Tednesday, October 14, 1914. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGETlLfiE- LEADING HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES FIREPROOF ASHEVILLE, N. C. Western X. C. Fair OctolHT 18 to 1. Mountain Meadows Inn , altitude 3500 feet fine drive Center of Panorama of valleys end mountains in ten counties. Stables for riding and driving horses. Dairy and vegetable gardens. Rooms with and without bath. , TELEPHONE No. 1351 MISS TES1PE HARRIS , Ashevllle, N. O. Svvannanoa-Berkeley Hotel POPULAR PRICE American and European Plans HARRY L. LANGEL, Proprietor. Western N. C Fair October 13 to 16, Battery Park Hotel Open throughout the year. Famous everywhere. For B01 B and reservation, address, J. L. ALEXANDER, Prop. THE STATE BANKERS FiH WADE'S FUN Further Action on the Plan Suggested Meeting in Richmond. ASHEVILLE. N. O. Wilmington, Oct. 14. The "Wade plan to form a pool of $160,000,000 for additional relief of the cotton sit uation ,was approved in a resolution adopted here recently at a conference of members of the executive commlt- tej of the North Carolina Bankers' association members of the North Carolina federal currency associa tion, local bankers, manufac turers, and other business men called last Saturday by Thomas E. Cooper, president of 'the bankers' association. Further action on the plan was re ferred to a suggested meeting of the North Carolina Banker's association to be held by members in Richmond while there to attend the American Bankers' convention. It was believed a much larger number of the num bers could not be called Into a meet ing there than were here. The plan was outlined and Indorsed by Joseph Q. Brown, president of the North Carolina Currency association. It was left to the proposed Richmond meet ing to decide whether the banks of this state should undertake to raise their proportionate part of the pool, estimated at about $3,500,000. . HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. The Center of Life and Gayety. The Home of the Erson Orchestra Special Late Season Rates after September 1st. for booklet. Write BEAUMONT LODGE ASHEVILLE, N. O. ON ' BEATJCATCHER MOUNTAIN Is the highest point on tbo ridge east of Ashevllle one mile from Pack Square overlooking Ashevllle and Chunn's Cove has the delights of the country and mountains combined with city conveniences. Always cool with , good breeze. PHONE NO. 2221 MISS MATTIE HARRIS. PROP. J. A. Porter and wife to O. F. Pen- land, land in Black Mountain; consid eration, $200. J. D. Eckles et ux to H. E. Stlnch comb, lands in Black Mountain town ship; $10 and other considerations. John W. Hensley and wife to Ras- coe Hensley and wife, lands In Ivy township; consideration $200. Locke Craig and wife to B. O. Chat. ham, land on the French Broad river; consideration, J874. - Methodist Colony company to T. M, Earnhardt, land In Black Mountain township; consideration, $145. BRYSON HOTEL, ANDREWS, N. C. Occupies a beautiful location, overlooking one of the most beautiful valleys in Western North Carolina, elevation 2,000 ft Riding, driving, mountain climbing, trout fishing, etc The Bryson hotel Is homelike In Its atmosphere, large airy rooms, hot and cold water electric lights, etc. and particularly attractive to commercial and transient. Table the best. Rates 12.00 PER DAY. Special weekly and monthly rates. A. R. SPEARS. Proprietor SUYETA PARK HOTILL WAYNESVILLE, N. C. A house that combines pleasing service with genuine hospitality. Special low rates atmng September and October. Address WM. SCHAUFFLE. JR. TT"T,T? f T 17 f A T MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. llU l JUjLl IvllVJlVL 3. L. S MATHERS, Owner and I 7 Prop. Hot and Cold Water. Telephone In Every Room. Private Baths. Steam Heat. Large Sample Rooms. Special Attention to Traveling Men. RATES: $2.00 and $2.50 per day. Special Rates by the week. Headquarters for'U. C T and T. P. A. . EAGLES' NEST HOTEL AND CAMP On Junaluska Mountain, E050 ft. alt H mils higher thsn Ashevllle. Not the finest resort hotel In the world, but the finest climate and grandest scenery In this part of It Come over, enjoy s sumptuous dinner, and lets get acquainted. Relief from Hy Fever and Asthma. No consump tives, annoying children or mosquitoes. Never too warm. Booklet a C. SATTERTirWAIT. Jr.. Eagles Nest, P. 0 N. C. I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Broad and Narrow. Mips Is a man of broad views." "Ex actly, but In narrow circumstances." Baltimore American. BICKETT OPENS THE C1H IN BURKE He Ridicules Amalgamation of the "Bull Moose and the Elephant." - Special to The Gazette-News. Morganton, Oct. 14. Attorney Gen eral Bickett delivered one of the most logical and Interesting political speeches In Morganton to a large crowd Saturday aft .moon that has been heard in this section for years. Mr. Bickett was at his best and 60on had the .crowd with him. He ridi culed the amalgamation of the "Bull moose and elephant," quoting Co'lonel Roosevelt to prove that such a thing could not be "did." He also cited the fact that the republicans had nothing with which to go before the people from tho fact that they did not even issue a campaign handbook. His tribute to President Wilson was a most glowing one, and called forth rounds of applause. This was the first "big gun" to be fired in Burke this campaign and the democrats are con gratulating themselves on the fact that such an able speech was deliver ed for the cause. .' POLICE COURT Tho following cases wore called In Police court yesterday: Tom Sims, colored, was given 30 days on charges of larceny. A nol prosse with leave was taken In the cose against Ed Potts, colored, charged with assault "Honey" Flower, colored, was fined $50 and the costs on charges of re ceiving stolen goods. W. C. Smith and Mrs. J. L. Eber- hardt were each taxed with one-half the costs on charges of violating au tomobile laws. R. W. Chester was taxed with one half the costs on charges of violating a city ordinance. W. T. Zlndel was taxed with one half the costs on charges of violating an automobile law. Ella Hall, colored, was taxed with the costs on charges of disorderly conduct. Ella Hare, colored, was found not guilty of retailing to John Brooks. The case against Floyd Lipscombe, BEST LAXATIVE FOR CHILDREN ' When your baby is cross and fretful Instead of . the happy, laughing little dear you are accus tomed to. In all probability the di gestion has become deranged and the bowels need attention. Give It a mild laxative, dispel the Irritabil ity and bring back the happy con tent of babyhood. The very best laxative for child ren is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, because it contains no opiate or narcotic drug, is pleasant tasting and acts gently, ryit surely, without griping or other distress. Drug gists sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 451 Wash ington St., Montlcello, 111. . The Shoe Section Complete Assortments Now colored, charged with obstructing an officer in the discharge of his duty, was continued. Three "drunks" drew fines. M ELON COLLEGE Have Gone to Springfield, 0., to Attend the Christian Church Conference. f GIRLS! HAVE BEAUTIFUL, LUSTROUS, FLUFFY HAIR 25 CENT DANDERINE Elon College, Oct. 14. The quad rennial convention of the Christian church in tho United States and Can ada met in Springfield, O., yesterday evening. This is the supreme legisla tive body of the Christian church. It has general oversight of afl the gen eral enterprises of the various con ferences of which there are more than a hundred. Everyone of these conferences will bo represented by duly accredited delegates, and many of the foreign missionaries will also attend. Going from Elon College to this convention were President and Mrs. W. A. Harper, Dr. J. O. Atkinson, Dr. W. C. Wicker, Rev. J. O. Cox, Rev. L. I. Cox, and Rev. J. F. Mor gan. They will be gone about two weeks. Their routo took them to Ashevilln, thenco to Cincinnati, to Springfield, They aro to return via Roanoke. The Y. M. C. A. of the North Car olina colleges closed here last night, with a powerful address by Dr. W. D. Weatherford, the founder of the Blue Ridge Christian Worker's conference. No More Dandruff or Falling Hair A Real Surprise Awaits You. To be possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff Is merely a matter of using a little Danderine. It Is easy and inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of it ' Just get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine, now all drug stores reo ommend It apply a little as directed and within ten mlnues there will be an appearance of abundance; fresh ness, flufllness and an lcomparable gloss ad lustr and try as you will you cannot find a trace of dandruff or fall ing hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will se new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair sprouting out all over your scalp Danderine is, we believe, the only sure hair grower; destroyer of dandruff and euro for Itchy scalp and it never rails to stop falling hair at once. If you want to provo how pretty and sun jour nair reaiiy is, moisten a cloth with a little Dnnderine and care fully draw it through your hair tak ing one small strand at a time. Your hair will be soft glossy and beautiful in Just a few moments a delightful surprise awaits everyone who trios this. ' Savings Bank and Trust Co. Men Favor Amendments to Reserve Law. CANTON, N.C, THE IMPERIAL HOTEL E. M. GEIER, Prop. FREE SAMPIiE ROOMS STEAM HEATED RATES '$2.00. ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE BATHS SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY To Shippers and Receivers of Freight in North Carolina: Attention Is called to revised tariffs containing; rates for the transportation of freight between olnt In North Carolina, effective October 1J, 114. These tariffs ar Issued In accordance with the decision of ths Special Rate Commission, dated August 13, 1914. . All freight tariffs of the Southern Railway Company In conflict with the provisions of this or der have been cancelled or revised to confirm to the rates, rules and regulations prescribed by the Special Rate Commission, i Special attention Is called to the fact that in the application of this new law, many Import ant changes and new conditions are brought about the knowledge of which Is essential to every shipper and receiver of freight In North Carolina. Ordinarily there la but one rate between any two points within the State. Under the new law there will 5 as many rates between two given points as there are available routes between such points. A new basis for making Joint rates with other lines Is provided and the shipper has the right to select the shortest available route. Some of these routes, while physically shorter than others, are longer from the standpoint of efficient service, and the movement of freight via these unusual routes will necessarily require more time than If sent via more efficient routes. Shippers should In all eases Insert In the bill of lading the route over which It Is desired that the shipment movs. If shipments are tendered to Agents of this Company and destined to a point on Its own line, but without speclflo routing Instructions, It will be assumed that It Is the desire of the shipper that the shipment move over the Southern Railway at Its lawfully established rate, even though a lower rate may be In force via another route. For further Information apply to the Agent of this Company at this Station or to the following officers: MR. Hamilton BAXTER, Dlv. Frt Agent, Oreensboro, N. f MR. J. II. ANDREWS, Dlv. Frt. A'ent, Raleigh, N. C. MR. A. K. ORR. Dlv. Frt Agent Ashevllle, N. C. MR. IL A. PARKER. Commercial Agt., Charlotte, N. C. THE SANDLIN HOUSE OLD FORT'S LEADING HOTEL Centrally Located $1.50 per day Rates for longer period spon application) HOTEL ENTELLA BiiTsoi cm neauquaners (or traveling men and lumbermen. Races $2 per d Special rates by the month. Bats room. Free earnpls room. Railroad eating hous fretting Souther., depot l.lvery in oonm, Mon. W. W. WHEELER F. E. FRT, Proprietors. THE OLD FORT INN OLD FORT. N. O. Conveniently located, near depot Accommodation , by day, week er month, states reasonable. L. J. EPLEY, Proprietor THIS J ARRET! SPRINbH UOlbX Commercial and Tfwlt Rstes 11.00 per day. Hot and colO Baths. Special Rates by ths Week er Month. R. F. JARRETT , Manage - DQlsboro, 5. C Application for Pardon of Lewi ' Young. to mm to ?.o?. Application will be mads to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Iewls Young, convicted In the Police Court of the City of Ashe villa on Beplember 6, H14 for th crime of larceny and sentenced crve ten months on the chalngang of Hun com be county. All persons who oppose the grant Ing of sold pardon are Invited to for ward their protest to the Oovernor without drlev. This October lih, A. D. 114. LEWIS YolTNO, tOl-1 It With the arrival this week of our immense shoe ship ment, this section is prepar ed to serve every member of the family with footwear. Most reasonable prices here for better shoes and newer ' lasts. . . Let us show you a few. of these "new ones:" TAN ENGLISH WALKING BOOTS in lace Dull Kid of the same. Button Walking Boots In Patent and Dull Kid. Priced at $3.60. and ...... ...... ......... ....,.$3.00 NEW "MARY JANES" In Dull and Patent Kid Combining style and comfort at $3.50 and. '$2.50 CLOTH GAITERS. Broche and Serge In the new plain toe Patent vamps and Cuban Louis heels. Our leaders at .......... $3,50 Our Junior Shoe Department Is Also Complete. Asheville Drygoods Co. theater may be assured that today's performance is entirely different from that of yesterday. 1 "Chelsea 7750." The management of the Galax the ater announces as the special attrac tion for that popular theater tomor row, Henry E. Dixey in the leading role of "Chelsea 7750," which is said - - ' -"; - EH BF STATE S SCENE FROM "CHELSEA 7750," THE GALA TOMORROW. AT honrfl will finnear at the Princess theater Friday in her very latest role. 'Such a Little yueen, ana u is earn to bo a charming play that bring irinm nnrt nueens to the level of the common humanities In five reels. TO PURCHASE COTTON j to be an extremely Interesting and In tense drama of romance and adven ture, vividly portraying the emotions of the criminal. This big detective story Is In five thrilling reels and Is presented by the Paramount Pictures company, having been produced by the Famous Players F"ilm company. The local branch of the Fleisch mann Yeast company of New York received a letter from general head quarters yesterday, In which It was stated that it is the purpose of tho company to buy ten bales of cotton at ten cents per pound in all the cities of the south where branches are con ducted. The letter stated that It Is the idea of the company to buy the cot ton from the producer and not from speculators. This means that the Flelschmann company, said to be the largest of its kind in the world, will spend $500 for rnttnn in all of the important south ern cities where branches are main tained by the company. ho Fltischmanns are the peoplo who established, many years ago, in New York, the famous "bread line,'" perhaps the best known charity la the world. ' Mnry Pickford In "Such a Little Queen." The most popular of all motion pic ture stars, both locally and generally, Mary Pickford, ("America's Sweet- Felt at Home. Patience And did you feel at bom traveling In Germany? " Patrice Oh, yes. When the car con ductor called out the name of the street I couldn't understand a word be said. Yonkers Statesman. Richmond, Oct. 14. Members of the savings bank and trust company sections of the American Bankers' as sociation at Joint session yesterday In dicated their attitude toward the entry of state banks Into the new federal system by recommending to the gen eral convention that a committee be appointed to take up with the reserve board and congressional committeoa amendments to the reserve law. Tlu amendments proposed, would niako acceptance of membership by state banks, trust companies and savings banks more attractive. Appointment of the committee was proposed by !3ol Wexler of New Orleans. One need for the entry of state banks, he said, con- slsted of regulations to permit them to continue business as now conducted. The proposal for the appointment of the committee will be taken up lr. the general convention Thursday. tHKKKHKtlStttstSi(tBBK! St THEATERS K st News ami Views of Offcrlne In et st Vaudeville and Motion l'lc- l it tures That May Interest ' st Entertainments, Etc. st n ItstltststltstltltststKRI.Ksittslst Ths Simple Simon Musical Comedy company has been held over for the balance of the week and will present for the last threo days of this week "Home From College," another musi cal farce which Is said to be very amusing. "Cabaret Inn." which open ed Monday at the Majestic theater. will be presented again today and tonight The Simple Simon company la one of the best muslnel shows the Majes tic has presented In many weeks and large audiences witnessed each per formance. Nrv. Songs, scenery, cos tumes and dances will be given In 'Home From College," which opens tomorrow for a three days' engage ment. -Treat Tuberculosis with Lime- t HE MEDICAL RECORD (Now York) r December 18, 1900, con tblns an exhuustlvo discussion of "The Treatment of Pulmo- nary Tuberculosis Killed on the Assumption That tho Dietetic Cause of the Disease Is Llmo Starvation," written by Dr. John F. Rusttcll. In the course of this article Dr. Russell says: "TIm condition lili'h Is recognized as preceding b active development of tuber miosis In the adiiit may be considered as due to llmo starvation. Among Inorganic substnncefl, llmo salts appear to be of spcclul physiological Importance but If the salts are not In organic combination, It Is difficult to suppose that tho cells can ap propriate them for food." Years of widespread use have confirmed us in the belief that the marked success of Eckman's Alterative In cases of pulmonary tu berculosis (consumption) and chronic thioat and bronchlul troubles is cue In large measure to Its content of time, which Is so com bined with other remedial Ingredients as to be easily appropriated by the cells. Doubtless this method of compounding a vital element with other valuable agents has had much to do with the results obtained In many cases of these affections, which appear to have yielded to Eckman's Alterative. In any event. Its administration has seem ed to secure the desired result and without causing digestive disturbance or discomfort. As It contains no opiates, narcotics or habit-forming drugs. It Is safe to try. Your druggist will order It for you If he Is out of It or you can send direct to the sole manufacturers. Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia. r The Miller Brothers' "101 Ranch Wild West" The Miller Bros." "101 Ranch" pic ture received much applause yester day at the Princees theater and the large audiences that witnessed It were ploaeed to learn of a second and en tirely different exhibition of this won derful western portrayal, to be shown today. Yesterdays performance showed In detail the 111,000 acre ranch In Hllas, Okie., which belongs to the Millar Krothers, also reel west ern life and customs as It used to be In the days of the Indian and the buffalo. Todny the patrons of the theater will be favored with a com plete portrsyal of the Greet Miller llrolhore' Wild V. circus, an exact reproduction of the or'slnr! show, now on the road. The petrons of the Auction Sale OF NEBRASKA Horses and Mares ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. We will sell one Car Load of Nebraska Horses snd Mares. They sre Perchon end Coach bred, heavy-boned, bloeky, good shaped and fat; not wild; havs been raised In enclosed pasturVs; gentle and will be easily broken to harnesa. Remember, this Is good bred stuff and will develop Into Extra Good Horses snd Mares. They range In site from one to five yeuri, weigh from 100 to 1200 pound. This Is a great opportunity for you to get a Oooa .Jar Cheap, as they will be sold to the hlnhent hol der regardless of Cost or Price, No by-blddlng. None will be r served or pulled out of (he Pale. All will be sold. It will Psy any Farmer to attend this Sale. Don't let anything keep you away. Remember, Bale begins at 10 a. m., on lxlnict, M Avenue. October 17 Is the Date. RHltirdsv Is the Dey. Ashevllle l t!. Dace, jlf you want to MAKE MONEY comet RECTOR, BRANN0N & KIR! riueifni to McCampbell irro t. Vu'n !! r , L 1 i I 1 ? t I