ednesday, December 23, 1914 Q6 CilllU lo't'w" h a cold, running ;e tight or iooso with wheezing itbreathes,(mother8 l aiii n r t.n ii y"" , - lid's back or chest d listen) snouia DR. .Dunn UGH SYRUP, to Morphine Chloroform jit. It's the Ily right medi- Batum, W itfe Wonderf u? Harbor, Great Oil Port THB AS HE VILLI; GAZXTTE-NEW8 Wo OV, t a. JlT! -J""" ,30,000.000 a descriptions of the LIT, .u.! y?ar- and wlth the ame alertness of port of Batum, which the Turks re oently bombarded, and of the Vistula legion, wnion has been th scene of the great eastern camoa Urn mnL 7 r . one of tne 14 turn not far ftn Warsaw, back between Russian and AustroS rTorth tZT?' "i" le,r?an nds. IU banks through thrnnih w m , nie nign man plateau in the eputh AumniL hub- I ana in tne neiehborhnnri nf w SI& ftnd HcrmaniF T 1 ., w . oeiveo as a are nign Dluns. often shorn nrl " I forces: "Sauattino- , . , . wrougn tnree em t - o v.. J .aiciiy uitLin. mm a a n harhoT ; r .a...W0"aerIul " between - , . navm loriress. WZ m ? ' shorteristrnce. I Bull Cough syrup cured them." l ' ,,"lp3 ,s tne naptha port tween Russia and Germany. Udo' t m Ihn, 670 if 89th St.. Brooklyn, K. Y. uff a sea outlet for the oil banks lie the cities of C?acow l f SAMPLE SENT FREE ?tf Bak"' andutho most city saw. Modlin. Plock, ThorrT K '.. Mntlnnhl rmnr AAA. 1 UDOn the eastern lhn T11. xuuin, IV Httfbrittndiy. Mention thlt paoer. Addreii ,ft .MEYER 4 CO.. BALTIMORE. MO. lajestic TODAY Auriema A Sensation in Gowns Pierlert and Scofield Present "Helping Hubby" Comedy Juggling Act Charlotta St. Elmo Comedienne Jimmy McGowan Character Singer Billy and Bunny Mathews Comedy Playlet NEW SHOW OPEN TOMORROW Matinee Daily Night 7:15 and 9:15 Get the Habit Go to the Majestic j on its War- .,r. ii. T . ' v,ii.jr oaw, jwoaiin. flock. Thorn Knlm upon the eastern shore of the Blank nr..n. . ...1' '. nl um sea. It is a nlB( in nnn ,fc-vn .V' """""'"" anQ ln ltlc port of Danzl. The Vistula rises in Austrian Si lesia, and taken n. Klmi . .iuuj .wuact; of 850 miles to the sea. Its source is on the northern airmen nf th Beskiden, a spur range of the Car- URIC AGIO IN MEAT BRINGS RHEUMATISM Says a Little Salts in Water May Save You From Dread Attack. TltrSTEETS SALF, ' By virtue of th nnwor nf iaIa tnv tained in a certain deed of trust made W Harriot B. White and Caleb Mal lory anl wife, Anna Mallory, t6 the ..u.'.siCTpa trustee, dated the 19th y of Noverrjber, 113. and duly reg "tered in the offlce of the reKlster ct to1:l f..r TlnnonmKA nAi.n.. XT f . w ... vuuiiij, . . . V... in w mor,'?B" and deeds of trust . at page 488, to which reference jMiprhy made, and default having imjiiiwii 01 ine in- WDMnemi secured by said deed of -t mereby the power of sale there. contained has become operative nndcrslCTed trustee, will on Sat. ZtJ' ,,,c Bth ar f January, 1915 " 1 O Olnfll n ..II - . l .. on for cash, at the court house door " " Cll' of Asheville, county of Bun hITni?,and. 8,ate of Nort Carolina the Ivin. . 1 ana" na Premises, situate, cnmf d beln ,n county of Run mbe and State of North Carollan "fl tnnr . ... fill,.-. H-niL-uiany aescnoea as 1 wi-.n,,Klnnln' a stake at the lar r 0f ,and" or Wllllar" li ..L , ru"n,nT tnence south 77 orthwZ "nd one-,hl'- Pol to the Jai t .i v,,rl,rr or iana conveyed by "R..w,f.t-.,Jannah.f na!' M inrnue soutn z aen. Uorm,,A . m conveyea an nd d.vt0 Rob,,rt Whlt "fty-four ,orl.?"::hlrd the southwest "no, LLa '"'"tloned land; flfi h . elhty-'Kht decree oTh ,f,;'n,ol, to a Make; thence the wf'fr,rth " "H P"" nor. , f nnln' contn'nir nv. acre. M .inrdln M''ry r Joel N. b, 'fl n(1 Hannah Bailey. ' a7rt , ,l""1 Aun",t '" th. . . . v I,fl","- In the offlce I'WeTi '. ' d,',1 b'",l No- " t h-H, '' to which refr-renr. Is Mrtpti;n.,0r mr' ,nrmaUon ,'nPtZln "nv,n and eoptlng w. ,p:r8",,n nr thi" pp"- tw U"mb.r 7th. 1114 WYN KDVAni8. Trut.e. 4n nnn in,oV.i ants, alive With the ennn nt business and filled with the color of eastern peoples: It has Just three things to please the fancy; Alexand er park, on Lake Nurle, at its eastern boundary; a cathedral completed in 1906; and a straight palm-fringed, boulevard along the sea. "Batum Is about eight miles from the Turkish frontier in Asia Minor. Russia conquered it from Turkey, and the congress of Berlin in 1878, con firmed the conquest. In awarding Ba tum to Russia, it was stipulated that the port should not be made into a naval base, but the city la now a strongly fortified station. In 1911, following the collapse of the ancient quay, extensive harbor works were undertaken, with the result that Ba tum has been made one of the safest, best-equipped harbors on the Black sea. "The city is very ancient In loca tion and very recent in Importance. It Is mentioned, under various names, from early antiquity. The Russians have been the first to endeavor to launch It upon a career. Though still 'highly unsuccessful from a sanitary standpoint, it has a model modern city's ground plan, the streets being the ehortest ways between two points and most of the city squares having Bharp right angle Modern conveni ences, however, have been lost sight of In the city's stride for business. "A pipe line and a railway made Batum. The pipe line Is laid down from Baku, and it brines to Mia its principal export oil. The railway connects Batum with the main trans caucasian line, through Tlflle, and with Baku. Besides petroleum and 'its by-products, the city ships liquorice, manganese, silk cocoons and wool. It imports tin and machinery. Greeks, the ehrewd dealers In money and goods in the near east, hawe control of much of the business. "Sub-tropical vegetation sets the city. A recognizable ten. and rnn. slderable bamboo are grown In nearby valley. Lemon and trees ernw nut nf rTnnra Whl1 tnllA and warm, the weather Is verv er ratio . 90 inches and falls mostlv in Au gust and September. Sometimes six teen Inches of rain hnrstn nnnn th city within forty-eight hours. Batum rheumatism. Here you have a pleas- Is in Its second,- op possibly, third childhood, with only an occasional well appointed house, but with air wnich business success has Drought to favored western cities. The Vistula River. The Vistula river. patnians. The upper reaches of the river run through a narrow, wooded vajiey, narrowing in places to a pic turesque gorge, with tree-hung sides, and throughout its highland .way Is surrounded by as wild scenery as can be found within the United States. "Just before reaching Cracow, the Vistula leaves the mountains, and from this Gallcian city seaward it Is navigable for smaller boats. Its direc tion from Cracow la fl WH v frnm 1 to mouth, and It penetrates deen intn the plains of Russian Poland berore It turns, not far from Warsaw, back n.TO - UHUia ana iacea wun loosely neld earth ero- 2 .n', between Austria and Rus- slons, and altogether difficult of pas- be-1 sage between bank and bank. From Warsaw on. it is navieabln fop lumr river craft. 'The plain through which thA rlvfn passes from Warsaw to th Pmunn boundary smooths away into swelling lowianas, tne river course becomes trickv and wandering mhiii. tv.a sandy banks are forever sliding Into the water. The Vistula enters Prussia ten miles above Thorn, the strong Prussian frontier fortress. Beyond this point it cuts through tha Prus sian ridge, enters low country again, wnere its shirting bankB give con siderable trouble to navigation. The Prussian government has pxnpndRrt large sums of money in the endeavor to win a mastery of the river, and to keep it serviceable as a great trade Rheumatism is easier to avoid than to cure, states a well-known author ity. We are advised to dress warmly; keep the feet dry; avoid exposure; eat less meat, but drink plenty of good water. Rheumatism Is a direct result of eating too much meat and other rlrh foods that .produce uric acid which is absorbed into the blood. It is the funotion of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast It out in the urine; the pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity. In damn and ehlllv cold weather the skin pores are closed thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate the uric acid which keeps accumulating and circu lating through the system, eventually settling In the joints and muscles caus ing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon ful In a glass of water and drink be- off fore breakfast each morning for a Week. This is Said to ellmlnnra nrln a acid bv stimulating tha Vtrlnov. in no orange mal action, thus ridding the blood of tnese impurities. Tt A Cltn la lnHAH.f... 1 1 The annual rainfall Is high land is made from the add of grapes ana lemon juice, comDinea with llthla and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are subject to ant, effervescent Hthia-water drink sight." which helps overcome urio add and Is oenenciai to your kidneys as well. THE WEATHER PAGE THREE n S 3 O o 1 M SI' 34 86 34 82 16 32 38 i3 artery. The Vistula has a heavy traf-1 Sei, Ala.bftma' oa and eastern fic of lumber, grains and other farm WoI?h CaTO,,na- 11 k somewhat cold- fic of lumber, grains and other farm productions. 'Before reaching the North sea. at Danzig, it divides into two arms, that on tne west retaining the name, Vis tula. Thick- sheet ice binds the river at Warsaw, as a general thtnu- tvnm about Christmas time to the first of Marcn. it is visited by periodical floods of powerful headway in spring and in mid-summer. The vtatuln. forms one of the most important com mercial avenues in Russian Poland, In addition to its important Prussian traffic. It is connected by canal with the German river Netze, and through it with the Oder. It has a drainage basin of 74,000 square miles In area, and receives the rivers of recent war fame, the San, the Bug, the Pllica, Bzura and the Wieprz as tributaries." Albion and Columbia, "Albion, the Gem of the Ocean," wes written and composed by Jesse Ham mond, an English government dock of ficial, abont 1820 and was heard above all others In the theaters, music halls and on London streets. It la apparent that "gem of the ocean" fits an Island more aptly than our large tract of continent, and "borne by the red and the blue" (tie red of the British army and brae of the navy) Is more logical than the meaningless line "borne by, the red, white and blue." The lines of the English song are almost word for word Identical with our version, "The Red, White and Bine." Exchange. Asheville .., . .. ..23 Atlanta . . .80 Atlantic City . . . . . .22 Boston .. .. . .....16 Chicago . . . 6 New York . . .. ,20 Washington . . ... .18 Normal for this date: Temperature 36; precipitation .14 inch. Foreoasts until 8 p. m., Thursday for Asheville and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday, prob ably rain Thursday. General Conditions Last 24 Hours. The eastern storm has again caused snow in the eastern lake region, the upper Ohio valley and St Lawrence valleys. A disturbance over the south west has been attended by rain In Arizona and southern California while a third storm is entering the northern Rocky Mountain region. Rains are reported in the west snilf states, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennes see. Alabama. Genreta. nnd "My husband loved me at first "I hear you met 'at the masquerade ball." : it er in the southeast and is warming up in tne west. T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. Prompt Service Better Values , At the Always Busy Popular Department Store Shop before noon or after supper to avoid the rush, and for your own sake don't wait until tomorrow. Efficient Delivery v. 11 11 U. S. Department of Agriculture if Wed,, Dec. 23, 1914 Shaded area shows precipi tation of .01 Inch or more. EXPLANATORY NOTES Otaemtiona tiken tt 8 1. m., 75th meridian time. Air pressure reduced to sea level. Isobars (continuous llneO n.. ih., , .. of equal air pressure. Isotherms (dotted lines) pass through points of equal temperature: " ).pt?..thrort Pln? J ciear; tjpi prn j ciouay; jp ciouay; n ran; snow; report missing. Arrows Oy with the wind. j3MrcSSSBraBSBtKn esaw. y- -anstum-vt xfl vrt it bh eat wwh tee i-trX awweawrrs aag wcc3.i Mutt Isn't Quite In Edison's Class I ArCW CAT . .. . - VA6yS MILCtON AIRE-'Ve Cl&COVje-REO AN Oil. TKKT NUSW V. THB FLPrritlr- rsj. T NL r ' v-vptrr. tv0 -fHS vCWT Kli-t. By "Bud" Fisher VMt'viC (iOT TO -tfOf IT OUT IM THe NfiYT ROOM, liu PVJT JHliOiL ON YOU ftNT) ( Y-L;o (H yhs nt SND TUR.NI otss TH ON eNoOGHTo KlU. YOU BUT ?0Y0U CN TtLU I P T VOORKS OP. C-UT - 1 y I v I I i ii ii i i '1 t' I ! -: COrTEIGXT 1014- 7 XT 3TAR C. '