y "AOB SIX THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS i i i i i i i i unnnni i i i i i i i 8 ' OCIAL HAPPENINGS Personal Mention, Meetings of Societies n i i i i i i i i innnni mm in Tells of Delightful Trip. ! John B. Sumner of Asheville who was among the North Carolinians re turning from Europe on board the steamer Ban uiovanni nas arnvea ai his home and is most Interesting In his experiences. In an interview yes terday Mr. Sumner said that his , party, which was conducted by the Temple agency of Boston left New York on board the German liner Graf Waldersee the first of June and land . ed some ten days later at Hamburg Following a stay in Hamburg the party visited the following important European centers: Berlin, Dresden, Vienna, Budapest, Bucharest and Con stantinople. Leaving Europe the party proceeded to Damascus and took an Interesting and delightful trip through the Holy Land vlsitinir the Sea of Gallilee. Jerusalem. Ca- pemium, Nazareth and the River Jor dan. , After leaving the Holy Land Mr. Sumner in company with the others Included in this Temple tour spent some time in Egypt where they en joyed many interesting things anion? these being a twelve mile trip -which they made into the desert on the backs of camels. They visited the Sphinx and the Pyramids tnd enjoyed a stay in Cairo. In the party return ing on boad the steamer San Giovanni those hailing from North Carolina Included: Mrs. E. Johnston, Miss Jane C. Sullivan, Miss Helen Sumner and ! Mrs. James P. Moore of Salisbury, Miss Cunningham of Greensboro, r Miss Hattie Griffin formerly of Salis bury and now of Richmond and John B. Sumner of Asheville. , Mrs. Josephus Daniels Honored. Mrs. Josephus Daniels was elected a delight to the eighteenth conven tion of the North Carolina Division U. D. C, convening in Raleigh Octo ber 14. The officers of the Pettigrew Chapter, this chapter acting a3 hos tess for the convention, are: Miss Daisy Denson, president; Miss Kate McKimmon, first vice-president; Mrs. D. H. Hill, second vice-president; Mrs. Franklin McNeill, registrar; Mrs. A. J. Field, custodian of crosses; Mies Willie Ashe, historian; Mrs Charles Lee Smith, treasurer;' Mrs. James Brlggs, secretary; following ladies were elected delegates to the convention; Mrs. Leo. D. Heartt, Mrs. Josephus Daniels, Mrs. Charles Lee Smith. Mrs. James A. Brlggs. Miss Daisy Denson is a delegate as chapter and many organizations will be repre sented, the labor unions to attend In a body. In the interval since Miss Price's arrival in the city members of the local league have sent to the national organization for literature for distribution and It is hoped that this matter will arrive in time for use this evening. Curtls-Mclntyre Wedding. Announcement Is made of the wed ding last Sunday evening of Miss M. Gertrude Curtis, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Curtis of Flint street, to Carlin R. Mclntyre. cashier of The Citizen company, the ceremony hav ing been quietly performed at the res idence of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Boger. Arlington Place, by the Rev. C. B. Waller, D. D. The marriage was wit nessed by only a few intimate friends of the contracting couple, both of whom are well known and quite pop ular. Mr. and Mrs. Boger served an informal wedding supper to the party. Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre are now at home in Arlington Place to their friends. - Mr. and Mrs. William Grosvenor of Providence, R. I., are at Grove Park Inn on their honeymoon. Mrs. Gros venor was here when a little girl. It a? Mrs. Edward Kendrick of Golds- boro is a recent eastern Carolina arrival. t Mrs. C. C. Kuh-.i of Ft. Branch, Ind., is a guest at the Langren hotel. Mrs. Connally-Coxe will motor as far north as Harvard where her son, Tench Francis is attending college. y Miss Florence Martin, the charm ing debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin is the guest of Miss Janie Jones at her home on Pearson drive. t Miss Sophie Silversteln who hns been visiting friends in Asheville coming here from her home in Sa vannah will leave shortly for Deca tur, Ga., to attend Agnes Scott col lege. 5 H Midshipman Robert Beall of Greenshoro who Is now at Annapolis, motored up from pastern Carolina and Is visiting his uncle Hon. Thomas Settle. Midshipman Feall is on the president, and Miss Martha Haywood ""7 ' ' m TIGHTENS HER SKIN H LOSES HER WRINKLES. t "I want to tell you how easily I sot rid of my wrinkles," writes Luella Marsh. "While In London a friend much envied because of her youthful looks, gave me a formula for a home made preparation which has the effect of instantly tightening the skin, thus smoothing out wrinkles and furrows. "The principal ingredient is pow dered saxolite. which can be had at drug stores here. An ounce of saxo lite is dissolved in a half pint .witch hazel. After bathing my face in this but once the transformation was so marvelous I looked years younger. Even the deep crow's feet were, affect ed, and the annoying creases about my neck. It seems difficult to believe anything could produce such results. Several to whom I recommended the recipe have been similarly helped, one an elderly lady whose cheeks had become quite baggy." Social Mirror. HIGHWAY TG ATLANTA IS GREAT! T D. Tucker Brown Is in This Section on Speaking Tour. ns leailer or tne unnarens rriiiyin. Manly's Battery. Mrs. Leo. D. Heartt Is chairman of committee on arrangements for the convention. Mrs. James O. Litchford. chairman of the hospitality commit tee. n . Meeting of the Suffragists. The address on woman's rights to be made this evening at 8:30 o'clock by Miss Hannah J. Price of Tennessee at the court house gives promise of much that Is Interesting and success ful. Possibly the greatest impetus which could have been given the en thus'astic suffragists In their planning .for this occasion was the public tlec larp'.ion for equal suffrage made yes- the well known jurist who Is presiding ia stay hcre' at the present term of Superior court being held In Asheville. At a gather lni of the local officers and others playing in England summer while on a cruise. M. Swartzberg who has been New York on business matters, In D. Tucker Brown of Chapel Hill, representing the state geological de partment at Raleigh went from Ashe ville to Waynesville yesterday and de livered an address on the Asheville to Atlanta public highway. He Is scheduled to make several addresses In Western North Carolina on the subject this week. With reference to the Asheville-Atlanta highway The Andrews Sun says: But little remains to be done In Cherokee except at the head of Jun aluska creek next to the Macon coun ty line, and a short distance between Murphy and the Georgia line. Down In Georgia a ituye r.uuiber of state convicts are at work, connecting up their link via Blue Ridge. The most -1 if l'. cult part of the work is in Macon county, from the Frank lin township line acres the. Nanta hala valley via 'Aquone to the Cher okee line. This section is thinly popu lated and there is no', much hope of a local bond Uue. The United States owns about 50,009 acre? of forest re serve in this section, and it Is Intend ed to secure the co-operation of Senator Overman in an effort to get the government to build this link, and It is believed that this can be done. Franklin Township in Macon coun ty Is spending $75,000 in relocating, season as well aa a bountiful crop of melons and figs. The cove people have an opportunity to develop a great fruit growing section if they will take advantage of it. REAL GODD COMEDY AT TIE MAJESTIC THEATRE "The Bogus Bishop" Makes Real Hit at Opening of the New Week. The Southern Beauty Musical Com edy company opened at the Majestic Theater yesterday to large audiences with their musical farce comedy called. "The Bogus Bishop." "The Bogus Bishop" is not one of those "slap-stick" shows, but is a small but legitimate farce comedy with musical numbers. It is one of the few musical comedies that have presented a play with a plot. The tabloid affords good opportunity for several song numbers to be ; intro duced. . The Southern Beauty company car ries a chorus of pretty girls who can really sing and dance and the sevral musical numbers that are introduced throughout the play were well receiv ed yesterday and last night Among those deserving special mention is Forest Nelson, who sings, "When the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold." The quartette of mixed voices was received very favorably and likewise was Hazel Mae Young who lead- several catchy songs. On a whole the "Southern Beauties" have one of the best musi cal tabloids seen at the local play house this season, "The Bogus 'Bishop" will remain at the Majestic today and tomorrow. Thursday, Friday .and Saturday a new hill will be played called "A Mistaken Identity." Needle and Thread. "I know tUe ins and outs of it, said he thread. "Yes." replied the needle, "sew do I." . . guest at the Hotel Broadway Central has returned home. Mr. Swartzberg visited other eastern markets while away. Mrs. T. G. Owen of Columbus, FALLING HAIR OR ITCHING SCALP Surely Cease When You Use Parisian Sage Makes Your Hair Soft and Fluffy. Now that Parisian Sage a scien tific preparation that supplies every hair and scalp need can be had at any drug counter, or from Dr. T. C. Smith Co., it Is certainly needless to have thin, brittle, matted, stringy or faded hair. No matter how unsightly your hair, how badlv it is falling or Dillsbor townships in Jackson county ,how mucn dandruff, Parisian Sage is are also building some fine roads an that Is needed. Everv trace of a grading and macadamizing its roads, . very lm Sylva and and this will complete portant link in this line. along the proposed route. The Importance of this movement Miss., arrived during the week end i to Andrews can hardly be estimated, When this road is fit for service we may expect to see automobiles on our streets from New York, Massachu- daughter of Mrs. Thomas Wetmore ! setts. Florida and Alabama, and in- and is a guest at the langren hotel. . m. Miss Susanna Wetmore the young leaves shortly for New York. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Sankey of Terre Haute, Ind., are Asheville visit ors arriving during the week end for T. K. has been held yesterday afternoon for the pur pose of perfecting plans for the event of this evening when Miss Price will i address the citizens of this city in th j cause of the enfranchisement of wom en, Judge ( line deciarea ror sunrage saying that he Is entirely In favor of the Issue and it was Immediately pro posed that the able assistance of so I the Limgren hotel. ! 9. Chambers of Weavervllle spending a brief period nt Miss Frances M. Young of Sweet water, Tenn., is a guest in the city. Mr. snd Mrs. W. R. Beesley of St. tervenlng sections, ss Is now the case In the sections around Asheville. This will bring men of wealth and Influence here from all over the country and Is bound to result In a number of them purchasing homes hcre, and helping us to develop our wonderfully rich country. GREAT FRUIT CROP IN POLK COUNTY The present season is the greatest Louis are recent western arrivals and!for fiult ln Polk county, says a Polk ;are guests nta the langren hotel. county exchange. Tryon Is bringing t K I to a close a very profitable grape i Tl.nn.... - I v. i isale Tli. fruit PVfhn nirn him market- important an ally be secured for fvi- j ' . . . . . morp rnp thtg year tnan ,.. Ar dandruff is removed with one appli cation, the hair roots aro nourished and stimulated to grow new hair, itching scalp and falling hair cease your hair becomes soft, fluffy, abundant and radiant with life and beauty1. Parisian Sage' is surely one of the most invigorating and refreshing hair tonics known. It is easily used at home not expensive, and even one application proves its goodness. , a, lhff residence at Christ's school, Walter Clark, chief Justice of North j Carolina shall come to the city in the interests of the movement. The suf-l(.h.,nl n litLK'ntn mi.v iiif- ini iiwiutiii ; grati.led in the enlisting of Judge Cllne ln the cause especially ln view of his enviable position In the state's Judicial circles where he Is known for his very marked judicial tempera -j ment. ability ami attainments. The gathering of this evening will be somewhat in the nature of the gath ering of a clan as Miss Price is the niece of the late Senator Zehulon Baird Vance, the widely connected and murh beloved war governor of North Carolina. Other well known and eminent suffragists will also speak this year than former season, orders-coming from all parts of the country. The Tryon grape is now estahllshel ln the mar ket and future demands will be greater. It Is expected next season to ship solid car loads. A great apple crop Is now being gathered. Orders are coming to the a delightful ten days stay at Balsam M orchardists from all parts of the Mrs. N. O. It Fansler has returned jto her home In Arlington place after Men's Suits $9.50 and... $12.80 Hoys' Suits. . ,. . .$1.00 to $6.00 Ladles' Coat Suits $8.50 to $25 Ladles' and Children's Coats at All Prices. v Sweaters From 60c t'p The Call Co. (Additional Social on Page 9) Moranton SoHnI Notes. Grove. 1 nited States. F.aluda hoasts of one of the finest apple orchards In the country. Overbrook, owned by H. P. Corwlth. He has orders on his books from all pans of the country and shipping la now on. Polk county Miss Katherlne noss spent the last'hould take every advantage of Its, of the wetk with relatives In Atlan- wonderful facilities for growing fruit, : ta. Jnow that Its reputation for fine fruit I Miss Dalsv King, of Sewanee. Tenn.. I W' H advertised. The Green lllver ' spent ten days with Mrs. Iiaac Averyl('nve section produces excellent rult l: WLTMORE AVE. . 1 mmmvui i ... i ... i 'I ' XfOfeVv B Children Cry for Fletcher's urns The Klnd'You Dave Always Bought, and which has been ' in ns for over SO years, has borne the si&rnature ot , and lias been made tinder his per 0 ' sonal supervision Bincelts infancy. ica46i Allow no one to deceive von in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger" the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshncss. For moro than thirty years it has been ln constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears' the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Fop Oyer 30 Years Wan '- Visitors to Asheville Are invited to luncheon or dinner at Grove Park Inn, the finest resort hotel in the world. - Luncheon served from 1:00 P. M. to 2:30 P. M., and dinner from 6:30 P. M. to 8:30 P.M., at $1.50 per plate. Finest Orchestra in the South af ternoon and liight. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF None but high-class factory mechanics employed. Our supplies are cheaper and all rork is Guaranteed ENTERPRISE OARAGE J. R Rnmbough, Gen. Mjrr. "fflGtT1 CLIFF The Coal without a feet a fl We handle the W, Jellico fields affori AshevineDray,FUeljai wunsiruction Co. OFFICE PHONE YARD PHONE FALL MILLINERS w" wu wispuiy at Sproafs Millinery PARLORS PRESCRIPTIONS TEAGUE & 0ATI3 : Phones 260-1996 Introductory Sale SIA.XB. UUUUS. Astonishing Values MRS. SHEPPARD, ' 60 PATTOX AVE. Formerly at 11 Government street BALTIMORE. DENTAL ROOHS B00 Stoit Phone 15(1 GOOD PIANOS at Dunham's Music House MILLINERY IMPORTERS S. Ferguson Millinery Co., 11 Government Street J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairng my Specialty. Nt. 8 Pack Square. CUT PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS , Gem Clothing Store Patton Avcnu CASH OR CREDIT $15.00 Suit to Measure Silver Dollar Tailoring Co. 15 South Main rrcpntly. 'and vrpetoblfK. Col. Ell Hradley ha Mr. Newton Hnllyturton entertnln- marke,,! Bom yrTy "n Penehea thlijagBtB Set Teeth $6.00 Crowns $4.00 All work at reduced prices. 10- year Guarantee. Ideal Painless Dentists HS. Mnln fct Over Zasier's Buck's Ranges g& ' Save their entire cost in the amount of fuel saved in less than three years. BURTON & HOLT ronXFR PACK SQl'AnE AND ISILTMOHU AVli Typical Souvenirs nnonol.ITT.S are peculiarly adapted to the enilx-nisliliiic of small. hiintjr pendants and other Uk artWUn of Jewelry, on account of their attractive and Intensive col ors which make the amall piece. In which they occur, full of life and Intermit to the lovers of pink and reddlwh (ems. K110DOLITF.9 of typical col ors , and ood brilliancy mounted In dainty solid fold pendants rosUnff from 12.35 to $7.60 hare Junt been re lved front tin factory. It Is always our pleas ure to show them to you Arthur M.FicldCo. d di'Mfelitfully en Tuesday, Biptemtier ... . jj a 15 ih In honor of .Mm. Moore, of Kny ettevllle, who Is visiting her slater, Mrs. Will Walton. Mr. ami Mrs. W. A. Hohhls and Mrs. William HohMe will leava for 'hlcniro where they will spend the ' winter. j On Saturday niht Muw Beaale Arra- ; wood entertained a number of th youniter set In honor of her brother, Mr. Arrawood. ' Mrs. Kathleen Johnntnn and Mrs. D. j week's visit to Asheville. Mira Wllhelmlna Tate Is vlsltlnc Mlns Maud Cox at Green river rn tatlon. Sterllnf Collett Is In Baltlmors tak ing medical treatment. Bt. Pierre Du Dose spent a week with his sister, Mrs. Isaac Avery on his way to Porters Military Academy. II expects also to visit ln Spartan burs: and Columbia. Miss Martha Hons hss returned to Airna Scott J. H. LAW TEA POT SALE A bis; stock of CJood English Earthen Tea Pols Just re ceived, fasclnatinB shapes, vary attractive deslKns and col-, orlr.g. The prices are attractive, also. Slits 1 rup to 10 cup capacity, big variety to select from. sf:k window. - J. H. LAW, 35 Patton Ave. MADE IN ASHEVILLE ADMIRED EVERYWHERE Photocrsphs you'll Iks glad to show your friends and acquaintances. PELT0N AND HIG0AS0N, ' NEXT TO ntl.XOF.SS THEATRE. MKRCIIAXT TAIIAMl Legal Dulldln P N- I'll one "87. CAMDEN WHITE LEAP IF ITS THE WHITEST HOUSE VOC EVKIt HAW . ITS CAMDEN lA0. Miller-Clavton Paint Co. ' Zcnltli Paints S3 Broad"!- CHICHESTER SPILLS I'lll. la H4 4 K.I4 V b.m. Mld vita V Taaa a Mkaa. Tlnj '!, ftra. At. W 111 if) a-Trif iIiImnbi naAha i-in..." S01DE.DRICGJSISITOS13 mMIHMMMIDMIIIimni MeW FRESH VEGETAELE3 AND FRUIT Bplnarh. EKg Pliint. Turnips. ()ytr IMaat, Ornnr, Grapes, Mustard Greens, Cavil Flower. Carrots. Green Deans. Cre.n P.a.' t. . . . T Banannaa. Pea"hes, Turnip Greens, Tomatoes, rsrnnli s Lima Drana' Walton Avery .pent several days In! J Pineapples. C.nuiopes. ' ' D Atlanta recently. Mlas Sarah Taylor left on Monday to rs-nter the Misses Bhlpleys' School at Philadelphia. Tlekets now on sale at Melntyre's rorner, for Fair. October U-n, u. Please buy today and help cb'irlty. Phone Jl or lit. tSS-Sdt C')MK AM) hLi: Vs. WEAVER VILLE And Lake.Juanita BATHING BOATING 1 Round Trip Tickets 35c. Special Night Rates 23c. ' Ticket Office Opposite Lnngren Hotel. ASHEVILLE & EAST TENN. RAILROAD CO. Yates & McGuire J City Market Phone 334 tiiekwikop i j.: ;i M:(;::T.Mii.is A Full Line of Victrolas AT . FALK'3 MUSIC nOUSE 76 r.itton Avenue. Flower Bulbs In a few days we shall b able to supply bull- of and Itoman Hyacinths. Tulip . NsrcUu-ia. Jon-iulls, D"'d" Freasla, B-julUa. Bnodrl Chinese Uiles. Bp.nlih English Iris. All tng Ing bull from ths bi-st ttctt tf supply. Grant's Phjmfccj Il.liBbls Irug rS

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