Saturday, July 25, 1914 TUT! A HTTTP.r T T M fl A 71PTTP Iff r'BO PAGE ELEVEN (Financial n stocks. Bonds, Cotton Grain, Provisions, MoneyNew York, New. Orleans, Chi cago and Foreign Market News. NEW YORK 8TOCK LIST Close. 66 e 65 25 80 61 33 CS 106 . n 228 96 118 78 180 44 96 23 146 120 111 : 63 25 133 208 168 , 66 11 83 62 103 107 109 160 20 nalgamated Copper jier. Agricultural tier, her. her. frier, bier, iier. can-. ... ... Caf,'; & Foundry ..... Cities pfd ........... Cotton Oil . . ...... Smelling . . . . ... ..... Sugar (tier. Tel. A Tel. .. bier. Tooacco . . ........ chlson . . ... . . ........ lantic Coast Line ..... tltlmore & Ohio ....... inadlan Pacific . . . ; esapeake & Ohio . . .... lcago Mil & St. Paul .... Is ,. .. .. meral Electric .. .. .... eat Northern pfd .... tnols Central : . ... ...... .! iter-Met pfd knsas City Southern . . . . lulsvllle & Nashville . . . . keett & Myers . , -.. irillard Co. .. .. ....... lexicon Petroleum issourl Kansas & Texaa .. T. Central ...... . . . Y. N. H. & Hartford .... brfolk & Western .. .. .. ttrthern Pacific .. .. t. .. nnsylvania. .. u t. ading .. .. ............ hp. Iron & Steel lick Island Co. pfd .. ... 1 aboard Air Line .. 17 k board Air Line pfd 63 thern Pacific .. .. ...... 4 uthern Railway .. .. ...... 20Vi uthern Railway pfd 74 knn. copper . . szfe xas Co. 134 H hion Pacific 125 y. S. Steel v. . . . . 69 S. Steel pfd .. ....... 110 Irglnia Car. Chem. . . 27 ostern Union .. .. 68 CHICAGO GRAIN QUOTATIONS. IWHEAT Open. Close Iy .... .... 82' 82: pt. .... .... i 81 CORN 81 iy .... .... tr 72 ipt 69 68 OATBO- ly .... .... .......87 37 pt. .... .... 35 86 MESS PORK, per bbl. ly ...22.85 22.86 20.12 9.82 9.90 ipt ... .20.72 ILARD, per 100 lbs. ipt. .... ,10.07 t 10.15 IstlORT RIBS, per 101 lbs. Ipt ,11.92 11.70 t .... ....11.47. 11.22 NEW YORK MONET. ... Is'ew York, July 84. Mercantile pa- 4 14 5, Sterling: steady; 60 days ii 486.76; demand 488.10; commer -1 bills 484. Bar silver 63 ilcan dollars 41. Government nds heavy. Railroad bonds heavy. Call money steady 1 2 ; ruling 2; closing 12. Time loans stronger; 60 days 1; days 3; six months 4. NEW YORK COTTON. New York, July 24. Cotton futures bsed barely steady: Open Close 12.38 12.27 12.27 12.46 12.86 12.41 'y ligtwt 12.32 toiler 12.89 cember . . 12.66 nuary .. ,, 11.51 larch ., .' 11.54 W 12.74 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. ptleaBo. July 28. Hogs: receipts 00; higher; bulk of sales 8.66 0 M: "Kht 1.6001.05; mixed 6.450 p; heavy 8.35 9.02 ; rough 8.36 -55;. pigs 7.7608.90. "attle: receipts 200; steady; beeves OfillO; steers 6.4008.86; stockers d feeders R.6O0S8: cows nnd helf- 3. 8509.25; calves 7.76011.25. Sheep: receipts 2,000; steady; sheep 15 W5. 80; yearlirihs 6.6006.50; hbs B.OOJfS.OB. four Note Is Good or Tuition at the Asheville Business Allege. . . Jany young persons between pventeen and twenty-four ould tako a course at a good ltiineBB college if they had the oney. We are offering, to Jipply you the money on a note r tuition payable after you 'rnplcte and have time to earn te money. We conld not raalce 'is offer if wc did not always we situations for Our ; Graduates ! hvrj week in the entire year. j-o not sny you are "going up i see abont'lt. , Come up to- i if, after two o'clock when we ,r'l have plenty of time to talk 1 over. .;, asheville business college uo- mwM 1 l i ! ID HAS SLIGHT CHANCES TO LIVE Suffering ' With.;. Melancholia, Kills John Woodward, Who Wounded Him. urover kj. vvara.v affed 25. win brought to the Meriwether hosnltal this morning- about' 8:35 o'clock on a special train from Almond, near Brv. son City, suffering from bullet wounds In the abdomen. Indicted by John Woodward,' j whom Ward killed last night abOut 10 o'clock at Almond. It was stated over the long distance telephone this morning, from Almond, that Ward, who was formerly station agent at Almond, had only recently been released from a sanitarium nt Baltimore, where he was under treat ment for melancholia. Thinking that he was cured ho returned home. But soon another attack seised him and In his violence he is said to have driven his relatives from home. They appealed to friends for. help. Woodard, a friend of the famify came to helpthem out and grabbed a shot gun that Ward had, In doing which Woodard Is said to have shot Ward, and then the gun was turned on Wood ard and Ward shot him, death coming almost instantly. A special train was sent from Bryson City and Ward was rushed to the Meriwether hospital in this city, but It was eight hours after the shooting before he reached the local hospital. He was accompanied here by Dr. Bryson of Bryson City, who with (Dr. E. B. Glenn performed an operation this morning about 4 o'clock. It was stated at the hospital that the shot entered Ward's abdomen Just a little to the left of center and passed through the Intestines and lodged in the muscles of the back. Ho has few chances to live, it was stated at noon today. Peritonitis developed this morning, which added to the wounds, make his chances for recov ery slight, the physicians say. DOCKET 15 RESUMED T Immediately after the re-convenlng of Superior court yesterday, ; the docket was taken up and the trial of cases which had to be stopped when the Brooks case was taken up .. last Tuesday were resumed. When court took noon recess the case against W. T. Duncan, charged with perjury was being heard. Upon motion of counsel, the names of R. R. and T. P, Cole were marked as prosecutors in the case. The charge of perjury grew out of a civil action heard sev eral years ago, in which It Is alleged that Duncan committed perjury. E. Louisa Williams pleaded guilty to perjury committed during the same trial in which Duncan testified. The case against A. B. Bishop, charged with cruelty to animals, and Mary Shelton, colored, charged with retailing, were continued until the next term of court by consent. Solicitor Reynolds announced yes terday that he would take up the cases In which the defendants are now in Jail in the afternoon and they would be tried first, after which the other cases on the docket would be tried. There remain about forty cases to be tried at this term. PRESIDENT LYON WILL MAKE INVESTIGATION Special to The Gaxette-News. High Point, July 26. After reading an account of the last of the series of games between Durham and Char lotte, which was turned Into a minia ture , revolution, president Artnur Lyon, of the North Carolina state league was asked If he had any com ment. He looked up and said: "I am Just figuring on changing some dates but am by no means sure l will." When asked if he had anything for publication he "said- '"No, nothing special. I've already wired George W. Weorn and W. G. Bramnam, presi dents of the Charlotte and Durham clubs, respectively, to meet me in a conference tomorrow. I) have also wired Umpire Corcoran, who is now at Asheville for the beginning of the series this afternoon between that town and Raleigh for a full report on the Charlotte-Durham affair, or per haps, more appropriately, the Mc- Manus-Boyle-Short affair. HICKORY IN MIDST OF BUILDING OPERATIONS Special to The Gosette-News. Hickory, July, worn nas com menced on the excavations for the foundations of the new urst Nation al bank building. The building la to oost practically $50,000 and will be one story in height. It Is being erect ed on the site of the old building, the bank having taken up temporary quarters in the Elliott building on Eleventh avenue. The new government building' Is rapidly Hearing completion. The con tractors have gained something like a month in their work. The contract made specifies that It Is to be com pleted by October 20 and the contrac tors think that It will now be finished by September 10, LOCAL PICTURES TO BE USED IN ENCYCLOPEDIA Secretary N. Buckner of the local board of trade Is In receipt of com munication from the publishers of the Encyclopedia Brlttanlc. In which a r.n,,..l la m&de for two Ashevlils pic lures to be used in connection with the publication or me mi-jwuw The views desired are: View from the wnnil of Grove Pary Inn and one on the golf links of the Asheville Country club. ThH nloiurwa have already been tttiiititititi(imnstitKr.Kc. ADUIT'ONAIi SOCIAL AND H rntSONAL NOTES, titititttKititttKiiitKt:r.itt! (.Continued from page 6) Tho Cherokee Club Tourney. The second annual Invitation golf tournament of the Cherokee Country club opened Thursday on the . club links in Knoxvllle with an attendance of 160 of the south's best golfers.. Asheville, Chattanooga, Nashville, At lanta, Big Stone Gap, Birmingham, Louisville, Greenville, Memphis, Cleveland, Columbus, Ga., and many others are among the cities repre sented. In the qualifying round yes- j leraay morning at ll ociock cq Rumbough of Asheville and Hot Springs played T. A. McClune of Knoxvllle. At 11:35 Clarence Camp of Asheville started with 8. B. Craw ford or Knoxvllle: at 11:40 J. 8. Hall of Knoxvllle and . J, G. Adams of Asheville started on the Qualifying round, having previously been as signed. At 11:45 S. Herbert Brown of Asheville wont out with C. B. Mc Manus of Knoxvllle. At noon W. E. Campbell of Ashev lie started the qualifying round with W. D. De Vault of Knoxvllle. When the tourna ment was first planned, arrange ments were made for only four flights of 10 players each but on account of the large number of entrants flights will be added until all players have been accommodated. A dance has been arranged for tomorrow evening, when the trophies won during the ourna- ment will be awarded. The visitors will also be entertained at dinner Saturday evening. Mrs. Carroll Entertains. Mrs. Robert S. Carroll entertained Thursday afternoon with a tea at her home on Zilllcoa street for her house guest and sister-in-law, Mrs. Fritchie of Ohio. Mrs. Carrolls handsome home was beautifully decorated with a pro. fusion of summer flowers. Delicious refreshments were served. Tho tea was largely attended by Mrs. Car roll's many friends who desired the pleasure of meeting her sister-in-law, among those calling being noted: Mrs. J. W. Foreman, Mrs. T. S. Morrison, Miss Eleanor V. Morrison Mrs. A. W. Calloway, Mrs. Elizabeth Bolton, Mrs. Fred Kent, Mrs. Willis Collins, Mrs. Orma Carr, Mrs. Arthur M. Field, Mrs. Charles A. Moore, Mrs. Mary C. Robinson, Mrs. Paul Paquln, Mrs. W. B. Northup, Mrs. O. B. Wright, Mrs. Patterson, Miss Jane Patterson, Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Watts, Mrs. Curtis Bynum, Mrs. W. A. Newell, Mrs. H. A. Dunham and others. Miss Horner Honor Gnest. Miss Katherlne Horner was guest of honor at a card party given for her Thursday morning by Miss Anna Rankin at her home on Orange street. The party was a pretty affair, the decorations being of yellow blos soms, and several pretty prizes being offered. A dainty hand embroidered pin cushion of filet lace was won by Miss Irma Schuessler, with highest score, and Miss Horner as guest of honor, received a prize, a lingerie pin of artistic design. Thos present were: Misses Horner, Oeno Reynolds, Elizabeth Cowan, Irma Schuessler, Mary Moore Wooldrldge, Snra Mc Cloud, Martha Chambers, Elinor Mc Cloud, Louisa Mustln. Helon Meares, Adelaide Merrlmon. Elizabeth Weav er, Catherine Erwln, Miriam Rey nolds, Elizabeth Merrimon Mnude Harmon, Dorothy Cotton and Emily Bourne. Danco at Grove Park. A dinner dance Thursday was given by Miss Christine Memminger at Grove Park Inn, which was a large affair. , The table was decorated In roses, and hand painted place cards were used. After dinner the guests enjoyed dancing In a private ballroom at the Inn. Both married and unmar ried guests were present Dancing be gan at 9 o'clock and continued until 12. On account of Mrs. Memmingcr's being in mourning, Mr. and Mrs. Cam eron Waddell chaperoned the dance. A buffet supper was served during the evening and a special program was given by the orchestra. MIrs Mildred Askew entertained several of her young f Mends Thurs day afternoon at her home on Flint street. Several musical numbers were rendered and games were played by the guests, after which refreshments, consisting of 'cake, candies and ice cream, were served. Amor.jt those present were: Misses Mabel Bartlett, Edna, and Lucy Collins, Margaret Glenn,' Juanlta Harrison, Mary Owen by, Bessie Mercer, Mabel Jordan, Margaret, Janle and Nell Wolf, Ruth and Elizabeth Weir, Oertrudo Neely, Henrietta Plnlmyer, Lillian Watkins, Evelyn Worly, Harry Weaver and Fulton Glenn, t The Friday evening dance at the Battery Park hotel tonight will be featured by the last attendance of tht officers and military students of Camp Orove. The Oattery Park orchestra will furnish the musla and will render a specfal program. A meeting of the City Federation of Women's clubs Is called for Tuesday morning at the Henrietta to consider and adopt a constitution. The Wranglers v 111 meet next Monday night at T o'clock at the Manor. After the usual supper, Allen T. Morrlnon will discuss "Agitated Subjects," with R. R. Williams as respondent It It Miss Nancy Robinson Is spending few days with Mrs. Anderson at the Asheville school and will leave tomor row for Columbia to visit her sister, Mrs. D. A Chllds of that city, t It Born, In Asheville, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Park of Jefferson City, Tenn., a son. It It Miss Nan Erwln and Miss Lulu Moore have returned from Banner Elk, where they were the guests of Rev. Dr. ait J Mrs. R. r. Campbell. H It . Mies Eugenia Harrison has as her urst Miss Gladys Clark of Tampa, t It Pendleton King of Augusts, whose engagement to Miss Mary Lou Phlnlsy of that city was recently announced, has Joined his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry King, at their summer home on Merrlmon avenue. Mr. King Is a pop ular member of the younger set, of Asheville and Augusta. Since his graduation from Oxford, England, last year, he has been in newspaper work in Augusta. He and his fiancee are both In Asheville for the season and are the recipients of marked social favor. . - Norman Barnard of Franklin Is Visiting relatives at Wcaverville. .; x There was a good attendance at tho semi-weekly dance at Lake Juan ita last night. City News Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Mal lory, a son; J . In the pool room at the Lang'ren hotel this evening at 8 o'clock, J. L. Malone, cx-bllllard champion of the world, will give an open exhibition of playing and the public are invited to attend. From 1884 to 1892 Mr. Ma. lone was the champion of the world and has played in many parts of the world, having only Just returned from tour of Central America. Tho board of county commissioners yesterday afternoon ordered J. E. Martin, road supervisor of Leicester township, to construct a road from Sandy Mush, near the Mcdison coun ty line to a stated point near tho home of J. Z. T. Rogers and to in tersect the Bear creek roud. While tho new road is to be only ono mile long. It is stated that It will shorten the distance to Asheville from Mad ison county by about three miles. Rev. Calvin B. Waller, pastor of the First Baptist church, will deliver the second of the series of sermons on "Live Topics to Live Folks" tomorrow night to lawyers on "A Noted Trial." All ihe lawyers of the city have been extended a special Invitation to attend. ur. Waller will continue his morning series on "Through the Summer With Jesus." using the subject "With the Birds and Flowers" In the morning. This Is a series of summer vacation sermons of special Interest to summer visitors. . FRENCH JUDGES TO FIGHT DUEL ? (Continued from page 1) letters were the direct cause of the Interchange between Judge Albanel and Judge Daguory which resulted in a challenge to fight a duel. The Fi garo says that when the discussion concerning reading the letters seemed to be going unfavorably for the de fense. yesterday, and Judge Albanel announced there would tic a recess, Judge Dagoury said In a low tone: "You dishonor us, sir." The two Judges, -after going into their private room during the recess, engaged In a heated discussion, it whs said. Eventually Judge Dagoury ad mitted that ho had said more than he had meant to say and apologized Maltrcs Henri-Robert, Labor! and Chenu intervened as peace makers and the Incident was regarded as closed. This morning, however, a report of it was made public on the front page of the Figaro which left Judge Albanel no option but to send his seconds to his colleague. Mme. Calllaux after her collapse was taken Into an ante-room, where she was surrounded by doctors. Tho physicians, who had thought she was suffering merely from a pa js Ing fainting spell, decided when ihe remained unconscious to give her a hypodermic Injection of ether. Mme. Calllaux appeared to have broken down completely, and was breathing with difficulty. Such was her condition that her husband was admitted to her side. The letters read today were written in the second person singular. Indict ing the closest friendship. The lirst of them eald: " "Myedear little Rlrl (an.. affection ate dimunltlve for Henrlette: "When I met thee I felt the impul sion of all my being toward thee. 1 was unhappy. I was humiliated and wounded. I threw myself towards the nefarious -passion. With d splendl courage thou hast reconquered thy liberty, asking of me but one promise to give thee my love. There was between another person and myself such a difference of character." While this portion of the letter was being read Mme. Calllaux disappeared completely behind the side of the pris oner's enclosure nnd her crouched body was shaken with nervous trem ors. The reading continued: "We have everything to fear from a woman's fury." M. Calllaux, in his missive then en tered Into details of the local political situation and other matters and raid he thought he might not enter the contest at the general elections for the chamber of deputies In 1910. The second letter, 16 pages In length, wss begun on October 16, ID 09, and finished on the following day. It was written on the official nots paper of the prefecture of the department of the Sarathe and laid: "My beloved little Rlrl: At last I have a minute to write thee." Then followed a long account of a cattle show at LcMsns and of a visit by M. Calllaux to Paris. It then re sumed: JThou must be very reasonable and stay at Dlnsrd for the present. I fear only one thing blackmail. Perhaps some one will make a scandal. Some times I am very discouraged. What a life. I have but one concolatlon thee." The letter concludes: "A thousand millldn kisses over all your adorable little body." CLAFLIN CO. ASSETS EXCEED LIABILITIES New Tors, July 14 Temporary re ceivers for the H. B Claflln company declared today In a preliminary report that the total assets of ths bsnrupt firm were U3,7I,JH, ad total liabili ties 44,l:,2tS. -. The receivers' report was presented at a meeting of creditors called to receive this Information and to perfect an organisation tor protection of their Interests. Our Classified Section WANTS WAX4TD WANTED A . good buggy, rubber tired, gain. second hand Must be barm-it WANTED By August 1st, furnished, 1 or 2 rooms with sleeping porch and kitchenette; no sick. Address Mrs. Millo W. Ogdcn, 1713 Yale ave nue, Knoxville, Tenn. 142-3t. LIST YOUR HOUSES for rent with us also for sale. We have customers dally waihting houses for rent also to buy. Give us a trial and be con vinced. Phono 649, Donnahoe & Co. . 141-3t HAVE your dressmaking done at No. 3 Gray Gables, Walnut street. 140-7t. MISS EMMA B. AUSTIN furnishes music for receptions, dances, after noon teas, etc. Piano alone or or chestra. Phono 16D8. (140-12t) WANTED Visitors in Asheville to know about the Asheville French Dry Cleaning Co., J. C. Wilbar, prop., phone 389; established near ly fifteen years. Oldest, biggest, best. Quick 'service. Perfect work. Ladles' apparel, silk and woolens a specialty. TYPEWRITER REPAIRING by ex perts who know how. Supplies and parts for all make of typewriters, Typewriter exchange department. J. M. Hearn & Co., Phone 448. 139-tf MISS HUME Registered nurse, at tends patients bv hour. One dollar first hour, fifty cents after. Massage extra. Phone 1344. 46-tf, WE CARRY the largest stock of black and galvanized pipe, cocks, valves, hydrants, fittings, etc., in Asheville. Our prices are reasonable. Let us give you estimate on your require. ments. Asheville Supply & Foundry Co., Market street Phone 15 5. Il-tf, WANTED, RAGS We want about 100 pounds of clean cotton rags, Inquire of the pressman, Gazette News. (90-tf) Big Doings at the BIG SHOE-FLY SALE Watch this paper tomorrow for time and place. If vou see it in our ad it's so, LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Wanted, No canvassing or soliciting required Good Income assursed. Address Na. tlenal Co-Operat'.ve Realty Co., V 1236 Marden Building, Washing ton, D, C. WOMEN Sell guaranteed hosiery to friends and neighbors; 70 per cent profit; make J 10 dally. Experience unnecessary. International Mills, Box 4029, West Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WANTED Male railway mall clerks, carriers, wanted. Good pay. Fine positions. Pay for instruction after you receive position. Liberty Institute, Dept. 8, Rochester, N. Y 143-lt WANTED A competent woman must understand cooking for small family. Reference required. Whit preferred. Apply 20 College park place. (140-31) . WANTED MEN YARD WORK. AL CASKET ROAD, CITY. FOR LUMBER . APPLY NATION co.. . RivERsiry: 113-31 WOMEN WANTED For Governmen Clerkships, $70.00 'month. Ashe ville examinations soon. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute Dept 686-0, Rlchcster, N. Y. 123-51 WANTED Boys Gozette-News. to carrv routes a Boys undor 14 yea of age need not apply. tr, Phone your wsnts to 203, - POSITIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED White girl, to care for a child or two, can give reference. Address or call, 28 Woodfln street 143-St AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED To advertise and sell. Greatest selling article made. Every one wants It. Sells It self. Agents make big money. Bend 6c stamps for Information. J. R, fiueen Supply Co., Spartanburg, 8. C. 128-tet FOUND FOUND At II North Pack square. 'J. A. Tillman, 1e selling clocks and Jewelry at cost . l!0-tt AUTOMOBILES WHEN you want an Auto, call Phone 1761. The Smart Auto, Service, opposite Langren hotel. 116-llt want: FOB SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Desirable six-room sub urban cottage, close In and near car line. One to four acres of land, as may be desired. Excellent neigh borhood. Address "Owner," care Gasotto-News, or phone 1101. 142-6t FOR SALE Small farm In West Asheville: will sell at sacrifice price If taken at once. F. B. Ingle. Call 2346. 142-3t FOR RENT One nice, new house, near car line, West Asheville. 1 . B. Ingle. Call 2346. 142-3t EAGLE'S NEST ACRES. 4,500 feet above sea level. Finast mountain hotel site in Western North Carolina. 20 acres in the tract, commanding views of the far famed Johnathan's Creek valley. Tho view from the pinnacle of Mount Junaluska, near Waynesvll e, rivals In scenic grandeur the Yosem- ite valley of California and tho Rocky Mountains. One-half mile from the Satterthwait possession, the world renowned Eagle's Nest Hotel. Splendid mountain road. The most accessible resort In the moun tains. We invite interviews and :r respondence with prominent hotel men who know a good .thing when they see it Eastern exposure. H:iy fever unknown in this favored spjt, Price 67,500. Aero tracts for sum mer cottages at proportionate prices FORBES & CAMPBELL, 48 Patton Avenue. 140-4'.. FOR SALE Nice 6 room one story cottage, located In the depot sec tion, Lot 50x150. Price $2100.00; $400.00 cash, balance $20 per month. Phone G49, Donnahoe & Co., Agents. 141-3t FOR SALE We are building a nice 6 room, one story shingled bunga low, located on Ora street, Lot 60x150. Price $3000.00. Reasonable terms. Donnahoe & Co., Agents. 141-3t FOR SALE Twenty acres, fronts 1.000 ft. on Fairview Pike, half mile from Blltmore station. One brnn new six room cottage; one seventeen room house: both with water and electricity. Beautiful lo cation. Good land. Will sell part or whole at a bargain. It'e going to be sold at once. Quick actlcn neces sanr if you want it. Address Box 843. Phone 821. , Further informa tion cheerfully given and also 8 ebautiful lots In West AshevlUo. 136-11 FOR SALE We are offering two lots at a real bargain In the best section of Grove Park. Surrounded by handsome homes and private parks. Mr. Investor or Mr. Homeseeker this Is your opportunity to make or save $1,000. Let us show you. Ray Campbell Co. No. 1 Haywood, Phone 1281. tf FOR SALE 690 ft iront on Sou. Ry. opposite freight station, running back 600 ft. to river. Will sell part or altogether. Best factory site In city. Write Box 643 or phone 321 128 set FOR SALE The choicest corner lot In Grove Park, has a magnificent view of the surrounding mountains. Is near ths Golf club and opposite Grove Park's finest residences. -This property is situated on the southeast corner of Grand avenue and Char lotte street, frontage on Grand ave nue, 120 feet and 160 feet deep: frontago on Charlotte street 127 lect. For price and terms see Ray Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood. Phone 1281. 114-tf. BOARDERS WANTED THE OZARK, 76 Korth Main street. Well people only. Terms on appli cation. . Il-tf THE KNICKERBOCKER. No. H Col ' lege street Phone 16S. Delight ful iituatlon, central location, large shady grounds, appointments com plete. Terms according to loca tion of room. tt MISCELLANEOUS. TRUNKS REPAIRED and Rebuilt like new. Keys fitted. J. M. Hearn A Co., 4 Battery Park Place. Phone 446. 139-tf. LET US FIT AWNINGS to your window They keep the Interior edol and add to the looks of dwell ing or store. Phone 1641, Asheville P. P. Gas Co to College street 117-16 QUICK SERVICE and Ideal Dyers, cleaners and pressor membeishlp, 11.00 month, I months $1,(0. Phones Ill-Ill. tf CALL the Big 400 pressing club when In need of work. Phone 1211. W. . M. r. Johnson. Il-tf J. H. McClINNESfc fee. 44 street. Tailoring steam dyeing. , cleaning and repairing. Phone 111. tf FOR NOTARY PUBLIC WORK P- r-ir at Oasette- Newe Sloe lltf Phone Your Wants to 202' want: FOR RENT. FOR RENT Six room House, fivo minutes' walk from the square, nice street and neighborhood. $30.00 a month. See F. M. Messier, Exclu sive Agent Room 26 American Na tional Bank bldg. Phone 682. 24-3t. FOR RENT Two aeslreble offices located on the square, two modern cottages In desirable locations, one large boarding house, and small apartments. O. D. Revell, or A. B. Foy, 15 Revell Bldg. Phone 829. V FOR RENT Furnished, small cot tage $25.00. All modern, fine loca tion. F. P. Ingle, Revell Bldg. 140-S TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT By the day, week or month. Phone 448, Typewriter Exchange Department. J. M. Hearn & Co., 139-tf. FOR RENT Large , furnished front room, No; 2 Aston Park. 139-3t. FOR RENT Connecting rooms fur nlshed for housekeeping, first floor. 18 Grady street. Phone 833. (131-tf i CiX SALE Big Doings at-the BIG SHOE-FLY SALE Watch this paper tomorrow for time and place. If you see it in our ad it's so. FOR SALE Splendid .saddle horse. gentle, 5 years old; leaving city; wi'ij sell at a sacrifice. Address N. M., Gazette-News. : 142-'it. SACRIFICE for'qulck sale 5 passen ger Maxwell touring car. Model 25, 1912. P. F, Hadlleld, Asheville, R. F. D. No. 5. STAPLE Groceries, fresh fruits. Ice cream. Phone 1631, B. M. Shep herd, 41 East College. tf FOR bred, . family broken combination harness and saddle horse, eight years old. Would trade for touring cor in good condition. Address Box, 354, Hendersonillc, N. C. 140-7t AGENTS For Moyers buggies and Studebakers Wagons. Tho Mlllard Patton & Stikeleather Co. 149 Pat ton Ave. 94-tt TRY KLEANSAK tOf white shoes, ensy applied. Tan shoes dyed or cleaned. Work called for and re turned promptly. Gilmer Bowden. 81 East College. Phone 1817. tf. COW PEAS All varieties, for plant lng. Soja beans, German millet crimson clover and anything in field seeds and garden seeds at rear sonable prices. I R. Strieker. 26 W. College. 117-2(it FOR SALE 40 vehicles and 20 sets harness; 10 mules and horses, two 2 horse wagons: wsgon harness, etc. We have recently bought the entire carriage and harness equip-, ment of severs! large stables In and around New York. In tnany In- -stances to get what we wanted we . had to buy many articles we did ' not need. These we wlU cut oat -very cheap. We need the room and do not need the goods. Millard ' Patton Stikeleather, Storage rooms. 149 Patton avenue. 14-tf. DO YOU need tools T We have many -kinds vises, scrsw plates, pipe stciks. wrenches, hammers, etc Look over our stock. Asheville Sup- ply ft Koundary Co., Market street 1 Phone 156. Il-tf. , J. H. McGINNESH. Tailor New Fall, and winter samples now on dlsp'.ay. Masonlo Temple, 44 Market street tt FOR BALE Good cienn newspapers, 10 for I cent. Apply at Qasette Jewe office. THERE are a lot of people who will NOT read your want ad. but ' there are a lot of them who WILL If you use The OasetteNews. LOST LOST A pocket book, containing money and valuable papers, be tween Mountain Meadows inn and Asheville on Beaverdam rosd. Lib eral reward. C. B. Reynolds, 136 Flint. Phone 1401. . H2-Jt LOST Oxidized umbrella cap Sunday night, between postofnee and Cum berland circle. Finder please return to Queue-News office and received reward. l7-6t. LOST Diamond ring, set with two i? large diamonds. Liberal reward If returned to A. B. C, Casette-News ' office. ltr-tf. . Phone S6 for yonr want. FOR SALE '. Desirable II room house exi Montfora ' avenue. Reasonable terms. WfcHTEHN CAHOUNA REALTY CO. J. W. Wolfe, tf. and Tress. rton II 19 NorvQ Peck jnr t forwarded by Mr. Burkner.

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