Saturday, January 23, 1915. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS PAGE TERES E222EE2 Mm Monday 91 M MyJ H I January ( " CHU6 TH6ATRS CIRCUIT MATINEE and NIGHT -. The Show That Set All Chicago Talking, the Gorgeous " Musical Spectacle "The Prince of Tonight" Overflowing With Song Hits and Stunning Girls , ' Excellent Cast 40 People TOM ARNOLD, Pony Bnllct of Clover Dancers A Singing, Dancing, Merry Girt Show. 260 TIMES AT THE PRINCESS IN CHICAGO. PRICES Matinee: lower Floor, 75 and BOe: Balcony, 75 and 50c; Gallery, 25c; Children any seat, 25c. NIGHT 50, 75c, $1.00, first nine rows $1.50. SEATS SELLING AT ALLISON'S DRUG STORE. i .illume imi.,.wi',iina mivu.ifMmiwimrmmyi'EiAv'?- . ""-"i' I c -sit -i iv- fv . -1 i, XlrV fliMssfefctsiiL PRICE Fine III TRAD U. S. Government Has No Au thority in Matter of Sales in Foreign Countries, W. L. Sanders Asserts. U. S. LAWS DON'T AFFECT GOODS SOLD ABROAD "Foreign Commerce" in Sher man Law Applies to Impor tations, He Tells the Trade Conference. "THE DANCING FJGnT" WITH "THE PRINCE OP TONIGHT, AUDITO RIUM NEXT MONDAY, MATINEE AND NIGHT. m . t COMING ATTRACTIONS. X . . t Monday, January 25, matinee ! t and night, "The Prince ot To- H night" - K t ; ! t Friday, January 30, "Help a t Wanted." H n - n K K P. . K K K X f. K ? "The Prince of Tonight." Gorgeous costumes, dazzling spec tacular effects, high class music, stunning show girls and dashing broil ers form the background of that most popular of musical comedies. "Thu Prince of Tonight," which will be the attraction at the Auditorium on next Monday, matinee and night The cabt Is headed by Tom Arnold, who is seen In his happiest mood in the title role. The story tells of the adventures of Mr. Arnold, as a stranded -college youth who falls In love with and Is snubbed by a beautiful heiress whom he meets while acting as life saver at "The Breakers," Palm Beach. She co--queues with him and then Informs him that minus wealth and position he has no chance at all. But he Is be friended by an aged gardener who has learned mysteries of maglo from his plants and who turns him into a prince of mythical land for a night It Is understood th.t if the prince falls to receive a kiss trom the right girl before the night is over, he Is to die at dawn. The manner In which he es capes the fate threatened him and Wins the "right girl gives the authors. Adams, Hough and Howard, unusual opportunity to link mndnrn characters with magic and mythical situations. The transformation scenes, the artistic grouping of the host of pretty girls included in the chorus, and the gorge ous stage pictures "will prove a revela tion. Joseph E. Howard, literally sur passes himself in providing the music for ''The Prince of Tonight," and th constant introductions of musical num bers offers much to charm the lovers of good music. Among the many sonjr hits are "Her Eyes Are Dlue for Yale," "Tonight Will Never Come Again," "Mean Moon Man," "I Don't Want to Marry Your Family," "Follow The Rainbow Trail," "I Fell in Love on Monday," and "You're a Dear Olil World After All." The bargain mati nee prices will be 25 cents for chil dren and 60 cents and 75 cents for adults. The night prices will be from 50 cents to $1, with the first nine row at $1.60. Seats are now selling at Allison's. St. Louis, Jan. 22. The question of how far existing government regula tion affects foreign trade was dis cussed by W. L. Saunders of New York in an address before the Sec ond National Foreign Trade Confer ence here. "The United States government has no authority in the matter of sales for delivery to foreign countries, ' he de clared. "To Increase the sales of American-made goods; ugents for such goods in foreign countries have the right to get together and lix pri ces and terms so long as they do not violate the laws of the land in which they are doing business. There is nothing in the Sherman la'' which prohibits price-fixing, pools and trued combinations of American purchasers in selling goods for delivery abroad. "It may be best," continued Mr. Saunders, "for those who doubt this interpretation of the law to bring a test case rather than exjject Congress to. pass P' 'f missive leg.slatlon. The ternv'foreign commerce' which is used in the Sherman law is evidently In tended to apply to importations and not exportations, for both are Involved in the broad term 'foreign commerce.' "Apart from legal opinion it Would seem plain that the government of th-s United States has no authority in the matter of sales made for delivery to foreign countries. It is not within its province to regulate them, as to. the concern and control of the govern ment of any country are limited to its own territory. Two men located in Italy to promote the sale of American-made tools have a perfect right to get together and lix prices and terms so long as they do not violate the laws of the country in which, they are doing business. Nor Is It neces sary for competitors to be located at the foreign point of delivery; since so long as the proof exists that delhvry Is made outsldo of the limits of the United States It seems plainly within the province of anyone to co-operate to th fullnest extent In negotiating sales. Price-fixing is not in Itself im moral nor Is a monopoly immoral. They are both wrong when they are unfair or aro contrary to the puiili: welfare or when they are construed as unlawful acts, and in this case un lawful acts are such only as are un fair or are contrary to the public welfare. v "Congress can hardly be expected to pass permissive legislation for the coniiuct of biiHineps done in foreign countries; It might be prejudicial to international relations for this gov ernment to make one law for Its own cevntry and a law of contrary pro visions for foreign countres. ' The laws governing business In foreign criintrlcs vary and every one doing burnous should be governed only by the laws of the country In which the business is done." INTERNAL CATARRH "FeruBB Haa Done Wonders For He. I Was So Weak." Mrs. M. P. Curry, P. O. Box, (15, Petersburg, Ills., writes: "I have been troubled with Internal ca tarrh since my girlhood, and was sick In bed three months. When I was able to get up I was so weak and thin I could hsrdly walk. What I ate disa greed with me. I had stomach and liver trouble, and my feet and limbs were swollen so I could scarcely drag around. "I took Peruna and it has done wonders for me. My cure was a sur prise to my friends for they never ex pected to See me well again. I Just took two bottles of Peruna after doc toring for five months and growing worse all the time." Continuous Headache. Mrs. Esther M. Milner, Box 191, De Graff, Ohio, writes: "I was a ter rible sufferer from Internal catarrh, and had the headache continuously. I was not able to do my housework for myself and husband. You recom mended Peruna. I took four bottles and was completely cured. I think Peruna a Wonderful medicine and have recommended it to my friends." turn i nk. ELECTED BY LITERARY GQSIETY Cooper Society Has Interesting Meeting Progr am of De . bate and Declamations. MBS. HAHT5ELL GIVEN iCEVElGT Sued City for $7500 Because of Injuries From Fall on Sidewalk. . The Jury in the case of Mrs. Jose phine Hartseli against the City of Asheville yesterday afternoon in Supe rior court returned a verdict awarding the plaintiff damages in the sum of $3,500.;.' The case went to the Jury yesterday morning following the charge of Judge James L. Webb, and the body deliberated several hours be fore reaching a verdict. It was stated that the city would take an appeal to the Supreme court of North Carolina, although no formal appeal was enter ed. . The plaintiff was suing for $7500 damages for personal injuries alleged to have occurred when she slipped and fell on a pavement here several months ago. It was tried in Superior court once before and went to the Supreme court on an appeal, coming back here for another trial. CHINA'S MOHAMMEDANS NOT AIDING TURKEY Peking, Jan. 23. (Correspondence of The Associated Press) The report that Chinese Mohammedans have sub scribed large sums of money for the war and other expenses of Turkey is denied by the leading Mohammedans in Peking. It is pointed out that the Mohammedans of China have but a flimsy connection with those of the Ottoman Empire. With rare excep tions they are unable to read the Ko ran, which is not translated Into Chi nese. Only a summary of the teach ings of Mohammed are obtainable, and their faith is not by any means as ar dent as that of countries nearer to the birthplace of the Arabian Prophet. TWO MILLION OF JEWS PENNILESS IN POLAND Sixth Annual January Clearance Sale - Specials Today Untrimmed Shapes Values Tip to $6.00, Ladies' fine black velvet hats, displayed on main floor at 96c The Shoe Section Offers Great Values in Seasonable Footwear. Watch for Ready-to-Wear Specials. Best U-til:llL4!ilfllht: Values Always ' I.',,. THE WEATHER IF THE BABY IS CUTTING TEETH USE Mrs. Widow's Soothing Spp A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE-NOT NARCOTIC I The election of officers for the en suing term and a debate featured the meet'ng last night of the Cooper lit erary society of the High school. The new officers are as follows: President,'ie Stone; vice presi dent, Orcn Roberts; secretary, Arthur Sawyer; assistant secretary. Dale Beers; treasurer, Randall Harris; fac ulty adviser, T. H. Franks; custodian of the hall, Lawrence N'olanrt nnd Hugh White. A program Including a debate fol lowed the election of the new officers. Lyodnll Alexander read- a selection from the Scriptures, Owen. Roberts and James Harris gave declamations and the subject for the debate was: "Resolved, That the United States Government Should Exclude Immi grants who Cannot Read." The affirmative side,( represented by Charles Fortune, Dale Keers nnd William Rourne, won, the negative side being upheld by Hugh White, Arthur Faws'er and Earie Stone. I.ouls Israel and Roy Olenn were admitted as new members and several matters of importance to the society were transacted. 100,000 TONS CONTRABAND SEIZED AT GIBRALTAR Madrid, Spain,' Jan. 23. (Corre spondence of The Associate Press) The quantity of merchandise seized as contraband by the British authorities at Gibraltar, is calculated at 100,000 tons. According to advices from the Spanish town of Algeclras, Just across the bay from Gibraltar, the English authorities are perplexed with the problem of providing adequate ware house space. London, Jan. 23. (Correspondence of The Associated Press)-Two million Jews one-sixth of the Jews In the world have been made penniless in Russian Poland and the eastern fight ing border by the struggling armies. Resides, there are 170,000 Jewish ref ugees in Galicia, 25,000 in Moravia and 75,000 in Bohemia. These figures were given out at a Jewish meeting recently held in Lon don for the purpose of relieving the acute distress of coreligionists. Plans, endorsed by Leopold de Rothschild. were made to raise funds by subscriptions. I ' o e S " o 5! IE J Asheville . . .. . 34 38 .00 Atlanta ...... 40 48 .02 Atlantic City .... 34 34 .00 Boston ........ 20 28 .02 Chicago ...... 4 24 .16 Galveston ..... 36 64 1.44 Jacksonville . . . . 46 76 .00 Louisville ..... 20 43 .76 New York ..... 26 28 .08 Oklahoma 12 24 .00 Phoenix . . . . . . 44 56 .10 St. Louis ..... 2 26 .20 Tampa . . . . . . 68 70 .00 Washington .... 34 34 .01 Wilmington . . . . 40 50 .00 Sore Throat Chest Pains Sore cheit and sore throat can at once be relieved by Sloan'i Liniment. It goes right to the seat ci pain, warming and tooth- l-..L-r . i . .. Hmg uib ancciea parts ; the pain presto ! it gone. LINIMENT KILLS PAIN Hundred! of peopla liran ttietr SraicfaJ letilmouy iac what Sloao't bu done. At ill dcalm. Prlc J5e SOo. 6 tl JO Dr. Eart S.Sloan.lnc.Ptiila.1. SLlouis Normals for this date: Tempera ture, 36 degrees; precipitation, .14 inch. Forecasts until 8 p. m. Sunday for Asheville and vicinity: Rain or snow and colder tonight with a cold wave; Sunday partly cloudy and much cold er. Cieneral Conditions Last 24 Hours. There are three moderate disturb- ances on this morning's weather map: One over the eastern Lake region, an other near the mouth of the Missis sippi while the third overlies southern California. Rains have eoourred In . the Gulf states, the middle and south Atlantic states, Tennessee, Arkansas, Arizona and southern California. Snow , or sleet is reported In the. Dhio .vain ley, the north Atlantio states, the Lake region and western Texas. It Is de cidedly cold from the Rocky Moun- trJ tains to the Mississippi valley with freezing to the Rio Grande. The cold est place on the map this morning Is North Platte where the temperature : is 22 degrees below zero. The follow- w ing heavy rains (in inches) have been I reported: Meridian, 1.66; Galveston, ; 1.44; Vicksburg, 2.30; Memphis, 1.08. i T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. ,; Good Motto. "Savings first:" should bepermanent ly Inscribed on every pay envelope. Youth's Companion. 1 CALOMEL SALIVATES 11 Calomel makes you sick and you : lose a day's work. Calomel Is a nasty, dangerous chemical. To liven your sluglsh liver and bowels when consti pated, headachy, bilious, Just get a 10 cent box of harmless Cascarets. They work while you sleep, don't gripe; sicken or salivate. ill III U. S. Department of Agriculture. WEATHER. BUREAU. Sat., Jan. 23, 1915. Shaded area shows precipi tation of .01 Inch or more. EXPLANATORY NOTES. Ohwrtlo!j taken st S s. m.. '1M1 meridian time. Air pressure reduced to level. Isobtra (contlnooot lines) put ttarenrb points of equal air pressure. . Isotherms (doited line) pass through poiata of equal temperature: . . - i i . mm illJ ', O clear; U partly cloudy: V cloudy: ty rain; ty snow; (gu report mission. Arrows nj wiio me wind. 2SWC3JM Brinqinq Up Father (Copyright, 1915, International News Service.) & By Georae McManus 45--" v mSotop U- :tt MA;rE. -1 hope fTT ) Ea pJ Xtf WM r" nn sr? MACitE-DONT PLAYING THAT If ocYeTf lST CO OUT IN ( J J f J ! I A Z "THIt REMIND ' - OLO TUNE.- ffi v-V THE YARD f J. 3 V r T A YoostoPTHe L: A ) ?St!r I ip xou must r& I 0H I MUSlOAN! I f O ..- l ' t ! I) I

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