Wednesday, April 29, 1914 - ?AGE SIX THE - ASHE VILLE GAZETTE-NEWS OPENS UP NOSTRILS, CLEARS HEAD ENDS GOLDS OR Instantly Relieves Swollen, Inflamed Nose, Head, Throat You Breathe Freely DiiU Headache Goes Nasty Discharge Stops- Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, just to try it Apply a little in the nostrils and instantly your closged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will ouen: vou will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By J hose, foul mucous dropping into the morning! the catarrh, oold-ln-head or i throat, and raw dryness is distressing catarrhal sore throat will be gone. I but truly needless. End such misery now! Get the Put your faith Just once in "Ely's small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at Cream Balm" and your cold or ca nny drug store. This sweet, fragrant ' tarrh will surely disappear. UL I I LED HIqocial HAPPENINGS He mnrTTTTTinrxiaDDTTinnTXEfj The Fnglisli-Staples Wedding. The relatives and friends of Mrs. Staples, formerly Miss Alma C. Eng lish of this city, will be much inter ested in the following from -yesterday's News and Observer of Raleigh: "Miss Alma O. English Of Ashevllle, N. C, one of the most beautiful young women in the slate, gave her friends a surprise yesterday morning, when she and William (! Staples of Colum bia. S. C. were auietly married at the Church of the Good Shepherd, in the I presence of a few Intimate friends, ! the ceremony being performed by thej rector. Dr. 1. McK. Pittenger. Miss English iH the daughter of J. L. English, president of the English j Lumber company of Ashevllle and j New York, and one of the prominent lumbermen of the south. While Miss j IBntflfafc bns soent most of her life In New York, she has lived in Ashevllle: for several years past. where her father has large lumber mills, their home, 'Reed Crest,' being one of the pretty places just out from Biitrnore, Miss English has frequently visited in Raleigh, as the guest of Miss Flora f'reech, and it was while here, that Miss English decided to be married. While their engagement had not been announced, it was known that they were to be married at an early date. Mr. Staples came to Raleigh on Sun day. Cupid got to work, the consent of the parents was wired for, and they dec ided to he married at once. "Mr. Staples is a native nf Virginia, but is now located at Columbia, S. (' . where he holds the responsible posi tion of chief clerk in the Internal revenue Office, of which ex-tlovernor Haywood is collector. Mr. Staples Is young man or fine ability, and is held m rne highest esteem botb by the official and business life of Co lumbia. "The vonng coup?., left over the Seaboard for New York, and before going to Columbia. Ihey will stop by Ashevllle for a short visit lo the par ents of Miss English." y Smart CoMimic. For the simple tnilleurs adapted to early soring days, morning occasions require at least one smart costume of j serge or cheviot for walking, and an other for sports, made of plaid or cot ton corduroy or checked ratine (some times the coat of plain, anil the skir: of plaid or striped or vice versa). The afternoon customs of the moment demand something more elaborate, and therefore the fanciful three-piece slll'en toilettes introducing color In the bodice trimming, or. If made of wool, of gabardine, moire, ottoman 1 or ripple cloth, strictly tailored, hut 1 showing 'he new wavy outlines, is ncc. essitated. Pleot edging I used stylishly on all raw edges, and selvages are left. Wide crush girdles of satin or velvet are featured. In Washington recently, at charming tea. honoring Ird Kin tore Mrs. Victor Murilook, the lovely wife of the representative from Kan sas wore royal-blue ehermeuse w'ith gold lace, and a deep gold-cloth gir dle. Cclntures of green, between Um pire ami absinthe, with matching fans hair ornaments and stockings, have been favored at the opera, by Mrs. Hermann Oelrlchs and mnny other wt ll-dresned women The Criterion. Commencement Program at Klibctli. Th Ashevllle patrons of Kllxabeth college, prominent among this num. ber lelng Mr and Mrs. H. J. Olive and others, will bs Interested In the fol lowing commencement! program: May IT, 1 1 a. m. Baccalaureate ser mon. Rev. J. O. Olenn. May 17, p. m. Address before the Y. W. C. A., Rev. Wm. M. Vines. D. D. Mny If, 10 a m. Alumnae meeting. May IX. 3:30 p. m. Art exhibit and L, reception. May II. 30 p. m. Concert. S II. 3:30 p. m May pole fete, by 1. ":30 p. m. Address to class nf 1814. by Rev. M M. Klnsrd. 1 h. U.. D. D , and graduating , ' re lees. M Innlvrrsary Entertainment. The committee of arrangement of 9annanna lodge No. :.:. J. p O. T., and Ashevllle' 1'ncninpment No. 2, I. I. K. have arranged ttwo following program to be followed out nest Kri- ' Jay evening at 1:30 o'clock at the Silver Deposit Plate. $1.25 to $5.00 Arthur M. Field Co. CATARRH Al ONCE balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the In flamed, swollen membrane whica lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty dis charges and a feling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling' for breath, with head stuffed: nos trils ' closed, hawking - and blowing ; Tatarrh or a cold, with Its running aonnnnnrxnrjaxDqa Personal Mention, Meetings of Societies lodge rooms on Church street. Fol lowing the program refreshments will be served by the ladles of the Kebecca lodge. These anniversary meetings are generally observed in Asheville, and are the means of bringing the members of the order together in a social way. All Odd Fellows and their families' are invited to be present on this occasion. The program follows; Opening Ode. Prayer By Rev. E. M. Hoyle. -SongT. R. Sanders. Address Judge Thomas A. Jones. Song T. R. Sanders. Address-- Rev. .1. VV. Ingle. Solo (piano accompaniment )Jud(fe Thomas A. Jones. Address Rev. F. M. lloyle. Refreshments. at m The Ashevllle Equal Suffrage league win meet at r. o cluck on tile afternoon of Saturday. May 21, in the Central l-ahor union hall on South Alain street to join in the nation .wide celebration taking place in every city and town from the Atlantic lo the Pacific on this 'day at this hour. The exercises will consist of a hymn, prayer and address and every interested person in ! Ashevllle is cordially Invited to attend, j All persons will be made cordially wel come and it Is hoped that the attend.) ance will be large. a a Judge and Mrs. Pace, who ha been visiting their son in Spartanburg I have returned to their home In Ben- dersonville. . ft Italcigh News and observ. Rev, ('. P. Wilcox, rector of St. Saviours chapel, is in Ashcvillp and will be there several weeks for a complete rest. Ouring his absence his services will be conducted by llev. Milton A. Barber, rector of :hrist church, and the lay reading wilt be done by Major fames I. Johnson, a niemher of the parish " a? K Mrs i. Wildes Smith of Roston Is spending some time here, a guest at tfle Bgtterjr Park hotel. at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crigler, the latter thi Nicholas frequent bouse guest of Mrs. N. Beadles, wllh Henri Crigler, Jr., nre expected in Spartan burg shortly to be the guests of Mrs I.. P. Walker for the Manning-Mai lov wedding. They will arrive from I Willlamston. It X Miss Able Maples of Knoxvllle is at tending grand opera in Atlanta., t n Mrs. R. A. Brown and daughter. Dorothy, of Charlotte, who have been spending some time In Asheville. are in Spartanburg for a few days en route home. at It Dr. W. A. Chapman of New York ar. rived yesterday and Is a guest at the Battery Park hotel. It R Mrs. Thomas W. Patton anil MM Fannie Patlon hnve returned to their home on Charlotte street from Dune dln, Fla.. where they have spent the winter and part of the spring months. W K Frank E. Dixon of New York ar rived yesterday and la a guest at the Battery Park hotel. m m The following Greenville residents are among the many southerners at tending grand opera In Atlanta: Mrs O. B. Hartsog. Mrs. W. P Conyers. Mrs. John T Woodside. Mrs. H. J. Hiynsworth, Mrs. J. W. Norwood, Mrs. W. E. Bealtle. Mrs. Sumner Williams. Alius Ellen Poe, Mrs. J. F. White. Miss Dorothy White and Mr. and Mrs. H. T I 'itr. m tt Judge W. H. Justice has returned to the Battery Park hotel. ' K K llHlstead Foreman, the young son of Dr and Mrs. Jnslah Foreman, will re turn to his home In the city from Hoi. bruol school In tfeslngnlng. -N. Y.. where he Is a student, following Ibe school commencement on June 10. Young Mr. Foreman and a friend will return by motor as far as Baltimore. R at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M Field, who left Sunday morn'nf; for Atlanla to attend grand opera, received 'upon Ihetr arrival In thai city a telegram saying that t(arvy H Bedell, s close kinsman of Mrs. Field, had died at his home In Rome. S. Y. Mr. and m Mrs. Field Immediately left Atlanta for Rome and in a short while will re. turn to their home In Ashevllltt Mr. I Bedell had been III for some time. (Additional s... 1st on par It) UOOD RK-YriJCef tU.OO With full equipment roaster brake Thorn proof tires, extension handle bars and suspension saddle, good, rides eaay. Ask to "Cyeo" blcyele. . m 1 1 1 it s a on. I our ! 4 Hattrri Frk Place . . Pboae 44gj JUDGE MERRIMON NOW IN JE RACE Makes Formal Announcement Today of His Congression al Candidacy in the 10th. Judge James H. Merrlmon of this city today makes formal announce ment through the columns of The Ga-iette-N'ews that he will be a candidate before the democratic congressional convention of the Tenth North Oaro. una uisinci utr noiiiiiiuiioii. aim iimvi the voters of Uuncornbe ami Haywood Una district for nomination, and that counties, as well as those of the re- mainlng 11 counties in the district which, bold primaries, will be given an opgbrtunity to cast their ballots for! him in these primaries. He stales in his announcement that le will not be able to carry on an active personal campaign, as be has obligations that will consume all his time until July 1. but that he is confident that hie friends will look after his interests Judge Merrlmon does not claim to have qualifications above others in the race, or above others who may enter the race, but states (hat he enters sim ply because he is qualified for the posi tion and is following out a eonctitu tional right. He points to his record of 4 5 years as a democrat and says that he has always stood stanchly by the democratic standard, through suc cess and adversity. He gives his en dorsement to the Wilson tion. idmlntstra - Famous Old College at Winston-Salem Has Had Most Successful Year. Alumnae and friends in this city and section will be interested in knowing that Salem college, .it Winston-Salem, has prepared one of the most elabor ate programs fur commencement week in the history of the famous old school. The term just drawing to a close is said to have been one of the most successful of many years and the enrollment has been unusually large. PfeoOditirf tbe commencement week, proper, the graduating recitals will tube place. The program lor coin, mencemeut week follows: Saturday. May i!3. S p, m lower campus, commencement play, "Iive's labours l-osl," direction of Miss Auns piiiigh. . Sunday, May H, II a. m., Memorial hall, baccalaureate sermon by the Kev. A. A. McOeachy, pastor Second Pres. byterlan church, Charlotte, Sunday, May 1 ness meeting, 1 hall, luncheon, library. - Monday. May ! , alumnae day, busl p. m.. in Memorial ! p. m., in college 4 p. m., class day. exercises on campus by the seniors. Monday, May J5. tl p. m.. Memorial hall, gra,nd concert. Tuesday, May 6, 1ft a. in., Memorial hall, grand concert. Tuesday. May If, 1(1 a. m.. Memorial hall, commencement day, graduation exercises; address by Dr. David .lames Hurrell, pastor of the Marble I olle giate church. New York. The following is a COmpleU list of the recitals to be given In Memorial hull prior to and during the actual j days of the commencement: Thursday. May 7. 4 p. in . Memorial hall, expression recital. Miss India Mc.idor, North Carolina. Saturday. May 16, 4 p. m Memorial hall, expression recital. Miss Klizaheth Duncan. North Carolina. Wednesday, May JO. Memorial hall. AT .1 II. LAW'S 35 Beginning HALF PRICE SALE Lsstlnn I ntll Saturday. May Oil.: If There's Aim thing l,efl In the n.) Ill ortler to tioee out a lol of China iintl other goods Hint '"' -,"n H .arry In il.c future. offer a large ami or Intci-cMIng assortment at exactly IIAI.K l it K i The goods arc first lass ami perfe. t In ereri way anil the lot Infinites M,nu. X,.T , ,0IC good. ,...TI" J"'"" M U U "" ' BI. In plain figure. tOV I HALF OF IT. Tnmorr,m a n. . , Krl lh, i, selection. (KICK WINDOW) rn. MW WRIGHT & DIT80N LAWN TENNIS SUPPLIES Rackets, $1.00 to $8.00 PACK SQUARE BOOK CO. On the Square Phone 242 IMHIIIHMIHMMIMI Findon makes a nice dih for supper serve cold LARGE CANS Yates & SI .Haywood Street. City it AM NOW A HAPPY WOMAN Says Franklin Lady, Who Says She Has But One Regret After Many Years Of Trouble. Franklin, Va, "I am now a happy woman," says Mrs. Elizabeth Boone, of'this town, "although for eight (8) i,.u,. ,.oh y- I suffered dreadfulb ith womanly troubles, and I had lo lie in bed for three or four days. every mnth 1 was in such Condition, 1 could not do my housework, nor could 1 eat heavy or greasy food of any kind. 1 was a perfect wreck. Some of my lady friends advised line to try t.'ardul, the woman's tonic. which 1 did. I have now taken seven bottles, and am Sound and well, can do all of my housework, as well as my laundry work. 1 am sure the 7 battles of Cardui did me $1 00 . 00 worth of good. ! I have but one regret, and that Is that I did not commence taking Car- 1 tju 5 vt.ars two. I would have avoided I all that suffering, besides saving all ithe money I paid out for other medi cines that did me no good. Several of my lady friends are now taking Cardui on my recommendation and it is helping them." j If you suffer from any of the itura pa ; . y erous ills so common to women, begin taking Cardui, today. It relieved Mrs,. lloone after her condition became I chronic. It will surely help you. Try Cardui. vocal recital, Miss Eula Mavis. North 1 'a pilina. Thursday, May 7. 4 p. m., Memorial hall, expression recital. .Miss Ernestine Lot, North Carolina. Saturday, May 211, 11 a. in.. Memo rial hall, organ recital, .Miss Annie S'orsby, North Carolina. Saturday, May 23, 4 p. m., Memorial hall, vocal recital. Miss Laura Itblen- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 4 John 8, Williams and wife to Joe M. Williams, land in Falrytew town ship; consideration S.". C. B. Reynolds ami wife et al to P. C. Rohey and wife, property on John street; I0 utid other considerations. Charles S. Carter et nl to Joe M. Burllson, land on Big Ivy creek; con sideration $1. M. S. Smith and wife to J. O. Cowan, land on Smith's mill creek; Hit and other considerations. P. B. Orr and wife to J. A. I'ishop, property In West AshevlHe; considera tion $660. Francis J. Clemenger and wife to K. J. Clrlaet, property on Charlotte street; considerations IH.'iOO. Julia A. Brookfhire to A. J. Gilliam, lots in the Pine Grove lands; consid eration S500. Blue Ridge Development company to Anson Abraham, land on Hillsboro drive; consideration $10. LICENSED TO WED I.uke Metcalf Alice Ball, c. Lomlnac to i.ila Parton. Frank Barker to Mary W. Barrow. colored. nrw croupandQAivr PATTON AVE. Daisy a Haddie just open tin 25c. hi mid McGuire Telepboaw IT1S-ITIS. Warren Vlgr m h m PBSTIL CO. WINS SOU AGAINST WESTERN UNION Latter Must Transmit Mes sages For Former at Regu lar Tolls. Special to The Gazette-News. Albany, N. Y April 29. The Court of Appeals has affirmed an order of the appellate division, which in turn affirmed an order of the public service commission at Albany cdmmandlng the Western Union Telegraph com. pany to cease charging the Postal Tel- oc-ranh I'nhla nomnnnv nn pHtrn sum ,- . . . . . . I in addition to the regular telegraph tolls on telegrams taken In and trans mitted part way by the Postal and then handed over en route by the Pos tal to the Western .Union for furth,er transmission, and delivery at exclu sive Western Union points. This liti gation between the twp.qomVanies has been going on for about four years. There were various hearings before the public service commission, and the final decision' of the commission w-as given in favor of the Postal com pany. Thereupon, the Western Union took the matter into the appellate division of the Supreme court which lUllrmed the decision of the public service com mission. tic Court of Appeals now affirms all Ihls and henceforth the Western Union will be allowed to charge only the full local tolison messages taken ih by the Postal com pany and directed to points reached by the Western Union and not reach ed by the Postal. A Better Authority. Yoiinc Husband My dear Jemima, 1 must "say that this pudding tastes verj bad. Wife All your imagination-, dear Tbe cookery hook says that it tastes excellent! London Telegraph. HVRRY DEMOCRATIC VOTKR MI ST PAY HIS POM, TAX, OK TWO DOLLARS UK FORK MAY FIRST. IF HE WANTS TO VOTE IN THE PRIMARY. RKMKMBKR THK? DATE, MAY KIRST. LOUIS M. BOURNE, I 60-eod-5t CHAIRMAN. I VICTROLA May Records aro in. Hear tbem at Durham's Music House ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF - r None but hitfh-elass factory mechanics employed. Our supplies are cheaper and all work is Guaranteed. ENTERPRISE OARAGE J. B. RnmboiiRh, Gen. Mgr. GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 P. M. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 P. M. Visiters to Asheville, although not guests of GROVE PARK INN, are Invited to-dine and inspect tn building. Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Parties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 P. ML, 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. Rates: $5.00 psr da and up. Phone 3000. CHANGE OF The story of every child Is In pictures can the story be told MAKE TUB M-I-..IS I Ml MjMttfflt- PELTON DANCE Tanro. Turkey Trot, Hesitation, One Step, Two ktip, en . vcru-e,i Id Saturday Evening Post. ' FALK'S idUSIC HOUSE S STERNBERG & CO. DEPOT STREET PHONE 333 All sites and lengths Concrete Steel STRUCTURAL MATERIAL A 8PFCIALTY We buy anything and Sell Everything, OSEfTIZ" FOB SORE, TIRED, SWEATY FEET "TIjJ" makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight. Away go the aches and pains, the corns, callouses, blister and bunions. "TIZ" draws out the acids and poisons that puff up your feet. No matter now hard vou work, how long you dance, how f ar you walk, or how long you remain on your feet, "TIZ" brings restful foot comforl "TIZ" Is won derful for tired; acninc, swollen, smarting leet. your feet ... f,',, '- . : , just tingle for joy; shoes never hurt or seem tight. Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" now from any druggist or department store. End foot torture forever wear smaller shoes, keep your feet fresh, sweet and happy. NEW SUMMER MILLINERY S. FERGUSON MILLINERY COMPANY 14 Government Street, rear P. Agents., for Castler Hats O. NOT EVERY MERCHANT can sell you a Society King Shoe. Find the Society King man in Jtown and talk to him. He'vis a good man to know. THE CALL COMPNAY "Walk a Block and Save a (Dollar" 17 South Main Street BALTIMORE DENTAL ROOMS at n TO Nichols Shoe Store Phone 1581 TIME one of growth and change Only and expressions kept for all time. M TODAY & HIGGASON RECORDS As ad- of I Beams. Channels, and Relaying RaiU;. M HIGH CLIFF The Coal without feet. a de- We handle the best the Jellico fields afford. Asheville Dray, Fuel and Construction Co. OFFICE PHONE 223 YARD PHONE 510 SPRING SUITS Latest patterns and styles $10 and up OEM CLOTHING CO. 6 Patton Ave. .MALICE TOWARD NONE "CALCIMO" i aii. Miller-Clayton Paint Co. ON THE NEW NORTH MAIN ST. 1914 CALCIMO s Per lb. OUR PHONE IS J9l4 We have in a good lot of Wardrobes, Dressers, etc. See ua In buying and selling Furniture and Household. Goods. RECTOR & HUNTER FURNITURE CO. Trunks, Bags 4 AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23-25 South Main Street Phone 887 FRUIT TREES Half Price Our representative will bo In Ashe ville, on the square, Saturday to de liver fruit trees, nursery stock, and to take orders. This will be your last chance to get first class trees at such low prices. Reagan's Nurseries, eavrrville, (60-5t) J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairng my Specialty. No. s Pack Square. LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR Legal Building S Pack Rq. Phone 797 W. A. WARD ANYTHING ELECTRICAL 12 Battery Park Plaoa. Phone 449 P ORTRAITS McGARRY'S OST CARDS STUDIO ING PONGS Pack Sq. Next City Hall WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISPLAY OF SPRING MILLINERY Sproat's Millinery PARLORS Oatea Rldg. Pack Square tlf it is a Range you want, Buy a "BUCK'S" BURTON ft HOLT ON THE SQUARE lllUlMlM.aMl,AiOlli Hyacinth Candicans bulbous plant with, large Yurra-llke leaves grejSflng to a height of four 'fft Earn bulb Will produce Iwg or more aplkea with from W t U pure vim flowers patient on each spike.! Helng had OUt plants gives) s. permanent position, le pgr bulb; tOr per I OS. Br parcel pogL tl Grant's Phcrmacy Reliable Drag a ad Heedj Rl