PAGS FOUR - IHX A8HEVILLB GAZETTE-NEW! Saturday, January 18, 1915. THE GAZETTE-NEWS PUBLISHED BT Evening News Publishing Co. ABBEVILLE. N. C. j v. a. nuaeorana. . I) Wm. M. Brlcken. . .General Manager .1 SUBSCRIPTION HATES: AshmUIi, and Blltmore One Week Three Monthi en Month Twelve Months ....... I-00 BT MAIL. IK ADVANCE Three Month. --,2-2 Ktx Month. '?? Twelve Month. go At roc id Ti Any matter offeree: ror puollcatlon that Is not claestfteJ as news, glv'.ne notice or or project when en admittance or other fee 1. charged 11 advertising and will be accepted at regular rate. only. The same applies to cards of thanks, obituary "otlfes political announcements and the like HHHK!.!;',St,ll l H The Gazette-News Is a mem- J ber of The Associated Press. Its teiegraph news Is there- . fore complete and reliable. M . itititittt gat at Entered at the PostolTice In Asheville a. second-class matter. Saturday, January 16, 1915. THE AKGVMKNT W ITH ENGLAND. Tt in evident that Croat I'.ritaln. in sottlin . IiAST NIGHTS MASS MEETING As a result of last night', action relative to commission form of Gov ernment for Ashevllle, taken by a mass meeting of representative cltlxena of the city, and especltlly for the spirit In which that action was taken, wo feel more deeply grateful than at any time since the beginning of a campaign here looking to a change in the system of municipal govern ment. The call for the mass meeting, as well as the manner In which the call w as issued, followed exactly the suggestions submitted editorially in The Gazette-New. last Monday afternoon. But the Important feature in our mind is that the oft repeated plea for harmony in this paper was granted last night in the fullest measure. , " We believe that Jast night's gathering was truly a revelation to many. It was a gathering that included men of all politlcaj faiths. as well as men engaged in practically every line of business and professional en deavor. It was a repljca, If we may borrow a word from the world of art, of Ashevllle's citizenship; anil during the entire session there was not a sin-v glo dissenting voice upon the main issue. The sense of the meeting was unanimous for a commission form of government for this city; and it is such a sentiment that will be conveyed to Buncombe's legislators in Ra leigh. There was no quibbling; no 111 feeling. The men were there in a common cause, and they proceeded, under the straightforward guidance of Judge'. Henry B. Stevens, Hhe.presiding officer, to attain the end sought in the most practical manner possible. - It was evident to all present that Asheville people want a new form of government, and tnat new form is a commission. - Nothing else was necessary to know at that gathering except the best method of securing It. We commend the action taken tn the appointment of a central commit tee by the presidents of four of the leading organizations here, the Board of Trade, Merchants' association, Central Labor union and University club, for the committee now Is representative of all four and, by the same to ken, representative or practically every citizen and taxpayer of the city. Aside from this, the personnel of that committee is of the highest charac ter. There is not a man in Asheville. we believe, who would dare to say that these men would submit any charter that would be beneficial to a 'few to the detriment of the many. They are men who have the best int erests of Asheville at heart; and the citizenship may be sure that their work will be conscientious and thorough. . Now it is simply to be remembered that the committee Is Asheville's Ow, ,.mlr:ih;iwl ii3U, will go ... I I 1;. n. n f nntViortnir In at nlurVir n a far as she eim i l,ii. rh a Jnse . or OUr lul Lin in' v US iminu uu iuuiiu J l (itUll veil iouv IU uc m ewnir ouuuiu t mo tS UZ3 friendship. She is engaged: in n su- preme 'struggle for her own imperial life. She will take advantage ot every legitimate means of crlppUnff the enemy, and In dealing with neutral nations she will push to the limit her own notion of what constitutes leKit Imiite trade. For this we need hold no ill will igulnst Great Itritain. . In her place we' should probably do as she is ilo int'.. and stretch the International law stnd practice regarding contraband and search and seizure almost to the breaking point. - In the pursuance of our own In terests, however, we must watch Britain closely, as one litigant watches another. Knowinp, that she will make the contraband list as broad as possi ble, we must aim to reduce that list. Knowing that she will suspect all cargoes of Including contraband, we must be so open and honorable as to keep legitimate shipments above sus picion. Knowing that she believes war materials sold to Italy or Scandi navia are destined for Germany or Austria, we must convince her that they are not. We must fipht every ef fort to restrict our commerce, direct ly or indirectly, but we must fight without animosity. We do not have to court house next Friday night to hear their committee report. They should go there, too, with n open 'and unbiased mind to consider in the light of reason the provisions made in the proposed charter. If they like provisions they should support them, individually and collectively. If they do not like them, they should argue the matter on a broad basis. It will be a time for personalities to be eliminated. Asheville people want a commission government. That point is settled. It is therefore up to every individual citizen to lend his aid in bringing about the desired change. If the proposed charter is not just to his liking in one particular, or many particulars for that matter, he should. not raise a dissenting voice after the majority has said that the charter is acceptable. The main point Is to submit to the legislators a commission chnrter, even If It has to be a compromise meoyre. 'and then let all the people vote their wishes. And again we register our plea, which seems more in order now than ever before, let the watchword be "Harmony." ; Daddy s Bedtime Story- THE BRAVE BROWN SPARROWS IN WINTER "You know," said daddy, "I saw b ich a strange thing today in the city." "Tell us about it," said Jack. "What was it?" asked Evelyn, who was always interested in whatever daddy had to say. "Weil," continued daddy, "In a tree in the park lots and lots of little sparrows were roosting. It was, of course, a perfectly bare tree without a rail at John Bull or punch his nse; i,ea( on )t aml tn(,y VVere huiaiea together, keeping each other warm. It Is a job for gentlemanly interna- B tlonal lawyers, supported by the quiet, steady pressure of united Amer r lean opinion. Every point lihould be pressed ' home, every seizure of an American f t ship or cargo should be challenged, . every delay caused by I'.rltlsh cleten- tion should be protested, every loss v J entailed by an American shipper or vessel owner should be met by a de mand for damages, every possible opening for enlarged commerce should be claimed. But we need not got mad about it. Getting mad is the surest way of not getting what we want. ' i 1 The Missouri state board of par don, lately called attention to the fact that of the BOO prisoners it has released on probation in the last four year, only eighteen have violated their parole. In other words, about ninety-six and one-half per cent of the prisoner, released on their hon or appear to have become useful, trustworthy member, of society. Can the old .ystem of relentless Imprls enfnent and punishment show any auch reaults? PICTURES, OF BATTLES. Warfare Ha. Always Been a Popular 8ubjot For Arti.ta. From Um earliest day. of history war ha given Inspiration to the artist, and th work ef hia hand. tome, down to tu on the wall, of ancient Egypt worn with the pussing ot thousand, of yean; from he ruined temple, of an tique Greece, built centnrles before too Christian era. The picture writing of primitive and savage peoples describes exploit, of war; many archaic war jrictorea, broonht to view after age. of burial under deaert sanda, bear much similarity to Indian drawings of our wn near time and land. Once year, ago, away up on the Poplar river, in Montana, I bought bartered for, I .oppose I should say, as the purchase waa made mainly by the medium of tea, tobacco and sugar a "painted robe right off the back of the war chief of a band of Tanktonnals- Slonx our troops had rounded up" and brought into the agency. The skin waa a fine "black bnll," tanned on the underside to tbe sbftness of the finest chamois leather and decorated with naive pictorial representations ot tbe deeds of war of old Kill-Them-In-a-Hole as tbe soldiers trawls. ted the name given tbe chief from some episode In bis murderous career which In color, In grace and firmness pf line were cu riously like pictures from tbe pencil of some artist of the Egypt of old. Tbe glory of war Is the theme; the exaltation of the sovereign, the con- qneror, form, the chief motive of the war picture ot antiquity. The monarch was tbe hero before wboee terrible sword all foes gave way, to whom vic tory came through his personal might and prowess. The warriors of the Greeks are shown as models of virile strength and grace; their attitudes In the fury of combat lost nothing of artistic beauty in the realism of the rendering, Tbe Influence of the Greek masters ot their art is evident In battle pictures of a time twoseore and more centuries later. Rnfus Falrchtld Zog- baum in Scrlbner's, CONSCIENCE . 'and care enter tnte every pair of glaaee. we make for yon. We are at all time, conscious ot the reaponslbllltle. placed en u. when you com. to u for glasses and that la why we are ao careful In our examination, and in making and fitting your glasses. CHARLES H HONESS. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN 64 Patton Ave. Opp, Poet office WE HAVE A GOOD v LINE OF 'Garbage Cans and Pails Prices Range from 75c to $3.00 Each ' Brown, Northup & Co. 33 Patton Ave. .Mteixemu mMmmwmhmmw i Battery Park Bank v ASHETVIIXK, K. C. : . T Capital. 1100.000 J Surplus and Profit- . .$160,000 X . , OFFICERS: . v t ntinlrman nf tll Roard. X C. Rankin, Asst. Cashier. T apt T. O. Ooxe. President. Erwin Binder, Vice-Pres. LEADING HOTELS AND. BOARDING HOUSES Not Secret. She Is it a secret society? He No. Didn't I tell you there were women In it 7 Judge. STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 24, 1914. ZELLICO AND '.RETURN :00. 6:1S. e:80 a. m. RIVERSIDE PARK DEPOT via SOUTHSIDE AVENUE DEPOT via FRENCH BROAD AVENUE MANOR CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS 6:15 and every IS minutes until 11:00 p. m. f :S0 a. m. and every 15 minute, until 1:15 p. m.; then every 7H minutes until 3:45 m. then every 16 min ute, until 11:00 p. m. 0:00 a. m. and' .very 15 mnute. until 11:00 p. m. 6:00 a. m. and every 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m. 6:00 a. m. and every 16 min utes until 11:00 p. m. ; 11:10 car runs through; return leaves tnd of tin. 12:00. FIREPROOF ASHEVILLE, N. C. Swannanoa-Berkeley Hotel POPULAR PRICE American and European Plana HARRY L. LAN GEL, Proprietor. THE BATTERY PARK HOTEL Under New York Management Refurnished Redecorated Modern Kitchen Cuisine and Service Highest Standard. C. K RAILING, Proprietor. Formerly of Hotel Plaza, New Tork. 1 watched them for quite a time. There was one sparrow who looked th leader. He did most of the chirping and was apparently telling all the others what they must do and giving all sorts of directions. He chirped almost constantly for ten minutes, and then he flew down from the tree and hopped alons the ground. He picked up crumb after crumb, and then when he had as many as he could curry in his beak he flew up In the lice nguin ari l left them on d branch where there was a kind of hole in which to put them. lie was evidently showing all the other birds Just whut to do, for in a minute or two any number of thtm flew down to the ground and began to piclt up crumbs. - "it wus wonderful to see how many they could find, for I myself could hardly see any, und all the time he kept chirping to the other, and telling them whut to do. "This kept up for some time, for the birds would fly back and forth, just picking up Koodies and then putting them up in the tree. Meantime a lot of other birds who had stayed up in the tree were fixing them on the branch and dividing them evenly." "Didn't they eat any of them?" asked Evelyn. "Yes. After quite iiwhlle thry all flew back to the tree airaln, and once more they huddled together and had the most marvelous meal. You see, it was their dinner time, and they all hud it together at the same time to make it more sociable. From all the cries of Joy and the noise I fancy they wero having a pretty good time of it and enjoying themselves Immensely. In fact, 1 think they almost forgot how cold It was." "I think It', wonderful," said Evelyn, "how well the bird, can look after themselves, for it must be pretty hard uometimes, especially In the winter." t f "Yr." .aid daddy, "it Is, but these birds seemed o happy together and to be having such a good time. After dinner waa over they all chased each other from one tree to another In the park and played tag and had a beau tiful time. 8o I think really birds and animal, are .mart and brave to be able to look after themselves and their little one. so well." tones, but greet my word, with slgno and groan., and cuss by fit. and start.. WALT MASON. Copyright, If 14, by The Adam. New. paper Bervtoe. PATTON AVENUE 'Ti'o'S iff " "ntil EAST STREET n "o " m:nute' UB- GRACE via MERRMON VYooTm,Th7n .V. AVENUE ery 50 minutes until 11:00 p. m. on wirM?m - m- "na tnen evry 15 minutes 131LlMORi!i - untu n:00 p. m.. last car. DEPOT and WEST ' ' ' " ASHEVILLE Via 8:30 m ana ver W minute, until SOUTHSIDE AVE. 11:00 p' Carter Harrison apologetically con-! aunts o run agsln for mayor of Chi cago, w-lth the explanation that hi. wife who la now a voter ha. given him permission. The country general ly ha. had an Impression that Carter larriaon I. permanent mayor ot Chi cago by divine right Can It be that woman suffrage supersedes the royal prerogative of the Harrison line? The government 1. rather proud of the economy effected through .hip ping 100 ton. of gold, worth nearly 100,000.000 from Philadelphia to .w Tork by parcel post, "without cost for transportation." Wonder what the railroad, think about Such rf-onomy. The pupil, of the city Schools have heady made great progr-s. In do- Uo science. Instruction In garden : and truck-growing I. another .V nlhe right direction. Tour Hook of Western North iiia" would, certainly prove of , , tivrnlenc. ti our Visitor. T RIPPLING 3 MISFIT OPTIMISM. The sun wa. hid day after day; the lowering cloud, were dark and gray, the world wa. full of gloom; the peo ple seemed depressed and sad, and looked as though they'd give a Mad, to slumber In the tomb. "Here', where," I ald, "my cheer-up creed will heal the heart, that ache and bleed, and make the people gay;" and so I blithe ly stopped my friends, and laid, "Don't mind the sky that bends above us. grim and gray. Dost recollect the poet', lines? Behind the cloud, the un still shines,' or words to that ef fect; remember that when lip yon glance, remember that and sing and dance don't let your Joy be wrecked," My friends replied. "Come off your perch; a wenry guy would need to search a million bonk, of pome.,- to Lllnd a comfort lor his soul a. throuun this land of doom and dole alt dis mally he roams. behind the rloii(!, but that won't help the human crowd. It ought to shine outside; we hove no use for any nrn that let. ii. .uffrr and alniorb thlr moisture through the hide." I llnd It Wry work Indeed to promulgate mv sunshine Creed, so calloused .re men's hearts; thry don't respond to Joyous CHEERFULNESS. CheerfulneM is a natural lo the heart of man in strong health as glow to hi cheek, and wherever there is habitual gloom there mutt be either bad air, unwholesome food, improperly severe labor of erring habits of life. RiuLin. VISITORS TO ASHEVILLE Are invited to luncheon or dinner at Grove Park Inn, the finest resort hotel in the world. Luncheon served from 1:00 P. M. to 2:30 P. M., and dinner from 6;30 P. M. to 8:30 P. M., at $1.50 per plate. . Finest Orchestra in the South afternoon and night. 6CNDAT SCHEDULE? DIFFERS IXTliE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS Car leave. Buuare for Manor 0:00 a. m. returning l:lt a. m. Car. leave Square for Depot via Southsid. Ave. (:00, 6:16, tt:IO, f:00. 7:10. 1:00 and 8:J0 a. m. Car. leave Square for Depot via French Broad Ave. 0:15, 6:30, 6:46, 7 15, 7:45 and 1:15 a. m. Car tor Depot leaves Bquaro : a. m.. both Bouthslfl. and French Broad. i First ear leave, the Square for Charlotte Street at 6:00 a. tea and every 10 minute, until 8:30, next 6:46. First ear leave, the Square for Riverside 1:80; next 8:45. First car leave, the Square tor West Asheville 6:16, 7:00; next 1:30. With the above exception., Sunday schedules commence at 8:00 a, m. and continue tarns as week days. On evening when entertainments are In pro rr ess at the Auditorium the last trip on all line, will be from entertainment, leaving Square at reg ular time and holding over at Auditorium. Car leave. Square to meet No. 86. night train, 80 minute, before sched. V " announced arrival . SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South.' cbednle Flguree Published .. Information Only and Not Guarantee EFFECTTVE 6TJNDAT. DECEMBER IS, 1014. KttKftltlt8t 1 , at K If a "For Sslr" Ad Might Find K at a Market for ftomrtlihig Yoa (t t .No Longer NptcI Test the Matter? St H The only rom for eonlerture t In the matter lie. In the article at t Itself the not-longer needed ar- at t tide which you may want to K The sun may shlneist sell. ; -..- ; tt If It I. still Uiwful still vulu- ? lie and something which peo. P. ? pie do use, more or less com- a (t monly, then the "For Hale" ad a K or ads AVI I J, find your rash s buyer for you! The tlaxette-News a I Is the home paper. tt tKltatlttltSt8tltB!8tl8tt8tt ARRIVES FROM Baaurn Tims No. Savannah and lack sonvllle l:10 p.m. No. 11 Washington, New Tork, Norfolk, Rich mond .... 1:40 p.m. No. It Chattanooga, St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati, Memphi. 8:05 p.ra No. II K. T Philadelphia, ' Washington .. ...10:80 a.m. No. II Murphy Waynes villa ,. 1:11 p.m No. II Murphy Wayn Se ville 1:47 p.m. No. II Ooldsboro aad Raj ' elgh- 1:01 p.m. No. St Wayneavllle .... 1:46 a.m. No. 17 Charleston and Co lumbia .....1:10 p.m. No. 1 Cincinnati, Memphi. , , . trou.ivllle, Bt. Louis and Chicago ...... 10: JO a.m. No. II Washing!.'). N. T. and Richmond, ...I 1:41 a-m. No. 41 FromColumbla ...11:11 a,m. Ke.101 Bristol, Knoxvllle a. DEPAUTS FOR Eastern Time No 10 Savannah, Jackson vlll. 4:10 p.m. No. 11 Knoxvllle, Chatta nooga, Memphis. Louisville, St, Lou Is and Cincinnati. . . ,t:SI p.m. No. 1 Washington. N. Y Norfolk and Rich mond .- I:lf p.m. No. II N. Y, Philadelphia. and Washington .. 1:41 p.m. fo. 17 WaynesvUle and Murphy ........... 1:11 a-m. No. II Waynesvlll. and Murphy ......-.. 1:11 p.m. No. II Waynesvllle ., ..i 1:11 p.m. No, II Raleigh and Oolds boro ......1:61 a.m. No. 17 Chicago, Cincinnati, Chattanooga and -Memphis 8:80 p.m. No, II Columbia, Charles- toa 11:11 S.B. No, 81 Washington. Rich mond and N. T... I;tl am. No. 42 Atlanta Charles- toa .M 7:00 a.m. No.101 BrUrtol, Knoxvllle Chattanooga ...... 7:10 a.m Toxaway Chattanooga 11:11 p.m. No. 41 receives connection at Hendtreonvllle from Lake and Brevard. No. 1 7 receives connection at Hendersonvtll.1 from . Roman and Brtv.rd. I Train SI connect, at ilendersonvlll. and Roeman.' Train 10 connect, at Hendersonvm. for Brevard and Lake Toxaway'' Through .Iseplng oar. dally to and from .'tew Tork. Philadelphia, ilorville! Charleston. Cincinnati. Chicago, Memphis, BU Lou- Through cars Ooldsboro-Ashsvlll. train. Noa. tl aad II Dining car service train. Noa. 17, 86. J. II. WOOU, Dlv. Pass Agt. ALEX. II. ACKER, City Paso, A Ticket Agt THE ST. JOHN Hendersonville's Largest and Best Hotel. COMMERCIAL TOURIST The only steam heated hotel in the town, modern, attractive, homelike, rooms en suite with private bath. Large Sample Room Hotel on Main Street. ' St. John and Son, Props. Commercial - v Transient UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE KENMORE HOTEL COMMERCIAL HEAD QUARTERS. Large, Well-Lighted Sample Rooms OPEN THROCGIIOTJT THE YEAR A. .R, Spears, Prop. Waynesville, N. 0. HOTEL REGAL MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. C. I., Greebam, Lessee and Manage Hot and Cold Water. Telephone Id Every Room. Private Baths. Steam Heat Large Sample Rooms. Special Attention to Traveling Men. . RATES: $2.00 and 2.50 per day. Special Rate, by the - week. Headquarters for U. O T and T. P. A. CANTON, N.C. THE IMPERIAL HOTEL B. U. GEIER, Prop. FREE SAMPLE ROOMS STEAM HEATED ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE BATHS RATES 11.00. HOTEL ENTELLA ' BRYSOX CTTY Headquarter. U. C. T. and T. P. A. and Lumbermen. Kate. $2 per day. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Bsjlioad eating house fronting South ern depot Livery In connection. W;W. WHEELER F. E. FRY, Proprietors. Begin the New Year Right by Enrolling at The Emanuel Business College And secure a practical business coarm We are offering A MONTH'S FREE TUITION to all student, who enroll NOW for our full Commercial Course. At the expiration of thl. month you have the privilege of paying for your tuition by the month, and paying only for the time you remain In school. Do not neglect this opportunity of saving a large portion of the regular, coat of a scholarship. Call today for fur ther detail. In regard to thl. liberal offer. 48J4 Patton Ave. Plione 1100. HOTEL ENTELLA BRTSOI CTTX Headquarters tor traveling and lumbermen. Rates $1 per dy Special rates by the month. Jfeth room, s Free eample moms. . Railroad, eat tag hous. frtlng Southern depot Llrsry In ooansAioa. W. W. WHEELER A F. K. FRY, , THE OLD FORT INN old fort; V.C I Conveniently located, neat depot Accommodation". y day, week of month, .lates reasonable, L. J. EPLEY, Proprietor ' . THE J ARRET! SFRINUS HOTEL Comaierclal and Ttnulat. Rates 11.60 per day. Hot aad eol4 Batha, Special Ratee by the Week e Month. - R.F. ARRETT Manager DIUsboro. 16. Ok WHY WORRY? -LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS- TELEPHONE 202 i f