Friday, Hay 8. lsii PAGE FOUR THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS THE GAZETTE-riEWS -. . PUBLISHED BT Erenlng News Publishing Co. ASHEVILLE, N. O. STTBSCRTPTION" RATES: Ashevllle and BIHbmto ' On Week ,.,.. Three Month Six Months ., .Twelve Months .............. ..$ .10 1.25 ... I 50 5.00 , BY MAJX, IX ADVANCE Three Months 1100 Six Months .... Twelve, Months " . . .Utl - Any matter offered for publication! that is not classified as news, giving notice or appealing- or project where an admittance or other fee la charged, is advertising and will be accepted at regular rates only. The same applies to cards of thanks, obituary notices, political announcements and the like. ltlftltltllCtt!!li! It The Gazette-News is a mem ber of The Associated Press. Its telegraph news Is there fore complete and reliable. t It m it St!'. Entered at the Postofflce in Ashevllle as second-class matter. Friday, May 8, 1914 A WSSIBILITY OP MEDLVTIOX. The protest of Huerta against American activities at Vera Crux, transmitted by the South American mediators, is possibly without siRnift- .A,-n.llff tin. ctlitnrin nf endeavoring to compose the dif-1 'fernnrrs tiettteen the administration nml the Mexican dictator, lint it serves to recall' expressed apprehen sion of a possible outcome of uiedla- tion The countries represented by the ! neotiato's unofficially sympathize w ith lluerla, and it has been cxprrtei! in some quarters th.'it the result of mediation may be a censure of the United States for its conduct of Mexi can relations. This possibility Is out lined in the VVashinKton correspond ence of the Charlotte Observer: Secretary Bryan has become ob sessed with the desire for peace In ternational peace. His "breathing spell treaties," which would delay war a year. If we approached the brink of trouble with nations agreeing to such treaties, has taken a firm hold on him. Congressmen who are waiting patiently waiting and hoping to see what will Tr.ome of the mediation program are afraid that Mr. Bryan may permit this country to slip Into a position where its entire dealings with Huerta and C'arrania and Villa wll be reviewed by mediators who would not hesitate to find, If the facts Justified them, that the T'nlted States had been wrong all along, and had gone too far at Tamplco and Vera Cruz. The dispatch further reports a fear In congress that Mr. Bryan "has of fered to mediate a matter of national honor" and predicts that "should It become known that he has over ttepped what are considered the bounds of propriety In submitting the Interests of this country to mediation there would be a great outburst of disapproval In the senate." Should mediation take this course, It Is easy to foresee a national outburst of In dignation. But Secretary BryaiT should not be held solely, or chiefly, respon sible. Mexican affairs have for some time been out of his hands. An Impressive Instance of the Inrul rntlon of sudden respect for the law when its violators are convinced that thoso whose duty It Is to uphold It mean business is given In the Colora do coal fields. The labor troubles there have not been permanently set tled, but order prevails In the regions under the guard of federal troops, and miners who did not elect to cast their lots wilh the strikers are permitted to exist in a measure of safety. This Is the condition the State authorities Anally endeavored to bring about, but so feebly that their Interference was only an Invitation to renewed blood shed and anarchy. There is still covert opposition to the disarmament program, but It la assured that reign of terror la Colo rado Is ended. The Interstate commerce commis sion la making more headway In Its Investigation of the New Haven scan dal. Under threats of Jail sentences as a restorative nf lost memory, wit nesses are revealing th connection between the New Haven and the Bll lard company, of which such a mys tery has been made. The familiar stories of dummy directors, "wash sales" to create fictitious values and hugh borrowings to conceal deficits brought about by reckless financier ing are repeated. It is hard to see how some ot the gentlemen who figured In these transactions which wrecked great railroad system will get away with If From the viewpoint of mere barn yard sumption it i itbeui-4 for any- nooy to start to spend his life writ Inr. Gambling is more likely to yield a steady Income. It ta an absurd car eer: a foolish, foolhardy business.- Ami,Mduf Walter It, Page. A favorite Doee with many who have been successful at, writing. Why does Mr. Page fancy he was riven an ambassadorship 7 TUE DRV NAVY. John Barleycorn feels ' tired, by gravy! They've fired old rey eye from the navy, and now the brave old salt will fill himself with cistern water -.h . fnrlh n fif slaughter, and not depend on malt. . , ;... t,. J . dor, and wheresoever they may wan der, in tempest, calm or fos, on gun boat, battleship and clipper the men will hit the old tin dipper and never think of grog. The captain, commo dore and purser all know that forty rod Is worser than smallpox or the mumps, but custom kept the store room loaded with that old stuff which has corroded the works of countless chumps. The officers, a gent sup poses, will all be Joyous when their noses are bleached of crimson stains; they'll fight the country's battles better when Jugs and bottles cease to fetter their facultleh and brains. We're all swelled up about our navy, wo all would take our Alfred Davy that it's the best yet born; and we'll be prouder now than ever since it s determined It will sever the bonds of barlevcorn. Old booze, that thing in sin grown hoary, will never bring a I country glory 'twill sooner bring eclipse; from admiral clear down to cornet, the naval officers should scorn It, and shoo it from their ships. WALT MASON. Copyright, 1914 by The Adams Newspaper Service. ROADS IMPROVEMENT IN RUTHERFORD COUNTY Special to The Gazette-Xews. Forest City, May 8. The county road commissioners have let the con tract for tho Forest City-Kllenboro road. This is one of the most import ant roads to lie constructed in the county, as it puts Ellenboro In closed connection with tho upper end ot the county. The contract for the road from Floyd creek into Sulphur Spring township has been let an I also ono tor Camp creek township. The Forest City- Hutherfordton highway Is now receiving its lirst sand clay and will soon be in excellent condition. . The county board of education has ordered two special elections to be hebl to increase thoscliool tax In two district will vote to raise the assess district will voae to raise the assess ment from 15 to 3 cents on the $100. The new district lying between Ellcn boro and Walls will vote on a tax of lf cents on the J 100 and 45 cents on the poll. The construction of the new Meth odist church is now under way. The. Rutherford county Baraca-I'hl-lathea union will hold the next meet ing at the Caroleen Baptist church. This is a new organization having been organized In Forest City the third Sunday In April. Tho convention will meet with the Caroleen Baracas and Philaetheas the fifth Sunday of this month. A singing convention will be in session at the same place during the same day. SPECIAL SERVICES FOR "MOTHERS' DAY" Rev. P. II. Mean, pastor of the First Christian church, has returned to the city from Augusta, Ga , where he Was called last Sunday to deliver an anni versary address. He will occupy his pulpit next Sunday and in observance of "Mother's day," will use as his subject for the morning sermon, "Jesus and His Mother." A special musical program has been arranged for next Sunday In the church and it Is expected that the day will be fittingly observed by the mem bers of the congregation. ASHEVILLE MUSE IS HELD RESPONSIBLE The friends here of David B. Adams, formerly connected with the board ot trade but now residing in Birmingham, will be Interested to know that be has Just had successfully published a new song hit entitled. "Oh. You Pair of Lovers True." The song wa com posed while Mr. Adams lived in Ashe vllle, and the Indications are that it will have Quite a successful run. I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS E. W. Drove to H. R. and L. L. Salley, lot In Katherin place; 110 and other consideratlona Sol A. Carter and Eliza T. Green wood to 8. K. Davidson, land on Beaverdam creek; consideration $1000, Southern Baptist Assebly to B. L. Mlddleton. land at Blue Mont; con sideration (100. Roea and C. M. Morgan to Cleona Peebles, land In Upper Hominy town ship, consideration 1100. R. P. Haynes to H. H. Hall, land In Buncombe county; 1 10 and other con aideratlona S. Franklin Sharpleas, trustee, et al to F. B. and T. C. Smith, property on Kagle street; $10 and other considera tlona C. T. Raw Is and wife, et al, to A. Leigh Dlggs and Gllllland Bllkelcather property on East street; consideration 11,000. Timothy D. Cocke to Mattlella Cocke Wofford, et al. property on Pat- ton avenue: consideration 110 and other consideratlona Citizens bank, trustee to James O. Stlknlsather, property on Zllllcoa St, conslderstlon fMSO. A. K. Olbba and wife to Janle West, land In Leicester township; conaldera toln 11,000. There Is a considerable amount of yew In California, and makers of bows are seeking material there for artherv seta RIASON Story Mongo Got Quite a Bit Ahead. . . LT, trterBooTofVces had coma ion know, the H skn W n.'e rZ. ery long thin leg. Their leg, .re to - 11 mn lt you can b.rd.y see how It Is they can support nth big bodies, for the secretary birds have really fat bodies. --: -Well ou the afternoon of the races they all entered, and yon never saw such running In all your life! They simply went ue we race of all was between one blvd named Bandy and on named Mongo. They were tnslde fastest runners of ... They bad before and had always come In a tie. But this time Mongo had taw practic ing very bard and had been very careful not to eat anything to hurt his wind. Pandy had been practicing every day. too. but be thought It was absurd to give up things to eat However. Mongo had always heard that a 1 athletes were very careful of their eating, and, as he had never been able to beat Sandy yet he was bound be would try everything he could so as to win. "The prize was to be a fine, great big snake which had been captured and killed a few d:iys before the races were to take place." "Do secretary birds eat snakes?" jsked Evelyn. " "Tes," said daddy; "they practically live on tuem." "I shouldn't think that would be nice food," added Evelyn. "No; we don't think so," answered daddy, "but you know we eat oacon and like it, so probably the secretary birds think it Is as funny for us to eat pigs as we do to hear of their eating snakes." "No," said Evelyn thoughtfully, "1 supposs not They sound o horrid, though." . At that moment Jack, who was growing very Impatient not caring what the secretary birds ate. chimed in: "Daddy, please hurry and tel. us who won the race. 1 enn hardly wait to hear. 1 am sure Mongo did, thougn." "No." said Evelyn; "I think Sandy did because be wasn't such an old fuss as Monpo." "Well," continued daddy, "during the race all the secretary birds shrieked In their cackling voices: 'Go it; go It! Win. Mongo! Win, Sandy. "Frr a few moments Mongo got quite a bit ahead, but Sandy succeeded In earning op with him, and they passed by the goal side by side. "It was a splendid race, but It showed that Mongo and Sandy were really absolutely evenly matched, so they gave a funny cackle, which meant a laugh, snd each! taking an end of the prize, said, 'We'll all have a taste of theorize, as neither of lis can win It' , ! y ' "Soythey all sat down to a very Jolly supper party." To the Democratic Voters of Bun combe County: Hon. J. M. Gudger. Jr.. our Con gressman, frpm this district, has se lected mo to manage his campaign in this county and to look after his po litical Interests generally. in ac cepting Congressman's Gudger's man agement I feel it my duty to let every democrat know where ho can be served at any time in the way of In formation, etc., and especially so that each democrat in the county may get ns nearly as possible In personal touch with Congressman Gudger., I, there fore, solicit the support of every dm octat fan, and ask each and every ono to write me and let me know his sentiments, or call at my office, 2X2 N." tf 214 Legal Building. Ashevllle, J. FRAZIER GLENN. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR COXGR.ESS I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Democratio Congression al nomination of the Tenth Congres sional District subject to the action of the Democratic Party. ROBERT R. REYONLDS. FOR STATE SENATOR. I hereby announce tr.y candidacy for the ottice of State Senator for the Thirty-sixth Senatorial District of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratio primary. ZEBULON WEAVER. FOR REPRESENTATIVE NO. 1. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate In the Democratic primary for the office of Representative. No. 1 from Buncombe county in the General Assembly of North Carolina. GALLATIN ROBERTS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE NO. t I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Representative No. 2 for Buncombe county In the Lower House of the General Assembly of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratio primary. : - L. W. MORGAN. FOR REPRESENTATIVE No. 9. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of representative No. 1 from Buncombe county In the next general assembly of North Carolina, subject to the action ot the Demo cratic primary. Allen coaams. FOR REPRESENTATIVE NO. S. I hereby announce that I will be a candidate In the Democratio Primary for the office of representative No. I from Buncombe County In the General Assembly of North Carolina. H. L NETTuCS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE NO. . I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of representative No. t from Buncombe county In the. next general assembly of North Carolina, subject to the action of the democratic primary. J. C. CURTIS. FOR 60 LICIT Ort . . I take this means of announcing that I will seek the nomination ot the 'Democratic part, for the office of Solicitor for the Nineteenth Judicial District of North; Carolina. J. E. WAIN. FOR SOLICITOR I take this means of announcing (hat I will seek the nomination for the office of Holiritor for t Nine teenth Judicial District of North Carolina, subject to 'the ectU-a of the Democratio Primary. . J. SCROOP STYLES, ' FOn HEGINTRAH T wish 'to an bounce nysefC al a candidate for the office ,f Register of Deeds of Buncombe County, sub ject to the action of the Ixmocrallc Primary. I appreciate the favors shown ins In tho past and promise faithful service In return If nominated and elected. J. I, MACKET, Daddy's Bedtime The Race Between the Secretary Bird. kin mm field races." began FOR REGISTRAR. I wish lo announce myseir as a a dldate for the office of Register of Deeds of Buncombe County, subject to the action of the Democratio Pri mary. Although 1 have been a life long party worker, trJs Is the first time that I have asked a favor at the hands of tho ' Democrats of the county. Very -.espectfully, H. C. BLACKSTOCK. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. To the democrats of Buncombe county: I am a candidate fir the nomina tion for register of deeds in the com ing primaries, and will be glad to have the support and influence of all democrats who are opposed to a life tenure In public office. I have been a loyal party worker all my Ufa and have contributed much time and means toward the success of the ticket I have no money with which to ob tain this nomination, therefore, I hope you will consider my application from a purely meritorious standpoint Will thank you for your support Yours very respectfully, J. M. CARVER. Leicester, y. C. 11th April. 1914. FOR TAT COLLECTOR, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for office of Tax Collector of Buncombe County subject to the action of the Democratio Primary. ; C. P. (Buck) GASTON. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I desire to herewith make an nouncement of my candidacy for the office of Tax Collector of Buncombe County and submit myself to the vote at the Democratio Primary. . B. A- PATTON. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. To the voters of Buncombe county I do hereby declare myself a candl date for tax collector for Buncombe county subject to the action of the democratic primary. Any favor shown me will be highly appreciated. Respectfully, . CHAS. L. RICE. With Slayden Fakes 4 Co. TOR TREASURER I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-clectton to the cfflce of Treasurer of Buncombe County, sub ject to the action of the Democratio Primary. Very respectfully. T. M. DUCKETT. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candi date , for the office of Treasurer of Buncombo county, subject to tho ac tion of the democratic primary. J. EDD. BROOKSHIRB. , Asalea, N. C. ' FOR SHERIFF After having served as Deputy Sheriff for 11 years I have decided to announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the Democratio Primary. ...... f A, F. WEAVER. Weavervllle, N. C. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candl date fir Sheriff of Buncombe county, subject to the .action of tho Demo cratic primaries. I have no money to spend for campaign purposes, being a poor man, and will have to rely on my friends and their votea If nomi nated and elected I pledge myself to give my best attention to the duties of the office which I seek. WILLIAM D. TAYLOR. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for the 0.7 ice of Sheriff of Bun combe County, subject to the action Of the Democratic Primary. ' E. IS. MITCHELL; , FOR SHERIFF. I wish to announce my candidacy for the office of Hhcrlff of Buncombe rounty. subject to the action of the Democratio Primary. If nominated and elected I will give the people of the county the same conscientious ser vice that my friends know that I have aiways given in pudiio omee. W. H. BIRD. FOR AUDITOR I hereby announce myself as If We Put The "EE'S" In Eyes EYEEASE Increases your com fort and efficiency. Eyestrain is at the bottom of many an ailment. If you suspect that your eyes are not right our scientific ex amination will prove It beyond a doubt 'v Delays are sometimes costly. CHARLES H. HONESS. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN 64 Pattosi Ave. Opp. Post office candidate for the office of Auditor of Buncombe County, subject to the lec tion of the Democratic Primary. Very respectfully, , B. M. LYDA. To the citizens of Buncombe coun ty: Owing to personal interest and my real estate agency, I see that my time is taken up and with many thanks to the voters for their interest in my candidacy. I withdraw my name from the race, for chairman, of the board of county commissioners. Respectfully, S. D. HALT FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN. Tj the Democratio voters of Bun- Having received encouragement and approval from many of our best Citi zens In Ashevllle and the County, of my efforts to give a businesslike and economical administration of our County's affairs. I announce that I will be a candidate for Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners In the comtng primary. N. A. REYNOLDS, FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN At the earnest solicitation of many ftinds, I hereby announce my candi dacy for the oflice of chairman of the Buncombe county board of com missioners, subject to the Democratio Primary. D. H. WEBB. FOR COUNTY CHAIRMAN I hereby announce that I am a can' dldate for the office of Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners subject to the action of the demo cratic Primary, Respectfully, W. E. JOHNSON. FOR CLERK 6UPERIOR COURT. I announce that I will be u. candi date for Clerk of Superior Court In the Democratic Primnry. Fcr fifteen years I have endeavored to conduct this office In a capable and efficient manner. I trust my experience and Intimate knowledge of the require ments and duties of the office will be considered by the Intelligent voter In my favor. MARCUS EltWIN. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. 1 hereby announce myself a canrti' date for Clerk of the Superior Court of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the democratic primaries. JOHN It. CATHEY. VOn COMMISSIONER. '. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the offloe of county commls sloner of Buncombe county, subject to the action of the democratic primary, Z. V. CREASMAN. Blltmore, "NjC FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER . I wish to announce myseu m elect in i for the ofri-e or uoiuiiv -;iMrml8it or jjncomoe County, subject to the action ot the Democratio Primary. . J. C. COWAN. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. x wisn to announce myself as a candidate for the offico ot . county commissioner of Buncombe county. subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary. .J. M. BROOKSHIRB. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of County Commissioner of Buncombe county. subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary . R. C. SALES. FOR COUNTY" COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as candl date for commissioner, subject to th action ot the Democratio Primary, C. P, WH1T30N. Bwannanoa. N. . C. ' FOR CONSTABLE. Being recently appointed by the beard of county commissioners to fill the unexpired term of F. M. Jones hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of constable of Ashe ville township subject to the action of the democratio primary. CHARLES B. (BILL) JOTNER. ,FOR CONSTABLE. I am a candidate tor Constable: union man and an experienced offcer-. a loyal democrat; a total abstainer from stroni drink, and If chosen will establish an office and pledge my best service, xnanmnf you In advance. H. B. JAMES. FOR CONSTABLE. I ' I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of constable of Ashevllle township, subject to the ac tion of the democratio primaries. BEN M. COLLINS. FOR CONSTABLE I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Constable of Ashevllle townshln. subject to the so tion of the democratic prlmariea W. H. WYATT. FOR COROXEn I wish to announce my 'canaldae for the office of coroner of Buncombe County, subject to the acilon of the uemocrauo primary. I am In close touch with the city and all parts of the county by a food telephone sys tem and the schedules on the Weaver vllle line are such that mv arrvlrea would be ss available. If elected, as li i uvea in Asnrviiie. l proinlae In advance that I will give my best ser vices If nominated and elected. I. N. Oil!, M. D. ' Weavervllle. N. C FOR- CORONER I hereby announce myself a fandl date for the democratio nomination for cononer of Buncombe county, sub ject to the action of the dumocrstlo prlmariea Uuoenb r. Monnia. HH4MNNHHHHNMIHIH i Battery Park Banl 'Tin v ASHEVILLE, If. C . c. - . Capital . . . ' aw ... . a-.T .1100,000 - Burplna and Profits $145,000 . " OFFICERS t V, tuaem P. Sawyer, Cbalrntaa ot the Board. , C a Ooxe, President J. K. Rankin. iwL Erwln Binder, Vice-Pres. Hot Weather Will Soon Be Here But you need not dread that fact if you have a GAS RANGE installed in your kitchen. When you COOK WITH GAS your fire is burning only when needed, y0D do not heat up the whole house and a lot of work and worry is done away with. " Your time is valuable, and COOKING "WITH GAS saves you considerable timo and unnecessary steps in performing your culinary duties. -You can cook thre meals .daily on a; GAS KANGE with less effort, less trouble, less time and at less expense than with a coal range or wood stove. " BtflLDTNG A FIRE WITH A GAS RANGE MEANS SIMPLY STRIKING A MATCH Think how CONVENIENT it is to have a fire at a moment's notice at any hour of the day or night without all the trouble of fire building and the dirt, ' ashes and overheated kitchen. It's well worth "consider ation. Phone 69 and have our representative call. Let ns explain the merits of GAS FOR COOKING pur poses, also our Divided Payment Plan, that makes own ing a gas range easy. - GAS RANGES $15.50 UP TO $25.00 I Asheville Power & Light Co, STREET OAR SCHEDULE ZILLICOA AND RETURN RIVERSIDE PARK DEPOT VIA SOUTHSIDE AVENUE DEPOT VIA FRENCH BROAD AVE, MANOR CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS r. "H PATTON AVENUE EAST STREET GRACE VIA MERRIMON AVENUE . 3ILTM0RE DEPOT & W. ASHEVILLE VIA SOUTHSIDE AVE. ' Sunday schedule differs In the following particulars: " Car leaves square for Manor at 0:00 a. m., return 0:11. Cars leave Squsre for Depot via Routhsids Ave. 0.11. 0!10. T:0, 1:00 and I: 0. Cars leave Square tor 0:10, 6:45, 7:11. 7:i and 1:11. Car for Depot leaves Square 1:41, both Southslde and French Brew, First ear leaves Square for Charlotte street at 1:00 a. m. and every N minutes until 0:00 next 1:41. First car leaves Square' for Riverside I:t0. next 1:41. riri car mr nw uofun es square s:i, t:oo, next s:iv. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedules commence at f a sv and eontlnue same as week. days. On evenings when entertainments last trip on all lines will be from entertainment, leaving Square at Jf lar time and holding over at Auditorium. Car leaves Square to meet M. night train. SO minutes before schedule of announced arrival. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Schedule Figures Published as Information Only and Not Ouarsntew , EFFECTIVE MONDAY. JANUARY 4. 1014. ARRIVES, FROM-- Eastern Time No. I. Brevard and Lake Toxaway 11:10 am. No. 7 Brevard and Lake Toxaway 1:11 p.m. No. 0 Savannah and Jack sonville Z:lv p.m. No. 11 Washington, New . York, Norfolk and Richmond 1:41 p.m. II Cincinnati. Louis ville, Memphis, St No. Louts 1:01 p.m. Charleston and Co AiUl 11 Charlei lumbla t N. Y.. No. No. lumbia 0:11 p.m. Philadelphia, Washington 10:01 am. No. II Murphy Waynes- vllle 0:10 p.m. No. 10 Murphy A Waynes- S vllle i:t P.m. No. 11 Wsyneivllle :00 a.m No. tl Ooldsboro and Ral eigh 7:40 p.m. No. 17 Charleston and Co lumbia . ...7 7:10 p.m. No. II Cincinnati and Chi cago 10:10 am. No. tl Wellington, N. T. ' and Richmond .... 1:40 am. No. It Memphis, Cbstta. nooga a nd New Orleans , 0:10 a.m. No. 41 Atlanta, .Macon and New Orkans 11:11 am. No.101 Zlrlstol, Knoxville C Chattanooga 10:11 p.m. Through sleeping cars dally to Malt more, Wsshlngton. Richmond, Norfolk, Charleston. Cincinnati. Hm phla Jecksonvlllt, Bavnnsh, BC Louis, Louisville, Atlanta, Macon, Blrnv Ingram, Montgomery. Mobile and New Orleans. Full dining car service trains Noa 0, 10, 11, It, 17, II. and Buffet d" Ing car No. II and 14. Through eers Ooldshoro end Waynesvllle. , . ALEX. 1L AM Lit, City Pass. Ticket Agt. 3. H. WOTD, Il. !"". Ai", C. Bankia, Asst IN EFFECT JUNE 22, 1913 :oo. cao a. m. :10 and every 1 min. until U a. a C:i6 a. m. and every It mints until - 1:11 p. m.( then every H minutes until t'.it p. in. Thes mn IS minutes until :00 and every It mlcutts until 11:N p. nx 6:00 a. m. and then every 11 mlnates till 11:00 p. n. B:e, 0:00 a. m. then every II stlntiM till 11:00 p. m. 11:10 car eeasj through. Return leaves snd et llai 0:00 a. m. and every II mlnutei till 11:00 p. m. 0:00 a. m. and every II mlnotw all 11:00 n. ra. 0:00 a. m. and 0:10 a. m. Then evwT II minutes tilt 10:30 p. m. Th every SO minutes till 11:00 p. m. 0:11 a. m. and then ever II mlnn till 10:10 p. m. Then every 10 utes till 11:00 last car. I:i0 a. m. snd every II miaMtl 11:00 p. m. last car. Depot via French Broad Ave, l:lli ' are In progrets at Auditorium fM DEPARTS FOR No. 0 Brevard and Eastern Tv Lake Toxaway ....... !: 0, No. I Brevard and Lake I Toxaway i No. 10 Savannah, Jackson- I vllle : ' i No. 11 Cincinnati. St. Louis Memphis Louis- 1 A vllls -.. Ns. 11 Wsshlngton. N. T Norfolk and Rich mond r No. 14 Atlanta Charles- ton 7:00 No. 10 U. T Philadelphia, and Washington .. 7:00 No. IT Waynesvllle and ' Murphyi - No. 10 Wsynesvllle ' J Murphy No, l Waynesvllle 1 . No. 11 lUlelgh and Oolds- J boro ...... : No. 17 Chicago and Clnoln- natl No. II Columbia, Charles- ton In, No. IS Memphis. Chatta- f bu nooga and New Orleans 10:l No. II Washington, Rich- moift snd N. Y.... T:l No. 41 Atlanta, Macon and Nw Orlenv . . . . . No.101 Bristol. Fnoxvllle 7:10 a."1 vnsttanooca and from New York, .rhllsdelrn'"' .Man pe MAI jTent! Wi Its w han man: :he kchei I null Iwhlc n Jl rncp try II; lra lays A UK i soati he r. i rtst rt r'a.v Ishi ote hit ghl nrg' ,ak ral RHe his crt kvesi tvitti Ity n net hni he ew fcnd ooi -lit JThr nl' jhlnl Jholi ut he n i nd ru er tl ion hoa her or i It llfft rec onl lin. sect bore (ifto ffrr nil Li we' Mn. wi cnti don I- 1 r tin h yoi r hi wll mi