nssdav, December 23, 1914 . THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS 1 ill - I II Christmas Shoppers From our large line of Christmas Goods you can find suitable presents for relative or friend. We specially call your attention to our extra values in box papers and to our immense line of latest books. Brown Book Company Open Nights 51 Patton Ave. One of Plotters Oould Not Bear to Think of Killing the Passengers. H. REDWOOD & co. These Suits, for ladies and Coats for ladies,' misses' and children make a Christmas Gift worth having. Give HER one of them or several Ladles' Flne-$25 Suits are $10. The MO grade Is $20; the $30 grades are $18. Coats: $25 grade now $16; $20 now $18; $18 now $11; $14 now $10: $10 now $7.76; $9 now $7; $8 now $6.76. The Coats from $7 down to $2.60 you buy ONE-SIXTH OFF THE PRICE. Skirts be tweon $4.80 and $8.80 ONE SIXTH OFF.' Men's and Boys Suits and Overcoats, ONE-SIXTH OFF. The assortment of weaves, colorings and alses la fine. The discount embraces the entire stock. . Bath Robes; Smoking Jack ets; Raincoats; Sweaters; Colored and White Shirts; Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves of all kinds;' Scarfs, Cravats and Mufflers; Fine Suspenders; Initial Handker chiefs; Scarf Pins and Sleeve Buttons; Watches. Fine Blankets, Comforta nles. Steamer Rugs and Bed Quilts; Table Damask, Nap kins and D'Oyleys; Centre Pieces, Tray Covers and Bu reau Scarfs; Laundry Bags and Bath Towels; Hne Em broidered Hdkfs (extra val ues); Shopping Bags and Pur ; Opera Scarfs; Fine Kid Oloves. Golf Oloves and Jer sey Oloves; Trunks, Bags and Umbrella. Fine Bhoes for everybody; flippers for everybody; Hats and Caps for everybody; Fine Dress Ooods and Staple Dry Goods of all kinds. PLOT TO IIP STEAMSHIP CHINESE KEEP QUEUES HFTEBME BUTTLE Government Not Able to Over come Prejudice of the Peking Coolies. i New Orleans, Dec. 23. The arrest last night of four men who, according to the police, admitted that they were Germans, Is believed by local officials and operatives of a national detective agency to have frustrated a plot to blow up the French steamship Roch- asnbeau, which is due to leave New York next Saturday, The police have In their Dossesaion a box containing 75 oounds of dynamite - connected with a mechanical device arrangea to explode the charge six and one-half dnva from last niehL The plan, ac cording to the police, was to ship the bomb by express consignea 10 ine Rnchimiwiu at New York. It was In tended that the vessel would be Dlown up after she got to sea. One of those arrested, Peter Lung inn n. the doIIcb say. told them that while he was willing to blow up a French or Engusn snip, ne was uoi willing to see innocent persons din. AftAr Lanclaan had told of his Dart In the affair the police arrested Wank Helon, alias Hans Hellar, una neid him on a charge of preparing txplo sives to ship. In shipment of such com modities. George' Summers rnd George Bringham were held a acces sories and Langlaan was allowed 1 is freedom. Hellar admitted, the police say, tnai he prepared the bomb. The Dollca say Summers admitted that he knew Hellar was working upon some plan of explosives out uenioa knowledge of the plot to diow up me Rochambeau. TRADE CARGO BOATS NOW USED BY TROOPS Peking, Dec. 23. (Correspondence of The Associated Press). At the svs gestlon of foreign advisors to the gov ernment, the forcible amputation of queues has been abandoned. The Min ister of the Interior had iBsued inser tions to the police of Peking to cut off forcibly the queues of rickshaw coolies. Tho police were armed with scissors and proceeded to fulfill in structions. The rickshaw coolies banded together and In wvernl In st ance r..-U'd and Injured one it two policemen. Two of the foreign advisors to Pres ident Yuan Shl-kal pointed out to prominent Chinese officials of modern education that this action was unwar ranted on the part of the ministry and was distinctly contrary to tho Meas held In foreign countries of the rights of a citizen of a republic. The Cblutsa officials- argued that the queue was a badge of servitude. The advisors re plied that it may have been such to men who had read history and under stood that the Manchu had Introduced the style, but that to the coollo the queue was a recognizee custom of hair dressing and nothing more. The short hair was a foreign, stranqe fashion which he had been taught, up to a few years ago, to despise. PARALYSISM' DR. CHASE'S Special Blood and Nerve Tablets Write for Proof and Booklet Dr.Chaae, 24 N10hSIPhlldeIphi. DJIac BO-SAN-KO'S pile remedy r 1 IK Gives Instant relief in Itching, Bleeding-orProtrudlnir Piles. Mo The Dr. Boaanko Col, Philadelphia, Pa. PHONE YOUR WANTS TO 202 Geneva. Dec. II. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) The cargo boats that formerly carried coal and cereals on the Rhine have been trans- frmtA into ambulances and are con- ylng wounded soldiers from coimar to Cologne. . The German wounded generally are well cared for In the hospitals along the Rhine, but their numbers nave in xfmmkI to such an extent since the middle of October, that thre have not been enough doctors to give xnm prompt attention, and many slightly wntinAmi hav died on thl saccount. So over-worked are the surgeons that they often fall asleep wniie on uuiy. a iinn cornea from Colmar to the ef fect that a well known surgeon, af- h.vinv worked for a fortnight witn very little rest, fell asleep over an lm noHiM nnaratlon. Pressing calls have tt,.a tinnn tha doctors In Uer man. Including tne mosi go, io remedy the difficulty. Dr. W. M. Morrison, a southern Presbyterian missionary In Africa, writes the forern mission eBoretarlea of his church that on a recent tour by two missionaries thare were four hundred baptisms, and others are still to follow. Delegations of natives I . CIGARS A Box of Cortez Cigars A leather case with our compliments with each box makes a most acceptable gift for the smoker. IN HOLIDAY PACKAGES BARBEES Cijars That's My Business. PRINCESS TODAY Pathe Players in "A Change of Heart" The story of the refor mation of a Master Crimi nal. Also Pathe Weekly. 3 Reels 5 and 10c PRINCESS TOMORROW i Eclectic Feature Film Company Presents the Favorite Pathe Players in THE STOLEN BIRTHRIGHT A modern comedy of errors in which two girls look alike and cause a misunderstanding. 3 REELS 5 AND 10c GALAX FRIDAY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL "THE ROSE OF THE RANCHO." 5 REELS 10 AND 20c An Old Ash Wednesday Custom. At one time It was on AsU Wednes day the custom to appoint nn official of the English palaces to crow the hours of the day, like a cock, aa a re minder of the denial of St. Peter. This practice excited tbe furious Indigna tion of George II. His Ignorance of E igllsh made it very difficult for the courtiers to explain that the royal cock crower was not making fun of hlui. The cock crower was a salaried officer at tbe English court aa late at 1823. Naval Obsorvation Mines. Tho "observation mine"' Is worked from a station on Bborc. The firing plus are tlxed In a buoy which floats a few feet beneath the surfnee of the water and above the explosive reser voir. An electric cable runs from the anchor beneath the bottom to the shore station. When a pin is driven Into tbe top buoy It canses a bell to ring or a light to flash in the shore station, warning the observer on duty that a vessel Is passing over a mine The observer thereupon closes tie fir Ing circuit, and the mine orplodes. Ediaon and the Be. It Is recorded that Thomas A. Edison, after watching the tremendous energy of a busy ami noisy little bee. re marked: "A real plane, a heavier than air machine of great weight, can be built as soon aa we obtain something that beats the air at the rate of 200 timet a second. That bee weighed 7,000 times more than his wings. It we can only get to that, get to that tlt greatest thing tor the smallest wing that Is the thing. Tbe beo's wings bent the air 300 times a second." IEPR1L HINTS FOR GIFT BUYERS DOLL BEDS Canopy beds with mattress and pil lows, complete outfit, your choice from 0c to $1.50 DOLL CARTS Collapsible metal carts, with and with out folding; shade tops, leather up holstered, some with rubber tire wheels 75c to $2.25 HIGH CHAIRS Regular "IIIfh-Bob" Table Chalra from 11.50 to $1 u ah AND THEIR PARENTS CHILDREN'S DESKS Built like regular site deska In Early Enicllith flnlnh, with rhalrs to match $3.50 and $3.00 STEEL WAGONS A complete BMortment of sizes for boys of all aires. They are strong ly built $1 to $3 CHILDREN'S ROCKERS We show many different stsea and styles In both wood and wicker. Good values $1 to $ I COMFORTABLE ROCKERS I I ROYAL EASY CHAIRS $3.50 AND UP II $14 AND UP FRAMED PICTURES, RUCS, BLANKETS, ETC. BEAUMONT FURNITURE CO. 27 Biltmore Ave. . "The nome of Furniture Values.1' n continually coming to mem ess. in fn tachera. and they are not able to supply the demand. IS" .... L