Friday, December 4, 1914. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE FIV3 GH RECORD IE EXPORTS xports of Domestic Zinc from United States in the Last Three Months Surpass All Records. ULK OF IT WENT TO THE UNITED KINGDOM bme Interesting Figures on the Zinc Trade and Enor mous Growth of U. S. Exports. 1HIIGES FOR EI TS Fisheries Bureau Expert Pre paring for Comprehensive Display at the Panama Pacific Exposition! ' 10,000 SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR SPACE SECURED Practically Every Variety of Fish to Be Shown, Both of Salt and Fresh Water Specimens. Washington, Dec. 4. All previous Icords in exportatlons of domestic jjic were surpassed by the shipments tiring the last three months, which ' . .. a j i i 1 .. f r sse to me unpreceuenieu tuiai ut wu,- 14,574 pounds, valued at $4,443,381, I compared with 1,346,877 pounds, Slued at $80,756, in the correspond ik period a year ago. Figures compiled by the bureau of irelgn and domestic commerce of tho kpartmont of commerce show that o exports of domestic zinc in the irm of pigs, ingots, bars, etc., in the 1st three months exceeded the total sr the seven-year period which ended hth June, 1914. In the last four fis tl years, zinc exports have averaged .800,000 pounds per annum. In S97, the former high-record year In ports of zinc, the total was 35,869, 87 pounds. That figure, however, ias surpassed by the single month of September last, with an export total If 38,090,144 pounds of zinc pigs, in- rts, etc. Tho unusually large exports of zinc n recent months were sent chiefly to jpurope. In September, when the ex torts of zinc pigs, etc., rose to the jighest point ever known, 28 million jfminds were sent to Kngland three Ihillion pounds each to Scotland and france, and one-third million pounds sarh to Denmark and Italy, while one tnd one-four million pounds went to BrltiRh Africa, and a quarter million tounris to Australia. This exportation of 5,504,571 founds of zinc pigs, bars, etc., in the piree months which ended with Octo ber represents about 10 per cent of I he annual domestic product which in 512 amounted to 647,814,000 pounds. International trade in zinc, which xceeds $75,000,000 annually. Is large fy centered in Europe. Statistics pub lished In "Commercial Relations of the t'nlted States" for 1912 reveal the fact jhat Belgium exports annually crude line valued at 23 million dollars; Germany, 17 million; the Netherlands, Hunt million; France, eight million; Italy, four million; the United King dom, one and one-half million; and the United States, prior to the current iear ,nhout one million dollars' worth. a'he United Kingdom is the world's (rhlef Importer of zinc, the total im forts of that article in 1913 having been valued at 21 million dollars, con tistlng chiefly of crude zinc, and al most wholly locally consumed. Into (liprmany the imports In 1912 amount ed to 17 million dollars, made up of sore and crude zinc Kranre lmnorted In that year 14 million dollars' worth nf zinc, of which nine and one-half million dollars' worth was In the form "f ore and the remainder bars and other manufactured forms. The Neth prlands imported In 1912 about nine million dollars' worth of zinc ore and prude zinc. Other countries whose annual Imports of zlno equal or exceed me million dollars In value Include Belgium, four million; Russia, three million; the United States two million: taly, one and one-half million; and Japan one million dollars. No Joke, "Never start anthing yon can't On- ho." advised the aage. "That rule would keep most of us from trying to slug The Star Spangled Banner,' " replied the fooW-CInclnnatl Enquirer 111 THIS IF HI IS GRAY Or If Bothered With falling Hair or Itching Scalp. When your hair turns gray.' faded. or streaked with gray, get from any drug store about seven ounce of old fsshloned liquid Q-Pan. Apply to the hair and scalp at night, like a sham poo, rubbing it In gently with the linger tips. Your hair will then be beautifully darkened so evenly and naturally that no one supecte It has been applied. Although not a dye. Q Uan acts on the hair roots and makes inn keeps your hair soft, fluffy, thick living the hair that dark brown, fas cinating lupler and abundance which makes the hair so attractive. Q-Rn soesn't cost much to try. Is not sticky 9T meaay; harmless, and Is a delightful nair aresnlng snd easy to apply. Also Mops dandruff, filing hair or Itching 'P. Ask druggist for Q-Ban for Jarkenlng gray, hair. Your money back If It doesn't satisfy you In every "y. Bold by Welk.r's I'harmaoy, ". UUt-Of-tOWD y mall. a peopla mpplled DEINK EOT TEA FOB A BAD COLS Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea, or as the German folks call it, "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonral of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve ana arinK s teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most effective way to break a cola and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a cow irom ua system. Try it the next tune you suffer from cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. San Francisco, Dec. 4. I. H. Dunlap, "chief clerk of the United States bureau of fisheries, Washing ton, D. has arrived in San Fran Cisco for the purpose of making the preliminary arrangements for" the United States government fisheries exhibit at the Panama-Pacific Inter national exposition. The bureau has taken 10,000 square feet of space In the palace of food products. Thirty aquarium tanks are to be Installed besides three pools. Two of the pools are oblong, 8 feet by 12, and the other is 18 feet square. These pools are designed for the larger specimens. Two five year old fur seals, an entirely different variety from the common harbor, or hair seal, will inhabit the. large tank, These seals were captured on the Pribylof Islands and are now In Washington, D. C, They are the old est seals of the variety in captivity. Approximately one-half of the tanks will be devoted to salt water specimens and the remainder to fresh water varieties. A special car will be sent out from Washington to bring the eastern specimens to the coast. These will Include the fish of the Great Lakes and of the Mississippi valley. Lobsters, Atlantic salmon Scotch sea trout, white fish, pike perch and all varieties of trout, in eluding the Loch . Levin and eastern brook will be among the numbers. A large number of ornamental fish will also be shown, the golden and green tench, the golden lde and the va rietles of gold fish will delight those who care for the odd and beautiful in fishes. Muskalonge, sturgeon all varieties of salmon and the wonderful and beautiful golden trout, found only in Volcano creek In the Sierras and never Bhown In captivity, will be found in the different aquarium tanks. Marine specimens collected in the Pacific waters all the way rrom Catallna to Puget sound and a com plete display of commercial fish of the west coast form other details of the exhibit. A fish distributing car, the property of the government, will be in commission during the entire period of the exposition for the pur pose of renewing the supply of spec imens. Tho car was especially built for the purpose and contains aerat ing pumps, tanks and apparatus. Hatching apparatus, showing all kinds of fish hatcheries In operation, troughs for trout and salmon, bat teries of Jars for the hatching of white fish, tables of jars for shad tidal boxes for cod, together with all apparatus used in the rearing and distribution of fish will be displayed. A series of tanks showing the de velopment of the fish from the eggs comprises one of the most interesting educational features of the exhibit. Modela of research vessels and of flBh ways show how the work of the bureau is prosecuted. The develop ment of the sponge fisheries Is shown by models and specimens of foreign and domestic sponges in all stageaof growth. Artificial propagation of sponges will be demonstrated. Oyster culture comes in for Its share of at tention and a aerlrs of specimens taken from the Atlantic and from the Atlantic oyster beds of tht Pacific coast will be of unusual interest, ow Ing to the wide difference in the de velopment and growth. The native California oyster is Wall and the Atlantic oyster will grow in the Pa cific waters but will not breed here, Models of artificially planted beds will be shown. A series of molluscs and crusta ceans, Including freak water moi- luscs from which pearl buttons are made, comprises a section of the ex hibit. These will be brought from the Mississippi valley, where the Industry flourishes. A very complete collection of sclentlflo apparatus for deep sea and other research. Including deep sea sounding and dredging will be die played. Chief Clerk Dunlap will return to Washington as soon aa the prelimin ary arrangements for the Installation of the exhibit are completed. He will visit the coast again when the time arrives for the Installation, which will be In charge of experts and en glneere from the government fish cries bureau at Washington. LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Bub Fain and StifZnetJ away with a tmall bottle of old honest StJacobaOil When your back is sere and lame" or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer i uet a 25 cent bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Don't, stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the ache and pain right out of your back and ends the misery. It is magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame back misery so promptly! ststx nct KtHnxwn-.-.." -. ... at t COMING ATTRACTIONS," t t , ' t Thursday,- December 10, mat!- t s? nee and night. Primrose and It ! Wilson's, minstrels.. at ? ' Coming Soon. K t Maud Adams and her company t 6 of Metropolitan stars in "The Le- , W gend of Leonora." at at 'St "Within The Law." Bayard Velller's intensely interest ing new American play, "Within the Law," which Selwyn and company is soon to present in this city with the same caste as was seen in Ashevllle last season, is described by the entice In New York and Chicago, in both of which cities it has scored the tnea trlcal sensation of the year, as the most attractive dramatic novelty the native stage has produced In a de cade. The story deals with the Strug' gle of a young woman to rehabilitate herself in society after serving a term In prison for a crime of which she is innocent. TIE TBEY 0' HEARTS, THE GALAX 1I Fifteenth and Last Installment Will Solve Many Problems of the Story. The patrons of the Galax theater who have followed the events of the Trey o' Hearts serial will learn with regret that the fifteenth episode which will be shown tomorrow, un der the title of, "The Last Trump,' Is the final Installment. It is Bald that tomorrow's episode will answer the many questions that are naturally in the minds of the patrons regarding the disposal of the different charac ters and the outcome of the romance which has featured the story from the beginning. The problems that will be solved are: "Whom does Allan marry, Rose or Judith?" "What be comes of the other?" "What becomes of Trine?" "Does he succeed In his vengeance?" "What is 'The Last Trump?' The Deadly Trey o' Hearts or the everlasting symbol of love and happiness, the White Rose?" Miss Cleo Madison and George Larkln have won the admiration by their work and no doubt many will regret the expiration of their weekly ap pearance on the screen of the Galax theater. The management announces that new and bigger serial than has yet appeared will follow closely the clos ing favorite. The title and date oil the hew serial will be announced in the near future. ROBBERY IN WILSON; WAR STAMPS SCARCE Special to The Oasette-News. Wilson. Dec. 4. During the ab sence of the family from home in the early evening a sneak thief entered the home of Chnrles K. mount and a gold watch and 128 In money were taken. Many complaints were heard WednoS' day concerning the lark of proper ar rangements for the sale of War reve mi stamps In Wilson, The express company 'and the railway offices have lumps for1 their cuntnaiors but there Is no public supply place. Other pe culiar provls'ona of the law canard mnrchnnta ! emu-dally the drug KUit much tnnciyknii. Primrose and Wilson's Minstrel. Many stars of the theatrical world have received their first recognition in the companies of Primrose and Wilson, the famous minstrel stars. To enumerate the list would be to name some- of the most prominent comedians and vocalists of the pres ent day. Primrose and Wilson possess the happy faculty of discovering tal ent; and then the ability to develop it. The splendid organization gather ed together by these stars for their big spectacular production, of twen tieth century minstrelsy - Includes many artists of the first magnitude. many of whom have been individual stars. There are a number of "finds' with this attraction this season, who will no doubt, have their names dis' played in bright lights In the near future. Primrose and Wilson's mtn strels will be seen at the Auditorium matinee and night, on next Thursday. Tickets for both performances will go on sale at Allison's next Tuesday. Jht Practical Christmas Jtor ry ffl is ..y Jhs Practical Christmas Store adies and Children's Coats at Bargain Prices for friday and Saturday During the month of December we will inaugurate sev- era! Two Day Sales that will be very important to economi cal women. The first one begins today and the items listed below are offered for two days only: 7 $12.50 Coats, Ladies' and Misses' 6izes, all materials, $8.75 $15.00 Coats, all colors and sizes, late fabrics, for ....$10.75 $20.00 Coats, in fabric fur, heavy pile fabrics and boucle, at ......... , $14.75 $25.00 Coats, including Wooltex garments, splendid values ; ...;. . ..... mr ....... . .$17.75 $5.00 Children's Coats, 1914-15 styles, all materials, for $3.75 $7.50 Children's Coats, for school or dress, very special, Fri day and Saturday at ........ . . . : . . ... . . ... ..... .$5.75 $10.00 Children's Coats, sizes 2 to 14 years, priced at. .$7.75 $J Silk Jfose for $J Kid CJlons for Zainij Pay Urn- 79c pair These gloves are rapid ly doing the disappearing act, they won't stay long at the price. There is quite an assortment in all V uamj 79c Pair Here is an All-Silk Hose, even to the garter top, in black only, pret tily bordered at the top in green, lavendar and red, all sizes, from 8 to 10, that we will sell to day and tomorrow at 79c pair. shades of tan, but blacks and whites are in 5 3-4 only. brellas Special At 98c When weather condi tions are unfavorable we put out a number of Rainy Day SPECIALS. Whether it rains or not today and tomorrow, we will sell this lot of a hunv dred umbrellas at 98c. "The levee Tango," the big dancing Dlvertlsemmit CToatel and Executed by George Primrose This Is One of the Features with Primrose and WS1. son's Mlnstrols. Auditorium, Manne and Night, Thursday, DcoemlXT 10. ZINGO'S ADVENTURES AT PRINCESS TOMORROW Those who saw "Zlngo" shown at the Princess theater last Saturday will learn with pleasure that his ad ventures will be continued at that popular amusement house, tomorrow, with the second portrayal, which will show the events immediately following those of last week. This picture is not a continued serial, but each episode Is complete in Itself and tells another story of the doings of "Zlngo," who was reared among the monkeys and In the environ ment of the lonely wilderness, and with wild animals as his playmates. This chapter Is entitled, "War In the Clouds," and it Is said that "Zlngo's" terrific battles In the air will pro voke untold amusement and wonder. It Is in three complete reels and shown at the regular prices. Lime Starvation Causes Tuberculosis The Mrdlral Record (New York) of December 18, 1900, contains an article on "The Treatment of Pulmonary To herculonls, liascd on tho Assumption That tho Dietetic Cause of tho DlMeane Is I I me Starvation," by Dr. John F. ItoMwll, who says: "Tho condition which la recognised aa preceding the active development of tuhemiloHls In the adult may be ronslileml as due to lime starvation. Among Inorganic subntance lime sails ap pear to lie of special phyiilologHwl Im portance but If the Balls am not In organic combination It la diiMculc (o snpiHMe that Uie cells can approf1ale them for food." Years of widespread use confirm tis In the belief that the success of Eck man's "Alterative In caws of pulmo nary tuberculosis (consumption) and chronic throat and bronchial troubles is due In large measure to Its content of lime, ao combined with other Ingre dients aa to the easily appropriated by the cells. Doubtless this has had much to do with the results obtained In man" oases of these affections, which ap pear to have yielded to Erkinan's Al- terntlve. Aa It contains no opiates, narcotics or hsblt-formlng drugs. It Is safe to try. Your drugirfat will order It for yii or you ran sond dlrrrt. IVkninn laboratory, llilladclphla. If s lime To Think About' Those' Gifts ONLY BUY 17 shopping GIVE SOMETHING USEFUL AND early DAYS AND before IT WILL BE APPRECIATED save CHRISTMAS WORRY Electrical Household Appliances Are Handy, Serviceable Devices that are Different from the Usual Run of Christmas Presents CALL AND SEE OUR LARGE STOCK ELECTRIC Radiant Toasters, Coffpft Percolators, Chafing Dishes, Combination Cereal Cookers, Disc Stoves, Lumi nous Heaters, Corn Poppers, Shaving Mugs, Sewing Machine Motors, Flat Irons, Grids, Tablo drills, etc. Asheville Power and Light Co. Phone 69 TOE ELECTRICAL WAY SAVES MUCH LABOR EACH DAY. IT'S CLEAN, ECONOMICAL AND IT PAYS.