tfudnewiay. July 29, 1914 THE ASHEVILLI GAZETTR.WTCwa FAGS ITCVZ Financial : "' Stocks, Bonos, uouon urain, provisions, Money New York, New Orleans and I Chicago Marketsi v NEW YORK BTOCK. LIST- - imalgamated Copper Amer. Agricultural 22 7 roer. Car & Foundry-... ""I,, cure, pfd mer. JSer. Cotton OH imer. Smelting r. Sugar . . . fir. Tel. Tel. 6094 103 nH 224 Amei. Tobacco .. , ...hlnnfl. . V .... tf ft e Atlantic Coast Line,.. ...... Baltimore & Ohio ... ... ....... Canadian PacltlO . v Chesapeake & Ohio ........ CHlcago Mil. & St. Paul ...... mi .'i .. General Electric Oreat Northern pfd ......... Illinois Central-. . Uter-Met. pfd ..ii.. ...... sas City Southern .. ...... MUlsvllle Nashville . . . . . URgett & Myers .. .. ...... Ijlorlllard Co. . . . ..... (lexicon Petroleum , . i . , Missouri Kansas & Texas ... ,. Y. Central ...... ...... It I. N. H. fc. Hartford ... Jjorf'olk & Western - . . ... . . 113 13 16194 44 91 Jl 143 118 110 69 2394 9 202 160' 61 1094 8194 62 100 101 Northern reMiuu . Pennsylvania ... . ... i. tending''.. .. I..... .... 10& ...... 184 .... 20 Kep. Iron Steel ...-.... ., Rock Island Co. pfd Seaboard Air Line . . .. geaooard Air Lin pfd . . ... Southern Pacific .....i Southern Railway . . .. . .... Southern Railway pfd Union Pncifia .. ., .". p, S. Steel ... v. i .., .... . . . n R. Steel pfd .... 1 16 61 88 7s 17 72 119 56 94 107 virelnla Car. Chem. ... 25 Western Union . . .... .... 55 CHICAGO GRAIN QUOTATIONS. WHEAT Open. July .... ... Sept. .... ..82 CORN July b... !. ... 72 94 Sept. .... ....69 OATS ' July .... ........35 Sept 28 H MESS PORK, per bbl. July Sept 80-70 . LARD, per 100 lbs. Sept. 10.02 ; Oct. S......J.0.10- SHORT RIBS, per If ) lbs.- Sept 11.96 Oct .....11.45 Close 92 02 74, 71 - 37 38 94 22.96 20.82 10.22 10.80 12.05 11.67 NEW YORK MONEY; ' KYw York, July 28. Mercantile piper 6: Sterling,, unsettled: sixty dsjs 488; demand 491 492. Com mercial bills 486. Bar stiver 6394. Mex ittn dollars 4-1.'' Qjiprernment and nllroad bonds weak. Call money firmer, 80; ruling rata 1 ; closing 20 . Time loans strtfnger; 60 days 3; Hdays 394i six months 1. , COTTON? FUTURES OPENINO. Itew York, July 29. Cotton futures opened steady: Aueust . . ; ,:. .. .. li.BO October.. 11.65 December...,. ... ....... ...11.97 January , 11.86 Xarch 11.99 May 12.18 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago, July -'29. Hogs: Receipts 11.000; strong: bulk of sales 1.75 O 15; light 8.75i9.27; mixed 8.60 l5; heavy 8.40ff9.15; rpugh 8.404(1 t.55; pigs 7.609.10. Csttle: Receipts lS.OOOr steadyr beeves 7.409.90; steers 6.40i8.40; Mockers and feeders eows nd heifers t.760.45r cntres 7.50 ,'..... Sbeep: Receipts 8.00;. -slow; beep 5.15S.90; yearlings 6.604P 55; lambs 6.008. 16.,-. --- ' s IS Continued from page one. Private prosecution also opposed this ud Judge Cllne held the matter over Mil after the term of eourt had ad journed. The matter was taken up yesterday morning, at which time the eourt announced hi h would render W final decision, this, mornlpf. Phone your wants to tot. Ladies' Stylish Light Coats - Very attractive Novelties that are selling well. You wUI Uke tho styles euid yon will ' the) price. Priors: f.7 U lls.60. . LADIES' WAISTS ' Choice White Silks at 2.25 attrartlre Organdies, ' l.i, and 1. Lte ef. -feels wvU made. , CHOICE KIMONOS W Korrwntine Crepea In " light efftxu and dirk rlTorU, ' At, gi.50 and ag. -,m MUSLIN UlfDERWEAR . ti wi, -Prawrrs, . rri Core?r, ukrrts, Com nn BulU, .Pyjaaeaa c. Redwood & Co. DEPOT AGENT AT WILSON HELD IIP By TWO NEGRES '. ' They Demanded tlash and the Keys ;btit Ran When Bhowed Fight. ' Special to The Gazette-News. Wilson, July 29. Shortly, after the departure of the eastbound Norfolk Southern passenger train at midnight Monday a bold attempt was made to rob the night agent and the ticket: of nee. uusseil Ferry, the agent In eharge, was In his office checking up the' business When he heard whisper in the. waiting roonv. putting the cash away and locking the door behind mm he left the office and stepped in to the waiting room to make investi gation. Immediately he was held up by two negroes I who demanded ti cash and the keys, Mr, Perry drew., his iiisioi out, Dut one of them grabbed it and the other made an effnrt get Mr. Perry's1 watch. The agent maae a quick Jump and started after ine men who seemed dazed and ran. i csteraay morning - Mr. Perry met one qi me. two men on the street and a race started. The negro was cap- iurea ana tne poiico are after the otner. , FACTIONS AGREE , ON PEACE BASIS (Continued from page I) have asserted Carranzu would insist upon uncenditional surrender but they have declared that lives and property In Mexico City would not be endangered. The Brazilian- minister In Mexico City notified the state department to day that there was much unrest n the capital because of uncertainly over Carronza's intention concerning guarantees of safety. General Lauro Vlllar and David Gutierrez Allende, Carbajal's repre sentatives sent to treat with Carranta, will leave Vera Cru this afternoon to steamer' Mexico for Tamplco, Con sul Canada reported today. Mr. Sllli- man and General Carranza left Tam plco yesterday for Salttllo. where 11 is supposed the conference will be held. School Mexican Orpliuns. El Paso, Tex., July 29. Carlos Jau regul, an intimate friend of General Villa, left here today for southern Chihuahua, where he will assemble 12 Mexican youths, sons of constitu tionalist soldiers killed In battle aril conduct them to. a preparatory school in San Francisco. . The custom of sending; omhaned tons of CftnstUutlonallst soldiers ta school in the United States originated with Villa and expefases are paid out of the army war chest. It ta estimated that more than 100 Mexican youths from Chihuahua already. have been placed in -American schools by the northern leader.. - To Send Him Back. El Paso, Tex., July 29. Rodolfo M, Flerro the constitutionalist officer who generally Is credited with the killing of William S. Benton, a British sub ject, last February, was a guest at an El Paso hotel last night. American military authorities wore seeking him to order him back across the line, it ta thought, . TROOPS Or RUSSIA SENT TO FRONTIER (Continued from page 1) Yalta and the. surrounding districts lifth Crimea, a state of reinroroea protection, or a modified form of mar tial la wt aa Been prociaimea oy wic government. CalU Out Hescrvca. Brussels, Belgium, July 29. The BeltrUn cabinet decided today to call out Immediately three classes of the army reserves. , -V ..' , ' i Brltixh rnet nans, f "Portland, England, July ' 29. The British fleet sailed from here today tor snr unknown destination. No In- formation, could J)e . obtained from naval officials as to the movements of thr warmssts. feudalists Oppose War. 'Stuttgart, Germany, July 29. So cialist anti-war demonstrations In this olty-today led lo such serious collls. Ion between the manlfestants and the police that the authorities called out the troops to cope with the rtls. turbancea. 'The dlstrlst where- moet Of the foreign legations art situated was surrounded by police guards who were attacked with volleys of atones by the people. SEEKS INFORMATION AS TO N, CIROHIBITION Special to The Oasetta-Newa. ' Halelgb. July 39. A apeclal agent sent Into North Carolina by Virginia Interests to gather information as to the operation of prohibition in this slat spent yesterday In Raleigh and called on the state officers for inter views with the result that the con census of their opinions was lhat the .tut has been bsn.flted by ProhlW tlon. The agent said that he had found many localities In this state where labor wss sUll much demorsJ. tied by the liquor traffic. Hs says he la gathering views on both aides or the prohibition question, and the weight of evidence will be ascertained as for or against best results of pro hlbltlon In this state. He has not suf Scisntly canvassed the state as yet to form an Idea to the 'outcome his uoH of. ths leading men of the state: Material he gather! Is to be used In the Virginia campaign. hatha ' and heated swimming pool are fine at Y. M. C.A. . , i.i.l summer rsies jam luuij. .-- - HJ-lt WIISTM rlHAKE IN lyiUCH MORE TERRITORY Three Suburbs Will D decide What They Want to Do at Mass Meeting Friday, Special to The Gaxette-News. Winston-Salem, July 29. The citi zens of Centervllie, Southside and Waughtown, all sururban communi ties, will hold a mass meeting Friday mgnt for the purpose - of deciding whether It would be advisable to ask td be taken Into tho corporate limits of Winston-Salem or to apply for a charter as a separate municipality, to be known as South Winston-Salem, with their own governing officials. Practically every property owner of these three rapidly growing suburbs will attend th meeting. The sontl ment seems to be about equally divid ed regarding which course to take. Should they wish to become a part of Winston-Salem the advantages to the city would be many, as the population would be Increased about 6000, and tho property value by 81,250,000. It Is admitted that the addition of terri tory would be expensive to the city, as a considerable amount would have to be expended on street improve ments. There are no sewers in the section that would be taken on nor aro there water mains through the greator part of the section. Tho ar gument advanced by the citizens of the three suburbs Is the need of police and' fire protection. Over 200 homes have been added to the communities in the past few months which places fire protection , In demand. Should nothing develop In the meeting Fri day night a large number ot the prop erty owners will favor a tax for the community for the purpose of pur chasing and maintaining a fire light ing equipment. MARIETTA MAN FACES VERY SERIOUS CHARGE Special to The Gazette-News. Lumberton, July 29. E. h. Powers of Marietta, this county, was arrest ed here yesterday charged with vio lating tho white slave act. Powers has a wife and children. The woman In the case, who has been here for a day or two, Is said to be from Bur lington. She is said to be 22 years old and good looking. Powers gave $500 bond. An Embarrassing Moment. There are moments when a man wonld sooner be anywhere than where he Is. Tnke the case of the young man who was talking with tin heiress who can write checks withlre flfmres. "Which do you consider the most conducive to happiness, Mr. Glsgles wortb, money or beauty?" sbe asked. What could he sny? , ' The heiress Is as plain as the law permits heiresses to be. If the young man said "beamy" the Indy would be offended. If be Bald "money" too might consider It a pro posal. -- Then be milled. "Hnvlng neither." be said, Td rath er not be quoted." Cleveland Plain Dealer. .. . r He Saw the Joke, A hearty. Inagu bnd gone almost round over the story of the ftslieruian who, to locnte the place on the Inke where be had good luck, cut a nick In the side of bis boat. "Almost around." for tbe Englishman sat solemn and si lent About five minutes ever, be nwoke with a roar of luugbter. and when asked the trouble, replied "Well, wouldn't It bo a corKluK good Joke if that fisherman got a different boat the next time be went out!" Peep Breathing. "Learn to sit or stnnd erect and breathe deeply." says s health expert "Remember that your blood cannot be properly washed with half a lungful of Air any more than you can take a prop er bath In a few pints of water." Ev erybody must know what a Joy there Is In the deep breathing of tbe pure air of tbe roorntug. The lungs respond to tbe stimulus much as the body reacts from a dash ot cold water. Columbus DUnatcu. Driven te It "Can ytm make me a bureau with a secret drawerr " " ' ' "Yep. Placo to hide a will, ahr "No; I Just want to bare a place where I can keep few clothes. My wife's things occupy all the visible space." Loulavllle Coarter-Journal. Pleasant, Child Visitor Mrs. Jones, pleasa can I go upstairs in your room and look lo jonr closett Hostess Why, Wll lie, what do you want In my closet? Child Vkltori wsnt to see the skele ton pa says you're got there. Balti more American. . The Only Difficulty. "The world owes me Urlns" . "That's all right, old man, as long as yon can get somebody to stake yon while you are trying to collect tbe bill." Boston tiers Id. If you will not bear Ilea son she will surety rap ymir knuckle -Tranklln. THE FACT that, today the right man did not read your want ad Is ne rsason why he may not reSd tt if tt appear agl.t tomorrow; and If he reads It tomorrow and falls to ronty It I no reason why he mat not reply to It the next day If It Is tktr as i reminder for him. . THE YAQUIS REVENGE : By M QUAD Copyright, 1S14, by A asociated' Lit erary Press. Every American of! ns at the silver mines bad turned out with the Mex ican soldiery to help drive the Xaquis back to their hiding place In the moun tains. It was a case of self preserva tion with us. When the Yaqul was on a raid be made no difference between the property or scalp of an American and a Mexican. He owned the land before Cortes appeared. The process of weeding him out is still going on. 'And so when the news came In that the Yaquis had taken the warpath and killed or driven off the men at the Sol talto mine above us We turned out With tbe 300 Soldiers sent up to meet the war party and drive It back. For three days we fought tbe Yaquis before we got them on the retreat It was not enough, however, that we had saved tbe big mines and GOO almost de fenseless people. Orders came to the colonel to push on sfter the retreating Indians and hold them up if possible and exterminate then). We went with them to see tbe thing through and be cause, they bad need of our rifles and of our sharpshooting. Once among the mountains the soldiers could no longer move in a body. There was constant fighting, but the Indians were continually forced back. By and by they bad reached the women and chil dren and their stronghold, and the Mexican colonel rubbed his bands and laughed nnd said: "We have got them penned up nt last, nnd not one shall escnpe. it is the best show we have had for half a century to exterminate them." Tbo stronghold of the Indians was a series of rifts and caves in the face of the mountain. There was but one path leading to It That wound over a number of ridges and then dipped down Into a basin which bad a circum ference of about half a mile. The colo nel's plan was to advance the whole force into this basin when night fell. and, taking cover behind the bowlders lying thickly beneath the caves, we should be ready at daylight to begin tbe work. of, extermination. While portion of the troopers kept up a fire to prevent tbe i'aquls from leaving their caves another portion would collect fuel nnd smoke them to death. We were not averse to dealing the Indians a hard bfbw and dne to be remember ed, but we did not go in for the ex termination of a thousand souls at once, more than half of whom were women and children. "Gentleman, you are not under my command," said the colonel as bo rub bed bis hands and smiled, "and you will 'therefore deeWe for yourselves. When darkness comes my command wlllv march down into the basin. For fifteen years i'hnve been hunting the Ynquls. For fifteen years 1 have been hoping for Just this chnnce." They could not charge us with cow ardice, but when our decision not to support them in a massacre was made known there were smiles and expres sions of contempt. v An hour after dark .the soldiers left ns and went marching in single file down into the basin.. I do rat believe the first man had yet descended into tbe basin whim we suddenly caught sight of a signal tire to the right The Yaquis were not to be surprised. During the next hour tbe whole side of tbe mountain showed signals nt inter vals, and then there was an Interval of three hours, during which not a light was ta be seon. At midnight from the center of the mountain a signal fire suddenly blazed out It did not last more than minute nnd was follow ed .by, a noise UQue of us could make out It was like tbe roaring of a gale In." a nsrrow gorge) of the -mountains, nnd we had been listening to it for per bnps ten minutes when from the dark bnsln beneath' us 'arose such n try as few men ever beard, . . "In tbe utu.e of God. wbat can It be?" asked each man of his comrade, but no one could answer. ' Down there In the midnight blackness some terri ble tragedy was being enacted, but we must wait for daylight to solve It. The roaring, rushing sou nil came to us aft er tbe scrcurl died, a way, but more softly than nt first From "that' hour till dawn came there was no signaling, no noise, nothing to prove that there was life In the mountains beyond 'our little band. The peaks ot the' moun tains stood out first Tben we follow ed the dswn down till our eyes rested on the caves. In front of tbem were hundreds of people, but they , were standing quiet snd peering down Into tbe basin. In another minute daylight hod crept down there, and we looked snd cried aloud In horror. Tbe bottom of tbe basin, as we saw It tbe evening Ing before, hnd been covered with scrubs snd grass. It was a basin Still, but the bottom wc bidden under ten, twenty, thirty feet of water.. There was no outlet and we could See tbe waters-rushing snd swirling round and round ss If to And one. And born on tbe rnsb were tbe bodies of the dead-of the 231 men who bad left ns few hours before. ' Not one had scaped, nigb up on their side of the mountain tbe Yaquis had dammed a spring or rivulet and stored up the ws ter for Just such an emergency. At midnight they bad let tbe flood loose, and It bad come tearing down st ltffbt ntng speed to overwholm tbe enemy, caught like rats In trap. As we turn ed sway In our horror te make our way down the mountain tbe Ynquls raised their voices In one long shout of etnltntlon and then were silent They had reaped tbelr vengeance) and were untuned to let us depart In eac Thone rour. wants t ADVERTISE, -It In Our Classified Section WANTS WANTED SHAMPOOING, facial massaging, Mrs. M. I.. Dunn. Call or write, 210 Biltmore avenue, 143-flt LADY DESIRES two furnished housekeeping rooms, for 110.00, outskirts on car line. Address L. It. care Gazette-News. ' 14S-8t WANTED A good second hand buggy, rubber tired. Must be bar gain. N Gazette-News. 143-3t. HAVE your dressmaking done at No. 3 Gray Gables, Walnut street : 140-7t. MISS EMMA B. AUSTIN furnishes music for receptions, dances, after noon teas, etc. Piano alone or or chestra, Phone 1698. 140-12t) WANTED Visitors in Asheville at boarding houses and hotels to phone 389 for swift messenger to call for ladies' apparel of silk, woolens, linens, etc., for cleaning and press ing to look like new. Experts, J, C. Wilbar, Phone 389. FIVE THOUSAND keys to fit all locks, and one of the best lock smiths in the state to fit them for you. Phone 448. J. M. Hearn & Co. 143-tf MISS HUME Registered nurse, at tends patients by hour. One dollar first hour, fifty cents after. Massage extra. Phone 1344. 46-tf. WE CARRY the largest stock of black and galvanized pipe, cocks, valves, hydrants, fittings, etc.. In Asheville. Our prices are reasonable. Let us give you estimate on your require ments. Asheville Supply & Foundry Co.. Market street Phone 155. Il-tf. WANTED, RAGS We want about 100 pounds . of clean cotton rags. Inquire of the' pressman, Gazette- News. (90-tf) FOUND FOUND At' 18 North Pack square. J. A. Tillman is selling clocks and Jewelry at cost. , 130-35t FOUND By J. A. Gwaltney between Craggy station and Casket plant pocket . book with, small amount of money, owner may have same by giving description and paying for this ad. J. A. Gwaltney, Asneviiie N. C. Route 5. 144-St AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED To advertise and sell. Greatest selling article made. Every one want It Sells It self. Agents mak big money. Send 6c stamps for information. J. R. Queen Supply Co., Spartanburg, S. C. 128-26t FOR SALE Desirable 10 room house on Montford avenue.' Reasonable terms. WESTERN CAROLINA REALTY CO. J. W. Wolfe, ScCy. and Treaa Phone VIS 10 North Pach Square City News ' The public school teachers of Bun combe county will hold" a meeting next Saturday morning at 11 o'clock In the High school building. At this meeting the teachers will discuss and outline the coming year's work and make plana for the beginning of the fall terms of the county schools. HIGH ART CLOTHES Remember yow now buy Uiem AT A BIG DISCOUNT. The. assortment la good and for a short time the heavy weights share the large re - diK-tlon. Ot your Fall Bait ' . $1.. $1.25. and $1.50 . COLORED SKIRTS Tlio value la the host evert ; the) supply In fairly good, silk Shirts at ts.oo to Mon's Underwear, Half Hose, ' Scurfs, Etc. SUIT CASES. satchels: TRUNKS. UMBRELLAS. &0. .Yon will find Oie right : goods at right prices at, 7 I'atton' Avenue. H. Redwood & Co. WANTS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Desirable six-room sub urban cottage, close in and near car line, one to four acre of land, aa may be desired. Excellent neigh borhood. 'Address "Owner," car Gazette-News, or phone 1101. ' . 142-6t FOR SALE Twenty aorea, Iront 1,000 ft on Falrview Pike, half mile from Biltmore atation. One bran new six room cottage; one seventeen room house: both with water and eleotrlcity. Beautiful lo cation. Good land. Will sell part or whole at a bargain. It's going to be sold at once. Quick action neces sary If you want it Address Box 843. Phone 321. . Further informa tion cheerfully given and also ebautiful lots in West Asheville. .. 136-11 FOR SALE We are offering two lots at a real bargain in the best section of Grove Park. . Surrounded by handsome homes and private parka Mr. Investor or Mr. Homeseeker this is your opportunity to make or save $1,000. Let us show you. Ray- Campbell Co. No. 1 Haywood, Phone 1281. tf FOR SALE BOO ft front on Sou. By. opposite freight station, running back GOO ft to river. Will sell part or altogether. Best factory Bite in city. Write Box 843 or phone 321. 126-26t FOR SALE The choicest corner lot in Grove Park, has a magnificent view of the surrounding mountains. Is near the Golf club and opposite Grove Park's finest residences. This property is situated on the southeast corner of Grand avenue and Char lotte street frontage on Grand ave nue, 120 feet and 150 feet deep; frontage en Charlotte street 127 feet For price and terms see Ray & Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood. Phone 1281. 114-tf. FOR SALE Good ciean newspapers. 10 for 6 cents. Apply at aasatt- Newj office. ' BOARDERS WANTED SUNSET LODGE Sunset drive, cool delightful place at foot of Sunset mountain. Vine modern homo, connecting rooms for family, sleeping porch. No sick taken. Bates reasonable. - Phone 2590 . . . 143-6t THE OZARK, 76 North Main street Well people only. Terms on appli cation. 81-tf THE KNICKERBOCKER. No, 77 Col- lev street Phone IB I. Delight' ful ;tuntloo, central location, large shady grounds, appointments com plete. - Terms according to loca tion ot room. . .. - - . tt Buzz around and get a good pair '.of low shoes with.' your small change and a smile this week. Bargain "Annex" of the NICHOLS SHOE CO. On the Square WANTED An intelligent" Tieat ap peering young lady, with business and selling -ability to represent us here. One who looks toward a good future. The Swastika Co., Box 806. , . . ..-'.- i44-3t LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Wanted. No canvassing or soliciting required. Good income assursed. Address Na tlonal Co-Operative Realty Co., V- 1235 Marden Building, Washing- ton, D. C. WOMEN WANTED For Government Clerkships, " $T0.0 month. Ashe vllle examlnatlona soon. Specimen questions tree. Franklin Institute, Deet 618-0, Rlchester. N. Y. - - ... -.- - ... - . 3-Slt EHOCKLEY'S AGENCY ha the fol lowing situation te offer: City, tenographer and typewriter, worn an, $18.00 per week, good Arm and ateady employment; also city, steno. and bkkpg, man, $60.00 per me. Out of town, manicurist, lady, $10.00 per week and commission. Steady em plnyment and good, reliable place. Ne charges are made till situation Is secured and acoepted. This agen cy co-operates with the agency at Knoxvllle, Tennessee, charlotte, M. C, Columbia. 8, C Jackson and Tampa, Fla. Those who desire em ployment out the city, and especially thos desiring to go south In tho arly fall should register now. Office third floor No. -North Pack square. 143-lt WANTED Boy te oarrr rout Qssette-News. Boys under 14 yr ot age need not apply. tf, rilE WANT ADS even onng yon neighbor. Probably that family that moved In next door the other day secured the house through th classified1 sds - ' AUTOMOBILES WHE.V you want an Auto, call Phen 1781. Th Smart Auto, Service, . opposlt Langreq hotel. lli-2t Phone Your Wants to 202 WANTS FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Fine view; good location, modern con veniences; cool and comfortable. Reasonable rates. ITS Flint street. 145-tt. FOR RENT OR SALE two four room houses half block from Char lotte street car lines. Call J. R. Davis, phone 1615. (145-3D 1 FOR RENT 1 nice front room In pri vate house never occupied by sick, people. Couple or two gentlemen preferred. 172 Haywood, opposite , Montford avenue. Phone 1496. 4 . 143-Sti FOR BALE Buzz around and get a good; pair of low shoes with your1 small change and a smile thi3! week. Bargain Annex of the NICHOLS SHOE CO On the Square , PER CENT. MONEY The under-; signed is selling contracts in The National Mercantile company, ltd., -at only 3 per cent which will enable you to buy or build a home or pay j off that old 8 per cent mortgage or' moriey for any purpose. C. H.1 Sta ples, 199 Bartlett street 145-6t TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES Ribbons, 75c each, $7.00 per doz. Carbon . papers $1.50 to $2.25 per ' 100 sheets; typewriter exchange dept., J. M. Hearn & Co., Phone 448. 143-tf. FOR SALE Fire proof safe and two ; show coses. J. A., Tillman, 18 North Pack square. . 143-3t- FOR SALE Splendid saddle horse. ' gentle, 5 years old; leaving city; will -sell at a sacrifice. Address N. M Gazette-News. 142-t. STAPLE Groceries, fresh fruits. Ice cream. Phone 1631,. B. M. Shep herd, 41 East College. tt FOR SALE Kentucky bred, family'" broken combination harness and saddle horse, eight years old. Would trade for . touring car in .1 ' good condition. Address Box ; 354, i 2 Henderzonllle, N. C. 140.-7t!l .-7t!9 AGENTS For Moyers buggies and Studebakers Wagons. The MUlard Patton & Stikeleather Co. .149 Pat ton Ave. 94-tt TRY KLEANSAK for white shoes, easy applied. Tan shoes dyed or cleaned. Work called for and re turned promptly. Gilmer Bowden. 21 East College. Phone 1817. tt. FOR SALE efr-rehtete and 20 seta ' harness: 10 mnlea and horsce, two t horse wagons; 2 wagon harness., te. We have recently bought the entire carriage and harne equip ment at several large stables In and around New York. In . many In stances to get what we wanted we had to buy many articles we did not need. These we will cut out very cheap. We need the room and, do not need the goods. Millard Patton Stikeleather, Storage rooms, 149 Patton avenue. 94-tt DO YOU need tools T We have many. kinds visas, screw plates, pip, stock, wrenches, hammers, etc. Look over our stock. ' Asheville Sup ply Foundary Co., Market street Phone 155. Il-tf , H. McGINNESS, Tailor New Fall and winter samples now on display. Moaonlo Temple, 44 Market street tf. . MISCELLANEOUS. TYPEWRITER REPAIRING Let us overhaul your typewriter, we will guarantee to make It write as easily, and do aa good work aa when , new. Phone 448, Typewriter ex- change dept. i. M. Hearn A Co. 143-tf TRUNKS REPAIRED and Rebuilt like pew, Keys fitted, i. M. Hearn A Co., 4 Battery Park Place. Phone 448. ... . m-tt. QUICK SERVICE and Ideal Dyr cleaner and presser membeishtp, $1.00 month, months $1.19. Phones 115. $36. tf CALL the Big 400 pressing club when in need of work, prion ssii, w. M. F. Johnson. 84-tf J. H. McGINNESS tfo. 44 Mar' et street Tailoring, steam dyetng, cleaning and repairing, rbone 18S0. tf FOR NOTARY PUBLIC WORK ap ply at Qaaette. New office. 3 It NOT ALL, Boarding house' art good one yon can be!lv tlda and still b an optimist It yona boarding house and yourself are tnrompatl- ble, mr a better one through n ad tn thw einartfUd mliimna. ' 1 isuixm.e.iu LOST LOST Diamond' tin, est with two large diamonds. Liberal reward it returned to A. B. C, Uaxtts-Nw orace. . . 131-tf. i