J THE ASITZVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS 1::: f: I V 1 i 1 I ' f i: 4 . t 1 . ; : . H ; ' i i m ; -, f .. u pi ,r . ii h s , I' :! ' f -t. - r. ? . - 5 ii ! r-'-'f I if :t ' ; Ms i, 'U : ft ! i t -is' 1 ! 4 I ii! l 1 1' i J SUFFEIlEn FROM LIVER Bill STOMACH J 3ed Many Different Remedies With No Result Bat Finally. Succeeded With Thed ford's Black-Draught. " ftldgeway. Va. Prof. T. A. Walker, )f tbip town, aays: "Twenty odd years ago, 1 became a teacher. The work was very confining and did not then very. Well agree with my health, and won 1 became a great sufferer from Wer and stomach trouble; ; I used" many kinds of liver and tomach reined lea, but from none of these did I receive anything more than temporary relief. Yet. It seemed (hat , j. was compelled to take some kind of liver and stomach medicine. I tcame despondent and hardly knew what t do. Along about time Thedford'a Black-Draught was recommended to me. 1 bought some and began its use. ii 1 1 1 1 1 i nnnnnnm i , 1 1 1 1 iOOCIAL KJ HAPPENINGS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nnnni iiiinni . Mrs. Coie Entertains. Mrs. Tench Coxe entertained witH & lea dance yesterday afternoon at her lovely home, .'Klondike, In honor of Miss Evelyn Empie of Wilmington, who is the house guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Settle, at "Orton," and Mrs. Cameron Waddell, Jr., who has recently returned from Europe. The spacious -and. elegant Coxe home was thrown open for the event and beau- tifully decorated with a profusion oft cut flowers of all ' kinds. Exquisite pink peonies made lovely the dining room in the center of which the large dining table was arranged with bon bons, nuts and many dainty things and presided over at either end by ladies serving punch and tea. Mrs. Thomas Settle and Mrs. Charles Ii. . Minor took turns serving punch and Mrs. Thomas A, Jones poured tea. Delicious salads, sandwiches, patties unil pastries of all kinds were served, followed by ices, cakes and candles. In one of the large parlors Mrs. Coxe with her sister, Mrs. Kettle, and the two two guests of honor, Mrs. Wad doll and Miss Empie, formed the re- living line and graciously received , the guests. The pool room was clear . d for dancing and many of the en . thuglasts among the younger dancing ot .onjoyed the various new dances. Several hundred guests attended Mrs. oxe . delightful tea dance and thei?8'?' M"J stullTt- Ru,h Kl V event was a most successful social Undsav. Frances May W11e compliment for the guests of honor. t st i King-Jones Mr, and Mrs, Jones, the latter for- nierly Miss King, have returned from meir wedding trip and ars the guests or Mrs. ciampilt at her home on South French Broad avenu. The news of the wedding comes with much interest to the many friends of the bride in Ashevllle. Almost sine the establishment of the Blltmore es tate In this country. Miss King has occupied the position of housekeeper for Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbllt at Bllt more house, during which tlm she has taken an active part in various musical organ IzaXiotis In Ashevllle, assisted . In work of a philanthropic nature and endeared, herself by hor kinness and loyalty to a large circle of friends and acquaintances In the city. Miss King and Mr. Jones were married, the affair being kept very eulet, a short time ago at the horn "f Mrs. Jones' son,- Ray Jones, on J X South Liberty street. Th ceremony at JTx" performed by Register of Deeds J. J. Mackey and wss attended by a ! few friends and relations. Bhortly I after th ceremony ilr. and Mrs. j Jones left for a wedding tour of I Morlda and will. In sine their re turn, mnk Ashevllle their home, ( . her Mr. Jones Is engaged n busl I reus. , - - ' The New Knit Materials. Th new suit materials ar: garbar- nine, wid and fin wat serge, cot iln i-ht-vat. honeycomb weaves, waffle i liM-ks. preMsed pebble serge, striped poplin, plain and striped reps, poplin i i moir design, Cumberland home M'un. wool crepe, ratine, checks, ni. puvlda. light weight suitings, k ( rr.e, crep sbantlng, corded silk, !nn ratine, potton plslda cottoa in, cotton stripes, cotton cordu . ronled cottons, linen. For after . cnats and evening wraps: Chlf- ! i. Kdrlrth. Isffeta. figured Bilk, entln. broche, silk duvetyn. valours, cotton plush, monsse- line, duvsytn, rstln. For lop . mm! motor eoats: Wool ratln. i. hoiicles, chinchilla, corduroy, in, homespun, mixture, ii'iwlile faced coatings, cotton nifice C!oc!:s 1 if lli ami i r rurv ifmt f I ' 1 I-m Urn ar I f l U'Utlf'fl. 'It did not tak me long to discover jthat 1 was using a superior medicine, jit thoroughly cleansed my liver and stomach, and gave me an almost rav- jenou appetite. My indigestion soon ! passed away, and so did my brown I greasy-looking complexion. In short, II felt like a new being. i Now, I keep Black-Draught on ihand all the time, and take it occa isionally. I cannot afford to be without lit. If I ever have a sick spell, I take Black-Draught, and it always brings relief. 1 verily believe that Black Draught Is the best liver and stomach medicine that ever wis made." :' Costs only one cent a dose. At all druggists. ' ; Personal Mention. Meetings of I Societies corduroy, heavy linen, cotton ratine. The Delineator. ., .' . , ' . Invitation Received. The following invitation has been received: ' . Mp. Anil Mrs Jnhn Uiirk. " UMt ,h. honr nf v.llp ,. ,, ,he msrriage jof their daughter . Olivs Colvin .. to Mr. Sam'u.l Wade M.rr on the evening of Tuesday, the ninth of June, at nine o'clock. First Baptist church,. ....... Raleigh, North Carolina. Mr. Marr Is a prominent young merchant of Bryson Clry." He is well known In Buncombe county, having graduated from Weaver college a few years ago. : . ' :' t. tt, .:' 't- . The Blue Ridge conference will be attended by the following young ladies immediately after Wlnthrop college commencement this year, under the chaperonage of Misses McCrary and Boggs:. Misses Anna Brown.. Mary Herbert Attaway. Clifton Gray, Frances Marshall, Susia Dick, Helen Coker, Ethel Lancaster. Alma Chap man, Mary Butler, Ruth Clarke, Katie Pitts, Blanche Jaeger, Jennie May Dill, Amy Eaddy, Mabel Mann. Uta K X ,. . Miss McPheeters of Hendersonvllle Is one of the belles of the social sea son in Knoxville at the present time, many social functions being given In : her honor. D. C. Wsddell, Jr., has returned from a fishing trip in western North Carolina. Mrs. Thomas Kettle has been giving during th week a series of Informal luncheons and dinners at her home, "Orton" on Pearson drive. tt Miss Mary Louise Swop left yester day afternoon for New York and other eastern cities, where she will visit friends, . ' ' '..' Mrs Ralph H. Johnson was tn Bllt more Tuesdsy en rout to her home In Chreaw, 8. C.. from Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Nltzer of Dan villa. Vs.. will com to AsTlevllle for the month of June to visit th former's uncle and sunt Mr. and Mrs. t). D. Revell, at their horn on Charlotte street. t Miss Jtnnl Fleetwood Westfeldt will arrlv from New York next week to be th guest of her sister. Mrs. O, 8.,Tnnent, st her home on Pearson drive for a visit, after which she will go to th Westfeldt horn. "Rughy Grange, near Arden to sDend th r malnder of the season. Miss Carrl Ingham of New Tork arrived yesterday to spend th summer with her uncle, Frank Hartshorn, at his horn on Pearson drive. t . Frank Arthur of Rllrmor wll go to Raleigh Monday to visit friends. J. C. Fletcher of Franklin Js In th "Ity. ft guest at the Battery Park ho tel. . , t t Mrs. Ella Miller and her daughter, Miss Uorrt Millar, left this morning for Atlanta for ft visit of several weeks. in Mr. and Mra C. C. Burkan and son S. R. Burkan, of Chicago arrived yes- KID IAN K0T0IICYCLE3 Leads the World 4 If. 1 einirU 7.00 ( i H. Rtria roo-ular ., 232.00 terday and are guests at the Battery Park hoteL ft Mrs. O. H. Parks of Columbia is In the city, a guest at the Battery Park hotel. -. . 8. G. GulletU of Memphis Is In Ashevllle, having arrived yesterday, t t .Mrs. Snxatbers chaperoned a party going-on a recent fishing trip to Long Shoals which Included the. following young people:- - Miss Marie Smathtrs. Miss Myrtle Harris, Mr. fhuford. Alex Carter; Bruce Carter and Earle Smath- era , - -5 . s ; : Robert H. Breese of Brevard is in th' city,' ft guest at the Battery Park hotel. .". ; ; , m n '. Miss Josephine Gilmer has" returned toiler1! home in Waynesvllle- from Spartanburg. .,-... .., x. ; . . ; . .. Mr. and Mr C. M. Black welTr of Raton, arrived in Ashevllle yesterday and are staying at- the- Battery Park hotel. Mis Evelyn Empie of Wilmington who has been the house guest of Mra Thomas Settle at "Orton,' returns to her home today. n Miss Janle Jones returned yesterday from a stay in the country near Wea verville. . . The Misses Penland will spend the summer with, their parents. Mr. 'and Mrs. Henry remana, at tneir -resi dence, 244 Chestnut street : They are expected to arrive sometime shortly. The Balfour Orphanage society will.; meet this afternoon in the church "gapho," in six reels. It is a dramatis house :: of th . First .;; Presbyterian !atlon of Daudefa celebrated story and Church. j - -'..' . , , ' I all over th eountry. The critic of the One of the most successful churchi, i nsm.. .mmni tnuslv socials of recent occurrence was-given, Tuesday evening in the' Baptist church or soum. Biumore. ' ne occasion a a supper giver i by the Baraca-Phila- thca classes of the church and well attended: nd more than usually successful.. v. . ' " " . . ... . . -- GRADUATING GLASS AT TniniTu imiinrnn in noth,n wj,h tor ,n . -teraay RIHIlT NUmBLHS ;7ai!Soa.s: xz ..' ! wealth "of detail that the film allowed. ., .-' . . , Un the play hut four 'scenes sre given. Largea . r,i ,v TTj.i.,,' - St ClaSS in the HiStOry Of The Methodist InstitH--. tion at Durham, .' Special to The Gazette -New. Trinity College, May SI. One of the most successful collegiate' years tn the history of Trinity college Is now com ing to a close. This is the last week of recitation work for the year, and examinations start Monday. The sen ior examinations ar held ft few days In advance of the other examinations and began yesterday. The Trinity commencement, which starts Sunday, June 7, and last until Wednesday, June 10, Is expected to be one of th largest and most successful tha the college has yet held. The graduating class this year in the acad emic department is the largest in the history of the institution, there being 7 students who will receive diplomas; while from the school of law will be six to graduate. Th commencement program Is as follows: Sunday, June 7, 8:30 p. m. Bacca laureate address,' Reverend Plato Crary Durham, Charlotte, Tuesday, June , 11 a. m. Bacca laureate sermon. President Henry Churchill King, A. A. C. A. M. A.. Oberlln College. Tuesday, June . 1 p. m. Alumni dinner, address, Daniel Calhoun Ro per, Wsshlngton. Tuesday, June , I p. m. Graduating orations. Wednesday, June It. 10:10 a. m. Commencement address. Dean I Baron Russell' Brlggs, Utt. A. U U A., Harvard University.. Conferring of degrees. I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. L. Brand ham and wlf to J. B. Sherrill. property In Black Mountain; tl and other considerations. W. B. Meacham and wlf to Silvio von Ruck, land on th north aide ot Hillsid street; tlO and other consid eration. H. B. Haddon to W. R. McOulre. property on Penland street; fit ad other considerations. LICENSED TO XfED Herbert Jont to Jennl Brlgge. " Different Way f Leaking M, PesalmUt Tb cost of Using la terrV 1. OcHimlsl- But It's worth the prle. rolladelpbla Ledger. FOR SALE CHEAP 1 Z-seatad surrey; I t-setd surreys; 1 2 -horse wagon. X, B, STARVES t-hone SIS 141 N. Main ' (Sl t) cur Pic!:!:: Cnions j Th-'( are inndiuin 1 or.ior.a j i in tie et j W.t $ j vinepar. They are a ; ; i Quart JiLrs Z'z. j . St ABSORBS SKIN. CHASES WRIXKLEJS YOVNG AGAIX KtBlitstrltl(ltltttl(',:lt, "The shock at beholding myself In the glass after nine long weeks abed, nearly caused relapse." writes Emily Colson In Home Queen. "The faded face, with its lines of illness and wor ry seemed twenty years older. Now. I thought. I could not attend my chum's wedding, eleven day off, to which I had looked hopefully forward. 1 . "Sh herself . cam to my rescue. 8 he procured 'an, ounce of ordinary raercolized .wax at th .. drug- store.! which, h bade .me'.' siiread on like cold creamy washing if off next morn ing. 'Applied nightly,' thus apparently , absorbed the withered skino gently I experienced -tio' dtocomforU-,Cpon j the wedding morn ttie pallid cdmplex- -ion had entirety lve way -to one ot youthful color and Jovellness. " "Apd there .wasn'fc'a wrinkle. This do to a'WBSh'lotiorr made by dissolv. lug an ounce of powdered saxolite In a -ihalt pint -WTtCq naxel. The daily face bath had dispersed every line." The Majestic theater-next Saturday i- deuarture from day only great feature picrure. ha inDFlrMl with vnnderful SUCCeSS .h,, --.m-rU.hi. rolnotion. as jo0w.g. . . - ..g,, , . c of ,ignt ; tniwn the 'big projecting machine i,t the Majestic tWer yierday. Mls !Florence Robcrt, M in .the mo- t- i tiun piciure prouueuon wi wtm -.; moii play added flew laurels to her already top-heavy crown. With ' the same passionate abandon with which she mad the role of. 8apho' famous in the play that took- the country btf storm a few years ago. Miss Roberts as the, pictured Sapllo left absolutely fnd all the earlier scenes of th6 book ,m ot a necessity .omitted on the 1 stage. In the pictures yesterday all this was changed. As-there Is no limit jto the number of scenes to a film -drama, the motion picture production fof 'Sapho' followed the book In every 1 particular." J . . . T ON BROADWAY" IS JOLLY MUSICAL FARGE A Jolly , musical farce which will appear at the Majestic theater next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is Halton Pow. r 'Night on Bros way" the company being headed by that universally amusing comedian, Harry Emerson, whose originality has stood out pre-eminently for a number of years. H will be remembered fur hi clever work Id "Gay New York." At time his capers are purely nonsensi cal, but as laugh provokers ar thor oughly Irresistible. "Night on Broadway," without Its musical and fantastic embellishments. Is on of the most amusing of forces adapted from the German. There are ten acting parts and each on a dis tinct characterlxatlon. Th members of the chorus were engaged especial ly for their talent, youth and beauty. Tha management prides' Itself on th costuming of tb chorus, eight com plete change being mad during th action of th comedy. Th music Is of th Jingle kind on can't forget ' Good temper U like a gunny, day j It sheds Itg hrlslitneM very where,- i French rroTorb, 1 i FEATHER . DUSTERS Mr offer a line of the beat grftdea foe himw use Ttie Sort rMllier that do mil ausrt everything Uwy Uracil. Made In Uirrc slum, 5c, t&c. and 7tc. Wool Wall Dusters or Brushes ' ftpletidld tor clearing ini fluors, or for dusting, furnltare, wails ftnd oeinnca. Hft- handle and S ft. haa- ale with eark woui dastev, rrh soq. ... ' . 1 noi SEFTRAlRHINO DEPT. . (la Psseiunit) J. H. LAV ' I&-IT PATTO AVEM'R H GLOWING CRITICISM I DF PBGDUCTiON . . - V '. . .. . . " Tj)RETTY I ORCH AN ASSORTMENT r HAMMOCKS PORCH SHADES $1.50 UP All Kinds and Prices V Beaumont Furniture Co. The Home of Furniture Values - - - - 27 South Main St. I r ... v ' rBlIIIjK Honesty The United States Government don't . allow a railroad to have one man's freight for less money than another's. ; State laws forbid insurance coinpan- - ies. selling one man cheaper than another. ( We believe that "one price to all" is the only HONEST way to Bell goods. ' THINK THIS OVER ' Buick Cars are one price to alL ' DIXIE MOTOR CO. You Will Come Agadi . LUNCH ROOM. Just off Pa tton. Avenue. Chorcb. Street DELICIOUS HOME COOKING Clean, Attractive, Prompt Service. Catering at Specialty, Lunches put up. Hours 13 to S O'clock Daily except Sunday. - . ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF r None but high-class factory , mechanics employed. Our supplies are cheaper and all work is Guaranteed. , ENTERPRISE - GARAGE : . J. B. Eumbough, Gen. Mgr. ' GROVE PARK INN v GROVE PARK INN serves Luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 P. M. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 P. M, Visitors to Ashevllle, although ' not guests of GROVE PARK INN, are invited to dine and inspect ' tho building. . . , Special attention given to Luncheon and Dinner Parties, if notified in adv&noe. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 P. M., 8:00 to 10:00 P. M. Rates: $5.00' per day and up. Phone 3000. THE DAINTY GIRL GRADUATE MUST BE PHO TOGRAPHED. MAKE . THE APPOINTMENT EARLY. , PELTON-HIGOASON STUDIOS PHONE 7 . NEXT TO iTtrNCEKfl THEATER THE GERHARDT PIANO PRIC2 $175.00 . Greatest value ever offered. Easy Torms. , F ALU'S MUCIO HOUSE 76 Patton Avenue Opposite West End of Poet Office S. STERNDERG t: CO. DEPOT ZT2.ZZ1 PHONE 333 All sizes and kr-tbs Corcrcle Ctccl Gieii WORTH SEEING cf I Ecrr.s. C.ar-cls, t. 1 T.tl :r.j r-.:!j. .771 ".01T CLIFF The Coal without a de- We. handle the best the Jellico fields afford. Ashevllle Dray, Fuel and ; Construction Co, OFFICE PHONE Jt - YARD PHONB ja 1-3 OFF on all patterns to re duce the stock. S. FERGUSON . MILLINERY COMPANY Hallmark Shirts the world over $1.00 Our-Price 90c. THE CALL COMPANY . 17 South Main St. ONE-FOURTH OFP ON ALL TRIMMED HATS Sproat's Miilmery PARLORS ' Oatea Bide Pack Sqaar SPRING SUITS Latest patterns and styles ' $10 and up GEM CLOTHING CO. 6 Patton Ave. Miiutvaii a.a.ivaniai kvJ Over PORTRAITS McGARRT'S OST-CARDS STUDIO i ING-PONGS Pack Sq. . -'i:K. Next Ollj HaS J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER j;, . Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Eepairng my Specialty. Pack Square, CASH OR CREDIT $15.00 Suit 'to Measure . Silver Dollar Tailoring Co. ' 45 South Main 1 LOGAN . MERCHANT TAIIXJR Legal Bonding Pack Sa, rbona 77 OALCIMO Am to Me Color Ochem Number 111, Look for our next window display. Everything In P A I N T R. MILLER-CLAYTON PAINT COMPAirY Oa the New North Main, Number it r it . ft Traaa at aiMha W. A.v7AnD aiiytiii:: r ...ucal 12tatt-:ry l'srlcri-ce iiiXii O.-i. j V, it. a w w X. . a -J Kvery owur .f fin:n and hots shuuM pliitit it it . t a Smsll put. h l't t l. . Thy nWe a hir fi. '1 ho j I I . A ) 'i. II un f. : V 1 I . I ! f -' L II t p ) . y , . . t ' rt TT - " . ,.f J . , . f t tH" t 1 ' ! - 0 I f r t k ' , i 1 fur Corn 1 n tl 1 , II. P. twin eloctriral 237.00 '7 If. P. twin fprcd ,1,,pri,,al 2'2X3 ! t In An'STlll. Cull fT ri i end l'ml,ll.',.R1,1 T rr-T A '1 T!--t r S 'F I I. 1 ! ! , . . -..,,MfT , - i t t !

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