' AGE SIX f t I I I I i i n OOCIAL 5" HAPPENINGS I I I I I i I n mnnni uaiiiMMH THE COOKING SCHOOL. i To a crowded audtorium ' and with standing space rapidly filling up, Mrs. Florence Austin Chase gave the seral-tlnal lecture and cooking demon stration yesterday afternoon in the school being conducted under the aus pices of The Gazette-News. The large auditorium of the T. M. C. A. was filled to overflowing with an in terested and enthuisastlc throng of Ashevllle women, each bent on get ting some Lit. of new and scientific information which makes smooth the way of the housekeeper; On the pia no to the right of the speaker were large vases of spring flowers adding their beauty and fragrance to the at tractiveness of the . pretty displays surrounding the room and banked against the walls. The enthusiasm of the many ladies of the city wo have been attending! this valuable series of lessons was well demonstrated afternoon by the large and amusing attendance of numbers of small but well behaved little children, without whom, pos sibly, the methods could not come and who were very evidently on their best behavior in , order that this privilege might be enjoyed by these ambitious ladies who have in mind improved 4 1 methods for their household. The i V i throng increased as the afternoon i ( went on and" those present were re- j ' warded for their faithful attendance J j by fine new recipes for the prepara- ' i I tion of many dainty things by the ! I well informed demonstrator. 'While S new recipes were being given out the i" I ' i two well trained maids assisting Mrs. li J.'j Chase were quietly passing to the wo- men In the .audience the many dainty j ! and delicate dishes already prepared si; J j to be partaken of. The. most popular of these possibly ; J T if was the very attractive and delicious ! i strawberry short cake made by Airs. ' i . Chase and preseting an unusually i . j pleasing appearance by the practical S illustration of an interesting point i I made by the sjjfator in the dcmon- ."t ij stration which was the saving of the f '":. most perfect of tho berries for Ueco- k j rating purposes on the top of the !:' ' cake. This delightful dessert and ' the others passed were augmented by " punch and Ice cream served by tho H 4 White Pine Creamery company. In !i ' ) making one of the, dainty dishes of I ( the afternoon, in whi'h whipped j i creum is used, the lecturer" made a j suggestion In reference to the most 1- j j successful method in th. whipping Ji . J i I process, in which she said that a f . I "1 double boiler can be used to advant ( age, the outside boiler being filled J j with lee and the cream beaten In the I I ! Inner boiler. i; j 'J In the preparation of the straw- A S . berry short cake Mrs. Chase paused S.i sufficiently to give an excellent recipe I 1 i fcr baked corn starch pudding which f ,' t was carefully taken down by those j ' j present. In this dessert, milk, corn- ii I !' ntarch, eggs, sugar, lemon juice, and p i! salt all combine to make a quickly ! ii J 1 Poofted dish which can be prepared In .ii, ? I the brief space of 2 minutes from the i " j f time It is placed In the oven. In serv- , : i Ing the strawberry short cake Mrs. Chase used the pretty little Individual short cake pastries which resemble tarts. These Individual affairs are most convenient In serving a large number of guests, being neat and easl- 1 ly and prettily arranged with the . j i other refreshments served. s i Among oth. r things particularly j i j noted during the afternoon was the 1 j large and gratifying number of young : i , 4 girls present, who, bringing pads and i j , i pencils, took down with evident ln- i . : terest the many fine recipes given. I j j Mrs. Chase has previously spoken with j , ! much earnestness on the importance f the young girls being well Informed : along matters of domestic science and household economy and the evidence of the afternoon pointed to a true ap preciation of this fact being felt in Ashevllle. This afternoon the last of these les sons Is being given In the auditorium of the V. M. C. A and the very In teresting questions of cakes. Icing, ; fillings and pastries are being dls ' j I cussed. ' ,' lit nfilr Itnnlu aiul It...!.. ., Jil The finals in the tennis tournament! ( t f In progress at the Country club will ;!:'T i 1 be played on the club courts this af ternoon. Mpis Marjorlo Pearson. Miss Therese Chapman and Mr. Howland have been the committee In charge of this tournament, which has been one of the most successful sporting events of recent occurrence at tho club. The finals will be playod at 4 o'clock and will be between Miss Therese Chap man, playing with Mr. I lowly, and Mrs. Allan McDonald, playing with Mr. Morrison. Two sections of the tournament played In tho semi-finals with tho following results: Leicester Chapman and Mrs. Vanderhoof lost to Miss Therese Chapman and Mr. Rowly, having on tho day previous defeated Mrs. Johnston, playing with. trr. Her bert; Miss Helen Chapman and James Cromwell won from Mrs. Reuben Rob ertson and Mr. Ouernejr; Mrs. Mc Donald and Alton Morrison won from Miss Helen Chapman and James Cromwell; Miss Marjorl Pearson and F. W. Thomas lost to Miss Thereso Chapman and Mr. Rowly; Leicester Chapman and Mrs. Vanderhoof 4e Tl Siver Deposit on WMU Glass N ew ssuftsnent lost rc cdved moa prtend ipo. . to fs.eo. Arthur R Field Co. uljuli n i n Personal Mention, Meetings of Societies feated Mrs. Waddell and D. R. Mil lard; Mrs. Tench Coxe and Mr' How land lost to Mrs. McDonald and Allen Morrison. The handicaps in this tour nament are as follows: Mr. Howland and Mrs. Coxe, minus 15; Mra Rob ertson and Mr. Guerney, scratch; Mr. Rowly and Miss Therese Chapman, scratch; D. R. Millard and Mra Wad dell, scratch; Miss Marjorie Pearson and F. W. Thomas, scratch; Mr. Chap man and Mrs. Vanderhoof, plus 30; Mrs. McDonald and Allen Morrison, plus fifteen; Mrs. Helen Chapman and James Cromwell, plus fifteen. The club has offered two beautiful cups in this tournament, one to go to the woman winner and one to the man winner. It X Attractions Around Grove Park Inn The unusual combination of social lif eof the most up to date kind, with "the dansants," tea-parties, and danc ing every evening to the music of a fine orchestra, and the opportunity to walk half a dozen yards into the heart of the wonderful forest of dense green trees, wild flowers and blossom ing shrubs of all kinds, is a novelty which the guests at Grove Park inn are now enjoying. The golf links are surrounded by flowering dogwood trees and a serenade of "bob-whites." blue jays, and other birds proves dis tracting to the most careful "putter" at times. The lure of the open is so strong at present that the many peo- ilo ut-A fnruilfine- tho links for Wh,,-!, rirte throned the woods or'1- St- ,uis: -Mr- an 1!re- E- C nlk over the "w ander trails" of 1 Sunset mountain, or all day motoring ,k t. Pinh inaH. 1.1 1 1 JO lt. uc vi a Ji m flition tn tlip nnmerrtiis dailv iaunts i ' intn thA u-nnds rhp usiiiil co 1 fine and i tennins playing attracts a large nam-;""' Iier of people. A tennis tournament i is going o natthe countr yclub, and! a mixed foursome golf tournament nas ulaved this week, for silver cups. Invitations Iue. The following invitations are bein? e-Mendfd to friends: Dr. and Mrs. Gtrge Huiledge Stuart request the honor of ronr presence at the nrirnaee of thir d-iuchter. Margaret, , ' i Mr. James Brainerd Preston. i on the evening of Tuesday the twenty-1 nixth of May at eiijht o'clock. ! at Church Street Methodist Episcopal j 'hun-h. South. j Knoxvillc Tennessee. " Hev. George li. Stuan. D.D.. father of the bride-elect. Kcv. 'ivid Sullins. ' I. I', grandfather of tn bride-elect i and Kev. S. 1;. I'rest father of the groom, -to-be will be the officiating ministers.' " says the Knoxville Jour nal an.'. Tnljunc. Miss Stuart will have as her at-j tendanis her tister. Miss Elizabeth Stuart, as maid of honor, and for bridesmaids. Miss Sterling Milne, Chattanooga: iliss Jennie May I lard -wick, Cleveland; Miss Ida Preston. Kristol. sister of the gcoom-to-be. and Miss Margaret Su I litis of this city. "Sullings Stuart, brother of the bride-elect, will give her away. "Mr. Preston will have as his at tendants, ad best man his brother, 1 M. Preston of Bristol, and for ushers, I)r. II. S. Preston, Richmond. Va.; Alfred Swann, Uandridge; J. 1. Stentz, U'aynesville, X. C; and T. M. Mc Queen of this city. "Mrs. Edith Conover will furnish tho nuptial music." s Organdy Among the w Cotton Materials IVir Sunum-r lrepfs. For six or eight months past the Farls dressmakers have been using organdy for the new Normandy col lars and lvmisettes. It has alno been used this spring for blouses, but its real influence will be felt this summer among the tine lingerie dres ses. For dresses It will be used In white and in colors, but it is quaintest and most effective in white trimmed with ruchiiigs or plaiting of black or dark blue taffeta. The fact that organdy does not waah will not affect Its pop ularity, for most fine cotton dresses can be worn for almost a whole sea son If they are properly cared for and cleaned at the end of the sum mer. After organdy, the embroidery and lace flounclngs follow next In Import ance, and after them the fine cotton crepes, and so forth. The Delineator. It Birthday Party. Mrs. Marcus Erwln entertained re cently with a lovely birthday party for her small daughter, little Miss Virginia Erwln, at her home on Fur- man avenue. The house was profusely decorated with spring flowers, a color scheme of pink being attractively car. rind out with quantities of crab apple blossoms. In the dining room the table was spread In a lace cloth and showered with crabapple , blossoms snd buds. . At each end of the table were flowers In vases and In the center a largs and beautiful birthday oaks. aglow with lighted candles. Attractive favors for the young ' guests were small, pink, hand-painted boxes filled with bon bons, and each guest was also given a napkin ring containing a novelty cap, souvenirs much appre ciated by the many guests present Oames were played and the occasion proved most enjoyable to the II young people attending. st st i ' i ' Kpnial Mask at All Souls', Church. The usual musical service will b given at All Souls' church, Blltmore. tomorrow afternoon, under th dtTec tion of P, rimlngton Harksr. At ths evensong service at I p. mv tho choir will alng "lively Appear over ths . KKY AWD IfHK WOTIK. TRUNK KWAIRINO Ks lilted to the locks in your home on snort notl. Trunks repaired and rebuilt Ilk new. Trices right . . 1. M. MKAR A CO. Mountains,4 Gounod... "Rejoice in the Lord,'" Elvey. At tho twilight , organ ' recital Mr. Marker will play: .-' ' 1 Concert Overture in Cmajor.. Hollina 3 Le" Cygno Saint Saens 3 Capriccio . .... i ...... . Lmaigre 4 Swedish March ....... Sodermann at it Mr. and Mrs. R. Montgofery Haines of Philadelphia and their son. R Montgomery Haines, Jr., have arrived and axe the guests of Mrs. Haines' parents. ..Mr. and Mrs. William W West, at their home, 'Campobello." on Chestnut street. st y An automobile partvfrom Atlanta arriving for, the week-end at the Grove Park inn included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Inman, Mrs. Howard Bucknel. . 1 ii .... I1.. 1- Tn. man, Jr. They came by way or the this town. Mrs. 'We William has the Greenville Horse show, making the j followinK to say for publication: trip to and from Atlanta in Mr. In-j man s car. Mrs. Inman and Mrs. Buck- ' Ladies, there's absolutely no neces nel were charming guests at the Sat-1 . , . mtarihta'fwm suffering. urday evening amner aance. ie( leaders in Atlanta s smart social . as so many uicu . world and are very charming and ,he Woman's tonic, will ho! you so popular. .Mr. Inman is one of j much. j wouldn-t tnmk ( King 1th lanta's wealthy men and is a member , of the prominent Inman family of out Cardui in my home. Georgia. j When I was married, I suffered t " I great pains ever month. My husband Governor Craig spent Thursday at ; of aRd u hep. Buies creek, where he made the j . j.i... ot f led me so. I kept on taking it. In a the school. Tlfs is the third com mencement address made by the gov ernor this week. m t Prominent arrivals at Grove Park inn include: m s Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Stewart, Jr Easton. Ta. : A. K. Salz, California; Mrs. 11. C. Davis and Davis. Amherst, Mass.; Miss Helen Charles E. ' McWilliams. Short Hills, X. J.; Mr. Jand Mrs. L Phelps, Atlanta; Fred lerifk Stieff, jr.. Baltimore: John D. Elzemere. Greensboro; A. H. Tyson j .na "'u- iufce, ueraiu Jiacintjre, " o - York rnr Pmtt RerilanH. Pal - O Higgins. Miss Katherine Higgins i ......... u.,. ana nrs. jonn r. ""lu t m (me of the most important events of this afternoon is the week j end meet at the Country club. Missi Emily Campbell is presiding at thej tea table and the dancing and other! social features of the occasion are be ing much enjoyed. ' Mrs. William Ruffin Cox has join ed Gen. Cox at his plantation in Edgecomb county in this state from Richmond. (Additional Social on page 11) NEWS OF THE WEEK AT GROVE PARK INN oullicrn Guests Arriving and More Are Eipettctl With Opening of Tlie Summer Scasun. Although the summer season at Crove Park inn I. f-,., t,.no 1 the inn is Btill comfortably tilled with visitors from the east, and from Chi cago. Detroit and the New England cities. A few southern guests appear on the register, however, and many people from Atlanta, Xew Orleans, Birmingham, Jacksonville and other Southern cities are expected by June 1. Among the arrivals of the week are quite a number of Chicago people, the guests from that city being more numerous now than those from New York, for the first time since the win ter season began. Among the Chl- cagnans now here are: Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Handle. Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Vail. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Harney, H. H. Hyatt, Mrs. J. E. Counselman and Miss Counselman, Harry Wilson, Mr. and Mra II. Crutehfield, Mrs. W. J. Schlooks, and little Miss Virginia Schlooks. . Among the Southern guests at the Inn, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eustlc of New Orleans, are prominent They have been here Beveral weeks and arc vry popular. Of th many brides and grooms here, which makes the inn a place of honeymoons" at . present Mrs. (Jeorge IL Pushlce of Boston, Is voted - the most charming. Mrs. PushicQ was Miss Romaine Ladensack of Boston, and the young couple were married at a brilliant ceremony, a week or so ago, coming directly to Ashevllle after the wedding. The visitors of various Shrine tem ples to the inn, on their way to and from Atlanta has added to the interest of life at the Inn this' week and the latter part of last week. Over three hundred Shilners visited the Inn (Sat urday and Sunday. last end on their way. back this week, on Friday and Saturday, several hundred more stop. ped kt the Inn for a short tour of In spection of "the finest , resort hotul In the world." Among these visitors was Mr. Alexander M. Rose, an archi tect of note, who has charge of the famous Potter Palmer estates. He wss greatly pleased with the unique architecture of -the-Inn. Among the temples represented In theHhrlrwr vis. Horn here were: Syria Temple of Pittsburgh', Pa., Amad temple' of East St Eouls, -tjphlnx temple of Hartford, Conn., Osiris temple of Wheeling, W, Va, Zlyara temple of Utlca, N. T., Isnialla temple of Buffalo, N. iY and Medinah temple of Chicago. The fam ous Oriental band of the Buffalo Shrlners who seresadad the president on the White House grounds, en route south, marchsd Into the "big room' of the Inn In body, and gave an Im iill",""", AGoodStrongVh 1 Do you need one we have some that will last, a long f X time, and do you good service. 25c EACH. X Yates & McGuire !! THE HOME OP rntMH VEGETABLES - . PltCMPT DKUVFRt ! I Oty Markr.piooe IH H. M. Warrea Mgr. NO NECESSITY TO BEJVUSERABLE Says One Woman Who Knows Good Advice on How To Eegain Health And Strength. Xewtonia, Mo. In advices from short time I was well and strong." Before I began taking Cardui. my weight was only SS pounds, and in less than a year I weighed 115. I think Cardui is the best medi cine in the world for women, and I hope all suffering ladies will take my advice and try Cardui. if Vou are sick and miserable, and suffering from any of the pains due to womanly trouble, take Cardui. It has been found to relive pain and distress. caused by womanly troubles, and Is --!an exceiient remedy to have on hand ai all limes, in case Ol lieu for all women's ailments and weaknesses. ! Cardui is composed of ingredients ' which set on the womanly constitu social ' tion' and DU''d UP health and strength in a natural manner, craul win neip you to pet wen promptu program of music, including Dixie and other melodies dear to the south. Social affairs of the week have in cluded the- two regular dances at the Inn, and several other dinner-parties usually followed by dancine. One of the largest of these was an event of Wednesday evening, when a dinner of twelve covers was followed by danc ing, a number of extra guests joining the dinner-party for the dancing. Among the guests was: Mr. Eaton Cromwell, of Philadelphia. .Miss Anna Williams and Miss Miriam Young, of Boston, Mr. and Mra Richard Eustic, Mr. and Mrs. Schlesslnger of New Orleans. Dr. and Mra. G. K Dorsett of St. Louis, the Misses Helen and Therese Chapman and Mr. Champan of Ashevllle, and C. It. Palmer of Xew Y'ork. At the week-end dinner-dance this week, a touch of the unusual and pic turesque was -given by the presence of many of the Shrlners, in their red caps and other Insignia of the order. Among the inn guests who were in attendance on the dinner-dance were: Mr. and Mra Edwin Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. C. U Seigcl. of New York. Mr. and Mrs. A. Flnlayson, of Rye Beach, N. H., Mr. and Mra A B. Ruddock, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Pushiee, Mrs. Alexander Williams, Miss Anna Wil liams, and Miss Marlam Young of Boston, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Abbott of Washington, Dr. and Mrs. G. D. Dor sett of St Louts. Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Eustis) of New Orleans, Mr. and Mra. K. B. Grover of Lynn, Mass., ('. R. Palmer, Mr, Howland and Mr. Voelkel of New York. Mr. C. F. Schutt of Washington, who owns the Ebbett house and other hotels of that city, is a guest at ths Inn, accompanied by Mrs. Schutt. Among the younger guests at ths Now You Can Make Real Waffles The Griiwold Waffle Iron in- turn crisp, light wifflsteverytims. It keenwsfflesf rem be coming scorched or deeghy because the thick, heayy pans di tribuirheat evenly. Griswold's ) .Waffle Iron.:. kss hsadlM ef wood, art la slr-cooke ockru, so it cas'l burs your nngrrs, Mo IUtiD( or pas mnuif la turnlas trim. BaMorrlachMrilradl(roora wblrh keeps gicaw Ss4 baiter (in evnflowlsi. , . , We have the OrUwold st m evata "aa pward.acoanlisi leal, tcclpabooh. with each Usa, , . , . Wm CiisieaU's "Erim" Were W . 'En" ires) CeesWaa; UtHk. J. H. LAW, IS ration Ave, ' 1 1 1 1 isR Broom I 1 L L assess. M m laiHua" inn who are-taking part in the dancing and social gaieties of the season are Misses Miriam Young and Anna Wil liams of Boston, who are hero with Mrs. Alexander Williams of Boston. Mr. and Mrs. E. L,. McClaln, of Greenfield, Ohio, Were other guests of the week who had with them while Here, their son. Donald McClain, of the Ashevllle school. Cleveland guests who nave recently arrived at 'the Inn Include Mr. and Mrs. Feiss, who have Joined Mr. 8. D. Weill and Mr. L,. Stearns, form ing a congenial group of friends. They are friends of Mr. and Mrs. X. I. Dryfoos and Miss Dryfoos who were uoDular guests at the inn for two months this winter. other Cleveland . ! arrivals' of the week ore Rhodes. Mr. S. S. Soffield. Mr. F. J.(tne same oay were. m. Sfith and Mr. F. B. Stevens. Mr. H. J. -Morse of Brooklyn, and Mr. and Mra Peter Barkey, of Erie, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Foley and their Pa. ; : " '; ' " V r ' four children arrived Sunday from,, Florida, en route to the east.-. Mr. Foley owns a hotel in Florida and at eastern resorts. ' Mrs. W. P. Hall of Cincinnati, who was a guest at the inn early In the winter, returned this week for. an other visit. She was Joined at the Inn i - ;.....( Honesty .'I''.''..:. The United States Government don't allow a railroad to have one man's freight for less money than another's. , " State'.Iawa' forbid insurance compan , . , ies selling one man' cheaper than another. We believe that "one price to all" is the only HONEST way to sell goods. THINK THIS OVER Buick : Cars, are one price to all. DIXIE MOTOR GO. You Will 'Come Again LUNCH ROOM, .lust off Pa tton Avenue. Church Street DELICIOUS HOME COOKING Clean, Attractive, Prompt Service. Catering a Specialty, Lunches put up. Honrs 13 to S O'clock' Dally except (Sunday. - ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF None but high-class factory mechanics employed. Our supplies are cheaper and all work is Guaranteed. ENTERPRISE GARAGE ' J. B..Eumbough, Gen. Mgr. GROVE PARK INN GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 P. M. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 P. M. Visitors to Asheville, although not' guests of GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect the building. ' ; Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Parties, if notified in advance. ', Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 P. M., 8:00 to 10:00 P. M Rates: $5.00 per day and up. Phone 3000. CHANGE OP TIME The story cf every child Is one of growth and change Only In plcturee can the story be told and1 expressions kept for sll tlma. MAKE THE APPOINTMENT' TODAY- .. . ' . phone 775I. PELTON & ' HIGGASON " ' THE GERHARDT PIANO PRICE $175.00 Greatest value ever offered. Easv Terms.. 1. PALK'S MUSIC HOUSE4 1 i ,.. . . 76 Tatton Avenue Opposite West 'End! of Tost Office S. STERNBERG & CO. DEPOT "STREET : PHONE 3331 All sizes and lengths ' Concrete Steel ; STRUCTURAL MATERIAL A SPECIALTY We buy euiytlmiguid Sell Everyihirif by Her son. W. P. HsB, Jr.. who is a the Ashevllle Bchdol for Boys. Miss Lillian Turner, of St. Louis, accompanied Mrs. Hall on her visit here. - ' Among the-informal affair of'the week at the inn were: a luncheon given by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Parsons of Boston for Miss Jano Sutherland of New York. - - ;' - ' ' '-'.- Mr. and Mra T. E. Adrian, of St. Louis, are arrivals of prominence at the Inn, this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Mayer, of Passaic. N. J.. are pop ular guests here. ' . . . , ' . A group of guests arriving Thurs day from Asbury park were: Mrs. W, S. Kinmouth Mrs. C. M.-' Aiexanaer, Dr. E. B.land A:iss jengusn. vmer arrivals 01 Ancient Chinese Money. The oldest banknotes are the "flying money." These notes were first issued in China tri 2fiOT R. G. - Phone your wants to 203. i'r et- - -e.' of I' Beams; "Channels and, Relaying Rail;, " I HIGH CLIFF The Coal without a de fect 'We handle the best the Jellico fields afford. Asheville Dray, Fuel and Construction Co. OFFICE ; PHONE tlj . YARD PHONTE fal NEW SUMMER MILLINjJET S. FERGUSON ..' MILLINERY COMPANY '14 Government-Street, rear p. v Agents for Castler Hats Hallmark Shirts the world over $1.00-v Our Price 90c., THE CALL COMPANY , 1 soutn Main St. ONE-FOURTH OFF ON ALL TRIMMED HATS "tk Sproat's Millinery PARLORS , OateeBldg. Pack Squirt ' SPRING &UIT4 T A 1 A.L ' L ''! J -raV ": Latest patterns ana styles '" 1A ..J..' r cum up 1 6Patton Ave. BALTIMORE DENTAL RCOrsi shoe) Storev j J PhoneXv ... V P AWnn s Tmcf lr.i s nnniM, UaiAnllil AlCUAnKI B OST-CARDS STUDIO I ING.PONGS PacfcSqj Next Cltj hh T 17 A TlTiUXTTrn -' JEWELER '" ; ;s Watches and Dine Jewelry, Watch Repairng my Specialty,' N S Pack Square, CASH OR CREDIT .) $15.00 :T Suit to Measure Silver Dollar Tailoring i 1K RMirr. Wain " LOGAN MERCHANT TAttOIt Lcjral Building Pack Sq, Phone 7tV- . MALICE TOWABD NOXH "CALCDMO" . "'.' r Miller-Clayton Paint Co, OS THE NEW NORTH MAIJT 8, its 19H CALCIMO OVR PHONE 18 1914 - CHICHESTER S PILLS Taa . Hhm. Lie"! V MAau.ie tut riixaoM , ran mm m Sal. IM W. A. WARD ANYTHING ELZCTRICl 12 Battery Parle Place Phon 44? arc e Aw - a SUGAR CORN These mature in 70 to 80 tays nnd should always be planted in a warm soiL For choice we offer Gold-; en ' Bantiini", Blact Mexi-' can, Kendall's ' Giant, , Iiarly Mammoth, Country, Gentleman and Stowcll's Evergreen. Alno, Top Corn.. "When you uprny use PYKOX. Gnint's Pharmacy i Battery Park Place . . II tone tit It.Uibte Im(a an4 3r4