PAGE TETT THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS Tuesday, February 16, 1915, 0 MORE CARBON t In our famous M. & W. Coal than any other hence Its pos itive leadership In fuel in this section. TWO PHONES 129 and ISO are required to handle the or ders that come in for it be cause it is BEST. It H K Carolina Coal & Ice Company 50 Patton Ave, Dmhmor Eldg. Better Than Gold : A VICTROLA IS BETTER THAN GOLD WHY? Because it will give you more pleasure Demonstration Free At DUNHAM'S Music House . The Home of High Grade Pianos. CHINA, GLASS, ENAM EL, TIN, ALUMINUM WARES Variety, Quality and Values. I. X. L. DEPT. STORE. 16 BROADWAY Phone 107. Langrcn Bldg. If You Feel Tired Out When the Ironing is Done It's because you don't use an electric iron. Try one and see the differ ence. Guaranteed ten years, $.'5 xjid $3.50. 'Vetoed opp.e. -ve. BIG SHOE AND CLOTHING : SALE NOW GOING ON THE CALL CO. 17 BIIVTMORE AVKXCE. PRESCRIPTIONS TEAGUE & GATES Phones 260-1996 nmnannMnn Gazette News "Want Ads" START THINGS They Start Sales and Profits I TRASSBED I I JDargains I 1 BEAUMONT 1 H vn JXITURH co. B Q 27 BILTMORK AVEXrE. g COAL The One Best Coal For Every Purpose' MON ARCH it la the Pride Block of Jellico. ' , SOUTHERN COAL CO. r hone 7C0. : 10 North Pack Square. PIONEEH WORK III SMIIffll Asheville Among the First to Swat the Fly and Pros-vide Pure Water and Milk. EXPERIENCE OF WORLD APPLIED TO PROBLEMS Lessons Learned From New York, Havana, New Orleans, Panama, Russo-Japanese War Used, In its Sunday edition, February 14 The Greensboro Daily News prints an interesting editorial entitled Rambling Discourse on Municipal Sanitation." Instead of rambling how ever, this editorial is very much to the point. Taking Asheville as a mod el of sanitation, the pioneer work of this city along these lines is de scribed in detail. The article is grati fying to those who have given so much time and enthusiasm to making this city a wholesome and delightful place to live. The News says: "The bulletin of the health depart ment of Asheville, for January, comes to hand, a little more leaborate than usual, and presenting a compilation of all the ordinances of the town hav ing to do directly with the field of sanitation. These ordinances, it may be said, aim in a general way at the maintenance of pure water, certified milk, tubercular tested cows, closely inspected dairies, pure foods, abattoir, meat and restaurant inspection, flush ed streets, the scientific handling of eomunioable disease, and cleanliness and order in general. "Specifically, the standings of 28 restaurants, as scored by United States government standards, are pub lished, as usual. This scoring Is upon equipment and methods, and ranges from a final score of 98 (equipment 98 and methods 98) down to 47 (equipment 4G and methods Milk tests for 25 retail dairies are given, the range being as follows: bacteria, per cubic centimeter, 9,000; butter fat, 5; specific gravity 1,033; total 14.4: to bacteria. 63.000; butter fat, 5.2: specific gravity 1,028; total solids, 13.6. It is explainer! that an average count of over 50,000 bacteria 'would indicate careless ' methods,' that the legal minimum of butter fat is 3.25 and the legal minimum of total solids is 11.75 "samples below standard would indicate adultera tions.' "Kighteen wholesale dairies are al so reported in the same way. The best of the wholesale dairies is not nearly so clean as the best of the re tail dairies; but the dirtiest of the wholesalers is cleaner than the dir tiest of the retailers. Out of all these dairies, there are only three showing bacteria in excess of 50.000 an ex cellent commentary on the result of the work as a whole. The bacterial count Is made up from averages from several samples from each dairy dur ing tne month. "The health administration of LADIES! LOOK YOUNG. Use the Old-Time Sage Tea And Sulphur and Nobody Will Know. Gray hair, however handsome, da notes advancing age. We all know me uuvaniages or a youthful ap pearance. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When It fades, turns gray and looks dry, wispy and srraggly, Just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances Us appearance a hundred-fold. Don't stay gray I Look young Either prepare the tonic at home or get from any drug store a B0 cent bottle of "Weyth's Sage and 8ulphur Compound." Thousands of folks recommend this ready-to-use prepa ration, because It darkens the hair beautifully nd removes dandruff, stops scalp itching and falling hair; besides, no one can possibly tell, as It darkens so naturally and evenly You moisten a sponge or soft brush with it, drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning the gray) hair disappears after another application or two. Its natural color is restored and It be comes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear years younger. W. T. Lai oxford, groceries, phone 1657. Ward Electric Co. Phone 441. tf. Landreth's Seed at Grant's Pharmacy, Ashevill it of Importance to the san itariums of the entire state for the reason that at present It is, and has been for a number of years, both in scheme and application, the states! model. When sanitation was taken up j in really serious way there, the dairies were amongst the dirtiest to be found anywhere, which is saying a good deal, for dairies not under surveil lance tend to become very filthy and dangerous indeed. Asheville people now feel an entirely justifiable pride, not only in their dairies, but in their j sanitary scheme as a whole, including j water above suspicion and free of any. contamination whatsoever from the; time it leaves the clo'ids, and hard. streets that are washed from pressure , tanks. There was considerable diffi-1 culty with the dairymen at the verj , first, but the worst of this was qulcn-1 ly over, ana it was a comparatively short time after the initiation of the work before substantial results were forthcoming. "Asheville has been mentioned as the state's model in sanitation, but as a matter of fact it is one of the pioneers of the entire world in mod ern scientific sanitation, for Asheville had the good fortune to get right in on the ground floor. Modern sani tation really may be said to date from the time, seven of eight years seven, we think when in the city of New York a hypothesis was form ed and worked out as to the relation ship between the distribution of the housefly, the prevalence of certain sorts of filth, and the occurrence of intestinal diseases. In making this as sertion we are not unmindful of the lessons of sanitation drawn from the Spanish-American and- Kusso-Japan-ese wars, and the applications in Havana, New Orleans and Panama. The housefly studies and conclusions merely served to make the science practically complete. Asheville began to rap on Mr. Fly at the very time serious indictment was first brought against him . "There is not a town in the state that cannot do successfully most of the things that have been done suc cessfully in Asheville. Water from virgin timber sources and uneroded areas is at present an impossibility throughout most of the state, but we are firmly of the opinion that muni cipalities will sooner or later turn at tention to the building up of water sheds covered entirely with vegeta tion and excluded from trespass ex cept of the most restricted sort. The thoroughly scientific and economic municipal system is found nowhere outside Germany, where those towns that meet this description own conta gious forest lands that furnish a large part of their revenue. It will perhaps be so in this country, at some distant day. The town will own its forest, utilizing the timber as it comes to maturity; and that forest will be the source of the water supply. There will be absolutely no drainage over eroded surfaces. The forest will serve as a pleasure ground for the people with quick access from surroundings of brick and mortar and black dust; only there will not be nearly so much black dust, for the streets will be kept washed and those who burn soft coal. Including the railroads, will be forced to burn it with a minimum of smoke. The streams In these munici pal, forests will be as clean and clear as they were when red savages stalk ed the deer along their banks, and In numerable songbirds will find home and refuge there again. "These things are some little ways beyond the curtain, no doubt, but there are many excellent things In the way of sanitation open now to all the towns. It Is largely a matter of cost. Nowadays It is a mighty poor doctor who does not understand san itation. And there are good doctors In every community; to the credit of the profession be It said, it Is always ready to furnish) administration as soon as the community Is willing to nave n. HOUSE IN CLAYTON HILL : DESTROYED BY FIRE A fire in the Clayton hill section last ' night about 10 o'clock destroyed the i eight-room home of Wade KInch, col- ored. lo alarm was turned in to the fire department but two members of the local company, Ernest Davis anil John Colvin, went to the scene of the blaze on a motorcycle tp render any possible assistance. When they ar rived, however, the fire had gained full headway and the building was ail but destroyed. The fire department answered a call last night at 8:50 o'clock to the resi dence at No. 149 Bartlett street oc cupied by Mrs. Mary Best. The alarm proved to be a chimney burning out. I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS C. T. Morgan and husband, P. P. Morgan, to R. W. King, property in Upper Hominy townohlp; considera tion. )605. William Young and wife to W. L. Young and Willie D. Young, property In West Asheville; $10 and other con slderatlons. .lOiin WMt Lot. "For good sens' sske, Harriet, why s dr "The cook'a left, bat that Isn't tbt worst of It She took with her tbt recipe book for all tbe things John' mother used to mske." Brooklyn Life Spot Cash Specials A NEW ONE EACH WEEK February 15 to 21 While They Last $1.!j0 Floor Brush 89 Cents. Brown Hardware Co. II Broadwsv. Phone 87. GOODRICH TIRES REDUCED 20 PER CENT Compare these Goodrich 4 ' Fair-List' ' prices, show ing tremendous reductions with prices you have pre- viously paid. For instance, old price on Goodrich 34x4, Smooth Tread, $24.35. Present "Fair-List" price, $19.40. Ask your dealer for Users' Net Price List, showing prices on all sizes. Plain ' Safely SIZE v Tread SIZE Tread 30x3 ...........$ 9.00 30x3 ....,.... $ 9.45 30x3 . . . . . . ... ft 11.60 - 30x3 . . ... .... . 12.20 32x3 13.35 32x3y2 v. 14.00 33x4 19.05 33x4 ..... 20.00 34x4 19.40 34x4 .- - 20.35 36x4 ........... 27.35 36x4 .......... 28.70 37x5 ... ..... ... 32.30 37x5 V. ...... .. 33.90 38x5 . 43.80 , 38x5 46.00 Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church St. PEDOMETER, $1.50, TELLS HOW FAR YOU WALK "Wear It Like A "Watch ROGERS BOOK STORE St Patton Avenue Rogers Press It Patton Atbi Pboaa Sta : LUNCHEONETTE MENU . Quick Service Light Luncheon Served at the Fountain. Soups 10 and 15c; Sandwiches 6, 10 and 20c; Hot Drinks 6 and 10c; Pie and Cake So. Apple Pie and Eclairs a la mode 10c. CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE ' Haywood St Near P. O, Phone 110 A Hi. - CHOICE RICE FIELD LAMBS HILL'S "Ask Your Neighbor" Best Hawaiian Pine Apple, No. 2 Tins 20o each Best Hawaiian Pine Apple No. 2, 1-2 Tins .... .25c each (Better Prices by the Dozen.) Get our prices on all canned goods before buying. EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 North Pack Square and City Market Tho Best of Everything to Eat. I beg to announce that my store will be open for business as soon as the adjusters agree on settlement which I hope will be soon. BLOMBERG'S SPORTING GOODS, TOYS AND NOVELTIES ON THE AVENUE. ttJEHlTOBBKJCTJSEM S. STERNBERG & CO. DEPOT STREET PHONE 333 All sues and lengths Concrete Steel STRUCTURAL MATERIAL A SPECIALTY We buy anything and Sell Everything Citizens Transfer Company . JULIAS WOODCOCK, Owner. W. five moving our special attention. Largsst vans and most compe tent men In city. Prompt bacsac. it Avenui Phone your All Star Pork Sausage THE QUALITY SAUSAGE OF THE SOUTH STAR MARKET "We are successful caterer to variety of appetite," PHONE 456. i of I Beams, Channels and Relaying Ralls. ransfer aarrlca, Phone II. Patton "Wants" to 202 HEN BETTER TAKE ADVANTAGE OP OUR REMOVAL SALE AND GET TOtTt SUIT NOW. GEO. W. JENKINS, 18 Blltmoro Ave. NIXON'S THREE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK . 20 os. can net weight sliced Hawaiian pineapple, per can ISc No. 1 western grown Irish potatoes, per peck ..23c pounds of oat meal, quality guar anteed, for ...... ...,..25o .BILTMORE DAIRY PRODUCTS Home Made Bread. 1 " Phone 698 170 Charlotte St. Have your walls calsomlned during the month of February, before the SPRING RUSH ' IS ON. Make your SELECTIONS from our beautiful tints In CALCIMO. OVER ONE HUN DRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND LBS. "CALCIMO WALL FINISH" SOLD IN ASHEVILLE. THERE IS A REA SON. GET AHEAD OF THE SPRING RUSH. Come on In. the CALCIMO Is fine. MILLER-CLAYTON PAINT CO 22 Broadway. Old North Main. Trunks, Bags AND SUIT CASES H. L. FINKELSTEIN Loan Office 23-25 South Main Street Phone 887 CHICHESTER S PILLS W. - THE DIAMOND BRAND. JkT Ckl-e Pill boxe. Tk Irl DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for SS jmn known u Bat, Stfett, Almrl RilUbl. SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE A :TWICE 3 to 5 and " FIRE wl am jr wracslri for i kector IMKon BmiAl la Ke4 ud tlald pieulUc SMled with Bill ItiMwia. TX tbep. But f ur rl.C AikforOin.ClfES.TRnB Stock Being Closed Out. GEM CLOTHING STORE 6 Patton Ave. Goods at Private Sale at HALF-PEICE or Less Be tween Auction Sales. , Merchants Can Buy Stocks Here for Less Than Factory Prices. STRENGTHEN OLD FRIENDSHIP with a new portrait the gift that exacts nothing' In return, yet has a value that can only be estimated In kindly thooghtfulness. PELTON & mOGASON, PACK SQUARE. , PHONE 775. Now at 33 College Street Biltmore Plumbing & Heating Co. PLUMPING, HEAT NO, GAS ITmNO t . CRJEABMAlf. rrcat Ul CRKABMAW. Mrr. T. P. JOHNSON ALL KINDS OF ROOFING . Galvanized Iron Cornice, 6 lights. Ventilators, Metal Ceilings, Blow Pipe Work, Etc 69-71 South Main St. Phone 325 Diamond Auto Tires "FAIR LIST" 30x3 Smooth Tread $ 9.00 30x3V2 Safety Tread 12.00 32x3V2 ....... ........ 14.00 33x4 ; 20.00 36x4 21.55 37x4V2 4. 29.75 Diamond tires are giving great service here in town. Let ns give yon the names of some of the users. LT7 Uttis GreenHdweCo. (v ) SOLID i SATISFACTION . You get it in every ton of M. & W. COAL 4 The perfect coal sold in Asheville. It never fails 1 Xo fully satisfy. Phone 40. Asheville Coal Go. F. M. WEAVER, Manager. North Pack Square, ' J WE DO IT BETTER ; That's the, reason Nichols TVay washing is found in so many homes in Ashe ville, and -worn by so many people. --Phone 2000 And let our wagon call for, your bundle. Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. 11 Pen! and SU, Asheville. Let Us Know Your Wants. Phone 209 DAILY: 7 to 9 P. M. SALE & CO. SHEET METAL WORKS SALE i V 1 1 W. Pad: Squnro

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