1 THE GAZETTE- PUBLISHED BT Evening News Publishing Co. ASHEVBLLE. X. O. SUBSCRIPTION' RATES: Ashcville and Blltmore One Week Three Months Six Months Twelve Months .$ .10 . 1.25 , 2.50 , 5.00 RY MAIL, IN ADVANCE Three Months SI. 00 Six Months 2.00 Twelvo Months 4-00 Any matter offered for publication that Is not classified as news. Riving notice or appealing or project whore an admittance or other fee is charged, is advertising and will be accepted at regular rates only. The same applies to cards of thanks, obituary notices, political announcements and the like. ltltltltKKKKR K K . t - n t The Gazette-News is a mem- t ber of The Associated Press. ? t Its telegraph news is there- S t fore complete and reliable. l ltltfctKltlttttCttltt Entered at tho Postoffice in Asheville as second-class matter. Wednesday, April 29, 1914 THE COLORADO SITUATION. Tho President's dispatch of a de tachment of federal troops to Colora do, it 13 hoped and believed, will re store quiet to a region where virtual civil war, with all its horrors, has prevailed. The movement has met with the approval of everyone except perhaps the owners of the affected I mines, who have apparently been sat- lsfied with the maintenance of the j the world to be Stevenson s wife. " open shop principle at whatever cost "Mrs. Stevenson hat! many of the in lives of combatants and non-com- une qualities that we usually attribute batunts and who perhaps aro uncer- U men tber than to women; a fair tain whither the garrisoning of the mindediiess. a largo judgment, a robust M. , , , ,,, , inconsequential philosophy of life, field. by government troops will lead, i ' ' .1 without which she could not have The proclamation of the President, wi(h a however, is evidence of his purpose. ! equa, tQ h,s own hs wanjel1nKi mot ile correctly apprehends that the coalj tie( nf ns vagaries, his gypsy pas fields are in a slate of insurrection j 6l0n for freedom. She had a really ere- and warns "all persons engaged in or j connected with said domestic violence I and obstruction of the laws to dis- perso and retire peaceably to their! respective homes." The mission of the ! troops Is to bring to a cl"se the mur- derous lawlessness which has pre- vailed In that district for months, and: nothing more. In a message to the j Stevenson's autobiography would bo Governor of Colorado tho President one of the most interesting books in further makes his purpose plain: "1 1 the world. shall not by the use of the troops or I "A woman who was rigid in small by any attempt at jurisdiction In ject j matters of domestic economy, who la the power of th federal government ! Rlste(1 uPn a planned and ordered life, into the controversy which has pro duced the present situation. The set tlement of that controversy falls strictly within the field of State pow er." Thus an attempt by the Colorado authorities to shift their burden to the federal government Is met, al- thoueh that government assumes its - responsibilities in the mailer of re- 1 storing; order. Hnd the Stale executive met the situation capably no such I conditions would have arisen in the! first place. By failure to police the district sufficiently and with celerity,! he lias permitted the State's duty of the. maintenance of order to degene rate Into a campaign between miliua-, men and mine guards on one side and striking miners on tho other. When the Colorado legislature' meets in extraordinary session next week It has a duty to perform and It I is to be hoped the President's ad- j monition will rorall the Governor and Ml advisers from a policy which has had t ich criminal results. MR. BRAN DEIS AND THE RAIL- ROADS. In fit brief attacking tho eastern railroads' petition for a five per cunt rate increase, Louis D. llrandeis, counsel for tho interstate commerce commiwlon, took this position Though a general need of greater revenues be shown It seems clear that it ahiould be provided In waya other than through lh. tarifra filed, The al leged horizontal Increase would Inten sify existing Injustice and discrimina tion In rates. It would glvn additional revenues where relief Is not needed and would fail to give adequate reve nues to carriers who are most In need of relief. It would burden some traffic already extremely remunera tive to thetarr!era and exempt from contribution other which Is unremun eratlve. The prosperous coal carrying roads would have their revenue largely Increased. Other roads lea prosperous having a large paasenger traffic would vet a much smaller ad dition to their revenues. Thl la a decided advance for Mr. Hratvfrljt, who not Ir-r.a ago was skep tical a to th carriers' need. Now the counsel for the commission ad mits th truth of the railroads' as sertion of their unfavorable condi tion, would have further delay while rate are readjusted separately. Th auggestlon of th New York World that, an early decision of some kind fulling, congress might taks a and In reorganising th commission ma not far amiss. will not resign, I will tak to th iintalns with my men and my cab- inet and I will fight. Oen. Victorlano Huerta as quoted In Mexico City. This must be a very different state ment from the one on which the me diators base their hopes. LIU 1SUN jory SNAKES. These sunny days bring forth the snakes from holes in quarries, cliffs and brakes. The gentle bullsnake, mild and meek, sets forth his proper prey to seek; of all good snakes, he is tho best, with high ambitions in his breast; he is the farmer's truest friend, because he daily puts an end to mice and other beasts which prey, upon that farmer's crops and hay. He is most happy when he feasts on gophers and such measly beasts; and, being six or eight feel high, when stood on end, you can't deny that forty hullsnakes on a farm are bound to do the vermin harm. The bullsnake never hurts a thing; ho doesn't bite, he doesn't sting, or wrap you In his slimy folds, and squeeze you till he busts all holds. As harmless as a bale of hay, ho does his useful work all day, and when at night he goes to rest, he's killed off many a wretched pest. And yet the farmers always take a chance to kill this grand old snaRe. They'll chase three miles or more to end the labors of their truest friend. They'll hobble forth from beds of pain to hack a bullsnaku's form in twain, and leave him mangled, torn and raw which shows there ought to be a law. WALT MASON. Copyright, 1914 by The Adams Newspaper Service. JUST SUITED EACH OTHER. R. L. S. and His Wife Wore a Care Freo Happy Go Lucky Couple. In his autobiography in McClure's MiiRazlne. S. S. McClure pays a tribute ; to the character of Mrs. Robert Louis : Stevenson. He says: ..The more j 8nw of ti)e stevensons j tne more I became convinced that Mrs. i Stevenson was the unique woman in ative imagination, which she expressed j in living." She always lived with great j Intensity, had come more into contact wltn r(,al worl1 tuan Stevenson D!,t! don at tlle tin,e wllon the-v met' nan ineu more lunus or uie, Known more kinds of people. When he mar ripd her he married a woman rich in knowledge of life and the world. Mrs. would have worried Stevenson ter ribly. In his youthful tramps he liked to start out with no luggage, buying a collar here and a shirt there as he needed them, in managing his affairs he had, as be often said, no money sense. I remember bearing bini tell how he and Mrs. Stevenson once went to Paris for a pleasure trip. They had B cnecK anu some oan money, and i they meant to have a thoroutrhly good j time and stay as long as tbeir money i held out. After a few days they found j their funds running short: thev couldn't! imaclne what thev hsd done with lt I alL but there seemed to be very little money left, so they decided they had better get home while it lasted. When they got home they found the $000 check amons their pnpers. They hadn't cashed lt at all and didn't even know they hadn't" WEATHER FORECASTS. Method of Tracing the Direction and Speed of Storms. Most of the severe storms do not originate In the United States. They come to us from the Philippines, Ja- I""1 8loerla. Alaska, Canada or the gulf of Mexico. Our weather bureau i gets cable, telegraphic or wireless no- tlce of n foreign storm. Station after i station of the weather bureau and ves sel after Tessel in the path of the storm rpnnrf Its arrival no that the ((I1(n dlrectlon and tbe Bpd with wblcb It traels can be very nearly de termined. Some storms can be fore told as much us ten days In advance of their arrival at a given point When a storm from Siberia drifts eastward around the north pole and reappears in Alaska the speed with wblch It has covered that section of Its course is made the basis of tbe calcu lation of the time when lt should ap pear In Washington and Oregon, wben it should get to tho crest lakes and finally to the Atlantic coast, and each section Is warned In advance. Unex pected conditions may delay tbe storms or divert them from tbe pourse. Tabs are kept on th cold waves in much tho same manner. The weather reports from Canada, Iceland. Europe. Russia and Siberia are studied and predictions made as to when th cold waves from these countries will reach the United SUtes. To predict floods Information It re corded ss to tbe amount of rainfall at headwaters of streams. Aa th rain reaches tbe main channel th height of th water Is recorded from gauging Records show what a height of twenty feet at Dubuque, Is., will produce at Dsvenport eighty miles down the Mis sissippi Tlii plan Is followed on all ths large river, and at each station fall allowance Is made for tbe effects Of water from tributaries and from ad- dltlonal and local rainfall ImIIi'i I Daddy's Bedtime The Jolly Keeper and the Gloomy Gnu. Y OU know," said daddy, "that heard the other day of a gnu who had to be kept all by himself In the zoo where he belonged because of his moody nature." "Couldn't the other animals cheer him up?" Inquired Evelyn. "No" said daddv. "In fact, he made all the other animals so depressed that they became as moody as he was. First the keeper of the roo, being very much worried over the gnu's gloominess, put him with the laughing hyenas. They think almost everything is funny, but when the guu was put near them they stopped their habit of giggling. -And tt was a long time be fore they laughed again. Next he was put with the monkeys, for the keeper thought surely that their antics would amuse the gnu. But the monkeys became most sullen. "Next the keeper tried the jackasses, but instead of their making the gnu feel merry he made them pine and droop, and when he sneezed they felt frightened and thought something dreadful had happened. "The only thing that seemed to interest him at all was his food, and when he'd see that being brought to him he'd lean way over and look through the bars of his cage, pulling his whiskers. "At last the keeper decided he must have indigestion, though he only fed him wet and dry hay, clover and bran mash, all of which is very good for the gnu. But the keeper thought that surely the gnu must be sick to act so queerly, and at last he had a long talk with him. Of course a gnu can't really talk not even the way a parrot can but a zoo keeper is so used to animal language that he can usually understand it " The reason I seem so gloomy is because I'm terribly bored.' '"Bored" exclaimed the keeper. 'That's a strange thing for you to be. Tou're a fine animal, you have plenty of other animals to talk to, and you get all the food you want without having to hunt for It' " 'That's just It.' said the gnu. 'I would rather get tired hunting for it than to have it given to me without any effort. And it does bore me so to have people stop and look at me.' " 'Well, they won't much longer,' replied the keeper, 'for you'll make them cry you're so sad looking, and people don't like to cry and have wet handkerchiefs.' " 'Oh, well, it seems so stupid!' said the gnu "I'm not a beautiful paint ing nor a lovely sunset. I'm nothing worth looking at It's ridiculous, and it bores me.' ""Take people as you find them and cheer up," said the keeper." To the Democratic Voters of Pun- combe County: Hon. J. M. Gudgor. Jr., our Con- gi-essman. from this district, has so- lected me to manage his campaign in this county and to look after his po-; litieal interests generally. In ac ceptlng Congressman's Gudger's man- agement I feel It my duty to let every democrat know where he can be; served at any time in the way of In- j formation, etc., and especially so that each democrat In the county may get j as nearly ns possible In personal touch j with Congressman Gudger., I. there fore, solicit the support of every dem-l oerat fan, and ask each and evcrv j te to write me and let me know , his sentiments, or call at my office, ; 212-214 Legal Building, Asheville, C. J. FRAZIER GLENN. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CONGRESS I hereby announce myself a candi date for tho Democratic Congression al nomination of the Tc.ith Congres sional District, subject to tho action of the Democratic Party. ROBERT R. RKYONLDS. FOR STATE SENATOR. I hereby announce my candidacy I for the' office of State Senator for th-' Thirtv-sixth rienatorial District of i North Carolina, subject to the action! or me Democratic primary. ZEBULON WEAVER. ' FOR REPRESENTATIVE NO. 1. 1 hereby announce that I will be a candidate in the Democratic primary I for the office of Representative No. 1 from J-iuncombe county in the General Assembly of North Carolina GALL, AT IN ROBERTS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE NO. 2 I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Representative No. 2 for Buncombe county In the Lower House of the General Assembly of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I. W. MORGAN. FOR REPRESENTATIVE No. . I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of representative No. S from Buncombe rounrv tn thu nt general assembly of North Carolina, subject to tho action of the Demo ALLEN COOOTN8. cratlo primary, FOR REPRESENTATIVE NO. 2. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate In the Democratic Primary for the office of representative No. 2 (rom Buncombe County In the General Assembly of North Carolina. H. L. NETTuSS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE WOj 2. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of rapresentatlve No. 2 from Buncombe county In the nest general assembly of North Carolina, subject to the action of the democratic primary. J. c. CURTIS. FOR SOLICITOR I take this means of announcing that I will seek the nomination of the Democratic party for th offlc of Solicitor for the Nineteenth Judicial District of North Carolina. J B. SWAIN. FOR SOLICITOR I take this means of announcing that I will seek the nomination for the office of Solicitor for t' Nine teenth Judicial District of North Carolina, subject to the actlo.i of th Democratic Primary. , J. MCROOP STYLES. FOR REGISTRAR I wih to anaoune anyaelf aa a candidate for tbe office of Register of Deeds of Runcomu County, sub ject to th action of th Democratic Primary. I appreciate the favor shown wt n the past and promU iry'VUTV"'" ",ur" " J'11 " The Gnu Said Ho Was Bored. the gnu Is a very gloomy ammai. i FOR REGISTRAR. I wish to announce myself as a -ii-didate for the office of Rer;ister of Heeds of Buncombe County, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. Although I have been a life long party worker, this is the first time that I have asked a favor at the hands of the Democrats of the county. Very - espectfully, H. C. BLACKSTOCK. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. o the democrats of Buncombe county: t .nn a candidate fi t the nomina f rr..,.ff,r f .lccrls i th onm- jng primaries, and will bo nave tn0 support and ir.fluei glad to nco of all j democrats who are opposed to a life Inure in public office. I have been a loyal party worker all my llfo and havo contributed much time and means toward the success of the ticket. t I have no money with which to ob tain this nomination, therefore, I hope yon will consider my application from a purely meritorious standpoint. Will thank you for your support. Tours very respectfullj-, J. M. CARVER. Leicester, N. C., 11th April. 1914. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for office of Tax Collector of Buncombe County subject to the action ot the Democratic Primary. C. P. (Buck) GASTON. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I desire to herewith make an nouncement of my candidacy for the office of Tax Collector of Buncombe County and submit myself to the voto at the Democratic Primary. B. A, PATTON. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. To the voters of Buncombe county I do hereby declare myself a candi date for tax collector for Buncombe county subject to the action of the democratic primary. Any favor shown me will be hlithly appreciated. Respectfully, CHAP. U RICE. With Slayden Fakea & Co. TOR TREASURER I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-tlectlon to the effice of Treasurer of Bunoomba County, sub Ject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Very respectfully, T. M. DUCKETT. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself m candi date for the office of Treasurer of Buncombo county, subject to the ac tion of the democratic primary. J. EDD. KROOK6HIRE. Azalea, N. C. FOR SHERIFF After having served ss Deputy Sheriff for 12 years I have decided to announce myself a candidal for Sheriff of Ilun omo county, subject to the action of tho Democratic Primary. A. P. WEAVER. Weavervllle, N. C, FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for Sheriff of Bunoomh county, subject to th ctlon of th Demo cratic primaries I have no money to spend for campaign purposes, being a poor man, and will have to rely on my friends and their rotes. If nomi nated and alected 1 pMg myalf to give my beat attention to the dutlea of th offlc which I k. WILLIAM D. TAYLOR. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for the offl'-e of Sheriff of Bun combe County, subject to the action of th Democratic Primary. B. M. MITCHELL. FOR SHERIFF. I wlah to announce my r loldacy for th office of Hhrlff of Bunoomh county, subjeot to tbe action of th Heni'MTuiir Irlmary If nominal . .1 1 and elected 1 will gt the people f th county tha earn conscientious si I via thai my friends saor that I have . alwai given In public efgee. W. n. BIRD. We Put The "EE'S" In Eyes ETEEASE increases your com fort and efficiency. Eyestrain is at the bottom of many an ailment. If you suspect that your eyea are not right, our scientific ex amination will prove it beyond a doubt Delays are aometimes costly. CHARLES H. HONESS. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN 54 Patton Ave. Ojip. Post office FOR AUDITOR I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Auditor of Buncombe County, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic Primary, Very respectfully, E. M. LTD A. FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN I hereby anaounce myself a candi date for the office of Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, sub ject to the Democratic Primary. S. D. HALL. For county chairman. To the Democratic voters of Bun combe County: Having received encouragement and approval from many of our beat Citi zens in Asheville and the County, of my efforts to give a businesslike and economical administration of our County's affairs. I announce that I will be a candidate for Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners In the coming primary. N. A. REYNOLDS. FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN At the earnest solicitation of many frinds, I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of chairman of the Buncombe county board of com missioners, subject to the Democratic Primary. D. H. WEBB. FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the office of Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners subject to the action of the demo cratic Primary. Respectfully, W. E. JOHNSON. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I announce that I will be a candi date for Clerk of Superior Court in the Democratic Primary. Fcr fifteen years I have endeavored to conduct this office In a capable and efficient manner. I trust my experience and intimate knowledge of the require ments and duties of the office will be considered by the intelligent voter In my favor. MARCUS ERWIN. - FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the democratic primaries. JOHN H. CATHEY. FOR COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of county commis sioner of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the democratic primary. Z. V. CREASMAN. t Blltmor?. N. C FOR COUNTY COMJtflSSIONER T wish to announce myseh aR a candidate for re-electlo.i for the otl!-e of Coimtv t;immisloi of Buncombe County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. J. C. COWAN. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I wish to announce myself as a candidate for the otflco of county commissioner of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary. J. M. BROOK8HIRE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce my candldaoy for re-election to the office of County Commissioner of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary R. C. SALES. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself aa candi date for commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. C. P. WHITSON. Swannanoa, N. C. FOR CONSTABLE. ReinR recently appointed by th beard of county commissioners to fill the unexpired term of F. M. Jones I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of constable of Ashe vllle township subject to the action of th democratic primary. CHARLES B. (BILL) JOTNER. FOR CONSTABLE. I m a Oan didst for Constahle: a union man and an experienced offlcerf a loyal democrat; a total abstainer from strong drink, and If chosen will establish n offlc and pledge my best service. Thanking you In advance, H. B. JAMES. FOR CONSTABLE. I hereby announce myself a candl date for the office of constable of Aahevllln township, subject tn the ac tion of the rfonocrntlc prlmarlee. BEN M. COLLINS. FOR CONSTABLE I hereby nnnounce myself a candl date for the office Of Constable of Asheville townnhlp. subject to the ac tion or the Oemocratl'' prlmnne W. H. WY ATT. FOR CORONER I wish to announce my candidacy for the office of coroner of Duncomb County, subject to the action of th Democratic Primary. I am In cli touch with tbe city and all parte of ths county by a good telephone ays- tern nd the aehedultn on tho Weaver vllle linn are mien that my aervlree would h as available. If elected, as If I lived In Asnevtii. I promise In advance that I will (Ire my best eer vice If nominated and elm-ted. J. N. Oil!, M. D. WeavervllU. H. C FOR CORONER I hrby announce myself a candl date for the democratic nomination for ronnnor of Buncomb rnunty, sub Ject to the action of the democratic primaries. BTJQBNB R. MORRIS. j Battery Park Bank ASHEVILLE, N. C Capital $100,000 Surplus and Profits $145,000 OFFICERS: Janes P. Sawyer, Chairman of tho Board. T. a Ooxe, President. J. EX Rankin. Cashier Erwln Binder, Vlce-Pren, O. Rankin, Asst. Cash. Hot Weather Will Soon Be Here But you need not dread that fact if you have a GAS RANGE installed in your kitchen. When you COOK WITH GAS your fire is burning only when needed, you do not heat up the whole house and a lot of work and worry is done away with. Your time is valuable, and COOKING WITH GAS saves you considerable time and unnecessary steps in performing your culinary duties. You- can cook three meals daily ona GAS RANGE with less effort, less trouble, less time and at less expense than with a coal range or wood stove. BUILDING A FIRE WITH A GAS RANGE MEANS SIMPLY STRIKING A MATCH Think how CONVENIENT it is to have a fire at a moment '8 notice at any hour of the day or night without all the trouble of fire building and the dirt, ashes and overheated kitchen. It's well worth consider ation. Phone 69 and have our representative call. Let us explain the merits of GAS FOR COOKING pur poses, also our Divided Payment Plan, that makes own ing a gas range easy. GAS RANGES $15.50 UP TO $25.00 Asheville Power & Light Co. " MM j STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 22, 1913 ZILLICOA AND RETURN coo. t-.u. t.tt a. m. RIVERSIDE PARK il0 and every 15 min. until lt p. m, nmAm ttt a a. m. and every if mlnut U&rUl VIA Bntll 1:18 Pi ,.. then 9rwy 7 SOUTHSIDE AVENUE minutes until S-.if, p. in. Then every IS minute, until 11:00. DEPOT VIA B:0o and averr 1 minutes until 11:0a FRENCH BROAD AVE. p- AjftTj BiiO. :00 a. m. and then every lt lUAn Ull minute till 11:00 p. m. 6:80. 6:00 a. m. then every IB mlnnUa CHARLOTTE STREET 11 11:00 p. m. ll:IO car oomM TERMINUS through. Return leaves end of Una PATTON AVENUE KmVE.- " EAST STREET n"o. V TT rolnUte" GRACE VIA MERRIMON M - 4T IB minutes till 10:10 p. m. Tn AVENUE every 10 minutes till 11:00 y- ra. 3ILTM0RE DEPOT & W. ASHEVILLE VIA SOUTHSIDE AVE. 1:00 and 8:20. Cars leave Bqu-re tor Depot via French Broad Ave., 0:11, 6:20, 6:45, 7:16, 7:d and 8:16. minutes until 8:80 next 8:46. and continue earn as week days. last trip on all lines will be from entertainment, leaving Square at regu lar time and holding over at Auditorium. Car leaves Square to meet 8i. night train. 80 minutes before echeflule or announced arrival. ARRIVES FROM Eastern Time No. k. Brevard and Labs Toxaway li:io a.m. Brevard and Lake Toxaway ..- 'lt V-m- Savannah and Jack- eonvtll :10 p.m. No. 7 No. t No. 11 Washington, New York. Norfolk ana Richmond i- No. U Cincinnati, Louis ville, Memphis, St. Louis P-tn- No. II Charleston and Co lumbia : Ptn- 16 N. Th Philadelphia, Washington 10:06 a.m. No. No. No. No. 18 Murphy Waynas vlll 10 Murphy Waynea vlll 11 Waynwvlll II Ooldaboro and Ral- elcto 17 Charleston and Co lumbia II Cincinnati and Chi 1:10 p.m. 1:47 p.m. 1:00 a.m 7:40 p.m. 7:10 p.m. No. No. No. cago i" at a I m. No. II Washington, N. Y. and Itlohmond .... 1:40 am. No. 10 Memphis, Chatta nooga a nd New Orleans 0:60 a.m. No. 41 Atlanta, Macon and New Orleans 11:11 am. No. 101 Bristol. Knosvlll t Chattanooga 10161 p.m Througb "-.re Oold.horo and Waynesvllla :15 a. m. and then evary 10 minutes till 10:80 p. m. Then every 10 min utes till 11:00 but ear. :S0 a. m. and every 10 mln. until 11:00 p. tn. last ear. Sunday schedule differs In the following particulars: , Car leavea square for Manor at 0:00 a. m., return 0:11. Car leave Square for Depot via Southslde Ave- 615' :A 7:00, 7:10, Car for Depot leavea square s:c, both Southslde and French Broad. First car leavea Square for Charlotte street at 6:00 a. m. and every 10 First car leavea Square for Riverside 8:80, next 1:48. First car for West Ashcville leaves Square 6:11, 7:00, next 1:10. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedules commence at 0 a. nv On evenings when entertainments are in progrets at Auditorium the SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South 8chdul Figure Published as Information Only and Not Guaranteed EFFECTTVE MONDAY. JANUARY 4. 1014. DEPARTS FOR Eastern T1m No. 6 Brevard and Lake Toxaway 1:10 p.m. No. Brevard and Lake Toxaway 1:01 nv No. 10 Savannah, Jackson ville 4:10 p.m, No. 11 Cincinnati, St. Louis Memphis Louis ville 1:05 p.m. Ne. IS Washington, N. T., Norfolk and Rich mond 1:86 pJh. No. 14 Atlants Charles ton 7:00 sJB. No. 11 U. Y Philadelphia,. and Washington . . 7:00 p.nu No. 17 Waynesvllla and Murphy 1:10 am. No. II Waynesrill and Murphy 1:10 P-m' No. tl Wsyncsvllle 7:11 P- No. 31 Raleigh and Oolda boro 0:10 ejn, No, 17 Chicago and Cincin nati 7:10 p.m No. 81 Columbia, Charles ton 10:10 o-m. No, 13 Memphis. Chatta nooga and Nsw Orleans 10:10 p.m No. Washington. Rich mond end N. Y... . 7:10 am No. 41 Atlanta, Macon and Ne Orleans 1:10 p m No.101 Bristol. Knosvlll Chattanooga 7:10 a.m Through sleeping care dally lo and from New Tork. Philadelphia, Kaltimore, Washington, Richmond, Norfolk, Charleston, Cincinnati, Mem phis, Jacksonville, Sav.nnsh, St. Louis, LoulsvllU, Atlanta, Macon, Birm ingham. Montgomery. Mobile and Nsw Orleans. Full dining car service trains Noa. I. 10, 11, II, 17, II md Buffet din Ing car No II and 10. J. J. MACKBT. ALEX. H. Otty Pa. Ttokot Act. J. II. WOOD, Dlv. Aft. I -. ... gjiiiii iiM-iiii

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