, page Timns Wednesday, January 27, 1915. TH3 ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS ! ft 4 f i Roberts Desires Better Protection For Forests Full Draft pf Eepresentative Gallatin Roberts' Measure for Protection of N. C. Forests Against Fire Carries An nual Appropriation of $20,000. Of special Interest to all of western North Carolina Is the bill that has been Introduced In the North Carolina general assembly by Representative Gallatin Roberta of Buncombe en titled: "An act to protect the forests of the state from fire." This bill makes full provision for the protec tion of the forested areas of North Carolina, and provision is made for an annual appropriation of $20,000 for carrying out the plans for this protection. The draft of the bill fol lows: The General Assembly of North Car- . ' olina do Enact: . Section 1. That the state geologi cal board may take such action as it may deem necessary to provide for the prevention and control of . forest fires in any and all parts of thlB state, and It Is hereby authorised to enter into an agreement with the secretary of agriculture of the Uni ted Sates for the protection of the forested watersheds of streams in this state. ... Section . That the forester of the state geological and economic survey, who shall bo called state forester, and shall be ex-ofllclo state forest warden may appoint, with thev ap proval of the geological board, one township forest warden and one or more district forest wardens " in each township of the state in which the amount of forest land and the risks 'from forest fires shall, in his Judg ment, make it advisable and neces- sary. Section' 3. , The state forester, as state forest warden, shall have super vision of township and district forest wardens, shall Instruct them In their duties, Issue such regulations and In. structlons to the township and dis trict forest wardens as he may deem maliciously or wilfiilly destroy, de face, remove, or disfigure any sign, poster, or warning notice, posted by order of. the state forester, under the provisions of this act or any other act which may be passed for the purpose of protecting the forests in this state frqm tire, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than -50, or Imprisoned not exceeding 30 days. ' Section . FoTest wardens shall prevent and extinguish forest fires In their respective townships and enforce all statutes of this state now In force or that hereafter may be enacted for the protection - of forests and wood lands, and bring such person or per sons forthwith before a Justice of the peace or other officer having Jur isdiction, who - shall proceed with out delay, to hear, try and determine the matter. During a season of drouth the state forester may establish a fire patrol In any township, and In case of fire or In threatening any forest or woodland the township or district forest wardon shall attend forthwith and use all necessary means to con fine and extinguish such fire. The said forest warden may summon any male resident oT the township be twecn the ages of 18 and 45 years to assist in extinguishing fires, and may require the use of horses and other property jneeded for such purpose; any person so summoned, an who Is physically able, who refuses or neg lects to assist or to allow the use of horses, wagons, or other material re quired,: shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars. No action for trespass shall . lie against any forest warden or person summoned by him for crossing or COUCH SYRUP The child feverish with a cold, running , nose, tight or loose cough with wheezing or rattling of phlegm i as it breathe8,(aiothers y put your ear to cnna 's bacK or chest I and listen) should nave Dn. Bull's COUGH BTKUP. No Morphine or Chloroform in it. It's thel only right medi ( cine to give. 25c. connection with his duties aJ forest warden. Section 7. Forest wardens ' shall receive compensation from the geo logical board at a rate of not to ex ceed twenty cents per hour for the &1 am. IC T. Si MMy four children had bad eolda and oougha. '. Bull's Cough hTrtio cured them." lira. K. vom Lehn, 670 E. 89th St, Brooklyn, N. Y. SAMPLE SENT FREE Write for It today. Meetloathla paper. Addreaa A. C. MEVEk A CO.. BALTIMORE. MU necessary for the purposes of ' this working upon lands of another In acx, ana cause violations of the laws regarding forest fires to be prosecut ed. Section 4. Forest wardens shall have charge of measures for controll ing forest fireB; shall make arrests for violation of forest laws; shall pest j time actually engaged in the perform along highways and in other consptc-, ttnoe of their duties; and reasonable uous places, copies of the forest fire ! expenses for equliiment, transports taws ana warnings against fires. I tlon or food minnlles incurred in which shall be supplied by the state I fighting or extinguishing any fire, ac forester; shall patrol during dry and, cording to an itemized statement to dangerous seasons under the direction be rendered' to the state forester ev- of the state forester, and shall per-lery month, and apnroved by him. form such other acts nnd duties ns1 Forest wardens shrill render to- the shall be considered necessary by the I state forester ft statement of the ser state forester for the protection of , vices rendered by the men employed the forests from fire. The township by them or their district wardens, as forest warden f the township In provided In this act. within one which a fire .occurs shall within ten month of the dnte of service, whlrh days make such a report thereof to: said bill shell show In detail, the t h state forester as mny.be nrescrtb amount" and ehtiracter "of the tervloe ed by him. Each district forest war- j performed, the 'exact duration there den shall promptly report to town- of. the name of each person employ- unirj waraens any lire in nis district, j ed. and any other information Section 6. Any person who shall I quired by the state forester. All UGH! CALOMEL I SICK GLEAN L VER BOILS Just Once! Try "Dodson's Liver Tone" When Bilious, Con stipated, Headachy Don't Lose a Day's Work. Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; be vigorous and full of am bition. But take no nasty,, dangerous calomel because it makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes into sour' bile like dynamite, breaking It up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. . , Listen to me! If you want to enjoy thn nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealer sell you a E0 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tons under my per sonal money-back guarantee thru each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nutty calumet and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morn ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working; head ache and dlxz'nesH gone; stomach will be sweet and bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tono Is entirely veg etable, therefore harmless and ran not salivate. Give It to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of dangerous cal omel now. Vuur druggist will tell you that the salo of Colomel ii almost stopped entirely here. counts of the forest wardens must be duly sworn to before a Justice of the peace, notary public or other officer qualified to witness such papers with in the county in which the expenses were Incurred. If said bill be duly ap proved by the state forester, it shall be paid by direction of the geological board out of the funds hereinafter provided for. Section 8. If any person Bhall In tentlonally set fire to any grass land. brush land, or woodland, except it be his own property, or in that case without first giving . notice to all persons owning or in charge of lands adjoining the. land Intended to lie fired, and also taking care to watch such fire while burning and taking effectual care to extinguish such fire Derore It snail ream any lanas near to or adjoining the lands so fired, he sheall for every such offense, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be lined not less than ten dol'.ars, not more than 850, or imprisoned not ex ceeding 30 days. This- shall not pre vent action for damages sustained by the owner of any property trim such fires. ' Suction 9. Any waggoner, hunter, ! camper or other person who shall kindle a camp fire or shall authorize another to kindle such fire, unless ail combustible material for the space of ten feet surrounding the place where said fire is kindled has been removed, or shall leave a camp ; fire without fully extinguishing it, or who snail accidentally or neg.igenl'iy by the use of any torch, gun, match, or other Instrumentality or in any manmr -whatever start any fire upon uny grass land, brush land, or woodland witnout fully extinguishing the same, shall be guilty o a misdemeanor and, upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars, not more than $511, or imprisoned niit exceeding 30 days. Section 10. All persons, firms or corporations, who Khali burn any tar kiln or pit of charcoal, or set fire to or burn any brush, gruss, or other material, whereby any property may be endangered or destroyed shail keep nnd maintain a carefu' and competent watchman In,, charge of said kiln, pit,' brush, or other mate rial while burning. Any person, firm, or corporation, violating the provi sions of this section shall be punish able by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than $50, or Im prisoned not exceeding 30 days. Fire escaping from such kiln, pit, brush, or other material whl'e burning shall tie prima facie evidence of neglect of these provisions. Section 11. For the purposes of this act, woodland is taken lo include all forest areas, both limber nnd cut over land, and nil second growth stands on ureas that have at one lime been cultivated. Section 12. The sum nf J20.nnft annunl'y Is hereby appropriated, out of any moneys In the treasury not otherwise nporrprlntcd. for (he pur pose of carrying out the provision of this net, the ame ,lo be drawn upon as directed by the geological hoard. Section 13. A'l Inws and cliins s of lows In conf'lit with this ant n hereby repealed. Section 14. This a-t shn'l lie In force from and after its ratification. ! v?p?j f " ( ' ro ; O VO.f', : vvf . J ' i . d 4i I.KO M. I'ltAMi. ITnder senienco of deuin for ino Kill Ing of Mary Ptmgan, a fourteen ..year old gir.l employed In a. factory of which he was the superintendent, was not in the courtroom when the Jury returned to render its verdict. This technicality may be the means of saving his life. HED HIS RUPTURE I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctors said my only hope of cure was an opera tion. Trusses did me no good. Fin ally I got hold of something that quickly and completely cured me. Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, although I am doing hard work ,as a carpenter. There was no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, ; but will give full Information about ' how you may find a complete cure without operation, if you write to me, 1 Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, J4SA ; Marcellus avenue, Manasquan, N. J 1 Belter cut out this notice and show it j to any others who are ruptured you j may save u life or at least stop the, misery of rupture and the worry and j danger of an operation. A once wrote testily of Hoffman: "He ; Comes every week to see Bismarck, i and prints whatever the prince says to j him, quite Indifferent to whether it if.' a well-considered statument or the I contrary." . REPULSED 13 ATTACKS DURING ONE NIGHT POLITICAL EDITOR DEAD IN HAMBURG Petrograd, Jan. 27. (Correspond ence of The Associated Press) How a Russian regiment entrenched on the Kawka repulsed thirteen consecutive attacks In a single night, is told In recent dispatches from the front. "The enemy came on in close col umns, but were mowed down to a man." says one account. "After the tenth attack had been thus stopped i the bodies were piled up so high that the Kusslan riflemen were unable to shoot. "Men' were sent out to heap hastily ail the bodies so as to form embrasures for machine guns, and the next three attacks were repulsed from behind the shelter of the enemy's own bodies. All the Russ'an ottieers expressed great admiration for the courage and perti nacity of the enemy." ' Sixth January Ends Annual Clearance Sale Saturday TODAY EXTREMELY DESIRABLE CO AT SUITS 28 of this season's more advanced Coat Suits, both , , short and long coats, in cheviot, gaberdine, serges and broadcloth. All sizes now. No approval. Sold earlier at $25. V D?7 A.K Clearance at ........ .... ....... ..P o Value--Alvrays Amsterdam, Jan. 27. (Correspond ence of The Associated I'ress. ) Her man Hoffman, political editor of the Hamburger Naehrichten, and for many years chief conlldant of Bis marck, Is dead at Hamburg. He was the author of a biography of Bis marck. Another of Bismarck's close friends DESPERATE EFFORTS TO STAMP OUT HORSEFLY Says We Must Keep Feet Dry Avoid Exposure and Eat Less Meat. London, Jan. 2'. (Correspondence of the Associated Press) The Jap anese administration in Korea has been making strenuous endeavors tp stamp out the housefly and its at tendant ills, according to an official report received here. The American slogan of "swat the fly," was not considered sufficiently forcible to stimulate the oriental Imagination, so the administration hit upon the Idea of buying files from the populace, sell that fly." The ich is headline lies from natives by Government Officials," does not state the price paid, or the result of the crusade. THE nun II I: 11 ii ii Ashevllle . . .. .. .. 31 86 .00 Atlanta ........ 82 36 .00 Atlantic City 36 36 ' .00 Boston 32 36 .00 Chicago ......... 16 24 .00 Helena .. .. .. .. -8 8 .23 Jacksonville 44 64 .00 Louisville ........ 16 32 .00 New York 32 40 .00 rPhoenix , .. 40 62 .00 Portland, Ore.. .... 32 44 .00 St. Louis .. 22 84 .00 Salt Lake City .... 28 42 .00 San Francisco .... 48 64 .06 ,1 Washington .. .. .. S2 40 .00 Normals for this date: Temperature , 36 deg. Precipitation .12 men. Forecasts until 1p.m. Thursday lor Ashevills and vicinity; Unsettled to-H night and Thursday, probably rain, oolder Thursday. , ' For North Carolina: Unsettwa to night and Thursday, probably rain, j colder Thursday In extreme west por- ; tlon, moderate north winds. j General Conditions (Last 24 Honrs). ' A slight disturbance over Florida has been attended by rain in that sec tlon. Rain has occurred in California j and Oregon In connection with a dls-' turbance that Is entering the Pacific Btates. Rain has also occurred In the Gulf states, Arkansas and Oklahoma and snow In the northern Plains states. The weather continues very cold in the northern Plains states with, temperatures below lero from Mon tana to Wisconsin, the coldest being 40 degrees below zero at Will 1st on, N. D. Fort Smith reports 1.02 Inches of rain. T. R. TAYLOR, Observer. . I'sgs for Soli) lor. London.' .Inn. 27. (Correspondence of The Associated Press) Three hun- l dred stations for the collection of ' money to supply eRgs for Ihp wound j cd soldiers have been opened In Lon don, and more than 6.000 p'.rgs are be ing distributed dully in the hospitals at the front. , t Stay off the damp ground, avoid 'exposure, keop feet dry, ent less ! meat, drink lots of water and alinvo lull take a spoonful of salts occasion ally to keep down uric acid. I Kb.euniati.sm is caused by poisonous ; toxin, culled uric-acid, which Is geii ; crated- in the bowels and absorbed in to the blood it Iti tilts function of tho kidneys to tiller tills acid from ' the blood and cast it out in the urine. The pores of the skin are also a means of freeing tho blood of this ! Impurity. In dump and onilly, cold : weather the skin pores are closed, I thus forcing the kidneys to do double ! work, they become, weak and sluggish land fall to eliminate this uric nt-id which keeps acctimulutin,; and cir 'culntlng through the system, even ! tuully settling in the Joints and urns jeles causing silliness, soreness und I pain called rheiuimtlrm. ' At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts: put a tablespoon ful in a glafs of water and drink le ! fore breakfast each morning lor a j week. This Is said to eliminate uric i acid hy stimulating the kidneys to; normal action, thus ridding tho idood j of tiicso impurities. j Jnd Salts is Inexpensive, harmless and is made from the acid of grnpen I and lemon Juice, combined with litiiia and Is used with excellent results L thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Here you have n plena, slit effervescent lithla-Water drink which overcomes u'ic acid and is beneficial to your kidneys as well. U. S. Department rt Agriculture. WEATHER, BUKKAU NOTE& rCXPLANATORY nwrixitlon un it 8 . m.. 15th meridian time. Air pressure reduced to lerel. I so ban (continnoai lines) pan throats points Ocleiit; Q I'arilr cloudy; v ciouor; vy n; I mow; report mlulDE. Arrowiflr with Ul wind. JSr(t3ay Brinqinq Up Father - . r - i F I . Vj (Copyright, 1915, International News Service.) By Georae tAcNlanus BY COLLV - ' t1 MR.JONEt) . ' OF BEAUTIFUL HOMES! ' VOU HAVE MOT tEEN HAUP OP IT COME INTO THE uiORAfirrf t --r-r- r I T ... Wl I ZZZSL rnxju. itsas v . i . - i l n j a --. , ill - i s 'i i , , i i TO PICK1M OUT J I BCAX3HT ' IH PAIHTIriq ! T.I14. f ' HVI i .lAMrvrn . " - 3 $1 x y". r j