I r- Saturday, January 2, 1915 ."AGE SIX THE ASHEVTLLE GAZETTE-NEWS ' ! i f M I i 1 N t j f ! . t a A Member of A Bad Case of Nasal Catarrh Cured By Pe-ru-na. That any case of nasal catarrh can be cured by an internal medi cine is denied by some. Only a glance at our files would be nec essary to convince any sane per son that catarrh can be cured by the internal use of Peruna Mrs. Victoria Pickel, of Columbus, is a case of this sort. She had nasal catarrh very badly, and was curecTby Peruna. We will let her tell her own story. Mrs. Victoria M. Pickel, 130 E. Mound Street, Columbus, Ohio, writes : "I have been using Peruna for catarrh, having had a very aggra vated case, so bad that it clogged the nasal organs. When I did get the nasal organs opened, the mucus would drop into my throat and make me very sick. ; ; . "A friend advised me to take Peruna, and after using four bot tles I was cured; I have no trouble now, and am happy to say that I am enjoying the best of health and attending to my lodge duties, being a member of the Rebecca Lodge of Odd Fellows. ' "I would recommend Peruna to those suffering with the same obnoxious trouble." DnnnnaxDnDDnDcnaxinncDa OCIAL HAPPENINGS DGcxrnrTTTinanaDDaanDanaa Elaborate Oi virion. Miss Lfillie Tryon; Meriwether will j entertain this evening? -with one of the; most elaborate: and, interesting social! occasions of the very full Christmas j season. The event -will be a pr'ogres- j aivo dinner," which means that after ! each succeeding course each young man present at the party will move one seat to the right. As there are in number something under a dozen courses and a slightly greater num ber of young gentlemen who will be! present this novel feature will be ! possessed of the alluring prospects of j each guest spending a part of the , lengthy dinner period with every other ! guest present. To add to the charm of j this uniciue occasion Miss Meriwether, j who will give the party at the hand-! some home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L,. Meriwether, on Chestnut ( Btreet, will use an effective holiday! combination motif of red and green, the- two lone dinner tables used for j this affair being profusely decorated j In red carnations and ferns. In the center of each fable. under large j crimson Christmas bells, will be j banks of ferns in which rich, red i carnations will be interspersed. Place ! cards and all details of decorations j and features of the elaborate menu '; will correspond. The dinner will be served at 7 o'clock and will be fol lowed by a. dance. Among those at- : tending will be: Mie-s Adelaide Merri- ' mon. Miss Irma Schuesslety Miss F.u- ' frenia Le Compte, Miss Mar;r.- ' Porter, Miss Uenevieve Theobold, Miss Pauline Moore, Miss Margaret Millender, Miss l-tulh Tnrnbuili Mis? Margaret Meriwether, .Miss Margaret Linn, Mi.ss Kisie 'Alexander. .lss Mi riam Reynolds', Miss Martha Varnon; and Pruee Webb, Hardy Chambers., Casslus ?udger. 1'agg Malloy. Charles Parker. Druid Wheeler. Pan1 Schuess ler, Frank Salley, Charles Millendi-r. Caleb Carter, Oeorge Lougliran, Tom ; Varnon, .Mason Alexander and Mr. Phore. ' I or Miss Hamilton. Miss Mary Hamilton, who is at home from Notre Dame college, Baltimore, for the holidays, was guest of honor last evening at a dinner preceding the New Year's dance at the Inn given In her honor by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ). C. Hamilton. The dinner was one of the most attractive social event.' of the evening of N'ew Year's day In the city. A color motif of pink was used in tho decoration of the dinner table, pink carnations being the cm il Arc you sure this Is nil right '.' Yes! it is keeping fine time. It usually takes more time to repair my watch. We hare been Tory Mow with our watch work for some time, but now, we have in creased tho force nf our me chanical department and, t am glad to say, without Im pairing the efficiency or qual ity of results. We can now turn out watch work a promptly as accurate work manship will permit. Fine! You can trust Arthur M. Field Co. to meet the de mands of their customers. Thank you! very kindly. The Rebeccas w 1 1 X. 4fv ' ' ' I v v.y., j Personal Mentior, Meetings or Societies flowers vised, and the place cards and other daintv appointments were of a corresponding tone. Covers were laid j for 18. -Miss. Hamilton's guests' we're: I Miss Hortense Joties, Miss Margaret ' 1'of.tr, Miss Margaret Millender,. Miss Laura Moaros, Miss Maude Willis, Miss Exum Mearcs, Miss Willie Carter. Mrs. I Joseph S. Claverle, Mrs. Hamilton and I Richard Loughran, Fagg Malloy. Plev en Shore, Lawrence Witlmun. Charles Parker, Mr. Abrahams, George Lough ran. Hardy Chambers. Kugene Hranch. C. Rogers, and Joseph S. Claverie. . . Club Meetings. This coming week will be devote:! largely to club meetings. On Mon-' the Woman's club will meet. Latei . the week the Friday Book club, wit li n0mhi- fm. f. r.t ,! ho,.ln' c the new year; and on Saturday thelon' "m 8cheme bom .,t.,rrt,v m.i, .i,,h win hoi.i'i.. .T... and ..white. Among the many uary meeting, which will be featured ; with a, delightful program. The fol- I i,..,,.' i.t.T,.,J ,,.,v, ...hi '',! used a. the Friday Hook rliih meettiin: 'Literature of South America". ............. Mrs. Alll- Leading.! : . "Burning the Cathedral at Santiago" Mis. Whiting "The Lauber" ........ i. Miss Smith K K Jewish Ladies' Dance. The Ladies' Hebrew uuxlliary en " rtn'.ned on New Year's eve with an enjoyable dance at the Langren hotel. Tho dance was nlven in the interests of those impoverished by the war in F.iirupe and was attended by a large number of guests. A feature or the evening was a monologue ami song rendered by l-'.ert Walton, who !s ap pearing at a local theater. Miss Dora Londow was the winner of a larg and beautiful, loving cup offered Mr nost popular young lady. Dane-1 the m ing continued, until about 1:30 o'clock. p. m Among the interesting holiday par tics given in the city was an enter tainment at the Mission hospital giv en for the nurses. Many of the doc tors or the city attended ami a prom- i inent feature part of the evening's: Atlanta, Ga Jan. 2. The child la merriment was taken by Dr. Arthur , bor law enacted by the last Georgia S. Wheeler of Biltmore. Refresh- legislature became effective vester- ments, consisting of a salad course, and other things, were served. Billy Bourne returned yesterday from Toledo, where he has been spending a fortnight with his mother. Mrs. Dorothy Bourne and his sister. Mrs C. n. Becker. It It Miss Caroline Patton entertained the Current Literature club at her home near Arden on Thursday afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs. Mile- vRickmnn were ytlckmnn were recently "at. home" fo the youngeri set of Arden, entertaining with a hoi- iday party which was n.uch enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Worley and j daughter of Asheville have been ! Impending the holidays with Mr. and i Mrs. G. W. Worley of Hcndersonvllle. t It j Miss Sadie Ledbetter of Arden hns been the house guest of Miss Helen Reagan. ! Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Valentine leave on Monday for Raleigh. W. B. Marlowe and his daughter, j Miss Ethel Marlowe, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Davis at Cieir home In Hcndersonvllle. K K Miss Ulllan Britt of Asheville In visltinsf friends in Hendersonville. It Mrs. Mary C. Robinson and her daughter, Miss Nancy Robinson, who spent the Christmas holidays with rel atives In Columbia, are expected horns next week and will reside with Mrs. William Northup at her home In Grove park. H H George Menocal, who has been spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Menocal at the home of Mrs. Martin In Aston Place, returns to Bel mont college on January 6. It Charles E. Jones, a prominent young attorney wno holds a responsible gov ernment position, has returned to Germans Are Starving Paul Rockwell Writes Asheville Boy, Who, With His ' Brother, Kiffln, Is Fighting for the Allies in France, Wnte3 Most Inter esting Letter About War. I The mnnv friends of Priul anil Klf ; fin Rockwell, sons of1 I'r. It. A. ! Rockwell of No. 142 Hillside street, i will be interested in the following ! story, which appeared In The Atlanta i Constitution on lust Thursday: i "Paul liocliwell. former newspaper man of Atlanta, who went to ! runce land Joined the French foreign lemon at the outbreak .of 'the1 war, has had his first taste of real fi.shtint;, und is now sick ifi'a hospital, according to a postcard received from . him' .In At Innta yesterday. He does not state whether lie was wounded, hut the onrd teems to indicate that he Is HI from exposure in the wintry Wenther. "Ills, brother, Kiflin KncUwell. ls with him In France, and Is well Kir fin Rockwell Is now in the trenches, near Craonne, . . "The last time the Rockwell b.y. were heard from in Atlanta was some months ago, When they were fit a trainins camp at Toulouse, near the Spanish frontier. The messase at thai time indicated that they were haying- an easy time of it, having -plenty to eat, the mellow wine of southern France to drink and dark-eyed dam sels to help them while away the hours. That message stated that they were, about to leave for the battle front. The present card, which fol lows, is a continuation of that story. "Here is the card: "'December 7. We have been see ing quite a bit of tile war. I,eft Tou louse September 30. First were at Camp de Mallly near Chalons, for two weeks, Then made a four days' Washington after spending the holi days with his father. Col. Jones, and sisters, the Misses Jones, at their home on Montl'ord avenue. .... Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Whitaker of Hcndersonvllle left this week for Florida, where Mrs. Whitaker expects to spend the winter. (Additional Social on page 9.) Falrvicw Notes. Correspondence of The Gozette-Xews: The Misses Morgan of Fairview, re "at home" Thursday evening . ,111 S to 11 p. m. In honor of the visitors and college students. The inter- parlora were decorated for th( l'stinP Kamos ot the. evening was a deBcnptiv -e contest which was heartily engaged in by all. C. It. Shuford e- the tunate prize winner. Later in the evening, a musical program was rendered by Miss Grace Walton of Biltmore, Miss Rcssie Burleson of Barnarlsvillo, Miss Carrie Morgan of Fayetteville and Miss Mamie Morgan of the State Normal, after which de licious refreshments were served which consisted of fruits and can dies. Among the ones who called dur ing the evening were: W. M. Reed of Chapel Hill and Miss Pearle Phu ford of Waynesville. R. P. Williams of Florida and Miss Edna Lynch of Hot Springs, C. L. Shuford of Hen dersonvllle and Miss Gladys Aahworth of Candler. E. A. Hutchinson of Fairview and Miss Mar)' Foster of Candler, N. C. Shuford of Chapel Hill and Miss Grace Walton of Eilt more. P. K. Miller of Mars Hill and M1 forn of cT",lpr- F' T- Frf mnn nf F!rvtew an(1 Mlw Kfrie Garrison of Weavcrvllle, C, G. Ash worth of Lake Toxaway and MIsb Iterate Burleson of Parnarrtsvtlle. O, IT, Hutchinson of A. and M. college and Miss Edna Reed of Fairview. Child I-abor Law Effective. day. It prohibits the employment of children tinder twelve years of nge and provides that children between twelve and fourteen and one-half years can be employed only when 'hey have a permission certificate from their county child labor com mission. Stenmer Goes on Itccf. Harwich, Eng., Jan. 2. (Via Lon don) A torpedo boat reports that (the Norwegian steamer Odeneence was wrecked on a reef soon after . leaving Rotterdom Friday. Her erew of forty-two was saved." THE BARLER OIL HEATER This stove may cost you a little moro than others, but It is by far tho most In fact tho only satisfactory stove we have ever gotten hold of. We have sold a lot of them and w hear only nice things about them. One Is kept burning all the time In the store; come and see it. It's tho neatest little stove ever made, J. H. LAW, 35 Patton Avft, CLEAN BRAN FOR COOKING PURPOSES This is used extensively by those who need laxative bread. It makes splendid Biscuit, Muffins, &c. 5c Per Lb. Yates & McGuire Phone t4. THE HOME OP FRESH VEGETABLES. march along a road lined -with trenches and graves to "rzna. a village within sight of Rhelms. Were there a short while and then marched tart her into the region of the Aitne, near - raonne, whore we have been 'Vi-i- since, in the trenches most of the tune. The artlllerv is doing most of the fighting here, but we-get . our share. The cold has been terrible, and we have suffered much. Just now I am in a hospital. The doctor says 1 will be O. K. by Christmas. Kiffin is in the trenches, lie was in good spirits and health when I left. " 'The prisoners we have taken al! say that they are starving, and the enemy in this region Is using . old practice ammunition. Wc have plenty of good food; in fact, remarkable for war time. Wine every day, and plenty o." fresh beef, vegetables, cheese, cof fee, etc. Tobacco is distributed every three days. Our salary (the word 'salary' is underscored in the card 1 Is fi centimes, or 1 cent per day, but we get a bonus when mustered out. Our battalion has already lost 10 per cent of its men. "'If you have to pay postage on this card, pardon mo, for we can't get stamps here, and the government carries our mail free, anyway, but I hear that postage duo is collected in the states.'" "Mr. Rockwell's address is as fol lows: ! "Correspondence Militalre. Pour P. Rockwell ( Soldat) 2e Rett. Etranger Bataillon C, le Cie, 3e Son, Armee France." Thanking you , all for the kindly patronage ex tended to us during last year and trusting the new one will broaden our ac quaintance and friendly business relations, we ex tend you all our sincere wisiies for a happy and prosperous new year. M. GELULA&Co. Begin tho New Year Right by Knrolling at The Emanuel Business College And secure a practical business couiNe We are offering A MONTH'S FREE TUITION to all t-tcdents who enroll NOW for our full Commercial Course. At the expiration of this month you have the privilege ot paying for your tuition by the month, and paying only for the time you remain In school. Do not neglect this opportunity of saving a largo portion of the regular cost of a scholarship. Call today for fur ther details in regard to this liberal offer. 48 H Pntton Ave. Phone 1100. MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE S. Ferguson Siillinery Co., 14 Government Street. City Market. 7 N.W. PACK SQUARE-PHONEeST ASHEVILLE HCy Children Cry e Kind You Have Always CoogUt, and which lias been in use for over SO years, has bornothe Buinaturo t ' - and has been .ado untie r his per fj? y-i--f-- ' Bona! supervision BineoUs infancy. y-Suzf-, j-CCCCLtlZ Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but xperlmcnts that triflo with and endnnprer tho health of Xuf&nts anof Children Experience against lixperii uent. What is CASTORiA Castoria is a, harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, -Piw porie, Drops anl Soothinp Syrups. It is pleasant. K contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otiicr Kareotio cmbstaiiee. Its ae is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms and allays Feverishness. For nioro than thirty years it lias been in eoustant use for the relief of Constipation, riatulonoy, Wind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and Diarvhocia. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GrauiNE ; ; C ASTO R I A as-ways ) Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For THI CNTtJW COMA W V N If W VOMK C1TV, ii.rfutf'w..iw'.ur!W'W'..w-iy',Kw?i Immediate Shipments A. A. SCOTT BRICS CO., Knoxville, Tenu. Phone, write or wire us. 270-SOt S33BS2S DANCING THE BARONESS de KUTTLESTEN "''. WITH :'' MR. MURRAY, Late of the Castle House, Will cive lessons in tlu ONE STEP, HESITATION, FOX TKOT, MAXIXE, HALF AXD HALF, and nil modern dunces, In the ball room at the. Battery Park Hotel Private and elaas lessons given daily. Children's elasses In the afternoon. Ppeeial morning elasses for ladies In Calesthenics, uslne d nelng exercises. Those desiring lessons may communicate with the 1 lottery Park Hotel. ASHEVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE X. 8 North Pork Square. ' Henry K. Shoekley, Principal, W 1XTI.11 TERM OPENS JAXPARY 1ST TO 13TII. TWO SCHOL ARSHIPS WITH TEN DOLLARS OFF EACH TILL JAXCAKY 4. Scholarship (a) Book-keeping Business Practice Office Dictation ( American Banking Business Arithmetic Office Penmanship SPECIAL We give A special course in Banking; a special course In Plain Or namental Penmanship; a special course In English, or Arithmetic; a spec- ial course in House-Hold Accounting or in the Real . Estate Rusiness; a splendid course in Commercial Law the best course In Salesmanship. Our Guarantee of a Situation to every Diploma Graduate holds g-ood In every case., , N. B. Buy a scholarship before January 4 and get special rates. Sat isfactory, easy time notes received. No discount allowed In case ot notes.. 271-tf ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF None but high-class factory rcuchanics employed. Our supplies are cheaper and all work is Guaranteed. ENTERPRISE GARAGE ' ' .7. B: Rnmhongh, Gen. Mgr. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL PELTON AND HIGGASON PnONE 775. Next to 'TrinceM." ASHE VILLE MADE Dressers, Chiffoniers, Wash Stands and Toilet Ta bles to match. A good selection of the bpst patterns. BURTON & HOLT On the Square. Phone your r-l .a-i mi I in J for Fletcher's all Signature of Over 30 Years fSS3 This is to Assure All our patrons that their bus iness has leen appreciated. May 1915 Ixi the most prosperous of all is our NEW YK.VH AVIS1I. D. C. Shaw Motor Co. 52-Ht) Brondway. Thono 2266. gnu imrtMH.tmmn .ij i uitp Scholarship (b) Shorthand (Pitman) Touch Typewriting Business English Cost Accounting Office Spelling Punctuation COURSES nBEPl "Wants" to 202 When in Need of Good Clean Coal for heating or cooldng purposes phone tis. Wood nntl kindlinr; for sale. ASHEVILLE DRAY, : FUEL & CON. CO. rhones 223 & 510. SHIRTS Made to Your Indlvldunl Measure nnd lletiiircmenti). Price $2.00 to $8.00 MFJttHANT TAIIXJR Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23-25 South Main Street Phone 887 . . FELT SLIPPERS Ladies' and Children's Felt Slippers, 00c to $1.00; Men's Felts, $1.00. The Call Company. 17 liiltmore Avenue. PRESCRIPTIONS TEAGUE & OATES Phones 260-1996 J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER ' Watches and Fine Jewelry. Watch Kepairng my Specialty. No. 8 Peek Sanarr. Set Teeth $6.00 Crowns $4.00 All work at reduced prices, 10- year Guarantee. Ideal Painless Dentists 8 fcjS. Main St. Over Zajfler's -MR. BUSINESS MAN DO YOU KNOW What's In store for you at the. Lan gren Grill Room during noon hour? ASK Miller-Clayton Paint Company. 22 BROADWAY. CUT PRICES ON MEN'S SUITS Gem Clothing Store 8 Patton Avenue .. BBSS CHICHESTER S PILLS ? A,tt yr' for I'lll. la Kcd ud U.li ib.uIUcN bnin, MM llk III, Rll,hn. 13 sa I V WW SOLDBYDRUQGISTSEVLRYHHERE i FOR KALE Good clean newspapers, y t0 for 5 cents. Apply at Oasette- Kews office. tf r Narcissus Bulbs We have a new lot of tho Paper White Grandi flora Bulbs for forcing in water. , , H Grant V Pharmacy Reliable Dime and Seeds '