THIS iS SEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE NINE Oil Paoer h e lome ls. wori Two On The I IUI (iway THE GAZETTENEWS IS THE HOME PAPER The Kiddies, the Young folks and the Old folks find Special features they enjoy and love to Read THE GAZETTE NEWS - - ; -" v'v; Because It Is A Real Newspaper. Saturday, January 18, 1915. n Classified Advertising ': Rates..; . ; 1 insertion lc per word S 2o 6 7 14 21 SO So 4o 7o lOo 12o No advertisements taken for less than the cost of two lines. Six words make a line. TELEPHONE 202 , . . .. ;y. ( ' ;" "- , : Classified Advertisers . May telephone their Want Ads. The Gazette-News will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement ordered for more than one time. v The Gazette-News reserves the right to correctly classify all Want, Ads. The Gazette-News can not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility 'for errors of any kind occurring in telephoned advertisements. The Gazette-News will not accept phone or verbal orders to discontinue or change T. F. ("Till Forbid") advertisements. Advertiser should retain re ceipts given by The Gazette News In acknowledging pay ment for Want Ads, as no mis takes can be rectified without them. Read for Profit TTba fnr Pooiilt.a , W M. W WWW V Ready Reference Dictionary Clip the A. B. C. colmn place it permanently' near your phone or in some convenient place about the house. It is es pecially arranged for your con venience. In every home in the city every day in the year, the services and articles here of fered are needed. " . ASKEVILLE'S B2ST PLACE TO buy groceries and fruits. You get the best from O. F. Mea dows, 63 Haywood, Phone 801. 287-26t BELOW COST. PURE COFFEE this week 20 cents per lb. Gib son's Grocery, 43 Eart College St. 287-26t FARMS OF 10 TO 400 ACRES near Ashevllle for sale.' One 0 acre farm and equipment $3,700. Lorlck-Boyd Realty Co.. 18 So. Pack 8quare, 'phone 1346. 287-26t GET YOUR WATCH V. 3 AND Jewelry repaired by experts. M. Gelula & Co. on the Square, guarantee all their work. 289-26t HAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED by Gilmer Bowdefu Work call ed for and returned promptly. 31 E. College St., 'phone 1817. 287-261 MOODY AND SON. FRESn Meats and Poultry. Beit outs 20 cents per lb. Call and see. Ill West Haywood St., 'phone 2404. 87-26t tUBLIC AND SUPPLY STENO " grapher. Phone 1668, 16 South Pack Square. IIS-26t OUIOK SERVICE AND IDEAL dyeing, steam and French dry cleaners, ladles' work don by hand. EM W. Pack Bquare, over Cen tral Cafe. Phone 835. 287-28t SlTEXOGRAPinO WORK DONE satisfactorily by Mtaa A. O. Dev. ' enlsh, phone 1316, room 8 over Cltliens Bank. 283-26t THE SAVOY, THE POPULAR cafe opposite the Majestic, has best coffee In the city. 287-26t FOR BALE Good clean newspapers, Ii4 for cents. Apply at Oasette- New office. tf NOTICE, To' Ed Reynolds,' Mrs. , Maggie Etarnea tors. Mary fitarnes, MoCon nell Brothers, W. W. Barnard and all other persons Interested In the re port of the city engineer filed in the office of the city clerk ot the city of Ashevllle, assessing the cost of -constructing a certain sewer lne against you which sewer line runs along Fen land street In said city. You will take notice that said report has been filed according to law, and that the mayor and board of aldermen of said city at their meeting, to be held Itth day of January, 1911. will consider aald report and take such action aa they may deem proper. Any objection to In above report mutt be made In writing under oath and filed with the city elerk st least two day prior to the above date. r. L. CONDER. City Clerk. 119-att Wonderful Phone S O S FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ONE HUNDRED ACHE farm, forty acres of bottom land. Produces 40 to 60 bushels of corn, 15-24 bushels wheat or rye per acre. Good 6 room house. New barn. Orchard of apples, peaches and pears. Real bargain with terms. Owner leaving state. G. D. Carter, Te"mple Court. , 280-tf. WHEW YOU ADVERTISE YOUR real estate In these columns, you can feci secure of this: that about all of the people in the city who may be thinking of buying real es tate will see and read the ad. And the other people don't matter, any way. HELP WANTED WE NEED SOIilCITORS AT ONCE for Western North Carolina. A how proposition for hustlers only. Write "A. R. C" Gazette. 290-tf WOMAN" WITH REFERENCE CAN find a good home in small family. call at 66 Flint or phono 2202. 291-lt WANTED AN ENERGETIC, AMBI tlous, active man to establish per manent business. Health and Acci dent Insurance. Immediate cash returns and future. Address Na tional Casualty Company, Detroit, Mich. , It WANTED NEWS AGENTS. MUST have security and uniform. Union News Co., 376 Depot street. 289-3t OFFICE EMPLOYMENT: OUT-OF-town places: Bank, young man clerk, reasonablo salary; also man to manago branch house, beginning March first; salary and some com mission; also can supply office work to young man or woman while tak ing course at tho, A. B. C. - This work Is with agood Arm in tho city. No experience necessary. Also we desire to enroll one hundred new students In our Winter Term. Call at the Ashevllle Business College or write Henry S. Shockley, Principal. tf GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. My free booklet H-573 tells how. Examinations in ' this state soon. Write today NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. SPECIAL WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO take care of your Typewriter Repair Work. Have your old Underwood repaired by factory trained mechan ics. Underwood Typewriter Co., Phone 1100. 286-261 NURSES: LEARN SHORTHAND and typewriting. You can take les sons between cases, or while on light cases. You can get far enough to take dictation from patients In three months, and double your Income. Call at the Ashevllle Business Col lege and arrange for sessions. v 289-tf. A WANT AD WILL NOT ALWAYS bring about a miracle; but It will usually secure for you a good ser vantwhich Is something near It. POSITION WANTED SITUATION WANTED HY YOUNG young man to do general work. Phone 1143. (8-tf. p. vu TliejTBrmcf Insults! .Opportunities Presented to You On Thi WANTED WANTED STUDENTS TO LEARN t Telegraphy; it you mean business, we will guarantee you a position, best equipped school in Carolines, Charlotte Telegraphy School, Char lotte, N. C. ,; 291-7t MEN, INCREASE YOUR EARNINGS Learn the barber trade for which there is always a demand. Many Jobs waiting at wages higher than you would expect Taught in a few weeks by our system. Earn while learning. Write today. Moler Bar ber College, Atlanta, Ga. 291-6t WANTED YOUR SOILED AND wrinkled suit, business or dress; we'll make t clean, creased per fectly, and spik and span like new gentlemen, it's .worth while to be a member of my club. 21 a month; 3 months $2.00. J. C, Wilbar, Phone : 389. TYPEWRITING, COPYING, AD dressing, circulars; also some regu lar work. , Miss Harriett Payseur, 64 American National Bank Build ing. 290-26t WANTED 100 MEN TO JOIN MY club. American Cleaning and Dye ing Co., t W. College. Phone 295, . 285-ZCt. THE LETTER YOU FORGOT TO mail will bring about as good re sults as the want ad you placed in the Wrong medium. WANTED TO BUY SECOND. HAND flat top desk and office chair, and 1 stenographer's typewriting desk. Address "Office," Gazette-News. tf. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MAN or woman to take complete guaran tee course at the Ashevllle Business college; can pay for same by doing office work a few hours each day while taking the 'course. This work is with an Influential company in the city. Call at the Ashevllle Busi ness College. ' tf I WANTED CLEANING, PRESSING and repairing. J. Eugene Jones. Best service. 35 East College street. Phone 981. 282-26t PARTIES WANTING . FORMER phone No. 2370, call 1144, Nurses' Bureau. 282- ;t, WANTED YOUR ORDER FOR COAL, wood and kindling, prompt deliv ery. Pisgah Fuel Co. Phone 1499 271-26t. WANTED YOUR LETTERS TO write, your books to- post, and your bills to make out Will do the work cheap to get practice for our advanced students. Call at the Ashevllle Busi ness college, north "Pack square. ii4-tr WANTED YOUR PETS AND ALL other domestic animals for treatment by competent veterinarian," graduate of Cornell University. Dr. M. M Leonard, 18 8. Pack square. Office pnone 1146 residence phone II. FOUND. FOt,'Nr DEVAULT PRESSING Club Is the best place to have your clothes cleaned. Phone 922, 170 Patton avenue. 277-261 HiwYOTJ Oometfiiu? V Xclvertisetit 'iLft UUUU.WUI a classified s Pao-e Phone FOR SALE FOR SALE ONE BIRD DOG, FOUR years old, good on coveys and sin gles, a retriever, J 15.00. One bird dog 2 years old. This dog will please you, $20.00. I guarantee both dogs to give satisfaction. Dr. T. A. Snowright, Pickens, S. S. It. FOR WOOD AND KINDLING THAT burns 31.00 and 32.00 loads. Call Phone 1371. M. R,, Starnes. ,. ' 291-261. EGGS AND POULTRY DRESSED young chickens 18 cents pound; best mountain butter 29 cents pound; guaranteed fresh yard eggs 3S-cents dozen. Parcel post pre paid. Write for prices on live poul try.' Saluda Poultry Farm, Saluda, N. C. 291-8t FIVE-PASSENGER FORD, 1911 model, perfect condition. Phone 2295. 290-3t FOR SALE CHEAP 3 EXCELLENT hotel sites in Old Fort. Box 337, Canton, N. C. 287-tf. FOR SALE ONE PERFECTLY sound horse, seven years old. Two delivery wagons, In excellent condi tion. G. D. Allison, Phone 1643. 285-Ct CHOICE MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Poultry and game. Haywood Street Market. 336 W. Haywood. Phono 731. , . 278-26t. SOUTHSIDE WOOD YARD ALL kinds block wood, stove wood and kindling. F. S. Sprouse, Phone 689. 27S-26t BLACK'S .MARKET, 268 PATTON avo, Phone 1071. We sell for cash and sell for less. 278-26t FOR QUICK SALE AT BARGAIN, 1 mule, t work horses and several buggies. Millard, Patton, Btike leather Co., new stables, College and Valley. , l41-tt J. H. McGINNESS, TAILOR NEW fall and winter samples now on dis play. Masonic Temple, 44 Market street. tf. THRIFTY PEOPLE DON'T THROW . things away they sell or exchange ' them through an ad. in these col umns, tf. FOR SALE GOOD CLEAN NEWS papers, 50 for 6 centa. Apply at Ga zette-News office. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED FOR RENT SPLENDID 6UITE OF rooms, all conveniences for light housekeeping. "D," care Gazette, 289-3t APARTMENTS, OR SUITES SUNNY outside rooms, all conveniences; other newly furnished bed-room?. single or double, choice location; for those desiring rellned surroundings at modest rents.- 91 Woodlln. 289-7t. FOR KENT ATTRACTIVE FURN Ished apartment for housekeeping Also furnished bed room. Good lo cation. Phone 369. 2!5-3t FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family, furnace heat, all conven iences; connecting bath. Phone 2469. v 289-3t FOR RENT WELL FURNISflED rooms, near Auditorium. Terms reasonable. Phone 1807. 23 Flint street. ' 289-7t LV PRIVATE FAMILY) HOT WATER hVat, superb view. Phone 383 or ad dress "Private," care Gazette-News. 289-3t FOR RENT COMPLETELY FUR nlshed rooms for light housekeeping. Apply 196 South French Broad or phone 2110. 120-tf. UNFURNISHED FOR RENT A 5 On 6 ROOM apartment, close In, and on car line. 2 offices facing the square. O. D. Itevell or A. B. Foy, Phone 829. eod-lf. FOR RENT 4 ROOMS CIX)SE IX 120.00, 6 rooms 318.00, 4 rooms 1 15.00, t rooms with large grounds 120.00, 4 rooms 113.00, 6 rooms 16.50, ( rooms, depot section, 820.00. F. M. Messier ft Son, Phon 682. i 15-3t I HAVE A S-ROOM BUNGALOW, jvery convenience si sis. per montn -Mrs. Clyde Reed, Blltmore, N. C 381-tf FOR" RENT THE INCOME FROM that hall bedroom might almost pay your taxes. tf. NO ONE EVER HEAD THE GA-tette-News Wsnt Ads. sll through wltflout finding -eomethlng In them of dlreot personal Interest. Try the experiment tit ytourselt tf ACCOUNTANT D. G. DEVENISH, ACCOUNTANT. periodical audits, books closed and financial statements rendered. Books opened for new corporations, firms or individuals. Books posted with monthly trial balance by con tract. . P. O. Box 813. Phone 1236. 283-26t. BOARDERS WANTED FEW BOARDERS WANTED IN PRI- vate family. Steam heated resi dence, on car-line. "K." care Gazette-News. 89-3t. BOARDERS WANTED AT THE Dixie, 84 to $6; rooms for light housekeeping, reasonable. Phone 1823. 289-26t LOST LOST FRIDAY S KEYS ON SILVER ring and chain in the business heart of city. Please return to Gazette-News and receive reward. 291-2t LOST ARTICLES IP FOUND BY honesf persons, will be returned if you advertise in this column. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT RENT AN UNDERWOOD THEN let the rental apply to the purchase price of "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy." Underwood Type writer Company. Phone 1100. 286-261. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT REM- lngton, Underwood, Monarch, L. C. Smith, Oliver &c, by day, week or month. Typewriter Exchange De partment, J. M. Hearn & Co., 'phone 448. tf MISCELLANEOUS LET US RENT AND SELL YOUR property for you. We have several on our waiting list. Howell and Mc Coy, real estate. Room No. 4, Y. M. I. Bldg.. Phone 1970. 286-6t. GET THE HABIT LET US CLEAN and press your suit. West End Pressing Club. Phone 2080. 280-26t FOR SALE Desirable 7-room residence with sleeping porch, lot 60x140, close in, 83650.00. $1000 cash, balance $25 per month. WESTERN CAROLINA REALTY CO., J. W. Wolfe, Scc'y. Treas. Phono 971. 10 N. Pack Sq. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the next General Assembly of this state to amend the charter of the Town of West Ashe vllle as contained In Chapter 80, of the Private Laws of 1913, Extra Ses sion. This the 31st dav of Dec, 1914. A. I BRIGHT, Mayor. v 877-30t. NOTICE OF SALE. State nf North Carolina, county of Buncombe. In the Superior court, before the clerk. In the matter of Administration of the estate of A. W, llartenstcin, deceased: )'nder and by virtue of an order of I'nder and by virture of an or der of the Superior court this day made by J. II. Cathey. clerk, the undersigned will, as commlslsoner, sell, by public auc tion, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the court house door of Buncombe county on Tuesday Feb. 9th 1915 at 12 o'clock noon, the following de scribed tract or parcel of land, sit uate lying and being In Swannanoa township, bounded and more particu larly described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning on a chestnut stump on the east bank of a branch, thence running north S degrees east IS ViJ poles to a chlnquepln, Including a spring; thence north H degrees west 10 1-3 poles to a Spanish oak; thence south 21 degrees west 10 2-2 poles to a slake, formerly a broken top chestnut; thence north 42 degrees W. 11 poles to a stake fomerly a white oak; thence north 66 degrees west 16 poles to a large chestnut stump on the east bank of a branch; then tip said branch ae It meanders, south 18 poles to a slake and corner of the still house tract; then with said line south 62 degrees west 160 feet to a stake; thence south 43 degrees east, 139 feet to a stake; thence north 83 degrees east 34 feet to a stake; thence south 67 degrees east 74 feet to a stake, formerly a hickory; thence south 71 degrees east 136 feet to a stake; thence south 61 degrees east 90 feet to a targe black oak; thenre south 37 feet to a dog-wood; thence south 20 degrees east 60 feet to a chestnut oak stump; '(hence .tip the branch 60 feet to the beginning, con taining five (I) acres, more or less. This the 8th ".y of January, llj. D. W. HARRISON Commissioner. City News The banks of the city will observe next Tuesday as a holiday, it being Lee-Jackson day in North Carolina. Rev. A. B. Brown will preach at both hours at the Blltmore Baptist church tomorrow. A cordial Invita tion is extended to all. 'The Successful Christian Life and How to Live It," will be the subject of the Sunday morning sermon of Rev. F. W. Stanton at the First Methodist Episcopal church. For the evening sermon, he announces as his subject, "The Lost Christ." Hannibal Boone, aged 14, and Leonard McClain, aged 12, were brought here yesterday ! afternoon from Black Mountain and committed to the county Jail for 30 days each,, having recently been convicted be fore the mayor of Black Mountain on charges of beating their way on freight trains. Forty recruits for the different branches of the United States army left here last night for Columbus, O., where they will receive preliminary training before being assigned to the posts where they will serve. All of the recruit9 were from the Charlotte district, which cnprises parts of North and South Carolina. Only routine business was brought before the adjourned session of the board of aldermen of West Asheville, which was' held" last night. It was the first meeting of the board for two weeks, no quorum being present for the last two meetings. The next meet ing of the board will be held next Tuesday night. NEW CHARTER WANTED HERE Continued From Page One. present system here as antiquated and past the days of Its usefulness. He had no condemnation for those operating the city's affairs under this system, nor did any of the other speakers. The business of the meeting prog ressed rapidly, and as soon as Mr. Ramsey took his seat, Mr. Martin In troduced his resolution. It was adopt ed without opposition, and then fol lowed the question of ways and means of securing a charter. Many Ideas were advanced, but there wts abso lutely no ill feeling among those making the suggestions. There were short talks by J. B. Anderson, who Introduced a substitute for Mr. Rog er's motion, Judge Thomas A. Jones, A. S. Barnard, Zeb V Curtis, George S. Powell, Congressman-elect James .1. Brltt, Col. V. S. Lusk. Judge J. D. Murphy and others. They simply had suggestions to make, however, and then gave their hearty endorse ment to a commission form of gov ernment for Asheville, the main Is sue before the gathering. It wts, per haps, the most harmonious gathering ever held in this city; likewise the most unanimous In Its general convic tion upon the subject at Issue. While the committee of organiza tion presidents was out to name a central committee, the gathering was regaled by a speech by Marcus Er win. It wan a real gem, embodying both .w It and wisdom, and he strong ly endorsed every progressive step In governmental affairs, from eommos slon government to woman's suffrage. Me said he could endorse anything he likes now since he is out of poli tics. He said that he believes In com mission government; and' that he wants a commission charter that will embody all the Ideas that have proved successful elsewhere. During this Interim, those present were likewise enlightened by L. B. Rogers on the commission form of government as It is exemplified Wilmington. in Financial NEW YORK COTTON. New York, Jan. 16. Cotton futures opened firm: March ..... ... ... .J ... .. 8.35 8.03 8.60 8.70 8.71 8.83 8.92 8.9.) 9.08 May . . , June . . . . July ..... August . . Soptember October .. November December . . . . . ' Banks of Ashevllle will be closed Tuesday, January 19th. Legal Holiday Lee-Jackson blrthduy. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. To whom It may concern: All persons will take notice that the partnerships heretofore existing be tween the undersigned under the firm name and style of "Ashevlllo Grain and Hay company," and "Earl and Nelson," have been dissolved by mutual consent. J. D. Earl will continue the busi ness and all accounts due to either of said partnership ere payable to him and he assume the payment of all obligations of said partnerships. This the 30th day ot December, 1914. J. D. EARL J. D. NELSON. 2St-10t BUILDERS OF STATE IN ANNUAL SESSION Meeting in Durham This Week Will Come to Asheville Next Year. Special to The Gazette-News. Durham, Jan. 16. The North Caro lina Builders' exchange spent the greatest portion of yesterday in tran sactlng the business of the session. The most important work of the morning session was the adoption of a new' constitution and by-laws for the state I association of builders. A committee I was appointed at the last session oft the association to draw up this new constitution. This committee was , composed of J. L. McClamrotk, P. j Mckensle, H. C. Federal, of Greens- j boro, and J. H. Skates, of Baltimore. , A new constitution was needed in order to make it possible for the new ' building organizations in many locall-j ties of the state might become afflll-' ated with the state organization. Only a few important changes were neces- sary but the convention at its last semi-annual meeting decided that It would be best to redraft the whole constitution, and this has been done. The paper was submitted to the build ers this morning and was adopted by a unanimous vote of the exchange. A committee was appointed to act Jointly with the state architects for the purpose of drafting a resolution of proposed legislation to be presented to the present session of the general as sembly. This committee will carry out a set of resolutions and acts of the exchange and get the bills in such shape that they may be sent to the legislature. The commltte is com- posed ot N. Underwood, of Durham; W. B. Barrow, of Raleigh; J. N. Long erst and B. McKenzie, of Greensboro, and H. C. Miller, 'of Baltimore. Yesterday afternoon was devoted to a discussion of the lien law in North Carolina. This discussion was led by Philip Williams, an attorney of Win ston. The next meeting of the builders will be held in Asheville. This was decided at the Inst meeting of the ex change, which was held in Charlotte last June. It Is customary for the as sociation to name the place of both meetings at the mid-summer meeting. . The feature of the session on thin evening was the banquet which was served in the dining room of the Mal bourne hotel. There were also ad dresses by Mayor W. J. Brogden and James H. Southgate. The following officers were elected for the coming term: President, John T. Salmon, Durham; first vice-president, J. W. Stout, Sanford; second vice-president, J. R. McClamroch, Greensboro; secretary, H. C. Federal, Greonsboro; treasurer, L. D. Berry, Charlotte. REPORTS ON THE DISASTER'S EXTENT; Official Figures Are Given Out Showing Loss of Life From Earthquake Shock. Avezzano, Italy, Jan. 16. Official re ports of the extent of the earthquaka disaster are go ng forward to the bu-, thorilies. The reports concern tho following towns and villages: Palermo Completely destroyed. with the exception of one house; 1000 victims out of 5000 inhabitants. San Pellino Almost totally destroy- i ed: 600 victims out of 1600 population. Scurcola Completely destroyed; a' number of victims not known. 1. Vlllalago Twenty-five dead and 20 wounded. I Rajano Four dead. j Kratluro, near Scanno Two hun- dred dead and 60 wounded. Popoll Five dead and 10 wounded.; Pentina Four dead and 11 wound-) ed. Barrea Nine dead and 20 wound-j ed. ! Vllletta Varre Three dead. j The Duke of Abruzzl arrived here last night and Inspected the rescue work. He expressed the Intention of visiting all of the villages which suf fered, some ot which are still cut oft from communication. News only reached here today that in the town of Peacasaeroll many persons were burled In the wreckage. Up to ths present, IS bodies and 80 Injured have ' been recovered there. An unusual episode occurred Friday ' at Cappello. While the rescue work j was proceeding, the soldiers hea l strange cries which led .them to a 1 woman who was burled under the de- J brl with a new-born child. Both the woman and baby were rescued alive and uninjured. j The catastrophe at Peslna, south east of Avexcano, Is growing In grav ity. The victims, according to reports, ill now number 4,600. The whoW village of Ueojacemlasl I srrported de stroyed, but the number ot victims Is not known. At Collerosso, there are 14 dead; and at Antelpedlo, 40 were filled, i

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