PAGE TWELVE THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Wednesday. Anrii oq 'THE IDEAL SUMMER COAL For use in the kitchen range there's no coal com parable with onr famous M. & W. INDIAN Full weight; prompt delivery; uniform quality. PHONE 130 Carolina Goal & Ice Company PHONE 130 NORTH CAROLINA IS NEVER SO PROSPEROUS Says W. D. LaRoque, the New ly Named Postmaster at Kinston. GUARANTEE SPRING OXFORDS For ladies and gentlemen, of the kind and quality and style that gentlemen and ladies in sist on having. Patent and dull leathers, also tan, buok and canvas. Three-flfty to five gets the cream of shoe goodness. Why pay more f Guarantee SSL 4 South Main St REMOVAL NOTICE We have moved from 22 Patton Avenue to tho store formerly occupied by the Ashe ville Pair.t and Glass Co., on North Slain street In Langren Hotel building. The I. X. L. Dept. Store. 14 North Main St. Phone 107 Gazette-News Bureau Wyatt Building Washington. April 29 W. D. LaRoque the newly named postmaster at Kinston, says hla sec tiora of the state Is enjoying the greatest prosperity since he can re member. Last year was an unusually good one for tobacco growers he says and today there are buildings costing over a quarter of a million dollars either In course of construction or for which plans are being drawn. "I cannot remember when my sec tion of the state was as prosperous as It is today," said Mr. LaRoque. "Con tracts for or plans are being drawn for buildings In Kinston alone that will run over a quarter of a million dollars. Besides that the entire com munity Is enjoying a great wave of prosperity. Last year was an unusual ly good season for tobacco growers and in fact for most every one." Mr. LaRoque said Capt. J. D. Brown, of the Kinston national guard, had received orders to recruit his company up to the full war quota, and prepare for Immediate service in the field. He declared that several hundred more than the allotment al lowed by law has applied for enlist ment. The Appalachian park commission today authorized the purchase of 3,600 acres of land in Macon and Swain counties to be used as a part of the park reserve authorized under the Week's law. MO LOOKING BUCK IN ASHEVILLE New Evidence Constantly Be ing Published. Since the long succession of Ashe, ville reports were first published in the looal press there has been no looking back. Asheville evidence continues to pour In, and better still those whose reports were first published many years ago, verify all they said in a most hearty and unmistakable way. Read the experience of Mr. J. W. Arthur, 106 Ashland Ave. Says Mr. Arthur: "In giving my name recom mending Doan's Kidney Pills, I hope that I may be helping other persona who suffer from kidney trouble. My system seemed to have too much urio acid In it and I felt that I needed a kidney medicine. Doan's Kidney Pills were recommended to me and I got a supply at Smith's drug store. After using them, I felt much better In every way." A Second Statement. On February 17, 1912, Mr. Arthur added: "I am pleased to confirm all I said some years ago recommending Doan's Kidney Pills. They helped me after everything else had failed." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Arthur had. Foster-Milburn Co Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Chalmers Patent Door Design An Important Item in the comfort of a car Is the ability to get in and out of the car without effort. THE DOORS ON MODEL 24 ARE UNUSUALLY WIDE, al lowing plenty of room to get in or out. The Chalmers engineers have built a door so distinctive that the design has been patented. Let us show you these doors and other distinctive Chalmers features. Asheville Automobile Co. 18 & 20 North Church St. one-half the costs for leaving his horse on the street unhitched. C.'W. Carson, charged with fraudu lently using a licensed automobile, not Intending to pay for it, was found not guilty. GOOD BOOKS TO READ As the new books come from the press of the country, you are al ways assured of getting them promptly here. A great literary feast for book lovers. ROGERS BOOK STORE 39 Patton Avenue - - Rogers Press - - 39 Patton Avenne - - Phone 254 TEAMS IN CLASS A HAVE GOOD GAMES EXQUISITE CARE la a feature of the handl ing of ALL fabrics and linens sent to the Ashe ville Laundry to be done the NICHOLS WAY. Washed clean; ironed per fectly; bundled properly and returned promptly. PHONE 2000 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. 8 College Street. Springtime Hints Springtime is here and the furnace At Oates park yesterday afternoon, teams Trom the class A of the Y. M. C. A. league played two games, Cllne winning from Wood 3 to 2. and Jordan winning from Wilson 6 to 0. The bat teries for Jordan and Wilson were: Beal and Rigler; W. Cooper and Wil son. Goldsmith, pitching for Cllne, was the feature of the game, his work be ing excellent throughout. The bat teries for the second game were: Goldsmith and Rigler for Cline; Wood, B. Adams and C. Brown for Wood. It was announced that none of these teams will play this week. Announcement by Judge Merrimon. SECOND GAME TAKEN BY BINGHAM CADETS According to messages received here this morning, Bingham school baseball team yesterday afternoon defeated the team representing Jefferson school by the score of 11 to 6. The game was played at Charlottesville, Va., and was witnessed by a large crowd of base ball fans. The locals played a good game, according to the reports, and their batting and fielding was excel lent during the contest. This Is the seoond game played by the cadets and they have won both. SOUTH MAIN BOYS WON A FAST GAME A team from South Main street yes. terday afternoon defeated a team from College street on the Atkins street grounds in a good game by the score of 9 to 0. The batteries were: Burrell and Meadows, for the first named team; and Coffee and Carr, for the latter. POLICE COURT When the case against Jim Hopkins, colored, charged with aiding and abetting In secretly dlsDoslna of tho will soon stop, but you will need j dad body of an unknown child and something to take the chill from the i endeavoring to conceal Its birth, was bathroom, so the Electrlo Heater Is the thing that will do the work at a very small expense. Yes, and the hot days are coming when you will not want to heat the range to prepare a .mall meal, so the El Stovo Is the thing. But is your house wired sufficient to allow you to use these electrical appliances ? If not, let us give you estimate on the wiring. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. 64 Patton Avenne Phone 478 Asheville Paint & Glass Co. LUCAS PAINTS. VARNMHKS, WALL PAPER, WTO. R7 . Mala It Phone ITT AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE Rates reasonable also Gener al Repair work. LYERLY MOTOR 00. Mo. I Ml No. to W. OoMeee St. called In Police court this mornlnv and before any evidence had been taken. Solicitor S. O. Bernard asked for a nol prosse with leave, which the court ordered In the case. On a charge of maintaining a sanitary nuU. anoe on hla premises, Hopkins was fined 16 and the costs. Ernest Lyda, colored, was lined tl and the costs for violating an auto mobile law. J. G. Cawdon was taxed with one. half the costs for violating an auto mobile law, a nol prosse with leave was taken. John Tlnsley, colored, was taxed with 12 of the costs for riding a bicycle on the wrong side of the street. Ralph Holllngeworth was taxed with WANTS RATS cannot feed In my store. I be Here I have the only nit proof store la Western North Carolina. O. D. ALLISON, Phone IMS. M-lOt. LAWN MOWERS CASH OR CREDIT $15.00 Suit to Measure Silver Dollar Tailoring Go. 15 Spoil Main ta lot. jHPS Priced at $3.00 up Brown Hardware Co. UN. Main M. 87 To the democracy of the Tenth Con gressional district: Following party usage, your con vention to choose a candidate for congress will assemble at a suitable time and place and I shall then offer to serve the party in that capacity. In deciding upon this step, truth and candor will not permit me to give as a reason or plead as an excuse the not to be resisted solicitations of friends, still, I am not acting without the counsel and encouragement of a respectable number of tried and true members of the party, in whom I huve the utmost confidence, and for whose judgment and opinion I enter tain the highest respect. Besides, I am a democrat. 1 have been a member of the party for forty-live years, and all those years 1 have lived and voted with my fellow democrats of this con gressional district. I have never sought public office, and it is not my purpose to become an office seeker at this late day in my life. I possess the qualifications for a member of the house of representatives, pre scribed by the constitution and laws of the United States, and in making this tender of service to the democracy of this congressional district, 1 am only 'exercising a privilege that be longs to and may be exercised by every member of the party similarly qualified. I pretend to no claims su perior to the claims of others. I simply make this public announce ment: That if the party's convention shall honor me with Its nomination, I will accept It, and devote whatever of ability and energy I possess, not only to the securing of the party's suc cess at the polls, but to the support of the splendid democratic adminis tration of the great government of this great republic. Although 1 have not been active in politics for several years, yet I have not been inattentive to passing poli tical events, and I have no hesitancy In saying that, In my Judgment, 'he democracy of this country have never had greater reason to be proud of their achievements than at this parti cular stage of their party's existence. If I were a member of the present congress, with my present Impressions and convictions, I would cheerfully Indorse the present administration and the congress in all that has been done since the 4th of March, 1918, and support all measures for the wel fare of the people, now under consid eration. I regret that, owing to engagements I was not at liberty to postpone or neglect, I have not had the opportun ity of meeting with many of the vot ers, but I have the honor and pleasure of a personal acquaintance with a large number of them, and reason to hope and believe that I am not alto gether unknown to most of those whose acquaintance I have never had the good fortune to make. I have entire confidence In the wisdom of the party and do not doubt that that wisdom will be fairly and fully represented In the convention, and If, In making a selection for Its standard bearer, In the approaching campaign. He choice shall not fall on me, I will, at once, put away all feel ing of disappointment that might arise, and cheerfully bow to the Judg ment of the convention. My loyalty to the party has never wavered, or been diminished by adverafty or de feat, or any other thing, and I will till continue to serve its Interests at the ballot box. The other names, to be presented to the convention, are men who are democrats, for whom I feel the kind est regard, and If the convention shall nominate one of them, or some other democrat, he will receive my cordial and constant support until (he Tot ing, In November, la over. I shall hare so many demands up on ray time between now and the first of July, demands that I am un der obligations to meet, that It will be practically Impossible for me to give attention to politic prior to the date mentioned My friends will make arrangement to afford voter, who may wlah to vote for me, at the prl maiiea, an opportunity to do an. both In this county (Hunrombe) and la Haywood county, and In ny other county, In which a "primary" may be held. JAM FR M. MKHIUMON April 17th. 1114. Advt. It. STOP HERE FOR REFRESHMENTS WHEN DOWN TOWN SHOPPING CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE NEAR POST OFFICE. PHONE 110. HAYWOOD STREET UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. The STEADFAST our best Oxfords are now selling fast better come in and get a pair for five of your dollars. GEO. W. JENKINS 18 SOUTH MAIN ST. Range Coal MONARCH beats them all for kitchen range use. It produces a quick, hot fire which is clean and free from sooty flames. SOU ONLY by Southern Goal Go. Phone 114 10 N. Pack Sq. Best By Test M. & W. Coal has stood the test and stands pr. eminently in the lead for real goodness and worth in fuel. PHONE 40 Asheville Coal Co, N. Pack Square F. M. WEAVER, Mgr. Money to Loan Trunks, bags, valises and u good. uncle Sam's Pawnshop ou o. main street NAVAL ORANGES Extra Good Qcality, Nice size, per dozen 35c Best Strawberries on the Market. E. C. JARRETT Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits 12 North Pack Square - - .... City Market MR. DEALER Buy an 0 rder of , PETERS ARAB HORSE FEED Sell a sack to Bill he tell a Tom Tom tells Dick Dick tells Harry Harry tells his wife she tells some other fellows wife and they all come back for more and tlien you phone or write us to deliver another order quick and ne can do it and history repeats Itself and you are another regular customer. TRY IT. ASHEVILLE GRAIN AND HAY COMPANY California Raisin Day, April 30 CALIFORNIA FR1ZE RASIN RECIPES. How to make: Stuffed raisins for Lunches and Teas, Society Sandwich, Raisin Salad, Ma hogany Cnke, Raisin Fudge,, Raisins With Nuts, Raisin Filling for Cake, Raisin Butter, Raisin Ice Cream, Brown Bread. May 1 Store Cloaca at 6 P. M. Saturday 9 P. M. PnONE 103 SHOP EARLY . Stradley & Luther SHEET METAL WORKS T. P. JOHNSON & CO. ALL KINDS OF ROOFING Galvanized Iron Cornice, Skylights, Ventilators, Metal Ceilings, Blow Pip Work, Eta, 69-71 South Main St. Phone 325 17D17C1-f 17TCU C CENTS rrvllorl rlorl 3 pound ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY CITY MARKET PHONES 190. SRB-315. Lendreth-. at Grant's Pharmar) . Chambers Weaver. Livery, Phons II New Toys A very large shipment direct from Germany. Watch my Windew. BLOMBERG'S SPORTING GOODS AND TOY STORE 17 PATTON AVENUE HAMMOCKS FROM $1.50 UP TO $7.00 Porch Porch Shades Rockers $1.60 to $1.50 to $8.00 $3.25 CASH OR CREDIT Beaumont Furniture Co. "The Home of Furniture Values" 27 SOUTH MAIN ST. Laundry Phone 70 A trial la aB we ask. We treat your laundry white. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S CUMMER all "t V UP TO UITS $10 $35.00 The offering Includes all the new novelty weaves and fabrics that are proving so popular this season with men of refined taste. There Is style tailored Into every garment we show, the exacting care with which they are made la apparent In every line. WE CAN "SUIT YOU" at the price you wish to pay. The range it prices afford easy and satisfactory selection. NEELY-BRUNS CO. SffS mmiiniinim TRY AN ORDER OF STAR QUALITY MILK FED POULTRY STAR MARKET PHONES: 1917, 1918, 1919 w to a variety of aanatHaa ftmininmiiiimiiii Get Our Prices Payg Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Co. PLUMBING, HEATING, OAS fTrTTNO K- . ORKASMAN. Preen. u CJUCASMAI. Me Citizens Transfer Company MIUAJt WOODCOCK, We 0. ialM oar special atte ntlon. Largest van. and moat oompe teat meat tn alt Pieaot baaaaae i ranefar urvlr. aiailiuaa. k.n a f l Pattoa DO NOT HESITATE about taking a Business Course because funds are low. We will make terms to suit your pocketbook. Call today and seonre particulars in regard to Spec ial Summer rates. . EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE , Patton Avenue Phone 1100

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