Tuesday, December 29 ' "-13 SIX THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS SOCIAL HAPPENINGS v i i i i i i mnnnnni i i i i i i rr Miss Hartweirs Debut. Friends of Miss Mabel ( Hartwell, a former popular member of Ashe vllle'a younger set, have sent to The Gazette-News the following partial account of her debut, taken from a Mobile paper: "Surely the fairies must have, flow, ered Miss Mabel Hartwell from the first time she opened her big blue eyes upon earth, for never has a girl been blessed with more good fortune than this one, a part of which for tune is due to her own lovely un spoiled nature rathel than luck which is usually accorded to those so . en dowed. "As a. popular debutante of this season she began having1 compliments showered on her in the early fall, when she was selected as the queen of the cotton ball and since that date it has been one continual round of social compliments with the finishing touch given by her parents, Senator and Mrs. Harry T. Hartwell, who for mally presented her to society last night at a delightful dance given at the Cawthon hotel. "White and green were the chosen colors for the decorations of the large assembly room of the Cawthon, where the dance was given and were carried even into the lobby which was enclosed so as to enlarge the space of the ball room for the dancers. On the very threshold of the great Christmas festival there was a bit of the Christmas greens and the mis tletoe introduced, just as a hint of the merry yuletlde so near, wreaths of holly hung between the lace cur tains at each window while the screens that closed in the lobby all festooned with holly, added to the Christmas ideas. Palms added to the decorative effect and the mistletoe twined around the columns with the white lights agleam amid the green leaves, gave the appearance of the frost king having touched tne foliage gently Just to carry out the color tone in homage to the youth and gladness of this girl, whose "coming out party' was such an enjoyable one. "Mrs. Hartwell and Miss Hartwell were assisted in receiving their guests by the honoree's aunt, Mrs. Joseph Hynde, and five of her lovely girl friends. Misses Annie Moore Provost, Margaret Blacksher, Loraine Cun ningham, Katherine Monk and Edna Manning, Mrs. Hartwell wearing; a handsome gown of black tulle over silver cloth with pearl trimmings while her debutante daughter wore a most exquisite dress of silver cloth tinted in pink and lilac orchids which showed through the silver net and added to the becomlngness of the sweet, fresh beauty of the wearer. Her waist ef tulle and fish scales was given the basque effect by the long pearl fringe which made a graceful trimming and the gold rose caught at the side with its long stem across the front of her gown and her bouquet of Killarney roses with its shower bouquet of valley lilies com pleted the picture of radiant girl hood, happy In the homage nnd love of many friends. "After welcoming her guests who were confined to the young set the inviting strains of the excelsior string band from the balcony just over the ball room was too tempting for the impatient feet to wait longer in IN advertising, we al ways try to give in formation that will be interesting and educa tional. SEVERAL have ask ed us to explain the following terms and marks, whioh are in common use. PURE GOLD la known as 24 carats fine, and Is commonly alloyed or mixed with copper or silver; thus. If a piece of Jewelry contains 14 parts of pure gold and 10 parti of alloy. It Is fourteen twenty-fourths pure, and Is knonfn aa 14 carat gold. The gold colna of the United Htates are made of t parts of pure gold to 1 part of copper. When we aay a ring ia 14 or II carat gold, wa are referring to the proportion of alloy that haa been mixed with it, either to produce a certain color, or to render It harder and tougher. STKRLINO SILVER ia a mixture of It 5 parts of pure sliver and TS parts of alloy. Cola silver (or the money we use every day) la made of parts of pure sli ver to 1 part of copper. The rppper la used to. harden and toughen the metal. t . i GERMAN SILVER, ta an alloy, or mixture, of slno. copper and nickel, and should paver oe confounded with or calkid allver. because there ia no allver in It , "NT ICKEL SILVER la ad 'el 4 ly of nickel and brass uni la only superior to Oer i .ao allver, when the propor t "n of hit kl la rrontpr. The i Ave cnt plnre haa 1 i a of nu-.ket to I of copper. Personal Mention, Meetings of Societies treading the measures of the dance, and the nly intermissions were for a call at the punch bowls in the cor ners of the assembly room or a wait long enough to partake of the deli clous plate supper which was served before midnight." ' Music Program. The following Is the musical pro gram of the Saturday Music club to be given at the approaching meeting 10 oe neld in the Presbyterian church house: Hostess Mrs. Williams. i'aper The World's Most Famous opera Houses Mrs. Dunn. Piano March Grotesque; Sinding Mrs. willey, Mrs. Meacham. Songs (a) Secrecy; Hugo Wolf; (b) Eoists, Hugo Wolf Mrs. Hoist. Piano (a) Rustle of Spring; Sind ing; (b) Cradle Song; Grieg' Mrs. Ellas. Duet The Crucifix; Faure Mrs. Anddrsoh, Mrs. Collins. fiano Guitarre; Moszkowskv Miss Atkins. bongs (a) The Throstle: Maude v. White; (b) 'Twas in the Lovely Aionm or May; J. H. Rogers Mrs. stiKeieather. Piano Moment Musical; Moszkow sky Mrs. Campbell. Violin (a) Romanze: Svend'sen D) legende; Wieniawskt Mrs. Wil liams. Piano (a) Gavotte: Massenet; (b) Last Dream of the Virgin; Mas senetMrs. Oma Carr. Songs (a) A Merry Heart: Denza: (b) Love is a Rover; Horatio Tarker Miss Sites. Piano Slav March: Tschalkowskv Miss Westall, Mrs. Hoist. n t - Lieut. Bourne Here. Among the out-of-town young men who have met with much success since leaving home in Asheville for the vari ous universities, academies and pro fessions who have returned for the holidays with their families In this city is Lieut. Louis M. Bourne, jr., of the United States navy, stationed at Nor folk. Lieut. Bourne is spending the holiday season with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Bourne, at their home on Bearden avenue. .-HI Mrs. Duff Merrick will entertain this evening with a dance at the Battery Park hotel. The dance was nlnnner! to have taken place nt the Country I club, but owing to the fact that many of the younger dancing contingent jwho are at home for the holidays ure i not as yet, on account of their school jdays. members of the Country dull and many having with them as house I guests out-of-town friend!, it was con sidered more expedient to have the dance at one of the large hotels. A i number of distinguished guests who I are In Asheville, at the Grove Park jinn, at the present time, some of jwhom are life long friends of Sirs. Merrick, will be among the out-of-town contingent attending. Among this number Is D. J. Vlasto, the noted owner and publisher of the only Greek newspaper in the United States and a multi-millionaire of decided promi nence In financial circles. Mr. Vlasto was urged to take his present trip to Asheville by his brother, who with him edits the publication mentioned. A signal honor conferred on Mr. Vlasto was a high office In the Greek church which had not been given In some 200 years. H. C. Carpenter and his daugh ter. Miss Beatrice Cnrpenter, who are among the prominent out-of-iown set at the Inn, will also attend. The func tion gives promise of great success. Mrs. Duff Merrick entertained with a recent beautiful dinner party at her handsome home on Montford avenue for Miss Beatrice Carpenter and her father, H. C. Carpenter, who are guests at urove Park Inn, and D. J. Vlasto. who is also a distinguished visitor here. The function waa one of the most attractive of the season. X Miss Dorothy Angel of Brooklyn, who with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Angel of that city, are house guests of Dr. and Mrs. Charles 8. Jordan at their home on Montford avenue, was guest of honor at a dinner given by Dr. and Mrs. Jordan. The affair woa a charming occasion for the youngen set and waa one of the prettiest func tions of the season. t Misses Elisabeth and Adelaide jMernmon will entertain for a num ioer or tne younger set who are at home for the. holidays from the vari ous colleges, this evening at their ;home In West Asheville. ' K The Sunday achool classea of the Flret Presbyterian church taught by Mlsa Mollis Erwln and by Mr. Barton will . entertain with a holiday party thla evening at I o'clock, In the church houae for the visiting boya and glrla. The party promisee to be a de lightful affair of many enjoyable features and all clasa member are cordially Invited to participate. X The young men of the Tar Heel Debating society of the Hand Hill achoo will entertain at the achool houae near Acton on Wedneaday ev I enlng with a reception to be given In 1 honor of the young ladlea of the ao- ciety. Tne plana hava been In the handa of the aecretary and treasurer of the aodety, aaetd ny Mr. Cham bers of the faculty, and evidence polnta to a highly successful occa sion. me Mleae Dutcher wll entertain at their home near Acton thla even ing. H H , Harvey Firestone! wlio la a atudent at the Aahevilta school and a eon of the well known manufacturer of au tomohll tires, la spending theCnrlst nirta hulldnre with hie nsrent. Mr. j end Mr II. 8. Flreetune, at thlr J home In Akron, O. It Is plunned t i'alVA-an Jtmr.'-iico bull on the e siting COMB HE TEA. IN LIFELESS, GRAY HAIR If Mixed With Sulphur it Darkens So Naturally No body Can Tell. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded of streaked appear ance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, ready to use, for about 60 cents. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and Is splendid for dandruff, dry, itchy scalp and falling hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, because it darkens so natur ally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; af ter another application or two. It is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and abundant. of New Years day for Mr. Firestone at his palatial residence, where a special orchestra will furnish music for dancing in the ball room of this spacious private residence. (Additional Social on Page 7). !.. .".. " 5 THEATERS. i 'A W News and Views of Offerings In Vaudeville and Motion Pic- " tures That Mny Interest . Entertainments. Etc. V E KKKr (&?! PPJNCESK 'Zutloru." The opening Installment "of Than houser's new motion picture 'serin!, "Zudora." will be shown at the Prin cess theater today under the title ef "The Mystic Message nt the SP".tt?d Collar." This Is the firs of 20 epi sodes which will appear weekly at the Prinoes--s every Tuesday. Tho follow ers of "The Million Dollar Mysler;'-' will learn with pleasure that two or the leading roles of the new aerial .v"l be. filled by their old favorites. M.v - cuerlte Snow and Jnmfs Cruzo in the roles of Zudora and Hasam All, sprctlvcly, while Hurry -Penhnm . will appear as John Storm, hero. The story was written by Harold MeGr-ith and re-written Into scenario form by Daniel Carson Goodman. "The Perils of Pauline." Tile nineteenth installment of "The Perils of Fauline" will be shown a f Hie Princess theater tomorrow. As thcro Is only one mere episode after tomor row's portrayal, many of the patrons of the theater are expected to witness the closing events. The disposal of the different char acters will be of espeeal Interest in this serial and ninny are anxious-' to learn the results of Owen's efforts to secure the Marvin millions. GALAX "The Rarealn." At the Gnlax thenter today, The Paramount Pictures corporation pre sents the famous Prnndway favorite, William S. Hurt, In Thomas H. Ince's latest production, "The Pargain. Ac-1 cording to advance notices, this Is one ; of the most refined and entertaining I western portrayals ever filmed. It Is a story of the fur west In the days of the stage coach and the bandit, with west ern characters and scenery, most of the scenes being laid In the Grand Canyon, Colorado. , Only one modern sawmill Is operat ed In the territory of Hawaii. SPECIAL SALE Sani-Genic Floor Polishers Bee Window The new Floor Oil Mops we are in troducing now are by far the best on the market. The price Is ' 98c And with each mop Is supplied FREE a bottle of Banl-Genlo Floor Polish. It la the very best mop for fine floors and the most convenient In every way. Ilousefumlshlng Dept. J. IL LAW, 3 Patton Avenue. RED DEVIL CONCENTRATED LYE Will sat e lots of trouble if you will use it fmly in your pink; toilet, for firrubbing For milking sonp, hikI ell iiad8 of cleaning ......... .10c Per Can Yates & McGuire Plume 234. Tin: iiomi- oi rui B. OF A Well Known Farmer Ends His Life 111 Health Said -to Be Cause. Information was received in Ashe ville last night to the effect that Otis B. Candler, a farmer of the Candler section committed suicide yesterday afternoon in a field near his home. It is believed that the act was caused by much worry on the part of the dead man .because of his poor state of health. , The information received Is to the effect that Mr. Candler left his home yesterday shortly after noon and, as he did not return and nothing was heard of him by the middle or the afternoon, his wife had a search In stituted and the dead body was found by Toney Candler, a son .of the de ceased, and A. E. Harris. The body was lying in a field and nearby were two pistols, which, it is thought, Mr. Candler carried with him when he left his home. The deceased was a native of Bun combe county, about, 50 years of age and is survived by the widow and three children. He was widely known throughout that section of the county hi which he lived and had hosts of friends in other sections of the coun ty.' B LODGE IEI1 IN RALEIGH If f 13 jlany Masons of Asheville and Western North Carolina Will Attend. A large delegation of Masons of .Asheville and western N'orlh Carolina will attend the Xorth Carolina Grand lodfw of Masons, which meets In Ka IcHtIi on January 19. The tui eiinsjs of the grai'il lodge were formerly held earlier ri January, but ut the last meeting a i-odc wan adopted which provided that the body should meet on the lirj't Tuesday after the second Monday in Jenunry of cuch year. Prof. John T.' Alder man of Henderson is grand master of the Grand lodge. KEAL ESTATE T,RAXSEEttS !- John W, Cole to James G. Cole, land in Mat Creek township;" consideration, flOS. LICENSED TO WEI) Georsc F Leonard to Jesalo Rovo Williams. .1. V. Morrow to Ida Duckett. Inne Moore, to Carrie Carr, qplored. Piles Ciik-iI in 8 to 11 Days. Druggist refund money if PAZO ONTMKXT fails to cure Itching, l;llnd, Bleeding or Protruding Piles, l irst application gives relief. 0c. NOTICE. Having Qualified ns executor f Brnma Else, deceased, lato .of Bun- combe county, N. C, this Is to notif nil jiersons having claims against the estate of snld deceased ; exhlblthem to the undersigned on or. before the -'th day of November, 1315, or this notice will be plead In bur of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate paymenL This November 24th, 19U. W. E. SHUFOnU. Executor. BRICK Immediate Shipments A. A. SCOTT BRICK CO., Knoxville, Tenn. Phone, write or wire us. 270-JOt Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan , 02ce 23-25 South Main Street rheno E37 Oly Market. sii i i.r-ruu.ix rj 33 1-3 Per Gent Reduction Sale We have just completed a successful holiday season and we have been told by all who have had dealings with us that ours were the best values" ever , offered here, in spite of the fact thUhe merchan dise without exception is of' superior quality and sparkling with newness. . 7 ' : We intend to live up to this reputatin. and we only know of one way to do this and that, is to clear out every article that shows the least mark of handling, and also to reduce as much as possible our entire stock. Therefore we are inaugurating this sale today.' 33 1-3 per cent off means a great saving to you, especially since it embraces all of our stocks, thus enabling you to supply 'alt your future needs. The young man with a possible engagement ring the bride with the necessary silver and cut class to start a home the parents and friends with exquisite gifts for all occasions as. well as to re plenish your own possibly depleted silver chests. Keniember everything is new ,and, of the highest quality, so by being prompt you can save 33 1-3 per, cent on every dollar you spend. l f . - , This offer will not last very long; nor will the merchandise hence we advise "early action; ; ."" ,' M. GELULA & CO. ' PACK SQVAKE . NOTICE. To Duttrick estate, L'llen Glenn, Aiford Brooks, A. A. Hamlet, Prank Rogers, Gay Green, T. B. Bradley, T. J. Dayton, J. H. Bradiey, Hescue Home, K.-rn, Cowan and all other persons interested In the report of the city engineer filed in the office of the city clerk of the city of Ashe ville, assessing the cost of construct ing a certain sawer l'.ne against you! which sewer lino runs along Atkinson i street In said city. You will take no- ! tice that said report has been Lied i according to law, and that the mayor and board of alr"r- nien of said city j nt their meeting, to be held Sth day i of January, 1915, -will consider said i report and take such action as they j may deerfl proper. Any objections to; the above report must be made In writing under oath and filed with the j c'.ty clerk at least two days prior to ' almve date. ! This Dec. 14. 19U. I L. CONDER. City Clerk, i 204-20M START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. Have a well furnished comfortable and .attractive home. You can buy what furniture you need now and enjoy the use thuirg 1915 while paying for it. Let's Talk it Over. ' ; . " Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 Biltmore Ave. ASHEVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE ' X. 8 North Pack Square. Henry S. Shockley. Principal. WIXTF.K TERM OPENS JAXCARY 1ST TO 15TII. TWO KC1IOL A Its HITS WITH TEX DOLLARS OFF EACH TILL JANUARY 4. " Scholarship (a) ' Book-keeping Business Practice Office Dictation , American Banking Business Arithmetic Office Penmanship SPECIAL, COURSES We give A special course In Banking; a special course. In Plain Or namental Penmanship; a special, course In English, or Arithmetic; a spec ial course In House-Hold Accounting or In the Real ' Esljtte Business; a oplendld course In Commercial Law the best course Id Salesmanship, Our Guarantee of a Situation to every 'Diploma Graduate holds good In' every case. '. N. B. Buy a scholarship before January 4 and get special rates. Sat isfactory, easy time notes received. " No discount allowed In case of notes. Ul-tf ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF None but high-class factory mechanic employed. . Our supplies are cheaper and all work is GuaraTitoed. ' ENTERPRISE GARAGE. V, - ' J. B. Rumbouirli, Geo. Mrr.1 A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL PELTON AND niGGASON : niONE175. ' Rett to 'Prinorsa." MORRIS THE AUTOMATIC KIND' A few loft in Iynllii-r.rrvl V'MWulIn'; corf for noxt week. . BURTON On tV.o JEWELERS MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE S. Ferguson Millinery Co., li Government Street. Get the Habit BUY A FORD CAR FOR ' NEW YEAR A present for the whole fam ily, within the reaoh of all. , D. C. Shaw Motor Co. Phono 2266 52-00 Broadway FROST PROOF GARAGE The Home of the Ford. ' Scholarship (b) Shorthand (Pitman) ..Touch Typewriting Business English v Cost Accounting , Office Spelling Punctuation , CHAIRS torial pri; & HOLT ire. When in Need r of Good ' Clean Coal - " fr heating or cooking purposes ph0ae- ' us. Wood and kindle . for sale. i ASHEVILLE DRAY FUEL & CON. CO. ' ' ' Phones 223 & 5in. , SHIRTS Mnde to Your Individual Meanr, ' and Requirements. v ; Price $2.00 to $8.00 , ' MERCHANT TAILOR ' POOL and BILLIARDS 2 1-2 cents per cue Swannanoa Billiard Room & Smoke Shop FELT SLIPPERS ,,' Ladies' and Children's Felt Sllpptrlfi '.. 60c to $1.00; Men's Felts, U,0.:9 The Call Company. " '7, IT Biltmore Avenue. u'' PRESCRIPTIONS TEAGUE & OATES J ' Phones 260-1996 J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Eepairng my Specialty., 8 Pack Square. -3 Set Teeth $6.00 Crowns . $4.00 All work at reduced prlcw.- 10- year Guarantee. Ideal Painless Dentists K8 Mala St. Over Zaglrr'i WELL KEPT FLOORS. ;' Passing up or down Patton avenue, look down on the ANTISEPTIC BARBERS FLOOH3. ASK . Miller-Clayton Paint Company, at BROADWAY. CUT PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS Gem Clothing Store Patton Avenne CHICHESTER S PILLS I' ill. ia n4 i.d "! 7..... Mk. "7 '.I' ... 1.1. .'. I1KM Pll.l,"" M t. k"mt. Al w n K 'SCL3ET CRISIS EimtiUt - Narcissus ; Bulbs I - -. U'e have ft now lot of the Paper Whito Gnindi-1 Cora Bulbs for forcing ia water. - ' Crrnt'G riiara:cy IV!!nM I'M tt and Beda . AC C git 0ff ia a grai tlve con tior eva tha nee tavi ven froi eng Cit: lylr ha as : Cal lgn Me his Jrs not the tos err th( b coi no: