Friday, Deceabi PAGS TWELVE THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NEWS PHONES 129 AND 130 Two phones required to take orders for our famous M. & W. Indian Coal That 's because of the su perior fuel quality of this famous coal. Carolina Goal & Ice Company SO Patton Ave., Drohmor Bldg. THERE'S A SENSE OF FITNESS about Guarantee Shoes for Men and Women. Thev FIT PERFECTLY, a beginning and end of that particular question. And that is what men and women want in shoes. Besides the FITNESS of them, they have beauty and style and goodness. In black leathers, and tan. Also combinations for ladies. $3 to $5 Why pay more? Guarantee STORE 4 Biltmore Avenue. REMOVAL NOTICE We have moved from 11 Patton Avenus to thu store formerly occupied by the Ashe vllle Palr.t and Glass Co.. on North Main street in Langren Hotel building;. The I. X. L. Dept. Storo. 14 North Main St V." .Phone 107 GIVE A LAUNDRY COUPON BOOK For-washing to be done The Nichols Way And you have done your friend the best turn possible. Phone 2000. Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. 11 Penland Street. fin Ynur MJJ 1 UU1 Christmas Shopping Early "Just the thing I wanted," is sincerely spoken when your gift is an appropriate Eveready Flashlight. 11 Patton Ave. Opposite P. O. Christmas Pianos Of the Highest Quality ENABE HARDMANN VOSE KRAKAUER FISCHER And Others At DUNHAM'S "Music House , Ilia Home of High Grade iHauos. PROGRAM FDR THE BIG METING " Community Service Week" Will Come to Fitting Close Tomorrow Morning. DELEGATES SELECTED IN DISTRICT TODAY ttain Yesterday Intertcrred With the Observance of Public Roads, Grounds and Buildings. The observance of "community service week" in Buncombe county will como to a fitting close by a large 111053 meeting of the citizens pf the county, which will be held at the county court house- tomorrow, begin ning at 11 o'clock and lasting until 1. As stated yesterday. Judge E. B. Cline will give up the court room be tween theso hours for the benefit of the mass meeting and court during that time will be held in the com missioner's room. ' The following Interesting program has been arranged for the meeting tomorrow, with Mayor J. E. Ranlcln, chairman of the Buncombe county committee, presiding: Judge J. D. Murphy, chairman of the Buncombe county board of edu cation, will speak on: "A Six-Month School Term," while Dr. D. B. Se vier, the county health officer, will deliver an address on "The Work of the Whole-Time Health Officer." County Farm Demonstrator Agent E. D. Weaver will have as his subject: "The Work of a Farm Demonstration Agent." George S. Powell will speak on "A Better Road System" and "The Value of a County Fair," Is the sub ject which has been assigned to R. Church Crowell, the president of the Western North Carolina Fair associa tion. W. R. Chambers, principal of the Sand Hill high school, will speak on: "A County School Commence ment." John A. Nichols, chairman of the agricultural committee of the local board of trade, will deliver an address on "Stronger Organization of Farmers and Town Interests, With Closer Co-operation." A. H. Daniel, of Candler, an officer of the Bun combe county Farmers' union, will have as his subject: "Better Rural Conditions Through Crop Diversifica tion Instead of One-Crop System; Encouraging Home Ownership." N. Buckner, secretary of the Asheville board of trade, will speak on: "A County Farm Life School." Rev. R. R. Swope. D. D., rector of All Souls' Episcopal church, Biltmore, will talk on: "A Closer Co-operation of all Church and Sunday School Forces for Moral and Spiritual Progress." Curtis Bynum will speak on: "A Campaign for developing livestock and Dairy Interests." Today, which Is known as "school and neighborhood Improvement day" will be generally observed through out the county. The idea of the com mittee is that all school and church buildings in the county be improved today and the premises of the build ings be given a thorough cleaning. Of special Interest today will be the meetings that will be held in the various school districts of the county, when delegates will be elected to at tend the mass meeting at the court house tomorrow. It Is planned that each delegate bring reports of the work that has been done In his or her respective community during the days of "community service week." Yesterday, the first of the days to be observed, was a disappointment to those who were Interested in carry ing out the work that had been planned, for the day was to be "pub lic roads, grounds and buildings day," but owing to the Inclement weather It was Impossible for any tf the roads of the county to be worked yesterday, nor could the planting of shrubbery by the women, aa planned. be carried out, owing to the - rain. While the work of the first day could not be carried out as arranged, It Is planned to center all of the efforts of the workers of the "community service week" In the meeting that will be held at the court house to morrow, when talks will be made along all lines of civic Im provement and community better ment, and It Is hoped that each man nd woman attending the meeting will be able to get much valuable In formation that will greatly help to carry out the general Improvement work In the county. . . 1 1 rpTTV M A XT VDftHJt TTMUrWt AT PRINCESS TODAY "The latest release of the Jesse L. Lssky Feature Play company, "The Man From Home," will be shown at the Princess theater today. It Is from the pens of Booth Tarklngton and Harry Leon Wilson, and was originally produced at the Astor theater. New Tork, wherein It enjoyed a run of two years, without missing a performance. Charles Rlchman Is playing the role of Daniel Voorhees Pike, the hooirier lswyer. and la assisted by Theodore Roberts, Fred Montague, Monroe Sal isbury, end Dorothy Qulncr. Mr. Rlchman who was recently seen as the star of "Help Wanted" In New Tork, during his 10 years as an actor, hss appeared In 40 or more Important productions, principally among which, were "Rose Valley," "The Henatore Vindication." "Rose of the Rancho," 'The Fighting Hope," "The Revel lers,'" "A Man's World," "One of the Fe"hitly." and "Diplomacy," "Jro the Penman," "The Impoeter, "The Lights O' London," "Bouaht and Palo For." and "Help Wanted." In "The Man From Home." Mr Rich man will have a part admirably suited to his type and talent, and the Chambers Weaver, Livery, Phone 1 Laadmh't Seed at Grant's rtiaraacy SHISP. STUBBING PAINS Often Tell of Weak Kidneys An Asheville Resident Shows You What to do. The sharp twinge of pain In the small of the back that strikes you after any sudden twist or awkward motion, may tell ' of weak, kidneys. And there are often disturbances of the urine too frequent urination, scalding or burning pain during pas sage, discolored urine and sediment Doan's Kidney Pills are prepared especially for weakened kidneys, kid ney backache and urinary disorders have proven their merit in thousands of cases. Doan's are endorsed through out the civilized world are recom mended by Asheville residents. G. W. Buckner. 33 Central Ave., Asheville, N. C, says: "For a long time I suffered from pains In my back and when I stooped, I had trou ble in straightening. The action of my kldr.eys was Irregular. Finally, I got Doan's Kidney Pills at Smith's Drug Store and they quickly made me well." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Buckner had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. production In this will be an epoch making event in that the Lasky com pany spared no pains or expense to make this as artistic as their previous pictures have, been. The management of the Princess theater wishes to announce that half of today's proceeds will be given to the Good Samaritan society of Ashe ville. OFFICERS ELECTED BY JUNIORS LAST NIGHT At the regular meeting last night of French Broad council, Jr. O. V. A. M., officers for the ensuing term were elected. It was decided to hold a social meeting In the lodge rooms on the night of January 7, " at which rime the officers elected last night will be Installed. Officers elected last night are as follows: Councillor, J. Ross East, vice councilor, J. N. Hyder; recording secretary, Oscar White; assistant re cording secretary, J, W. Eiason; financial secretary, Cloyd Pennell; treasurer, J. G. Klncaid; warden A. R. Payne; conductor, J. B. Anders; inside sentinel, J. W. Young; outside sentinel, J. C. Hennlnger; chaplain. Rev. J. S. Williams; trusteAs, J. N. Black, I. M. Teague and O. O. Ed wards. HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS TQ DECLAIM TONIGHT A declamation contest between the members of the third and fourth grades, who are members of the Cooper Literary society of the High school, will be held at the High school tonight at 8 o'clock. Gallatin Roberts, Zvb F. Curtis and E. D. Johnson will act as Judges, and the following speakers will take part: Oren Roberts, "Tribute to Wash ington;" James Harris, "The Un known Rider;" Wesley Bouterse, "Vesuvius and the Egyptians" from "The Last Days of Pompeii;" Hugh White,- "The Traitor's Deathbed;" Randall Harris, "The New South." All Related. The langunge of Holland Is Dutch Of Belgium the language Is largely French, The Uertnan and Dutch Ian guages are quite distinct, though the peoples themselves are ethnological!; related. The Uermnna, English, Amer leans of English breed. Dutch, Swedes. Danes, Hollanders and Norwegians ore all fundamentally of the same' race stock.--New Tors American. ' Lecture on Christian Science. A free lecture on Christian Science will be given by Virgil O. ptrlckler. C. S.. member of the Hoard of Lee tureship of the Mother Church,' The First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Ihieton, Massachusetts, ,t the church edifice, 64 North French Broad Ave nue, Tuesday evening, December 8th, at :!0. Public Invited. , 255-4t. 10 bars Lenox soap JBo, wllh each order for 11.00. 3 lite. Kvsp. peaches 2 Sc. Kitra sifted, peas, something that la Ono, per down, $150. O. D. Allison, , Phono IMS. ... . . . . . 2G0-6t. Genuine J Coles X Hot s uiast NO.12DJ10 No. 15D $13 No. 18D $18 No. 126 $13 No. 156 $16 No. 186 $20 2T0.246 $33 C Brown Hardware Co. J I Broadway, r Chalmers The non-stallable feature of the new Chalmers mo tors is a source of great comfort to the owner who drives the car, especially to ladies. Let us tell you more about it Chalmers Light Six . Chalmers Master Six Chalmers Couplette . Chalmers Sedan . . Chalmers Limousine Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church St. Also Reo, Dodge and Saxon Cars. SETTLE THE GIFT QUESTION WITH BOOKS. : They represent the finest sentiment and remain for life dear as a con crete gift and dear because of the many thousands of volumes to select come from the press. ROGERS BOOK STORE S9 Patton Avenue - - Rogers Press WHEN DOWN TOWN SHOPPING REST AND SECURE REFRESHMENTS HERE CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE Haywood St. Near P. O. Phones 110 & 111. HILL'S QUALITY MEATS PLEASE "Ask Your Neighbor." E. C. JARRETT Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits 12 North Pack Square and City Market. 10 Per Cent to Ladies' Auxiliary Mission of the Good Samaritan OF SALES ON ALL DOLLS ON TUESDAY The Mrs. Eubin Robertson, chairman of the society, will be in charge of the sale. All that are willing to help the good causo take advantage of the sale. My Dolls are new and bought before the advance. All dolls marked in plain selling prices. All dolls left over from last year at half-price. BLOMBERG'S TOYLAND On The Avenue. Buckeye Incubators Get a BUCKEYE and you are sure of results. Each machine Is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We have them in stock and as low as 17.60. Call and get a free catalog L. R. STRICKER Corner College Lexington. Phono 1620. Wholesale and Rotall Seeds and Poultry Supplies. STAR MARKET CHOICE ORNED T 4 IVVJd.O We are Successful Caterer Citizen Transfer Company 4ITIAK WOODCOCK, Owner. We give movln our epAclal attention. Uri.l vans and most compe. lent men In city, i'rvinut baiigaie transfer service. I'lum. is i.n.,n 1 Avcnue. Motor Cars ..$1650 ,..$2400 ...$1900 ,..$2750 ,..$3200 i sentiment in the story itselg. Many from, and all the new books as they Patton Aveasa Phone ISA B3 Phone 456. THREE PHONES 1917 TT?T?-I7 Ml Vj Vj r PORK, BEEF L AND LAMB to m Variety of Appetites. - - , w -SPECIAL PRICES On Children's, Misses and Ladles' Coats. GEO. W. JENKINS 18 Biltmore Ave. Quality Spells Economy That is why so many people will use no coal, but , our MONAKCH. It is the cream qualtiy of good coals big in heat, burns free and leaves lit tle ash. , . , Southern Coal Co. Phone 114. 10 N. Pack Sq. PURE Delivered Promptly Phone 117 FOREST HILL CREAMERY- 318So.MainS Dairy Products anC Ico Cream Just Received LARGE SHIPMENT OF Fine Values J. L. SMATHERS AND SONS MAMMOTH FURNITURE STORE, e BUY A GOOD GRADE OF PLAIN FLOUR. Put yc; salt and Rumford Baking Powder j In it then you will know you have pure, wholesome bread:, otherwise you do not. S. STERNBERG & CO. DEPOT STREET x PHONE 333 All sizes and lengths k , Concrete Steel STRUCTURAL MATERIAL A SPECIALTY We buy anything and Sell Everything Moved to 33 College Street Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Cc PLUMBING, II EAT lUii, OA FITTINQ t, . CREABMAlf, FtesT. u A. CREASMA. ' The Amerioan "Cottage." Professors Oreenoagh and Klttredge of Harrard Id their book on the ways of English words point out that "cot tage," i& the strict sense of a laborer! dwelling, bss never been adopted Into popular Am erica o use because Amer lea bas nerer really bad tbe thing The word In America bas always bad literary sod sentimental associations nd finally bns come to be used ror the most magnificent summer residences. This bas gone ranch further than the use of the word In England to mean Tills. In America a "cottairer" de finitely signifies person who Is abort staying at boarding boos or hotel nd bas bis own sommer borne. Lon don Globe. Marquis. Tbs designation marquis Is the sec ond In tbe five orders of English nobO Ity. Tbe term origins!! Indicated per one who bad the care of tbe msrrbe of country. The word marches tbe ploral of mark, which In It polli leal sense signifies boundaries. Pncl. were the lands on tbe borders of Eng land and Jutland and of fcogund ana Wloe, A FULL TON Of coal, andhentk ton is M.&W. On.1 You have the full , value. Best f0r purpose-kitchen 4 Phone 40. . : Asheville Coal Co,: . rack Square. F. M. WEAVER, j THE FACT that, today tn, m did not read your want u . reason why he may It appears again tomorrow; w he reads It tomorrow tai'bn, reply It Is no reason ta rot reply to It the next tor b there as remind, fw,:. Wholesale and Beta: RUGS This is one of the most ex tensive assortments of Engs ever brought to this city. Call and See Them. 15-17 BROADWAY. of I Beams, Channels, and Relaying Rails, The Pset. Thit rich Mrs. Bttgfim speak to me now. Set b w4.1' my next door neighbor, nd tbr awfully common." "Well, tbers sxs soms tbtap can't do." "Wbatr" , "Make old thus Deightxrt ftT early dsya." Clevslind Ptata I YOUR OWN LIFE. One Ihing there whidisF?' incoolestabty. Yoah.fsr and, however mMgrabcanl P however meager in concitfoM.1 ever circumscribed its power, i , quite inconceivable worth to vo to mankind. The whole wide j does not equal it in value, ' external aims were realutrd" your cravings satufied jrou V " ignominious failure if yoti ", i noumhed and developed ins is mod palpably your own.-1' Spencer. t

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