Tnesday, June 2, 1914 THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE YJM& TO BOYCOTT ME IN FftVOH OF BETTING FAIR ASSQOIATiOn ELECTSPRESIDENT Parisian Modes j7re Correctly in terpreted by the Zedfern CCrset Today, the woman of Fashion looks to the Eed fern for her correct corset model, where five or ten years ago, only a custom made one of foreign label would suffice. .. ; Kedfern Corsets have made and are sustaining a reputation unique in Corset Circles of the World. Organizations of Women to George S. Arthur Resigns and Oppose Law to Legalize Betting on Races. i! The Directors Name R. C. Crowell. sSiw f r n ' . I . - - . ; At a meeting held last night of the Executive committee of the Western North Carolina Fair association, Geo. is. Arthur tendered his resignation as (president which was accepted by tha committee,.'- and R. C. ; Crowell was Irlected as president of the association. Evlr. Crowell will assume his new du ies at once and will proceed to carry lout the ideas already set In motion ty Mr. Arthur for the fair to be held ere next October. , Mr. Arthur gave as his reason for resigning that his duties on the Bilt- more estate would not permit him to devote any time to the affairs of the association and he thought a man who lould devote his time to the associa tion should be president. The horticulture department of the tfair this year will be especially fea- ured, : according to plans now being made by the fair officials. . As an in- tiication of what will be expected In his department the association an nounced that the first prize for the I .est two barrels and three boxes of apples to be exhibited at the fair next fall will be $50. This la considered Ian extraordinary large prize for the 1 department, as neither the state fair woes not offer such handsome prizes las this. It Is expected that the first Ijirize of J 50 will stimulate the interest fif those who are contemplating ex ilbltlng this fall and that the com petition will be very strong. - In the boys corn clubs and girls tomato clubs of the farm garden de partments, liberal prizes and premi ums will be offered -and it Is expected hat many exhibits will be shown by hhe boys and girls of the clubs. : Ea- eclal attention will be given to the xhlbits filed by the boys and girls nd every effort made to encourage hem to do better work each year. Plans and ideas along many lines knd departments of the fair are shap- ng themselves these days and It is xpected that by the time the fair is eady to be held that Interest will be li roused in all sections of western s'orth Carolina as it never has been lefore. - -' .' 4fw ' "" Coghlan and Plllard in Their Very Funny Burlesque on the Hesitation Malta (Majestic Today and Tomor row. '-.' a road race from Los Angeles to San Francisco, the longest ever run. New Orleans, La., June 2 -Organl zations of women In New Orleans plan to boycott merchants who are sup porting a measure how before the legislature to legalize betting on horse racing in Louisiana. Two big mass meetings have been held. The bill would provide that New" Orleans should decide the question for itself at a local option election. Backed by 16,000 signatures to a petition, the bill was Introduced in the lower house of tho general " assembly at Baton Rouge and sent to the city affairs committee, from which, a report is ex pected tomorrow. Besides the refer endum feature the bill provides that racing be governed by a commlslon, much the same as in Kentucky. To combat this petition, women are sys tematically canvassing the city to gain signatures to a counter-petition In the legislature, both sides claim a majority. ; Dates for Race. San FTanclsco, June 2. Dates for he big automobile races to be held iext year in connection with the Panama Pacific . exposition were an nounced today. The Vanderbllt. cup ace will be run on the exposition bounds February 22, the Grand rrlx March 7, and the Exposition acetMarch 12. It la planned to hold LEADING UDY AGAIN IS ABLE TO TAKE PART Substitute Had to Appear in "Lovers and Lunatics" oh Yesterday Afternoon. SHOOTING, IN WAKE CO. PROBABLY FATAL The management of the Majestic theater announces that owing to the Illness of Miss Caroline Ross, the leading lady with the musical tabloid, "Lovers .amd Lunatics", now showing at the Maljestic, the performance yes terday afternoon was not up to the sandard of' the company. A substi tute had to be supplied for Miss Ross yesterday and as it was the first time she appeared in the leading role, she did not know the lines. Last night, however, Miss Ross was able to ap pear again and took the leading part, making a hit with the large audience that greeted the performances. . The dances by Miss Ross and George Tripp, as seen last night, are said to be among the best yet given in this city. The performances are well balanced and replete with catchy lines, new ' songs and good looking dancing girls. . The show will be seen at Majestic today and tomorrow. Special to The Gazette-News. - Raleigh, June 2. Robert . Pearce, who was probably fatally shot Sunday at Woodland chapel, Granville coun ty by Lohman Allen where a "vocal union" singing school was in pro gress,' Is being treated in the Wake Forest hospital. The row started over a game of cards, out In the grove, It is said. Allen is a Wake county man, a well known young farmer of New Light township. The shooting Is claimed to have been, in self defense. The particulars are not known here The Granville authorities are invest! gating. A charter has been Issued for the Dan Hotel company, of Salisbury, capital $100,000-authorized and 300 subscribed, for building and operating a modern hotel. Another charter is to the Sisters' Fraternal organization B. No. 1, In corporated, Charlotte, capital $2,000 authorized, and with authority to be gin business when $6 is paid in, the purposes being real estate develop ment, mercantile business and main taining a library for members. The incorporators are Edith C. Davis, Mattie P. Wallace and others. If you do not already wear a Eedfern, the sooner " vou have a talk with our Corsetier the better. For they fit smoothly and are especially adapted to slen- J der and medium figures. . J The BON MAECHE is the exclusive agent in Asheville and for this reason you will find all wanted models here. EEDFEEN $12.50 pair, . COESETS are priced at $3.50 to 'I Capt, Carlisle Dies. Compiete jTssortments of fans The only solution to this hot wave is to be well supplied with fans. Our stock gives wide choice, from a palm leaf one at 5c to a silk gauze, spangled in sil ver fan at $3.50. A few of the various kinds with their prices are mentioned concisely below. Jap' and .paper fans are priced at 10c. . .. Sandalwood, Celluloid, with colored decorations, also white, pink and blue gauze fans are priced at 25c. Celluloid and spangled gauze fans are priced at 50c. Ivory fans, in white grey, pink, lavendar and green, for 75c. - Ivory and silk gauze fans, some spangled and others beautifully handpainted for $1 to $3.50. Black fans in paper, gauze and silk, sf 11 for 10c. to $1.50. . . Fans with chains, in white pearl, for 50c to $1.00. Aadies 9 and Children's 4w Jhoes f Every day the usefulness of our shoe section is be- ' coming more apparent. Women who want high grade shoes at moderate prices are finding our $4 Specials wonderful values. At this price you can secure practic- j n 1 4.1, 4-1 Yrrt . . rtvnll TTTial-i fry M a ' any any teauiei, aiyic ui iooi, juu wui wum ,iwj have other shoes for ladies priced at $3 to $6 pair, Children's Shoes are another of the things that this department is making quite a ran on. We sell only; shoes that we feel justified in saying will give satisfac- -. 11 ,i i n j. a. 1 ; tory wear. Sizes run ail tne way irom imams 10 large misses, that can be worn by small women. y Children's Shoes are priced at $1 to $3.50 pair. Misses' Mary Jane or Baby Doll pumps are selling at $2.50 and $3.50 pair. Spartanburg, 8. C, June 2 Captain John N. Carlisle, prominent citizen and confederate vetran, died here yes terday. He was 87 years old. U..S. Department of Agriculture. ; - tic i Tucn di inc 1 1 1 m Tuesday, June 2, 1914 .' ' " - , . k"" i" t, ObMrvaaoai'teifea'lt I sTmrrTRh merldUa ttme. Air oreaar reduced to ui level. Imhn rmntrnnmu HittiYtim'n,itt i... of Nutl lr prMwir.-Itoibtrmi (dotted linea) put thrauih polaUof equal Umperttnre; drwh only for sera, freuins, 90 . tndiou9. O dMR U ptrdrtloudy; Q eloadr, Qy nln; CJ tnow; (M report mining. Arrow! tj with the wind, ; Fini firae. temoentiira: rrnnil, imi lidmlnn cif'01 Inrh m tnnu trii nMl Bf ; Nihil imilin wlml uliwli; iftia)Hi Jhe jtom of Jup$rlor Values Jhs Store Jhat Jells iOooliex THE WUMB Asheville . . Atlanta . . Augusta . . . Birmingham . Charleston . . Charlotte . . . Jacksonville . . Knoxvllle . . . Mobile .. .. Montgomery TEMPERATURE lowest .- Highest last ntaht yesr'd'y "' 85 70 88 68 86 ,. ..88 . 92 .. ..78 78 .. -,.70 8 ., ..7$ 88 .....4 90 ,....7 94 ....It : 92 Raleish 68 . 8 Savannah 72 , 82 Tampa .,..72 84 Washington .. .. -..62 88 Wilmington .. .. ...68 80 Normal for this date: temperature 66; precipitation .U inch. - Forecasts until 8 p. m. Wednesday for Asheville and vicinity: generally fair tonight and Wednesday. For North Carolina: generally fair tonight and Wednesday, gentle to moderate northeast winds. . General Conditions Loot' 21 Hours. The western disturbance has mov ed slightly eastward and has again caused rain . In the plateau district, the Rocky mountain region and In most of the plains states. Shower have also occurred In the Ohio valley, Tennessee, southern .Texas and the middle and south Atlantic states. It is cooler In the lake region, the Ohio valley and the north Atlantic states while It Is somewhat warmer In the northern Rocky mountain region. The following heavy rainfall has been reported: Dodge City, 1:72 Inches. Generally fair weather Is indicated for tjiis vicinity tonight and Wednes day. T. R. TAYLOR. Observer. FOURTH OF JULY TO BE SAFE AND SANE New York, N. Y., June 2 The safe nnd sane '"Fourth of July celebra tions," Inaugurated by Former Mayor Gaynor, are to be continued under the present city adynlnistratton. Mayor Mitchell, It was . learned today, has named a commission of 243 citizens to arrange this year's celebration. Headed by Congressman W. littleton, the commission will follow the plan of last year and endeavor to reduce noise making to a minnlmum. IS The Local Department Prob ably Will Not Participate This Year. CASTOR 1A For Iniantt and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beart tne Signature of The full and complete program for the State Fireman"s association which will be held at Wlnston-Salemn Aug. 4 to 8 has just been issued and copies of it in pamphlet form have been re ceived In this city by the members of the local department. All the business sessions of the association will be held on August 4 and the other days will be given over the races. At the regular monthly meeting held last night of the local fire com panies, delegates and alternates were elected to represent the local fire de partment at the annual meeting to be held In Winston-Salem. Those elected last night are as follows: Hose com pany No. 1: E.W. Davis and L. E. Trantham, delegates; C. M. Warren and E. M. Israel alternates. Hose company No. 2. Frank Hill and Ben F. Matthews. Hook snd ladder com pany No. 1, Virgil Htldebrand and W. V. Wilson delegHtes; John O'Don nell snd S. A. Rector, alter nates. This will be the first year that Asheville has failed to take part in the races. Last year the lad- . dies raised money, bought a horse and trained him especially for the meet, although they were not able to win many prizes.' . The program is as follows: . August 5, 9:30 a. m., firemen's pa rade; 2 p. nj., state hose wagon con test; 4:0 p. m.,, league baseball. August 6, 10 a. m., state hand-reel contest; 11 a. .m, state grab-reel con test; 4:30'p;m. baseball. ' August 7, 9:30 a. m.. Interstate hand-reel contest; 11a. m., interstate grab-reel contest; 2 p. m.. Interstate horse wagon contest: 4:30 p. m., base ball. . The finance committee lias an nounced the following prize list: State contests: Horse hose wagon ; contest first prize $100; second prize, $75: third prize $50; fourth prize, $30; 'fifth prizo $20. I Hand reel contest first prize, $100; 'second prize, $75; third prize, $60; I fourth prize, $40., Grab reel contest first prize. $50; second prize, $30; third prize, $20. Interstate contests: Horse how wa gon contest first prize, $125; Sec-' ond prize, $100; third , prize, $60; fourth prize, $40; fifth prize, $25. Hand reel oontost first prize, $100; second prize, $75; third prize, $60; fourth prize, $40. Grab reel contest first prize, $7Sf second prize, $60; third prize, $50; fourth prize, $40. The prizes arranged aggregate total of $1,500. Mutt Follows Jeffs Urgent Advice By 'Bud" Fisher f . ( : ,m - : r I ' " : .. , . ... , '. v ' t ytu. YOU IT is j , ' ' fov txmr As -.. ... t - - - """ " n CiTaeNor'TMewGMAT - '. Wirttrr. x S f sVli. u ou4Ht ) r Bitw rtT uohtd stt6$ on this JlftYWN3) v tt Oese.V IT ff ' Pr NATtOKAU HOLIDAY J I CO 'WAY j .. JS1 TO MCO.AT6 J , .'IiP ?Eic ii se?j ' v i- i . - . ...... ," . j ..... , ' - ' - .- . ,v , ..... . . . .... , i,

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