Satnrday, January 23, "1915. - - two TflJS ASHEVILUS GAZETTE-NEWS Ill TO UEHChDTS OF ASHEVILLE Children Cry for Fletcher's HAVE EliJOYABLE SPRERD VIRGINIA LEAGUE? cniD QUIT 2 I VI in VI The Kind Ton Hut Always Bought, and which has been In nsa for over SO years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his mr. 1 Bonal supervision eincTits Infancy. Y. S-CUcAvltC; Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but JSxperhnenta that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against experiment. What is CASTORIA ' Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Foverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE C ASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Si Ik The M Yoa Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years jyy53?B'fi?l.ii'.iJS!.'i K CINTH'JH CON 0K CITV, Odd Pieces of Furniture THAT INSURE COMFORT , Royal Easy Chairs . . . . $14.00 Up Turkish Rockers .................... . . $15.00 Up Davenports $30.00 Up Sanitary Couches . . . . . . ................. . . . . $4.00 Up J. L. SM ATHERS AND SONS Mammoth Furniture Store 15-17 Broadway GRAS CELEBRATION New Orleans, Mile and Pensacola Southern Railway PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH f Will Sell Round Trip Tickets to the Above Cities DATES OF SALE: Febry. 9th to 15th, Inclusive Final Limit: Febry. 26th 1915 Extension of Final Limit Original purchasers of tickets may secure an extension of final limit to and including March 15th by personally depositing their tickets with Joseph Uichardson, Special Agent, 708 Common Street, not later than. Feb. 2Gtli and upon payment of $1.00. Stopovers granted all agency sta tions in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee: ROUND TRIP FARES: Ashevllle lircvard Mender" ville Hot Spring Murphy Tryon WaynrsTllle New Orleans $J2.0 Mobile New Orleans 22.80 Mobile New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans New Orleans 22.25 31.25 Mobile 2S.S5 MoMIe 2I.SO Mobile 23.15 Mobile 1S70 Peinila 1II.TO Pensorala 111.05 Pensacola 15.55 Prnaarola Penmeola 17.40 Pennarola 19.50 Pennarola 1H.2U 15.20 17.55 18.10 la.tS It. 05 Equally low fares from all other stations in West ern North Carolina. For further information apply to your Local Agent, or write to the undersigned J. II. WOOD, ALEX. II. ACKER, , Division Passenger Aft City rasa A Ticket Agt. v Asheville, N. C. Virginia Capital Likely to Gain International League Berth What It Means. Interesting Meeting Also Held Several Speeches Heard Three New Members. President J. O, Boatwrlght will go to Norfolk soon to attend a meeting of the A'lrglnia Baseball league .In that city at which the purchasers of the franchise will make known their aC' tion on the option given them on the territory of Richmond. Va., says the Danville Register. . This paper ex plains: The league has given the pur. chasers of the Baltimore franchise, nearly all of whom are Richmond men,' an option on Richmond territori al J1000, with which sum they will be created on the purchase price of $13, 500 fixed by the Virginia organization upon Its rights and franchise In that city. It is a foregone conclusion that the price will be paid and that Rlch-j mond thereafter be eliminated from the Virginia league and incorporated in the International league, a Class AA organization, second only to the Na tional and American leagues. This will mean that no other legalized base ball organization may operate In that territory. With the retirement of Richmond, the largest city and best profit-earning one in the Virginia league clrcut, the future of that organization, which was originally formed In 1905, will be come uncertain. It Is not yet positive ly known that the league will under take to continue. With only Peters burg, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Newport News and Suffolk Included, It will be necessary to find a sixth city or town. The league will therefore become practically a, tidewater circuit, com pact and with travel expenses reduced to a minimum. It is understood that two or more places have made appli cation for the vacancy, and If it be deemed feasible to attempt to main tain the league at all, one of these ap plicants will be voted in. Elizabeth City, N. C Hampton and Fredericks burg. Va., are probably under consid eration, though the names of the ap nlicants for the sixth franchise are not divulged. It is possible that Roan oke or Lynchburg may be among ths applicants, but it is not likely that either of these cities would be seriously considered, since they would be too isolated from the other five teams. Meanwhile the league will have a net sum of $12,500 with which to weather the financial season. With a low salary limit and reduced travel expense, however, it Is believed that the organization can be made to pay expenses and possibly a little profit to its promoters. Danville, Lynchburg and Roanoke appear to be on the outside looking in and are liable to- remain In -that attitude for several years or until the experiment of higher class baseball for Richmond has been made. One of the most enjoyable meetings tor many months was held Thursday by the members of the Ashevllle Re tail Merchants' association in their rooms on Broadway. Following the usual business meeting, when several matters of Importance were taken up, an enjoyable spread was served and, while gathered around the banquet board, the members heard several very Interesting talks. j One of the principal speakers of the evening was H. 8. Shelton of Dayton, who explained In detail the methods used by the merchants of that city In the co-operative credit work. Mr. Bhelton Is president of the merchants' association of Dayton and is thoroughly familiar with the wrk that Is done in that elty. Following this talk. L. B. Rogers of the local association made a short talk In which he explained to the members the importance of each of them working for the adoption of the commission form of government of this city, declaring that it had been successful In other cities and the merchants of this city should see that their city had the best form of local government possible. Another speaker of the evening was H. Hughes of Danville, Va,, who for many years was In the wholesale business In that city. He expressed his pleasure at being in Ashevllle and stated that he Is thinking of locating here. A vote of thanks was extended to J. T. James, agent for the South ern Express company, for the im provement In the local service during the past few weeks. The report of the secretary showed that the association had grown from 83 members In November 1913 to 128. Three new members were added last night: Zlndel's bakery. Eugene Carland and the Shaw Motor com pany. I A Large and Representative Gathering of Citizens Hold Meeting to That End. A large and representative gather Ing of the residents of the Orace sec tion was held Thursday afternoon at the Johnson, store for the purpose of taking some definite steps towards having the road that transversa that section Improved. The meeting was presided over by Captain W. T. Wea ver. and a committee composed of C. T. Rawls. Robert Greenwood and J M. Wcstall was appointed to appear before the next meeting of the board of county commissioners and present a formal request that the road be Im proved from the city limits to a point beyond Grace where the roads fork. It was agreed at the meeting that the property holders In that section would pay one-fourth of the cost of Improving the road which wilt be about S3, 000. A number of subscrlp tlons were taken to the fund yesterday afternoon. The meeting was enthusiastic and representative and It is believed that the request which will be presented to the board will be carried out by th commissioners, as the road Is one of the most Important In the county and Is largely used. FALKENHAYN CHIEF GERMAN GENERAL STAFF Berlin, Jan. It. (Via London 7:6 p. m.) The official Norddeulschs All gemlns Zelturng ha announced ths Lieutenant General lfi-lch von Falken hayn, who now Is chief of the Oerman general staff, has resigned as mlnistc of war. Emperor William, -on accept. Ing von ralkenhayn s resignation, ap pointed him a general of Infantry, Major General Wild von Hohenberg, according to the announcement, has been appointed to succeed General von Falkcnhayn as minister of war. TRAIN NO. 15 DERAILED T Six Passengers Injured, But Not Seriously Is Report Three Ladies. CHASE THE CHILL FROM THE BREAKFAST ROOM PERFECTION SMOKELEJMli HEATERS START the Perfection Heater going five minutes before the breakfast hour; by the time the ' family gets down the whole room is warm and cozy. The food tastes better everybody ftels better. It's a bully mornine send-off for the whole family. ' The Perfection is an ever-ready comfort. It is light you carry it wherever extra heat is needed sewing-room or cellar, bedroom or parlor. It burns kerosene easy to handle and inexpensive and costs nothine when not in use. It is smokeless and odorless. At hardware and furniture stores everywhere. Look for the Triangle Trade-Mark. STAN D A R D O I L COMPANY r Washington, D. C Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. (NEW JERSEY) BALTIMORE Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W.Va. Charleston, S. C. Passenger train No. 15, running between Ashevllle and New York was derailed yesterday - morning at Claremont, near Newton. A mail car, two passenger coaches and a sleeper Jumped the tack. Six people three of them women were injured, although reports given by the local Southern officials state that none was seriously injured. The cause of the derailment could not be learned. The train was due in Asheville at 10: SO o'clock In the morn ing. The railway officials say that a side track Is being used for the trains on the main line, until the wreck can be cleared off. Passenger coaches were sent from Hickory to the scene of the derailment to transfer the pas sengers and bring them on to this city. The Injured. Washington, Jan. II. Several pas sengers were hurt, but none seriously, according to reports to the Southern railway headquarters here, when a coach and sleeping car of the South ern railway train was derailed by un known cause near Claremont, N. C. M. J. Phillpson, Ashevllle; Mrs. E. P. Thorpe, Winchester, Va., Mrs. O. D. Carner, Chattanooga, Tenn., J. M. Green, Rtahnpville, S. C, Robert Levy, Ashevllle; A. L. Shu ford, Conover, N. C, J, C. Fry, Hickory, N. C. R. Bowman, Newton, N. C. are men tioned In official reports as having been bruised or shaken up. Contracts Let for Improvement , and Charlottesville. Charlottesville. TWO CLASS G PLAYERS DISPOSED OE BY 1 Contracts for grading in connection with the revision and double-tracking of the Southern railway line from Orange to Charlottesville have been let by the company. The work from Orange to Burley 15 miles has been awarded to the Morrow Construction company of Atlanta; and that from Burley to Charlottesville 13 and sev en tenths miles to C. W. Lane and company of Atlanta. . It la estimated that the proposed Improvement will cost II, 600,000. It will make a greatly Improved line, both as to grade and curvature, it is stated, as well as furnishing additional track facilities where they are greatly needed. I TO DR. THOMAS U1ENCE The regular service of Oakland Heights Presbyterian church for next Sunday will be given up for the me morial service, which will be held In the Elizabeth Boyd Memorial chapel, to the late Dr. Thomas Lawrence. The memorial services will be held at 4 o'clock Sunday, and an Imita tion Is extonded to the public to at tend. Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, pastor of the Oakland Heights church, will be In charge of the service and a number of people have been Invited to glvt words of appreciation of the Tate Dr. Lawrence. Among them will be: Cnp tain W. T. Weaver, T. 8. Morrison, Dr. George T. Winston, Dr. R. R. Swope, Mrs. Ed B. Brown, Miss Elizabeth Williams and Miss Florence Stephenson. A special musical program will tie arranged by the choir. EXHIBITION GAMES" v SCHEDULED FOR TWINS Winston-Salem, Jan. 13. A list i the exhibition games that have been, arranged for the Twins during the training season has been given out. Secretary James has been securing some of the strongest college teams In the state. The University of North Carolina will play here on Easter Monday. April 6, both morning and afternoon games. The following Is the schedule to date: Oak Ridge institute, April I; t'nl verslty of North Caro'ilna, April 6; morning and afternoon; Phlladephla Atheletlcs April 6; Guilford college, April 10; Elon college April 12. Telephoning News COMMERCIAL TRAINING AND MERCHANT MARINE (Jot to raise Borne money by next month! Thinking of Tmjf that lott This month is the right time to advertise it ' ' what's meant by "taking timo by the forelock." Uo i Gazette-News for sale ads. fit Ix)uls, Jan. II. '"Commercial Education for. Foreign Trade" and "American Merchant Marina" were discussed at the Second National for eign Trad conference yesterday. Ainn Ihe .penkers on the program were ITc.f. O. U of the unl ver.lly of TenneMi.. and J. J. Hill and Welding Ring of New York, the. latter two opponents of the ship purchase bill now being considered In eongreaa. The management of the Winston Athletic association announced yes terday afternoon that Inflclder Gun Shrader and Ray Rnllim; had been sold to the Shreveport club of th? Texas league, of which Lee Garvin, another former Twin, is manager, says the Winston Sentinel. The sale price was not given out. "Th deal was completed Wednes day. Several days ago Secretary James wired Garvin, asking him whether he was manager of the Shreveport club and If so If ha could us any players. Garvin wired back that h was "boss" and that he would like to secure Rollings and Schrader. The price was wired him and yester day afternoon he acceptsd. "Oarvln is already In Shreveport getting acquainted with the affairs of his new team, lining up his material and keeping his eye open for good ball tossers. If h continues to sign men of the calibre of Rrhrader and Rollings It Is safe to predict that the Shreveport team will not finish on the bottom. "liy sailing Schrader and Rollings, the local management has disposed of all Its class C talent and now ha nothing to worry over except th 1111 team." Baseball Player Hurt. Raleigh, Jan. II. William hu maker, first baseman of th Raleigh league team, and two negro workmen were painfully Injured yesterday when a temporary floor on which thay wer working collapsed and allowed them to fall three floors. A N account of the dance, the concert, the engagement, the festival, and other items of interest are constantly sent to the newspapers by telephone. News items from every quarter, find, in the tele-' phone, a quick, Certain, and easy path to the editors. Sometimes the news matter must be sent a very long distance. The Bell system, with which we connect, gives instant transmission from any point reached by its LocsJ and Long Distance wires. Are you a subscriber ? . ASHEVILLE TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. UNIVERSAL SERVlCt REA30"At !2 rtATtS. i