Wednesday, April 29, 1914 THE SEVILLE G NEWS PAGE SEVEN nils BOUT MEXICAN REPUBLIC Pick a- Choice High Art Suit We can fit you up in a few minutes with something as stylish as possible, and in any of six or eight correct shapes, at no large expense. At $15, to $18 good ones that will preserve their excellent shape until worn out and the end comes late with High Arts because they are built to Wear, hence to create a demand for High Arts always. At $20 to $30 you get prac tically what your excellent tailor must charge $35 to $45 for and you get a superb fit in a few minutes without hav ing to call several times with an alteration and then a re-alteration. . Boys' Suits, Boys' Suits, Boys' Suits, Boys' Puits, and then some more Boys' Suits in excellent fabrics. Remember our Superb stock of Straw Huts, and that we sell them under market prices. Hr Redwood & Co. SIDP CATARRH ! Use Hyomei You Breathe It L'nlss properly treated this disease often leads to a serious if not fatal allmen. It Is needless to allow ca tarrh to ruin your health use Hyomei it is certainly effective relief for ca tarrh Ills. It's the direct -to-the-spot treatment. You breathe it no stom ach dosing. No household should be without Hyomei. It not only gives quick and lasting benefit in cases of catarrh but is one of the surest and moat pleasant treatments for head colds, sniffles, or croup of children. Hyomei is a combination of antisep tic oils you breathe it using a small inhaler. The air laden with health restoring Hyomei soothes, heals and vitalizes the sore, raw and inflamed membrane of the breathing organs almost Immediately. There is no other remedy that benefits so surely or so iiulckly. Money refunded by Smith's drug store If you are not satisfied. Do not be without Hyomei another day. Druggists everywhere sell It. Get the complete outfit $1.00 size this contains the- Inhaler and bottle of liquid. lBll SOME FACTS A Area About One-Fourth That of United States Popu lation 16,000,000. RESULTS YESTERDAY. North Carolina -League. At Raleigh 1; Ashevilje 3. At Charlotte 11; Greensboro B. At Winston-Salem 2; Durham 4. National League. At Brooklyn-Philadelphia, rain. At Boston 1; New York 3. At Chicago 2; Pittsburgh 5. At Cincinnati 6; St. Louis 1. American League. At St. Louis-Clevelan 1, wet field. At New York-Boston, rain. At Philadelphia 2; Washington t. At Detroit 4; Chicago 1. Southern League. At Atlanta 'll; Memphis 7. and St. Paul's, "Olympian" are only a At New Orleans t; Montgomery few of the many other features. !( i o innings). Tickets will go on' sttle tomorrow j At Mobile 5; Birmingham 3. mornlnc ut Allison's. Prices -35'and 50 1 At ChattaHOOfa 4; Nashville 0. Cents. ; ft ( K strt . m -i - COMING ATTRACTIONS. ft FRIDAY, MAY 1, Matinee and Night, K Lyman H. Howe's Picture I ft ft ft ft ft' ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft K Lyman II. Howe's Pictures. "here has been no greater exhlbi- of endurance and sheer nerve in history of the world than Uncle i's tight with the force of nature n "on the line" otherwise better known, as the. Panama cartkl. ft Is this kremendous conflict waged by an rmy of 60,000 souls and mighty ma rines doing work with, almost nu- nan precision wnicn win vr, reyru- luced by Lyman II. Howe .at the Au- ttnrlnm next Kriduv evening. The Is in reality an astounding loving living pictorial review of a supremely organized anq in- lligent, effort scored a marvelous trl- iph over difficulties. As sucn it ap- ils powerfully to all mankind1 put LrtlcUjurly so to the victors to us Americans, and in order to rorm an equate conception of h.ow this 1,000.000 vlctorVM WBH. rv nerican should taks advantage oi opportunity Mr. Hnafe offers. lYellowstone park thatvaet arena lived by nature in the Heart of tne ocky mountains where numerous , . ORDER RECEIVED rayettovllle Military Company Ord- oretl to Assemble For Service At Once. Special' to The Gazette-News. FayettevlUe, April 29. Captain Al. ton G. Murohlson, commander of com pany F, seaona regiment, ts. u. n, j,, received a telegram trom-colonel koo .man Sjrtiday notitylrig him td assemble his company and' hold if In readiness tor orders. , Some days since Captain Murohlson received notice from Colo nel Hodman that he had offered- the services of the regiment, and Captain Murchlson replied that lie was ready to march on orders. , Captain Murchlson brought a bride to Vaycttevflle but a week ago: never theless, he Is ready to respond to his country's call, and Is engaged In re crulting his ranks. This seems to bp no difficult task', however, as volun teers are numerous. Americun Association. At Milwaukee 3; Cleveland 2. (10 innings At Kansas City 6; Columbus 4. (13 inings). At Minneapolis-Indianapolis, wet grounds. ' At St. Paul-Louisville, wet field. International League. At .Jersey City 4; Toronto 1. At Newark 1; Montreal 1. (15 in nings, darkness). At Baltimore 2; Rochester It. At Providence 0; Buffalo 3. AJwsyji beara Signature of Iysers are the contending raIajl.ltora. is another big feature to be pre- , Inted. The film shows strange forces nature moj-e furiously actlee than hywhere else on earth. The scenes re of such a volcanic nature that tne hand of fire seems to lurk every where, and as such they convey tne lal "atmosphere" of a region where Ire and water nave strnggien ior kpremacy for the countless centuries. lick- the views change Instantly to ride through, under and oVef'the flothard mountains between Italy Id Switzerland, and tak.- spectators tst magnificent mountain srenery id giant peaks, through rugged fags, and to quaint Swiss villages. (Sin lh scenes chnnge this time the Paris son showing a splendid llecllon of animals at close range. Ime of them very little known, sueh the rhea or South American of ten, the alpkcn. the African mouf- rn and the acrobatic tamanda. Then Ime lively fishing scenes In British tilumbla and equally vlvsclous views' tunny fishing nesr Palermo. A I Imble through the ruins of Pompeii., Iprodursd .In nature's own colors. ipsrts vivid tmrtresstons of the ivoc caused ny the historic ea'in- pake centuries ago Wood turnlM decorating clocks at Saint Claude. upop. lympnnnifi oi rr, son a through the Montana ranyqn ovw the 'as-ads mountain In on on Hi, Chicago. Milwaukee, ''Alffcf'',w Riv,r' ntvw'f'ilch run very slowly nave Slvra.vs the most mud xt the bottom; so a solid snttnesK in the cwnstaut course of a man' life-Is n wlgn of a thick bed of mud' at the bottom of bis bruin - Federal League. At St. Louis-Buffalo, wet field. At Kansas City 0; Brooklyn 3. At Chicago Ij Baltimore 1. At Indianapolis 8; Pittsburgh T . South Atlantic League. At Augusta 7-0; Charleston 10-3. (Second game 7 innings). At Columbus 0; Albany 15. A! Macon 5: Columbia 7. At Savannah 4; Jacksonville 3. Virginia League. At Petersburg 4; Portsmouth 2. At Norfolk 7: Richmond!. At Roanoke 1; Newport News 2. CASTORIA For Intents and Children In U For Over 30 Years College naaehnll. At Washington: Catholic university 1; University of North Carolina 1. At Lexington, Va.: University of Georgia 4; Virginia Military Institute 2. At Ithaca, N. Y. : Dartmouth 10. 'Cornell 0. At Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard 2, Bates 1. EVERY DEMOCRATIC VOTER Ml" ST PAY HIS POLL TAX OF TWO DOLLARS BEFORE MAY FIRST, IF HE WANTS TO VOTE IN THE RIHARV. REMEMBER THE ATE, MAY FIRST. LOUIS M. BOCRXE. 0.od-6t CHAIRMAN. FRIDAY MAY 1 Think About It and he ready to act when the time comes. Monday, Mty 4th is the day when we will open our Hoosier Kftchen Cabinet Club. U all Hoosier "Whito Beauty" Aa si HjsX at Lfaaj Af ay Man l All members of tins club (limited in this instance to 60 members will be given special terms, so "you can now get a cabinet and pay for it in such a way as never to miss the money, and enjoy the use of your cabinet while paying for it For this sale the manu facturers are lending us the services of one of their best salesmen, to demonstrate the cabinet and assist ua in waiting on the ladies. Come in on Monday and let us "show you" whether you are wanting to buy or not. Remember the dav and date, Monday, May 4th. Washington, April 29. Th follow ing information concerning Mexico was given out by the National Geo praphic society in Washington today: It is interesting to note that the area of Mexico is practically as great as that of the United States between the Mississippi river and the Atlantic coast, the Great Lake and the Gulf of Mexico, varying in altitude from sea levl to 18,000 feet. Its climate is affected by these elevations and by o rnnge of 18 degrees of latitude. Twelve hundred miles is the dist ance traversed in passing south from Juarez, on the northern lioundary, to the capital, and 900 miles more to the southern boundary. The Gulf of Mexico and Carrlbean sea coast line extends for 1,700 miles, while the Pa cific ocean and Gulf of California touch 4,000 miles of Mexican coast. Prior to 1836, Mexico, as a Span ish colony, and the United States cov ered approximately equal rates, but the Texas secession and the result of the Mexican war added nearly 1,000,- 000 square miles to our territory, and the extent of Mexico n"w is less than one-fourth that of continental United States. Mexico stJJJ has territorial expanse equal to the aggreghte of Austria-Hungary, Germany, France, Great Bltain and Ireland. The total area of the renublic, 787.000 Is less than that of Texas, California. Mon tana. New Mexico and Arizona com bined.. The average density of population of Mexico approximates !0 per souare mile, the most thickly populat ed portions, outside of the federal flistrlct. holng tjie states of Tlaxcala and Mexico, the former being less than Delaware In sUe of about the same density of population, and the latter being nearly as large ns New Hampshire, but With more than twice the number of Inhabitants. The fed eral district, modeled after the Dis trict of Columhia, but of ight times greater area. Is surrondsd by the state of Mexico, the large population of the capital.. 4 70.000, materially aid ing in bringing the average to more than 1.200 per square mile. During nearly 300 years subsequent to the connuest by Cortes, Spain dominated Mexico. A century ago a bold effort for freedom was started which eventually .resulted in the re public of Mexico of today- More than half of the first century of Mexican independence was abortive, one co terle after another coming Into tem porary power, and a number of those acclaimed rulers, after brief regimes, meeting IgnomlnouR death at the hands of the people they sought to govern. Tho form of sovernmsnt adopted by Mexico followes In general thai of the United States, having executive ludtciul and legislative dlyhjittniT Eaoh of the 2 7 states Is represented In two houses of congress, c.umfmkSjd of sen ators and deputies. Congress holds two sessions each . year .for limited. periods. Each state .has. its aovernor and legislature,' and la . sub-divided Into districts, or counties, over each of which a "Jefe politico" Is placed the districts having subsidiary muni cipalities with magistrates, presiding I offclals and councils. The hb-called ! I autocratic feature of the government mav be largely due to the tact that governors hold office with approval of ii.. nrealdent: that lefe DdllUCOS have similar relations with th governors, I and that the oglcers of the munici palities are generally controlled by the lefe oolltlcos. The church and state are inde- II ....... ...... AnvruM nattftnl niu I.e..... .... B.tu ' .in. - - laws prohibiting or eataotianing any religion. Of tils I 6.000,000 ' Inhabit ants, i w ..-nt ib claim dlrsct descent from ancient tribes or families which ( are a cepted as the basis of Mexican history, two-fifths are of mixed na tive and foreign blood, the remainder being classed under (he common ap-! pelatlon of "foreign ' t The City of Mexico, til miles by-il rail west of Vera Crus. and T.4B0 feet altitude, is reached by two routes, climbing from the hot lands through difficult mountain passes, one of I which closely follows the (rail taken by Cortes In 11. by Osn, Wlnileld I Scott with American troop In 1947, and over which, 15 yaera later, the Invadlnar French troops oasasd It 1. aft.-. nMn, Mlu' OHa.half I in . .,r'-, ...j... -.j. ........... of the railroad mileage of the coun try Is between sea-level and 6,000 Met. and about an equal amount be tween E.00 and 10.000 fset. Inventor of the Asroplsns. It would be next to impossible to say who Invented the aeroplane. Positions of paramount importance in the art of flying belong to Professor Samuel P. Lnngler, M. Ader and Sir Hiram Max im. They were certainly among the rat to boost tbe art. Tbe first to make a heavier than air machine that actually flew with a man were the brothers Orvllle aud Wilbur Wright of Dayton. O. Until the latter port of 190 th Wright brothers were the only men In the world who could fly. From 1903 to 1000 tbe Wrights made 100 flights, averaging a mile each, one flight, that of Oct. B. UtO".. being twenty-four miles and lasting thirty-eight minutes. New York American. OTTIS-CREEN HARDWARE CO. Hardware Paints and Oila Phone your wants to 202. PRESCRIPTIONS TEA6UE ft OATES Phones 260-1996 BURTON & HOLT in too bad to spoil last story but W Mto other way fflsof I pt lie j h baa fait dri.-xint "-ftCVMaW THkv tnr r-'TflUft Why l Ml I Make Your Own Paint ! YOU WILL SAVE 60 eta. PER GAL. THIS IS MOW Buy 4 gals. LIU. SEMI-MIXED BE AL PAINT. X at $2.10 per gal. - $8.40 And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it - m - 2.10 You then make 7 gala, of pure paint for f. - - $10.50 It's only $1.50 per gal Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT. Whereas, if you buy 7 gals, of ready-for-use paint in CANS, you pay $2.10 a gal. or $14.70. The L If M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT ts rVRE WHITE LEAD. ZINC and LINSEED OIL. thm -tnwn paint material lor 1 OO for. Use gL oat el any L.&M. PAINT yea bay. and If not the beat paint made, return tbe paint and get ALL year money back. IT YOU READ THE GAZETTE-NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND WHAT YOU WANT MAIL ORDERS SENT PARCEL POST PREPAID STORE OPENS 8:30 a. m. CLOSE 6 p.m. SATURDAYS 9 p. m. r.'vndins bv His Cslers. The ht oOk mini In I Mroadwiy ; theater was railed sway fur ton tuln- utes and bad to leare things In charge of a greenhorn. Before departing he explained In detail the prices ot the I Tsrlous tickets, and ;ka new in in asld he understood. No sooner was the notice left alone insn B wiunnu npinrra u im win- dew. "Row much are tbe tickets herer she inquired "Well." said the greeabara, rentetn- herlng bis instructions, toe blue re K. tbe red oaes are i)J and tbe yellow oaes are only !. dew Turk Tribune. Merel Less Lest "Oeod for oullllps: leer that; be enlt drinking he hat ft rich ' McGraw Dry Goods Co. ONE MARKED PRICE The Store Popular OlSlE PLANK In Our Business Policy We hunt the country over for extra values, always giving our patrons the benefit of our experienced buy ing. We do not deceive ourselves with false imaginary values, but we know that what we are selling is the very best in the market. No we do not take any long profits but confine ourselves to a legitimate gain which will build up our business on a firm basis, and continue to make our store the first choice to the Ladies when shop ping inclined. A Sale of Silk Dresses at $7.50 Here is a beautiful collection of Silk Dresses whose prices ranged formerly from $10.00 to $12.50; delightfully becoming models with pretty draperies, flounce and tier effects. Included in this collection at this price are beautiful Taffetas and Messaline Dresses, and at $7.50 they are worth your consideration I CHILDREN'S DRESSES AT 98c. We show you children's White Dresses made like mothers with the new tiers, sizes 4 to 16 years, 98c. We say frankly they are positively $1.50 values. CHILDREN'S WASH SUITS AT 98c. Children's Wash Suits, blouse styles or Sailor Collars. Many popular materials and patterns, at 98c. Net guimpes made with high collar or low necks, fine quality of net, some are trimmed with lace and ruffling, others plain net with boned collars. Priced moder. ately 25c and 50c. 10c OAUZE KNIT VESTS 5c. Full bleached, fine ribbed low neck and sleeveless vests run with tape 5c. NEW TANGO GIRDLES AT 98c. Middy Blouses in pbain white and white witli different colored trimmings in all sizes, at 48c. We are selling a positive $1.50 Gown for 98c only about four dozen at this writing you will a'j;rf't with us when you see the garments. Pillow Cns-s 4."x.Ti, Special 10c. Hemmed Sheets, 72x90 35c. 27 in. Palmetto Ratine 17 l-2c If you an- interested in Kaitine, we call your special attention to our Palmetto Ratines, colors of blue, tan. lavender, white, lijrht blue, brown. This Ratine is worth and selling at many stores at 85'-; this is a special purchase of ours and wt gladly give you the benefit. 35c Ratine at 17 l-2c the Yard Ladies' every thread pure linen Hand kerchiefs narrow hem Special 5c We ask your inflection of the Ladies' Handkerchiefs we are selling 3 for JOc Children's Handkerchiefs 3 for 5c Children's Fancy Top Sox Superior quality, with new turn-over tops special 15c the Pair Rmlrr Rrnwn Hosiery Maaetag I'aderwear, MoOI Psttrm. McGraw Dry Goods Co. Ask to see Use New QUeV stone Pagan at 50c Ticket- nt Allison's Wednesday ' Fhons roar wants to )bl.

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