p Wednesday, April 29, 1914 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS PAGE FIVE PERMANENT EFFORTS FOR ENDING GAMBLING Commissioner Rees Will Keep Special Officers at Baseball Games This Year. Special to The Gaiette-News. flrcensboro, April' 29. Commis sioner li. M. Hees declared yesterday that he proposes to keep up the watchfulness started this sprint? to prevent gambling at the baseball games. Several policemen will be sta tioned among the crowds and parties caught gambling will be arrested. Sheriff Stafford is co-operating with the city and deputy sheriffs will be on hand to assist in the work. This move was begun by Commis sioner Rees when the Vlrglnla-Caro-I Una baseball game was played, and officers have been on the watch at the ; park each game since. They will con I tlnue there throughout the season. ; No one has been arrested. Mr. Rees declared that it Is his be i lief many people have remained away from baseball games because they felt I there was gambling, and he believes j that the prevention of the evil will make way for many more people to attend, feeling they are at an exhibi tion of pure sport Instead of at a place where such unlawful conduct is engaged In. This Is one of' the moves by the de partment o reduce gambling in the city both In private and public, and fommiarioner Rees is firm in the dec laration that It mus be eliminated. WHEN you go hunting' around for a "For Rent" sign to place In the window of that house it shows that you ure not In a hurry to secure a tenant. When you get In a hurry you will advertise It! LUTHERAN SYNOD TO MEET IN BURLINGTON Rev. Dr. Cox, of Spencer, Will Take the Best Report to the Meeting Ever Made. Stylish Spring Raiment Handsome Effects . . . Much Variety ... Reasonable Prices . ' New Suits in black and in navy just plac ed at Bargain Fig ures: $17. grades now $13.75; $14. , grades now $11.75. ! They have been free sell ers at the higher prices so you may know they are a good "buy" at the lower, i The materials are chiefly light-weight crepe-like fabrics all wool and well made. See Our $5 Dresses A very brief inspec tion will convince you that this is no ordinary offering, in deed they are. sold in ome good shops at , $6.50. We are the only people here that luive them. Excel lent models in nice materials and only $.1,00.. Nearly every good size is repre ss .ted in the large collection,. At $1.00, $1.'J5, $1.50 and $2.00 we Show a great line of Dresses, dark and light, and at $6.50 to $18. a line of Silks hard to equal. Coats Skirts In Coats between $5.75 and $13.50. Some extremely good things including cream whites of all wool herring bone Halmacnans and sim ilar. In Skirts a fine range of Novelties. $3.50 to $8.50, that have been real sue cesses. Petticoats.... Kimo nos.... Waists.... Wo rn e n 'a Pyjamas; Night Dresses... Com bination Suits; Draw ers; Skirts, Crepps And PHsrp both white and tinted fig nre largely in the ma te rials. A choice line of Warner's, H. & O., and Ferris Cornets just opened. DRKMK (,ooK IIHKSS QOOMfcUkDRKSS GOODS ohKsi noon tt IHIKRS tltX lR i.OODH IIRKMK JM)IIK -Dinu aooDa H. REDWOOD & CO. Special to The Gazette-News. Spencer, April p. The North Car olina Lutheran synod, embracing most of the Lutheran churches in this state, will convene in Burlington, May 6, for a five days' session. The president of the synod la Rev. M. M. JClnard, D. D of Salisbury, and Rev. George H. Cox, D. D., of. Spencer, is chairman of the committee on examinations. Three young men are to be ordained after standing the examinations. There in clude G. H. Park, of Organ church, and L. Thomas, of amlnatlons. There Include G. H. Park, 900b, jr., of Frleden, Guilford county. Dr. Cox takes the bestreport to the synod that has ever been made from the Spencer charges, showing all fin ancial obligations fully met. A dis tinct feature, however. Is that Calvary congregation in Spencer has declared Itself self-sustaining. The Salisbury-Spencer Ministerial association through Its (president, Rev. G. IV. Cox, D. D has appointed a pub lic v&lfare committee. This commit, tee Is composed of Rev. W. B. Duttora, Rev. J. W. Moore, and Rev. F. J. Mallett, of Salisbury, together with four laymen to co-operate with other organizations In the county for the public good. It will act as a board of censors on all moving pictures shown in cither Salisbury or Spencer. It Is expected that this feature of the actlv. lties of the committee will be of great value to the public. Mayor Charles A. Sides, of Kasl Spencer, has called a citizens meeting to be held at the BChool building on the night of April 29, for the purpose of organizing a civic league, It Is the Intention of the East Spencer official to clean up the town physically as well as morally. Another object of the meeting is to endorse the action of the officers in bringing to Justice 30 or more whisky sellers last week. rTflr T rrpr If "i 1 intyV n n iftyli r 1 iffk n iffV ri iffli 11 1 jt n fjl onftlarche l4&he Jfome of Superior Values" on ftlarche furnishings for the flome Standard Quality and Splendid Value The items in this ad are suggested mainly for thoose who are remodelling and refurnishing the home. Quality of merchandise, and their good taste are assured when you buy here. Inferior goods have no place in this estab lishment, and while we make no claim as to "cheapness," you'll find out prices reasonable when value is considered Ifews from the Curtain Section Every day curtains and curtani goods that are differ ent arrive here. Only a few are mentioned to draw your attention to this section. Colored chintz, all widths, priced at 35c to $1.50 yard. Plain and embroidered Voiles are priced 35c to 65c yard. Silk Floss and Down Pillows, all sizes are priced at 25c to $1.50. Dresden Lace, Figured Rep and Sharkii Porteires, priced at $3.50 to $15.00. Tapestry Table Covers, are priced at $1.00 to $5.00. Couch ('overs, all colors, -priced at $1.25 to $6.50. Crex Rugs, from very small to large Art Squares, for 75c to $12.50. from the White (foods Section Completeness and thoroughness characterize our showing of Towels, Table Linens and other household goods in the White Goods Department. Hack Twels, 18x36 inch, for . $1.20 dozen. Huck Towels, 20x40 inch, for $3.00 dozen. Bath Towels, 18x36 inch for $1.75 dozen. Bath Towels, 22x44 inch, for $3,00 dozen. Table Damask, 72 inches wide, for 59c yard. Linen Table Damask, 70 in cites wide, for 75c yard. Napkins to match Damask in stock, priced at$3 to $10 doz. Sheets Mohawk, 81x90 in. for 75 c. CONTRACT FOR SYSTEMS WILL BE LET MAY 12 Demonstration of the O-Cedar Mop Although this demonstration is primarily to sell the famous 'O-Cdear Mop, the young lady in charge will be glad to answer all questions concerning it, to those who have already purchased. Our idea of service is to so help you, that you can get the most out of the things you buy here. Sweeper-Vac Priced at $JZ The Sweeper-Vac combines; a complete carpet sweep er for "brushing-up" and running under low furniture; a complete vacuum cleaner with strong, steady suction that takes the inner dirt from rugs, mattresses, etc.; a vacuum sweeper that combines the work of the two ma chines in one operation without injury to the most deli cate carpets. FRESHMEN DEFEAT SOPHOMORE GIRLS West Asheville Aldermen WiH Receive Bids Until Then for Construction Work. At the regular meeting of the board of aldermen of West Asheville held Inst night, It was decidid to ask for lilils for the installation of the water ami sewer systems, tot which the town recently voted $50,000, up to 8 o'clock on the afternoon of May 12 and to open the bids at the regular meeting to be held that night. This means that If a bid is accepted at this meeting a contract will be let the Mime night and actual work on the construction of (he systems put under headway, perhaps by the latter pail of May. The work of Installing the plants will be pushed as faat as pos sible, in the hope that residents of the town can have water' in their houses during the next fall and winter. Very little else was taken up at the meeting last night, although several routine matters occupied the attention of the board for awhile. MANY ADDITIONS TO WINSTON CHURCHES The High school girls of the 1A class won from the sophomore girls In a game of baskel ball on the High school court yesterday by the score of 18 to 8. It was a good game, de spite the appearance of the score, and was witnessed by a number of enthus iastic supporters for both sides. The line-up was as follows: 1A class Mildren Polndextcr, left forward; Wilinoth Noland, , right for ward; Helen Jordan, center; Ruth Reed, rlpcht guard; Clara .lackson left guard; Sophomores Nell Randall, right forward; Nell Lambert, left for ward; Martha Michael, center; Ruby Relster, right 1 guard; Mnrgarelte Mathews, left guard. THE WEATHER TRANSFERS MADE IN Y. M. 0. A. LEAGUE- temperature j lowest Highest lait night yest'd'y Asheville 57 83 j Atlantic City 44 62 Boston . . . . 50 60 Chicago 54 74 Denver 40 58 Helena 28 44 Jacksonville GK S8 New Orleans l!8 82 New York 4(5 58 Oklahoma 50 58 Phoenix 48 78 Portland, Ore 40 50 I San Francisco 56 60 1 Savannah 66 88 i Washington 56 72 Normals for this date; Temperature ! 58 degrees. Precipitation .12 Inch. I Forecasts until 8 p. m. Thursday for Asheville and vicinity; Unsettled tonight and Thursday, probably local showers, cooler tonight, colder Thurs day. For North Carolina: Unsettled to, night and Thursday, probably local showers, cooler tonight In west por tion, colder Thursday, gentle to mod erate west to northwest breezes. General Conditions (Iiast 24 Hours). The eastern storm Is now over the eastern Iake region and during the last 2 4 hours it has been attended by rain In the Gulf states, the Ohio val ley, the Lake region, the north At lantic states and in portions of tho Mississippi valley. Showers have also occupied in Colorado, North Dakota and southern California and snow In Minnesota and Utah. Freezing tem peratures are reported in Utah, Wash ington, Montana, Minnesota and the Dakota. The following heavy rain fall has been reported: Meridian, 1.34. Cooler and unsettled weather is indicated for this vicinity tonight and Thursday with probably local showers. T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. THEATRICAL managers and poker players are not the only people to whom a "full house" Is Important. It Is important to the man who keeps boarders or lodgers FOR PROFIT. Again, tho moral: Use The Gazette-News want columns A meeting was held yesterday af- j ternoon by tho presidents of the Y. i M '. A. baseball league, during i which they made several transfers of I player, the results of which are as j follows: M. Mclnnery to West's team J in class C league; M. M. Vendevllle assigned to ( line's team of the clasa A league; W. K. GUI assigned to Wood's team of the class A league. i Special to The Gazette-News. Winston-Salem, April 20. As a re sult of the simultaneous revival ser vices which have been In progress at all the Methodist churches In the city for the past two weeks there havo been added 144 members to the vari ous churches of tho city, and other churches have also felt the success of the meetings In the addition of mem bers. The meetings closed Sunday night with several hundred proes-lons. Nautical Information, "My the way. captain." said the j sweet young thing on the second day) out, with a Mulling attempt to be i chummy, "where does Mother Carey feed her chlclcens?" "In the trough of the sen. young wo man. " repllpd the captain of the ocean liner, with solemn dignity. Chicago Tribune L. C. BROGDEN IS IN HENDERSON COUNTY 1.. C. Rrogden. supervisor of rural schools of the "tale. Is In Henderson county this week, where he is In con sultation with the county school au thorities of Henderson in regard to the consolidation of several of the county schools. While In Henderson county Mr. Hrogdnn will attend sev eral commencement exercises of the county schools and further acquaint himself with conditions In that county. MEAT INJURIOUS 10 THE KIDNEYS Take a Tablespoonful of Salts If Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. U. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER. BUREAU. V jl Ivednes April 29, '14 j VSv!3lTnl', , EXPLANATORY NOTES,' nervations taken it I a7m.T tsiih meridian time. Air preuure reduced to sea level. ' Isobars (contranom lines) pun thronn points of wual I sit ineslure. Uotbermi idotted llns) pist through points of equal temperature; drawn only for sero. freeilng. 90, and 100. O clear Q partlyeloudy; cloudy: rln; snow; report mlislng. Arrow t fly with the wind. first figures, temperature: second preTipliaUoo of .01 Inch or more for pact 24 bourr, third, maximum wind velocity. W1M Hw.saf, ARCH D. MONTREAT IS APPOINTED EXAMINER Man hi Erwln. clerk of Superior court, ha announced th.it he has ap pointed Arch D. Monteath. a local at torney, to art as land examiner for this county under the Torrnna system. Ha will pass cm the deed filed far registration under the system. It I stated another examiner will be ap pointed at an early dHte to aaslst Mr. Monleath In his work Trying "roa. UredofTwtl April II. The con stitutionalist commander nf Nuevs Ij, Mlco. today reported to n,. American authorities her thai ih federal troop who Friday .'aruated the town Were trying in reach the Rio lirande above Laredo t'ntUd tat iroopa at Miners were ordered I to tit on th alert. We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood I filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who warnc u to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidney dn their utmost to free the blood of this Irritating ,i?ld, Ifui become weak from the overwork; (hey i ' sluggish: the ellmlnatlve tissue clog and thus the waste Is retained In the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stlng- ins pains in inr uses or ine urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the blad der Is Irritable, obliging you to seek relief do rim the night when you have severe headaches, nervous and dldav spells, sleeplessness, acid stomach or rhsumatlsm In bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Halts take n tablespoonful In a glass of wsler lefnr breakfast earh morning ami in a few days your kid neys will act fine Thl famnu salta is fnsd from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla and has been uard for generations to fluth and stimulate . logged kidneys, to neutralise th acids In urine so It Is no longer a source of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorder dad Halt l inexpensive and cannot Injure: make a dllghtful effervescent llthla-water drink, and nobody can mak a mistake by taking a llttla oe rsslonslly to kep the kidneys olsan and arla, Porch Furniture An Unparalleled Assortment of Exceptional Values y '1 CREX AND COCOA Cocoa, Rubber and Steel COUCH HAMMOCKS RUGS. 75c UP DOOR MATS, 50cts up As Low as $7.50 I. i I i j RUSTIC CEDAR PORCH SETS Chairs .... $4,00 up Rockers .... W.00 p Hetteea .... $9.00 up Tables $6.50 up Other Pieces including Magasine Stands $6.50 Cradle Beats $2.00 Swinjrinir Scats $12,50 MAIMiK HOCKKRK Rattan Seata and hack. Large and roomy si on op Rett Sfi.00 up Waldo Wood Webb Porch Shades All else and price OLD HICKORY PORCH SETS Chain $3.00 up Hookers $3.50 up Set loos $5.00 up Tables $7.00 up It Looks Good and Wears Well Mission Euw.il Swing a t mi and up Wicker IMrch Swings Alan Lawn swings 110,00 anil up Other porch goods In Austrian Bent Wood. For est Qreen Oak, PI bra Rush Crag. Cana and t'hlneaa Orsss. f J. L. SMATHERS AND SONS Mammoth Furniture Store ASHEVILLE 15-17 North Main Strati mmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmammmmmmmmmamm i I 1 . - ....

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