Tuesday, May 12. lan PAGE TWELVE thk ami r. u 1 1 . l . r. liAAXiiiXi-uxina oaaa lit M vit if r 1:. ;i8 .St ill. Mi Ill li I -if 4 t ft :. !v ' ? i, I .4 : :1 Si ? :! . ! i 1 THERE'S JOY And peace and comfort and perfect satisfaction in" the home that uses j M & W INDIAN COAL In the kitchen range. Al ways uniform and free from slate, and clinkers, and burns to mighty few ashes, j , - Carolina Coal & Ice Company PHONE 130 GUARANTEE PUMPS AND OXFORDS For ladies and gentlemen- with reliability as to quality and style the keynote of their make-up. $3.00, $4.00, $5.00 Guarantee SHOE STORE 4 South Main St REMOVAL NOTICE Wa have moved from 22 Patton Avenue to thu store formerly occupied by the Ashe ville Palr.t and Glass Co.. on North lialn street In Langren Hotel building. The I. X. L. Dept. Store. 14 North Main St. Phone 107 WAY AHEAD In the race for supremacy Is J.anmlry Work done the NICHOLS WAY Wn are studying evry inintite how we may increase our efficiency In work and service, and every new idea ns to mth od or machinery Is iifd hs soon as created. PHONE 2000 Asheville Laundry ' J. A. Nichols, MgT. BS College Street. Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23-25 South Main Street Phone 887 Only One More Week until we will begin to deliver EL OLO8T0V08, that flowing ELEC TRIC HTOVE that Boll Broils, Stew Toasts and Pries. Regular pries $5.00, for one week only, Mar Ilth to Hth, II. EO. Leave your order now so we can supply yea as soon as possible, over one hun dred and fifty thousand already sold. We will continue to take orders tin tlljMay Hth, and will make delivery as fast as factory can supply them. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. 64 Patton Avenue Opp. P. 0. FORD CARS B OILS, GUEASES, ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS D. C. Shaw Motor Co. PHOXK Silt 1 1m C ollie Mrt WILBURN SUMNER ELECTED CAPTAIN t i. -, Will Pilot A. & M. Quintet Next Year W. L Smith Pres. Tennis Club. Spcelal to The Gazette-News. West Raleigh. May 1!. A 5 Inch cannon captured by the Americans In the Spanish-American war, has been mounted on the campus of the North Carolina A. ft M., college directly In front of Holiday ball and to the north of the flag staff. This gun has been the property of the state museum for several years but was recently given to the college. The locks were thrown away by the Spaniards when they saw they could not hold the place, so that the captured guns would be of no ben efit to the Americans. The piece Is mounted on a concrete base and guards the entrance to the college be ing dedicated to the present senior class. At a recent meeting of the basket- hall team. Wilbur Sumner of Ashe ville was elected captain of next year's varsity. Sumner has played three years on the team and acted captain nearly this entire season on account of the Injuries Capt. Philips sustained in the second game. He Is une of the best men the Techs have on the basketball floor. The award of monograms and stars took place and the following members of the team are allowed to wear the college monogram: W. Sumner, of Asheville: .1. H. Mason of Charlotte: C. E. Van Hroclin. of Syracuse, X. Y.: J. Scar ry. Jr., of N'ewbern: J. V.. McDniigal, of Amesbury. Mass.: and J. Ferder ber ,of Duuqeane, Pa. The Leazar Literary society held Its semi-annual election of officers St urday night and the following were! chosen for next year: A. I.. Teachy of Teachy, president: J. P. Robert son, of Rowland, vice president: S. M. Credle, of Swan Quarter, secretary; T,. O. Henry, of Gastonia, treasurer: G. T.. Jeffreys, of Richmond, Va.. censor: S. G. Crater, of Cycle. chap Iain: M. M. Fontaine, of Woodsdate, sergeant at arms. The Red and White J staff for this society is as follows: C. !C. Proffltt, ' Bald Creek, editor In chief: K. Sloan, of Statesvllle, art editor: F. S. Klutz, or Concord, as sistant business manager: W. C. Al bright, of Mount Airy, exchange edi tor; It. O. Llnsey, of Madison, ath letic editor. The Washington State college re cently collected statistics from many colleges us to the number of students voluntarily withdrawing . from their Institutions during the year. The per ent of young men who, according to this report, fell out of their colleges Is very high. A M. lost 11 percent this year and only three colleges re ported a sniallnr loss. thi-se be ins' I'l-incrton, Muwdoin and Maryliind, Agricultural. Thest- figures upcuk well lor ihe persistence of A. & Al. The extension department of the colleKt. working in conjunction with the stute department of agriculture, report its lurcest enrollment of boys in the corn i IuIi.m of the state. So fur the enrollment of boys is 4.402. Wake county has the largest enrollment, namely, 314. Wilkes comes next with 294; Richmond is third, 238; Bun combe, lob; Mecklenburg, 148; Co lumbus, 128: Iredell, 113; Hubesoit, 117; and Durham 107. The Tenuis club elected W. I. Smith of Ashmllte president for the next year, ami II. K. Greenfield of Iverneraville setreiHry and treasurer at a meeting Saturday. This form of sport has only heen adopted at A. A M .. a little while ami so far has prov en very successful. It Is Ihe purpose of the authorities here to put out a team In the future that will be able to compete with the teams of other In stitutions. The enrollment In college this year of students from outside states Is as follows: Alabama 2; Connecticut 1; Flurlda 1; Georgia 1; Indiana 1; Iowa 1; Louisiana 2; Massachusetts 3; New Jersey 3; New York 2; Ohio t: Penh sylvania 2: Rhode Island 2; 8outh Carolina 6: Virginia IS. Dr. E. W. Allen, assistant director of the national office of experiment station, made the college an official visit this week. He went all over the experimental subjects and 411 the fi nances of the station. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS I R. P. Hayes and wife to W. J. Long and wife, land In West Asheville; $10 and other considerations. David R. Reeves and wife to W. E. Thompson and wife, land on the west side of the French Broad river; con sideration 1200. Zeb Brown and wife to J. M. Fox and wife, land on the west aide of French Broad liver; consideration, $500 Blanch Acheson to 8. A. Lynch and wife, property en Montford avenue; $10 end other considerations. Heirs of W. U Peebles to J. E. Pee bles, land In Upper Hominy township; consideration, tK00 W. Banks Meacharo and wife to Margaret B. Reynolds, property on Hillside street; consideration 18000. Blue nidge Development company to A. E. Ehee, land at Arden; $10 and other considerations. - E. W. Grove to A. H. Man love, prop erty In Edwin Place; consideration $1600. Mary 8. Fisher to John C, Btoney, property on Bonny Inne; fl and other aunslderationa. Anhevllte Power and Light company to Asheville school, land on ('anejr Branch; tl and other considerations. Asheville school to Asheville Power and XJght company, land on Bear Creek road; tl and other considera tions. . LICENSED TO WED Patrick Rellly to Pearl Calloway. I Idrelt'l Seed at Grant's Pharmacy. Chambers A Weaver, Livery, Phone II 1 i 1 rv.. rf-i; AA Cfncdfaaf I I n I in il I 1 '" "'lllllii GRANDE NEVER LET ; GET GRAY Kept Her Locks Dark, Thick, Glossy. With Sage Tea, And Sulphur. When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home is mussy and trouble some. For 60 cents you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use tonic called "Weyth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy." Tou Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautlfu lly darkened, glossy and luxuriant. You will also discov er dandruff is gone and hair haa stop ped falling. Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace, is a sign of old age, and as we all desire a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur and look years younger. Agents: Smith's Drug Store. POLL HOLDERS NAMED L List is Made Out by Chairman Bourne Poll Holders Will Be Named Thursday. Chairman Louis M. Bourne of the Buncombe county democratic execu tive committee has named the poll holders who will officiate at the voting places in the rural precincts of the county at the primary to be held Sat urday. Each of the men named has been notified of his appointment and asked to send In to headquarters at once his acceptance or refusal to serve. This Is done In order that oth ers may be appointed before Saturday in case any of these officials cannot serve. The following is the list com piled: Avery's Creek N. S. Glenn and T. H. Creasman. Haw Creek C. W. Whltson and Mark U Reed. Limestone B. P. Shroat and B. U shuford. . Sandy Mush. No. 1 T. M. DeBoard and J. B. Boyd. Reem's Creek J. B. Lotspelch and lxe Wener. IJIiwer Hominy A. H. S tames and J, M. Hawkins. French Hroari J. E. Parker and Zeh Vance. Hili mure A. P. Shroat and Almond Jones. l.'pper Hominy. No. 1 T. J. Howell and 1. M. Brooks. l'alrvlew J. Ii. Merrill and T. W. Shufoid. I 'Renter, No. 1 S. M. Mears and I). S. Sprinkle. I'pper Hominy Z. W. Young and S. J. Joyce. Sandy Mush. No. 2 C. N. Gillespie and C. N. Wells. Flat ("reek Barnet Roberts and Harnett Dillingham. Jrilack Mountain J. M. Thomas and P. Johnson. Ivy. No. 2 J. H. Woodward and J. ("J. Klsher. Hazel W. L Splvey and W. H. Pat ton. Chairman Bourne left last night for Raleigh on business and will remain there until tomorrow night Upon his re'urn he will name the poll holders for the six voting precinct in the city. ORANGES, GRAPE FRUIT GO BY PARCEL POST Washington, May 1!. Representa tive L'Engle of Florida, in a letter to Postmaster General Burleson made public hns attributed to parcel post shipments of oranges and grape fruit remarkable Increase In posloftlce business at Tropic, Fla., a fourth class office. The average receipts at Tropic- for the quarter ending March tl for the past three years have been only $30. This year they are t3. RAILWAY STATUTE OF TEXAS ANNULLED Washington, May It. The Texae statute providing that a person should not act as a freight railway conductor without having had two year expert ence as a freight brakeman except In cases of emergency, haa been annull ed as unconstitutional by the Supreme court. LAWN MOWERS 2 ncea at $3.00 up Drown Hardware Co. 13 N. Main 81 Pbo v- y I ririt n r M nCA TUC CICTH 1914 Model IvLU 1UL 1 II Note that the Reo the Fifth sells at a "new price this year. We save you 16o on the car equipped. r '"7 We urge men who may want this now. : Asheville Automobile Co. 18 & 20 Church Street BASEBALLS, BATS, MITTS, GLOVES, &c. Also Tennis and (lolf floods for the Amateur and Profes sional. -'. ROGERS BOOK STORE M Patton Avenue - - Rogers Press - - SO Patton Avenue - - Phone 251 , TRY OUR FRESH BON BONS A Choice Home Made Confection G ANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE 1 YEAR POST' OFFICE. PHONE 110. HAYWOOD STREET UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. HILL'S Nonpareil Soft Shelled Almonds Strictly fresli and all good stock, per lb. 35 cts. E C. JARRETT GROCERIES, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS 12 North Pack Square and City Market , Get Our Prices k Pays Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Co. PLUMBING, HEATIAG, GAS FnTTN'Q . V. CREASMAN, Prwrv Sweet Pickled Pears and Peaches The kiud we have are put up in quart cans and are of the highest quality. 25c. per can. Stradley & Luther ': PHONE 1902 ; - ------ Store Closes 6 and 9 Get Your Dog Muzzle's Now Today's the Day We have a full line of them at iBLOMBERG'S SPORTING . GOODS AND TOY STORE 17 PATTON AVENUE . TRY AN STAR QUALITY BEEF R PRIME RIB ROAST CHOICE CHIPPED BEEF SELECT SPICED BEEF . STAR MARKET PHONES: 1917, 1918, 1919 T. P. JOHNSON & CO. ; ALL KINDS OF ROOFING Galvanised lru Corn he, Skyllfrnta, Ventilator. Metal Ceilings, fllow Pip Work, Etc. 69-71 South Main St. Citizens Transfer Company itruvt WOODCOCK. We lie matin ear special atteatloa. Lara-eat eana an moet eomee teat BBeej U city. Prompt esitace transfer aervle. Endorse by U. C. T 4 T. F. A. Phone It. tl Patton a Teas. 7 III $1,175 Equipped nd note that thl car haa new streamline body electric starter and lights, a 35 horse power engine oversize tires 34x4, Dim ming' Searchlights, one rod control. i . honest car to come and see It L. A. CREASMAN, Mgr. EXTTTTTTTTl ORDER OF We are encreasfal caterer to a variety of appetite EXXXXXXd Phone 325 1 Our 5.00 Steadfast Oxfords in Tan, Vici and Black leathers i the TvroDer foot covering for your feet this time of the year. GEO. W. JfiJNJUHO 18 South Main St. . . Best Coal MONARCH This coal possesses a quality goodness so 1 superior that it is the first choice for range , use, quick fire, big heat and little ash. Southern Goal Co. Phone 114 - - - - 10 N. Pack So.. PURE Delivered Promptly. , Phone 1176 FOREST HILL CREAMERY - 318So.MaiiiSt Dairy Products and Ice Cream FRESH SEA FOOD FRESH SEA FOOD FRESH SEA FOOD FRESH SEA FOOD LEADERSHIP J ' ' ' : By reason of Its genuta, ' periority-in heating ,,.... 1 due to the freedom from i? puriUea such as alate, ellnklT etc. M. '; W. COAL enjoy, tk unique distinction of absolut leadership in the fuel worM !1 Asheville and Western N. c tl sets the standard by which o'th. er coala are measured. s PHONE 40 Asheville Coal Co. . ;", N..Pack Square ' f. Ml WEAVER, Mgr. W Money to Loan Trunks, bags, valises and fafj gooda. . ' ' ' '. j Uncle Sam's Pawnshop ' 30 ! S, Main Street i Wholesale and Kttil ' IS HEAIVniFn, IS MJTKlTIOt8 BY EXPRESS DAILY IS CHEAP HERE Asheville Fish Co. City Market ; Phones 289-290 and 315 Laundry Phones 70 and 2096 A trial Is an we ask. W o treat your laundry white. NOTICE! The Tax-listers are now ready to receive the re tain of your property for taxation, and may be found in the North East Room, second floor of the County Court House. They - would im press on tax-payers the wisdom of calling; early, and not wait until the last few days, when all of those who have been putting off this . duty will rush in. . ; . . TAX-LISTERS BUY A GOOD GRADE OF PLAIN FLOUR, Put youi salt and Rumford Baking Powder in it then you will know you have pure, ..wholesome breaii, otherwise you do not. . Lawn lowers "We have the Rending make of Lawn Mowers. - "We have them from the cheajttst to the best. $3.00 to $15.00. . . Call and let us Bhow themlo you. We also have a fnll line of tools for the onre of the lawn, granH hooks, Iioho, rakes, etc. , OOttis GreenHihvcCo. ( ) 11 W. Pr.c!: Squrxra