Friday, December i y PAGE EIGHT '.3 111 1i i I H ! 4 I r i i 5 n ELKS fif,llfL l DEC. Interesting Program for Annu al "Lodge of Sorrow" of Asheville Elks at the Majestic Theater. MEMORIAL ADDRESS BY WILEY C.RODMAN Rev. Wyatt Brown Will De liver Eulogy on "Our De parted Brothers" 21 Have Passed. Final preparations have been made for holding the fourteenth annual memorial exercises of Asheville lodge No. 608, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, which will, be held at the Majestic theater Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. The program, copies of which have just come from Ihe hands of the printers, is the most interesting jet arranged for the Lodge of Sorrow ceremonies, as these exercises .are called by the Elks in all parts of the world. The memorial address will be de livered by Wiley C. Rodman, and Rev. Wyatt Brown, rector of Trinity Episcopal church, will deliver the eu logy on, "Our Departed Brothers." Rev. Pr. R. R. Swope, rector of All Souls' church. Biltmore, will prt nounce the invocation and pronounce the benediction at the ceremonies. The complete program is as fol lows: " Overture, Jubel, by Weber, by the orchestra. Opening ' ode by the lodge mem bers. Invocation, by- Rev. Pr. Tt. R, Swope, pastor of All Souls' church. Lodge ceremonies, by members. Soprano solo, by Mrs. O. C. Ham ilton. i Violin solo, by M. F. Oonnell. Eulogy, "Our Departed Brothers," by Rev. Wyatt .Brown, 'Cello and clarinet solo, Messrs. Wood and Hart. Soprano solo, Jlrs. O. C. Hamil ton. Memorial address, AVlley C. Rod man. "Stabat Mater," orchestra. Closing ceremonies. Closing ode. Benediction, Rev. Dr. R. R. Swope. Two members of ths Elks' lodge have died since the last memorial, F. W. Johns, on March 6; and M. I.utz, on October 3. In all the local lodge has lost 21 members since the organization. The present officers of the lodge are: W. R. Patterson, exalted ruler; Marcus Erwin, esteemed leading knight; I U. Greer, esteemed loyal knight; C. L. Sykes, esteemed lec turing knight; V. L. Wells, secre tary; S. T. Logan, treasurer; v". J. Fitzpatrick, esquire; Dan Hill, chap lain; W. A. White, inner guard and W. F. Stoner, tyler. The board of directors is composed of E. P. Brownell, Jr. M. F. HofTman and S. Sternberg, The memorial committee is L. U. Greer, chairman; E. P. Brownell, jr., and V. L. Wells. The ushers for the memorial! exereises are D. W. Mlsenheimer, II. C. Watkins and Julius Lowenbeln. In Memorlnm. J. D. Plummer, April 14, 1901; W. I. Boyer, November 14, 1901; W . R . Crawford, May 27, 1902; E. P. Mc Kiaslck, September 28, 1902; L. P. McCloud, October 13, 1903; R. L. Cooper, July 19, 1904; A. P. Boyd, May 4, 1905; D. M. Luther, July 31, 1905; Dr. J. H. Drake, December 15, 1905; Fred Ward, March 24, 1907; E. R. Hampton, March 1, 1908; A. Whitlock, . March 25, 1809; W. B. Butler, March 28, 1909; J C. Smith, May 6, 1910; Kope Elias, July 18, 1910; D. H. Rosenstein, Novem ber 13, 1910; J. W. Pool, December 16, 1911; F. R. Grant, October 6, 1912; Dr. V. T. Meriwether, June 12, 1913; F. W. Johns, March 6, 1914; M. Lutz, October 3, 1914. On the back of the programs is the Elks' creed; "The faults of our brothers we write upon the sands, their virtues upon tablets of loving memory." And this beautiful little piece of sentiment is also on the back of the Inside cover of the program. "Oh, for the touch of a vanished hand, and the sound of a voice that is still." The program, which is from the shop of the Inland Press, is one of the handsomest yet gotten out for the Elks' Lodge of Sorrow. On the front cover an Elk, in relief, with the clock, which is the symbol of the order, just to the left of the elk and appearing to be : rising over the precipice on which the elk is stand ing. Under the elk, the words, "Elks' Memorial Service," and just above the words, "Our Absent Brothers," are in raised letters. There are four inside pages containing the program, and the program is bound in a deep purple ribbon, the royal color of mourning. GUDGEH SPENT NEED VERY LARGE SUM His Expenditures in the Tenth Congressional District To taled $6,875.10. Sensitive Suspicion. "You don't seem pleased when I sug gest that you have a lovely dlsposl tloa." "I'm not." replied Miss Cayenne. "Telling a girl she tins a lovely dlsposl Hon Is usually a sort of apology for not being able to say she Is either good looking or interesting. Washington Star. Gazette-News Bureau, Wyatt Building, Washington, Dec. 4. Representative Gudger filed his last campaign expenditure report yester day. It shows that he has spent an additional $1,301. He had already ex pended $5,571.10, making a total for the campaign of $6,875.10 or $1,875.10 or more than he was allowed to spend by law. The cotton loan committee yester day announced the appointment of state loan committees, which will co operate with the central body in ap portioning the $135,000,000 fund for the relief of cotton producers. The fund was raised at the suggestion of St. Louis bankers. The chairman of the state commit tees will be invited to attend a confer ence with the cotton loan committee in Washington December 15. In the event any chairman is unable to at tend he will be .asked to designate some member of his state committee to represent him at the conference. Completed copies of the plan, form of applications for loans and general instructions were mailed to the chair men of the committees from the New York otHce today. The state committees, under the general plan of organization, will ap point local committees in various towns of their states. Tt . will be through these local committees that applications for loans will be forward ed to the state committees and by them to the cotton loan committee. OF CATTLE IN STATE HEAVY In 1910 Cattle Averaged 23 Per 1000 Acres in State of North Carolina. A Dangerous Subject. Professor Henry Drummoml when a boy discovered that he could hypnotize people. At u birthday party a littlt girl declined to play the pl.ino. Drum mond happened to cntch her eye and said, "Play." To his surprise she rosi at once, went to the piano and played At another time be hypnotized a boy and gave blni a poker for n gun "Now," said Drummond, "I'm n pliens ant. Shoot me." The boy did so, and Drummond fell to keep up the illusion whereupon the boy. seeing the "bird" more, was about to hit it over the head with the poker. The hypnotlzer had Just time to stop the magnetized sports man. Pearson's Weekly. Seamstresses 45c per day. in North Carolina had 360.000 fewer cattle in the census year than in 1SD0, according to a statement in the Uni versity News letter. While the popu lation multiplied two and one-half times the beef supply decreased nearly one-third. Upon the basis of total landed area the cattle in North Caro lina in 1910 averaged only 23 per 1001 acres. Tn North Carolina are 22,000.000 acres of land of the total of 200,000, 000 in the south. "It looks like a cap ital chance for southern farmers," says the Letter. "When they can turn beef cattle into Instant ready cash at a profit they will go Into the produc tion of meat In some adequate whole sale way and not sooner. Whenever has it been otherwise? "We need stockbreeders' associa tions, and big beef bulls in abundance. And we need to get rid of the cattle tick.- The railroads need to tempt the farmers with arransements. conven iences, facolities and rates for hand ling live stock shipments. More live stock markets are needed within pos sible reach of the . farmers. Local butchTing, packing and refrigerating are necessary. They need to be sani tary and modern in every particular. Well managed city markets are lndis-pensible. "Here are problems for city boards of trade far more important than se curing another industrial enterprise or two. The growth and prosperity of cities depend upon their being centers of well developed food-producing re gions. The business people in the cit ies must help solve the problems of the farmers in the surrounding terri tories and they must soon do it In sheer self defense." A Costly Funerai. The most costly stale funeral which has ever taken place was perhaps thai of Alexander the (J runt. A round mil lion was spent In laying Alexander to his rest The body was placed In fl cotlin of gold tilled .with costly a ro om tics, and a diadem was placed on the head. The funeral cai was enibel lished with ornaments of pure gold. and Its weight was so great that II took eighty-four mules more thau a year to convey It from Babylon to Syria. Argentina receive Austria has a female population of nearly 15,000,000. NEW EOYAl SOCIETY PACKAGES BO .1 (uiildillo) .Roya 5 and 7 Biltmore Ave. Now Is the Time to Buy Your Millinery Every hat in the house must so. One lot 1. nn.1 $2.00 hats tomorrow 75c Bring yonr hats in and have them re-trimmed. One lot trimmed hats consisting of $4.00, $.").00 and $6.00, tomorrow $2.98 and $3.50 We have on display our line of dolls consisting of one of the best assortments this store has ever shown See our Sunday advertisement. Come and receive free aluminum rooking sets. Read this premium card: i.oo i.oo i.oo i.oo loo mo :s 7S 75 75 7 J5 (0 60 60 BO SO 60 28 35 PALAIS ROYAL COMPANY Dry Omuls and Notions Priori 630. 6 niltmora Ave., Asliovllln. FRKF Aluminum Cooking Sets Ab solutely FREE when your cash pur chases reach amount shown In margin below. Always present this ticket whim paying for purchases. Only cost to customer on proposition Is re Imburslng merchant for express and packing, 4 Sc. AMOUNT $40. e as as ao io ta 8 1S as ' ts as as as as as to 10 to to is is Silks. New Royal Society Packages. Fancy Goods for Fancy Work. Xew Ribbons and Tomorrow every ladies' suit in the house reduced, $18.00 and $20.00 Suits $12.50 $r,0.00 and $35.00 Suits $15.00 $12.50 and $15.00 Suits Tomorrow $8.50 All ladies' and children's coats at a discount of 25 cents on every dollar you buy. One lot of Crepe de Chine waists, $5.00 values,- for $3.50 One lot $5.00 and $0.00 Skirts $3.75 Another lot of those bath robes, the $5.00 kind $1.98 Cont ihy tomorrow. Call for IJlark Cat Stockings. in Quarterly Statement City of Asheville Sept. 1st to Dec. 1st, 1914 RECEIPTS. Tax Department "f Property and Poll ....... Sinking Fund ........... " . Paving .,.....'........ Opening- and Widening- . . Sewers Sidewalks Abstract "B" Special Tax ........... Interest ... Market Rents ...... . . . .$72,186 40 . 9,419.21 , 180.50 168.91 . 3.214.44 . 4.265.94 . 2212.65 . 834.08 Fire Department Salaries -......-.-..$ 1,941.41 1 Gasoline and Oil 49.03 Supplies ........... ....... 254. SI Repairs ................ M 68.50 Incidentals 828.74 Equipment 789.91 Water Department i Sales of Water (flat rate) .3 2,208.48 Sales of water (by meter) . 18,638.75 Services 721.95 Sanitary Plumbing ....... 32.00 City Scales .............. Police Department Penalties ............... A 188.45 Costs 2,894.87 Sanitary Department Street Sweeping ........... $ 82.50 Fumigating 402.75 Scavenger 105.25 Miscellaneous ............ 1,395.98 $ 92,690.40 1.090.50 t 16,494.14 41.26 $ 2,681.32 Bond and Loans 3 6,000.00 Unclassified (total) ...... 3,806.51 . 1'ublic Schools 447.36 $ 19,864.4$ Totrfl Receipts DISBURSEMENTS. Board of Aldermen Salaries ................ .3 Incidentals .............. Mayor Salary Incidentals ..... .$ 600.00 6.00 875.00 11.86 f 9,262.88 124. 086.95 605.00 City Clerk, Assistant and Auditor Salaries ...I 655.00 Supplies 66.21 Incidentals 47.34 Corporation Counsel S. G. Bernard, Salary $ 375.00 City Treasurer Salary '... .75.00 Incidentals 9.(1 Advertising Ordinances & Resolutions! 80.95 Reports and Notices 288.00 Board of Trade 600.00 Tax Department Salaries ...I 1,230.00 Supplies 89.90 Incidentals 20.00 Refunds 43.92 Police Department Salaries (regular police) .. $ 6,532.20 Salaries (special police) .. 36.00 Supplies 82.06 Maintenance, prisoners ... 489.86 Incidentals 298.28 Trial Tax -; 887.10 Light !-!" I'-" Street I 4,846.69 All Other ,. 202.83 Public Schools 35c on ths 3100 valuation. $18,916.14 Repairs - 812.75 Rent 60.00 Interest ( Funded Debt '... 7,294.00 Floating Debt 6,344.18 Ilealth and Sanitation Sanitary Dept Salaries and wages ' Inspectors (90.00 Street Cleaning .. 1,891.87 Scavenger ....... 226.02 1 2,807.89 Forage 818.99 Supplies 641.31 Repairs 381.79 Incidentals M 189.63 Equipment 111.73 I 4,8(0.11 Pest House Main'nance, Patients $11.70 Supplies and Repairs 10.30 err 3 22.(0 Laboratory Supplies and Equipment . .$ 34.25 Milk and Meat Inspectors Salaries $490.00 Incidentals 44.30 '714.10 886.36 668.55 876.00 84,61 768.93 $ 1,383.82 $ 6,773.99 $ 4,547.92 $ 19,288.89 f 13,638.13 f 5.681.28 Sewer Department Wages ....... ......$ 129.88 Material ................ 252.30 Storm Sewers . 32.20 Incidentals 49.(7 Engineer's Department Salary and Fees . . ....... $ 701.00 Incidentals ....... ........ 4.14 . Public Lands and Buildings Wages 875.00 Supplies 39.66 Repairs .......... . .... . 484.10 Insurance 904.38 Incidentals 7.00 Lands 3,476.81 Buildings ................ 166.00 Equipment : 928.07 ,1U , .5t 705.1 Street Department Opening and Widening . ..$ 1,804.57 Grading 6.00 Paving 3,413.04 Sidewalks 907.14 Repairs 1,099.83 Salaries 292.62 Supplies ..; 321.19 Incidentals 200.88 Equipment 275.62 Drains and Culverts .23.10 Inspection , 717.00 11,111.11 Public Parks Wages $ 291.00 Supplies and Incidentals . . 960.45 Equipment 675.93 Bills Pybte , Floating Debt .......... .$17,148.03 Paving, City's Part 4.690.54 Paving, P. O. Part 8,246.38 Bldewalks 6,599.35 Sewers . , 242.75 t 8,597.71 t 1.827.8$ Auditorium Repairs & Incidentals Equipment .......... 187.50 600.00 Belief , Donations ..... Inspection Electrical Fire Waste $ 1,106.00 405.65 80.00 $ 86,927.5.' $ 687.(1 $ 1,105.01 $ 485.51 Water Department Salaries $ 1,807.59 Plumbing Inspector ...... 406.60 - Services 1,568.88 Supplies ...... Repairs Refunds (water) Refunds (Meter) ...... Meters Incidentals Extension Pipe Lines Freight tt Drayage . . . 356.93 1.286.26 136.72 827.90 482.79 860.76 1,798.17 162.16 Market Department ' '' Salaries $ Supplies , . . Repairs Incidentals Commission Bonds 6k Coupons $ 879.99 114.43 113.67 666.(7 82.50 $ 9,581 H $ 1,274 (I 15 51 Transfer Bonds " ' Gen'l to Res. Sink $ 1,960.00 Miscellaneous 16,060.00 r Registration Vital Statistics Few t..$ 68.50 $ 17,0 Damage Property All Other .. .$ 1,126.67 (8.60 Incinerator Wages $ 440.28 Power and Fuel ... , 78.11 '. RSDAlrs 198.39 Supplies and Incidentals . 1.76 Cash Payment on Paving ,..$ (.131.70 (LSI $ 1.194.0T $ 7H.TI Unclassl fled , Total Disbursement Ma. 6.191.79 1,189.(4 (1(6,11117 F. L. COICDER, City CJerl. CHARLOTTE FORTHESHR NERS Large Delegation of Nobles to Accompany Potentate Am bler to Ceremonial A large delegation of Ashevlll and wrstern North Carolina Shriners will sccompany Potentate Dr. Chase P. Ambler of this city, to ths ceremonial seulon of Oaals temple, Ancient Order of Arable Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, wnicn win he neia In Charlotte on Wednesday, December 9. The Charlotte News of yesterday has the following interesting story In regard to the ceremonial: The final plana for the ceremonial session of Oasis temple. Ancient Ara bio Order Nobles Mymlc Shrine, which will be held here December I., one week from yesterday, have been mads and all will be in readiness for that dste. "It nlsht at 6: SO the Arab Patrol met and executed the fancy drill with which the temple will be okH,.f"5 lor the rrr.munlul, and (he many specta opinion that never before has the Pa trol been in such a high state of effi ciency. Captain J. O. Walker and Second Lieutenant Frank Lethco took turns in commanding last night, First Lieutenant E. B. Graham being out of ths city. 'Then the business of the ceremo nial was taken up and each man was assigned to the work he will have to do on December 1, day and night, to the end that there will be nothing left undone and no particular set of pa trolmen wilt be imposed upon to do more than their fair share. 'The stunts this year will be, in great measure, new. not only to the novices who come to tread the hot sands, but also to the members of the temple and even to some of the mem bers of ths patrol. For Instances, va rious stunts have been assigned to certain members of the patrol, with instructions to make ready, as ths printers say. but to withhold publlra. tlon until the time for Its execution. or the execution of the csndldate, has arrived. The officers In charge of the com ing ceremonial are of the opinion mat mis will ne one of the moat In teres! Ing ever held and Louis South erland. chairman of the general ar rangement committee, has lined ths 4t.ll.. .... at.... . . """""" "" niu iar in aavance so ,1... . W . t . .... . - inn I'.rtmnniai will go Willi a nap and sent which adds so much to me success or these events. "Recorder Thomas Orlfflth has now In hand a large number of ti.ntli.. class than had been expected. oW to the present financial stringent HAW CREEK SCHOOL IN ALL-DAY MEET!- fnu- .r r. i. l,l will OblW 1 1 fie xmw i,te today of community service w by an all day meeting and wor" at the school house. Dr. Winston llvered an educational addreai w o'clock and a Basket 0,m"7... served at 12 o'clock. The association will meet at 3 H Opals. fj Toe opal used Id Jewelry." rolsbetl from other' TuJetlei valw by calling tt g-ppscjo- opal Opels differ very fL color euects, asia the partem of the gem. The Hie of the Cashes of color w yarr small, when the stone Pla's point oral to Ur' panglea, wbsn tt to ne Lecture on Christian eJt A free lecture on Christian BfJ will be given by Virgil O. iw C. S., member of the Board 01 ' , . . . . t-r'hiirrn, ' First Church of Christ. Wn''";r lloston, MsnKfti-husetts, at th edIIVe. 4 North Krenrh Vrv nua Tn,..,l.v ...nlrii. Decern'" tors who wtre present express ths and the oullook is for a much Urger at 8:30. Tuhllo Invited. , . ' '