PAGH TEN THE HOT DAYS OP SUMMER . : i ' ' Are the day when M & "W INDIAN COAL shows Its ral merit. Thla coal la arways good, clean coal, and la THE! BEST that cornea from Inside the earth, Seleoted after many years of testing as to Quality. PHONE 130 Carolina Goal & Ice Company 60 Patton Ave Drnhmor- BIdg. THE MOST ELABORATE GOWN Can be appropriately matched here in our f anions Patrician Pumps for ladies, in either patent or dull leathers. The fit is Perfect, the Style the (last word and the Goodness ! has never yet been equaled. $3.50 and $100. HEALTH CONDITIONS AGE COMMENDED Report of State Board Issued Yesterday Afternoon Is Complimentary. SF E Guarantee SHOE STORE 4 Bfltmore Avenue REMOVAL NOTICE We have moved from 21 Patton Avenue to thu store formerly occupied by the Ashe vtlle Paint and Glass Co., on North Main street in Langren Hotel building. The I. X. L. Dept. Store. 14 North Main St. Phone 107 Oh The -preliminary report of the state department of health on the vital sta tistics for last year is Just being made and Ashevllle as usual Is highly com pllmented. The report says In part: Seven towns in the state had a typhoid death rate of over 100,000 These In their order are, Sanford, first, with 186.S; Loutsburg- second, 152.6; Hendersonville third, 129.0; High Point fourth, 124.1; Burlington fifth, 115.8; Forest City, sixth, 114.1; and Winston-Salem, seventh, 104.0. With typhoid death rates over five times as high as the average in the United States, thede Is no question but that these towns need to do some house cleaning and establish a health department. "Of the seven largest cities In the state, as might be expected, Ashe vllle with her excellent health dpart ment has the lowest death rate of 25.3, or just one half that of Greens- hnm. thA nTt lnVMtf with The next In order after Greensboro are I Durham 69.7; Charlotte 66.7; Ral eigh 71.0; Wilmington 104.0. Health work pays big dividends in human life and health." Statements That May Be In vestigated. Testimony of Asheville Citizens. Testimony of AshevUle Clttsens. When an Ashevllle citizen comes to the front, telling his friends and neighbors of his experience, you can rely on his sincerity. The statements of people residing in far away places do not . command your confidence. Home endorsement Is the kind that backs Doan's Kidney PUla. Such tes timony is convincing. Investigation proves It true. Below Is a statement of a W. Ashevllle resident. No strong er proof of merit can be had. C. M. Johnson. 34 N. Main St., W. Ashevllle. N. C. says: "Doan's Kid ney Pills are all that Is claimed for them and I gladly confirm the publlo statement I gave some years ago rec ommending them. My kidneys were weak and I had pains through my back. I used Doan's Kidney Pills, pro curing them from Smith's Drug Store, and they made me better." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's kidney Pills the same that Mr. Johnson had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props, Buffalo, N. T. I SAXON $395 E ILL DURING THE MONTH WE'RE MOVING INTO OUR BIG NEW PLANT And Then LOOKOUT NICHOLS "WAY washing will sweep the entire coun try nothing can "touch us." PHONE 2000 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. S West College Street Ideal Climate Condition Was The Rule in Asheville During July. The monthly report of the local weather bureau for July, just issued, proves the assertion that the climatic conditions of Asheville are ideal. The weather was not too hot and there was rain enough to keep down the heavy dust. While other cities throughout the country were swelter ing in the July heat, with the mercury often standing over 100 degrees, Asheville only experienced one 90 de gree day and that was on July 13. On the last day of the month the mercury registered 63. There were a total of 11 partly cloudy days, 15 cloudy days and 6 on which there was a precipitation of .01 inches of rain. STORY OF ELECTION OF MOTHER COBB TO MDNTFDRD GRAVE Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23-25 South Main Street Phone 887 Evcrcady If you are going camping, your safety and comfort demands an EVEREADI FLASHLIGHT I Whenever, wherever you travel In ' dark places, you find your way easily with an EVEREADT FLASHLIGHT Hunting, fishing out In the woods, your equipment Is Incomplete with an EVEREADx FLASHLIGHT. If you bring up a can of Peaches , Instead of Pears, your home needs aa EVERYREADT FLASHLIGHT. ' W. have all styles and sizes, and rang In pries from $1.00 to $5.00. PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. 64 Patton Ave. Opposite Pont Office The following special from Bel mont tells of the recent election of a successor to Mother Teresa: "The Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina assembled in their chapel in order to elect a successor to the la mented Mother Teresa who recently died in Asheville. There were 33 sisters present at the election. After Invoking the Holy Ghost each sister In silence cast her vote. V. Rev. Dr. Felix, O. S. B., presided In the ab sence of Bishop Hald who is expected from Europe this week. Sister Cecelia Cobb received in the first ballot more than two-thirds of the votes of the community and was Immediately ap proved and greeted aa the Keverend Mother. "She will nt once assume the du ties of her i J ice. Mother Cecelia, a daughter of the kite Ir. B. F. Cobb, was horn in Duplin county, N. C. She entered the community as sister at the aire of 20 and has held many re sponsible positions since then. For many years she was directress of Sa cred Heart college at Belmont, then local superioress of the Wilmington house. She has numerous relatives throughout the state, who are well known and hold prominent positions. "The Sisters of Mercy also formally passed the proposition of erecting a hospital on Elizabeth Heights In Charlotte, and a sanitarium on Bllt- more avenue, Ashevllle. "The ceremonies of the election were simple, but solemn. At tho eon elusion when the remjlt had been an nounced the Ttev. Dr. Felix conaratu lated the new mother In the name of the bishop and the Catholics In North Carolina, and wished her many years of able and successful administration." Sad Victim of an Aggressive Brother Is No More Re membered by Friends. Out in that section of Montford avenue which Is just one mile from Pack square the smallest grave in the world was dug yesterday afternoon. just at the time when hundreds of business men were rushing home from their offices, automobiles were whirl ing by with loads of Joy-riders and the street cars were bringing to the city the scores of people who had vis ited Klversdie park dduring the after noon. "Our hero" is buried In the grave. Some kindness, which not only sees the fall of every sparrow, but guides the last flutter of its wings, decreed that a sparrow should die on Montford avenue yesterday after noon and that five little girls should see him die and call him "our hero." The sparrow met death like a war rior brave, for he was attacked by a larger bird. And the five little girls, who were on Montford avenue playing, responded and did the only natural and tltting thing for little girls to do under such a circumstance of wonder and grief. With much sincere ceremony they planned and dug and laid him to rest. And then, awed by the beautiful grandeur of the thing they had done, they ran quickly away. "Goodbye, our hero," called out the littlest girl of all, as she waved her small hands at the grave And now those who pass by, for the grave is on a lot only a few feet from .the sidewalk, see the grave and marvel, for fairies or little children have been at work. The tinest grave in all the world is soft, new, brown earth, as are all graves. At its head is a cross of tinfoil, glistening In the noonday sun and on the cross is slip of paper, printed In colored chalk. Our Hero." Someone as kind and gentle as the little girls came by and put a flower on the grave and tied it there with a white ribbon. As people pass by, tired business men, Idle youths on their way home or happy maidens out for a stroll, a tiny link of connection seems to have been made, by the thought of some children, between the ruslng and bustling life of Montford avenue and that of the grave which sleeps and Is still. The price of $305 inclnde Top. Windshield, Lamps and Tools. NO OTHER CAR IN THE WORLD LIKE THIS The handsome Saxon la the first motor car and the only one selling at or near its price to embody the essential . features of standard motor car design. It la not a cycle car but a real auto mobile. ' ' : ' . . The Saxon meets the demand for a low priced car that Is both, good and good looking. 1 . .. Come In and see the car and arrange for a demonstration. Asheville Automobile Co. 18 & 20 Church Street We have a few pair of Toung MEN'S DRESS OXFORDS In latest styles and leathers, now selling at $4.00 GEO. W. JENKINS No. 18 Biltmore Ave. GOING LIKE HOT CAKES, A Few More For Quick Buyers Bargain books and boxes of fine stationery "discovered" in our re cent Inventory. 25 cents for books worth up to $1.60. And 10 and 25 cents for box and pound paper worth up to a couple of dollars. ROGERS BOOK STORE S Patton Avenue - - Rogers Press - - .St Patton Arenas - - Phone S54 FANCY CANDIES FOR PARTIES ' ALSO FANCY CREAMS MADE TO ORDER CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE WEAR POST OFFICE. PHONE 110. HAYWOOD STREET HILL'S PEERLESS ALL PORK SAUSAGE HILL'S, Phone 4 I FORD CARS OILS, GREASES, ACCESSORIES AND ' REPAIRS ' Ferndell Grape Juice Pints, Pints and Quarts .15, .25 and .50 cents. Special price by the case. E. C. JARRETT 13 NoVth Park Square and City Market. Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. We Keep the Best only. Prices reasonable. Order MONARCH This is the coal you want for your range, i It is the quick to catch, free burning kind and has big heat Try one ton and learn of its goodness. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 .- 19 N. Pack Bq. Ha M& WCOAL . The Coal that's ALL COAL Freest from clinkers, dirt, aw etc and burns to least ash for any coal brought to th Ashevllle market. Phone 40 for a ton t Asheville Coal Co. . If. Pack Square F. at. WEAVER, Mgr. THE FACT that, today the right m, did not read your want ad la reason why he jnay not read it if It appears again tomorrow; an4 h he reads It tomorrow and fan. reply It Is no reason why h. not reply to It the next day it JY. there as t reminder for him. PURE Delivered Promptly Phone 1176 FOREST HILL CREAMERY - 318So. MainSt Dairy Products and Ice Cream Wholesale and Retail FRESH LITTLE NECK CLAMS ASHEVILLE FISH CO. City Market Phones 289-290 and 315 BUY A GOOD GRADE OF PLAIN FLOUR. Put your salt and Rumford Baking Powder in It then yon will know you have pure, wholesome breads, otherwise you do not. RAILWAY AGENTS ARE NOW MEETING LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHS - FORWARDED TO N. Y. Aahevllle and the Land of the Sky will be further exploited In the Meth odist Episcopal church Advocate, pub llshed in New York, if a series of photographs of local and surrounding section scenes which were forwarded today by the board of trade, are used. The photographs were sent to The Ad vocate at the request of Rev. C. B. Roach, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, who Is a treat booster for Ashevllle and this section. Accompanying the pictures was suita ble reading matter .which should prove to be a source of good publicity. Matters of Interest to railroad men and shipers only are being; discussed at the animal convention of the Southern Railway Agents association which Is now In session at Orove Park Inn. The convention continues through today, tomorrow and Friday. Among the officials here for the con ferences are the following: W. H. Gatchell, superintendent of agencies, of Washington city; Colonel L. M, McClesky, assistant general freight agrnt, of Atlanta; C. J. Oliver, as sistant general freight agent, of Louisville. Others are coming In to day. T. G. Walker, of Louisville, Is president of the association; E. J. Coffey, of 8t Louis, Is vice president; W, T. Townsend, of Augusta, Is sec retary. Chairman of the various com mittees follow: R. C. Klden, of Richmond, transportation; A. L, Bumham. of Lynchburg, trefflcj O. J. Zealy, of Macon, accounting; J. B. Packer of Plnnera Point, Va loss and damage: C. L. Candler, of Nor folk, atandardltstlon of agency forces. S. STERNBERG & CO. DEPOT. STREET PHONE 333 All sizes and lengths of I. Beams. Channels, Concrete Steel and Relaying Rails. STRUCTURAL MATERIAL A SPECIALTY We buy anything and Sell Everything Get Onr Prices K Pays Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Co PLUMBING, HEAT INQ, GAS FTTTTNQ . . V. CRKABMAN, Prest I A. CREABMAW, Hp. To Visitors and Public in General We do not conduct any sales, but Watch our Windows of Brass Goods and Toys; also the cheap Prices. A reduction of .20 per cent will bo given in our. Sport ing Goods department for next 30 Days. BLOMBERG'S SPORTING GOODS, TOY AND NOVELTY STORE OS THE AVEJiXE PHONE & T. P. JOHNSON & CO. SHEST" ALL KINDS OF ROOFING Galvanised Irou Cornke, Skylights, Ventilator, Metal Ceilings, Blow Pipe Work, Etc. 69-71 South Main St. , Phone 325 DR. M. M. LEONARD, Veterinarian GRADUATE CORNELL UNIVERSITY Office and Veterinary Hospital 18 So. Pack Square. Phones: Office 1348, Resldencs 810. Pets and Other Small Animals ASHEVTLLE, Given Immediate Attention . NORTH CAROLINA Laundry Phones 70 and 2096 A trial Is all ws ask. W e treat your laundry white. D; 0. Chambers A Wearer, LlTsry, Phons II Landreth's Seed at Grant's Pharmacy. Shaw Motor Co; PHONB 13S 18 East CoUnge Street' Buzz around and get a good - m i t ... pair oi low snoes with your small change and a smile this week. Bargain Annex of the NICHOLS SHOE CO. ,. - Oa lbs Square ... 1 Fruit Jars Ball Mason, t pt BOc. dot. Ball Mason, 1 qt 86c. do. Pall Mason, H gal SOc. do. Purs Seal, 1 pt .......... 8&o do. Sum Real, 1 qt , 78c do. 8ur Beat fat 91.10 do. Extra Tops .............. ISo. do. Whit Rubber ,05c, do. R.d Rubber 10c. doa. 1-1 pt J.lly Mould .' Sic. doa. tt pt J.lly Mould Mo. do. pt Tumbler . . ttc do. Brown Hardware Co. la M. Main M. PfaoMSJ 1 "TTTTTTIITiiTIITIIIIITl Order Larded Pot Roast STAR MARKET PHONES: 1917, 1918, 1919 1:? Citizens Transfer Company TLlAif WOODCOCK. Owner. W gtv marina .or pclal atteatloa. Lart vans sad most eomps. Nat ansa la elty. Prompt beg gas. transfer seme. Endorsed by U. CL T. ad T. P. A. Pboa 18. 41 Pattoa We Handle the World Famous y M'Dougall and Green Castle Kitchen Cabinets 'They Sell on Their Merit" If Yoiinc Men Knew how imposRible it is for us to supply the demand made upon us for young men with couimerical training tho number of young men enrolled with us would bo ma terially increased. Come up and let us tell you about the phenonenal number of calls we have had this summer for young men stcnograplnrs and bookkeepers. EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE 481, Patton Ave 'Phone 1100 ' These handy, kitchen piece ar. th result of life long study by expert who have (Ivan careful Improvement and perfecting These cabinet ar highly prised in very modern horn whin household economy Is practiced and labor sav ins devices ar consid.rsd indispen sable. They ar so constructed that an n tlr. meal can be prepared for cooking .without taking an unnecessary st.p In fact you may sit down whll yon work. Our divided payment. . plan makes owning ons easy and Owning on make your work easy. J. L. Smatliers and Sons IS-1T BROAD WAT MAMMOTH FURNITTHE STORE THEATRICAL tnanag.r and poker play.r are not th only people to , whom a "full house" is Important It Is Important to th. man who kp boarder r lodsera FOR PROFIT. Araln, th moral: Use Th Oas.tto.New want eolumna GOT TO RAISR eont mon.f by a" month T Thinking ef Bailing WJ lott TUIH MONTH Is th. rU tlm to advertise It Thafa ' meant bv 'taking tlm by lb. to'' lock." Use Th sal ad. .

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