Monday, Jane 28, 1914 GO OUT TO ark Free Motion Picture , Entertainment And Concert : Beginning at 8:30 O'clock Complete Change of Program Daily 3 REELS OP PICTURES SHOWN WiU ASHiiiVllj.jS GAiiliTTii-NfiWiJ E ' IS SCENE OF PICKIC Over 100 North Carolinians in Washington Go There for An Outing. Why Puzzle Over How to Get a New Suit? FOCUS YOU EYE ON1 THIS 38 North Lexington Avenue WE SOLVE THE PROB LEM FOR YOU It is our business v to CLEAN and PRESS your old suit so it will .LOOK LIKE A NEW ONE. Try us on your Plam Beach Suits Blue Ridge Clean ing & Dyeing Co. - - - Phone 2481 Gazette-News Bfireau, ; Wyatt Building, V-.' Washington, June 29. A hundred or more North Carolini ans, members of the North Carolina society of Washington, Journeyed to Cabin John onaae Saturday for th annual basket picnic. Kvervbodv ciuugai a oasxei ruled with good things tO eat. A bflflkpt nf fried xhlnlr- en which Mrs. S. H. Boyd of Greens- uuru urougnt out was the center of attraction. Mm RavH haA th nh.v. cooked in Greensboro Friday, and sent nere Dy parcels post, arriving Just in time for the feast. Several congressmen and the two Beumors were expected to speak but not a single member of the delegation or either of the senators or any mem ber of their families appeared at the bridge to mingle with the folks from home. They were busy, perhaps, with matters in congress; others may have attended, the ball game, if there was r. J. A. Holmes, president of the SOCietV. Who Is In Moving 1.1. health, wired Secretary R. O. E. Davis -I'm hid limuuiiy LU De with the folks from "down home." Senator Overman presented . peti tions to the senate Saturday advocat ing woman suffrasra niirnori hv niVo" a D. Glasgow of Charlotte, and Miss Anna .Laaaeu, ana one from Chapel Hill signed by a half dozen women who believe the gentler sex should be allowed the privilege of voting. Fil DEFEKOSNTS IN 7 ,POLICCflURT TODAY Heaviest Sentences Imposed in Retailing Cases Day's Record. PAGE THREt rrr P.'. T OF SOUTHERN R'Y IS DEAD Superintendent of Motive Pow er and Equipment of Road Dies in Paris. Flit DA! 10 PAY TAX Oil INCOMES formation is Received That Many Fraudulent Returns Are Being Made. Tomorrow la ths final day for pay ment of Income tax assessmenU and ternal revenue collectors throtigh- m the United States axe working tar and night handling the payments corporations and lndllvduals who ive deferred meeting requirements the law almost until the last mo ment A penalty of five ter cent' wilt at. !fh In H.1ln...n.j. w - -. j... , -..mhi co. til auuiuun- I month of delay. This penalty can- wt oe warved excepting upon estates insane, deceased or Insolvent ner- ns. for the present tha tu mmluinn nf ternal revenue Is giving no atten "0 to fraudulent rntnrni "ich inform Allnn la mskIiIii ih iwtment- every day concerning per "Bi who are trying to dodge the tax. soon as the receipts from honest turna have been disposed of, the commissioner and his assistants will begin investigation of the dodgers. Beginning about August 1 in every community will begin investigations of Incomes, which are supposed to fall under the law - ... CstKstKststBCcCBataClstaiKKs, ? CLUB BATTIXG LAST WEEK a It It It It It H tt It K K Flayer G AB H Lowe 8 7,4 Marry Watson .... J 4 Bumb 6 20 Clapp 5 20 Frje 4 is A. Watson ..... S 10 Overholster 8 10 Rlckard 6 20 Rhoe , . . , . . .6 18 Corbett . . . .' . . .5 21 Ostermeyer 8 4 Fortune 2 2 Ferris S 8 Pet. .571 .500 .450 .350 .333 .800 .300 .800 .277 .195 .000 .000 ! .000 Washington. June 29. FrUndi nf Alexander Stewart, superintendent of motive power and eanlnmnnt nf tha Southern railway were shocked' to learn through cable advices of his death In Paris yesterday. His death Is said to have been due to liver complaint for which he had gone abroad to be treated. Mr. Stewart was born in Port Wayne, Ind., 47 years ago and was well known In railway circles. L EWE IS AT THE MAJESTIC The Other Half. Royal Marine (engaged In coaling hlpi-Wben 1 joined the corps the sergeant 'e sea to me, "It's 'art sol- dler'n ao' "orf yacbtln'." 'e Bays. sup pose this in tbe nloomln' yachtin'i LoodoD Punch. Visit The Langirn Roof Garden in the Evenln. Dancing for the Public Every Night Service in Ball Room Cool Evening. "The MummV and tha TTummlnir Bird," a play which will be present ed at the Majestic the flint thre days of this week Is one of the best Known comedy dramas now before the public. The play la one that by the interest of its storv excite and maintains the interest by the natural sequence of the Incidents, by the dramatlo keenness In which ( i..t is developed by the brightness of its dialogue, and has established Itself in the general estimation as one of V. V. J - . mu DBm cumeuy ar&mas ever present ed before the American public In nf otner single play have so many strong characters been assembled. Paul Gllmore will assume his great character. Lord Lumley, and will be supported by an excellent company, Including Miss Mabel Scott, the popular society actress. Visit The Langren Roof Garden In the Evening. Dancing for the Public Every Night Service In Ball Room Cool Evenings. MORE THAW 2500 QUILTS Go On Sale June 30th At Prices Far Below Work All Double Bed Size-lhe Prices from about 69c to about $2.50. Some Eight Grades or More in the lot. . A Great Opportunity This for Hotels and Board ing Houses. Sec Samples in Window this (Mon day) Afternoon. tsaBVMaVMaaWatMsMHHBBMMI H. REDWOOD & CO. I With forty defendants, charged with about fifty offenses, the usual Monday "Blue Matinee" was staged In Police court thla morning, with a large and nteresting audienoe looking on, from BCilVB provided for those who get amusement or profit out of watch ing their less fortunate brothers and sisters go through the drama of parad ing their faults before others. The longest sentences today were imposed on alleged retailers, although several smaller offenders drew shorter sentences and small fines. Lillian Clark, colored, drew the prlza -owicuw 01 me oay, it being 10 months In the county Jail on charges of retail ing to Jim Calloway, while Mattle Brlder, white, was given a sentence of three months on charges of retailing to Calloway,: Each appealed and bond in the first case was fixed at 8300, and at $200 in the last case. Carl Gregory was given a sentence of 30 days on the roads on charges of being a vagrant, with appeal bond fixed at IJlOO. y . :r Mattie, Williams, colored, was given 20 days in Jail on charges of larceny Clifir Fowler. Brutis Fowler and Miles Landrum, colored, were each found not guilty of assault Hall Reaban, Dolph Nix and George Hart were each found not guilty of assault Hart was also found not guilty In a case of a disorderly nature. Gussie DeRumple, colored, was fined 85 and the coBts on charges of gamb ling and a nol prosse was taken in a similar case against Fred Fowler, col ored, to make a state's witness of him. 'An assault case against Lonnie Young, colored, was continued. Eness Poodles was taxed with one half the costs on charges nf nUnoimr stock to run at large. The case against J. F. Roberts, charged with riding on a fire wagon, was continued. In a similar case, Lawrence Creasman was fined $1 and the costs. The case against Lum Ponders, col order, charged with retailing to Char lie Erwln, was continued. Dr. Paul Ringer was fined $3 and the costs for speeding, Dr. Dunn $2 and the costs and E. M. Gudger $3 and the costs. The last named was taxed with the costs in another automobile case Fate Henderson, colored, was found not guilty Of Violating nn nutntnnhllo law. Fred Fowler, colored, was "fined $5 and the costs on charges of assault. Harry Fowler, colored, was found not guilty of larceny. An assault case auainst John sinc-or was continued. In the case against L. B. Crompton, charged with violating an automobile law. the Judgment Was HUftnAnnnri nnri costs remitted. Lewis DuPont wan fined 13 Ann the costs on charges of speeding. A capias was issued fnr n1 f.n. colored, charged with allowing a dog io run ac large without a muzzle. George Palolis was found nut cnlltv of allowing minors to play at pool. Earl Fletcher was taxed with the costs for violating a motorcycle law. Marv Palton wn a flnAri tiA an a ti,A t . V costs for obstructing an officer In the discharge of his duty and taxed with the costs on charges of a disorderly nature. , Ten "drunks" were un tndav irht being fined $5 and the costs and one o ana me cosis. A capias was Issued lor anomer. 1 m I' ll tt 1887. A July 4th Declaration -of Value Leadership 1914 This store has never been undersold-quality for qual ity -iiui win ii ever oe n we can help it. On the con trary; We Save You Money on Everything You Wear) Scarcely a day goes by but what customers learn too late that the same goods might have been bought here for less. It is gratifying to us to here this because 'Compe tition Is the life of trade.' ; V: But-why pay more? Because another store wairits more profit on goods bought at higher prices? Why not convince yourself before purchasing? . We invite com parison in Style, Value-and Price: and thft far tWrrW customers come back "after looking elsewhere" speaks uiuuii lur iviemous. This old store is really younger than ever this season -Its stocks are fresher; its merchandise "newer" than at any preceding period. IfMAILHli ORDERS PRQHpr I Ili2225! I Watch Us Forge Ahead! Five busy shopping days this week For a Safe and Sane Fourth avoid the later Rush. Shop Early-in the day-in' the week--at The Asheville Dry Goods Company sUtsbM JaaWW tie nmD TEMPERATURE lowest Highest last nlsht . .. 65 . :. 74 yesf'd'y 92 96 COMMITTEES DIFFER ABQUT JURISDICTION Washington, June 9. Confllctinn claims of Jurisdiction among house committees over the administration bills has caused President Wilson to take a hand in 'the situation and he has arranged conferences with tha contending committeemen this week, lie expects little difficulty In brlnirinir about r.armony. CLAUD GOOLAKE PARDON To the Public: As the father oil Ubs Luther. T no. i sire to appeal to tha Kood tuuiii nf Buncombe county to urge Governor - v iuik n ui io puruon iaua uooalake. lie betrayed my little daughter, rob bing her of her virtue under nrnmlua of marriage, and when ahe found that ; nor pretended lover and prospective , husband had betrayed her, rather tli;n suffer the torture and Ignominy , that would be Indicted unnn her hv the lash of public scorn, she ended her lire. Her seducer Is really guilty of murder, but was convicted of a looser felony and sentenced to eight years' Imprisonment He was convicted In the Superior court of this county after a long and tedious trial, being de fended by very able counsel, but al though It has been a u ilnn. ik sentence was I ao posed this defendant has never ' been committed to the penitentiary.- t I am a poor man and am not able to have petitions to the Oovtrnor circu lated over the county. I am a broken hearted father, and I Implore fathers and mothers to Intercede with the governor to deny thla petition. Thla I ask, not only that tha destroyer of my home may bs mads to suffer the penalty of his cowardly act, but that ths serving of his sentence may prove a valuable object lesson to others of his strlpo, like Inclinations and da slgna,who are, seeking to Invade the Innocence and virtue of other homes. Respectfully, J. B. Luther. Htrwmcr Ashore. ' Norfolk. Va., June It. Ths Norwe gian steamer Amanda, banns lalden, r-aracos, Cuba, to New Tork, Is ashors at Baroooa. Ths tug Rescue passed out the Virginia capea yesterday even ing on the salvage expedition. Asheville . . . .' . Atlanta Augusta 76 98 Brownsville.. ...... 74 96 Charleston.' 80 94 Charlotte 74 88 Galveston 78 90 Jacksonville 76 92 Key West 78 90 Montgomery 76 100 New Orleans 78 98 Oklahoma 80 100 Raleigh 78 96 Savannah 76 96 Wilmington 80 92 Normals for this date: Temneratur ll degrees. Precipitation .15 inch. Forecasts until 8 p. m. Tuesday for Asheville and vicinity: Generally fair tonight and Tuesday, cooler tonight. For North Carolina: Oenerally fair tonight and Tuesday, cooler tonight, gentle to moderate west winds. General Conditions (Lam 21 Hours). Rains have occurred in the Lake re gion and the Atlantic states as the re sult of a storm that .is centered over western New York. There is also a slight depression near the mouth of the Mississippi river. It Is somewhat cooler In the eastern stute. An ru of high pressure over the Northwest i is causing generally fair weather from ! the north Pacific coast to the northern Plnlns states. The following heavy rainfalls (in inches) huve been re ported: Columbia, S. C., 2.66; Wash ington, 2.40. Generally fair weather is Indicated for this vicinity tonight and Tuesday with cooler tonight , T. It. TAYLOR, Observer. THE WANT ADS even ormg you neighbors. Probably that family that moved In next door the other day secured the house through these classified ads. THERE are a lot of people who will NOT read your want ad, but there are a lot of them who WILL If you use The Gazette-News. I Del Tox and Prairie GRASS RUGS 50c to $10.00 'Japanese and Chinese MATTING RUGS Ideal Summer Floor Coverings, all sizes, aU prices and patterns. .A large new stock. Cash or Credit. Extra Special Values in room size Mattings Rugs, $3.50 up -( Beaumont Furniture Co. The Home of Furniture Values 27 South Main St. ffc . U. S. Department of Agriculture. zokSZr WEAHER-BlJREAU. rTxCtK. IvjWtt' -fill Monday, June 29, 1914 yt S 4 - I Monday, June 29, 1914 ttVtL.arM'A.'4ys(i.MMA. nbMmdMI MM II I iTk tlriilllB Him II. mmhm b I v.- . .... . . " ' - wv r wivhi intuww wuii HUDtruDri: artva anil hkf Mm ft..!-. . O O psrtty toady; O toodr. rsis; Q oo! mxxt mlMlm, . Arrow. eT IU tb. wiod.T Tim Uuri UdJubml coBd. prtolplauwi of jM lacs Of awe tor pest M bourr, iblrd. nsxlmam wlod velocity. . X2arS W( .