Saturday, May 16, 1914 tkCZ TIT? THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Vaccination Performed 1 18 Y ears Ago By Jenner THEN AND NOW MR. LEWIS A. RIFFLE tells hit experience with coughs and colds that load ( MirouuteM and debility. One hundred and eighteen years ago today the world'i first vaccination by a physician was permored. On that day Dr. Edward Jenner, an Eng lish doctor, who had devote.l 80 years to studying- the subject," drew lympth from the hand, of Sarah Newels, a milkmaid who haJd contracted cow. pox while milking cows. He applied It to the arm of an eight-year old boy, names James Phillips- It was the beginning of the conquest of small-pox. At that time small-pox was causing one-tenth of all the deaths of the human race. It had destroyed or disfigured more than a fourth of mankind. It killed more than 60,00,000 Europeans during the eighteenth century. The absence of pock-marks In those days was a means of identification. The London police department Issued the follow ing description of a criminal sought' In the seventeenth century: Thos. Bayly, a short, burly man, fair and fresh-colored, without pock-marks...." Before the-discovery of vaccination, small-pox was as prevalent as bron chitis is today. A half century before Jenner (rave his discovery to the world, the dread disease wiped out 70 per cent of Greenland's population in a single year. The Spanish ex plorers carried it to the new world. and three years after Cortez had landed in Mexico over 3,600,000 na tives had fallen victims to the scourge. More North American Indians fell be- before its invasion than fell before BARRY HONORED BY RISH-IERIG1S Thousands Gather for Unveil ing of Monument to Rev olutionary Naval Hero. Washington, May IS. Thousands of patriotic Irish-Americans from all sec tions of the country gathered In Franklin park here today to witness the dedication and unveiling of a bronze statue of Commdore John Barry, the nation's tribute to the he role Irish patriot of the American rev olution by many called "The Father of the American Navy." To Miss Ellse H. Hepburn of Phlla delohia. creat-great-grandniece of Commodore Barry, fell the honor of pulling the cord which uncovered the features of the statue, and President Wilson, James J. Regan the national president ,pf the Ancient order of Hi bernians, and other prominent men were on the program to deliver dedi catory addresses. William C. Clarke, son of J. I, C. Clarke, president general of the American-Irish Historical so rlety. read a dedicatory poem written for the occasion by his father. The monument Is a gift of fortress through the appropriation in 1906 of $60,000, and the ceremonies today were under, the joint auspices of the the white man's gun. Their number is estimated as high as 6,000,000. Today vaccination has made small pox a negligible factor in the list of human ills. It has practically driven out of existence as a scourge of na tions. Backed by the authority of law in many countries, medical science- has inoculated the clvilezd. races and made a pock-marked face a rarity today. Before Jenner discovered vaccination England reported small pox cases at the. rate of 4,000 to every million inhabitants. Today the vac cine point has reduced the rate to 20 to each million. Universal vaccina tion is compulsory In Germany and the rate has fallen to less than two to a million. It is rated at one case in a million people in Sweeden today. Knowing that the dread disease lias killed more people than have bullets and famine combined, most of the world's governments compel its peo pie to be vaccinated. All United states soldiers ana sailors . pass through : the experience. All , immi grants landing on our shores must be Inoculated. Many states have laws that order its school children to be vaccinated. Persons who have hot undergone the operation in Norway are denied the privilepe of voting, at any election. Both bride and groom In Norway and Sweden must certify that they have, been Inoculated be fore the minister will join them in wedlock. Every child born in Ger many must be vaccinated in Us first year of life and again twelve years j later. government and an executive commit tee representing lrlsh-Amerlcan socie ties throughout the country. They followed a parade of soldiers, sailors, marines and members of many Irish organizations. The statue is the work of an Irish American sculptor, John J, Boyle of New York, and shows the commodore In the naval uniform of the day, when as commander of the Block Prince and director of American naval opera tions he wreaked havoc on British commerce. The right hand rests on the hilt of a sheathed sword and the left hangs amid the folds of a great cloak draped from the shoulders. The hend is turned a llttlo to the rlsht and slightly upward and the poise and whole attitude is one of dashing gal lantry. The alatuo stands ten feet high on a marble pedestal 16 and H feet on the front of which In high re lief Is sculptured a figure of victory on the prow of a ship. On . the base Is this inscription: S Colds are often aggravated dur ing the Summer because Inactive bowels and ; a stomach out of order are prime causes In keep ing a cold from getting welL Pe-ru-na has very beneficial laxative quali ties that neutral ize such condi- Mr. Lewis Riffle. tions. - Its tonic ingredients tone up the system, and thus invigorate the stomach's functions to normal activ ity. . Mr. Riffle's experience Is especially interesting at this time of the year be cause It shows the close relationship there Is between a nervous breakdown and a neglected cold. ' Pe-ru-na should be kept Jn the home at all times, that a cold upon its first appearance may be treated promptly and successfully. This often saves money and time, and what Is more important, a great deal of vitality." Mr. Riffle, of 768 Gautenbeln Ave., Portland, Ore., writes: '! have found Pe-ru-na a most remarkable medi cine for building up the system and for curing coughs and colds. . "I took it for four weeks a few months ago when I was all run down, nervous and debilitated, and it quickly restored my health. "I always keep It on hand, as a few doses will cure a cold if taken in time." '. People who object to liquid medi cines can now, obtain Pe-ru-na Tablets. . Ohe Jiome of Superior Values Store Closes at 8 P. M in this country. Yesterday there was a pilgrimage to the tomb of Washing ton at Mount Vernon where in paying respect to the Father of his country prominent orators also lauded tho deeds of Irish patriots in American history. Last night there was an Irish history. Last night there was an excellent Irish song concert ren dered by the Glee club of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick of New York City and a number o eminent Individual singers of Irish descent. Tonight the celebration closes with a banquet to be addressed by Governor O'Neill i of Alabama, and Josephus Daniels, secretary of the navy. One of the Interesting features of the celebration was the assembling In VVushington of members of the Barry family from all over the country and the formation of a National Barry as sociation. Each member wore a spe cial Identification badge. Another feature was the gathering under one roof of the descendants of Irishmen born In County Wexford, the native heath of Commodore Barry. Saturday is ftosiery )ay jfere Several Specials jfke Offered , Jhat tou Should Know About We sell all the "best MAKES of silk hosiery, including such lines as the McCallum, Phoenix,, Kayser and Gordon. The color range of silk hose at $1 pair is complete. A special on a line of black, white and tan silk hose is quoted here. $1 silk hose, good value, closing out the number, Satur day special at 89c pair. Another bargain for today is a line of 25c. ladies' stock ings, ior 19c. pair, few Mowing of Summer jfyparel Waists and skirts are to be worn extensively this sum mer. The styles in wash skirts are so pretty that their popularity is to be traced directly to this fact. Wash' skirts, in ratine, pique and imported rep, priced at $1.50 to $6.50. New shipment of crepe de chine waists, in black, white, piuk, blue, mais, lavender and tango, are priced at $4.00 to $6.75. joday Ohlu of Charge All fabrics priced at 25c and Over This offer is made to introduce to the buying public our new 1925 model PATENTED SHRINKER. This shrinker, we guarantee will shrink any goods so that rain or wash will not effect them. 1 After today the price of shrinking will be 3c yard for wash materials under 25c and 5c for all materials, cotton, silk, and wool over that amount. readers are showing these patterns and magazine to their frlendB, because every day dozens of women who have not been readers before, of our paper come In and secure their outfits by presenting the six coupons, which are necessary to secure both great gifts according to the details of the coupon found on another page. BUREAU TO CONTROL . OIL INDUSTRY URGED John Barry " " Commodore of the United States Navy. Born County Wexford, Ireland, 1746. Died Philadelphia, 1863. The likeness is baaed on the only portrait of Gilbert Stuart, now in the state house In Philadelphia, painted just before Barry's death at the age of 68. From this portrait the sculptor sought to produce a younger likeness representing the naval hero ai the age of 40 when he was in the zenith of his career. . Although the chief reason for the gathering of Irish-Americans in the national capital, the ceremonies today were but a part of a two days celebra tion intended to emphasize tho achievements of men of Irish lineage THETRLKJITTHETQWN Women and Girls of Asheville ' Know Real Values. Orleans, for (7,019 after the submis sion of competitive bids. The vessel, which is of 1,750 tons displacement, was built in Scotland in 1881 as a transport for the Spanish govern ment. For several years past it has been used aB a prison ship at Mare Island, California. Charleston . . . . . -..82 Charlotte . . i. . ..50 Galveston .. -.70 Jacksonville . . ..68 Key West .. ,.. 74 Knoxvllle .. .. .. .. Louisville .. ..4 8 Louisville .. - 52 See Our Line of Large, Comfortable, Roomy ROCKERS Several hundred different styles to select from. Some of the best values ever hown in this state. , J. L. Smathers and Sons Mammoth furniture Store 15-17 North Main St. When The Gazette-News arranged to Introduce the Ideal art patterns to the women of Asheville it Insisted up on a large Immediate shipment which was estimated would practically cover the large demand by local women But as we were poor guessers. the supply is diminishing rapidly and be fore many hours that first shipment will be gone. The answer of course, lies In the fact that women know lvalues. Every woman knows that these patterns cost at least 10 cents each and that 165 designs would cost if purchased at retail more than $16 and so it's a great bargain gift that women appreciate and perhaps that Is why the demand is so-great. We think however there are other rea sons than the big actual value which we are giving to our readers. We think that many of our readers are at tracted by the ideas of having an as sortment of select designs In the borne ready for use at all times, avoiding the necessity of going to the store for a pattern each time the sug gestion of a llttlo embroidery comes up In connection with the family sew iiisr. , There are many no doubt who are stlrai-ted by the opportunity of get ting Today's Magaxlne for a year. A big helpful, practical, magazine that becomes a necesnlty once you get ac quainted with It. I Ws know that many of our women Washington, May 10. Charles Wrightsman, of Tulsa, Okia., repre senting independent oil producers, testified yesterday before the house in terstate commerce committee In favor of establishment of a government bu reau to regulate the petroleum indus try. He portrayed the Standard Oil company as arbitrary ana an power ful, declared there Was no excuse for the recent "slashing" of prices of oil and advocated making pipe line com panies common carriers subject to thej interstate commerce law. Between six and eight cents a barrel wouia ne about the Tight charge, he said, tor transportation of oil on the pipe lines running from Oklahoma to the Gulf of Mexico, now arbitrarily controlled, he declared, by . tha Standard Oil company. .. the mm TEMPERATURE Lowest Highest last nlsht yest'i Asheville ..42 66 Atlanta .. .. -.. ..... -56 76 Augusta .. .. 58 76 Birmingham 50 74 Boston . . .. .. t 48 66 70 70 74 80 82 70 70 70 80 80 66 72 72 88 70 72 Mobile .. .. .. ....58 New Orleans .. ... .64 New York .. .. ...48 Raleigh .. ... .. .....52 Savannah .. .. ... ..60 Tampa .. i. . .....70 Washington 50 Wilmington ... .. . .64 Normal for this date: temperature 63: precipitation .12 inch. , Forecasts until 8 p. m., Sunday for Asheville and vicinity: fair tonight and Sunday. For North Carolina: fair tonight and Sunday, moderate northeast winds. General Conditions Last 24 Hours. Rains have occurred in California, the plateau district, the Rocky mount ain region and the southern plains states in connection with disturbances that are central over Arizona and .ths northern Rocky mountain region. Light rains have also occurred In Ar kansas, Florida and Maine. The weather continues cool In the eastern and southern states with frost In Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. The indications point to fair weather for this vicinity during the next 36 hours. i T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. Houses ef Parliament. The British houses of parliament at Westminster cover fully nine acres of ground. WANTS MORE MONEY; ARMY EMERGENCIES Washington, May 16. A supple mental estimate of 150,000 for army medical and hospital supplies "to meet emergency conditions now existing or likely to arise In the near future" has been submitted, to the house by the war department. Secretary Garrison said the money was needed to cover extraordinary ex penditures incidental to the occupa tion of Vera Crus and the mobiliza tion of troops for services aboard. Surgeon General Gorges said the current appropriation of 1750,000 for medical and hospital department was barely sufficient for ordinary condi tions and all has been expended ot obligated. VESSEL CAPTURE!) IN MANILA BAY IS SOLD Washington, May 16. One of the vessels captured by the American navy In Manila bay 1 years hko. the Manila, has been sold by the navy department to J. W, Strong, of New U. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER-BUREAU. rv U. S. Department of Agriculture. r . Saturday, May 16, 'H BXPlXNATOtlV NOTEB.1 nhMmUont ttkea'tt I 7sjTth'irldUB Urns. Air prewurs reduced s set level vlwbtrt (eontinaoos UtiM)t thmaib'petats .1. ...,!,. ikoihsmu (dotted lines) uu torougb poiou of equal tempereuue: 4fc oolr for tero. freeslns. SO", sad laf. Oclsir: Q partly cloudy: ekrodr; nu: snow: nport cUMlnc.f Arrows fly wlUi Ue wlnd.1 rim flawea teroperajsoaj second, precipitsuoo m jui mtu o. am. " -- -Hi.w.a - A Trained Mind Is Handy at Times -4- By "Bud" Fisher iOWKT Ui. MRVIte HYlTtD'- H TaM0W& 0 DM MSfcRfiW I'LL CSV IT AND MAK.B MUTT mtu. think cm ccevefc. 1 A (.UNO C TMt M W9ft WHOOPW4 IT up j f IN A MAUM(T SALOON VMt Rib THAT HA0LenTH6 U-B0X - NlYTlH A iWOrTlrAB J BACH OP TH t,H A &0L0 , EAT AHft WATMJ444 H,fc LbCVC WA HifcUWW L0MO , TM LA0T THAT'S etc. RAT, MViTT, X Oust vwitots a CtK,X WANT To iteMiiT to You - WAIT TfUC t RCAh YOU TK'fc Ui6U P0GM t'A USTKT Yowft:- ' A 0tCM OfTH fcOTS Wt4e WHOOf IN4 IT Of fN TVS MAUAMUTft SAIOON - j 'thS KID THAT HAK0CM TH6 MuHM '-V-Ptx;W l AAih ujsvrvuiw . ...... " -i -urb uufc c r pwttt "S'KT Iff C ) 0W WHAT' YOUfcV rAINt j J a