PAGE TEN THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS or 1 BECAUSE IT IS BET TER. is the reason so many peo ple in Asheville use our famous M & W Indian Coal. It has the fuel properties that make it hot, and lasting; burns to least ash, with no clinkers or dirt. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company 60 Pattern Ave. Druhmor Bldg. SEE FOLK BALL TOSSERS Movement Is on Foot to Bring Virginia Pennant Win ners Here. WEAR PATRICIAN SHOES and be Stylish, Comfortable and Satisfied. Smartest Colo nials, Plain Pumps ' and the New High Models. Black leathers, dull and patent. Guarantee I?2Ie 4 Biltmore Avenue REMOVAL NOTICE We have moved from 22 Pattern Avenue to tho store formerly occupied by the Ashe ville Paint and Glass Co.. on North Main street In Langren Hotel building. The I. X. L. Dept. Storo. 14 North Main St. Phone 107 Nichols Way War on Dirt Wins Phone 2000. Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. 95 West College Street Efforts will be made to have the Norfolk team of the Virginia league stop over in Asheville for a series of games. This team recently won the pennant in the Virginia league and will go to Knoiville next week for a series of games with Appalachian league stars, under the management of Frank Moffett, the baseball magnate who is well known in Asheville. Cer tain local baseball fans are behind the movement to bring the Virginia Tars here to play a picked team. With reference to the Norfolk ag gregation of ball tossers the Knox ville Sentinel said yesterday: "Norfolk won the rag during the first half of the season, and Monday that team stood at the top of the col umn with forty-three victories and twenty-five losses for a percentage of .632. The Norfolk team will finish this week on its home diamond, and Richmond scribes say there is little chance for the Richmond team to beat the Tars to the wire. Richmond is trailing In second place at this time and about ninety points behind the Norfolk clan. "When the Norfolk team comes to town it will bring along with it a large number of familiar faces, in that no fewer than four former Appala chian league players are performing for that bunch this season. They are Cleveland and Alexander, of Johnson City; Thrasher, of Cleveland; Marklo, of Morrlstown. Markle has been pitch ing sensational ball in the Virginia league circuit this year, and Cleveland has staged a very classy game at third. While Alexander has not been doing anything spectacular, yet he has been there with the timely wallops, while Thrasher's hitting has also been a feature. Markle pitched great ball for Morristown last year, and Cleve land was considered one of the best third-sackers in the Appalachian league during 1912 and 1913. Thrash er always could hit the ball hard, while Alexar r'ir is a slow, but sure, player. "In Cochran and Humphries Nor folk has two other twirlers who can pitch shutout ball, and two men who will make any aggregation of ball players go some to win out. Stewnrt Is rated one of the best backstops in the Virginia league, while McMahon. at short, has a reputation for last work. That the Norfolk team should draw well here Is a foregone conclusion, and it Is a cinch that Chilhowee park will next week take on the appearance o a real baseball community, the weather man permitting." WEAK, WEAHY WDMEN Learn the Cause of Daily Woes ' And End Them. When the backache and throbs. When the housework Is tortue. When night i brings no rest nor sleep, . When urinary disorders set In Woman's lot is a weary one, Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kineys. , . Have prove their worth In Ashe ville, This Is one Asheville woman's tes timony. Mrs. H. M. DeBruhl, 179 Asheland Ave., Asheville, N. C, says: "At one time I was weak and nervous and the action of my kidneys was Irregular. My back paljied me and I did not slep well, feeling all tired out in the morning. Seeing Doan's Kllney pills advertised, I got a supply at Smith's Drug Store and they acted as a tonic to my entire system. Afer using tlfpm, I felt better In every way." Price 50c at all dealers. Dont simp ly ask for kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. DeBruhl had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. HOUSE FLESH CLIMBS BECAUSE OF THE Local Dealers Advised of Ad vance in Prices of Horses and Mules. Asheville dealers In horse and mules state that several of the larger western firms are now buying up horses in great quantities to have them ready to be exported to European countries In response to a message received by them that horses are going to be bought up In this country to be used In the war that is now waging in Eu rope. This. So Asheville dealers in horse flesh say will necessarily make the prices of horses and mules in the I'nited States leap to a much higher figure than they are at present. One dealer in live stock in Missouri has recently bought up 1,000 head of horses and is holding them in readi ness to be exported to Europe. There has been no advance In horse and mule prices in Asheville, so it is understood. EXAMINATION DATES ' FOR CIVIL SERVICE "SUFFRAGISTS" PLAN TO IT THE TON BrJ Pepsi-Cola Company Will Have 2000 Foot Sign on Druh mor Building. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received by the Boar of County Commissioners of the County of Buncombe at the office of the Chairman of the Board in the Court House until 3 p. m. Satur day, September 12th, for the construc tion of a Reinforced Concrete Bridge across the Suannanna lUver at Bilt inort', X, C said bridge estimated to contain 1200 cubic yards of concrete, more or less, and estimated to cost $12,000, more or less. Plans and specifications may be ex amined at, and form of proposal may be jibtained from, the olftce of Chas. K. Waddell, 78 Fatten avenue, Asheville, tf C. Bidders must examine the plans and visit the site of the work. Bidders visit the site of the work. Bidders must submit evidence of competence, based on past experience, of ability to pt-rform the work. A certified check for $250 must ac rompany each bid, to he forfeited In case of acceptance of the bidder's proposal and failure by the bidder to enter Into contract with the Board within six (B) days after award. Cer tified checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned In six (8) days after bids are opened. The successful bidder will he re quired to give bond for I5000 for tho faithful performance of the contract. The right to reject any or all bids Is hereby reserved. Address communications to the en gineer, CHARLES E. WAPDELL, ' Engineer. 178-6t. Clal..ilng to be "suffragists" two artists arrived in Asheville this morn ing and tmorrow will proceed to "paint the town," or at least a part of It. These painters have a contract with the Pepsi-Cola company to execute a sign which will cover 2000 square feet of wall space on the west side of the Drhumor building and It Is exnecred that a large crowd will watch them at work Thursduy. High up In the air, on a suspended scaffold these painters cut up all kinds of antics to the amusement of the crowds below. They are !resed as women, with bonnets and have always made a big hit. While at work to morrow they will be in full view of Patton avenue west of the p.istcllloe. Examinations for the civil service have been announced as follows: Dis- rlct, inspector, migratory bird law, male, September 16; specialist In In- ustrial education, malo, September 1; assistant superintendent of con- truction, United States Jienitentlury, male, September 21; associate engin eer-physicist, male, September 28; spe- ialist in educational systems, female. September 28; agronomist, male, Sep tember 28; clinical psychiatrist, nlale, Septembe r 28; chief petroleum tech nologist, male, September 28; transla- or, September 28 and 29; statistical clerk, October 7; automatic scale ex pert, male, October 7; translator, Oc- ober 7 and 8; sawyer and carpenter, male, October 12; ship draftsman, male, and copyist ship draftsman, male, October 14 and 15; entomologi cal ranger, male, October 21. PRESCRIPTIONS HEIR TO ESTATE IS BOUND TO COURT On a warrant sworn out by W. R Whltson, administrator of the estate of the late W. W. Goldsmith, Mercedes Miller, one of the heirs of the estate, was tried before Magistrate B. L. Lyda yesterday, and probable cause being found, was bound to Superior court under a bond of 1100. She was charged with obtaining money under false pretense, It being charged that she sold a cow and several articles of furniture which belonged to the estate She claimed that she sold the articles but thought that under the terms of the will they belonged to her. REV. J. H. ROSENBERG AT THE FIRST BAPTIST TEAGUE & OATES Phones 2C0-1996 Rev. J. H. Rosenberg the young Jewish Christian minister who Is tem- I porsrlly in Asheville and filled the pul pit at the Sunday night services at the , First Presbyterian church last Sunday j night, speaking before a large rongre gatlon, will preach at the First Baptist church tonight His subject will be "The Desire of All Nations." The pub no generally is Invited to hear him. TRIALS OF LIFE. The difficulties, trials and tempta tion of every kind in this mortal life really drive us up into the high er element! of our nature, practice us in them, make us veteran! at di tinguithed (torn militia untried in the ndd. old men of wisdom and ex perience u compared with you as; men just comiiig into the trial cf He. Miss Martha Suddath of Columbia, Mo., was married recently with th ring which has been used by eight of her maternal ancestors, beginning with her freat-gTeat -great grand moiner. New Fall Shoes Hlg variety 13.00 to $5.00 Heat tkboni fchoea Nichols Shoe Co. and onr Tlargalnn Annex tor Cars ARE STURDY CARS which are strong enough and built of such good material that they are free from those troubles and breaks that cars in he same price class are usually heir to. Come In and let us tell you why this Is a fact: t ., '. L- : '' . y --i ii.n.,.1 j : Asheville Automobile Co. 18 & 20-Church Street THE STEADFAST SHOE for men of "brains Best make, style and finish for $5.00 your feet can stand In the best shoe on the market. George W. Jenkins, , , 18 BILTMORE AVE. KJ School Books and Supplies ROGERS BOOK STORE S9 Patton Avenue - . Rogers Press - - S Patton Arenas - - Phone J54 Oysters Served to Order, Any Style CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE NEAR POST OFFICE. PHONE 110. HAYWOOD STREET FANCY DUCKS HILL'S MARKET. "Ask Your Neighbor." Choice, Fresh Fruits and Vegeta bles, Staple and Fancy Groceries SERVICE QUALITY VARIETY E. C. JARRETT 12 North Pack Square and City Market START THE FALL . v RIGHT, USE MONARCH COAL This is such a wonder fully good coal, once yon have burned it, you will have noother. Try one ton today. Southern Goal Go. .Phone 114 10 N. Pack Sq. : COO! i Mornings1 t famous M. & nn.f; t The best in fi, I test: Phone 4 " v 1 I Asheville Coal Co. j K. Pack Bqaan M. WEAVER, Uft. THE FACT that, toaay ,ne did not read your want ad reason why he may not,!,' It appear agala tomorrow; Wj , he reads It tomorrow ana tUkl reply It to no reason why h, V not reply to ft the ne daya?, thera as t reminder f0r h1 PURE Delivered Promptly vl Phone 117( FOREST HILL CREAMERY - 318So.MainS Dairy Prod nets and Ice Cream Wholesale and Bi Nice Fresh Oysters Received Daily ASHEVILLE FISH CO. City Market, Phones 289-290 and 315 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS E. L. Ray and J. T. Bledsoe and wife to W. Arthur Ball and wife, property on Maxwell street; 110 and othf-r considerations. B. B. Jones and wife to Noah B. Franklin and wife, land In West Asheville; $10 and other considerations. J. E. Rankin, receiver, to Miss Minnie Reese, land on French Broad river; consideration $75. David Walker and wife to L. M. Knupp and wife, lands In Black Mountain township; consideration $50. J. R. Turn' et al to James S. Cole man, property on lilltmore avenue; consideration $700. VISITORS.AND THE PUBLIC No doubt you are aware of the fact that Imported goods of all kinds are not to be gotten. Blomberg's Sporting Goods and Toy Store has still retained the same prices on all these goods, such as Japanese baskets, trays and all other Japanese articles, also all un breakable dolls, as well as dolls of all other descriptions. All our stork of toys which are, as you know, made In foreign countries, are selling at the same prices as heretofore and it would pay yoi well to buy now for the coming Xnias and get the benefit of the saving of future Increased prices. BLOMBERG'S SPORTING GOODS, TOY AND NOVELTY STORE 17 Pntton Ave. "Everything In the 'Novelty Line." Phone 456 Library Tables ALL SIZES FROM $5.25 UP TO $40.00. We invite your inspection of an unusually well assorted and carefully selected, large, ne stock of handsome library ta bles in a number of popular woods and finishes, includkg Early English, Golden Oak, Fumed Oak and Solid Mahogany. J. L. Smothers and Sons MAMMOTH FTJRXTrURE STORE iiiiiiiiii iiiLii'Buraraiti1 1 n , 15-17 BROADWAY Citizens Transfer Compan; fCLIAH WOODCOCK I---. We fte moTtng our special attention. Largest Tana and most amp tent man fa city. Prompt ban transfer errtoa. Endorsed b C, 0,1 and T. P. A. Phona If, 4 Patton Arena. Get Our Prices ILEm Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Co. PLUMBING, HEAT ING, GAS FOTTNG Z. V. CREASMAJf, Prest, 1 A. CREASMAN, Mgr. Fresh All Pork Sausage STAR MARKET THREE PHONES-NO. VM LlITiTI IIIIITTTTTTTim LICENSED TO WED Pam W. Mackey to Lottie Kirk. Landrcth's Strd at Grant's Pharmacy. Chambers St Weaver. Livery. Phone It WANTED WANTED Driver for rrovery wmrai. Apply In person 525 Merrlmon ave nue. Do not call over 'telephone, O. D. Allison. 180-3t. DR. S. H. STEPHENS, Veterinarian Graduate of Cincinnati Veterinary College; S years experience In the Federal service as Government Veterinarian Established In Anhevllla Since January, Office and Hospital: 60 8. Main fit. Phone 1989 CREASMAN'8 LIVERY STABLE. S. STERNBERG & CO. DEPOT STREET -PHONE 333- All sizes and lengths of I Beams. Channels, Concrete Steel and Relaying Rails. STRUCTURAL MATERIAL A SPECIALTY We buy anything and Sell Everything STARRETT'S line mechanical Tools Phone 87. Drown Hardware Co. , ' It Broadway, Everything Electrical For the Automobile FORD LIGHTING OUTFIT REFLECTOR TYPE This outfit is completely rired and ready to install, which requires only about a half hour's time. Complete outfit loss bulbs, only i $4.00 MENOMINEE MASTER' VIBRATOR Adapted for all cars using vibrating spark coila and especially for Ford cars. No adjusting, no replacing of burned contact points, can be installed in a very few minutes. Size, 6 inches high and 3 inches in width. Price il $7.50 Piedmont Electric Co. i 2 5 Per Cent Discount NOW IN EFFECT ON THE FOLLOWING: ICE BOXES, REFRIGERATORS, PORCH ROCKIES, SETTEES, SWINGS' PORCH SHADES, HAM- MOCK GO-CARTS SULKIES. Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 Biltmnr Avptitia THE HOME OF FURNITURE VALUES. 4 PATTON AVE ASHEVILLE, N. C OPPOSITE P. O. T. P. JOHNSON & CO. SH woS1; i ALL KINDS OF ROOFING:' ' Galvanised Iron Cornk, Skylights, Ventilators, Metal Celling. Bio r Work, Etc 69-71 South Main St. Phow WEAVERVILLE And Lajte Juanita BATHING BOATING Round Trip Tickets 35c, Special Night Ratei 25c Ticket Office Opposite Langnm Hotel ASHEVILLE & EAST TENN. RAILROAD CO. on the bquare. -4 !