Inesday September 30, 1914 PARCEL POST LOCAL IJEN 10 GO 10 IT PREPARED IT Closed Members of Local Companies Will Be Shown to Postmasters Selected Increase in Enlistment. in Convention Here Next Week. fireproof ASHEVILLE. N. C. . VPTTV A OTTlSiTTTT T 19 . . g liASS'l"! CHEWS FAGS TILUi. inTWf! 1HT1 T3 A A T tt-ti i i , Tiulb EXRIRI Mountain Meadows Inn ALTITUDE 8500 FEET PlJiE nnrv-K I - W Ml nter of Panorama of valleys and mountains In ten counties. Stables for Hng ana anvmg nurses, uairy ana vegetable gardens. Rooms with and thout bath. LKI'HOXB No. 1851 BOSS TEMPE HARRIS Ashevllle, N. C. Swannanoa-BcrKeley Hotel " POPULAR PRICE American and European Plans HARRY L. LANGEL, Proprietor. Battery Park Hotel Open throughout the year. Famous everywhere. For Bo :s and reservation, address. J. L. ALEXANDER, Prop. ASHEVILLE. N. C. 3t. JOXiJST HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. The Center of Life and Gayety. The Home of the Erson Orchestra Special Late Season Rates after September 1st. Write or booklet. BEAUMONT LODGE ASHEVILLE, N. C. ON BEATJCATCHER MOUNTAIN b the highest point on the ridge east of Ashevllle one mile from Pack Square overlooking Ashevllle and Chunn'sj Cove has the delights of the Icountry and mountains combined with city conveniences. Always cool with ! good breeze. PnONE NO. 2224 MISS MATTTE HARRIS, PROP. SUYETA PARK HOTE,L WAYNESVILLE, N. C. A house that combines pleasing service with hospitality. ' Special low rates during September and October. Address WM. SCHAUFFLE. JR. genuine A parcel post exhibit of Instructive Value both to DOStmnjrtora t,r,A ho public will be the central feature of the convention of postmasters from North and South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware which meets in Washington October 6, 6 and 7. Arrangements for the convention are practically complete. Fifty examples of properly packed parcel post shipments, prepared under the direction of of Otto Praeger, post master of Washington, will be placed on view. These will show the safest and best ways of packing farm pro duce for shipment to the cities by post. It is to be Impressed upon the at tending postmasters that their author ity to reject offered shipments of farm produce is an Important one They will be urged to refuse all offered shipments wlch are not properly packed. The postmaster also will be I asked to take an active interest In I pushing the service. It is the desire I of Postmaster General Burleson that ! all branches of the postal service co operate In going after business. All other subsequent conventions of post masters are to be conducted along the same lines. That postmasters generally, as well as the public, are taking keen Interest In the work of developing the parcel post Is shown by the scores of reports being received by the postmaster gen eral from county and state fairs throughout the country where parcel post exhibits were installed. No less than forty photographs of such ex hibits have been sent to the postmas ter general. The photographs make it clear that the postmasters, who pre pared and installed the exhibits at their own expense, are energetically laboring to make the service a success. The convention of postmasters from North and South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and Delaware will meet in the auditorium of the National Muse um and will be welcomed by Commis sioner Newman. The sessions of Oc tober i, which is to be open to the general public. These two sessions will be of special interest to the house keepers of Washington and especially those who are interested in the project of direct marketing with the produc ers by means of the parcel post TJ-rpu r TJ f AT MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA.- , . XlW 1 HjVJ IvI1VTA.I-V J. L. SMATHERS, Owner and Prop. Hot and Cold Water. Telephone in Every Room. Private Baths. Steam Heat. Large Sample Rooms. Special Attention to Traveling Men. RATES: $2.00 and $2. SO per day. Special Rates by the week. Headquarters for U. C T and T. P. A. CANTON, N.G. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M. GEIER, Prop. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE BATHS RATES $3.00. EAGLES' NEST H OTEL AND CAMP On Junaluska Mountain. S050 ft alt H mile higher than Ashevllle. Not the finest resort hotel In the world, but the finest climate and grandest scenery In this par of It Come over, enjoy a sumptuous dinner, and lets get acquainted. Relief from Ha rever ana Asmma. ino cou.uinp Uvm. annoying, children or mosquitoes. Never too warm. Booklet 8. C SATTERTHWAIT, Jr.. Eagles Nest, P. O., N. C. UNIQUE GOLF ITEMS. Unique golf items come from for elgn lands from time to time, one of the latest being an account of Chinese course now being laid out In a large cemetery. The rather gruesome links are located near Tientsin and as the Chinese bury the dead just be low the surface of the ground and then mound up the earth to a con Uneeda Biscuit Tempt the appetite, please the taste and noutrish the body. Crisp, clean and fresh. 5 cents. Baronet Biscuit Round, thin, tender with a delightful flavor appropriate for lunch eon, tea and dinner. 10 cents. Graham Crackers Made of the, finest ingredients. Baked to perfection. The national strength food, xo cents. Buy biscuit baked by NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Always look for that Name. Captain C. I. Eard and Second Lieutenant J. H. Koon of company first regiment North Carolina Na tional guard, have been selected by Adjutant General L. W. Young to be members of the team of fifteen men that will represent North Carolina at the divisional rifle .shoot to be held at Jacksonville October 16 to 22. The local officers were members of the 913 team that attended the national shoot at Perry, O., six of whom were from North Carolina. All of the six will go to Jacksonville next month. Sergeant J. C. Duncan and Private W., Kesterson of company F will go to Raleigh on October 13 and 14 for the preliminary shoot to be held on the rifle range of company B on those two days. If they qualify they will represent local company F at the Jacksonville shoot. - The local members of the national guard are practicing each afternoon now and have been for several days at the rifle range near Grace and It believed that all will be able to accompany the state 'earn to Florida. Orders have been received by local officers from Adjutant General Young to recruit tlwlr organizatic ns In ac cordance with the raising of the min imum strength of tl.e cuva'ry and In fantry from ft 8 to Si men. '"nese or- ripra hflVA nlrftnrlv -lOMl compiled with In Asheville and the companies have recruited the additional men. An officer stated today that it was an easy matter to get tile netded men, that several more than the required number apnlled for membership in the companies This will Increase the enlisted strength of tho guard abrut 300 men. The present strength Is 2,881. On November 1 all companies com mence their armory drill and during the winter months all companies will be required tu fire the indoor target practice. Th-i correspondence course for commlss'oned officers and non commissioned officers ccni'ucted by Captains Langdon and Sharp, will be gin Novemhe-.' 1. This course covers infantry drill peculations, applied tactics, military correspondence, ad ministration, map reading, and so on. The adjutant ger.eral's department is preparing a requisition on the war department for equipment sufficient to supply all organisations c the mil itia as prescribed by the federal mil itia laws. The new equipment will In clude overcoats nr.d other apparel to equip the guard hi every particular. Today Account of Holiday i THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY 1 mjLUiLUjKfVli'lllJlullHHW'IWMM ASHEVILLE. N. lows him to continue as coachman . I Bob is entirely ignorant of Betty's knowledge of his Identity. Betty's father loses his money; then Bob discloses his Identity and admits he Is the possessor of a large fortune In his own right; however, Betty's and Bob's romance is one of pure love and, after a series of intrigues, plots, and counter-plots, all of which "The Man on the Box" foils, the couple are married and live happily ever after. while visiting in Nice he falls in love with his cousin-wife, not knowing her identity. She also falls in love with him. But this happy reunion Is In terrupted by a misunderstanding at which time they loose the fortune be cause they are not consistent with the terms of the will. This calamity brings them together again and tney. are favored with a surprise, when a supposedly worthleos Invention of the young man's proves valable to the extent of $50,000, "An American Citizen" at the Galax Theater Tomorrow. "An American Citizen" will be shown at tho Galax theater tomorrow, with the distinguished dramatic fav- o'ite, John Barrymore, in the leading role. The story is of a made-to-order marriage, a sudden change of nation ality and a million complications be ginning with a laugh and ending with another. A young American is left a fortune by an English uncle on the condition that he give ur his Ameri can citizenship and become an Eng lishman. The uncle at tho same time disinherits his daughter because of a former romance. The two young peo ple meet and for the Interest of both and the fortune, they agree to marry an! then leave each other. They sep arate after the marriage, and later Rc-Occupylng Congo. y- Paris, Sept. 29. It is reported that French! forces In equatorial Africa have re-occupied the greater part of the Congon territory ceeded to Germany- by the treaty of 1911 says the Bordeaux correspondent of the Havas agency. THE TRAYMORE 93 College St Nea Conrt House Large Airy rooms. No sick at any time in the year. Table unsurpassed. Special rates to parties. Pbonc 1141 (tf) siderable height the course has been aptly termed one of "A Thousand Bunkers." Special ground rules per vails Including ono which per mits a player to lift his ball from a freshly dug grave. The Chinese cad dies receive five cents per round of 18 holes. One of the many courses taught . at Y. M. C. A. Night School, bookkeep ing. 193-tf. BRYSON HOTEL, ANDREWS, N. C. Occupies a beautiful location, overlooking one of the most beautiful valleys In Western North Carolina, elevation 2,000 ft Riding, driving, mountain climbing, trout fishing, etc. The Bryson hotel la homelike In Its atmosphere, large airy rooms, hot and cold water electric lights, etc. and particularly attractive to commercial and transient. Table the best. Rates 12.00 PER DAT. Special weekly and monthly rates. A. R. SPEARS. Proprietor HP A. late 0 -Q) HOTEL BALSAM L On the Line of the Southern Ry. Drink Tate Spring Water for Your Health. Reasonable Rates, First-Class Service. The Sportiest 18 Hole Golf Course in the South. Come over. Tate Spring Hotel Co. Tate Springs, Term. S. B. ALLEN. Managing Director BALSAM, NORTH CAROLINA Modern In all respects. Highest railroad station east of the Rockies. ; Dancing, Bowling, Tennis, Fishing, ! Mountain Climbing and Horseback Riding. Cold Spring Water and Ideal summer climate. Open June 1st to October 1st Hotel Granada, St Augustine, Fla., Open December to May. FRANK A. ROBERTSON, THT. ATF.Tia t . J News and Views of Offerings In t Vaudevillo and Motion Pic- . Dl tures That May Interest K t Entertainments, Etc. The Man on the Box" fit the Galax Theater Today. The Man on the Box," is being shown at the Galax theater today, with Max Flgman and Lollta Robert son in the leading roles. The produa tlon Is a vivid and convincing mili tary drama In five reels. The story in brief Is as follows: Lieutenant Bob Warburton a fancy- free, adventursome spirit, is wounded during an encounter with the Indians and taken to the home of Col. Annes ley for medical treatment. Recovering, Bob rinds tnat his ser vice In the army has expired and he says he is flat broke. However, he Is rich in romance and becomes fasci nated by the colonel's daughter, Bet ty. Betty, not knowing who Bob Is, offers him a position as coachman, which he accepts. Many and varied are Bob's experiences as "The Man on the Box" of the Annesley coach. Becoming Implicated In a plot to defroud the United States government of Important plans, he thwarts the attempts of a Russian count and saves Important plana Betty, while visiting Bob's sister, who Is a dear friend, learns from Bob's photograph who he Is, but al- WEATHER IF BUCK HURTS USE SftLTS FOH KIDNEYS Y. M. C. A. Night Si hool opens Oc tober 5. Enroll now. Competent. teachers. 193-tf. Eat Less Meat if Kidneys Feel Like Lead or Bladder Bothers. Most folks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clog ged and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys uctlve and clean, and the moment you feel an aohe or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store hero, take a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act line. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with Uthia. and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal act'vity. It also neu tralizes the acids in the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. .Tad Suits Is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia wuter drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kid neys clecin, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well-known local druggist says he Fells lots of Jad Halts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only trouble. c u e s o o S a C CM -s Z A .00 .00 .02 .60 .00 .00 vso. 1.02 .40 .02 .00 , .03 : .00 ,00 It - 3- as . Ashevllle .. 60 . 72 Atlanta 68 68 Augusta 60 74 Birmingham 56 68 Charleston 66 70 Charlotte 66 72 Jacksonville . 68 78- Mobile 66 70-- Montgomery 58 64 New Orleans 64 74 Raleigh 64 72 Savannah ...... 64 72 AVashington 50 68 Wilmington 56 68 Normals for this date: Temperature 61 degrees. Precipitation .08 Inch. ' ' Forecasts until 8 p. m. Thursday ; for Asheville and vicinity: Cloudy to night and Thursday. For North Carolina: Cloudy tonight and Thursday, probably showers in extreme south portion, moderate va riable winds. General Conditions (Last 24 Honrs). The Gulf storm has again caused rains In the east Gulf and south At lantic states and has been attended by high winds on the Alabama and. west Florida toasts. Light showers . have also fallen In Massachusetts, New York and Colorado. Another disturb- , ance of moderate energy Is centered over the northern Rocky Mountain region but rains have not yet set In In that section. Temperatures are some what higher In the north and middle Atlantic states. The following heavy rains (in Inches) have been reported: Jacksonville, 1.50; Mobile, 1.02; Pen sacola, 3.36; Titusvllle, 5.18. Cloudy weather Is Indicated for this vicinity tonight and Thursday. T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. 15-30t Proprietor. THE SANDLIN HOUSE OLD FORT'S LEADING HOTEL Centrally Located $1.50 per day ' Rate (or longer period npoo application HOTEL ENTELLA brysoi cm ndqurtr (or traveling m and lumbermen. Rates 11 per 4 Special rate by the month. Bath room, free earapla rooms. Railroad eating nous (rtlnf Souther, depot tJverr In oonnt inn. W. W. WUKKLER I F, E. FRY, ; THE OLD FORT INN ; OLD FORT, N. C Conveniently located, near depot ' Accommodation-, by day. week or month, .tatea reaaonabia. ! L. J. EPLEY, Proprietor THE J ARRET! SPRINGS HOTkU. I Commercial and Totutat. Rate 11.00 par day. Hot and cold Hatha Bpaolal Rate, by the Wsek ot UoBth. ' R. r. ARRET!1 U. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER BUREAU. f m s q urn iTurri tiii? a i i Ji Wed, Sept. 30, 1914. Phaded area shows precipi tation of .01 Inch or mora. 1 RXPLANATOP1Y NOTItH ' nhMrMtlnnitikaaltaai..Athnerl1ttaine. Air proMore rxdoced to m Iml. laobtr (contlnooei IIbm) ptM Ihrneit pnlnts of oulli prauun. Uoib.rnu (dolled Haw) pus Uiroufh pulotsof equal iMnpanunre: ' t. ', r rir- O Dtruicioudr: O ctoudr; ralo: snow, icport mlatlng. Arrotri flr lth the wind. iTaPWCWOfP-X u...m DUUboro, M. 01 J

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