Columbus, Ohio. People who object to liquid medi cines can now obtain Peruna Tablets. M il GOVERNOR E HUE, IS HERE Missouri Politician of National Fame a Quest at The Manor. y Former Governor Herbert S. Had ley of Missouri arrived In Asheville Thursday and Is a guest at the Manor where he will be for several days. This Is Governor Hadlcy's second visit to Asheville this year and he ex presses himself as being well pleased with western North Carolina and says that the trips he makes to this .section always make him feel like a new man. It will be -remembered that Gov ernor Hadley took a prominent part in the republican convention in Chi cago two year ago and was men tioned as a compromise eandidnte of the convention for the presidency. VOLUNTEER ARMY BILL BOTH HOUSES Passed Senate- Without Debate Is Now Ready For The President's Signature. ft L RE FAVOR OP III Washington, April 25. The house passed volunteer array bill yesterday afternoon ami It now goes to the president for signature. Washington, April 24. Tho senate today without debate passed the vol unteer army hill as agreed to by the conferees of the house and senate. The bill was designed to cure de fects in existing law relating to volun- j teer forces and it is relied upon to put I these forces upon a war time footing I almost similar to the regular army. Except for the fact that the volun ! teer army would be disbanded lmme 'dlately by presidential action at the Judge Shuford Thinks Alder-1 nose of hostilities, which led to its i.,lln ,,.,,.1.1 U lUll,. differenctWttfin: ft arid' the refrtHar standing army. The volunteer army under the terms of the bill is to be raised while war is existing or "while war Is im minent." but only after congress has given the president authority. The president would call for volunteers by proclamation and make the necessary regulations for receiving them into service. isHaJisfnitBlit w oubi .bt apnori tioned among the states according to population. The president appoints the officers Instead rf the governor of the states men Should Put Women On School Board. MEXICAN SITUATION CAUSES SHARP FALL New York, April 2i. The Mexican situation was nnre of a factor in the stock market yesterday than any time since the opening of hostilities. On the stock exchange war talk and pos sibilities growing out of more recent developments were reflected In a sharp decline recorded at the opening. Helling came from various iiuartera. Europe was active In the movement. I'anadiau I'uclflo was again a conspic uously weak feature here, following its l l.i. TH Il HI Securities having Mexican connec tions suffered most In the early deal ings, which were on a large scale. Next to Canadian Pacific which was offered for foreign account, the Gug genheim properties, Mexican Petro leum'. Coppers and allied stocks, regis tered the largest losses. Storks became increasingly feverish toward the end of the lirst hour. By this time more than 200.000 ahares had changed hand. Prices fell away again. The weight of liquidation and, in numerous Instances, the lowest prices of several years were scored Many stop loss orders were uncov ered In the course of the second de cllne and In some cases stock were unloaded of Impaired margin. loses of two to three point wer unloaded becaua of Impaired margins. I .ones of two to three point wer fairly general. In the cage of Mexican Petroleum the decline extended to practically Ave points. NEGROES ENGAGE IN A CUTTING AFFRAY In a euttlng affray Thursday In the Grove park Motion of th city, John Carroll, colored, seriously wounded Henry McConnell, colored, and suc ceeded in making hi escape, lie has not yet been located by the sheriff offlc .. It Is claimed that the negroes, who are servants, were ngged In a aam hllng gam In th servants' house at the plane where they work, when altercation took place. MoCnnnell was erloul rut on the ck and left side f his face and It was necessary to as Hitches to tm up the cuts. Judge George A. Shuford of this city sent a long telegram yesterday to Mayor J. E. Rankin, from Tlal- cigh, in which he slated that he would resign from the city school board, provided the board of aldermen would elect two women to fill his place and the place made vacant by . and he has absolute authority to or the resignation of W. M. Jones last anlze brigades and divisions wlthouti weeek. ' lo sln,t5 unes. i ne enlistment Judge Shuford's telegram in full is.Peno is lour years, as in tne regular us follows: uriuj. "Believing that it will be for the best Interest of the Asheville public; schools to have at least two ladies on 1 the school committee, I hereby tender, my resignation as school committee man on condition that the aldermen 1 will elect two ladies, one to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of; Mr. Jones and one by my resignation, j Nine-tenths of our teachers are worn-, en, and who knows so well how to j deal with women and children as a woman.' I hope that the board of al-1 dermen will do itself credit by elect ing two intelligent, broad minded matrons, who have children In the schools." DECLARATION SOCIETY REPRESENTATIVES IN REGITATIDH CONTEST In the preliminary contest held at Asheville HIsh school yesterday oi the young ladle representing several of the county schools, represents- "Signers" Send Telegram Ap proving His Course in the Mexican Crisis. Special to The Gasette-New Charlotte, April z8. The Meek ten hurg Declaration society met Thurs day and framed tho following telegram which was sent to the Whlto House at i:3 p. m.: 'Charlolte. X. C, April 21. 1014. 'The Phesldent, Wbjt Hou, Wash Ington, D. C. : "The Mecklenburg Declaration so clety of Charlotte, N. C, descendant of the signers of the Mecklenburg de claration of Independence, promul gated May 20. 1 7 78. our first declara selected to represent j tioii of Independence, and thv cltlzen- tlves were the schools In the recitation contest . hlp of MeciUaiiburgcounly, 4a regu- io bo held In the Auditorium this ! lal meeting assembled, heartily Indorse morning at 0:10 o'clock, to compete for the gold medal offe.-cd by Oeorge H. Powell for th beet rerltatlnn of any young lady representing a county school. Those who were selected are a follows: i ' rue.- School, 'The Hole In the Car pet," Miss Edith Wei bom Hiltmore School. "White Azalea," Miss Marls Hmathsr. Illack Mountain School, "Just us the Moon ltoe," Mia Ullle Hwann. Montreal School, 'Tho Kings." Mia Francis Garlic. Democrat School, "Uly Hervoeae'a Ride," Mia Mattle May Woodward. Atalea School, "Rlspah," Mia u- lSi) , representatives were present to- dsy from Hand Hill, Hamardavllle. Hominy Valley end Knlrvlew schools, but It I stated that they will be rep resented tomorrow. your action In defending the honor and dignity of the flag and respect fully urge you t plant the American standard upon Mexican soil and keep it there. "K. BREVARD McDOWELI 'President DISMAYED WHEN SHIPS SAILED FROM TAMPICO Tamplro. EMBARGO IS ONLY MILITARY MEASURE Washington, April 14 The embar go hWrre today against arm) and ammunition all along th Mexican border was a military measure taken by th war department. It wa de clared a a part of the operations of th army and navy and no action by th stats department wa Involved. Ily this means the technical re-establishment of th legal embargo, which It wa might have einbarraaasd th administration In It atlltud toward the constitution!, lists In northern jtexlio. wa avoided. The etnlsargo will be enforced by the entire military organisation on the border and under military order to custom auth-n- M'i., April II. (Via inree vera cru. April 14.) There was great apprehension here today short ly after an order had been keened ad vising all American ridcnt In Tam plco and vicinity to leave the country. Immediately the scoot cruiser Chester cleared for action aud St o mad sea ward down the rlvr. The gunboat Dolphin alio cleared for action and followed her. Hoik ves sels noisily saluted th British cruiser Her m..lnno as they passed A III Hh later th De Molnga. steamed away with her gun crew standing ready at the guns. The disappearance) of th protecting ahtp raued astonishment and dis may waong the American resident who were unable to bellev. they had been deliberately abandoned oa what appeared to be th eve at hostilities In the midst of a population known to cherish feeling of bitter hatred against American. STATU8 OF MILITIA TO BE DETERMINED Washington. April Proceed ings were begun la the Supreme court yesterday to dM ream's, whether th national guard may he aem to Mexico pr other territory outside th I'alud MUSIC for Everybody HI. Genuine Cecillian PLAYER PIANO One of the very best for one week $425 TERMS IP DESIRED ody Enjoys THE We have a large stock of the Latest Records GOME AND . HEAR 1HEW This Victrola $100.00 Other Styles from $15 up to $200 Olson Genuine Mt. Vernon Burl li Walnut from Geo. Washington Home This Cable-Nelson Piano made from the Washington Walnut, fully guaranteed $250.00. TERMS IF DESIRED Lowest Cash Prices Genuine Kimball Organs $2.50 Per Month r Good Violin $2, Good Guitar $1.50 The Best CENTURY MUSIC 10c Per Copy We can sell at a lower price because we purchase in Car Load Lots and keep our expenses down. DUNHAM'S Music House eat without first I Ming musters In aa volunteers The 1 rindllig at tn the nature -f an appeal (mm It action of Judge Day in tho- feden court In northern Ohio In dtamlanln an art Ion of UutaM "t.toni Daniel T. fliara againat Adjutm rg H. Wood of th, Ohio! retsry of War Garrison dliectod rw growing nil! of lilrnar. nrlmis n.llAii.l nrnnlu militia movement outside to mobilise "under order from president, upon th 'declaration -is n-Mi in leas war or tne imminence tnerror. -uUonsllty of th recently - wa begun April l, at Cleveiai ilia law, under which c-and Judge Day dl.imlad the ctl A

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