'ednesday September 23, 1914 THE A SHE VILLE GAZETTE -NEWS PAGE NINE MM MSTILIEO mm . . UHLUH ED ICASES DISPOSED DF ADVERTISE, I IPhone Yourl It In Our Watlts t0 Classified Section 202 If TO FIND PURSE ills Are Operating in East on Many Trials Occupied Time of the Court on Tuesday Afternoon. Valuables Were Not on Board Account of Ambiguous Law, It Is Said. Steel Car When Unload ed Has Job. 10 H CAROL . A. NITZER NAMED TO SUPERVISE THEM Lt Likely They Will Run MuchLon. ger Sulta Against Carriers May Be Withdrawn. (By W. T. Bost) 'Raleigh, Sept. 23. Supervision over ,e brandy distilleries, those cases in te great desert In North Carolina, jgins with the transfer of Deputy W. Nltzer, who has been in the western strict with R. B. Sams and more re- intly in Roanoke. Mr. Nltzer was here yesterday. He 9 not been assigned to his work but Is known that brandy distilleries perate in the state and the govern lent has bonded them. These are $t running In open violation of the iw. By an interpretation of not a ,w lawyers, there is an exception In ie prohibition statute that allows andy made from the fruit owned by 10 distillers. And they make it. In he 1908 law a concession was mad a the vineyard owners of some sec- ions, and the distillers operate under his clause. There are no such dist'.l iries in the western district, it is said, fecause the same conditions do not kist there. It is now believed that the distu rbs will soon go. While the gov- t-nment can license them, it has not jeen swift to offend the prohibition kntiment In the state. Formerly then the United States caught a ockade distillery with whiskey, lt tok the stuff and sold lt here on the vernment's ground. In deference to he prohibitionists lt caesed the soil- kg and shipped the whiskey to Rich- hand or Norfolk, thus making the tie In wet territory. No test case has en made of these brandy distilleries ioncerning their right to run. The jmbarrassment is the result of an am llguity in the law. Court Against Court. Morphia vs. Southern Express com lanv in tne supreme couri is a trivial ase that promises interesting law henit will have been decided. Morphis is a Chatham colored man ho lost a gallon of whiskey in the iofendant's express office. He sued for the liquid and for the penalty of SO and Judge Peebles ruled with him. (he failure of the company t settle ithin four months made the penalty ult in order. The issue is Interstate. The defend ant company represented Dycniei Deputy Collector Henry M. London of Raleigh, contends that the whiskey has shipped under the Carmack Intendment to the Interstate com- tnerce act which says that 'a common arrier of an interstate shipment Is iable to the lawful holder of an ex press receipt for any loss, damage, or njury to such property caused by It. Suits May Be Dismissed. Three suits against the carriers and pending before the interstate com merce commission have been with drawn so far as the corporation com tnlnsion Is concerned, by appeal to the nterstate commerce commission. These were begun two years ago, liut a settlement of the differences fretween North Carolina shippers anj he railroads results in this -action. the suits weer to have affected rat'.-s Setween the Ohio river crossing and ther western points and Greensboro, ate west of Greensboro on the outhern and points between Winston fcalem and Durham. The commission never made speci fic charges but alleged that the rates fwere unreasonable, excessive and dis criminatory and violated the long and short haul provision. City News Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Kinch, of 42 Walnut street, a son. SEE H. REDWOOD & CO. for Trustworthy Dry Goods of all kinds from very fine Cloak ings, Wool Dress Goods, Vel vets and Silks down to low priced Unbleached Cottons. The supply is now very large and . attractive. See them, also for Fine Shoes of which they carry a commanding line made by people of top rank such peo ple as E. C. Burt, Heywood, E. P. Reed, Rice and Hutchins. Unccda Biscuit Tempt the appetite,' please the taste and nouTrish the body. Crisp, clean and fresh. 5 cents. Doronet Biscuit Round, thin, tender with a delightful flavor appropriate for lunch con, tea and dinner, xo cents. Graham Crackers Made of the finest ingredients. Baked to perfection. The national strength food, xo cents. Buy biscuit baited by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that Name, MR. FOLSOM'S FUNERAL ARRANGED FOR TODAY Funeral services over the body of Paris P. Folsom, the elght-years-old son of Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Folsom, who died yesterday afternoon at the home of his parents on Clayton street, will be held at Riverside cemetery this afternoon at 4 o'clock, provided the father, who was in Cumberland, Md when he received tho news of his son's death arrives in the city In time, otherwise the services will be post poned until Mr. Folsom arrives here. He was expected here this afternoon at 2:45 o'clock. She deceased had been ill for about three weeks, although his condition did grow serious until a few days ago and his death was a great shock to his relatives and friends. He was u pupil at the Orange Street school and was a favorite among the large num ber of boy and girl friends he had there. Rev. William Rice will officiate at the services and the Interment will take place at Riverside cemetery." A. A. Paul Formally Admitted. A. A. Paul has been presented In Superior court and accepted as a member of the local bar. He recent ly passed the state board of exami nations, after having studied laiw In this city. It is not here!" Such was the announcement mrl by the man who was suDervlalnir the unloading of the gondola car filled with concrete steel for S. Sternberg and company, yesterday afternoon at the Southern freight vards. The an- nouncement was made to Louis Gon- zales, the Chilean, who followed the car from Charlottesville, Va., to this city in an effort to find taining $781 and a will from his uncle In Chile, which he said he had lost in the car, It was sad news to Gonzales, for he watched the car throughout the time It had been In Ashevllle and was on hand when each niece of the steel J was unloaded from the his- mr. At times he grew very excited as he would umn Into tho rnr nnri im.hino. the men who were unloading the car aside, would himself nick ud the u heavy steel and throw it to one side. trying to find his monev. piece of steel was unloaded vesterdnv - s, " I ' IT Jl. 1 1 V 1 1 n (AOV afternoon about 5 o'clock and left Ashevllle last night on passenger train No. 16 for Sneneer. wher h. said he would work in the Southern railway shops at that city. xThe story told by Gonzales upon his arrival here was very much out of the ordinary. He said that while crossing over a freight train in the yards at Charlottesville on the night of September 7 he dropped a purse containing $781 and a will from his uncle In Valparaiso, Chile, which was written In Spanish In the car. Just then the train started moving and he jumped off without knowing the He followed trains through North and soutn Carolina and finally went . to Atlanta, where Tard Master Waltts located the car as Big 4 Gondola No. 78,348 and told him that it was load ed with steel In Pittsburgh for S Sternberg and company, of this city Gonzales arrived in Ashevllle on Sep tembcr 18 and has remained here since, until tha car was unloaded yesterday afternoon He told train officials that the money was the savings of ten years and that it was the first time in his life that he had ever been able to save any money. He planned to make a trip to his old home In Chile some time soon, but announced that he would now postpone this contemplat ed trip for another time. Gonzales was loud in his praise of the attention given him by the offi- clali of the Southern railroad com- pany In this and other cities and said that everything possible was done to aid him in his search. TING ON ALLIES LEFT DECIDE THE BUTTLE (Continued from page 1) two lieutenant generals, vou Wllllsen and von Kuehne. The total losses so far aggregate 10,086 dead; 39,760 wounded and 13,621 missing. Austrians Fall Buck. London, Sept. 23. A Petrograd special to Reuter's says the railways leading to Przemysl aro In the hanrtii of the Russians, and that the Aus trians are fulling back behind the Przemysl forts. , It Is said Przemysl Is not r crpared for a siege. In eastern Prussia, accord'ng to the same dispatch, the ltusslar troops are falling back In perfcot order tak ing with them all other stoles and wounded. What they are tt.ablo to take the are luirnirr. The Kussla-i gcvei rtnrnt has de elded to profit by din presence enormous numbers of prisi ners have sorns wr.rk done cn roads. of WAR AFFECTING REMOTE PEOPLE (Continued from page 1) Many a hungry officer Is ready to turn an honest or dishonest penny. "In western Africa the situation Is critical." Letters from missionaries In Chile. report conditions mere as ioiiows: "Chile lives almost exclusively from the proceeds of her nitrate fields. ThelponM vKurto FAIR ASSOCIATION principal buyers In times of peace are England and Germany but no freight can be delivered at present, as com merce with Europe is stopped. I need not describe business conditions, and there are countless homes where ev erythlng has been pawned for food It would be Impossible to transmit funds to missionaries In India, the board continues, and for this reason missionaries have been Instructed tiy cable to sell church property In or der to get food for the poor, DURHAM WOMAN IS STILL AT HOSPITAL Mr. Alma MrRne, who was picked p e.rn.onod t severVl night, .go. 1. still at the Mlsslon-hos- pltal. It wa. reported tod.y that u,r condition I. much Improved, although lt I not known lust how much she Ill ,.n..ln .1 Ih. h..T.llnl Mr Mr. llae la from Durham, Y. M. C. A. Night School open. Oc tober 5. Enroll now. Competent teacher.. 113-tf Ticket, now on sale at Mclntyre'. corner, for Fair, October 13-17. l14. Please buy today and help charity. Phone jQ or 159. 116-2(1 In Superior court yesterday after- noon Herbert Funches, colored, was given three years on the roads on charges of housebreaking and larceny. no 18 anegea 10 nave entered a house on Central avenue and stolen two rings valued at al.out $150 and (9 in money. When arrested it is said that Funches had the rings on his person. "Is ca8e came, up from Police court. Ernest Williams and L. P. Madden, colored, were convicted of gambling, although sentence has not been pass- ed - Henry Peary was given sixty days on the roads on charges of assault. an Gilbert was found not guilty of samDiing. Hazel Campbell was taxed wltn the costs, jon charges of larceny. augment wa8 suspenaea upon pay ment of the costs on charges of lar- ceny - Judgment was suspended upon payment of the costs in the case of w r- Staples, charged with violating Dwuuuru ordinance, cavannan nan- tcr' colored, was taxed with the costs on charges of assault with a deadly I When the cases of Garland Smith anJ Andv Godfrey, charged with ab ducting a young woman of Black Mountain were called, they were found guilty and taxed with the costs and Smith married the young woman In the presence of the court. WEATHERLY ELECTED HI VOTERS OF Is Returned to the City Com- mission by Large Majority Known Locally. Friends in Ashevllle and Black Mountain of Hon. James M. Weath erly will be pleased to hear of his re cent re-election In Birmingham as member of the city commission of three of that city. The Alabama me- tropolis has sixteen voting precincts and of this number Mr. Weatherly carried a total of fifteen at the munic ipal election held last. Monday. His majority was more than 2000 over his opponent, an ex-alderman and for four years president of the city coun cil before Birmingham adopted the commission form of government. Mrs James M. Weatherly and fam ily are still at their summer home at Black Mountain. It was Mrs. Weath erly who, by a big gift some months ago, made possible the big Episcopal colony to be located at Black Moun tain. It Is expected that Commissioner Weatherly will visit the Land of the Sky shortly. NEW ORCHESTRA AT THE AUDITORIUM NDW The new orchestra at the Audito rium made Its first appearance of tho season lust night at the performaii of "Today" and the excellent musicp.l program rendered before the show and between the acts appeared to have greatly pleased the large audi ence. Prof. Cornell, violinist and leader has assembled an entirely new orchestra of live pieces all of the mu slclans being artists In their lino Everything went off without a hitch la.st night. The orchestra lemains at the Auditorium all of the season. DEMOCRATS OF HAYWOOD HA I'j ISHJ 1 1 ALLY AT WAYNES ILLr Democrats of Haywood county held a big rally at Waynesville yesterday afternoon the principal address being made by Robert R. Williams of Ashe- vllle. Branner Gilmer presided ana tn there was much enthusiasm manuesi A The attendance was large, iwr Williams commended the admlnistra tlon of not only President Woodrow Wilson but of the entire democratic party in power, saying that tho demo crats were the friends of the farmers and all other clases. The speaker pointed with pride to the ract that President Wilson, among, other big thinffn. had Drcvented a war with M(.xlc0 and this meant much for the United States. Mr. Williams was glv- en the un(uvidcd attention of his large number of hearers. AT A StEETIXG IX ASHKVILLE Negroes of western North Carolina will meet In Ashevllle on October at No. 24 Eagle street and form colored fair association. It Is ex pected that tl.e meeting here win be ,a , attended and that It will result lhow beln(f put on next yoar coiored citizens. The colored fair now being held at West Ashevllle will come to a close tomorrow. Those behind lt say that It has been a big success. local y. m. c. a. atiu.ktic WIUIK Jl.v lir.l.,i .ut iu.ir.il Thyslral Director Harry M. Dill ht 'he local Y. C A nr game, and dnnr ng W Prt of the athletic w ork of the association this fall and winter. II. '' " -ony- gomes lO n imruuui-eu i. ins hji.i pHSIlim ciavsn. 1 no limn dm, 'Highland Fling" and other dancing will make up the program of .that fea ture of the work. The Y. M. C. A. Night School, the door of opportunity fur young men who wish to Improve their mind, opens October 5, thu. Increasing their efficiency. Enroll now. 193-tf. WANTS mmmtmmmmmmmammaaaak BOARDERS WANTED THE OZARK, 78 North iia.n street. Wtll peopls only. Terms on appli cation. l-tf THE KNICKERBOCKER, No. 77 Col leg street Phone IE. 3. Delight ful i;tuatlon, central location, large shady grounds, appointment com plete. Terms according to loca tion of room. U. THEATRICAL managers and poker players are not the only people to whom a "full house" is Important. It Is important to the man who keeps boarders or lodgers FOR PROFIT. Again, the moral: Use The Gazette-News want columns- HELP WANTED GOVERNMENT Positions are easy to get. My free booklet T-573 tells how. Write today now. Earl Hop kins, Washington, D. C. WANTED Boy to carry papers. Ap ply to Gazette-News office. tf Financial CHICAGO GRAIN QUOTATIONS. WHEAT Open Close I Sept Ill 108 Vi" Dec 113 111 May 120 118 CORN Dec. 72 71 May . 75 75 OATS Dec . ... 50 '50 May 53 53 PORK Sept .... 17.85 Jan. .... ...... . .20.45 20.35 LARD Oct. .... .... .... 9.50 9.37 Jan. .... 10.05 9.95 RIBS Oct. 10.92 Jan 10.67 10.55 CHICAGO GRAIN. Chicago, Sept. 22. Wheat declined today and the market seemed barren of buying orders. The Opening 1-3 cent decline to 3-8 cent advance, was followed by a moderate setback all around. Corn sagged with wheat. After ooenlns a shade to 1-8 1-4 off lt suffered a sharp fall. There was no strength In oats and prices showed a momentary upturn and then declined. Lower ouotations for cereals and hogs pulled down provisions. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago. Sept. 22. Hogs: receipts, 12,000; dull; bulk 8.00W9.50; light 8.30(?t9.50; mixed 8.30(i'9.30; heavy 8.30W9.00; rough 7.008.30; pigs 7.30W8.30. Cattle: receipts 12,000; weak beeves 9.0011.00; cows and heifers 7.00iff8.00; stockers and feeders 7.50 Si 9.20; calves 8.25 B 12.00 . Sheep: receipts 38,000; slow; sheep 4.90i5.76: yeurlings 6.75.D0; lambs 6.607.90. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool, Sept. 22. Cotton spot In moderate demand at unchanged prices. Sales ?.700 bales, including 1,000 bales on the basis of 5.80 pence for middling. Receipts 2,675 bales, Including 1,197 American. NEW YORK MONEY.. New York, , Sept. 22. Exchanges $1,179,833; balances 117,372,909. Mercantile paper 7. Exchange firm; cables 4.9530; de mand 4.9650. Bar sliver 52. S ADDITIONAL SOCIAL AND R VK 15SON AL NOTES. KKftllKMirRRtttKRKKt'.KKK .Continued from dim 6) Miss Nellie Welch and Troy W. Muse, of thl. city, were unltel In mar riage Monday afternoon at the home of Mr.. 8. H. Phillips, the bride's sister, on Jefferson drive. Rev. E. M. Hoyle, pastor of the Haywood street Methodist church, wa. the of ficiating minister. The weddli g was witnessed by only the Immediate rel atiie. of the brldo Mr. and Mm. Muse left for Wanhing'.t.ii and New crk and will upon iha.? itlurn. af-U-r October 1, be at home et 29 Jcf ferfon drive. C. H. Hltee. News Editor of The Citizen has returned to Ashevllle from a vacation spent In Johnson City, Bristol, Knoxvllle and Nashville, t R Charles F, Pressley and small son, Edward Pressley of Boston have ar rived In the city for a month', stay. POULTRY M EX MAKE PLAXR I'OR SHOW AT THE DIG FAIR Further plan, for a large exhibition of poultry at the coming Western North Carolina fair were dl.cussed at a meeting held last night by local fanciers at the city hall anf.preslded over by J. M. Campbell, who Is In charge of this department of the fair. Mnny entries have been promised ac cording to Mr. Campbell. Another meeting will he held tomorrow an'i next Tuesday night. WANTS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OR SALE One four- room house half block from Char lotte St. car line. Apply J. R. Da vis, 172 Charlotte or 'phone 1615. 191-3t FOR SALE Good site for manufac turing plant or warehouse, 270 feet running parallel with railroad side track already constructed. I. W. Glaser & Co., Harkins Building. Phone 914. 191-St. FOR SALE Four lots in West Ashe vllle, about V blocks from -car line. Address A., Gazette-News. 190-12t FOR RENT FOR RENT 7 rooms on Charlotte, $30.00; 6 rooms Charlotte section, $25.00; 6 rooms and sleeping porch $30.00; 8 rooms with heat $40.00; 7 rooms paved street $30.00. F. M. MESSLER. 26 American National Bank building, phone 682. 193-3t FOR RENT One furnished room, 81 Ponland street. Mrs. Lora Tiller. 189-6t. NOT ALL Boarding houses are good ones you can believe this and still be an optimist. If your boarding house and yourself are Incompati ble, secure a better one through an ad In these classified columns. AUTOMOBILES TAKE A TRIP to Chimney Rock or Pisgah in one of our excellent cars. With trusty chauffeur. Phone 177. Uptown office. Langren hotel. Also best livery, Phone 18. Chambers & Weaver. 181-26t. MISCELLANEOUS O. M. COSTON is no longer connected with J. L. Smathers & Sons. He has opened offices at 20 Church St., Phone 314, to effect a settlement of all accounts of the Asheville Car pet House. Parties indebted to Asheville Carpet House will please cal! and make payments. 193-6t A WONDERFUL BOOK The Cen tenary Edition of Isaac Pitman Shorthand (was introduced In the August Classes at the Asheville Business College. , These pupils, by actual test, and Comparison show twice the advancement they would have made In the old edition. Call nnd let us show you the New Edi tion. It makes learning easy an'i interesting. Asheville Business Col leBe. 190-7t. J. H. McGINNESf?. Ta-Tor Npw Fall and winter samples t.ow on display. Masonic Temple. 44 Market street CALL the Big 400 pressing club when in need of work. Phone w. M. EV Johnson. 6-tf J. H. McGINNESS No. 44 Mar et street. Tailoring steam dyeing, cleanlnz and repairing. Phone 18E0. U IF YOU notice that some particular person Is a persistent advertiser In the classified columns, make up your mind that ha la making money out of It and write the moral of lt yritrelf. FOR SALE S vacant lots, two squares from the post ofllro on paved streets. Western Carolina Realty Co. J. W. WOLFE, Seo'y and Treas. Phone 974, 10 K. Pack Sq. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES Thl. Is the latest machine for sharpening Safety Razor Blades. Bring or mall them to Ashevllle B. 8. Co., 23 Broadway. Single edge, 25c per dozen. (.Illrtt. 3.V per dozen. Durham Duplex, KOc per dozen. We pay postage one way. We sharp en and repair any edge tool. 193-3 WANTED SOURWOOD HONEY 'Phone or Write Grove Park Inn Asheville, N. C. want: FOR SALE New Fall Shoes Big variety $2.00 to S5.00 Best School Shoes Nichols Shoe Co. and our Bargain Annex on the Square. FOR SALE Twenty second hand bi cycles with coaster brakes in splen did condition. Prices $5.00 to $15.00, worth twice the money. J. M. Hearn & Co., 4 Battery Parle Place, near P. O. ONION : SETS For Fall planting. Extra Early White Pearl 15 cents quart. White Bermuda 20 cents a quart. L. R. Strieker, 26 West Col lege. 193-30t. RACINE HOSIERY All sizes, cotton or wool. Phone 61, E. L. Brown, agent. 182-30t WANTED To furnish Paint for your home. We save you 25 per cent of your paint cost. S. O. Bradley, Car olina Paint & Varnish Co., 21 Bilt more avenue. Phone 239. 188-tf FOR SALE One of ttie finest corner lots in Grove Park, surrounded by handsome homes. Ray-Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood street. Phone 1281. 173-tf. FOR SALE 1 8 H. P. New Era gas oline engine; 1 6 H. P. Fairtmnk Morpe gasoline engine: 1 20 H. P. Return Tubular boiler, furnace type; 1 25 H. P. Atlas Center crank steam engine. All this machinery guaranteed to be in good working condition tnd will be sold at a bargain. Ashevllle Supply and Foundry Company, Easle, Eagla Terrace and Market streets. Phone 155. tl STAPLE Groceries, fresh fruits, les cream. Phone 1631, B. M. Shep herd, 41 East College. tf FOR SALE Good cienn newspapers. 60 for 8 cents. Aptly at Qatt- Xr of c. WANTED New Fall Shoes Big variety $2 to $5, Best School Shoes Nichols Shoe Co. and our Bargain An nex on tho Square. WANTED Good room and board. P. O. Box 791, Asheville, N. C. 193-lt. WANTED Elderly woman to wait on convalescent young man. Task light. Phone 2333. 74 H Haywood Btreet. II A REFINED person would like to as sist in the home, in exchange for an unfurnished room. References. Address E. E., this office. 193-Ut WANTED The most discriminating persons are delighted with tho v.orK of the Ashevllle French Dry Clean ing Co. because it represents tha best work possibly for men to do. Delicate woolen fabrics and silk fabrics cleaned and given renewed life and beauty. Phone 389, J. C. Wilbar. NEW CLASS In shorthand and touch typewriting beginning this week al the A. B. C. Scholarship tout months, quick time, six months, a erase time. Situation, guaran teed graduates. Special class in. structlon. Two recitation, a day, Call at the Ashevllle Business Col lege, North Pack square. 190-7t WANTED You to know that I will save you money on Paints, Stains, Enamels, etc. 8. O. Bradley, Caro lina Paint & Varnish Co., 21 Bilt more avenue. Phone 239. 188-tl WANTED To buy at once a second hand range In good condition. Phont 925. 186-tf, WANTED Your letter, to write, your book, to po.t, your bill tc make out. Will do the work cheat to get practice for our advanced students. Call at tho Ashevllle Bust, nera college, north Pack square 184-U WANTED Furniture to repair up holster and rcflnlsh. I make a spe cialty of crating household goodi for storage or shipment. R. L. Bad. ford, 65 Ulltmore avenue, car Mi liary company, Phone 1286. 170-t.l WANTED Your pet. and all Othei domestlo animal for treatment hi competent veterinarian, gradusti of Cornell University. Dr. M. M Iiennard, 18 S. Pack square. Offlci phone 1146; residence phone 110, 167-1 WANTED flecond hand bicycle It good condition for .mall boy. .d dress J. n. R.a Gazette-New. t MIPS HUME Registered nurse, ei tend patient h hour. On doll flret hour, fifty rent ftr. Ma extra. Phone 1151. (- fi

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