PAGE TWELVE THE A SHE VILLI! GAZETTE NEWS Saterday, JtQy 11, 1914 COKE Excellent for summer cooking. Light, and there fore more bulk; clean, dust less and smokeless. Carolina Goal & Ice Company SO Pattern Are. Drubmor Bid?. PHONE 130 THE QUALITY'S THERE Yes, it's the quality that makes ' Guarantee Shoes so popular , with men and ladies, best leather, best workmanship . For men $4 and $5. Put shoes on your feet that have ALL STYLE and ALL QUALITY. Black and tan leathers; also white oxfords. Guarantee O South Main St REMOVAL NOTICE 1 mmmm We have moved from 22 i Patton Avenue to tho store formerly occupied by the Ashe vllle Pair.t and Glass Co., on North Main street in Langren 'Hotel building. The I. X. L. Dept. Store. 14 North Main St. Phone 107 ' The 150 Military Students of course want to lip perfectly dressed on every occasion NICHOLS WAY laundry work leads in point of quality, young gentlemen, and we'll be pleased to serve you while in Ashevllle. PHONE 2000 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. B5 West College Street Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23-25 South Main Street Phono 887 CORN CLUB MEMBERS U Director of Corn Club Work in State Spoke to the Local Boys Today. T. E. Browne, state agent In charge of the boys' corn club work In this state, addressed the members of the Buncombe County Boys' Corn club this morning at the meeting held on the Blltmore estate, Mr. Browne's address was replete with advice and suggestions to the boys in regard to the work done and he told of the work that Is being done in other parts of the state, predicting that the local club will be able to show up with the other clubs in the state in point of work accomplished. Mr. Browne came here from a trip he has Just finished in Macon, Clay and Jackson counties, where he has been visiting the teachers' institute in the interest of the corn club work. He will leave here for Madison. Cherokee, Haj-wood and Graham counties, where next week he will continue the work in behalf of the corn clubs. Several people from the city at tended the meeting this morning of the local club. The boys met on the plaza at Blltmore at 10 o'clock and were taken over the estate In car riages. At the dairy a stop was made, the plant being Inspected and ad dresses delivered by several of the men present. DIES IN NEW YORK CITY Built Asheville 's First Sani tarium When It Was a Mere Village. Dr. William Gleitsmann, who estab lished the first sanitarium ever built in this city, died several days ago In New York, according to information just reaching this city. The deceased came to Asheville about 40 years ugo, when It was nothing more than a vil lage, and opened a sanitarium. His lielief in the future of Asheville has been well borne out by the building nf a modern city on the site of the country village he came to years atro. The deceased was a native of Bava ria, where he was born 74 years ago. For several years he was a member of the staff of the Polytechnic hospital in New York. The deceased is well remembered by many of the older res idents of this city, who will learn of his death with sorrow. SEVERE RHEUMATIC NHS DISAPPEAR Rheumatism depends on an acid which flows in the blood, affecting the muscles and Joints, producing in flammation, stiffness and pain. This acid gets Into the blood through some defect In the digestive processes, and remains there because the liver, kid neys and skin are too torpid to carry it off. Hood's 1 Sarsaparllla, the old-time blood tonic, is very successful In the treatment of rheumatism. It acts di rectly, with purifying effect, on the blood, and through the blood on the liver, kidneys and skin, which It stimulates, and at the same time it improves the digestion. Get Hood's Sarsaparflla today. Sold by all druggists. REV. CP. HAAARICK TO LEAVE LOCAL CHURCH Rev. G. P. Hamrlrk, who for some time has been pastor of West End Baptist church of this city, his accept ed the call t the Baptist church at Canton. Rev. Mr. IJamrlck has won many friends in this city during the time that he has been pastor of the local church. Rev. J. C. Owen, who has occupied the pulpit at the Canton church, goes to Mars Hill, where he will become pastor of the Baptist church at that place. Macey Cabinets and Filing Devices . Save worry in looking for your pnpers, by filing them away systematically. see JBurton & Holt J). MR. HOWELL BACK FROM MADISON CO. INSTITUTE wot: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmim tfUHhOM'TION of PARTNERSHIP. -retee is hereby given that by mu hial ureement the partnership here tofore existing between Samuel Boris CMKAnniucI 1-lnestcln. known as Sam fiffl Ports Co., doing business at 24 Mirth Main street, Anhevllie, N. C, has Men dissolved this Tth day of July. Hail All bills due said firm of Bamuel Boris ft Co., are payable to Samuel Ftnesteln and all bills due by said firm will be paid by him. The business Will continue at 24 South Main street by Samuel Plnesteln. Witness our hands this Tth day of JUill4. t 8AMT'EL BORIS. SAMUEL KINESTEIN. 127-lt. Store .will be closed after August , 1st, 6 pm., on Saturday, 9 p. m. Harry Howell, superintendent of the Ashevllle city schools, returned yester day aflernoon from Marshall, where he has been conducting the bl-ennlal t u hers' institute for Madison cdunty Mr. Howell had charge of the Inter mediate department and Harris of t'oneord was In charge of the pri mary department of the Institute. A large nunilter of teachers attended the .institute and Mr. Howell states that a great deul of Interest was manifested. NOTICE OF BTOCKHOLDKK H MEETING ASHEVILLE CEME TERY to Notice la hereby given that the an nual meeting of the stork holder of , Ihe Aaherllle Cmetry company for EB sOB) of director ILnrt th. tlon of other huilneM. will h. on Monday. Jul nth. nn .i o'clook p. m. In the ofnc of Parker A UnrHm This July Ird. 1(14. Haywood pahkbr, ftcrarr. Ul-t K K K K ,.. sr. KHmtKm. r TH TJMIS ftVD TJS r KKRftltRltltltKlt'' Gary Fortune is leading all the pitchers in the league In percentage, for according to the official figures hi percentage1 Is .831. He has played In six games, having lost only one. Some record for the boy and one that every fan In this dty can he proud of. Hut Asheville does not come In the list again until Oatemey er Is rear heed and his percentage I only .620. Harry Watson elmes next wth .444 and then comes Ferris with .42. In club batting, Asheville stands third with a percentage of, 249 Not so bad after all. And Durham and Wlnatln are below us at that. The lo cal club atands fourth In rbjb field ing, with Greensboro, two points ahead of us. That does not look rood. although we have It on Charlotte and Raleigh. Ashevllle players have secured nine home runs for the first lap of the season, nineteen three baggers and 64 two baggers, with a total of 357 one base hits. All of this out of 1,803 times at bat. Is that bad? This fellow McCall of Charlotte is already setting the league on fire, If such a thing Is possible. Wonder what he will do later on? Where did you get him Charlotte? A. Watson and Welch both lead the third basemen in point of percent age, with .1000 each. Now comes Wilmington anjwearing that they will have a ball team of some kind next year. Pretty tough isn't it, not to have ball of any kind? Charlotte Observer: "Jim Kelly seems to be the big mogul of the cir cuit when it comes to the sale of a player. He got rid of Doc Ferris at a price reported to be $600 and Doc stayed In the Virginia league about a week returning to Ashevllle where he has been having all grades of trou ble In getting away with his games." The latest report has It that "Doc" High will join Joe Holland's team at Portsmouth, Va. Charlotte Observer: "There have been numerous scouts In this circuit this season, but no reports are at hand as to any contemplated sales. The fact is that the major leagues are adopting a policy of watchful waiting on the Feds. 'The receipts from the games of July the Fourth amounted to about $100 for each club more than for any previous season. This ought to be gratifying to President Lyon. The di vision was $478 apiece." McCall stands at the head of the list of batters, in point of percent age, in the league. He has a percent age of .474, although he has only participated in six games. Just think "Doc" High Is or the second best batter In the league. Overholser, out of 23 gamest has a percentage of .315 and A. Watson stands at .313 out of seven games. "Wild Bill" Morrisetto leads all the twlrlers in the league that is now In the league, for "Doc" High is out. In batting. He has a record of .310 which is very good considering a pitcher does not participate In as many games as the other player. And Ostemeyer stands next to last, with a percentage of .081 out of 20 games he has played In. And Just think Jack sent him on several occa sions as a pinch hitter. Schumaker Is leading the league In the number of home runs secured, while Hickman comes a close second. "Schu" has made nine and "Hick" seven. Since the figures were com piled, though, Hickman has secured two more. McCarthy of Greensboro leads the list of base stealers, with a total of 21 out of 54 games played In. Sammy Crane of Greensboro come frst as the leading sacrifice hitter, haling made 28 out of 67 games played In. Schumaker of Raleigh heads the most Important list of all. that of slugger. He has secured 40 one base hits, 13 two baggera two three bag ger and nine home runs, with n total of 108 base out of 64 game. Here' to you "Schu" for you are some ball player. Th only triple pulled In the first lap of the season was made by Greensboro. The same team heads the lap of the season was made by Ashevllln comes fifth In this list. The $395 ($425 delivered in Asheville) SAXON UAR is daily showing the public that a good car with a small cost of operation can be sold at the price. It is easily handled and comfortable to ride in, with lots of foot Come in and let us show you this splendid little room car. Asheville Automobile Co, 18 & 20 Church Street POST CARDS, SOUVENIR VIEW BOOKS. STATIONERY Newspapers, magazines, and many thousands of good books to read, all the new books may be had here soon as they come out in New York. Welcome to our store, visitors and army men and students. ROGERS BOOK STORE Ropers Press - - SB Patton Arenas - - Phone 354 39 Patton Avenue Order Ice Cream for Sunday Dinner CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE NEAR POST OFFICE. PHONE 110. HAYWOOD STREET Proper Plaoa. "I want ten pounds of coffee." "In the bean?' "Nor "TJien picas g., doWQ Hi the croiind floor!" I .it ml" et h'v Seed at Grant's Pharmacy. Chnmbera & Weaver, 1,1 very. Phone It Fruit Jars Rail Mason. 1 pt. 50c. dot Ball Mason. 1 qt. tic. dw. Pall Mason, H ! 80c. u Sure Heal, 1 pt. .......... s&e dot. Bar Baal. 1 at Tc. doe. Sure Heal gal. , . 9MO do. Rxtra Topa lie. doe. Whit Ratfcere .06c. do. Rd Rubber f IOr. do. 1-1 p. Jelly Mould. Mr. do. t Jelly Moulds Mc. doa. pt. Tumbler Mc. do. Brown Hardware Co. um.mtmm. no ot Fly Proof We have recently installed Sanitary Refrige rator display counters, thereby perfecting our sanitary methods of handling meats. "We gladly welcome an inspection of our methods which will convince you that our meats are not exposed to the dust, flies and germs. H ILL'S Where Cleanliness is Paramount "ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR' j 18 BILTM0R1 AVE. The home of Steadfast Shoes Oxfords $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Geo. W. Jenkins 18 st Quality Spells Economy So be wise and always use our MONARCH coal. It is the purest, cleanest and best lump produced at Jellico. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 - - - - 10 N. Pack 64. MERIT WINS That is the reason M & W COAL stands preeminent ly in the lead as coal for cooking, in fact for ev ery purpose. Asheville Coal Co. If. Pack Square F. M. WEAVER, Mgr. 11 ! W. A. WARD ANYTHING ELECTRICAL 12 Battery Park Place Phone. 449 PURE Delivered Promptly Phone 1176 FOREST HILL CREAMERY - 318SaMainSt Dairy Products and Ice Cream Wholesale and Retail NICE FRESH BUTTER FISH FOR FRYING ASHEVILLE FISH CO. City Market Phones 289-290 and 315 Crex and Coca Rugs 75 CENTS AND UP Coca, Rubber and Steel Door Mats 50 CENTS AND UP J. L. Smothers and Sons 15-17 North Main Street Mammoth Furniture Store PINE APPLES EXTRA LARGE QUEENS. 40 and 50 cents EACH E. C. JARRETT 12 NORTH PACK SQUARE AND CITY MARKET BUY A GOOD GRADE OF PLAIN FLOUR. Put you salt and Rumford Baking Powder in it then yon will know yon have pure, wholesome breads, otherwise yon do not Out of Town Visitors For your benefit I will say that should you need anything In Toya, or .any kind of a play-thing for your children, write me and leave It to me to make a selection. It won't cost you anything. Will prepay all charges. I am here to please you. WRITK OH PHONE 456 BLOMBERG'S SPORTING GOODS, TOY AND NOVELTY STORE ON THE AVENUE. Laundry Phones 70 and 2096 trial la alt wa ask. W r treat yonr laundry white. irimmiAAi i i-ttttttTTTF Smoked Tongue. Chipped Beef, Boiled Ham and, Tongue STAR MARKET PHONES: 1917. 1916, 1919 KtSSTiMSB? itnunmnnmirnm'' S. STERNBERG & CO. DEPOT STREET PHONE 333 All sizes and lengths of I Beams. Channels, Concrete Steel and Relaying Rails. STRUCTURAL MATERIAL A SPECIALTY We buy anything and Sell Everything Citizens Transfer Company a JULIAN WOODCOCK. Own Wa gi moving oar special atuatlon. Largest (at man la city. Prompt baggage transfer aerrto. od T. P. A. Phon It, l Patton Anata and most eompe- Cn dorsad by U. C T. Get Our Prices lt pys Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Go. PMJMBINU. BUT Of U, OAS nTTOlO Snow Ball Ice. Cream FREEZERS Made of cedar tubs, heavy retined can, steel frame, will freeze cream quicker, laftt longer and make better cream than any other make. Try one. Phone 63 SottuG reenndwe 11 W. Pack Square U A