THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NEWS Wednesday, Decembw v -r "Tt SIX II M 11 I I ULlJDDDDDgjULiJJLLr SOCIAL HAPPENINGS rrrrnnnnnnnnnnnrTi i 1 1 i rrr Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Field wil'. have with them for the Christmas holidays at their home on Grove street their sons, Francis and Marcus Field, who are students at the Ashevllle school. Mr. and Mrs. Field will also have with them for the Christmas season the former's sister. Miss Char lotte Field of Cooperstown, N. T. K X Miss Florenoe Martin, the attractive young daugrhter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Martin, has returned from Washing ton, where she Is a student In Trinity college, and Is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin, and grandmother, Mrs. Vanoe, at their home on Liberty street . A house party beginning tomorrow will be entertained by the Misses .Gosse at their home on Blake street. On Christmas eve the hostesses will en tertain with an elaborate Chrlmas tree, and during their stay a special dinner will be given In honor of the members of the house party. Amonff those attending will be: Miss Bertha Long of New Market, Tenn.; J. 13. Wills of Morrlstown, Frank Taylor of New Market, and Harris W. Helms of Morrlstown. tt . The Red Cross work in the city yes terday was encouraging and has put the sum total of net results well on toward the $1000 goal. The commit tee now has $859.94, yesterday's re ceipts at the postoffice, where Mis. Charles S. Jordan and her cousins, Mrs. Angel and Miss Angel of Brook lyn, sold the seals amounting to $30.25 and $6.25 coming in from elsewhere. Mrs. William LeRoy Dunn and Mrs. Arthur S. Wheeler are In charge of the sale of the Red Cross seals at the postoffice today and It is the ep.rnest desire of the committee In the Inter vening day to complete the fund want ed. No street sales are goins on to day but on Christmas eve Mrs. Allan McDonald, with two motors and a dozen young ladies to assist, will again sell the seals upon the streets. Trinity Christmas Musical. On Christmas day the following music will be given and the following order of service observed at Trinity church: Midnight Eucharist (Thursday night ,at 12 o'clock.) "Holy Night." Introit, "Oh, Come All Ye Faithful." Kyrie, Gloria Tibi, Gratlas. .. .Gounod Anthem, "Like Silver Lamps". . Barnby Ter Sanctus, Bcnedictus, Agnus Dei . . ................ Gounod Gloria in Excelsls ........ .Old Chant Nunc Dimittls Gregorian Bell Amen. Recessional, "Ping. Oh Sing This Blessed Morn." ELEVEN" O'CLOCK. I rocPFslonni : "Hark, th Herald An . go!s Sing." Venlty'. Mendelssohn Te Drum , . . , King Hall Penedletus Barnby Introit: "Oh Little Town 3f Bethle hem." Kyrie, Glorl, TIM, Oratlns. . . . Gounnd Sermon Hymn: "Sing, Oh Sing, this Blessed Morn." Anthem: (Same as above from till? point on.) Soloists: Mrs, Wyatt Brown, Miss Bettie Sites, Mr. Samuel J. Fisher. m m Carroll Martin, the young son of Mr. "TWd Mrs. J. H. Murtln, who Is n stu dent at Annapolis will not bp aWn to spend the Christmas holidays In Afhe ville as the cadets of this institution are allowed one day onlv. ' . Mrs. George W, Vanderbllt and daughter. Miss Cornt-lia Vnnrterbl't, who have gone to New York to be with relatives during the holidays, n:Il return to Biltmore house In Jo.nun.rr. V. r Col. Rumhough hns been spending part of the week In the city from his home at Hot Springs. V. Miss Bessie Fant has been making a brief visit In Spartanburg en route to Cut Glass certainly dor look very festlcc. about look very festive, aloiit n rharm to the spirit of the dining table. Did you ever notice how much more life nn !'-. rnrss of color tl w LUiboy Cut f.lnss has, than most other makes? I liought at Field' a beautiful Libbey made water plfclier, cut by hand In the new Intaglio stylo of cutting. The flower, leaves and stems of the graceful design are deeply cut and finished with satin glaze, which produce a crystal effect that looks as pure aa a beautiful gem. With this pitcher la a Sheffield Tray fourteen inches in diameter, with pretty grnpe hortrer that In rnlwd above the anrfacn of the tray and finished satin to match the design of the pitcher. Tims my friend will have Ire water In a bouquet of nverlast ing flowers, surrounded by an arbor of grape vines and (rapes. COUSIN MART. Personal Mention Meetings of Societies her home In McCall from Canton where she has been teaching. It It John Martin has arrived from Ford ham University In New York to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Martin. . Dr. and Mrs. Wheeler Compton, the latter formerly Miss Genevieve Dumes nil of Kentucky and Asheville, are In Birmingham. Mr. Tubbs has arrived from his home In Florida to visit friends in Ashevllle during the Christmas holi days. K Mrs. J. H. Martin has returned from a two months' stay with relatives In Washington. Mrs. Martin's mother, Mrs. Burrltt, is much improved in health. K K Miss Mary Webster gave a delight ful tea at her home yesterday after noon complimentary to her house guest, Miss Mertz of New York. The affair was enjoyed most pleasantly by a number of friends. t . Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Cincinnati who are guests at Grove 3Park Inn will have with them for the Christmas holidays at the Inn their son who is a student at the Ashevllle school. Sev eral other ,of the students will spend the holidays at the Inn. (Additional Social on Page 11.) COPENHAGEN IS MECCA ' 'S PEOPLE Markets of Denmark Notable City Filled With Merchant men at Present Time. Copenhagen, Dec. 25. (Correspon dence of the Associated Press.) This city is now the Mecca of Germans and the hotels are full of merchants, sales men and others intent upon doing bus iness with the neutral world, especial ly the United States. The busiest office in town at present is that of the American Consul Gen eral and Mr. Wlnslow is doing his ut most to assist Jhe exporters of America in the sale of their commmoditles. Exporters should bear In mind, said Mr. Wlnslow, that only necessities can be sold to Europe at the present time and no experiments will be made by Danish importers. Grain! cotton, flour, provisions, foot wear, clothing, canned goods, metals and all raw material will have the call. 1 r.e nxi.wMing Lead. The iiisbt smelletl sweet, tbe breeze rustled, the stream murmured, ann past me on the iilr tbe souls of the killed enme marching. They seemed of one great company, no longer ene mies. Ail b:iil tbe same fixed stare, braving something strange, that they wore trying terribly to push away. All bnd their eyes narrowed, jet fixed open. In their gray white, smoke grim ed faces. They made no souml as they passed. Whence were they cotn Ing. where going, trailing the ghosts of guns, riding the ghosts of horses; Into whrit river of oblivion, far from hor ror, him the savagery of man? .lohn Galsworthy lit Serihner'n Alagazln. Only One "BROMO QUININE" Whenever you feel a cold coming on, thnk of the full name, LAXATIVE j IUtOMO QUININE. Look for the s1g j nature of E. W. Grove on box. IBc. Cut Glass and Sheffield Plate, of high grade, -me j are now quite inexpensive, comparatively speaking, but very satf fyng for dining room service or festive Ovutsions. (A very practical gift). STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Says Cream Applied In Nostrils .Relieves Head-Colds at Once. If your nortrils are. clogged and your head is stuffed and you can't breaths freely because of a cold or catarrh, Just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug Btore. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream Into your nostrils and let It penetrate through every air passage of your head, soothing and healing the in named, swollen mucous membrane and you get Instant relief. Ah! how good it feels. Tour nos trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely's Cream Balm Is Just what sufferers from head colds and catarrh need. It's a delight RElliN Ur Ml IIL.A. Barbario Brutality of That Savage King of the Huns. Atflla was a barbarous king of tbe Huns who reigned from the year 434 to 453 of the Christian era, but be bad bo religion except that of brutality, con quest and toot He ruled cltb all the weapons known In that day. and his hordes were compelled to follow him by tbe same means, as he hod no mercy on any who showed tbe least lack of fealty to him or mercy to tbe con quered. For a considerable part of his reign It Is said that his Individual word was law over a vast territory extend ing from tbe Caspian sea to tbe river Rhine. Aa a leader he was fearless and masterful and savage. He called himself "the Scourge of God." He ruled jointly with his brother for several years, but wanted no division of tbe spoils, and his royal brother was disposed of as others of tbe royalties of that region have been disposed of.. He founded tbe city of Buda, made It his capital and from It directed tbe slaying and looting wherever there was anything to get thnt was worth hav ing. He laid waste In tbe most ruthless 1 manner some of the finest and richest cities of wbut are now Greece. Italy, Spain, France and all the territory north of that, levying heavy tribute everywhere and burning and killing where tribute was not promptly paid. Hc conquered the powerful Byzan tine emperor, Tbeodoslus, In 448. de stroying hundreds of gems of architec ture and art, and compelled tbe em peror to pay to him the Inst money possible. He again laid waste all the eastern empires in 450 and then gave bis attention to Gaul In tbe west with an army said to have been 700,000 strong, but this Is thought by some historians to be an exaggeration. How ever, thnt army was strong enough to do Its will In all that region. He then made au attempt by force and cunning to detach Theodoric. king of West Goths, from bis alliance with the Bo mans tinder their general, Aetlus; bnt. failing In that, he gave battle to the allies near Chalons, on tbe Catalanian fields, and there bad bis first real re verse, Tbe allies failed to follow up tbelr victory, and the following year Attlla and his savage hordes laid waste ail northern Italy and bad arranged tor an assault on Rome, but be bad Just bad an example of the prowess of tbe Roman soldiers and wben he beard that they had concentrated there In great numbers be desisted. Arduous campaigns and intemperate living had sapped bis strength, and In 453, on the very night when be mar ried Ildiko, a Burgundlan princess, "the Scourge of God" was blmsell scourged into another world. Extravagant. Clerk Mr. Goldbug. as I am to mar ry I would like more salary. Boss How much more do you want? Clerk Ten dollnrs a week. Boss My gra clous' How many women are yon go ing to marry? Chicago News. f wcTof V KindT "A woman hns to give up a great deal after she gets married," sighed Mrs. Gabb. "A man does nothing else bnt give up after be gets married." replied Mr Gabb. Cincinnati Enquirer. - BUY A RADIOPTICAN The Greatest Ilome Entertainer for Old and Young. . Throws dear and sharp enlarged pictures on wall from post cards, photographs and all kinds of pictures In their actual bril liant colors. AT HALF PRICE These machines are very simple to operate, the smallest child can operate one all to do la at'ach th plug Into the electrlo light socket and put In the pictures desired. WE WILL DEMONSTRATE THEM IN THE BASEMENT. J. H. LAW, S 5 ration Ave. y BUSY A3 CAN BE 'And plenty of time to look after your orders. We havo plenty of nice things and plenty of-help to get them to you. We will send you nico stuff and appreciate your trade. Yates & rbone 334. IN LEGEND OF LEONORA Fantastical Repertoire to Be Presented by Noted Ar tiste in Asheville. A particularly Interesting event Is the appearance of Maude Adams at the Auditorium on Monday night, January 11. w-hen the actress Is to be seen in a double bill of plays by J. M. Barrie. The chief play is "The Legend of Leonora." with which the bill will open and it will conclude with "The Ladies' Shakespeare." Miss Adams is always delightful aad artistic. Her successes have been many and notable; but In "The Le gend of Leonora," she is destined to exercise a greater sway over her fol lowing than she had an opportunity of doing in any of her plays since "The Little Minister." Of course, it is Leonora who is the heroine of the new comedy, and it Is a wise Barrie who has drawn her. He knows that although the modern, practical woman with her votes, her clubs, and her executive boards may be professedly an object of admira tion, it is the old fashioned woman who is really loved. And so he cre ates Leonora In old fashioned colors, makes of her a thing of beauty and a joy for ver. So whLv .leal and fantaetio is the story that to recount it is to spoil It. A fond mother pushes a man off a railway car because he Insisted on having the window open, and Leon ora's little girl had a cold on such an incident Is the play , built. The oomedy opens at a dinner party where the shy guest is told that he" Is to meet seven women, the charac teristics of each being described to him. 'While he Is alone In comes Leonora and he endeavors to discov er which of the seven she is. In a scene that is charmingly humorous he learns that Leonora is all seven and ever so many more rolled Into one. Then for two acts Leonora Is on trial for her rash act. Never were there such scenes In any court for Leonora turns It topsy-turvy. With ab solutely no concern she sits and knits, chats with the Jurymen feeling that she was thoroughly Justified in what she did for did not her little girl havo a cold? Of course, she Is de clared not guilty of homicide after a scene In which there is a fleeting touch of pathos. "The Ladies' Shakespeare" Is a pretentious work in one act and con taining three scenes. It Is based on "The Taming of the Shrew," and Barrie has so edited It that It is as the ladles of today would have It with Petruchlo instead of Katherlne being the tamed one. The play Is most elaborately staged and has a cast of twenty-six people. The com pany surrounding Miss Adams Is made up of prominent players. IF YOU NEED A RANGE Don't Forget the Bucks. BURTON & HOLT, Agts., On the Square. Jewelry Sale 10 KT. Solid Gold Biifos of every description from 75c to $3.50. Diamond La Valliers from $7 to $13.50. H.LEVITCH, THE COLLFGE ST. JEWELER Opposite Majestic Theatre. 261-12 MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE S. Ferguson Millinery Co., 14 Government Street. PHOTOGRAPHS Made this week will bo delivered in time 'for Christmas giving. TELTON AND HIG0AS0N PTTQyE TTft. Net to "TrlnceM K;la ' k McGuire City Market. 771 rk 771 T71 WITH EVERY PURCHASE ji rj Fi OF $1.00 OR MORE TODAY AND TOMORROW A handsome piece of imitation cut glass. Only a few of the choicest pieces, so call early. BURTON & HOLT On the Square. fiiXE :or Christmas 1 A fwH Something for the whole family and something you can afford. OTHERS ARE DOING IT, WHY NT YOU! D. C. SHAW MOTOR CO. 52-60 BROADWAY. The Home, of the Ford. Gifts CHRISTMAS Are the most beautiful, practical and appreciated of all gifts. You cannot possibly give a woman or man any thing they would rather haveihan something to beautify and bring comfort to the home Something that will be useful and enjoyed for years to come. Ladies' Writing Desks Dressing Tables Mahogany or Oak Folding Card Tables For Mother a Quick Meal Range or ' Kitchen Cabinet Save Her Many Steps. Donald & Donald Home I 26 Broadway. .m.LJ.Ul!llllll..l H.III. ..I... I ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF None but high-class fcftory supplies are cheaper and ell work is Guaranteed . ENTERPRISE GARAGE- J. B. Rnmbouerh. Gen. Mot. . oiisraAs ' Holiday Excursion Fares Southern Railway Premier Carrier of the South Round trip tickets will be sold December 16th to 25th, Inclusive, December 31st and January 1st, 1915 with final limit to reach original starting point before midnight January 6th, 1915. For further information, Pullman accommodations, call on your local agent, or .address the undersigned. J. H. WOOD, A. H. ACKER, Dir. Tass. Agent, City Fass. andTkt. Agt. ; ASHEVILLE, N. 0. , 2G4-9t CAR PHONE 2266. Frost Proof Garage. of Furniture FOR Mahogany, Oak, Reed Comfortable Rockers Chifforobes Chairs for Children Furnishers Phone 441 mechanics employed. Our HIGH CLIFF The Coal without' feet. We handle the best tt Jellico fields afford, AsheviHe Dray, Fuel Construction Co. OFFICE PHONE wJ YARD PHojn, ,1( SHIRTS Made to Your Indirldual M-. and RcQuirem.. -V..IQ, Price $2.00 to $8.00 MERCHANT TAILOR POOL and BILLIARDS 2 1-2 cents per cue Swannanoa Billiard Room & Smoke Shop FELT SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Ladles' and Children's Felt 81ipperj, 60c to M-00; Men's Felts. $1.00. The Call Company. 17 Biltmore Avenue. PRESCRIPTIONS TEAGUE & OATZS Phones 260-1996 J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches' and Fine Jewelry. Watch Repairng my Specialty. Hv 8 Pack Ecnare. Set Teeth $6.00 Crowns $4.00 AH work at reduced price. 10- year Guarantee. - Ideal Painless Dentists HS. Main St. Orer Zagter'l WELL KEPT FL00ES. f asstng up or down ration ivn look down on the ANTISEPTIC BARBERS FLOORS. ASK Miller-Clayton Paint Comysnj 4i mTjfi irixT a v CUT PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS Gem Clothing Store ratton Arenas nillUtlESTER S KILLS W.- 1 1IS PIAHIIND BRANS.' f fill la 11-4 U"l 'iK bia. HU4 Wlk UIM !. J ......i. A.kwnV-rtV-tJ blAMUND HKANU riUA a - - iiMnta Narcissus . Bulbs We have a now lot of the Paper . White Grandi flora Bulbs for forcing to , water. i GrcntYPtern:cy TnE home op mnsii vrxiCTAHLns. Reliable Vrvf A

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