Tuesday, Septemh.. 'AGE SIX THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEW& B,j, ), :!! i' ;'i m if !-! " ! f." 1' fib? I" t ' P !; !: -' ' ' II I I , I .11 -I II I. -I- . 1 I M I I I I I DDDDDDDDUUULUJ . SOCIAL HAPPENINGS Personal Mention, Meetings of Societies rrn i i i i mnnnnmn i i i i i i Bridal Couple Here. ' j schools and colleges, and In keeping Mr. and Mrs. Hermas C. Mills e with the nature of the event the Misses onminers usea me scnooi colors, ngnt spending their honeymoon In Asne vllle and surrounding points of in terest. Mr. and Mrs. Mills were re cently married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. C. Lassiter, In Apex. Mrs. Mills, who is a charming and attractive young woman, was Miss Azzie Irene Scott. The following partial account of her wedding comes from a htate exchange: blue and white, for the decorations, this attractive color combination again appearing In the refreshments. The card party was an Interesting and en joyable occasion. K X Miss Celeste Price Harlow of Rich mond and C. S. Voorhels of Atlanta were united in marriage yesterday by Rev. John E. Barnard, at his home In Preceding- the bridal party little j Grove Park. The ceremony was .wit -Mises Mozelle Lassiter and Dorothy i nessed by the minister's family and a Bell lighted the candles that were ar- few visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. ranged on either side of the bride's Voorhels will spend their honeymoon pathway. Little Misses Booker andji Asheville, viaitins: surrounding May Lea Sears were flower girls, the I points of Interest, alter which they little girls being dressed in dainty white yellow ribbons: Mrs. J. C. Lassiter, sister of the bride, was dame of honor and Frank lin Mills, brother of the groom, was best man. The groomsmen were Dr. P. L. Pearson and Nems Yates; Misses Bess W. Franklin and Odelia Bailey were bridesmaids, these being dressed in white lace with yellow girdles and carried gilden rods. . v The bride entered leaning on the arm of her brother. Walter Scott, Who gave her away, she was attired in white charmcuse and carried a bou--I quet of bride's roses, showered with golden rods and llllies of the valley. Dr. L. E. Freeman, the bride's pas tor, gave the vows. Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Mills left for Asheville will make their home in Atlanta. K Mis Cora Beaty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Beaty of West Asheville, was united in marriage on Sunday with Fred J. Ingle at the home of the groom's brother, C. J. Ingle, on Broad street. The ceremony Was wit nessed by a small and select guest company, and after the service was read an elaborate wedding dinner was served by the host and hostess. : The Friday Auction club was re cently entertained by Mrs. Fred Kent, at her country home near West Ashe ville. with a beautifully appointed luncheon. The club members and a few guests of the club members were present, and the affair was accounted and other points In the western part fn. ,, . th ,n ! Tho Friday Auction club will hold Golf Results. ' Ithe first meeting- of the season next The men's handicap golf tm,rna-;wK wlth Mrs. M. I- Stevens, at her ment'at the Asheville Country club home in the city- The club has been continues to be interesting. .Yesterday j suspended for the summer and next afternoon G. W. Butts defeated ' wek w111 ain renew its pleasant Clarence Camp. 2 uti and 1 to plav:iBOCial activity. of the state. It R. H. Brooke beat H. M. Foynter 6 up and 5 to play; L. Perrin won from Edward I. Frist 5 up and 3 to play; B. Day beat Clarence Hobart, f up and 5 to play, these matches all coming in the first flight. In the sec ond flight Mr. Wright beat Dr. Chers boroujrh, 4 up and 3 to play; Barry Brazelton defeated S. J. Robinson, 1 up; C. G. Littlefleld won from H. E. Williams by default: H. B. King beat J. B. Lyon, 5 up and 4 to play. 9. ? Father Hemmick of Washington is the guest of Rev. Mother DePlanck and the sisters, at St. Genevieve's col lege. m Dr. Francis J. Clemenger. who has been taking a special medical course in Irfn.don, England, is expected home about the third week in September. m X Miss May D. Thacker of Norfolk left In the playing this afternoon in the her home in Virginia yesterday for tournament Mr. Watts will play Mr. Black Mountain, where she will spend Brooke; Mr. Perrin will play Mr. Gay; I two weeks visiting friends. Mr. Wright wilj play Mr. Brazeltln; j mm and Mr. Littlefleld will plav Mr. I rr- an(l Mrs- Frpd Kent and their King. ' j children and Mrs. Kent's mother, Mrs. K k Elizabeth Bolton, will return in about Wedding Invitation. i1 ?'ee,ks ,0f om1e on Chestnut : street, from their handsome country The following Invitation has been , residence In West Asheville. issued by Rev. and Mrs. Bradshaw of i ? H Hickory: Gen. and Mrs. Theidoro V. David- Rev, and Mrs. W, R. Bradshaw 'son entertained at their home on Lib Invite you to be present jerty street yesterday morning with a at me marriage of their daughter, porch breakfast for a family party. m m Willie Bertha, to Mr. Earl Nelson Carr on Wednesday morning, September sixteenth one thousand nine hundred and fourteen at ten-thirty o'clock, First Baptist church, Hickory, North Carolina. At home after October first ory, N C. K For Mrs. Roes. A Hick- Gen. and Mrs. Theodore V. Davld- ison have had as their guests, at their i home on Liberty street, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson of Tennessee. Mr. and l Mrs. Davidson return home today. W. E. Alexander of Oregon Is i among the far western guests at the Langren hotel. I m I Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Fletcher of j Detroit are spending some time here. mm Mr. nd Mrs. John Pelton of Wil- recent beautiful social func tion , ,, -.,, i .k given for Mrs. Harald B. Rees, one of; mm the most popular former residents re- Mrs Haywood Clark of Wilmington turning to the city for the season, wa. la a gUe8t at the Langren hotel. a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K F. Rees, at their home on the Rlltmore Mrs JuIian Pri'ce of Montgomery is road. At the dinner were Mr. and. recfnt southern arrival in Ashe- Mrs. Harald Rees. Gen. and Mrs. Du!vmc Vail, Gen. and Mrs. Theodore F. Dav- j mm Idson. Miss Miller. Miss Rita Ree:. Mr and Mrs. M, M. Brown of Dr. S. Westrny 1'attle, Du Bois Rees Finr,ia are here LOCAL BAPTISTS VISIT E AT T Special Train Yesterday Car ried Them for Inspection of Orphanage. Nearly 600 people made the trip to Thomasvllle yesterday on the spe cial train' operated put of this city for the purpose of earning Baptists to the orphanage of the denomina tion at Thomasvllle for a tour of In spection oT the lnstlttuion. The spe cial traln'of eight coaches left here yesterday morning at 7 o'clock and returned last night about 11 o'clock. Parties from West Asheville, Hominy, Fairview and Black Mountain Joined with the local Baptists and at Marlon nearly 30 people boarded the special train for the trip. The special arrived at the orphan age at 1 o'click yesterday afternoon and all the members of the party were given dinner by uperintendent M. L. Kcesler, after which a tour of the buildings was made and the pro gram as announced In The Gasette News was carried out in full. Several short talks were made by members of the party from this city, and Superintendent Keesler respond ed, by telling of the work that has been and is being done at the or phanage. ' ' PEOPLE OF ASHEVILLE ATTEND CELEBRATION The good roads celebration held yesterday near Esmeralda was attend ed by large numbers of people from, this city and other sections of western North Carolina. It is estimated that about "5 automobiles were present at the celebration, 15 of them being from Asheville. The parties from this city attend ing stated that roads are being put In fine condition by the convicts and the force of men working under Con tractor Alexander. How Ho Lost It. Some time, comments the Manches ter Guardian, In telling tills story, one suspects the coming generation 0f art. fulness. The boy approached his par ent and sold, "Fntuer. do you know the tide came up and carried off my comic paper?" "Don't worry, my son." said the ge nial parent "It can't be helped." "No. father. It couldn't be helped. Tou see It was In my coat pocket" It was at this point that an angry and Inconsistent father proved that 11 could and oujrht to hnve been helped. K.ktXXtXXtKtXttK m X WHAT CAUSES WHIXKLESf X -. WHAT'8 THK REMKDT? m x . X XXXKXKKXXXXXXXXX Stop to consider what, produces wrinkles and sagginess of skin. Pre mature aging, mal-nutritlon, etc., cause the flesh to. shrink, lose Us youthful plumpness and firmness. The skin then la too large for the flesh underneath; doesn't fit tightly and snugly as It used to it wrinkles or sags. It must be plain that tl tighten the skin, make It fit the face perfectly in every place, will effectually remove the hateful wrinkle and bagglness. This is easily and harmlessly accom plished by dissolving an ounce of powdered saxoltte In a half pint of witch haxel and using the solution as a face lotion. The Ingredients you can get at any drug store. The results are surprising. The skin Immediately tightens up, becoming firm and fresh as In youth. Every wrinkle and sag is affected at once. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Witnesses Report on Accident Near Greer, S. C Mr. Fan ning Doing Well. Several members of the party of AshevlUlans who were making the trip to Charlotte last Sunday when the au tomobile belonging to T. C. McCoy of this city threw a wheel and seriously injured Frank Fanning, returned yes terday afternoon shortly after 2 o'clock. From statements made by several members of the party, the ac cident was clearly unavoidable and happened when the party was near Greer, S. C, on their way to Char lotte. It seems from the accounts that the right rear wheel gave way when It struck a low place In the road and Mr. Fanning and Dan Hill, who were on the rear seat of the machine with Ed McCoy, were both thrown out the former sustaining serious injuries, while the latter received several scratches about the face and head. Mr. Fanning is now In Steedley's hospital In Spartanburg, where ro ports today stated that ho Is resting easy. Reduction of Gold. London, Sept. 8. A Copenhagen dispatch says the German ReichsbanK statement for August 31, shows a re duction of gold by $5,600,000. Notes in circulation represented 4,234,000, 000 marks ($846,800,000). The call for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner ' "" TUBE CHIMES Entire new line from a new factory. For dinner calls. Instead of bells. They are pleasant to hear; they sound like church chimes in the distance, Trires go from $1.60 to $9.50 per set. J. H. LAW. 35 PATTON AVEXVE. and others, Mrs. Harald Rees. who is charming and popular, has received much attention during her visit and ha graced many social functions as the guest of hnor while here. m m Card Party. Miss Thelma Smathers and Miss Pauline Smathers entertained yester day afternoon at their home In the city wtih a delightful card party. The game played was progressive five hun dred. The function was a charming tribute to the young ladles of the 1914 class of the Asheville School for Girls who are leaving shortly for the various Native Rhodolite Scarf Pins $1.00 APPRECIATING the demands of the public for substantial souvenirs with native stones at very moder ate cost we have had forty Natice Rhodolites mounted in Scarf or Stick Pins which we of fer at $1.00 each. THESE pins are of high grade stock and make splendid val ues with a genuine na tive stons for $1.00. Arthur M. Field Co. X X Mrs. O. Z. Henderson of Shreve port La., Is a recent arrival at the Langren hotel. m m Mrs. Annie McCutcheon of Wilson, Is In Asheville. X X ! Miss Katherine Pyle. sister of the late distinguished artist-Illustrator, I Howard Pyle of New York, Is In the city, the guest of Mrs. McRae, at her I I home on Montford avenue, for the winter. m m I Arthur L. Way of Charleston U In ithe city, a guest at the Langren hotel. I m x Rev. James E. Coyle of Birming ham arrived the first of the week for & stay here at the Langren hltel. X X Miss Marcella Ciyle of Birmingham is her . m n M. L. Church of Marshall spent the week-end In Asheville. X X John Brookshlre leaves today for Chapel Hill to attend the University of North Carolina. X X J. P. Sawyer, Jr., the young son of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Sawyer, has left for Chapel Hill to attend the stats university. X X Whitfield Carmlrhael has gone to Chapel Hill, where he will attend the . I'nlverslay of North Carolina. mm F. L. Mulllkln, of the real estate firm of Telfair Stockton and company, of Jacksonville, la In the city, XX i Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gray, of Mar lon, ar guests at the Langren hotel. m m , Miss Llllis Smith, of Marlon, Is in town. m m Mr. and Mrs. D. Nell of Montgom ery, are southern guests at the Lan-iren. Millinery Opening Thursday and Friday September 10th and 11th M. Webb Co. Haywood St. (Additional Social on page I) Malwatehln, on th sborders of Rua- J world people by men only. CRYSTALIZED GINGER IN BULK This is nice moist ginger with Just enough snap in it to I nip your tongue ana is ts tenaer as can be. , 40c PER POUND. Yates & McGuire 37 Haywopd Street. Phone 334 City Market THE IIOMB OF FRESH VEGETABLES Fall Millinery Opening You are cordially invited to attend our Fall Open-ino- nn TTmrsfinv. Fridav and Saturday. September R0 i w Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth, at which will be shown all the latest importations and Parisian Novelties, includ ing: . ; . - Small Hoods. Large Picture Effects, Metallic Trirn ' niings, Auto Caps, Children's Hats. In fact, everything in the swellest dress models from the severe to tho niost simple street hats. ' ; ' 5. Ferguson Millinery Company 14 Government Street. Antique Mahogony Dining Room Suit In handsome extension table, side-board, serving table, chairs, etc. Solid mahogany, and at specially low prices. Crated and delivered to freight station for ship ment, if desired. In Colonial, Slieritan and Chippendale styles. Also attractive pieces for the den and parlor, and high post beds for the bedroom. Some fine antique jewelry, too. Biggs Antique Co. 18 Broadway, Langren Bldg., Asher Ulo, N. C. SmmBOEB Visitors to Asheville Are invited to luncheon or dinner at Grove Park Inn, the finest resort hotel in the world. Luncheon served from 1:00 P. M. to 2:30 P. M., and dinner from 6:30 P. M. to 8:30 P.M., at $1.50 per plate. Finest Orchestra in the South af ternoon and night. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF None but high-class factory mechanics employed. Our supplies are cheaper and all work is Guaranteed. ENTERPRISE GARAGE J. B. Itumbough, Gen. MffT. A Full Line of Victrolas AT TALK'S MUSIC HOUSE 76 Patton Avenue. "iiGiT CLIFF The Coal without feet. a 4 We handle the test th Jellico fields afford, ; Asheville Dray, Fuel U' Construction Co ' i OFFICE PnONE YARD THoVe , Set Teeft $6.00 $4.00 All work at reduced price. to- ytsar Guarantee. IB Ideal Painless Tim,:... " fvufaistg 1 S. Main St. Over ZflWl (7 FALL MILLINERY , , Now on Display at Sproat's Millinery ! PARLOR9 Oate Bldg. Tack Bqnm I LADIES GAUZE VESTS 5 cents to 25 cents. THE CALL CO. 17 Rlltmore Arenas BALTIMORE DENTAL R0C-. GOOD PlANa AT Dunham's Music Hoe J. E. CARPENTEI JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry Watch Repairng my Specialty No. S Pack Sqnare. CUT PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS Gem Clothing Store Patton Avenue CASH OR CREDIT $15.00 Suit to Measure Silver Dollar Tailoring C. 15 South Main LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR I-efal UulUUng !' ' I'hone 707 CAMDEN WHITE LEAD IK ITS THK IVIHTFST 1IOI SE EVKH SAW ITS CAMPM Miller-Clayton Paint Co. Zenith IHInts Si lroi' Buck's Ranges Son Save their entire cost in the amount of fuel saved in less than three years. CORXEIl PACK fiQUARK AND IlllTMORE AVE. BURTON & HOLT C"1CHESTERSPILI! i kl-.fca.-ler DI.-J Mil. I. H.4 1 U.H YV u.i, nut wis ai ;'"" V lr.,,1. A. Wo. UK i;iT'B SOU) BY DRLGG1STS EVL"ii MADE IN ASHEVILLE ADMIRED EVERYWHERE rbotographt jta1l be tad to show jronr friends and acquaintances. PELTON AND HIGGASON, NEXT TO PRINOEKS THEATRE. fTJ wt e- r T .-r Laundry UIllllJUlA Phones 70 J and 2096 A trial U all we ask. W treat our laonry srhlie. Narcissus Bulbs We con aupil the Krade of French grown White Narcissus bulbs Rt -per Ao. VI rrrel Can be rown In fU , bowls of water supported " few pebbles. The A0""?,,, pure white, flellrlou.ly and born, on tall P'' from I to 10 flowers n. Grcnt's Phsmi Rrllabl Inif i i