TH2 ASTTF.ViLLK JGAZETTE-NEWS PAGE TURi-. LEADING SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES I PRICE PAID FOR Children Cry for Fletcher! IT Tuesday, uctorjer 6, liu. in FIREPROOF ASHEVILLE, N. C. Western W. C. Fair October IS to 16. Mountain Meadows Inn , ' AITITTDB 8500 FEET FINE DRIVE Center of Panorama ot valleys and mountains In ten counties. Stables for riding and irlvlng horses. Dalryand vegetable gardens. Rooms with and without bath. . .'.."" . TELEPHONE No. 1351 MISS TEMPE HARRIS Asheville, N. O. Svvannanoa-BerKeley Hotel POPULAR PRICE American and European Plans HARRY L. LANGEL, Proprietor. " Western N. CFair October 13 to 16. Battery Park Hotel Open throughout the year. Famous, everywhere. For Boi s and reservation, address, : ' v . J. L. ALEXANDER, rop. ASHEVILLE. N. C. HENDERS ON VILLE, N. C. -The Center of "Life , and Gayety. -The Home of the Ersonv Orchestra Special Late Season Rates after September 1st. for booklet. . . v t . Write The Kind Ton Have Always Bonglit, and which has been la use for over SO Tears, has bornothe signature ot i ana nas Dcen maao nnaer bis pcr- More Than Five Million Lbs. Has Been Marketed Since the Season Opened. prf- -J7- sonal supervision since its infancy. cZccUte; Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot . Intents and. Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paw gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic) eubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms , and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, . all Teething Troubles and' - Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTORIA ALWAYS i Bears the Signature of 9 The End You Have Always Bought - In Use For Over 30 Years V BEAUMONT LODGE ,' " ASHEVILLE, N. O. ON . BEAUCATCHEH MOCNTATN Is the highest point on tno ridge east of Asheville one mile from Pack Square overlooking Asheville and Chunn's Cove has the delights of the country and mountains combined with city conveniences. Always cool with good breeie. PHONE NO. 2221 . MfSS MATTIE HARRIS. PROP. ENGLISH FACTORIES GETTING GOOD ORDERS SUYETA PARK HOTE.L WAYNESVILLE, N. O. A house that combines pleasing service with genuine hospitality; ! , : . , Special low ra49s during September and October. .,, Address WM. SCHAUFFLE. JR. : TTnpi7 f T T? f K T MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. IlU 1 II .Ls IvIIAjr AJU J. L. SMATUERS, Owner and Prop. Hot and Cold Water. Telephone In Every, Room. Private Baths. Steam Heat. Large Sample Rooms. Special Attention to Traveling Men. . RATES: $2.00 and $2.60 per day. Special Rates by the week. Headquarters for U. C T and T. P. A. CANTON, N.C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL , ' E. M. GEIER, Prop. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS . ' ELECTRIC) LIGHTS STEAM HEATED FREE BATHS RATES $2.00. EAGLES' NEST HOTEL AND CAMP On Junaluska Mountain, B050 ft alt H mile higher then Asheville. Not the finest resort hotel in the world, but the finest climate and grandest scenery In this part of it Coma over, enjoy a sumptuous dinner, and leu get acquainted. Relief from Hay Fever and Asthma, No consump tives, annoying children or mosquitoes. Never too warm. .Booklet -S. C. S ATT ERTH WATT, Jr.. Eagles Nest. P. C N. C. Correspondence of The Associated Press. Birmingham, England, Sept 25 The principal Item of Interest in this market is the publication bf very large orders .for the Bpinners for the admir alty and minister of war. Limited supplies of wire fencing. barbed wire, galvanized sheets and road axles also are In demand. De mand in other Quarters are for great quantities of soldiers-bottles and block plates and many thousands of mess tins to be produced from tin plates. Another favorable feature is that merchants were called upon to place orders for French and Russian gov ernments for Immediate execution. These circumstances put the 'manu facturers In a cheerful mood as they can go on full time for at least a part of the next quarter. Merchants trading with the South American markets arei getting orders for supplies from firms that hitherto favored Germany. CHARTING OF ALASKAN NORTH COAST FINISHED San Francisco, Oct S. Charting of the north AlasKan coast has been completed by Ernest Dekoven Leffing' well, of Pasadena, Cat., after a year alone In the northern wastes. It was learned here today. Lefflngwell journeyed north on the Mary Sache, one of the vessels of Stefansson, the arctic explorer and re turned with word that two ships of the Canadian expedition which were frozen in last winter in Flazen, within S5 miles of Leftingw(eirs headquar ters, were released in July and are nowon their way to Dominion ports. Leffingwell says he believes that larfd to the north of Canada for which the Stefansson party Is hunting, exists and will be found. Special to The Gaette-News: Kinston, Oct. 6. In September 4,- 236,796 pounds of tobacco were sold on the Kinston market, and to date the sales have totalled nearly five mil lion pounds. At this rate, well-posted tobacconists eay, between 12,000,- 000 and 14,000,000 pounds will be handled here during the entire sea son. Prices during the past week were better than at any time since the opening on September 1. The grades continue fair, and are now beginning to average up well with last season's offerings. About ""two-thirds, possibly more, of the product sold In Kinston warehouses this season will be exported. A conference of business men and farmers of Kinston, Pink Hill and Du plin county towns will be held here in a few days under the auspices, of the chamber of commerce, to discuss the proposed extension. of the Caro lina railroad from Pink Hill into the Beulavllle and Maple Hill sections. Committees of business leaders have been appointed to represent . every community along the route, and all have assured the chamber of their In tense interest In the project. The con tlnuatlon of the Carolina to a term! nus some 45 or 50 miles from here would open up pbrbably the richest country in this region, now absolutely without rail facilities, to Intercourse with the outside world, through Kins ton. Prominent farmers here are discuss ing the starting of a live stock asso ciation for Lenoir county. A meeting will be held In the courthouse Thurs day to formulate the plans for such an organization. The proposed asso ciation will have as Its purpose the promotion of the live stock industry in the county by means of better and more extensive breeding. Agents of the United States department of agTl culture here are expected to lend their aid as long as they are In the vicinity. The production of better beef and dairy cattle has been made easy by the work of tick eradication, which has been going on for the past few months, and when the quaran tine is lifted early In 1915 a fresh start in the industry may be had without danger from tick infection, which has long been a bane to the stock raisers. Our Showing of Silk and Dress Goods This Season SURPASSES ALL PREVIOUS EFFORTS t 36-inch Messaline, all the new shades, yard ..... .$1.00 35- inch Taffeta, good quality, yard ...... .... .... .$1.00 24-inch Koman Stripes, yard ... ....... .$1.00 and $1.25 .24-inch Moire Stripe, yard .......... ...... v . . .$1.50 40-inch Stripe Silk Poplin, yard .... . . ... . . .". ... .$1.50 36- inch Silk Poplins, yard ........ ..............$1.00 See our line of "Wool Dress Goods at from 50e to $1.50 yard. Better quality and larger assortment than ever at tempted before. : ' ' JOIN THE COTTON GOODS MOVEMENT WE HAVE! A larger stock of cotton fabrics than usual for this season has been bought. Favor the south 's product when a choice is made and help southern prosperity. Asheville Dry goods Co. Will be headquarters for "Falr"visltors. Are you getting ready? I Much Hinges on Coming Battle In East Prussia Hypothetical Question. Lady (to lawyer) Can I sue her fdf slander whether she proves what she said I said she Mid or not? Judge. HOTEL STERLING CINCINNATI, Omo. V . Overlooking New Slnton Park.- Every room outside with bath, or hot and cold water. Milk, cream, vegetables from our own farm. American Plan, $2.00, $2.60, $3.00 and $1.50 per day. R. B. Mills, Prop., formerly of Hotel 'Bennett, Blnghanigton, N. Y., and Grand Hotel, New York City. 6IXTH, MOUND AND KENYON STREETS. ; v BRYSON HOTEL, ANDREWS, N. C. Occupies a beautiful location, overlooking one of the most beautiful valleys In Western North Carolina, elevation 2,000 ft Riding, driving, mountain climbing, trout fishing, etc. The Bryson hotel Is homelike in Its atmosphere, large airy rooms, hot and cold water electrlo lights, etc. and particularly attractive to commercial and transient Table the best Rates $2.00 PER DAY. , Special weekly and monthly rates. A. R. SPEARS, Proprietor ft mm Drink Health. l tt-h 11 On the Line of the Southern Ry . Tate , Spring Water for Your HOTEL BALSAM w Reasonable Rates, FirstClass Service. The Sportiest 18 Hole Golf Course in the South. Come over. BALSAM, NORTH CAROLINA Modern In all respects. Highest railroad station east of the Rockies. i Dancing, Bowling. Tennis, Fishing, Mountain Climbing and Horseback ; Rldmg. Cold Spring Water nd Ideal : summer climate. Open June 1st to ; October 1st Hotel Granada, St. Augustine,, FWt, Open December to May. FRANK A. ROBERTSON. 1 5-0t. Proprietor. THE SANDLIN HOUSE OLD FORT'S LEADING HOTEL Centrally Located $1.50 per day Rate, for longer period apom application HOTEL ENTELLA BRTBO CITT Headquarter. lor traveling mm and lumbermen. Rates $1 per tfy Rpeclal rates by the month. Sata room. Free eropl. rooms, railroad eating hous frtlng Souther depot Livery In connexion. W. W. WHEELER A F. E. TOT. Motel JU. Co. THE OLD FORT INN OLD FORT. N. C Conveniently located, near depot Accommodation;: by day, week or month, -.tat, rcaeonab.a,' ' L. J. EPLEY, Proprietor TURKEY CARRYING, OUT PLANS OF ABROGATION Washington, Oct. 6. Notwithstand ing the protest of the nations includ ing the United States, the Turkish government, continuing its plan of abrogating extra territorial rights, has already put into effect new rates to replace the low arbitrary rates fixed for capitulations. Ambassador Morsanthau has ad vised the state thut October 1, tho day the abrogation of capitulations went Into effect, ho and the minister of war went to Robert college, an Amer ican institution, and there arranged for the entrance of a special class in cluding the minister's brother and his two sons. Petrodrag, Sunday, Oct. 4. Via London,' Oct. 6. In Russian miliary circles It Is felt that the Rsslan gen eral staff Is able to analyze and fore stall the intended German Invasion of Russia. In spite of the great import ance of the great eight-day battle that has just come to an end and in which the Germans were not only not success ful In crossing the river Nlemen, ac cording to reports here.but were ariven back with heavy losses to the fron tier, losing the entire province ot ssu walki, excepting . the town of that name, it is the opinion of the Russian observers that the Germans made a costly and unsuccessful attempt to draw the Russians on, in easi rrussia as a preliminary to their main object. This, as revealed by tne present sit uation near Warsaw, was the prelude to an attack on Warsaw and an out flanking movement of the Kussian army which, having occupied oancia, WIRELESS STATION ON ISTHMUS COMPLETED Washington, Oct. 6. The navy de partment has completed at Darlon, Isthmus of Panama, the second sta tion of a chain of wireless towers, ex pec ted to maintain communication be tween tho Arlington station. Central America, California, Hawaii, Samoa, Guam and the Philippines. The new tower Is composed of three 600-foot structures forming a triangle on a 900 foot base. The other links of the chain will rapidly be completed as the necessary fortifications be construct ed to defend them against attack. The new station cost $250,000. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS llerjT is now moving through Bukowina, Hungary. It is declared here that this intent has been made impossible by the roads. Thei heavy German artlll sank Into the roadway and could not go; nor has the German attempt to1 take the offensive at Cracow been, thus far successful. ' v ' The reported presence of Emperor William in east Prussia and the de parture of Emperor Nicholas for tho front, is taken here to emphasize the importance of the Impending battle which may be the biggest conflict of the war up to the present time. The Russians believe that if the German-Austrian army is defeated at Cracow, the war will be virtually over. Granted this defeat they declare there will then be insufficient forces left to!r stem the Russian Invasion of Silisia and thence to Breslau and Berlin as well as the Russian advances through, Cracow to Vienna and through Tran sylvania to Budapest. -. . FRENCH INGENUITY. Some thirty years ago General Von Manteuffel was the military governor of Alsace. The German, who appar ently hated all that was French, once engaged In a dispute with a French diplomatist at a public dinner. The Frenchman vauntinigly claimed the superiority of the French workmen over the artisans of all other nations. There does not exist," he exclaimed, a thing so ugly but that the skill and genius of a Frenchman cannot make It a thing of beauty." Angered by the contradiction, the old soldier pulled a hair from his bristly gray mustuche and handing it to the Frenchman, said curtly: "Let them make a thing of beauty of that and I'll concede your claim." A week later the mail from Paris brought a neat little box for the gen eral, In it was a handsome scarf pin, made like a Frumian eagle, that held In its talons a stiff gray bristle, from each end of which dangled a tiny golden ball. One was Inscribed A&ac. and the other Lorraine. On the eagle's perch were the words: 'You hold them, but by a hair." Washing ton Star. IF THE BABY IS CUTTING TEETH USE Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE-NOT NARCOTIC Tctc Springs, Tcr.n. . S. B. ALLEN, Margins Director T11K JARRETT SPRING! HOT 14. Coouuerdal and Tmulst Rates II. 0 per day. Hot an eolo Baths. Special Rate by the Week or Month. rt r. Barrett Uiium DUliboroi II, C 0.,D. Revel and wife to D. C Clark, property on Aaheland avenue; consideration $1,050. M. L. Reed et at to N. R. Koon, land in Asheville township; consider ation 1300. Blue Ridge Development company to 8. P. Henry, lots in Arden; con slderatlon $10. A. B. Hamby and wlf. to 3. T. Hemphill, land in Black Mountain township; consideration $50. J. O. Stlkeleather et al to Loula Stepp, property on Sprue, street; $10 and ohter considerations. D. R. Millard to Mary E. Weaver, lots on Woodward avenue; $10 and other considerations. Oay Green et al to R. 8. Lamb and wife, land on French Broad river; consideration $1,200. Eliza Fisher Blake to W, E. Butler, land on the Weston road; considera tion $150. L. L. and Ireno Hicks to Robert Clayton, land In Llmestoh. township; consideration $025. T. A. Brown et al to W. H. Jen kins ft al, land in Black Mountain township; consideration $400. H. A. Brown et al to E. O. Clark and wife, property on Haywood street; consideration $10, C. E. Gordon and T. M. English to Pisi;ah Lumber company, lands on the River road; $10, and other consid erations. I Public Speaking I v.. LICENSED TO WED Jerom. King to Zora Freeman. Jam. Tompkins to Katie Ferguson, oolored. , Hon. W. G. Fortune, State Senator; Hon. Thos. J. Har kins, Representative; Hon. John B. Hunter, Representa tive; Hon. Vonno L. Gudger, Solicitor, together with all the other Buncombe County Candidates upon the , Republican-Progressive Ticket Will address the voters of the County at the following places and time: . FAIRVIEW SCHOOL HOUSE, Tuesday, October 6 7:80 P.M. BLACK MOUNTAIN SCHOOL HOUSE, Thurs. Oct 8 7:30 P. SI. SWANNANOA SCHOOL HOUSE, Friday, October 9 T:S0 P. M. , LEICESTER SCHOOL HOUSE, Saturday, October 10 7:80 P. M. HAW CREEK SCHOOL HOUSE, Tuesday, October 13 7:20 T. M. Everybody, rrwtrillrM of Party i'rlnriplra, I Invltert to hear theso splendid speaker, discuss U.o leading Stat, and Comity tMuies. ' See That You Arc Properly Registered Thomas C. McCoy, County Chairman. l

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