ridaY. December 4, 1914. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE ELEVEH . i mm has IKED THE COUNT j keville Magistrate Yields to Importunings of Court and Resigns. OF mm giow (Continued from page 1) fore the approach of the hostile war craft Austrian aeroplanes are present, however, and their activity, it is said, is making the embarkation of the sol diers from the transport very unsafe. r, Gudger, Justice of the peace, flered his resignation to Judge E. Cline In Superior court at noon to- and it was accepted by Marcus jpln, clerk of the court n passing upon the resignation, tge Cline made an order in which stated that the cause would not he eecuted for a term of one year, m condition that Mr. Oudger shall I during that term, appear in any e under the influence of liquor; i that he abstain from the use of in- jcating liquors. It was further or d by the court that the solicitor at any time witmn tne iz monins the case up ior trial 11 tne conoi-. are not complied with. II the (dittons are complied with, then the Icitor was instructed to take a noi isse with leave in the ease against I Gudger. ' .' ';: ' - . ho court reserved the right to re inte the case in the discretion of I solicitor. The oourt stated that order was made in order to protect i defendant from any otner prosecu i of the charges against him. fhis is considered the final chapter B Case Liiat uud tiiuvfk 41. kst in shevllle. Last July, upon in tactions from Judge Cline, the grand y returned a true bill ' against Mr. Hger charging him with malfeas ie In office by appearing In- an in- cated condition while attempting .'hold court. At that time Judge be demanded his resignation, along h several other officers who were jestigated by the grand Jury, but Mr. ijger did not reslfn, stating to the rt in a letter that, he would abstain jm strong drink. Several days ago, pie appearing as a witness in a case jthe present term of court. Judge lie siatca tnat Mr. Uudger was Ink while in. the court room and he ordered to resign by Saturday jrning of this week or be sent to Jail I contempt of Court. 1 Prisoners Total. 33,000. Berlin, (via wireless to Sayville). IDeo. 4. Among ths items of news given out by the official German press bureau in Berlin today was the fol lowing: "The Russian military newspaper, Russky Invalldes, states that the num ber of Russian officers killed, wounded and taken prisoners since the begin ning of the war totalB 33,000. Leaves Front Petrograd, Dec, 4. Emperor Nlch olas yesterday left the front, returning to various towns In Central and Southern Russia to visit wounded In the hospitals.'' Visit Troops. Berlin, Dec. 4. (Via The Hague and London) Emperor William yes terday visited a -part of the Austrian and German troops fighting In the re gion of Csenstochowa, Russians Take Fortress. London, (Deo.. 4. A Petrograd dis patch to the Morning Post says! . "The news that Russian troops have taken Wiellcska, three miles from the outer fortifications of Cracow, seems to indicate there is something wrong with the defenses of that fortress, as Wiellczka should be well within the range of the minor armaments of a first class .fort. "Forty prisoners among others tak en . by the' oossaoks at Czenstochowa were found. to be women In soldiers uniforms." c. IS ELECTEDPRESiDENT kmed as Head of American ublic Health Ass 'n. Meet in Rochester Next. Jacksonville, Dec. 4. Professor lliam C. Sedgwick of Boston was feted president of the American bile Health association at ths sing session of the conference, ieh has been golng'on here for cra days, during which many ad psses on matters concerning pub health and sanitation were dls Med. Rochester, N. Y., was chosen by f asso-lation as the convention cltj mill. IBS IN ABATMENT illiam Rockefeller and Seven Other Defendants Allowed to Plead Not Guilty. N'ow York. Dee. 4 The nlm uemeni, entered in the courts re Dy William Rockefeller and f en others of the 21 riireptnr. nf the I rw Jiavon railroad to Indictments fging them with the criminal vlo on or the anti-trust laws, have rn dismissed and pleas of not gull nave Deen entered. The defendants made a netltlon to e court for rr Pieaa wveral days ago. BANQUET TONIGHT CL0SESPR0GRAM President Osborne Will Preside at Banquet Board for His Sales Force. BUSINESS. SESSIONS , BEING HELD TODAY Prizes Awarded at Grove Park Last Might to Salesmen Who Have Made Big Records, Russian Statement Petrograd, Dec. 4. The following official statement was Issued last night from general headquarters: "Fighting continues in certain dis tricts along the front in the region of Lowicz. Important forces of the en emy, chiefly troops transported In November, from the German west front, opened an offensive December in the region of Lioutomersk and Sezerzow. 'On the rest of the front on the left bank of the Vistula, there is no partioular modification In the situa tion. 'Beyond the Carpathians our troops have taken Bartfeld, capturing eight officers, 1,200 men and six machine guns." French Claims. Paris,-Dec. 4. The following off! clal communication was issued by- the war office lust .night: 'The only interesting news relates to our right wing and to the day of December 2 . On the right bank of the river Moselle we have occupied Lesmenils anil Uia Signal of Xon, "In the Vosges our troops have captured the Tete.de Faux, south of the village Bonhomme, which domi nates the range of hills forming the frontier and has served as an obser vatory fo rthe Germans. "In Alsace the station of Burn haupt has been occupied and we have established ourselves on a line comprising Aspach, the bridge of As pach and Burnhaupt." City News Gorman Claims. Berlin, Dec. 4. The following in formation has been given out by the official news bureau: . "Unofficial advices from Alsace say fighting Is progressing 'actively In this minor war theater. A heavy can nonading Is going on in Sundgau. The Germans are advancing against Bel fort. "The Austrlans report officially repulse to the besieger of Przemysl Galicla, Tjie garrison made a sortie against the Russians and drove them back from the outer fortifications. "Fighting continues In the Carpa- thian passes. "Although no news Is being reeelv ed concerning operations about Low lex, Russian Poland, It is assumed German attempts to flank' the Rus- slun right wing are continuing. The great value of such a move would consist In forcing the Russians south' ward away from the route toward Warsaw and Into the rear of the Russian main army. Much depends on the progress fade by the Germans and Austrlans on the front and on the enemy's left Bo far they have maintained their positions and re pulsed all attacks, but whether they have advanced is not known. The Russian loss the last few days 100.000 captives and many guns considered by local critics as bound to weaken them seriously," Ashevllle Encampment No. 2, I O. will again confer the Patriarchal free this evening at 7 -in thir Ml on Church street All Patriarchs f urged to attend. jEoth games played at the T. M. I v lMt n,Rht b c1m A teams in banketball league were one-sided ra interest was not as great In them ' usually taken. In the first game. defeated FosUr IT to , and In P second gem. Cline defeated Jor " li to t, Lf,n M,' ,cmpbell yesterday after. UL, ,uU ln BPrlor, court Mln,t the city of Ashevllle. In which a . " ov.r the sum . - ior alleged Injuria done of hit T"Prty on Hill street b. th. .A "one bv th. , M city employee Dy Salary Redaction. Whlngton, Dee. 4 rrw. i f lit one T ,n "aue0n ef e total '.lv.. ,h "Pre- ,,, tl ln'C0"tT.ss for the current rh.r! ? cUon, " 'w to th.ta,M'a by ,h "" " i.,,;- "'"'"I of the house. ,ZrT ta t"rn''d b"k "n, Condon Dies. Philadelphia, Dee. 4. Morris Condon, president of a manufacturing concern, who was shot in a hotel room here last week by a man who tried to rom him, died last night. He was about 10 years old. The Identity of Condon's assailant who committed suicide, has not been established. To Abandon Games, London, Deo. 4. Delegates of th English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish professional football associations a meeting In London decided to ree' ommend to their respective aasocla. tlons thst International football matches this season be abandoned Shulu Cliosrn. Lexington. Va Dec. 4. Edward B, fhults, of Loganrport, Ind., who has played left tackle on the Washington and Lee football eleven for three fears, has been elected captain Of the team for next season. Presents Credentials. Washington. Dec. 4. Romulo Neon, for three years mlnlter to the United Btstes from Argentine, hat presented his credential to President Wilson sa the first ambassador from his country. The eleventh annual convention of the salesmen of ' the Osborne com pany of Newark, N. J., which opened at Grove Park inn Wednesday night with over 100 in attendance, will close with a banquet at the Inn to night. President Edmund B. Osborne will act as toastmaster and a number Of the most Interesting after dinner speeches are on the program. The session of the convention this morn ing was given over altogether to the transaction of business of interest to the salesmen, and two similar ses sions will be held this afternoon. One, of . the most Interesting fea tures of the convention program was the meeting last night of the secret order of "Tovo," which is made up of the salesmen who have won the cap ital prize offered for good salesman ship. The prize this year was cap tured by James Gimblett of Detroit, Minn., and last night he was Initiated into the order with great pomp and ceremony and presented with the prize of $500 in cash. W. R. Newsome of Hartford, Conn., captured the second prize pf 200, the third prize of $100 went to B. Kizer of Des Moines, la., and the fourth, of $50, was given to A. Van Arsdale of Buffalo. The Junior capital prize of $100 was awarded to Frank Wooster of St. Louis, while the second, of $25, went to O. K. Wright of Minneapolis. The awarding of other prizes than money were made last night as fol lows: President's prize painting Award ed to W. R. Newsome for leader- hip in gross sales to July 4, "Old Oak near Pool of St Cucufa." (A. Nozal) Great Silver Chest Awarded for sales of $20,000 by May.l, to W. R, Newsome. Silver Chest Awarded for sales ol $12,500 to April 15, to James Gimb lett. The Victrola Awarded for sales of $11,000 by April 15. to J. B. Tufts and Raymond Walker. Fittings for the Walrus Grip- Awarded for three consecutive vic tory weeks to J. E. Lukey and I. J Shook-,- ' - Walrus Grip Awarded for two consecutive victory weeks to Merle K. Bennett, A C. Morris, J. P Seely, D. H. Powell, I. C. P. Su drow. . . Victory cuff buttons Awarded for first Osborne victory week to D, H, Powell, E. A. Allen, U. Seely, Jr., Frank Wooster, G. W. Gunnison, Jr. Original painting by Edwin Lama- sure Awarded for largest sales to April 1 to C. P. Sudrow, "After an Autumn Shower." First prize In spring marathon contest Awarded to G. W. GunnI son, Jr.; second prize, W. H. Warren; third prize, J. E. Tinker: fourth prize, James Gimblett. Victory hat Awarded for best work ln week edning June 27 to J E. Tinker, James Gimblett, N. B Kizer, J. P. Seely, J. L. Lombard E. S. Woodhouse, Frank Wooster, William Savage, J. T. Pavls, Ray mond Walker, D. H. Powell. Original - paintings by Edward Lamasure Awarded for leadership In the team race ending July 11: Tovo team, J. E. Tinker, "Where Flows the Cooling Brootc," team No. 1 Frank L. MWcNeil, "Edge of the Pine Wood;" team No. 2, N. B Kizer, "The Spring House;" team No. 3, James P. Seely, "Purple Oaks," team No. 4-6, Henry Llppert 'Golden October;" team No. 0, E. 8. Woodhouse, "The Crimson West." Sterling sliver Bowie knlve Awarded to the members of the Tor tolse team for the best team work in the Lamasure race! R. M. Agar, R V. Babcock, W. C. Ewlng, R. Y Mills. F. W. Ottersteln, G. B. Phil lips, George D. Russell, William Sav age, L. A. Winterberg, E. 8. Wood house, Frank Wooster and O. K Wright. Price for cleanest business Dlvld ed by J. P. Seely and C. A. Cum mlna. Penley, Eugene Gillespie and Leslie Sluder Stevens. ' ft The History club will meet tomor row afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. 6. H. Gibbs, 17S Merrimon ave nue. - It ft Miss Lillian Toomer has twice this week charmingly entertained at her home on Clayton street. Auction bridge and a tea formed the separate oocasions, both of which were most enjoyable. ft ft The Swannanoa Rebekah lodge No. 37, I. O. O. F., will meet in regular session at 8 o'clock this evening at the Odd Fellows' hall on Church street. The semi-annual election of officers occurs and other matters of great importance to the lodge are to be considered. A full attendance is de sired. Visiting Rebekahs are cordially Invited to attend. ft ft Ruffner Campbell has returned from a-vlslt to friends out of town, ft ft Mr. and Mrs. La Barge of Canada have leased a residence in Grove park for the winter. ft ft Miss Elizabeth Williamson Is the guest of Miss Mildred Overman In Salisbury. i k ft . Miss Marjorie Pearson has gone to New York to spend some time with her aunt, Mrs. Connally, and will later visit ln Washington. Thomas Pearson Joined Miss Pearson in New York for a brief stay from Princeton univer sity. Miss Pearson is being exten sively entertained during her visit. ft it Mrs. Charles N. Malone has as her guest, at her home on Hillside street, Mrs. O. H. Henry of Jacksonville. . .. ft - ft Miss Helen Mitchell arrived from Tusculum college, Tenn., this after noon to visit Dr. and Mrs. Gaillard S. Tennent at their home on Pearson drive for a week or more. .ADVE,j&TIS-E,' nmm' It In Our Classified Section Phone Your Wants to 202 WANTS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Farm 150 acres, 24 acres river bottom. Other good branch land, good farm house and out buildings. Good orchard, sev eral hundred cords of acid wood. One mile from railroad, one-fourth mile from Central Highway; four miles south of Old Fort. For fur ther particulars address W. , H. Hawking, Marion, N. C. : 254-7t FOR SALE 4-room cottage, nice lot. Price $1500.00; $200.00 cash and $16.00 per month. Phone 649, Don nahoe & Co., Real Estate. 260-6t ftftftftftftftttftsixstttitilftftftr ft ft AUDIT'OXATj ROCIATi ANO ft rFKSOXAL NOTK&, ft KftftftftftftftftftKftftftftt.r.ftR (Continue from cage I) Old Fashioned Corn Shucking. An old fashioned, all day corn shucking was recently given by Her man Slovens at the . home of his father, J. W. Stevens, in Lelceste township. Three hundred bushels of corn were shucked during the day and a fine country dinner was serv ed, Mies Dora Alexander, Miss Vlr glnla Stevens and several other youn ladle acting ln the capacity of Walt ressea In the evening a musical pro gram was given. The guests attend Ing were: Miss Dora Alexander, Kdn Hawkins, Virginia Stevens, Edith Meadows, Mary Stevens, Nai.nl Plemona, Delia Paris, Ronnie Alex ander, Stella Rhymer, Dora Martin Dorsls Hawkins, Clara Stevens, Edith Martin, Ueulah Btevens, Ervln Sluder, Ward Weller, Jeter Ramsey, Fletcher Alexander, T. C, Glance, J. B Alexander, Henry Hawkins, Fred Randall, Gradle Rhymer, Jeter lirown, Chastlne Hawkins, 8ld Sluder, Wtndoll Brown, David Reynolds, tluoom Sprinkle, Clifford Martin, Reed Hawkins, Lewis Ballard, liurb Nuts For the Table. A point to remember when serving nuts Is thnt they are of firm texture nnd of highly concentrated food value. and consequently are more digestible when put through the grinder before being added to other food. It Is also well to know the kindil ol nuts that should be used to get ceriaii results. Pectins, peanuts, English walnuts hazelnuts, filberts, hickory nuts, pine nuts, pistnehos. and almonds are tls sue builders. Butternuts, Brazil nuts black walnuts nnd cocoanuts the oilj nuts are quick beat and energy pro ducers. Chestnuts nnd chinquapins rank as cereals nnd breadstuffs. They may take the place of rice or potatoes. Be ing starchy, they must be cooked to be suitable for the table. Peanuts, we all know, are nuts only by courtesy. Like pine nuts and al monds, they contain a good supply of all the food elements. The high price of almonds makes tbem a luxury al- -most beyond the reach of a moderate purse. Smart Embroidered Neckwear. The chemisette pictured here Is com bined with a flaring collar. It is a useful accessory to the one piece gown or the dark blouse. The flowers and leaves can be work ed either solidly or as eyelets or ln a combination of solid work with eye- WANTS WANTS WANTED WOULD fou like to keep a trained nurse in your home permanently? Then go and buy one tomorrow at Brpwn and Northrups, 33 Patton avenue. You can get the head nurse for 10 cents. Help the wo men of the Old North State. 255-.lt FOR SALE -6-room cottage cIobb in. Price $3000.00; $500.00 cash and $25.00 per month. Donnahoe & Co., Agents, phona 649. 250-6t FOR SALE Lot BSxl08 on Elizabeth street, Lot has four large oak trees and is fine location for a bun galow. Inquire of owner, C. W. Ca- pell, 80 Flint St., or at Gazette News. . tf PERSONAL NAMES are "Wireless" forces, bringing good or evil. Which do you want? The Master Chords teaches the science of per sonal keynotes. Clear simple rules and explanations. A book of com mon sense. Can be used anywhere, by anyone, 50c. J. Boyle, 40 Gramercy Park, New York. 254-6t BANK POSITIONS Applications from banks for young men to sup ply clerical positions in the com ing year are being received at the A, B. C. We will give you a special course ln banking, if you desire a position of this kind. Ashevllle Business College, North Pack Square, tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Oakland Motor 5 pas senger, ' splendid Condition. K. L. Tubener, 333 Merrimon avenue. . 255-SU FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Eight room brick dwelling in West Phila delphia, Pa., within two blocks of Fairmont Park. Will sell reason ably or exchange for Asheville real estate. Address W. D. T., care Gazette-News. 268-tf. , FOR QUICK ' SALE At bargain, 1 mule, 8 work horses and several buggies. Millard, Patton, Stike leather Co., new stables, College and Valley. 241-tf. HELP WANTED CLOTHING SALESMAN WANTED ' Must be a good, first-class sales man. Answer in own handwriting. Care Gazette-News. Letter G . 254-3t WANTED Ladies apparel, opera cloaks, evening gowns; coat suits; ln fact every article of solk, wool or cotton, cleaned and pressed as perfectly as humanly possible. Phone 389, J. C. Wilbar. OFFICE EMPLOYMENT Applica tions for Stenographers and Book keepers from out-of-town Business Firms are coming ln. Any graduate of the Asheville Business College out pf employment? please call or write. tf. FOR NOTARY PUBLIC WORK ap ply at Gazette-News office. tf BOARDERS WANTED VIRGINIA COTTAGE 208 Patton avenue, close ln and attractive. No sick people taken. Reasonable rates. Phone 1028. 233-26t THE RICHELIEU 20 North French Broad. Select board, near ln. Large Steam" heated rooms. Southern ex posure. Mrs. Sarah C. Alley, prop. Phone 1415. 214-tf TH7" KNICKERBOCER, No. 77 Col lege street Phone 153. Delightful situation, central location, large shady grounds, appointments com plete. Terms according to loca tion of room. tf. Pf 1 EMBROIDERED CHIMIBFTTI aD COLLAR. lets. To obtain the effect Illustrated let the front edges of the chemisette meet work buttonholes ln each side and close with links. Make solid embroid ery by Brut darning backward and for ward over the stamped dots, and then cover closely with over and over stitches, working In the opposite dlreo tlon from the pndding. To make the leaves and petals of the daisies as eye lets run a thread around tbe outline, then cut n slight slit lengthwise, then crosswise and . work closely oy,er and over. This Mny Manton design Is for embrold erlng a chemisette with a flaring collar. Send 10 cents to tills office, giving No. Ml. end It will be promptly forwarded to you by mall. If In haste send au additional two cent stamp for letter postaga When ordering use coupon. No. Bis., Name Address Uwniitio Bliss, They hod been trotting In doubli harness for seven long, weary mouth and tlio honeymoon bad bumped tb bumps fur fair. "John," she said as she dlsbtd oui tbs breakfast food, "I need little pit money this morning.' "Wont did you do with tbe (5 1 gave yon last weekr asked tbe man wb bad promised to lore, honor and pt) the freight "Oh. 1 don't remember.' she replied ffs so etty to spend 13 and have nothing to show for It" "Right you srt," sighed Jobn. "Thai was the smount I paid tbe minister for marrying ua"-hkago hews. FLORIDA ORANGES 3o each 48o peck; cranberries 8 quarts 25c; sugar $1.60 sack. B. M. Shepherd 41 East College street. Phone 1631. SEE Leverett & Thompson, or phone 195 for feed and heavy groceries. . 242 Patton avenue. 2S2-.f J. H. McGINNESS. Tailor New Fall and winter samples now on display. Masonlo Temple, 44 Market struct. tf. HELP OUR FUND FOR ORPHAN Children Ten per cent given on all purchases of varnishes, stains, enamels, wax and polishes ending December 24th to these "little ones." Carolina Paint and Varnish Co., 21 Biltmore Avenue. Phone 239. 252-tf WANTED Watches and clocks to re- pair. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. A. Tillman, Jeweler, 12 Broadway, Langren building. 246-26t WANTED Your orders for coal, wood and kindling, prompt deliv ery. Pisgah Fuel Co. Phone 1499. 248-261 FOR SALE Good clean newspapers 60 for 6 cents. Apply at Gazette News office. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms one large and one small. Third floor Gazette-News building. Rent payable ln advance. Light and heat furnished. Want to rent to quiet couple, could do light housekeep ing. Apply to this office. tf FOR RENT Rooms for light house keeping. Phone, electric light, etc.. Rates moderate. 176 Flint street. 252-tf. WANTED To buy everything in second hand leather suit cases, hand , bags, furniture. In fact, anything second hand. Will call if notified. Zagier's tTnderselling Store, 44 S. Main street 237-tf WANTED SamrUs and consignments of wool, beee-vax, aW. and talc; also cotton llnters. Highest price paid. Peter Kiernan, N- 212 Bro 1 way, N. Y. ; 239-26t Financial BOND MARKET. New York, Dec. 4. Business ln bonds under limited regulations on the New York stock exchange continued today with extremely light trading. Such relatively active Issues as United States steel, 6's, New York railway's adjustibles, 5's, and New York city 4 s 1950, declined three points. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacitlc railway's deben tures, 6's, rose 14 points. LEAKY Hot Water Bags repaired Lock, key and trunk work, umbrel las re-covered, etc. J. M. Hearn & Co., 4 Battery Park Place, near P. O. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Work done quickly and accurately. Miss Agnes Lambert, No. 81 Ame. Natl. Bank Bldg. Phones 108, 1730. 239-tf WANTED Clean tton rags. Will pay two cents per pound. Inquire for Mr. Capell, Gazette-News Biaf- NEW YORK MONEY. New York, Dec. 4. Money opened much easier today, the charge for loans dropping to three and a half tier cent, aguinst four and a half at the opening yesterday. CHICAGO GRAIN QUOTATIONS. WHEAT Open Dec 114 T May 121 CORN Dec. 63-i May 69Vi iMTS Dec. 47 May 52 PORK Jan 18.02H May .... 18.35 LARD Jan 2H May .90 K10S Jain. s s ' e - !! May 9.97 Close 1HK 120 63 68 Ti 47 61 18.0S 18.48 l.5 8.90 .TO 10.08 COTTON FUTURES OPENING, Now York, Dee. 4. Cotton opened Dec. .. Jan. .. March May July . Oct . . Grand One. .ii 7.1t T.J T.48 T.I4 T.90 FOR RENT Furnished, modern, well located six room cottaee, $37.00; four room cottage $C..,o; three room cottage $22.60; all have sleep ing porches. Room 9 Revell Bldg. Phono 240. F. P. Ingle. 250-26t FOR RENT Furnished seven room house near In, sleeping porch. Cheap to family without children. Phone 1100. 227-tf FOR RENT Completely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Ap ply 195 South French Broad or phone 2210. 220-tf. FOR SALE Good clean newspapers. 60 for 5 cents. Apply at Gazette News office. tf M. L. DUNN Hairdresser, face mas sage, and manicuring. Work guar anteed. Y. M. L Bldg. Phone 762. 2I4-!6t BLUE RIDGE ELECTRIC COMPANY i Electrical contractors and repair ing. We solicit your patronage. W. A. Graham, 860 Depot street Asheville. Phone Til. J31-J WANTED Your letters to write. your books to post, your bills to make out Will do tbe work cheap to get practice for our advanoed students. Call at ths Ashevllle Busi ness college, north Pack square. 184-tf WANTED Your pets and sll other domestic animals for treatment by competent veterinarian, graduate ef Cornell University. Dr. M. M Ionard, It 8. Pack square. Office phone 1848: residence phone 110 tf. WANTED Young lady or young man of good education to read proof In the afternoon at The Gazette-News Office, In exchange for scholarship In the Ashevllle Business College, course of stenography and book keeping. For particulars apply a Gazette-News office. tf Vienna, Austria, Dec. 4. (Via Am terdam and London) Emperor Francln Joseph of Austria has be stowed the Grand Crone of the Leo pold order on General Liberlus von Frank for distinguished service In the field. FOR SALE A desirable 1 room honae In Grove Tark section; beautifully located; can sell on reasonable terms. Western Carolina Realty Co, . 3. W. WOLFE, Bee? and Tress. Pbona 74, 19 N. Park gq. FOUND. FOUND The cleanest place ln Ashe- vUle to eat Cigars and tobacco. Try me once. Star cafe. J. Sugar man. Prop. 48 Biltmore Ave. 249-26t FOUND Best prices on upholstering. repairing and buying furniture at Broadway Furniture Co. Phone 952. 250-26t MISCELLANEOUS NURSE8 You can Increase your ln come by taking a course in short hand and typewriting at ths Ashe vllle Business College. Study be. tween cases, or while on light cases We can give you private lessons al most any period In ths forenoon or afternoon. Can prepare you ln a short time to do correspondence for Invalids. Henry S. Bhockley, prin cipal; college 3rd floor North Pack Square, 246tf HAND WORK LAUNDRY First class work. Glvs mo a trial, C. H. Jung, 4t Biltmore avenue. X3S-26t J. C. Hennlnger, expert shoe maker and repairer. All work guaranteed. Phone 270. No. 100 Patton avenue, '232-26t J. H. McGINNESS, Ifo. 44 Market street Tailoring, Steam Dyeing, Cleaning and Repairing. Phone 18(0. tf FOR SALE Good clean newspapers, 80 for I centa Apply at Gazette. News office. tf FOR NOTARY WORK Apply Gatette-News office. st tf Removal Notices, Announcements, Professional Cards. IiMTraftr Wage. Oresnvllle, C, Dee. 4. H. P. Wheat, owner of ths Irene Cotton mills of Gaffney, has announced a to per cent Increase of wags for sll opsi t'ves connected with his mill, which Is one of ths Isrgest In ths state. Reiner Incongruous. , Dyer-Why did they send niubee to tbe pence cougreuT Ryar He's suck good tighter! Town Topics. MARCUS ERWIN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW On Deoambsr Tth. I will open ofrires for the general prsctlce of ths law In Rooms 11-21 McAfee Building at corner of College and Spruoe streets, . ROBERT R. REYNOLDS LAWYER On January the 1st, 1911, X will open offices for the gsnerift rrantlrt of the law at ITU Patton avenue, senond floor, corner of ration avenue and Islington avenue, practicing generally In ths State and Fsdsral Courta Phone IX7. ti-i